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Last active June 2, 2019 20:26
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  • Save wallabra/86c2ae8fa64e9ad4e9fb8a376ef52cb1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wallabra/86c2ae8fa64e9ad4e9fb8a376ef52cb1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fre works!
func int() PrintBottles(int bottles, float* myPointer, int%* iterListPtr) {
int iters;
while (> bottles, 0) {
array:append(*iterListPtr, bottles);
print(+ "There are ", (+ (set bottles, (- bottles, 1)), 1), " bottles on the wall! Take one, ");
set iters, + iters, 1;
set *myPointer, (* *myPointer, 2);
if (> bottles, 0) print(+ "there are ", bottles, " to go! \n");
else print("there are no more!\n\n");
func int printIters() {
print(+ iters, " bottles were taken.\n");
return printIters;
func void main() {
int() printer;
int% iterList;
float myFloat;
set myFloat, 1.5;
set printer, (* PrintBottles(10, @myFloat, @iterList), 2);
print(+ "\n(Final float: ", myFloat, ", final list: ", iterList, ")\n\n");
There are 10 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are 9 to go!
There are 9 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are 8 to go!
There are 8 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are 7 to go!
There are 7 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are 6 to go!
There are 6 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are 5 to go!
There are 5 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are 4 to go!
There are 4 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are 3 to go!
There are 3 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are 2 to go!
There are 2 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are 1 to go!
There are 1 bottles on the wall! Take one, there are no more!
10 bottles were taken.
10 bottles were taken.
(Final float: 1536.0, final list: [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1])
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