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Created October 20, 2017 22:13
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(global $cb_dest (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
(global $sp (mut i32) (i32.const -32))
(global $init (mut i32) (i32.const 0))
(global $gasUsed (mut i64) (i64.const 0))
(func $useGas (param $gas i64)
get_global $gasUsed
get_local $gas
set_global $gasUsed
;; memory related global
(global $memstart i32 (i32.const 33832))
;; the number of 256 words stored in memory
(global $wordCount (mut i64) (i64.const 0))
;; what was charged for the last memory allocation
(global $prevMemCost (mut i64) (i64.const 0))
;; TODO: memory should only be 1, but can't resize right now
(memory 500)
(export "memory" (memory 0))
(export "callback")
(elem $callback)
(func $PUSH
(param $a0 i64)
(param $a1 i64)
(param $a2 i64)
(param $a3 i64)
(local $sp i32)
;; increament stack pointer
(set_local $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
( (get_local $sp) (get_local $a3))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (get_local $a2))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)) (get_local $a1))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)) (get_local $a0))
;; stack:
;; 0: word
;; -1: offset
(func $MSTORE
(local $sp i32)
(local $offset i32)
(local $offset0 i64)
(local $offset1 i64)
(local $offset2 i64)
(local $offset3 i64)
;; load args from the stack
(set_local $offset0 (i64.load (get_global $sp)))
(set_local $offset1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $offset2 (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $offset3 (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $offset
(call $check_overflow (get_local $offset0)
(get_local $offset1)
(get_local $offset2)
(get_local $offset3)))
;; subtrace gas useage
(call $memusegas (get_local $offset) (i32.const 32))
;; pop itme from the stack
(set_local $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
;; swap top stack item
(call $bswap_m256 (get_local $sp))
(set_local $offset (i32.add (get_local $offset) (get_global $memstart)))
;; store word to memory
( (get_local $offset) (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
( (i32.add (get_local $offset) (i32.const 8)) (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
( (i32.add (get_local $offset) (i32.const 16)) (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))))
( (i32.add (get_local $offset) (i32.const 24)) (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
;; generated by ./wasm/generateInterface.js
;; zero out mem
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)) (i64.const 0))
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)) (i64.const 0))(call $bswap_m128 (i32.add (i32.const 32)(get_global $sp))) drop)(func $ISZERO
(local $a0 i64)
(local $a1 i64)
(local $a2 i64)
(local $a3 i64)
;; load args from the stack
(set_local $a0 (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $a1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $a2 (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $a3 (i64.load (get_global $sp)))
( (get_global $sp)
(call $iszero_256 (get_local $a0) (get_local $a1) (get_local $a2) (get_local $a3))
;; zero out the rest of memory
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)) (i64.const 0))
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)) (i64.const 0))
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)) (i64.const 0))
(func $check_overflow
(param $a i64)
(param $b i64)
(param $c i64)
(param $d i64)
(result i32)
(local $MAX_INT i32)
(set_local $MAX_INT (i32.const -1))
(i64.eqz (get_local $d))
(i64.eqz (get_local $c)))
(i64.eqz (get_local $b))
(i64.lt_u (get_local $a) (i64.extend_u/i32 (get_local $MAX_INT)))))
(return (i32.wrap/i64 (get_local $a))))
(return (get_local $MAX_INT)))
(func $DUP
(param $a0 i32)
(local $sp i32)
(local $sp_ref i32)
(set_local $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $sp_ref (i32.sub (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (i32.mul (get_local $a0) (i32.const 32))))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)) (i64.load (get_local $sp_ref)))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)) (i64.load (i32.sub (get_local $sp_ref) (i32.const 8))))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (i64.load (i32.sub (get_local $sp_ref) (i32.const 16))))
( (get_local $sp) (i64.load (i32.sub (get_local $sp_ref) (i32.const 24))))
(func $SWAP
(param $a0 i32)
(local $sp_ref i32)
(local $topa i64)
(local $topb i64)
(local $topc i64)
(local $topd i64)
(set_local $sp_ref (i32.sub (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)) (i32.mul (i32.add (get_local $a0) (i32.const 1)) (i32.const 32))))
(set_local $topa (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $topb (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $topc (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $topd (i64.load (get_global $sp)))
;; replace the top element
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)) (i64.load (get_local $sp_ref)))
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)) (i64.load (i32.sub (get_local $sp_ref) (i32.const 8))))
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)) (i64.load (i32.sub (get_local $sp_ref) (i32.const 16))))
( (get_global $sp) (i64.load (i32.sub (get_local $sp_ref) (i32.const 24))))
;; store the old top element
( (get_local $sp_ref) (get_local $topa))
( (i32.sub (get_local $sp_ref) (i32.const 8)) (get_local $topb))
( (i32.sub (get_local $sp_ref) (i32.const 16)) (get_local $topc))
( (i32.sub (get_local $sp_ref) (i32.const 24)) (get_local $topd))
;; stack:
;; 0: offset
(func $MLOAD
(local $offset i32)
(local $offset0 i64)
(local $offset1 i64)
(local $offset2 i64)
(local $offset3 i64)
;; load args from the stack
(set_local $offset0 (i64.load (get_global $sp)))
(set_local $offset1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $offset2 (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $offset3 (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $offset
(call $check_overflow (get_local $offset0)
(get_local $offset1)
(get_local $offset2)
(get_local $offset3)))
;; subttract gas useage
(call $memusegas (get_local $offset) (i32.const 32))
;; FIXME: how to deal with overflow?
