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{"question":"A ____ atom in an atomic clock beats 9,192,631,770 times a second","answer":"cesium","money":1000},
{"question":"A ____ generates temperatures five times hotter than those found on the sun's surface","answer":"lightning bolt","money":1000},
{"question":"A ____ is a pact between a secular authority & the church","answer":"concordat","money":1000},
{"question":"A ____ is the blue field behind the stars","answer":"canton","money":1000},
{"question":"A ____ occurs when all the planets of the our Solar System line up","answer":"sysygy","money":1000},
{"question":"A ____ razor removed from King Tut's Tomb was still sharp enough to be used","answer":"golden","money":1000},
{"question":"A ____ takes 33 hours to crawl one mile","answer":"snail","money":1000},
{"question":"A ____ women can get a divorce if her husband doesn't give her coffee","answer":"saudi arabian","money":1000},
{"question":"A ____ written to celebrate a wedding is called a epithalamium","answer":"poem","money":1000},
{"question":"A 'dybbuk' is an evil spirit in which folklore","answer":"jewish","money":1000},
{"question":"A 'pigskin' is another name for a(n) ____","answer":"football","money":1000},
{"question":"A 'sirocco' refers to a type of ____","answer":"wind","money":1000},
{"question":"A \"double sheet bend\" is a type of what","answer":"knot","money":1000},
{"question":"A 3 1/2' floppy disk measures ____ & 1/2 inches across","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"A 300,000 pound wedding dress made of platinum was once exhibited, and in the instructions from the designer was a warning. What was it","answer":"do not iron","money":1000},
{"question":"A 41-gun salute is the traditional salute to announce a royal birth in ____","answer":"great britain","money":1000},
{"question":"A bird in the hand is worth ____","answer":"two in the bush","money":1000},
{"question":"A block of compressed coal dust used as fuel","answer":"briquette","money":1000},
{"question":"A blockage in a pipe caused by a trapped bubble of air","answer":"airlock","money":1000},
{"question":"A blunt thick needle for sewing with thick thread or tape","answer":"bodkin","money":1000},
{"question":"A boat or raft with two parallel hulls","answer":"catamaran","money":1000},
{"question":"A Boeing 707 uses ____ gallons of petrol in its take-off climb","answer":"4000","money":1000},
{"question":"A bolt of lighting can strike the earth with a force as great as ____ volts","answer":"100 million","money":1000},
{"question":"A booklet containing descriptive information","answer":"brochure","money":1000},
{"question":"A branched hanging support for lights","answer":"chandelier","money":1000},
{"question":"A brand name of morphine once marketed by bayer","answer":"heroin","money":1000},
{"question":"A British lawyer who does not appear before judges, but organizes the case for trial is called a ____","answer":"Solicitor","money":1000},
{"question":"A broken clock is right at least","answer":"twice a day","money":1000},
{"question":"A brook or stream, rivulet","answer":"rill","money":1000},
{"question":"A calm ocean region near the equator","answer":"doldrums","money":1000},
{"question":"A canton is the ____ field behind the stars","answer":"blue","money":1000},
{"question":"A canton is the blue field behind the ____","answer":"stars","money":1000},
{"question":"A carbohydrate consists of carbon, hydrogen, and which other element","answer":"oxygen","money":1000},
{"question":"A carrier pigeon who served in wwi, who stopped an american bombardment of american troops, cher ami, is now on permanant display where","answer":"smithsonian institution","money":1000},
{"question":"A cesium atom in an ____ clock beats 9,192,631,770 times a second","answer":"atomic","money":1000},
{"question":"A cesium atom in an atomic clock beats ____ times a second","answer":"9,192,631,770","money":1000},
{"question":"A change in frequency observed when light is scattered in a transparent material","answer":"raman effect","money":1000},
{"question":"A Chapter 12 bankruptcy provides debt relief for whom?","answer":"family farmer","money":1000},
{"question":"A charge of DWAI is for what","answer":"driving while ability impaired","money":1000},
{"question":"A chest X-ray is comprised of 90,000 to 130,000 ____ volts","answer":"electron","money":1000},
{"question":"A chinese method of divination","answer":"Ching","money":1000},
{"question":"A cholecyst is more commonly known as a(n) ____","answer":"gallbladder","money":1000},
{"question":"A chromosome is large than a","answer":"gene","money":1000},
{"question":"A chronic disease of the liver","answer":"cirrhosis","money":1000},
{"question":"A Cicada passes eggs through its","answer":"ovipositor","money":1000},
{"question":"A cigarette brand that fits these blanks; ","answer":"benson & hedges","money":1000},
{"question":"A coffee pot with a plunger that pushes the grounds to the bottom","answer":"cafetiere","money":1000},
{"question":"A collision between a bird and an aircraft","answer":"bird-strike","money":1000},
{"question":"A common name for the pancreas is","answer":"sweetbread","money":1000},
{"question":"A company in ____ makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your plate","answer":"taiwan","money":1000},
{"question":"A company in Taiwan makes ____ out of wheat, so you can eat your plate","answer":"dinnerware","money":1000},
{"question":"A company in taiwan makes dinnerware out of wheat, so you can eat your ____","answer":"plate","money":1000},
{"question":"A company in Taiwan makes dinnerware out of____ , so you can eat your plate","answer":"wheat","money":1000},
{"question":"A complex alcohol constituent of all animal fats and oils","answer":"cholesterol","money":1000},
{"question":"A condition causing breathing difficulties","answer":"asthma","money":1000},
{"question":"A condition characterized by self-absorption and withdrawal","answer":"autism","money":1000},
{"question":"A container for carrying a corpse from the scene of an accident etc","answer":"body bag","money":1000},
{"question":"A cough releases an explosive charge of air that moves at speeds up to how many miles an hour","answer":"60","money":1000},
{"question":"A cowboy's hat is also known as a(n)","answer":" stetson","money":1000},
{"question":"A cross-head screwdriver is also known as","answer":"phillips screwdriver","money":1000},
{"question":"A cuban dance in slow duple time or a piece of music composed for this dance","answer":"habanera","money":1000},
{"question":"A cyclonic (rotating) tropical storm with winds at the center in excess of 74 miles per hour is called","answer":"hurricane","money":1000},
{"question":"A day on ____ is about 9 hours, 50 minutes, 30 seconds at the equator","answer":"jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"A day on Jupiter is about ____ hours, 50 minutes, 30 seconds at the equator","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"A dealer in dress accessories and sewing goods","answer":"haberdasher","money":1000},
{"question":"A decoction of dandelion roots and leaves is an old remedy for dissolving urinary ____","answer":"stones","money":1000},
{"question":"A Dermatherm is an instrument which measures","answer":"Skin Temperature","money":1000},
{"question":"A devastating ____ epidemic in 1822 left New York City with 16,000 corpses and no readily available space for burial","answer":"yellow fever","money":1000},
{"question":"A device invented as a primitive steam engine by the Greek engineer Hero, about the time of the birth of Christ, is used today as a","answer":"rotating lawn sprinkler","money":1000},
{"question":"A device used to change the voltage of alternating currents is a ____","answer":"transformer","money":1000},
{"question":"A dime has how many ridges around the edge","answer":"118","money":1000},
{"question":"A dime is equal to how many cents","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"A famous RAH novel, as well as a number believed to be cursed","answer":"the number of the beast","money":1000},
{"question":"A favourite spot for vampires to bite (that's one hell of a hickey!)","answer":"neck","money":1000},
{"question":"A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of ____ months","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"A figure having an elongated rectangular shape","answer":"oblong","money":1000},
{"question":"A fine cotton fabric, often stiffened","answer":"organdie","money":1000},
{"question":"A fingernail or toenail takes about how many months to grow from base to tip","answer":"six","money":1000},
{"question":"A firm in Britain sold fall-out shelters for","answer":"pets","money":1000},
{"question":"A five line humorous verse","answer":"Limerick","money":1000},
{"question":"A flag flown upside-down is a signal of a(n) ____","answer":"emergency","money":1000},
{"question":"A flat bottomed boat on canal or river","answer":"barge","money":1000},
{"question":"A flat V shaped missile that returns","answer":"boomerang","money":1000},
{"question":"A flat-bottomed conical laboratory flask with a narrow neck is called a(n) ____","answer":"erlenmeyer flask","money":1000},
{"question":"A fleet of small ships","answer":"flotilla","money":1000},
{"question":"A flush toilet exists today that dates back to ____ B.C","answer":"2000","money":1000},
{"question":"A foot-long ruler is ____ inches long","answer":"twelve","money":1000},
{"question":"A Football ball has ____ panels","answer":"32","money":1000},
{"question":"A full loaded supertanker travelling at normal speed takes a least ____ minutes to stop","answer":"twenty","money":1000},
{"question":"A full moon always rises at____ ","answer":"sunset","money":1000},
{"question":"A full moon is ____ times brighter than a half moon","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"A gas produced by the incomplete combustion of coal in a mine fire is very poisonous, what is its chemical name","answer":"carbon monoxide","money":1000},
{"question":"A globe is the symbol for which muse","answer":"urania","money":1000},
{"question":"A golden ____ removed from King Tut's Tomb was still sharp enough to be used","answer":"razor","money":1000},
{"question":"A Greek or Roman two handled jar","answer":"amphora","money":1000},
{"question":"A Habanero is a native of which city","answer":"havana","money":1000},
{"question":"A hard working adult sweats up to ____ gallons per day","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"A hard-boiled egg will____ . An uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not","answer":"spin","money":1000},
{"question":"A Harvard study of college drinking showed that more than ____ percent of students indulge in binge drinking, which is defined as consuming five drinks at one sitting by men or four drinks by women. Of college students who drink, one-third drink to get drunk","answer":"40","money":1000},
{"question":"A health profession concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, & treatment of disorders of the teeth & adjacent tissues of the head, neck, & mouth","answer":"dentistry","money":1000},
{"question":"A heavy winter fog containing ice crystals is a ____","answer":"pogonip","money":1000},
{"question":"A herb or drug described as 'diaphoretic', causes what condition","answer":"perspiration","money":1000},
{"question":"A herb or drug described as 'haemostatic' performs which effect","answer":"stops bleeding","money":1000},
{"question":"A hoop worn under skirts is called a what","answer":"farthingale","money":1000},
{"question":"A horse named nita beat the first locomotive ever built in america in a famous race in 1830, what was the name of the train","answer":"tom thumb","money":1000},
{"question":"A hummingbird weighs less than a","answer":"penny","money":1000},
{"question":"A is the international vehicle registration letter for which country","answer":"austria","money":1000},
{"question":"A jiffy is an actual unit of time for ____ of a second. Thus the saying, I will be there in a jiffy!","answer":"1/100th","money":1000},
{"question":"A journey of a thousand miles begins with ____","answer":"a single step","money":1000},
{"question":"A jumbo jet uses ____ gallons of fuel to take off","answer":"4,000","money":1000},
{"question":"A kind of expanded polystyrene","answer":"styrofoam","money":1000},
{"question":"A kind of small domestic fowl","answer":"bantam","money":1000},
{"question":"A kind of tortoise in the galapagos islands has an upturned shell at its neck so it can reach its head up to eat what","answer":"cactus branches","money":1000},
{"question":"A kingfisher is also known to the ancient greeks as a","answer":"halcyon","money":1000},
{"question":"A kipper is what type of smoked fish","answer":"herring","money":1000},
{"question":"A LaForte fracture is a fracture of all ____ bones","answer":"facial","money":1000},
{"question":"A landowner in Scotland","answer":"laird","money":1000},
