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Created February 7, 2024 17:23
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LinkPreview Shortcode for Hugo websites
<!-- reset scratch variables at the start -->
{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_title" false }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_subtitle" false }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_link" false }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_thumbnail" false }}
{{ if .IsNamedParams }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_subtitle" (.Get "subtitle") }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_link" (.Get "link") }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_thumbnail" (.Get "thumbnail") }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_title" (.Get "title") }}
{{ else }}
<!-- for the positional version if any -->
{{ end }}
<!-- Extract host from the link -->
{{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_link" }} <!-- if link is given -->
{{ range last 1 (split ($.Scratch.Get "bl_link" ) "://") }} <!-- split by :// and then only take the items after it to remove protocol:// -->
{{ $.Scratch.Set "link_without_protocol" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ range last 1 (split ($.Scratch.Get "link_without_protocol" ) "www.") }} <!-- also remove the www. at the start if any. we are using a second split because all URLS may not start with it -->
{{ $.Scratch.Set "link_without_protocol" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ range first 1 (split ($.Scratch.Get "link_without_protocol" ) "/" ) }}
{{ $.Scratch.Set "link_without_protocol" . }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
<!-- Extract the first sentence -->
{{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_subtitle" }}
<!-- {{ range first 1 (split ($.Scratch.Get "bl_subtitle" ) ". " ) }} -->
<!-- {{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_subtitle" . }} -->
<!-- {{ end }} -->
{{ end }}
<!-- if description is longer than 75 bytes we should trim it -->
<!-- {{ if (gt (len ($.Scratch.Get "bl_subtitle") ) 100) }} -->
<!-- {{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_subtitle" (slicestr ($.Scratch.Get "bl_subtitle") 0 100) }} get the first 75 characters of subtitle -->
{{ $.Scratch.Set "bl_subtitle" ( printf "%s..." ($.Scratch.Get "bl_subtitle") ) | printf "%s" }}
<!-- {{ end }} -->
<article class="postShorten postShorten--thumbnailimg-{{ .Scratch.Get "thumbnailImagePosition" }}" itemscope itemType="">
<!-- Blog Card Item -->
<div class="postShorten-wrap">
<div class="blog-card">
<div class="meta">
<div class="photo" style="background-image: url({{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_thumbnail" }}{{ . }}{{ end }})"></div>
<a href="{{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_link" }}{{ . }}{{ end }}">
<div class="description">
<h1>{{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_title" }}{{ . }}{{ end }}</h1>
<p>{{ with $.Scratch.Get "bl_subtitle" }}{{ . }}{{ end }}</p>
<h2>{{ with $.Scratch.Get "link_without_protocol" }}{{ . }}{{ end }}</h2>
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