(set_local $offset (i32.add (get_local $offset) (get_global $memstart)))
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)) (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $offset) (i32.const 24))))
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)) (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $offset) (i32.const 16))))
( (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)) (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $offset) (i32.const 8))))
( (get_global $sp) (i64.load (get_local $offset)))
;; swap
(call $bswap_m256 (get_global $sp))
(func $ADD
(local $sp i32)
(local $a i64)
(local $c i64)
(local $d i64)
(local $carry i64)
(set_local $sp (get_global $sp))
;; d c b a
;; pop the stack
(set_local $a (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $c (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $d (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
;; decement the stack pointer
(set_local $sp (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)))
;; d
(set_local $carry (i64.add (get_local $d) (i64.load (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
;; save d to mem
( (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)) (get_local $carry))
;; check for overflow
(set_local $carry (i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.lt_u (get_local $carry) (get_local $d))))
;; c use $d as reg
(set_local $d (i64.add (i64.load (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))) (get_local $carry)))
(set_local $carry (i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.lt_u (get_local $d) (get_local $carry))))
(set_local $d (i64.add (get_local $c) (get_local $d)))
;; store the result
( (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)) (get_local $d))
;; check overflow
(set_local $carry (i64.or (i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.lt_u (get_local $d) (get_local $c))) (get_local $carry)))
;; b
;; add carry
(set_local $d (i64.add (i64.load (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))) (get_local $carry)))
(set_local $carry (i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.lt_u (get_local $d) (get_local $carry))))
;; use reg c
(set_local $c (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $d (i64.add (get_local $c) (get_local $d)))
( (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (get_local $d))
;; a
( (get_local $sp)
(i64.add ;; add a
(get_local $a)
(i64.load (get_local $sp)) ;; load the operand
(i64.or ;; carry
(i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.lt_u (get_local $d) (get_local $c)))
(get_local $carry)))))
(func $LT
(local $sp i32)
(local $a0 i64)
(local $a1 i64)
(local $a2 i64)
(local $a3 i64)
(local $b0 i64)
(local $b1 i64)
(local $b2 i64)
(local $b3 i64)
(set_local $sp (get_global $sp))
;; load args from the stack
(set_local $a0 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $a1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $a2 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $a3 (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
(set_local $sp (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $b0 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $b1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $b2 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $b3 (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
( (get_local $sp) (i64.extend_u/i32
(i32.or (i64.lt_u (get_local $a0) (get_local $b0)) ;; a0 < b0
(i32.and (i64.eq (get_local $a0) (get_local $b0)) ;; a0 == b0
(i32.or (i64.lt_u (get_local $a1) (get_local $b1)) ;; a1 < b1
(i32.and (i64.eq (get_local $a1) (get_local $b1)) ;; a1 == b1
(i32.or (i64.lt_u (get_local $a2) (get_local $b2)) ;; a2 < b2
(i32.and (i64.eq (get_local $a2) (get_local $b2)) ;; a2 == b2
(i64.lt_u (get_local $a3) (get_local $b3)))))))))) ;; a3 < b3
;; zero out the rest of the stack item
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (i64.const 0))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)) (i64.const 0))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)) (i64.const 0))
(func $MUL
(call $mul_256
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))
(i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8))
(func $MOD
(local $sp i32)
;; dividend
(local $a i64)
(local $b i64)
(local $c i64)
(local $d i64)
;; divisor
(local $a1 i64)
(local $b1 i64)
(local $c1 i64)
(local $d1 i64)
;; quotient
(local $aq i64)
(local $bq i64)
(local $cq i64)
(local $dq i64)
;; mask
(local $maska i64)
(local $maskb i64)
(local $maskc i64)
(local $maskd i64)
(local $carry i32)
(local $temp i64)
(set_local $maskd (i64.const 1))
;; load args from the stack
(set_local $a (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $b (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $c (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $d (i64.load (get_global $sp)))
;; decement the stack pointer
(set_local $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $a1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $b1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $c1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $d1 (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
(block $main
;; check div by 0
(if (call $iszero_256 (get_local $a1) (get_local $b1) (get_local $c1) (get_local $d1))
(set_local $a (i64.const 0))
(set_local $b (i64.const 0))
(set_local $c (i64.const 0))
(set_local $d (i64.const 0))
(br $main)
;; align bits
(block $done
(loop $loop
;; align bits;
(if (i32.or (i64.eqz (i64.clz (get_local $a1))) (call $gte_256 (get_local $a1) (get_local $b1) (get_local $c1) (get_local $d1) (get_local $a) (get_local $b) (get_local $c) (get_local $d)))