{"question":"A large box for valuables","answer":"coffer","money":1000},
{"question":"A large cage or building for keeping birds","answer":"aviary","money":1000},
{"question":"A large fortified residential building","answer":"castle","money":1000},
{"question":"A large French country house","answer":"chateau","money":1000},
{"question":"A large oven in which pottery is fired is a ____","answer":"kiln","money":1000},
{"question":"A large patterned handkerchief","answer":"bandanna","money":1000},
{"question":"A large S.American vulture","answer":"condor","money":1000},
{"question":"A large sea birdor greedy person","answer":"gannet","money":1000},
{"question":"A large swarm of ____ can eat 80,000 tons of corn in a day","answer":"locusts","money":1000},
{"question":"A large swarm of locusts can eat ____ tons of corn in a day","answer":"80,000","money":1000},
{"question":"A large swarm of locusts can eat 80,000 tons of ____ in a day","answer":"corn","money":1000},
{"question":"A large whale needs more than ____ tonnes of food a day","answer":"two","money":1000},
{"question":"A latin American dance usually performed in single file","answer":"conga","money":1000},
{"question":"A legendary or moral tale","answer":"fable","money":1000},
{"question":"A letter might end with SWAK, which is an acronym for","answer":"sealed with a kiss","money":1000},
{"question":"A lifetime supply of all the vitamins you need weighs only about ____ ounces","answer":"eight","money":1000},
{"question":"A light aircraft without an engine","answer":"glider","money":1000},
{"question":"A light canvas shoe with a plaited sole","answer":"espadrille","money":1000},
{"question":"A light clear red colour","answer":"cerise","money":1000},
{"question":"A light four wheeled carriage, named after a greek mythological character","answer":"phaeton","money":1000},
{"question":"A light iron-tipped S.African spear","answer":"assegal","money":1000},
{"question":"A light umbrella used to give shade","answer":"parasol","money":1000},
{"question":"A lightning bolt generates temperatures ____ times hotter than those found on the sun's surface","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"A little over one hundred years ago, ____ arrived in the United States for the first time. It was transmitted by an infection carried aboard the Hamburg-American Line's Moravia on August 30, 1892","answer":"cholera","money":1000},
{"question":"A long broad tree lined street","answer":"boulevard","money":1000},
{"question":"A long cylindrical pillow","answer":"bolster","money":1000},
{"question":"A long or indefinite period","answer":"aeon","money":1000},
{"question":"A long thin French type of bread","answer":"baguette","money":1000},
{"question":"A long tunic worn by men in the Near East","answer":"caftan","money":1000},
{"question":"A long wined sea bird related to the petrel","answer":"albatross","money":1000},
{"question":"A loofah is a type of what","answer":"plant","money":1000},
{"question":"A low wet area generally with a depth of organic matter is called","answer":"muskeg","money":1000},
{"question":"A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of what","answer":"tennis court","money":1000},
{"question":"A lump of pure____ the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court","answer":"gold","money":1000},
{"question":"A magnum of champagne is how many litres","answer":"1.5","money":1000},
{"question":"A male ____ is 5 times hornier than the average human male","answer":"chimpanzee","money":1000},
{"question":"A male cat is called a what","answer":"tom","money":1000},
{"question":"A male cat is referred to as a \"tom\". what is a female cat","answer":"a queen","money":1000},
{"question":"A male chimpanzee is ____ times hornier than the average human male","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"A male chimpanzee is 5 times ____ than the average human male","answer":"hornier","money":1000},
{"question":"A male deer is called a ____ ____","answer":"stag","money":1000},
{"question":"A male DONKEY is called a ____","answer":"jackass","money":1000},
{"question":"A male goose","answer":"gander","money":1000},
{"question":"A male horse is called a...","answer":"Stallion","money":1000},
{"question":"A male OX is called a ____","answer":"steer","money":1000},
{"question":"A male rabbit is called a...","answer":"buck","money":1000},
{"question":"A male singer whose sexual organs have been modified is known as a what","answer":"castrato","money":1000},
{"question":"A male zebra is called a ____","answer":"stallion","money":1000},
{"question":"A man named ____ Osborne had the hiccups for 69 years","answer":"charles","money":1000},
{"question":"A man named ____ Peterson is the inventor of the Egg McMuffin","answer":"ed","money":1000},
{"question":"A man named Charles ____ had the hiccups for 69 years","answer":"osborne","money":1000},
{"question":"A man named Charles Osborne had the hiccups for ____ years","answer":"69","money":1000},
{"question":"A man named Ed ____ is the inventor of the Egg McMuffin","answer":"peterson","money":1000},
{"question":"A man's ____ contains between 7000 and 15,000 hairs","answer":"beard","money":1000},
{"question":"A man's beard grows fastest when he ____","answer":"anticipates sex","money":1000},
{"question":"A Mancunian is a native of which city","answer":"manchester","money":1000},
{"question":"A manned rocket reaches the moon in less time than it took a ____ to travel the length of England","answer":"stagecoach","money":1000},
{"question":"A marigraph is an instrument which records what","answer":"tide level","money":1000},
{"question":"A maryland t-shirt slogan that parodied 'virginia is for lovers' read what","answer":"maryland is for crabs","money":1000},
{"question":"A mashie, niblick and wedge are types of what","answer":"golf clubs","money":1000},
{"question":"A mass of flowers on a tree","answer":"blossom","money":1000},
{"question":"A massive ensemble of hundreds of millions of stars, all gravitationally interacting, and orbiting about a common center","answer":"galaxy","money":1000},
{"question":"A McDonald's straw will hold ____ ml, or just over one-and-a-half teaspoons of whatever you are drinking. This means that it would take 17,000 strawfuls of water to fill up a 34 gallon bathtub","answer":"7.7","money":1000},
{"question":"A medication that aids in expelling gas from the intestines is called a ____","answer":"Carminative","money":1000},
{"question":"A member of an ancient Greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno","answer":"stoic","money":1000},
{"question":"A member of the Commonwealth, which is the most southerly African country through which the Greenwich meridian passes","answer":"ghana","money":1000},
{"question":"A member of the largest group of algae in the golden algae phylum","answer":"diatom","money":1000},
{"question":"A method of resolving questions of conscience by applying moral principles or laws to concrete cases","answer":"Casuistry","money":1000},
{"question":"A military attack on what country did the bamler plan of the second world war involve","answer":"sweden","money":1000},
{"question":"A million raised to fifth power","answer":"quintillion","money":1000},
{"question":"A millipede has ____ legs on each segment of its body","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"A minute to learn...a lifetime to master is the advertising slogan for which boardgame","answer":"Othello","money":1000},
{"question":"A mistress among polygamous people","answer":"concubine","money":1000},
{"question":"A mixture of wine and soda water is known as a what","answer":"spritzer","money":1000},
{"question":"A modern day version of roman festival of hilaria still occurs in britain today what is it","answer":"april fool's day","money":1000},
{"question":"A modern version of the ancient roman festival of hilaria still occurs in britain today, what is it","answer":"april fool's day","money":1000},
{"question":"A moist fertile spot in a desert is called a(n)","answer":"oasis","money":1000},
{"question":"A mole can dig a tunnel ____ feet long in just one night","answer":"300","money":1000},
{"question":"A mole can dig over ____ feet of tunnel in a single night","answer":"250","money":1000},
{"question":"A monetary inflation at a very high rate","answer":"hyperinflation","money":1000},
{"question":"A monkey was once tried and convicted for doing what in south bend, indiana","answer":"smoking a cigarette","money":1000},
{"question":"A more common name for an anthrophagist is","answer":"cannibal","money":1000},
{"question":"A more common name for an anthrophphagist is","answer":"cannibal","money":1000},
{"question":"A more common name for an anthropophagist is","answer":"cannibal","money":1000},
{"question":"A mosquito has ____ teeth","answer":"47","money":1000},
{"question":"A moth has no","answer":"stomach","money":1000},
{"question":"A motorist who enjoys driving fast","answer":"speed merchant","money":1000},
{"question":"A movie featuring Robin Wright, Carey Elwes, and Andre the Giant","answer":"The Princess Bride","money":1000},
{"question":"A mule is sired on a mare by an ass. What is the offspring of a stallion and a female ass","answer":"hinny","money":1000},
{"question":"A mustelidae family member is a(n) ____","answer":"weasel","money":1000},
{"question":"A myrmecologist studies","answer":"ants","money":1000},
{"question":"A name for energy fuelled in ways that do not harm the enviroment","answer":"alternative","money":1000},
{"question":"A narrow concrete foundation for a wall","answer":"footing","money":1000},
{"question":"A narrow crack or split","answer":"fissure","money":1000},
{"question":"A narrow strip of wood","answer":"batten","money":1000},
{"question":"A native of the east end of London","answer":"cockney","money":1000},
{"question":"A necropsy is an autopsy on ____","answer":"animals","money":1000},
{"question":"A new born baby breathes ____ times faster than an adult man","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"A new Merseyside estate is the setting for which soap opera","answer":"brookside","money":1000},
{"question":"A normal raindrop falls at about ____ miles per hour","answer":"seven","money":1000},
{"question":"A novel by Keith Waterhouse","answer":"billy liar","money":1000},
{"question":"A nuclear reactor was built beneath a Chicago football stadium in which year","answer":"1942","money":1000},
{"question":"A NUKE InterNETWORK poll found that ____ percent of Internet users have cut back on watching TV in order to spend more time online; 12 percent have cut back on seeing friends","answer":"52","money":1000},
{"question":"A one humped camel is called a ____","answer":"dromedary","money":1000},
{"question":"A pack-day smoker will approx. lose 2 ____ every ten years","answer":"teeth","money":1000},
{"question":"A painting of the Madonna and Child was saved for the nation with a ?10.25million donation from the lottery, who painted it","answer":"botticelli","money":1000},
{"question":"A painting of which famous Old Testament ruling, completed in 1495, is one of the earliest works by the artist Giorgione","answer":"judgment of solomon","money":1000},
{"question":"A pair of small drums played with the fingers","answer":"bongo","money":1000},
{"question":"A Pan Am flight, which left London Heathrow bound for New York in December 1998, was blown up by a bomb over a small Scotish town Name the town","answer":"Lockerbie","money":1000},
{"question":"A pantry was originally used for the storage of which foodstuff","answer":"bread","money":1000},
{"question":"A parsec is a unit of what","answer":"distance","money":1000},
{"question":"A parthenophobic has a fear of","answer":"virgins","money":1000},
{"question":"A penny whistle has ____ finger holes","answer":"six","money":1000},
{"question":"A period of five years","answer":"quinquennium","money":1000},
{"question":"A person 100 or more years old","answer":"centenarian","money":1000},
{"question":"A person at his wit's end is said to be losing his what","answer":"marbles","money":1000},
{"question":"A person at rest generates as much heat as a ____ -watt light bulb","answer":"10","money":1000},
{"question":"A person breathes ____ quarts of air every minute","answer":"seven","money":1000},
{"question":"A person employed to drive a car","answer":"chauffeur","money":1000},
{"question":"A person in his eighties is called a(n) ____","answer":"octogenarian","money":1000},
{"question":"A person learning a trade by working for an agreed period","answer":"apprentice","money":1000},
{"question":"A person living in solitude","answer":"hermit","money":1000},
{"question":"A person or animal lacking pigment in skin hair and eyes","answer":"albino","money":1000},
{"question":"A person putting a lot of effort into a task is said to be using","answer":"elbow grease","money":1000},
{"question":"A person refusing to join a strike","answer":"blackleg","money":1000},
{"question":"A person suffering from polythelia has 3 ____","answer":"nipples","money":1000},
