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Last active December 12, 2015 01:58
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Example modal code
# copied and modified from a working app, but there maybe typos in adaptation
# untested in this form
# router (match) ->
@resource 'posts', ->
@route 'new'
@resource 'post', path: '/:post_id'
# router handler
# see mixins/posts_formable
App.PostsNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend Lm.PostssFormable,
model: ->
# mixin, so new and edit can use same template/view
App.PostsFormable = Ember.Mixin.create
renderTemplate: ->
@render 'posts/form', ->
outlet: 'modal'
cancel: (post) ->
@transitionTo 'posts'
submit: (post) ->
# TODO: add validation handling
if post.didCreate
@transitionTo 'post', post
# form view
App.PostsFormView = Em.View.extend
tagName: 'form'
classNames: 'modal fade in form-custom-field-modal'.w()
didInsertElement: ->
@$().modal 'show'
willDestroyElement: ->
@$().modal 'hide'
# templates
# posts.hbs (not post.index)
# ...
# <div class="">
# {{outlet}}
# </div>
# </div>
# {{outlet modal}}
# form template
# <div class="modal-header">
# <div class="button close btn-dismiss" {{action cancel content}}>x</div>
# <h2 class="app-icon-large">Post</h2>
# </div>
# <div class="modal-body">
# your form code
# ...
# </div>
# <div class="modal-footer">
# <a class="btn btn-dark" href="javascript;:" {{action cancel content}}>Cancel</a>
# <button class="btn btn-success" type="submit" {{action submit content}}>Save</button>
# </div>
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On line 30, why not do this:

post.on 'didCreate' , ->
   @transitionTo 'post', post

And similarly handle didUpdate for updates.

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Highlighting field level validation errors from commit() in the modal would be really useful!

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