(br $done)
;; divisor = divisor << 1
(set_local $a1 (i64.add (i64.shl (get_local $a1) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $b1) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $b1 (i64.add (i64.shl (get_local $b1) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $c1) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $c1 (i64.add (i64.shl (get_local $c1) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $d1) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $d1 (i64.shl (get_local $d1) (i64.const 1)))
;; mask = mask << 1
(set_local $maska (i64.add (i64.shl (get_local $maska) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $maskb) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $maskb (i64.add (i64.shl (get_local $maskb) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $maskc) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $maskc (i64.add (i64.shl (get_local $maskc) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $maskd) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $maskd (i64.shl (get_local $maskd) (i64.const 1)))
(br $loop)
(block $done
(loop $loop
;; loop while mask != 0
(if (call $iszero_256 (get_local $maska) (get_local $maskb) (get_local $maskc) (get_local $maskd))
(br $done)
;; if dividend >= divisor
(if (call $gte_256 (get_local $a) (get_local $b) (get_local $c) (get_local $d) (get_local $a1) (get_local $b1) (get_local $c1) (get_local $d1))
;; dividend = dividend - divisor
(set_local $carry (i64.lt_u (get_local $d) (get_local $d1)))
(set_local $d (i64.sub (get_local $d) (get_local $d1)))
(set_local $temp (i64.sub (get_local $c) (i64.extend_u/i32 (get_local $carry))))
(set_local $carry (i64.gt_u (get_local $temp) (get_local $c)))
(set_local $c (i64.sub (get_local $temp) (get_local $c1)))
(set_local $carry (i32.or (i64.gt_u (get_local $c) (get_local $temp)) (get_local $carry)))
(set_local $temp (i64.sub (get_local $b) (i64.extend_u/i32 (get_local $carry))))
(set_local $carry (i64.gt_u (get_local $temp) (get_local $b)))
(set_local $b (i64.sub (get_local $temp) (get_local $b1)))
(set_local $carry (i32.or (i64.gt_u (get_local $b) (get_local $temp)) (get_local $carry)))
(set_local $a (i64.sub (i64.sub (get_local $a) (i64.extend_u/i32 (get_local $carry))) (get_local $a1)))
;; divisor = divisor >> 1
(set_local $d1 (i64.add (i64.shr_u (get_local $d1) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shl (get_local $c1) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $c1 (i64.add (i64.shr_u (get_local $c1) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shl (get_local $b1) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $b1 (i64.add (i64.shr_u (get_local $b1) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shl (get_local $a1) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $a1 (i64.shr_u (get_local $a1) (i64.const 1)))
;; mask = mask >> 1
(set_local $maskd (i64.add (i64.shr_u (get_local $maskd) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shl (get_local $maskc) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $maskc (i64.add (i64.shr_u (get_local $maskc) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shl (get_local $maskb) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $maskb (i64.add (i64.shr_u (get_local $maskb) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shl (get_local $maska) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $maska (i64.shr_u (get_local $maska) (i64.const 1)))
(br $loop)
);; end of main
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)) (get_local $a))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)) (get_local $b))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (get_local $c))
( (get_local $sp) (get_local $d))
(func $AND
( (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)) (i64.and (i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8))) (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
( (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)) (i64.and (i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16))) (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))))
( (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)) (i64.and (i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24))) (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))))
( (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)) (i64.and (i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32))) (i64.load (get_global $sp))))
(func $EXP
(local $sp i32)
;; base
(local $base0 i64)
(local $base1 i64)
(local $base2 i64)
(local $base3 i64)
;; exp
(local $exp0 i64)
(local $exp1 i64)
(local $exp2 i64)
(local $exp3 i64)
(local $r0 i64)
(local $r1 i64)
(local $r2 i64)
(local $r3 i64)
(local $gasCounter f32)
(set_local $sp (get_global $sp))
;; load args from the stack
(set_local $base0 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $base1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $base2 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $base3 (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
(set_local $sp (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $exp0 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $exp1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $exp2 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $exp3 (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
;; let result = new BN[1]
(set_local $r3 (i64.const 1))
(block $done
(loop $loop
;; while [exp > 0] {
(if (call $iszero_256 (get_local $exp0) (get_local $exp1) (get_local $exp2) (get_local $exp3))
(br $done)
;; if[exp.modn[2] === 1]
;; is odd?