{"question":"A person walking before a person of rank","answer":"usher","money":1000},
{"question":"A person who believes that the existence of God is not provable","answer":"agnostic","money":1000},
{"question":"A person who deliberately sets fire to property","answer":"arsonist","money":1000},
{"question":"A person who eats only fruit","answer":"fruitarian","money":1000},
{"question":"A person who sells fruit etc. from a barrow","answer":"costermonger","money":1000},
{"question":"a person who speaks faroese most likely lives in this country","answer":"denmark","money":1000},
{"question":"A person who translates orally from one language to another","answer":"interpreter","money":1000},
{"question":"A person who works with iron","answer":"blacksmith","money":1000},
{"question":"A person will die in approximately 10 days without what","answer":"sleep","money":1000},
{"question":"A person with a strong desire to steal is a","answer":"kleptomaniac","money":1000},
{"question":"A person with refined taste in food and drink","answer":"epicure","money":1000},
{"question":"A persuasive or flattering person is said to have the gift of what","answer":"the gab","money":1000},
{"question":"A pharmacological cure all is called a ____","answer":"panacea","money":1000},
{"question":"A phon is a unit of what","answer":"loudness","money":1000},
{"question":"A photic sneeze is caused by ____","answer":"sunlight","money":1000},
{"question":"A piece of soft leather from sheep or goats","answer":"chamois","money":1000},
{"question":"A pig always sleeps on its ____ side","answer":"right","money":1000},
{"question":"A pig's ____ last for 30 minutes","answer":"orgasms","money":1000},
{"question":"A pig's penis is shaped like a","answer":"corkscrew","money":1000},
{"question":"A pigs penis is shaped like what","answer":"corkscrew","money":1000},
{"question":"A pigs snout is called a","answer":"gruntle","money":1000},
{"question":"A pin-up photo of ____ adorned the first test bomb dropped on Bikini atoll in the Marshall Islands in July 1946","answer":"rita Hayworth","money":1000},
{"question":"A pit filled with rubble or gravel into which water is drained","answer":"soakaway","money":1000},
{"question":"A pita is a type of what","answer":"bread","money":1000},
{"question":"A plant allied to the thistle with a partly edible flower","answer":"artichoke","money":1000},
{"question":"A plant produced by crossing different species is know as what","answer":"a hybrid","money":1000},
{"question":"A plant that completes its entire life cycle in just one year is generally referred to as a(n):","answer":"annual","money":1000},
{"question":"A play by Lillian Hellman about hatred and greed in a southern family","answer":"little foxes","money":1000},
{"question":"A poem of fourteen lines is called a ____","answer":"sonnet","money":1000},
{"question":"A poem written to celebrate a ____ is called a epithalamium","answer":"wedding","money":1000},
{"question":"A poem written to celebrate a wedding is called a(n) ____","answer":"epithalamium","money":1000},
{"question":"A polar bear's skin is black. Its fur is not white, but actually","answer":"clear","money":1000},
{"question":"A poll taken shows that between 74 and 94 percent of workers in the United States and Canada take 5 to 15 minutes daily for a ____","answer":"morning coffee break","money":1000},
{"question":"A poltroon is a(n) ____","answer":"coward","money":1000},
{"question":"A pommel is part of a what","answer":"saddle","money":1000},
{"question":"A popular climbing plant with sweet smelling flowers","answer":"sweet pea","money":1000},
{"question":"A pork product that's often served for breakfast","answer":"bacon","money":1000},
{"question":"A poster depicting lord kitchener pointing outwards stated what message","answer":"your country needs you","money":1000},
{"question":"A potent alcoholic drink from aniseed","answer":"ouzo","money":1000},
{"question":"A pound of armadillo meat contains how many calories","answer":"780 calories","money":1000},
{"question":"A powerful tractor with a curved blade at the front used for clearing ground","answer":"bulldozer","money":1000},
{"question":"A pregnant goldfish is called a","answer":"twit","money":1000},
{"question":"A prostitute with wealthy or upper class connections","answer":"courtesan","money":1000},
{"question":"A pudding of stewed fruit under bread","answer":"charlotte","money":1000},
{"question":"A punishment by caning on the soles of the feet","answer":"bastinado","money":1000},
{"question":"A quarter of russia is covered by ____","answer":"forest","money":1000},
{"question":"A racing sledge steered and braked mechanically","answer":"bobsleigh","money":1000},
{"question":"A radian is a unit used to measure what","answer":"angle","money":1000},
{"question":"A rainbow can only occur when the sun is ____ degrees or less above the horizon","answer":"forty","money":1000},
{"question":"A rare or unusual object","answer":"curio","money":1000},
{"question":"A rat can last longer without ____ than a camel","answer":"water","money":1000},
{"question":"A rat can last longer without water than a ____","answer":"camel","money":1000},
{"question":"A recent Gallup poll shows that ____ percent of Americans believe they will go somewhere after death","answer":"69","money":1000},
{"question":"A recent Gallup Poll Social Audit on gambling showed that ____ percent of Americans have bought a lottery ticket in the last 12 months, making lotteries by far the favorite choice of gamblers","answer":"57","money":1000},
{"question":"A recent Gallup survey showed that in the United States, 8 percent of kissers kept their eyes open, but more than ____ percent confessed to an occasional peek. Forty-one percent said they experienced their first serious smooch when they were 13, 14, or 15 years old; 36 percent between the ages of 16 and 21","answer":"twenty","money":1000},
{"question":"A recent study conducted by the Shyness Clinic in Menlo Park, California, revealed that almost 90 percent of Americans label themselves as ____","answer":"shy","money":1000},
{"question":"A red-haired man is more likely to go ____ than anyone else","answer":"bald","money":1000},
{"question":"A research scientist is sometimes called this","answer":"boffin","money":1000},
{"question":"A Rhinologist specialises in the human","answer":"nose","money":1000},
{"question":"A rich deep red colour","answer":"crimson","money":1000},
{"question":"A riddle or a hard question","answer":"conundrum","money":1000},
{"question":"A river that runs through the Himalayas,Tibet and NE India joining the Ganges at its delta in Bangladesh","answer":"brahmaputra","money":1000},
{"question":"A robin's egg is blue, but if you put it in vinegar for thirty days, what color does it turn","answer":"yellow","money":1000},
{"question":"A roman city buried by a volcano in AD79 was rediscovered in the 1700s, what was its name","answer":"pompeii","money":1000},
{"question":"A rubiks cube has how many colored squares?","answer":"54","money":1000},
{"question":"A rune is a letter of what ancient alphabet","answer":"germanic","money":1000},
{"question":"A Russian person famous as a horseman","answer":"cossack","money":1000},
{"question":"A sadhu is a holy man in which country","answer":"india","money":1000},
{"question":"A sailor who has not yet crossed the equator is referred to by what name","answer":"pollywog","money":1000},
{"question":"A salad containing diced apple, celery, walnuts and mayonnaise is known as what","answer":"waldorf salad","money":1000},
{"question":"A salt enema used to be given to children to rid them of ____","answer":"threadworms","money":1000},
{"question":"A Saudi Arabian woman can get a divorce if her husband doesnt give her what","answer":"coffee","money":1000},
{"question":"A Saudi Arabian women can get a divorce if her ____ doesn't give her coffee","answer":"husband","money":1000},
{"question":"A scholar who studies the ____ de Sade is called a Sadian not a Sadist","answer":"marquis","money":1000},
{"question":"A scholar who studies the Marquis de Sade is called a ____ not a Sadist","answer":"sadian","money":1000},
{"question":"A scholar who studies the Marquis de Sade is called a Sadian not a ____","answer":"sadist","money":1000},
{"question":"A scholar who studies the Marquis de Sade is called a what","answer":"sadian","money":1000},
{"question":"A scroll is the symbol for which muse","answer":"clio","money":1000},
{"question":"A sea wasp can kill a human in less than a minute, what kind of creature is it","answer":"jellyfish","money":1000},
{"question":"A sea with many islands","answer":"archipelago","money":1000},
{"question":"A series of 15 radioactive elements in the periodic table (periodic law) with atomic numbers 89 through 103","answer":"actinide series","money":1000},
{"question":"A severe skin abscess or a bright red jewel","answer":"carbuncle","money":1000},
{"question":"A shadow of a four-dimensional object would have ____ dimensions","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"A shallow dish with a cover, used for science specimens is a(n) ____","answer":"petri dish","money":1000},
{"question":"A shark must keep ____ ____ to stay alive","answer":"moving forward","money":1000},
{"question":"A ship due to leave port flies a 'Blue Peter'. What does the flag look like","answer":"blue rectangle with a white rectangular centre","money":1000},
{"question":"A ships officer in charge of equipment and crew","answer":"boatswain","money":1000},
{"question":"A short legged hunting dog","answer":"basset","money":1000},
{"question":"A short thick post used for securing ropes on a quay","answer":"bollard","money":1000},
{"question":"A short womens jacket without fastenings","answer":"bolero","money":1000},
{"question":"A short, traditionally sacred choral composition","answer":"motet","money":1000},
{"question":"A shy retiring person is known as a shrinking what","answer":"violet","money":1000},
{"question":"A silicate mineral, heat resistant and insulating","answer":"asbestos","money":1000},
{"question":"A similar earlier event is known as a","answer":"precedent","money":1000},
{"question":"A simple form of slide projector","answer":"image lantern","money":1000},
{"question":"A single sheeps ____ might well contain as many as 26 million fibres","answer":"fleece","money":1000},
{"question":"A single sheeps fleece might well contain as many as ____ million fibres","answer":"26","money":1000},
{"question":"A sizable ____ tree, during the typical growing season, gives off 28,000 gallons of moisture","answer":"oak","money":1000},
{"question":"A sizable oak tree, during the typical growing season, gives off ____ gallons of moisture","answer":"28,000","money":1000},
{"question":"A sloth can move ____ as fast in water as it can on land","answer":"twice","money":1000},
{"question":"A small atmospheric vortex that comes from surface heating is known as what","answer":"dust devil","money":1000},
{"question":"A small computer introduced in 1975 by micro instrumentation telemetry systems of new mexico","answer":"altair 8800","money":1000},
{"question":"A small crown","answer":"coronet","money":1000},
{"question":"A small herring or sprat","answer":"brisling","money":1000},
{"question":"A small hound used for hunting hares","answer":"beagle","money":1000},
{"question":"A small informal restaurant","answer":"bistro","money":1000},
{"question":"A small narrow headband","answer":"bandeau","money":1000},
{"question":"A small naval escort vessel","answer":"corvette","money":1000},
{"question":"A small pickled cucumber","answer":"gherkin","money":1000},
{"question":"A small shop selling fashionable clothes","answer":"boutique","money":1000},
{"question":"A small village without a church","answer":"hamlet","money":1000},
{"question":"A small working boat rigged with a four sided sail, bent and hoisted on a yard","answer":"lugger","money":1000},
{"question":"A smurf is this tall","answer":"3 apples","money":1000},
{"question":"A snail can sleep for ____ years","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"A snail takes ____ hours to crawl one mile","answer":"33","money":1000},
{"question":"A snail takes 33 hours to crawl ____ mile","answer":"one","money":1000},
{"question":"A sneeze can travel as fast as ____ miles per hour","answer":"100","money":1000},
{"question":"A sneeze travels out your mouth at over ____ m.p.h","answer":"100","money":1000},
{"question":"A snooker game needs how many balls","answer":"22","money":1000},
{"question":"A soft smooth cheese similar to yoghurt is known as","answer":"fromage frais","money":1000},
{"question":"A soft toffee like sweet","answer":"fudge","money":1000},
{"question":"A solvent used to dilute paint or varnish","answer":"thinners","money":1000},
{"question":"A South African monkey was once awarded a medal and promoted to the rank of ____ during World War I","answer":"corporal","money":1000},
