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Created October 30, 2015 08:04
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MATLAB svd(x) in Swift
// SVD.swift
// Created by Dongwan Kim on 2015. 10. 30..
/* MATLAB svd(X)
For the matrix
X =
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
the statement
[U,S,V] = svd(X)
U =
-0.1525 -0.8226 -0.3945 -0.3800
-0.3499 -0.4214 0.2428 0.8007
-0.5474 -0.0201 0.6979 -0.4614
-0.7448 0.3812 -0.5462 0.0407
S =
14.2691 0
0 0.6268
0 0
0 0
V =
-0.6414 0.7672
-0.7672 -0.6414
import Foundation
import Accelerate
func testSVD() {
let x = [1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0]
let m = 4
let n = 2
var u : [Double]
var s : [Double]
var v : [Double]
(u, s, v) = svd(x, m: m, n: n)
func svd(x:[Double], m:Int, n:Int) -> (u:[Double], s:[Double], v:[Double]) {
var JOBZ = Int8(UnicodeScalar("A").value)
var M = __CLPK_integer(m)
var N = __CLPK_integer(n)
var A = x
var LDA = __CLPK_integer(m)
var S = [__CLPK_doublereal](count: min(m,n), repeatedValue: 0.0)
var U = [__CLPK_doublereal](count: m*m, repeatedValue: 0.0)
var LDU = __CLPK_integer(m)
var VT = [__CLPK_doublereal](count: n*n, repeatedValue: 0.0)
var LDVT = __CLPK_integer(n)
let lwork = min(m,n)*(6+4*min(m,n))+max(m,n)
var WORK = [__CLPK_doublereal](count: lwork, repeatedValue: 0.0)
var LWORK = __CLPK_integer(lwork)
var IWORK = [__CLPK_integer](count: 8*min(m,n), repeatedValue: 0)
var INFO = __CLPK_integer(0)
dgesdd_(&JOBZ, &M, &N, &A, &LDA, &S, &U, &LDU, &VT, &LDVT, &WORK, &LWORK, &IWORK, &INFO)
var s = [Double](count: m*n, repeatedValue: 0.0)
for ni in 0...n-1 {
s[ni*m+ni] = S[ni]
var v = [Double](count: n*n, repeatedValue: 0.0)
vDSP_mtransD(VT, 1, &v, 1, vDSP_Length(n), vDSP_Length(n))
return (U, s, v)
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miiabi commented Sep 15, 2023

Thankyou !!!🤗

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