(if (i64.eqz (i64.ctz (get_local $exp3)))
;; result = result.mul[base].mod[TWO_POW256]
;; r = r * a
(call $mul_256 (get_local $r0) (get_local $r1) (get_local $r2) (get_local $r3) (get_local $base0) (get_local $base1) (get_local $base2) (get_local $base3) (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)))
(set_local $r0 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $r1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $r2 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $r3 (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
;; exp = exp.shrn 1
(set_local $exp3 (i64.add (i64.shr_u (get_local $exp3) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shl (get_local $exp2) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $exp2 (i64.add (i64.shr_u (get_local $exp2) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shl (get_local $exp1) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $exp1 (i64.add (i64.shr_u (get_local $exp1) (i64.const 1)) (i64.shl (get_local $exp0) (i64.const 63))))
(set_local $exp0 (i64.shr_u (get_local $exp0) (i64.const 1)))
;; base = base.mulr[baser].modr[TWO_POW256]
(call $mul_256 (get_local $base0) (get_local $base1) (get_local $base2) (get_local $base3) (get_local $base0) (get_local $base1) (get_local $base2) (get_local $base3) (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)))
(set_local $base0 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $base1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $base2 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $base3 (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
(set_local $gasCounter (f32.add (get_local $gasCounter) (f32.const 1)))
(br $loop)
;; use gas
;; Log256[Exponent] * 10
(call $useGas (i64.extend_u/i32 (i32.mul (i32.const 10) (i32.trunc_s/f32
(f32.ceil (f32.div (get_local $gasCounter) (f32.const 8)))))))
;; decement the stack pointer
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)) (get_local $r0))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)) (get_local $r1))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (get_local $r2))
( (get_local $sp) (get_local $r3))
(func $OR
( (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)) (i64.or (i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8))) (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
( (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)) (i64.or (i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16))) (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))))
( (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)) (i64.or (i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24))) (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))))
( (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)) (i64.or (i64.load (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32))) (i64.load (get_global $sp))))
(func $SUB
(local $sp i32)
(local $a i64)
(local $b i64)
(local $c i64)
(local $d i64)
(local $a1 i64)
(local $b1 i64)
(local $c1 i64)
(local $d1 i64)
(local $carry i64)
(local $temp i64)
(set_local $a (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $b (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $c (i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $d (i64.load (get_global $sp)))
;; decement the stack pointer
(set_local $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $a1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24))))
(set_local $b1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16))))
(set_local $c1 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8))))
(set_local $d1 (i64.load (get_local $sp)))
;; a * 64^3 + b*64^2 + c*64 + d
;; d
(set_local $carry (i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.lt_u (get_local $d) (get_local $d1))))
(set_local $d (i64.sub (get_local $d) (get_local $d1)))
;; c
(set_local $temp (i64.sub (get_local $c) (get_local $carry)))
(set_local $carry (i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.gt_u (get_local $temp) (get_local $c))))
(set_local $c (i64.sub (get_local $temp) (get_local $c1)))
(set_local $carry (i64.or (i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.gt_u (get_local $c) (get_local $temp))) (get_local $carry)))
;; b
(set_local $temp (i64.sub (get_local $b) (get_local $carry)))
(set_local $carry (i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.gt_u (get_local $temp) (get_local $b))))
(set_local $b (i64.sub (get_local $temp) (get_local $b1)))
;; a
(set_local $a (i64.sub (i64.sub (get_local $a) (i64.or (i64.extend_u/i32 (i64.gt_u (get_local $b) (get_local $temp))) (get_local $carry))) (get_local $a1)))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)) (get_local $a))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)) (get_local $b))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (get_local $c))
( (get_local $sp) (get_local $d))
;; generated by ./wasm/generateInterface.js
(func $CODECOPY (param $callback i32)(local $offset0 i32)(local $length0 i32) (set_local $offset0
(call $check_overflow
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 0)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))(set_local $length0
(call $check_overflow
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -56)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -40)))))
(call $memusegas (get_local $offset0) (get_local $length0))
(set_local $offset0 (i32.add (get_global $memstart) (get_local $offset0))));; generated by ./wasm/generateInterface.js
(func $RETURN (local $offset0 i32)(local $length0 i32) (set_local $offset0
(call $check_overflow
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 0)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))(set_local $length0
(call $check_overflow
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -24)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -8)))))
(call $memusegas (get_local $offset0) (get_local $length0))
(set_local $offset0 (i32.add (get_global $memstart) (get_local $offset0))))
(func $memusegas
(param $offset i32)
(param $length i32)
(local $cost i64)
;; the number of new words being allocated
(local $newWordCount i64)
(if (i32.eqz (get_local $length))
(then (return))
;; const newMemoryWordCount = Math.ceil[[offset + length] / 32]
(set_local $newWordCount
(i64.div_u (i64.add (i64.const 31) (i64.add (i64.extend_u/i32 (get_local $offset)) (i64.extend_u/i32 (get_local $length))))
(i64.const 32)))
;;if [runState.highestMem >= highestMem] return
(if (i64.le_u (get_local $newWordCount) (get_global $wordCount))
(then (return))
;; words * 3 + words ^2 / 512
(set_local $cost
(i64.mul (get_local $newWordCount) (i64.const 3))
(i64.mul (get_local $newWordCount)
(get_local $newWordCount))
(i64.const 512))))
(call $useGas (i64.sub (get_local $cost) (get_global $prevMemCost)))
(set_global $prevMemCost (get_local $cost))
(set_global $wordCount (get_local $newWordCount))
;; grow actual memory
;; the first 31704 bytes are guaranteed to be available