{"question":"A spanish bullfighter is also known as","answer":"toreador","money":1000},
{"question":"A Spanish country estate is known as a ____","answer":"hacienda","money":1000},
{"question":"A spanish-american farm worker is called a what","answer":"peon","money":1000},
{"question":"A species of ____ in Australia grows up to 10 feet in length","answer":"earthworm","money":1000},
{"question":"A species of earthworm in australia grows up to ____ feet in length","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"A spice from which root is used to give food a yellow colour","answer":"turmeric","money":1000},
{"question":"A spider is a member of the phylum Arthropoda. What class does it belong to","answer":"Arachnida","money":1000},
{"question":"A spool or reel for thread","answer":"bobbin","money":1000},
{"question":"A square mile of fertile ____ has 32,000,000 earthworms in it","answer":"earth","money":1000},
{"question":"A square mile of fertile earth has ____ earthworms in it","answer":"32,000,000","money":1000},
{"question":"A squirrel cannot contract or carry the ____ virus","answer":"rabies","money":1000},
{"question":"A standard ____ is 7'8 x 3'2 x 6","answer":"grave","money":1000},
{"question":"A standard 747 Jumbo Jet has ____ seats","answer":"420","money":1000},
{"question":"A standard coat hanger is forty-four inches long if____","answer":"straightened","money":1000},
{"question":"A stanza or verse of a poem","answer":"stave","money":1000},
{"question":"A starfish can turn its ____ inside out","answer":"stomach","money":1000},
{"question":"A statement made by placing your hand on a bible","answer":"oath","money":1000},
{"question":"A steep rugged rock","answer":"crag","money":1000},
{"question":"A stitch in time saves ____","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"A stock with a par value of per share is known as what","answer":"quarter stock","money":1000},
{"question":"A story by Edgar Allan Poe...Fall of the...","answer":"House of Usher","money":1000},
{"question":"A story by Hans Andersen \"The...","answer":"Ugly Duckling","money":1000},
{"question":"A story of ones own life","answer":"autobiography","money":1000},
{"question":"A stream may disappear down a sink-hole, by what other name is this known","answer":"swallow hole","money":1000},
{"question":"A strong twilled cloth often used for raincoats","answer":"gaberdine","money":1000},
{"question":"A study by researcher Frank Hu and the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who snore are at an increased risk of high blood pressure and ____","answer":"cardiovascular disease","money":1000},
{"question":"A Study in Scarlet was the first novel to feature which literary character","answer":"sherlock holmes","money":1000},
{"question":"A study of physics and chemistry of celestial bodies","answer":"astrophysics","money":1000},
{"question":"A stupa is a shrine to the memory of whom","answer":"buddha","money":1000},
{"question":"A sufferer of leukemia has too many ____","answer":"leukocytes","money":1000},
{"question":"A sugar with the formula C12H22O11, belonging to the group of carbohydrates known as disaccharides (sugar)","answer":"sucrose","money":1000},
{"question":"A summary of the plot of a play,film etc with details of characters scenes etc","answer":"scenario","money":1000},
{"question":"A summer house giving a view","answer":"gazebo","money":1000},
{"question":"A sumptuous formal dinner","answer":"banquet","money":1000},
{"question":"A super-fast data link between your PC & devices such as digital cameras","answer":"firewire","money":1000},
{"question":"A supernova star is known to astronomers as a what","answer":"pulsar","money":1000},
{"question":"A suspended bed of canvas or netting","answer":"hammock","money":1000},
{"question":"A synthetic material first developed in the thirties","answer":"nylon","money":1000},
{"question":"A tagged bird of this species flew the greatest known distance for a bird. (22,500 km)","answer":"arctic tern","money":1000},
{"question":"A technique by which patients monitor their own bodily functions in an attempt to alter those functions","answer":"bio feedback","money":1000},
{"question":"A Ten pound note depicts a scene from which Dickens novel","answer":"pickwick papers","money":1000},
{"question":"A ten-gallon hat holds 3/4 gallon or ____ quarts","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"A terrapin is a type of ____","answer":"turtle","money":1000},
{"question":"A theory emerged in 2011 that was famous painting was actually inspired by the artist's male apprentice?","answer":"Mona Lisa","money":1000},
{"question":"A thick revolving cylinder for winding cables","answer":"capstan","money":1000},
{"question":"A thoroughgoing & complete republican might be called a dyed-in-the... republican","answer":"wool","money":1000},
{"question":"A tincture of opium, was a common sedative in Victorian times","answer":"laudanum","money":1000},
{"question":"A tool with screw point for boring holes in wood","answer":"auger","money":1000},
{"question":"A toothpick is the object most often ____ on by Americans","answer":"choked","money":1000},
{"question":"A tornado at sea is called a ____","answer":"waterspout","money":1000},
{"question":"A total of 1,670 people died in a theatre fire in china in what year","answer":"1845","money":1000},
{"question":"A town is not a city until it has a ____","answer":"cathedral","money":1000},
{"question":"A trained fighter in ancient Rome","answer":"gladiator","money":1000},
{"question":"A tropical house lizzard","answer":"gecko","money":1000},
{"question":"A tufty, velvet cord or yarn used for embroidery and trimmings","answer":"chenille","money":1000},
{"question":"A turkey's furcula better known as a","answer":"wishbone","money":1000},
{"question":"A two-bit moon is in its ____ quarter","answer":"first","money":1000},
{"question":"A type of musical instrument turned by hand","answer":"hurdy-gurdy","money":1000},
{"question":"A type of windsurfing board that is less stable but faster than the standard one","answer":"funboard","money":1000},
{"question":"A typhoon struck which island in japan in 1934, killing 4,000 people","answer":"honshu","money":1000},
{"question":"A typical American eats ____ pigs in his/her lifetime","answer":"28","money":1000},
{"question":"A typical American eats how many pigs in his/her lifetime","answer":"28","money":1000},
{"question":"A typical bed usually houses over how many dust mites","answer":"6 billion","money":1000},
{"question":"A typical double mattress contains as many as ____ house dust mites","answer":"2 million","money":1000},
{"question":"A u-shaped bend in a river is called a(n)...","answer":"oxbow","money":1000},
{"question":"A U.S. dime is worth ____ cents","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"A uk no 1 record","answer":"louis armstrong","money":1000},
{"question":"A Varsovian lives in which city","answer":"warsaw","money":1000},
{"question":"A vehicle carrying a toxic substance is required to display a sign showing what symbol","answer":"skull and crossbones","money":1000},
{"question":"A very tall center and a real ladies man","answer":"wilt the stilt","money":1000},
{"question":"A vest in America is which garment","answer":"waistcoat","money":1000},
{"question":"A vicious one of these is a series of reactions that compound an initial problem","answer":"circle","money":1000},
{"question":"A Victoria Cross is struck from gun metal of Russian cannons captured at which battle","answer":"sebastopol","money":1000},
{"question":"A Virginia law requires all ____ to be kept out in the yards, not inside the house","answer":"bathtubs","money":1000},
{"question":"A volunteer cavalry force merged into the Territorial army in 1907","answer":"Yeomanry","money":1000},
{"question":"A wading bird with long upturned bill","answer":"avocet","money":1000},
{"question":"A walk in the park name the group","answer":"nick straker band","money":1000},
{"question":"A waste of time in frivolous action","answer":"dalliance","money":1000},
{"question":"A waterproof over shoe","answer":"galosh","money":1000},
{"question":"A well in which water rises through natural pressure","answer":"artesian","money":1000},
{"question":"A welt, a vamp, a tongue and a quarter can all be found on which object","answer":"a shoe","money":1000},
{"question":"A wheel turns or spins on an ____","answer":"axle","money":1000},
{"question":"A white mtallic element","answer":"barium","money":1000},
{"question":"A wide annual ring in a tree indicates","answer":"good health","money":1000},
{"question":"A wild ox","answer":"bison","money":1000},
{"question":"A wind with a speed of ____ miles or more is designated a hurricane","answer":"74","money":1000},
{"question":"A wind with a speed of 74 miles or more is designated as a what","answer":"hurricane","money":1000},
{"question":"A woman described as a Magdalene in the 17th Century was a repentant what","answer":"prostitute","money":1000},
{"question":"A woman from Worcestershire, England did this every day for 977 consecutive days","answer":"sneezed","money":1000},
{"question":"A woman never forgets the man who remembers, was the 1950's advertising slogan for what brand of chocolates","answer":"Whitman's Chocolates","money":1000},
{"question":"A woman with dark hair","answer":"brunette","money":1000},
{"question":"A woman's heart beats ____ than a man's","answer":"faster","money":1000},
{"question":"A woodchuck breathes only ____ times during hibernation","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"A woodchuck breathes only ____ times in hibernation","answer":"10","money":1000},
{"question":"A woodchuck breathes only ____ times in hibernation","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"A woven fabric with raised pattern","answer":"brocade","money":1000},
{"question":"A writer of dictionaries is known as a","answer":"Lexicographer","money":1000},
{"question":"A written acknowledgement of the payment of money for goods, work done etc","answer":"receipt","money":1000},
{"question":"A yarmulka is a skullcap worn by followers of which religion","answer":"judaism","money":1000},
{"question":"A young horse or related animal","answer":"foal","money":1000},
{"question":"A young Spanish lady is called a what?","answer":"Senorita","money":1000},
{"question":"A young unmarried woman","answer":"damsel","money":1000},
{"question":"A____ measures blood pressure","answer":"sphygmomanometer","money":1000},
{"question":"A-1 Steak Sauce contains both orange ____ and raisins","answer":"peels","money":1000},
{"question":"A-1 Steak Sauce contains both orange peels and ____","answer":"raisins","money":1000},
{"question":"A(n) ____ is a person bound for a number of years to a master who undertakes to instruct him","answer":"apprentice","money":1000},
{"question":"Aarchie moore, was world champion in what sport from 1952 1962","answer":"boxing","money":1000},
{"question":"Aaron died on mount ____","answer":"hor","money":1000},
{"question":"Abba Hits","answer":"Dancing Queen","money":1000},
{"question":"Abdul-jabbar what does 'alma mater' mean","answer":"bountiful mother","money":1000},
{"question":"Ability to move objects with mind power","answer":"telekinesis","money":1000},
{"question":"Able to be decomposed by bacteria or other living organisms","answer":"biodegradable","money":1000},
{"question":"About ____ babies are born worldwide every minute","answer":"200","money":1000},
{"question":"About ____ cars are junked each year in the U.S","answer":"7 million","money":1000},
{"question":"About ____ of Americans who go to college do it just to make more money","answer":"70%","money":1000},
{"question":"About ____ percent of all male Americans between the ages of 10 and 15 were \"gainfully employed\" at the turn of the century. By 1970, so few in that age bracket were employed that the U.S. Census Bureau did not bother to make inquiries about them","answer":"25","money":1000},
{"question":"About ____ percent of American households buy yellow mustard every year","answer":"70","money":1000},
{"question":"About ____ years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were 30","answer":"300","money":1000},
{"question":"About 10% of the worlds population is what","answer":"left handed","money":1000},
{"question":"About 24 percent of alcoholics die in accidents, falls, fires, and ____","answer":"suicides","money":1000},
{"question":"About 24 percent of American adults say they have participated, at some time or another, in illegal ____","answer":"gambling","money":1000},
{"question":"About 60 miles n.w of what mountain is the geographic center of alaska","answer":"mount mckinley","money":1000},
{"question":"About 60 percent of all American babies are named after ____","answer":"close relatives","money":1000},
{"question":"About 70% of all living organisms in the world are","answer":"bacteria","money":1000},
{"question":"About 70% of Americans who go to ____ do it just to make more money","answer":"college","money":1000},
