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Forked from hectorsanjuan/build.xml
Created March 17, 2012 19:16
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Phing build.xml for Symfony2 projects
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="${projectName}" basedir="." default="build:main">
<!-- Properties -->
<property name="" value="${project.basedir}/app" />
<property name="dir.src" value="${project.basedir}/src" />
<property name="" value="${project.basedir}/app/build" />
<property name="" value="${}/docs" />
<property name="" value="${}/phpdoc" />
<property name="" value="${}/docblox" />
<property name="dir.reports" value="${}/logs" />
<property name="dir.reports.pdepend" value="${dir.reports}/pdepend" />
<property name="dir.reports.coverage" value="${dir.reports}/coverage" />
<!-- Filesets -->
<fileset id="sourcecode" dir="${dir.src}">
<include name="**/*.php" />
<!-- Default target -->
<target name="build:main"
depends="build:clean, build:prepare, build:check, build:test, build:doc"
description="Run all test and build everything" />
<!-- Doc target -->
<target name="build:doc"
depends="build:prepare, doc:phpdoc, doc:docblox"
description="Generates app API documentation." />
<!-- Check target -->
<target name="build:check"
depends="check:cs, check:md, check:cpd, check:depend"
description="Analyzes app code." />
<!-- Test target -->
<target name="build:test"
description="Executes all tests.." />
<!-- Project build clean -->
<target name="build:clean" description="Clean up build directories.">
<echo msg="Cleaning build directories ..." />
<delete dir="${}" verbose="true" />
<!-- Project build prepare -->
<target name="build:prepare" description="Create build directories.">
<echo msg="Creating build directories ..." />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${}" />
<mkdir dir="${dir.reports}" />
<mkdir dir="${dir.reports.coverage}" />
<mkdir dir="${dir.reports.pdepend}" />
<!-- PHPDOC API documentation target -->
<target name="doc:phpdoc" description="Generate API documentation.">
<echo msg="Generating API documentation with PHPDoc..." />
<phpdoc title="${} :: API Documentation"
<fileset refid="sourcecode" />
<!-- DocBlox API documentation target -->
<target name="doc:docblox" description="Generate API Documentation.">
<echo msg="Generating API Documentation with DocBlox ..." />
<docblox title="${} :: API Documentation"
<fileset refid="sourcecode" />
<!-- Symfony2 code sniffer -->
<target name="check:cs" description="Checks coding standard.">
<echo msg="Checking coding standard ..." />
<phpcodesniffer standard="Symfony2"
<fileset refid="sourcecode" />
<formatter type="checkstyle" outfile="${dir.reports}/checkstyle.xml" />
<!-- copy/paste detector -->
<target name="check:cpd" description="Checks similar code blocks.">
<echo msg="Checking similar code blocks ..." />
<fileset refid="sourcecode" />
<formatter type="pmd" outfile="${dir.reports}/pmd-cpd.xml" />
<!-- Mess detector -->
<target name="check:md" description="Generate code metrics.">
<echo msg="Generating code metrics ..." />
<phpmd rulesets="codesize,unusedcode">
<fileset refid="sourcecode" />
<formatter type="xml" outfile="${dir.reports}/pmd.xml" />
<!-- Code dependency -->
<target name="check:depend" description="Checks coupling and dependency.">
<echo msg="Checking coupling and dependency ..." />
<fileset refid="sourcecode" />
<logger type="jdepend-xml" outfile="${dir.reports.pdepend}/jdepend.xml" />
<logger type="jdepend-chart" outfile="${dir.reports.pdepend}/dependencies.svg" />
<logger type="overview-pyramid" outfile="${dir.reports.pdepend}/overview-pyramid.svg" />
<!-- Unit tests -->
<target name="test:unit" description="Executes unit tests.">
<echo msg="Running unit tests ..." />
<exec command="phpunit --log-junit ${dir.reports}/phpunit.xml --coverage-clover ${dir.reports.coverage}/clover.xml --coverage-html ${dir.reports.coverage}/ -c ${}"/>
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