;; adjust for 32 bytes - the maximal size of MSTORE write
;; TODO it should be current_memory * page_size
(set_local $offset (i32.add (get_local $length) (i32.add (get_local $offset) (get_global $memstart))))
(if (i32.gt_u (get_local $offset) (i32.mul (i32.const 65536) (current_memory)))
(i32.div_u (i32.add (i32.const 65535) (i32.sub (get_local $offset) (current_memory))) (i32.const 65536)))
(func $bswap_m256
(param $sp i32)
(result i32)
(local $temp i64)
(set_local $temp (call $bswap_i64 (i64.load (get_local $sp))))
( (get_local $sp) (call $bswap_i64 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)) (get_local $temp))
(set_local $temp (call $bswap_i64 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)))))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (call $bswap_i64 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)))))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)) (get_local $temp))
(get_local $sp)
(func $bswap_m128
(param $sp i32)
(result i32)
(local $temp i64)
(set_local $temp (call $bswap_i64 (i64.load (get_local $sp))))
( (get_local $sp) (call $bswap_i64 (i64.load (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)))))
( (i32.add (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (get_local $temp))
(get_local $sp)
(func $iszero_256
(param i64)
(param i64)
(param i64)
(param i64)
(result i32)
(i64.eqz (i64.or (i64.or (i64.or (get_local 0) (get_local 1)) (get_local 2)) (get_local 3)))
(func $mul_256
;; a b c d e f g h
;;* i j k l m n o p
(param $a i64)
(param $c i64)
(param $e i64)
(param $g i64)
(param $i i64)
(param $k i64)
(param $m i64)
(param $o i64)
(param $sp i32)
(local $b i64)
(local $d i64)
(local $f i64)
(local $h i64)
(local $j i64)
(local $l i64)
(local $n i64)
(local $p i64)
(local $temp6 i64)
(local $temp5 i64)
(local $temp4 i64)
(local $temp3 i64)
(local $temp2 i64)
(local $temp1 i64)
(local $temp0 i64)
;; split the ops
(set_local $b (i64.and (get_local $a) (i64.const 4294967295)))
(set_local $a (i64.shr_u (get_local $a) (i64.const 32)))
(set_local $d (i64.and (get_local $c) (i64.const 4294967295)))
(set_local $c (i64.shr_u (get_local $c) (i64.const 32)))
(set_local $f (i64.and (get_local $e) (i64.const 4294967295)))
(set_local $e (i64.shr_u (get_local $e) (i64.const 32)))
(set_local $h (i64.and (get_local $g) (i64.const 4294967295)))
(set_local $g (i64.shr_u (get_local $g) (i64.const 32)))
(set_local $j (i64.and (get_local $i) (i64.const 4294967295)))
(set_local $i (i64.shr_u (get_local $i) (i64.const 32)))
(set_local $l (i64.and (get_local $k) (i64.const 4294967295)))
(set_local $k (i64.shr_u (get_local $k) (i64.const 32)))
(set_local $n (i64.and (get_local $m) (i64.const 4294967295)))
(set_local $m (i64.shr_u (get_local $m) (i64.const 32)))
(set_local $p (i64.and (get_local $o) (i64.const 4294967295)))
(set_local $o (i64.shr_u (get_local $o) (i64.const 32)))
;; first row multiplication
;; p * h
(set_local $temp0 (i64.mul (get_local $p) (get_local $h)))
;; p * g + carry
(set_local $temp1 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $p) (get_local $g)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp0) (i64.const 32))))
;; p * f + carry
(set_local $temp2 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $p) (get_local $f)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp1) (i64.const 32))))
;; p * e + carry
(set_local $temp3 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $p) (get_local $e)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp2) (i64.const 32))))
;; p * d + carry
(set_local $temp4 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $p) (get_local $d)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp3) (i64.const 32))))
;; p * c + carry
(set_local $temp5 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $p) (get_local $c)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 32))))
;; p * b + carry
(set_local $temp6 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $p) (get_local $b)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 32))))
;; p * a + carry
(set_local $a (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $p) (get_local $a)) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 32))))
;; second row
;; o * h + $temp1 "pg"
(set_local $temp1 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $o) (get_local $h)) (i64.and (get_local $temp1) (i64.const 4294967295))))
;; o * g + $temp2 "pf" + carry
(set_local $temp2 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $o) (get_local $g)) (i64.and (get_local $temp2) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp1) (i64.const 32))))
;; o * f + $temp3 "pe" + carry
(set_local $temp3 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $o) (get_local $f)) (i64.and (get_local $temp3) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp2) (i64.const 32))))
;; o * e + $temp4 + carry
(set_local $temp4 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $o) (get_local $e)) (i64.and (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp3) (i64.const 32))))
;; o * d + $temp5 + carry
(set_local $temp5 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $o) (get_local $d)) (i64.and (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 32))))
;; o * c + $temp6 + carry
(set_local $temp6 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $o) (get_local $c)) (i64.and (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 32))))
;; o * b + $a + carry
(set_local $a (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $o) (get_local $b)) (i64.and (get_local $a) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 32))))
;; third row - n
;; n * h + $temp2
(set_local $temp2 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $n) (get_local $h)) (i64.and (get_local $temp2) (i64.const 4294967295))))
;; n * g + $temp3 + carry
(set_local $temp3 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $n) (get_local $g)) (i64.and (get_local $temp3) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp2) (i64.const 32))))
;; n * f + $temp4 + carry
(set_local $temp4 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $n) (get_local $f)) (i64.and (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp3) (i64.const 32))))
;; n * e + $temp5 + carry
(set_local $temp5 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $n) (get_local $e)) (i64.and (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 32))))
;; n * d + $temp6 + carry
(set_local $temp6 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $n) (get_local $d)) (i64.and (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 32))))
;; n * c + $a + carry
(set_local $a (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $n) (get_local $c)) (i64.and (get_local $a) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 32))))
;; forth row
;; m * h + $temp3
(set_local $temp3 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $m) (get_local $h)) (i64.and (get_local $temp3) (i64.const 4294967295))))