{"question":"About a third of all americans flush the toilet while they're","answer":"still sitting on it","money":1000},
{"question":"About a third of Americans ____ while they are still sitting on the toilet","answer":"flush","money":1000},
{"question":"About half of all Americans are on a ____ on any given day","answer":"diet","money":1000},
{"question":"About how many hairs does an average healthy scalp shed in 24 hours","answer":"sixty five","money":1000},
{"question":"About how many miles separate the U S & Cuba","answer":"90","money":1000},
{"question":"About one third of American adults are at least ____ percent above their recommended weight","answer":"20","money":1000},
{"question":"About one-tenth of the earth's surface is permanently covered with ____","answer":"ice","money":1000},
{"question":"About what did john cleese \"wish to register a complaint\"","answer":"dead parrot","money":1000},
{"question":"About what was michael jackson's song 'ben'","answer":"rodent","money":1000},
{"question":"About what year was the first steam ship built","answer":"1787","money":1000},
{"question":"About which family are the 'godfather' films","answer":"corleone","money":1000},
{"question":"About which London politician was it said in March 200 - The ego has landed","answer":"ken livingstone","money":1000},
{"question":"About which Prime Minister was it said \"A modest little man with much to be modest about\"","answer":"clement attlee","money":1000},
{"question":"About which Prime Minister was it said \"He could never see a belt without hitting below it\"","answer":"lloyd george","money":1000},
{"question":"Abraham Lincoln was shot with a","answer":"derringer","money":1000},
{"question":"Absolutely pure ____ is so soft that it can be molded with the hands","answer":"gold","money":1000},
{"question":"Acadia was the original name of what","answer":"nova scotia","money":1000},
{"question":"According to ____ 1:20-22, the chicken came before the egg","answer":"genesis","money":1000},
{"question":"According to a 1990 survey, what are there three of to every person in Wales","answer":"sheep","money":1000},
{"question":"According to a 1995 poll, 1 out of 10 people admitted that they will buy an outfit intending to wear it once and ____","answer":"return it","money":1000},
{"question":"According to a Gallup poll, 11 percent of the U.S. population believes in ____ and other supernatural entities","answer":"ghosts","money":1000},
{"question":"According to a poll, ____ percent of those responding admitted that they had falsely called in sick to get a day off from work","answer":"58","money":1000},
{"question":"According to a poll, only 29 percent of married couples agree on most ____","answer":"political issues","money":1000},
{"question":"According to a recent poll, 39 percent of the people interviewed admitted that they snoop in their host's ____","answer":"medicine cabinets","money":1000},
{"question":"According to a recent study, there are more than ____ art galleries in Scottsdale, Arizona, which, surprisingly, exceeds the number in either Los Angeles or San Francisco","answer":"100","money":1000},
{"question":"According to a recent survey among women, what is the least favorite part of the male body","answer":"feet","money":1000},
{"question":"According to a recent survey, ____ percent of people who play the car radio while driving also sing along with it","answer":"75","money":1000},
{"question":"According to advertising data, nearly 80 percent of Japanese ads use celebrities, the majority being local stars. Of foreign celebrities, the most popular in 1996 were noodle pitchman Arnold Schwarzenegger and whiskey endorser ____","answer":"steven spielberg","money":1000},
{"question":"According to arthurian legend, what did king arthur receive as a dowry","answer":"the round table","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Bayer Aspirin(r), over ____ aspirin tablets are taken worldwide each year","answer":"fifty billion","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Benjamin Disraeli, what is the third, & worst kind of lie","answer":"statistics","money":1000},
{"question":"According to bing crosby, 'whenever it rains, it rains ____'","answer":"pennies from heaven","money":1000},
{"question":"According to bonnie tyler, what hits you when it's too late","answer":"heartache","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Dr. Johnson, what should be well sliced, dressed with pepper and vinegar, and then thrown out as good for nothing","answer":"cucumber","money":1000},
{"question":"According to elton john, what were we hoppin' and boppin' to","answer":"crocodile rock","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Enrico Caruso, \"It is a good fruit. You eat, you drink, and you wash your face\". What fruit was he talking about","answer":"watermelon","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Espen Lind when ____ cries, she cries a rain storm, she cries a river she cries a hole in the ground","answer":"susannah","money":1000},
{"question":"According to experts, 30 percent of all marriages occur because of ____","answer":"friendship","money":1000},
{"question":"According to folklore a windy christmas means ____","answer":"good fortune","money":1000},
{"question":"According to folklore, how does santa get into houses on christmas eve","answer":"down the chimney","money":1000},
{"question":"According to folklore, what does the Sandman help children to do","answer":"sleep","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Genesis 1:20-22, the ____ came before the egg","answer":"chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the ____","answer":"egg","money":1000},
{"question":"According to german researchers, the risk of heart attack is highest on what day of the week","answer":"monday","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Hallmark(r), the average person receives ____ birthday cards annually","answer":"eight","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Hindu mythology which legendary mountain in the centre of the world was the abode of Indra the god of the sky","answer":"mount meru","money":1000},
{"question":"According to his biography, when was humphrey bogart born","answer":"december 25, 1899","money":1000},
{"question":"According to his nazi dossier, what color are Rick's eyes in Casablanca","answer":"brown","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Hollywood lore, this 2007 Eddie Murphy flop ruined his chances of winning an Oscar for \"Dreamgirls\".","answer":"Norbit","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Homer, what is a feline?","answer":"An Elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"According to hospital figures, dogs bite an average of ____ Americans a year","answer":"one million","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Jan and Dean, who is \"the terror of Colorado Boulevard\"","answer":"Little Old Lady from Pasadena ","money":1000},
{"question":"According to John Aubrey's Brief Lives , what card game did the English poet, Sir John Suckling, invent in 1630","answer":"cribbage","money":1000},
{"question":"According to legend, the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 was started by what","answer":"A cow","money":1000},
{"question":"According to legend, what was the name of Paul Bunyan's blue ox","answer":"Babe","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Lenny and Homer, what is the bear driving around in the little car called?","answer":"Ballet ","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Louis Macneice in his poem Sunday Morning, what part of a man expands to tinker with his car","answer":"his heart","money":1000},
{"question":"According to mens health magazine, what does the average man do 12 to 20 times a day","answer":"break wind","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Mindy Simmons, what is Capitol City's nickname?","answer":"The Windy Apple","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Moe, where is Herman's counterfeit jean operation being held?","answer":"Homer's Car hole ","money":1000},
{"question":"According to noel coward, who 'go out in the mid-day sun'","answer":"mad dogs and englishmen","money":1000},
{"question":"According to one poll, 60 percent of the men surveyed admitted that they ____ in public","answer":"spit","money":1000},
{"question":"According to one source, about 66 percent of magazines found tossed along U.S. roadsides are ____","answer":"pornographic","money":1000},
{"question":"According to one study, ____ of lawns have some sort of lawn ornament","answer":"24%","money":1000},
{"question":"According to randy newman - who has no reason to live","answer":"short people","money":1000},
{"question":"According to rod stewart he knows secrets about someone in high society. who is it","answer":"baby jane","money":1000},
{"question":"According to roy orbison you have to pick up your feet, you've got a deadline to meet, because you're ____","answer":"working for the man","money":1000},
{"question":"According to roy orbison, 'you know one could look as good as ____'","answer":"pretty woman","money":1000},
{"question":"According to roy orbison, he's 'saving nickels and dimes and looking forward to happier times on ____'","answer":"blue bayou","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Says Law of Markets what does a rise in the supply of goods produce","answer":"an increase in demand","money":1000},
{"question":"According to suicide statistics, ____ is the favored day for self-destruction","answer":"monday","money":1000},
{"question":"According to superstition, what are you supposed to do when you see a lone magpie","answer":"salute it","money":1000},
{"question":"According to superstition, what do you do when you stub the toes on your right foot","answer":"make a wish","money":1000},
{"question":"According to superstition, what do you make when you stub the toes on your right foot","answer":"A wish","money":1000},
{"question":"According to suppliers, ____ is by far the favorite ink color in dabbers used by bingo players","answer":"purple","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the Acts of the Apostles, from where did Christ's Ascension into Heaven take place","answer":"the mount of olives","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the ancient Chinese, swinging your arms cures ____ pain","answer":"headache","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the Duff Brewery Tour guide, what had a batch of Duff beer been contaminated with? (Duffless)","answer":"Strychnine ","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the famous proverb, where should you not \"look a gift horse\"","answer":"in the mouth","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source for ____ to the world","answer":"diamonds","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the Goofball, who is a mascot's best friend?","answer":"Henry Mancini","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the Journal of American Medical Association, as of 1998, more than 100,000 Americans die annually from adverse reactions to ____","answer":"prescription drugs","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the New York Times, what is currently the most popular aphrodisiac","answer":"asparagus","money":1000},
{"question":"according to the nursery rhyme what does a sneeze on Wednesday signify","answer":"a letter","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the nursery rhyme which bush do we go round on a cold and frosty morning","answer":"mulberry","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the nursery rhyme, how many miles is it to Babylon","answer":"three score and ten","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the nursery rhyme, who killed Cock Robin","answer":"the sparrow","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the proverb you should strike what while it?s hot","answer":"the iron","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the proverb, what should not be washed in public","answer":"dirty linen","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the results of the 2010 census, what is the approximate population of the United States?","answer":"309 million","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the rhyme, which day's child has far to go","answer":"thursday","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the rhyme, which day's child is full of grace","answer":"tuesday","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the saying , what causes shepherd's delight","answer":"red sky at night","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the saying where does charity begin","answer":"at home","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the saying, if silence is golden, what is silver","answer":"speech","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the saying, what does a stitch in time save","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the saying, what speak louder than words","answer":"actions","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the song, in which city was 'The House of the Rising Sun'","answer":"new orleans","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the song, where does it never rain","answer":"southern california","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the title of a famous novel, there are how many 'Years of Solitude","answer":"one hundred","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, two out of five women in America ____","answer":"dye their hair","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the U.S. government, people have tried more than 28,000 different ways to lose ____","answer":"weight","money":1000},
