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Last active September 15, 2023 00:58
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GLSL code for rendering numbers without using any textures or hardcoded arrays
// GLSL code for rendering numbers without using any textures or global arrays, using a tiny bitmap font
// for debugging!
// public domain. use under the creative commons zero license (any version)
// warning: the float-to-decimal conversion logic is "incorrect" and can only give around around four or five decimal places of floating point decision
const int _print_number_max_float_digits = 5;
const int _print_number_scale = 2;
const int _print_number_stretch_x = 1;
const int _print_number_stretch_y = 1;
float num_bit(int num, int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= 3 || y >= 5)
return 0.0;
int bit = (1) << (x + 3*y);
// godot users: change int[](...) to {...}
//int array[] = int[](0x01C0, 0x2000, 0x7B6F, 0x749A, 0x73E7, 0x79E7, 0x49ED, 0x79CF, 0x7BCF, 0x4927, 0x7BEF, 0x79EF);
// or: (has an offset '1' and '.' glyphs, so it's "stretchable")
int array[] = int[](0x01C0, 0x4000, 0x7B6F, 0x4924, 0x73E7, 0x79E7, 0x49ED, 0x79CF, 0x7BCF, 0x4927, 0x7BEF, 0x79EF);
int mask = 0;
if (num >= -2 && num <= 9)
mask = array[num+2];
if ((mask & bit) > 0)
return 1.0;
return 0.0;
ivec2 char_size()
return ivec2(4 + _print_number_stretch_x, 6 + _print_number_stretch_y*2) * _print_number_scale;
int number_width(float num)
int int_digits = 1;
int num2 = int(num);
while(num2 >= 10)
int_digits += 1;
num2 /= 10;
return (int_digits + _print_number_max_float_digits + 1)*(4 + _print_number_stretch_x);
vec4 get_number(ivec2 px, float num)
if (px.y < 0 || px.x < 0)
return vec4(0.0);
px /= _print_number_scale;
int y_mid = 2+_print_number_stretch_y;
int y_end = 4+_print_number_stretch_y*2;
if (px.y == 0)
px.y = 0;
else if (px.y > 0 && px.y < y_mid)
px.y = 1;
else if (px.y == y_mid)
px.y = 2;
else if (px.y > y_mid && px.y < y_end)
px.y = 3;
else if (px.y == y_end)
px.y = 4;
return vec4(0.0);
int x_end = 2+_print_number_stretch_x;
int _x = px.x % (4 + _print_number_stretch_x);
int which_digit = px.x / (4 + _print_number_stretch_x);
if (_x == 0)
px.x = 0;
else if (_x > 0 && _x < x_end)
px.x = 1;
else if (_x == x_end)
px.x = 2;
return vec4(0.0);
int int_digits = 1;
int num2 = abs(int(num));
while(num2 >= 10)
int_digits += 1;
num2 /= 10;
if (which_digit - int_digits > _print_number_max_float_digits)
return vec4(0.0);
int digit = -1;
if (num < 0.0)
if (which_digit == 0)
digit = -2;
which_digit -= 1;
if (which_digit >= 0 && which_digit < int_digits)
which_digit = int_digits - which_digit - 1;
digit = abs(int(num));
for(int i = 0; i < which_digit; i += 1)
digit /= 10;
digit = (digit % 10 + 10) % 10;
else if (which_digit > int_digits)
which_digit = which_digit - int_digits;
float factor = 1.0;
for(int i = 0; i < which_digit; i += 1)
factor *= 10.0;
int num3 = int(mod(abs(fract(num)) * factor, 10.0));
digit = int(num3) % 10;
ivec2 digit_px = ivec2(((px.x % 4) + 4) % 4, (((px.y % 6) + 6) % 6));
return vec4(num_bit(digit, digit_px.x, digit_px.y));
vec4 print_number(ivec2 px, float num, vec4 in_color, vec4 text_color)
vec4 out_color = get_number(px, num) * text_color;
return mix(in_color, out_color, out_color.a);
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