;; m * g + $temp4 + carry
(set_local $temp4 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $m) (get_local $g)) (i64.and (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp3) (i64.const 32))))
;; m * f + $temp5 + carry
(set_local $temp5 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $m) (get_local $f)) (i64.and (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 32))))
;; m * e + $temp6 + carry
(set_local $temp6 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $m) (get_local $e)) (i64.and (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 32))))
;; m * d + $a + carry
(set_local $a (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $m) (get_local $d)) (i64.and (get_local $a) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 32))))
;; fith row
;; l * h + $temp4
(set_local $temp4 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $l) (get_local $h)) (i64.and (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 4294967295))))
;; l * g + $temp5 + carry
(set_local $temp5 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $l) (get_local $g)) (i64.and (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 32))))
;; l * f + $temp6 + carry
(set_local $temp6 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $l) (get_local $f)) (i64.and (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 32))))
;; l * e + $a + carry
(set_local $a (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $l) (get_local $e)) (i64.and (get_local $a) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 32))))
;; sixth row
;; k * h + $temp5
(set_local $temp5 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $k) (get_local $h)) (i64.and (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 4294967295))))
;; k * g + $temp6 + carry
(set_local $temp6 (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $k) (get_local $g)) (i64.and (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 32))))
;; k * f + $a + carry
(set_local $a (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $k) (get_local $f)) (i64.and (get_local $a) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 32))))
;; seventh row
;; j * h + $temp6
(set_local $temp6 (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $j) (get_local $h)) (i64.and (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 4294967295))))
;; j * g + $a + carry
;; eigth row
;; i * h + $a
(set_local $a (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $i) (get_local $h)) (i64.and (i64.add (i64.add (i64.mul (get_local $j) (get_local $g)) (i64.and (get_local $a) (i64.const 4294967295))) (i64.shr_u (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 32))) (i64.const 4294967295))))
;; combine terms
(set_local $a (i64.or (i64.shl (get_local $a) (i64.const 32)) (i64.and (get_local $temp6) (i64.const 4294967295))))
(set_local $c (i64.or (i64.shl (get_local $temp5) (i64.const 32)) (i64.and (get_local $temp4) (i64.const 4294967295))))
(set_local $e (i64.or (i64.shl (get_local $temp3) (i64.const 32)) (i64.and (get_local $temp2) (i64.const 4294967295))))
(set_local $g (i64.or (i64.shl (get_local $temp1) (i64.const 32)) (i64.and (get_local $temp0) (i64.const 4294967295))))
;; save stack
( (get_local $sp) (get_local $a))
( (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 8)) (get_local $c))
( (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 16)) (get_local $e))
( (i32.sub (get_local $sp) (i32.const 24)) (get_local $g))
;; is a less than or equal to b // a >= b
(func $gte_256
(param $a0 i64)
(param $a1 i64)
(param $a2 i64)
(param $a3 i64)
(param $b0 i64)
(param $b1 i64)
(param $b2 i64)
(param $b3 i64)
(result i32)
;; a0 > b0 || [a0 == b0 && [a1 > b1 || [a1 == b1 && [a2 > b2 || [a2 == b2 && a3 >= b3 ]]]]
(i32.or (i64.gt_u (get_local $a0) (get_local $b0)) ;; a0 > b0
(i32.and (i64.eq (get_local $a0) (get_local $b0))
(i32.or (i64.gt_u (get_local $a1) (get_local $b1)) ;; a1 > b1
(i32.and (i64.eq (get_local $a1) (get_local $b1)) ;; a1 == b1
(i32.or (i64.gt_u (get_local $a2) (get_local $b2)) ;; a2 > b2
(i32.and (i64.eq (get_local $a2) (get_local $b2))
(i64.ge_u (get_local $a3) (get_local $b3))))))))
(func $callback
(export "0")
call $main
(func $memset
(param $ptr i32)
(param $value i32)
(param $length i32)
(result i32)
(local $i i32)
(set_local $i (i32.const 0))
(block $done
(loop $loop
(if (i32.ge_u (get_local $i) (get_local $length))
(br $done)
(i32.store8 (i32.add (get_local $ptr) (get_local $i)) (get_local $value))
(set_local $i (i32.add (get_local $i) (i32.const 1)))
(br $loop)
(get_local $ptr)
(func $bswap_i64
(param $int i64)
(result i64)
(i64.and (i64.shr_u (get_local $int) (i64.const 56)) (i64.const 0xff)) ;; 7 -> 0
(i64.and (i64.shr_u (get_local $int) (i64.const 40)) (i64.const 0xff00))) ;; 6 -> 1
(i64.and (i64.shr_u (get_local $int) (i64.const 24)) (i64.const 0xff0000)) ;; 5 -> 2
(i64.and (i64.shr_u (get_local $int) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 0xff000000)))) ;; 4 -> 3
(i64.and (i64.shl (get_local $int) (i64.const 8)) (i64.const 0xff00000000)) ;; 3 -> 4
(i64.and (i64.shl (get_local $int) (i64.const 24)) (i64.const 0xff0000000000))) ;; 2 -> 5
(i64.and (i64.shl (get_local $int) (i64.const 40)) (i64.const 0xff000000000000)) ;; 1 -> 6
(i64.and (i64.shl (get_local $int) (i64.const 56)) (i64.const 0xff00000000000000)))))) ;; 0 -> 7
(func $main
(export "main")
(local $jump_dest i32)
(set_local $jump_dest (i32.const -1))
(block $done
(loop $loop
(block $23 (block $22 (block $21 (block $20 (block $19 (block $18 (block $17 (block $16 (block $15 (block $14 (block $13 (block $12 (block $11 (block $10 (block $9 (block $8 (block $7 (block $6 (block $5 (block $4 (block $3 (block $2 (block $1
(block $0
(i32.eqz (get_global $init))
(set_global $init (i32.const 1))
(br $0))
;; the callback dest can never be in the first block
(if (i32.eq (get_global $cb_dest) (i32.const 0))
(if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 499))
(then (br $23))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 480))
(then (br $21))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 456))
(then (br $20))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 440))
(then (br $19))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 428))
(then (br $18))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 427))
(then (br $17))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 416))
(then (br $16))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 415))
(then (br $15))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 404))
(then (br $14))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 403))
(then (br $13))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 392))
(then (br $12))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 376))
(then (br $11))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 343))
(then (br $10))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 325))
(then (br $9))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 302))