{"question":"According to the world of astronomy, what was the 'big bang' responsible for creating","answer":"universe","money":1000},
{"question":"According to tradition, which animals desert a sinking ship","answer":"rats","money":1000},
{"question":"According to u.s. law, what may not be granted on a useless invention, on a method of doing business, on mere printed matter, or on a device or machine that will not operate","answer":"patent","money":1000},
{"question":"According to Willy, who created colored chalk?","answer":"Lucifer","money":1000},
{"question":"Accumulation of dust and gas into larger bodies such as stars, planets and moons","answer":"accretion ","money":1000},
{"question":"Acetylsalicylic acid is the active ingredient in which well known drug","answer":"aspirin","money":1000},
{"question":"Acknowledged to be the greek god of medicine","answer":"asclepius","money":1000},
{"question":"Ackroyed How many Jews were saved on Schindler's List","answer":"1,100","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: A/S/L?","answer":"age/sex/location?","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: AA","answer":"alcholics anonymous","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ABM","answer":"anti-ballistic missile","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ACK","answer":"acknowledgement","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ACRONYM","answer":"abbreviated coded rendition of name yielding meaning","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: AFAIK","answer":"as far as i know","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: AFK","answer":"away from the keyboard","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: AI","answer":"artificial intelligence","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: AKA","answer":"also known as","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: AOL","answer":"america on line","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: API","answer":"application program interface","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ASAP","answer":"as soon as possible","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ASCII","answer":"american standard code for information interchange","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ATM","answer":"at the moment","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ATTN","answer":"attention","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: AU","answer":"australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: AVG","answer":"average","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: B/C","answer":"because","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: B4","answer":"before","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: BAFTA","answer":"British Academy of Film & Televison","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: BBIAB","answer":"be back in a bit","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: BBL","answer":"be back later","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: better known as MSG, it is often used to flavor frozen foods","answer":"monosodium glutamate","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: BF","answer":"boy friend","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: BRO","answer":"brother","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: BSOD","answer":"blue screen of death","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: BST","answer":"british summer time","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: BYOB","answer":"bring your own booze","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: C/O","answer":"care of","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: C&P","answer":"copy & paste","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: commonly called DNA, what is its full name","answer":"Deoxyribonucleic acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: commonly called RNA, what is its full name","answer":"Ribonucleic Acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: cricket's lbw:","answer":"leg before wicket","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: DNS","answer":"domain name system","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: DOA","answer":"dead on arrival","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: DOB","answer":"date of birth","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: DOS","answer":"disk operating system","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: Dr","answer":"doctor","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: EEG stands for ____","answer":"electroencephalogram","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: energy-carrying molecule, usually abbreviated ATP","answer":"Adenosine Triphosphate","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ETA","answer":"estimated time of arrival","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: FAQ","answer":"frequently asked question","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: FLOTUS","answer":"first lady of the united states","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: FTL","answer":"faster than light","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: FTP","answer":"file transfer protocol","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: G2G","answer":"got to go","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: GA","answer":"go ahead","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: GF","answer":"girlfriend","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: GIF","answer":"graphical interchange format","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: GIGO","answer":"garbage in garbage out","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: GJ","answer":"good job","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: GL","answer":"good luck","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: GTG","answer":"got to go","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: H8","answer":"hate","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: HHGTTG","answer":"hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ID","answer":"identification","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: IMHO","answer":"in my humble opinion","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: In the computing acronym BASIC what does the B stand for","answer":"beginners","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: In the military world, EGADS is an acronym for","answer":"electronic ground automatic destruct system","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: Inc","answer":"incorporated","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: IOU","answer":"i owe you","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: IOW","answer":"in other words","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: IP","answer":"internet protocol","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: IRC","answer":"internet relay chat","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: IRL","answer":"in real life","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ISDN","answer":"integrated services digital network","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ISP","answer":"internet service provider","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ISTR","answer":"i seem to remember","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: IT","answer":"information technology","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: JPEG","answer":"joint photographic experts group","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: Jr","answer":"junior","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: JVC","answer":"japan victor company","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: KISS","answer":"keep it simple stupid","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: LAN","answer":"local area network","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: LoTR","answer":"lord of the rings","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: M8","answer":"mate","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: MBR","answer":"master boot record","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: Microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, a device that amplifies or generates microwaves or radio waves","answer":"maser","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: MICV","answer":"Mechanized infantry combat vehicle","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: MIME","answer":"multi-purpose internet mail extensions","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: MMX","answer":"multi-media extensions","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: MOTD","answer":"message of the day","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: MPH","answer":"miles per hour","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: MUD","answer":"multi-user dungeon/domain","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: NE1","answer":"anyone","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: OD","answer":"overdose","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: OMG","answer":"oh my god","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: On irc, what does a/s/l mean","answer":"age/sex/location","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: PDA","answer":"public display of affection","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: PDN","answer":"public data network","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: PLS","answer":"please","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: PLZ","answer":"please","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: POTUS","answer":"president of the united states","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: POV","answer":"point of view","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: PPL","answer":"people","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: PPP","answer":"point-to-point protocol","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: PS","answer":"post script","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: QUANTAS, what does it stand for","answer":"queensland and northern territory aerial services","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: Quasi-stellar radio source, any of the blue, starlike objects that are strong radio emitters and the spectra of what exhibit a strong red shift","answer":"quasar","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROFL","answer":"rolling on floor laughing","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROFLMHO","answer":"rolling on floor laughing my head off","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROFLOL","answer":"rolling on floor laughing out loud","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROFLUTS","answer":"rolling on floor laughing unable to speak","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROFLWPIMP","answer":"rolling on floor laughing whilst peeing in my pants","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROM","answer":"Read only memory","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROTBA","answer":"reality on the blink again","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROTF","answer":"rolling on the floor","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROTFL","answer":"rolling on the floor laughing","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROTFLAS","answer":"rolling on the floor laughing and snorting","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ROTFLBTC","answer":"rolling on the floor laughing biting the carpet","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: RPG","answer":"role playing game","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: SLIP","answer":"serial line interface protocol","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: SMTP","answer":"simple mail transfer protocol","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: SOP","answer":"standard operating procedure","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: SRY","answer":"sorry","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ST-DS9","answer":"star trek deep space 9","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ST-TNG","answer":"star