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Export all core WordPress data (posts, pages, attachments, comments, tags, categories and users) to a JSON formatted file.
* Plugin Name: WordPress Export to JSON
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Export all WordPress posts, pages, comments, tags, commments and users to a JSON file.
* Author: Jason Snelders
* Author URI:
* Version: 2020-01-30.1
* Usage:
* 1. Create a new page or post in your WordPress site.
* 2. Add the shortcode [wordpress_export_to_json] to the page.
* 3. Run the page.
* 4. Check your "/wp-content" folder for a file "export.json".
* If the file did not create, try first creating a blank file "export.json"
* (your site may not have permission to create file in the directory, but it may be able to update).
* You will now have a JSON formatted file with all the important contents of your core WordPress site.
add_shortcode('wordpress_export_to_json', 'wordpress_export_to_json_handler');
* The main plug-in handler. Processing starts here.
function wordpress_export_to_json_handler($atts = [], $content = null)
$results = [];
echo "<p>Starting export to JSON.</p>";
//-- Posts
$posts = get_posts_by_type("post", "publish");
$results["posts_publish"] = add_tags_and_categories_to_posts($posts);
$posts = get_posts_by_type("post", "private");
$results["posts_private"] = add_tags_and_categories_to_posts($posts);
$posts = get_posts_by_type("post", "draft");
$results["posts_draft"] = add_tags_and_categories_to_posts($posts);
//-- Pages
$posts = get_posts_by_type("page", "publish");
$results["pages_publish"] = add_tags_and_categories_to_posts($posts);
$posts = get_posts_by_type("page", "private");
$results["pages_private"] = add_tags_and_categories_to_posts($posts);
$posts = get_posts_by_type("page", "draft");
$results["pages_draft"] = add_tags_and_categories_to_posts($posts);
//-- Attachments (media)
$posts = get_posts_by_type("attachment", "inherit");
$results["attachments"] = add_tags_and_categories_to_posts($posts);
//-- Comments (only approved)
$comments = get_all_comments();
$results["comments"] = $comments;
//-- Categories
$categories = get_categories();
$category_results = [];
foreach ($categories as $category)
$cat["id"] = $category->term_id;
$cat["name"] = $category->name;
$cat["slug"] = $category->slug;
array_push($category_results, $cat);
$results["categories"] = $category_results;
//-- Tags
$tags = get_tags();
$tag_results = [];
foreach ($tags as $tag)
$t["id"] = $tag->term_id;
$t["name"] = $tag->name;
$t["slug"] = $tag->slug;
array_push($tag_results, $t);
$results["categories"] = $tag_results;
//-- Users
$users = get_all_users();
$results["users"] = $users;
//-- Convert the results array to JSON string.
$json = wp_json_encode($results);
//-- Write to /wp-content/export.json
echo "<p>Export to JSON complete.</p>";
* Helper function. Add full Tag and Category information to each post in a set.
* Note: Array keys are prefixed with cc_ to avoid any key naming collisions.
* @param array $posts Array of posts to attach category and tag information to.
* @return array The array of posts with tags and categories included.
function add_tags_and_categories_to_posts($posts)
$result = [];
foreach ($posts as $post)
$post_categories = wp_get_post_categories($post["ID"], ['fields' => 'all_with_object_id']);
$post["cc_categories"] = $post_categories;
$post_tags = wp_get_post_tags($post["ID"]);
$post["cc_tags"] = $post_tags;
array_push($result, $post);
return $result;
* Return all posts by type and optionally status.
* @param string $post_type The 'post_type' to return.
* @param string $post_status The 'post_status' to return. I think it defaults to 'publish' if left blank.
* @return array Array of WP_Post objects converted to associative arrays.
function get_posts_by_type($post_type, $post_status = '')
$args = array(
'post_type' => $post_type,
'orderby' => 'ID',
'post_status' => $post_status,
'order' => 'DESC',
'posts_per_page' => -1 // this will retrive all the post that is published
$query_results = new \WP_Query( $args );
$posts = $query_results->posts;
$results = [];
foreach ($posts as $post)
array_push($results, $post->to_array());
return $results;
* Return all 'approved' comments (from what I can tell from implementation).
* @return array Array of WP_Comment objects converted to associative arrays.
function get_all_comments()
$comments = get_comments( );
$results = [];
foreach ($comments as $comment)
array_push($results, $comment->to_array());
return $results;
* Return all users.
* @return array Array of WP_User objects converted to associative arrays.
function get_all_users()
$users = get_users();
$results = [];
foreach ($users as $user)
array_push($results, $user->to_array());
return $results;
* Case-insensitive check if a value is in the array.
* (Source:
* @return bool True if the $check_value is found in $array, otherwise False.
function in_array_case_insensitive($array, $check_value)
return in_array(strtolower($check_value), array_map('strtolower', $array));
* Write the export.json file to the wp-content directory.
* File will be created if it does not exist.
* Content will be replaced if the file already exists.
* @param string $json The JSON formatted string to write into the file.
* @return void
function write_to_json_file( $json )
$myfile = fopen(WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/export.json", "w+");
fwrite($myfile, $json);
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