(then (br $8))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 279))
(then (br $7))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 265))
(then (br $6))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 203))
(then (br $5))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 36))
(then (br $4))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 26))
(then (br $3))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 16))
(then (br $2))
(else (if (i32.eq (get_local $jump_dest) (i32.const 15))
(then (br $1))
(else (unreachable)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
;; return callback destination and zero out $cb_dest
get_global $cb_dest
(set_global $cb_dest (i32.const 0))
(br_table $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $20 $21 $22 $23)
)))))(call $useGas (i64.const 25)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32672))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 96))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 64))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ISZERO)
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 15))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64)))
(br_if $loop (i32.eqz (i64.eqz (i64.or
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 40)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)))
(call $useGas (i64.const 6)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32672))
(then (unreachable)))(unreachable))(call $useGas (i64.const 1)) )(call $useGas (i64.const 18)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32640))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 26))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 440))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
;; jump
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(br $loop))(call $useGas (i64.const 18)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32640))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 36))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 440))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
;; jump
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(br $loop))(call $useGas (i64.const 129)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32512))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 443543680542511701)(i64.const 344247212463718940)(i64.const 5992386160940858271)(i64.const -3886226386111196107))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 6))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 160))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 64))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MLOAD)
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 64))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const -6238188808268888351)(i64.const -197426961966726749))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const -1425741358519301134)(i64.const 143403728032683259))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const -2620361034835559664)(i64.const -8894889478742909895))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const -6252964947024178105)(i64.const -4019098859909296191))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const -2995236107400314374)(i64.const -1821802546385080839))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 5))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 4))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
)(call $useGas (i64.const 26)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32640))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32768))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 5))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $LT)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $ISZERO)
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 427))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64)))
(br_if $loop (i32.eqz (i64.eqz (i64.or
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 40)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)))
(call $useGas (i64.const 111)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32608))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 160))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 64))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MLOAD)
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 64))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 3))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 1))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 2))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
)(call $useGas (i64.const 26)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32640))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 3))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $LT)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $ISZERO)
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 415))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64)))
(br_if $loop (i32.eqz (i64.eqz (i64.or
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 40)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)))
(call $useGas (i64.const 8)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32704))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
)(call $useGas (i64.const 26)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32640))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 5))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 2))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $LT)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $ISZERO)
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 403))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64)))
(br_if $loop (i32.eqz (i64.eqz (i64.or
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 40)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)))
(call $useGas (i64.const 34)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32576))
(then (unreachable)))(call $DUP (i32.const 5))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 2))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 5))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $LT)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $ISZERO)
(call $ISZERO)
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 302))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64)))
(br_if $loop (i32.eqz (i64.eqz (i64.or
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 40)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)))
(call $useGas (i64.const 0)) (unreachable))(call $useGas (i64.const 64)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32672))
(then (unreachable)))(if (i32.lt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MUL)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $MLOAD)
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MUL)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 6))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ISZERO)