trek the next generation","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ST-TOS","answer":"star trek the original series","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: ST-VOY","answer":"star trek voyager","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: SYSOP","answer":"system operator","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: TBC","answer":"to be continued","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: TGIF","answer":"thank god it's friday","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: TN","answer":"telnet","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: TNX","answer":"thanks","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: TPTB","answer":"the powers that be","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: TTYL","answer":"talk to you later","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: unicef:","answer":"united nations international children's emergency fund","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: URL","answer":"uniform resource locator","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: used for direct data transfers between disk & ram","answer":"dma","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: Vsop stands for","answer":"very special old pale","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: W/","answer":"with","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: W/O","answer":"with out","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: W8","answer":"wait","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: W8ING","answer":"waiting","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: WAN","answer":"wide area network","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: WB","answer":"welcome back","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What degree do the intials 'DDS' stand for","answer":"Doctor of Dental Surgery","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What do the initials 'VCP' stand for","answer":"Video Cassette Player","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What do the initials 'VCR' stand for","answer":"Video Cassette Recorder","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What does 'A&W' (of root beer fame) stand for","answer":"Allen & Wright","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What does 'AOL' stand for","answer":"America Online","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What does GNP stand for","answer":"Gross National Product","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What does N.A.S.A stand for","answer":"National Aeronautics and Space Administration","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What does S H A P E stand for","answer":"Supreme headquarters,allied powers,europe","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What does S.O.S. stand for","answer":"Save Our Souls","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What does the abbreviation LAPD stand for","answer":"los angeles police department","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What does the acronym 'scuba' mean","answer":"Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: what does the acronym BAR stand for","answer":"browning automatic rifle","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What is the AALS?","answer":"association of american law schools","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: What's the oed","answer":"oxford english dictionary","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: WTH","answer":"what the hell","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: WWW","answer":"world wide web","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: Y2K","answer":"year 2000","money":1000},
{"question":"Acronyms: You've heard Of NATO, But What Does SEATO stand for","answer":"South East Asia Treaty Organisation","money":1000},
{"question":"Acting was once considered____ , and actors in the first English play to be performed in America were arrested","answer":"evil","money":1000},
{"question":"Action verbs or acronyms that we use in IRCs","answer":"Hugs","money":1000},
{"question":"Action verbs or acronyms we use in the IRC","answer":"Niters","money":1000},
{"question":"Active volcano in the philippines, in the central part of luzon","answer":"mount pinatubo","money":1000},
{"question":"Actor, formerly the Saint and james Bond","answer":"roger moore","money":1000},
{"question":"Actress and singer whose theme tune is Sally","answer":"gracie fields","money":1000},
{"question":"Actress mother of Liza Minnelli","answer":"judy garland","money":1000},
{"question":"Actually caused by layers of hot air refracting sunlight","answer":"mirage","money":1000},
{"question":"Acute hasopharyngitis is more commonly known as a ____","answer":"cold","money":1000},
{"question":"Acute infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract, caused by more than 100 kinds of viruses","answer":"common cold","money":1000},
{"question":"Acute, highly contagious viral disease, often fatal, that appears to have been completely eradicated","answer":"smallpox","money":1000},
{"question":"Acute, infectious, contagious disease of the respiratory tract, especially the trachea","answer":"influenza","money":1000},
{"question":"AD after a date signifies a number of years after the birth of whom","answer":"jesus christ","money":1000},
{"question":"Ada Unsworth,Frank and Peggy Spencer and Ted Burroughs have all led winning tams in which televised competition","answer":"formation dancing","money":1000},
{"question":"Adam on \"seven brides for seven brothers\" was played by whom","answer":"richard dean anderson","money":1000},
{"question":"Addictive drug prepared from morphine","answer":"heroin","money":1000},
{"question":"Addis ababa is the capital of which country","answer":"ethiopia","money":1000},
{"question":"Address of the White House","answer":"1600 pennsylvania avenue","money":1000},
{"question":"Adi dassler founded what major corporation","answer":"adidas","money":1000},
{"question":"Adjustable fabric roof of a car","answer":"drophead","money":1000},
{"question":"Administrative division of the kingdom of great britain, occupying the northern third of the island of great britain","answer":"scotland","money":1000},
{"question":"Admiral donitz succeeded hitler in which year","answer":"1945","money":1000},
{"question":"Admired or revered greatly","answer":"Idolised","money":1000},
{"question":"Admit a person into a society or club through a secret ceremony","answer":"initiate","money":1000},
{"question":"Adobe announces Acrobat to ship in June what year","answer":"1993","money":1000},
{"question":"Adolf hitler become chancellor of germany in 1928, 1930 or 1933","answer":"1933","money":1000},
{"question":"Adolf Hitler was fascinated by ____","answer":"hands","money":1000},
{"question":"Adult Magazines","answer":"Playboy","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"just for the taste of it\"","answer":"diet coke","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"Progress is our most important product.\"","answer":"general electric","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"The Beef People\"","answer":"winn dixie","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"The best part of wakin' up, is ____ in your cup\"","answer":"folgers","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"the coppertop\"","answer":"duracell","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"The stain lifter","answer":"all","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"you will\"","answer":"att","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"you'll love the way we fly\"","answer":"delta airlines","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"your baby's comfort\" begins with this","answer":"luvs","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: \"your way, right away\"","answer":"burger king","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: 99.44% pure","answer":"ivory","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: A peach looks cute / with all its fuzz. / A man's no peach / and never was","answer":"burma shave","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: According to Nintendo, the capital of Ohio is this","answer":"mario","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: Ask any mermaid you happen to see, what's the best tuna","answer":"chicken of the sea","money":1000},
{"question":"advertising: bing crosby advertised this product","answer":"minute maid","money":1000},
{"question":"advertising: distinctive quality about mr. clean's head","answer":"bald","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: Does she or doesn't she Only her hairdresser knows for sure","answer":"clairol","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: don't leave home without it (name the company)","answer":"american express","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: Film which is informative and purportedly objective","answer":"infomercial","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: get a piece of the rock","answer":"prudential","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: He hit the big time after commercials for McDonalds and State Farm","answer":"barry manilow","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: IBM stands for this","answer":"international business machines","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: If you were this type of weiner, everyone would be in love with you","answer":"oscar mayer","money":1000},
{"question":"advertising: in the 1930's he promised to make you a new man using 'dynamic tension.'","answer":"atlas","money":1000},
{"question":"advertising: it is not 100% pure soap, but 99 44/100% pure","answer":"ivory","money":1000},
{"question":"advertising: jhirmack hair products were advertised by this beauty","answer":"victoria principal","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: Look for this label when you're buying a coat, dress, or blouse","answer":"union","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: My bologna has a first name","answer":"oscar mayer","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: nobody does it like ____ ____","answer":"sara lee","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: patricia neal recommends this to people who want to fight pain and win","answer":"anacin","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: Thank you for your support","answer":"bartles and james","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: There's something about a man who wears this after shave","answer":"aqua velva","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: They advertised their cola as \"Taste that beats the others cold\"","answer":"pepsi","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: They make the very best chocolate","answer":"nestle","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: This company paid millions to the Jacksons for representation","answer":"pepsi","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: This company thinks the capital of Ohio is \"Mario\"","answer":"nintendo","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: this is dr. scholl's first name","answer":"william","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: This product is named for its chief component, muriate of berberine","answer":"murine","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: This toilet tissue claims to be as soft as cotton","answer":"cottonelle","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: We earn our wings every day","answer":"eastern airlines","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: We love to fly, and it shows","answer":"delta","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: What company's mascot is Elsie the Cow","answer":"borden","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: What does L.S./M.F.T. stand for","answer":"lucky strike means fine tobacco","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: What was the Cream Oil Hair Tonic","answer":"wildroot","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: whatever it is i think i see / becomes a ____ ____ to me","answer":"tootsie roll","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: Who is the dog on the crackerjack box","answer":"Bingo","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: Why ask why","answer":"bud dry","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: You are advised never to leave home without this","answer":"american express","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: You deserve a break today","answer":"mcdonalds","money":1000},
{"question":"Advertising: You're not fully clean until you're ____fully clean","answer":"zest","money":1000},
{"question":"Advocating or practising total abstinence from alcohol","answer":"teetotal","money":1000},
