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Created August 26, 2024 17:55
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Digital Shadow Government plan

Broad strokes of the Digital Shadow Government plan


The DSG is a planned political & mutual aid organization which seeks to encompass as broad a range of issues and as possible. This breadth shouldn't be tackled on all at once, but gradually; starting small is good. A good and specific start would be starting as a small digital mutual aid group, with other common interests such as political outreach.

The initial stage is an embryo. From there, the organization would develop other "departments of interest", such as logistics and union relations, as we expect a slow growth of political influence and of material presence power, i.e. the ability to Have things and to have things Done. MPP is essential to achieve long-term goals such as labour emancipation, political influence, the democratization of popular workplaces and of technical & political decision making processes, the establishment of regional logistical networks that benefit all, and the establishment of a parallel power structure capable of improving the lives of the people it reaches, even those who are not members themselves.


Stage 1: Skeleton Organization.

At this stage, the group is formed by a smattering of people across the globe.

a) Mutual aid. We should be able to freely exchange money (likely through Monero or one of the other more 'decent' cryptocurrencies) and send each other objects, things we can use to live and help achieve other goals further down the line.

b) Political outreach. We should procure the means to spread our ideas and bring people over, particularly in the cities we live in, but also online; this also means devising the cultural production (posters, webpages, etc) and the means of their diffusion (money for printing, web hosting, etc). This also includes collaborating with local government candidates, thus having influence in our respective local elections.

c) Fiscal management. We will have to keep track of fiscal sinks and sources, that is, keep a balance of sources of income (project incomes/donations, member contributions, etc) versus expenditures (mutual expenses, project expenses, etc).

d) Online meetings. Throughout the whole project, regular online meetings (through an open platform such as Jitsi, at least until a switch to a better / self-hosted one is devised) can be held. Communication is much clearer and much more human through voice, which will make the organization far less prone to friction.

Stage 2: Local Community Action. Enough people have joined that within this group, there are subgroups identifiable by geographic proximity which can assemble in person. This doesn't mean the whole group should assemble at one location; this will probably always be inviable.

e) Charity & Community Work. Members may fund and contribute to local charity and community work groups, such as disaster relief, food banks & soup kitchens, animal shelters, etc. This should be incentivized, and pictures and other forms of register should be had to show these actions as part of agitprop and as a morale boost.

f) Physical Meetups. People with proximity should establish "geogroups" within the larger organization, which can meet in person, whether to assemble for community work or to discuss. Geogroups can have their own projects and logistical systems, which are more physical than the main group's. They can engage in more personal mutual aid, too, and are less prone to Exchange Rate Decimation (ERD).

g) Syndical Action, Industrial Collaboration. Syndicate & union affiliations should be built to collaborate with labour causes and build rapport. This way, we can achieve leverage in the industrial sector which can be used to get materials which are important to the organization's growth and goals, primarily food and electronics, but at some point materials for construction and craftspersonship (things like eco cups & plates, cargo bikes for logistics, etc) would be nice too.

Future Stages

The next stage can only be achieved once the organization finally establishes some physical locations for itself through its own means. Primarily an office, which will most likely belong to one of the then established geogroups. The construction of cohabitation would also be nice. It's not wise to look this far into the future, so goals for stage 3 and beyond will probably be decided by the group before that point is reached.

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