(call $ISZERO)
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 325))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64)))
(br_if $loop (i32.eqz (i64.eqz (i64.or
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 40)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)))
(call $useGas (i64.const 0)) (unreachable))(call $useGas (i64.const 48)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32608))
(then (unreachable)))(if (i32.lt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32))
(then (unreachable)))(call $MOD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 6))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 3))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 5))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $LT)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $ISZERO)
(call $ISZERO)
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 343))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64)))
(br_if $loop (i32.eqz (i64.eqz (i64.or
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 40)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)))
(call $useGas (i64.const 0)) (unreachable))(call $useGas (i64.const 92)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32640))
(then (unreachable)))(if (i32.lt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MUL)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 2))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 255))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 2))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $AND)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 2))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $EXP)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $MUL)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 4))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 3))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 5))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $LT)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $ISZERO)
(call $ISZERO)
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 376))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64)))
(br_if $loop (i32.eqz (i64.eqz (i64.or
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 40)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)))
(call $useGas (i64.const 0)) (unreachable))(call $useGas (i64.const 42)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32672))
(then (unreachable)))(if (i32.lt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MUL)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MLOAD)
(call $OR)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
)(call $useGas (i64.const 26)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32640))
(then (unreachable)))(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 1))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 279))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
;; jump
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(br $loop))(call $useGas (i64.const 1)) )(call $useGas (i64.const 26)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32640))
(then (unreachable)))(call $DUP (i32.const 2))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 1))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 2))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 265))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
;; jump
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(br $loop))(call $useGas (i64.const 1)) )(call $useGas (i64.const 26)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32640))
(then (unreachable)))(call $DUP (i32.const 4))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 1))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 4))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 203))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
;; jump
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(br $loop))(call $useGas (i64.const 1)) )(call $useGas (i64.const 26)) (if (i32.lt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 192))
(then (unreachable)))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 480))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
;; jump
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(br $loop))(call $useGas (i64.const 34)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32608))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 160))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 64))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MLOAD)
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 64))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 5))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
)(call $useGas (i64.const 47)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32672))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $MSTORE)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 32))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $ADD)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 1))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(call $SUB)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(call $DUP (i32.const 1))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 456))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 64)))
(br_if $loop (i32.eqz (i64.eqz (i64.or
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 40)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 48)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 56)))
(call $useGas (i64.const 18)) (if (i32.lt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32))
(then (unreachable)))(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -32)))
(call $SWAP (i32.const 0))
;; jump
(set_local $jump_dest (call $check_overflow
(i64.load (get_global $sp))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 8)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 16)))
(i64.load (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 24)))))
(set_global $sp (i32.sub (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(br $loop))(call $useGas (i64.const 16)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32608))
(then (unreachable)))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 54))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $DUP (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 494))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $CODECOPY (i32.const 0))
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -96)))
(set_global $cb_dest (i32.const 22))
(br $done))(call $PUSH (i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0)(i64.const 0))(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32)))
(call $RETURN) (br $done)
(set_global $sp (i32.add (get_global $sp) (i32.const -64)))
)(call $useGas (i64.const 7)) (if (i32.gt_s (get_global $sp) (i32.const 32672))
(then (unreachable)))(unreachable))))
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