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F#+ Haskell Compatibility
|Operation           | F#+ / F#           |F#+ Haskell Compatibility|Haskell             |
|List.append         | @                  |                         | ++                 |
|Function composition| f << g             | f . (g)                 | f . g              |
|                    | <|                 | $                       | $                  |
|                    | =                  | ==                      | ==                 |
|                    | <>                 | =/                      | /=                 |
|flip                | />                 |                         |                    |
|apply function to   | </ or |>           |                         |                    | 
|value               |                    |                         |                    |
|                    |                    |                         |                    |
|Functor             |                    |                         |                    |
|map                 |<!> or <<|          |  <!> or fmap            | <$> or fmap        |
|same as map but     | |>>                |                         |                    |
|arguments           |                    |                         |                    |
|interchanged        |                    |                         |                    |
|                    |                    |                         |                    |
|Monoid              |                    |                         |                    |
|monoid zero element | zero               | mempty                  | mempty             |
|append              | ++ or plus         | mappend                 | mappend            |
|                    |                    |                         |                    |
|Applicative functors|                    |                         |                    |
|apply (combine)     | <*>                | <*>                     | <*>                |
|Sequence actions,   | *>                 | *>                      | *>                 |
|discarding the value|                    |                         |                    |
|of the first        |                    |                         |                    |
|argument.           |                    |                         |                    |
|Sequence actions,   | <*                 | <*                      | <*                 |
|discarding the value|                    |                         |                    |
|of the second       |                    |                         |                    |
|argument.           |                    |                         |                    |
|A variant of <*>    | <**>               | <**>                    | <**>               |
|with the arguments  |                    |                         |                    |
| reversed.          |                    |                         |                    |
|Lift a value.       | result             | pure'                   | pure               |
|                    |                    |                         |                    |
|Alternative         |                    |                         |                    |
|alternatives: binary| <|>                | <|>                     | <|>                |
|operation           |                    |                         |                    |
|                    |                    |                         |                    |
|Monad               |                    |                         |                    |
|Bind Sequentially   | >>=                | >>=                     | >>=                |
|compose two actions,|                    |                         |                    |
|passing any value   |                    |                         |                    |
|produced by the     |                    |                         |                    |
|first as an argument|                    |                         |                    |
|to the second.      |                    |                         |                    |
|Same as >>=, but    | =<<                | =<<                     | =<<                |
|with the arguments  |                    |                         |                    |
|interchanged.       |                    |                         |                    |
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