{"question":"After 27 years, ____ made her debut as a Flinstone Vitamin in 1996","answer":"betty rubble","money":1000},
{"question":"After Athens which is the largest Greek speaking city in the world","answer":"melbourne","money":1000},
{"question":"After being forced to state in public that the earth does not rotate, ____ is said to have muttered under his breath, \"But it does move.\"","answer":"galileo","money":1000},
{"question":"After being shot in 1912, which former president said \"It takes more than that to kill a bull moose\"","answer":"Andrew Jackson","money":1000},
{"question":"After Caesar, who did Cleopatra woo","answer":"mark antony","money":1000},
{"question":"After crayola products' senior crayon maker, emerson moser, retired after thirty seven years what secret did he reveal","answer":"he was colorblind","money":1000},
{"question":"After eating, a ____ regurgitates its food and then eats it again","answer":"housefly","money":1000},
{"question":"After eating, the ____ regurgitates its food and eats it again","answer":"housefly","money":1000},
{"question":"After five years as \"suzanne sugarbaker\", delta burke leaves the hit show","answer":"designing women","money":1000},
{"question":"After five years as \"suzanne sugarbaker\", delta burke left what hit show","answer":"designing women","money":1000},
{"question":"After freeing it from france, toussaint l'ouverture became the first ruler of this island nation","answer":"haiti","money":1000},
{"question":"After greenland, which is the second largest island","answer":"new guinea","money":1000},
{"question":"After his death in 1937, Guglielmo Marconi, inventor of the ____ was honored by broadcasters worldwide as they let the airwaves fall silent for two minutes in his memory","answer":"wireless telegraph","money":1000},
{"question":"After his departure from CBS, Charlie Sheen embarked on a nationwide tour called \"My Violent Torpedo of\" what?","answer":"Truth","money":1000},
{"question":"After his vision, who was saul known as","answer":"paul","money":1000},
{"question":"After how many points do players change service in table tennis","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"After how many years marriage do you celebrate your Emerald wedding anniversary","answer":"55","money":1000},
{"question":"After how many years of marriage is an emerald wedding anniversary celebrated","answer":"fifty five","money":1000},
{"question":"After leaving '10000 maniacs', who released her first solo album 'tiger lily' in 1995","answer":"natalie merchant","money":1000},
{"question":"After leaving 'the belmonts', which was dion's first hit on the laurie label in october 1960","answer":"lonely teenager","money":1000},
{"question":"after mt mckinley, the second-highest mountain in the united states","answer":"mt st elias","money":1000},
{"question":"After oxygen what is the second most plentiful element in our planet","answer":"silicon","money":1000},
{"question":"After Paris which is the largest French speaking city in the world","answer":"montreal","money":1000},
{"question":"After putting his solo career on hold, who joined 'damn yankees' in 1990","answer":"ted nugent","money":1000},
{"question":"After recording 'the nitty gritty', who released the rhyming 'name game'","answer":"shirley ellis","money":1000},
{"question":"After russia and kazakhstan, what is the third largest of the former soviet republics","answer":"ukraine","money":1000},
{"question":"After she recorded \"the nitty gritty\" this lady released the rhyming \"name game\"","answer":"shirley ellis","money":1000},
{"question":"After Solomon's death, the Kingdom of Israel split into two; Israel with its capital at Shechem, and Judah. Which city was the capital of Judah","answer":"jerusalem","money":1000},
{"question":"After spending hours working at a computer display, what colour will a blank piece of white paper probably appear to be","answer":"pink","money":1000},
{"question":"After the end of the vietnam war, to what was saigon's name changed","answer":"ho chi min city","money":1000},
{"question":"After The Fire made \"Der Kommissar\" popular, but which eighties musician performed it originally?","answer":"Falco","money":1000},
{"question":"After the passing of his father in 2011, Kim Jong-Un became the de facto leader of what nation?","answer":"North Korea","money":1000},
{"question":"After the Second World War, in what year did clothes rationing end","answer":"1949","money":1000},
{"question":"After the U.S. Civil War, Iowa was the first state to give the vote to ____","answer":"african americans","money":1000},
{"question":"After what are the b52 bombers named","answer":"fifties hairdo","money":1000},
{"question":"After what is the Exchequer named","answer":"chequered cloth","money":1000},
{"question":"After what swimmer broke 50 records and then became a famous actor","answer":"johnny","money":1000},
{"question":"After which battle of the English Civil War did Charles II hide in an oak tree at Boscobel, to avoid capture by the Roundheads","answer":"worcester","money":1000},
{"question":"After which battle, in which he emerged triumphant, did lord nelson die","answer":"trafalgar","money":1000},
{"question":"After which creature is the Californian island of Alcatraz named","answer":"pelican","money":1000},
{"question":"After which famous engineer is the university situated at uxbridge named","answer":"brunel","money":1000},
{"question":"After which film star did RAF airman name a life jacket","answer":"mae west","money":1000},
{"question":"After which George was Georgia named","answer":"george ii","money":1000},
{"question":"After which historic battle did winston churchill enthuse, \"never in human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few\"","answer":"battle of britain","money":1000},
{"question":"After which italian is america named","answer":"amerigo vespucci","money":1000},
{"question":"After which saint was san francisco named","answer":"francis of assisi","money":1000},
{"question":"After which type of establishment was LLoyd of London named","answer":"coffee house","money":1000},
{"question":"After which war did cigarette smoking become fashionable","answer":"crimean war","money":1000},
{"question":"After who was 'decibel' named","answer":"alexander graham bell","money":1000},
{"question":"After who was august named","answer":"caesar augustus","money":1000},
{"question":"After who was july named","answer":"julius caesar","money":1000},
{"question":"After who was the month of august named","answer":"augustus caesar","money":1000},
{"question":"After who was the month of july named","answer":"julius caesar","money":1000},
{"question":"After who were the teenage mutant ninja turtles named","answer":"artists and/or sculptors","money":1000},
{"question":"After whom is the month of January named","answer":"janus","money":1000},
{"question":"After whom is the month of July named","answer":"julius caesar","money":1000},
{"question":"After whom is the orbital space telescope named","answer":"edwin hubble","money":1000},
{"question":"After whom was Halley's Comet named","answer":"edmund halley","money":1000},
{"question":"After Windsor which is the largest castle in Britain","answer":"Caerphilly","money":1000},
{"question":"Agana is the capital of which country","answer":"guam","money":1000},
{"question":"Agatha Christie disappeared for 10 days in which year","answer":"1926","money":1000},
{"question":"Age the letter c on a water tap in france refers to what","answer":"hot water","money":1000},
{"question":"Agency of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, created in 1947, together with the National Security Council","answer":"central intelligence agency","money":1000},
{"question":"Agency of the United States government, generally responsible for administering federal policy for Native Americans and Inuits (Eskimos)","answer":"bureau of indian affairs","money":1000},
{"question":"Agent Blue is a herbicide that was used agaainst the Vietnamese, what type of poisonous compound does it contain","answer":"arsenic","money":1000},
{"question":"Agriculture: Agricultural and industrial region in the state of New South Wales, Australia, about 160 km (about 100 mi) north of Sydney","answer":"hunter valley","money":1000},
{"question":"Agriculture: Agricultural science concerning methods of soil management & crop production","answer":"agronomy","money":1000},
{"question":"Agriculture: Farm Animals (singular)","answer":"Pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Agriculture: incorporating the cultivation and conservation of trees","answer":"agroforestry","money":1000},
{"question":"Agriculture: What is ground being 'rested' for a season called","answer":"fallow","money":1000},
{"question":"Agriculture: what's the term for arable land left unseeded for one season","answer":"fallow","money":1000},
{"question":"Aimed at worn-out parents, the title of a best-selling 2011 kids' book parody profanely urges kids to do what?","answer":"Go to sleep","money":1000},
{"question":"Air is 21% oxygen, 78% ____, and 1% other gases","answer":"nitrogen","money":1000},
{"question":"Air under pressure greater than that of the atmosphere","answer":"compressed air","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: After what were the B52 bombers named","answer":"a fifties hairdo","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: Aircraft propelled by rotating blades","answer":"helicopter","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: How many engines are on a B52 bomber","answer":"eight","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: How many gallons of fuel does a jumbo jet use during take off","answer":"four thousand","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: What does a pilot drop to slow an airplane","answer":"flaps","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: What is the world's fastest passenger aircraft","answer":"Concorde","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: What type of craft is the US's Airforce One","answer":"Boeing 747","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: Whic country developed the first jet fighter","answer":"Germany","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: Which two nations built the concorde","answer":"Britain and France","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: Who built the 'Cherokee' and 'Comanche' aircraft","answer":"Piper","money":1000},
{"question":"Aircrafts: Who built the hurricane aircraft","answer":"Hawker","money":1000},
{"question":"Airport security personnel find about ____ weapons a day searching passengers","answer":"six","money":1000},
{"question":"AKA Rainer Wolfcastle","answer":"McBain","money":1000},
{"question":"Al Capone's business card identified him as a what","answer":"furniture dealer","money":1000},
{"question":"Alain boublil and claude-michel schonberg wrote which hit musical","answer":"les miserables","money":1000},
{"question":"ALAISES: Mrs Heelis, by which name is she better known","answer":"Beatrix Potter","money":1000},
{"question":"ALAISES:Mary O'Brien, is better known as...","answer":"dusty Springfield","money":1000},
{"question":"Alamein how many ringling brothers were there","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Alanis Morrisette appeared on what 80's cable children's show?","answer":"You Can't Do that On Television","money":1000},
{"question":"Albert einstein couldn't talk properly until he was nine, and was thought to be suffering from ____","answer":"dyslexia","money":1000},
{"question":"Albert Einstein was offered the presidency of ____ in 1952","answer":"israel","money":1000},
{"question":"Albert Einstein was once offered the Presidency of ____. He declined saying he had no head for problems","answer":"israel","money":1000},
{"question":"Albert Einstein was thought to be suffering from dyslexia, as he couldn't speak properly until he was ____ years old","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"Albert Einstein worked at which American university","answer":"princeton","money":1000},
{"question":"Alberta's shield on the coat of arms, bears the cross of","answer":"saint george","money":1000},
{"question":"Alberto VO5 Hair Spray was the world?s first crystal ____ hair spray","answer":"clear","money":1000},
{"question":"Alberto Vo5 is made with five organic emollients. What does the V.O. stand for in the name Alberto Vo5","answer":"Vital Organic","money":1000},
{"question":"Albertville and Lillehammer were two 90s venues for which event?","answer":"Winter Olympics","money":1000},
{"question":"Albums 2002, Red Hot Chilli Peppers album which reached top 10 charts in August","answer":"by the way","money":1000},
{"question":"Albums 2002, Shakiras album reached the top 10 uk chart","answer":"laundry service","money":1000},
{"question":"Albums 2002, Vanessa Carltons UK top 10 album","answer":"be not nobody","money":1000},
{"question":"Alcatraz: this inmates nickname was \"machine gun\"","answer":"george kelly","money":1000},
{"question":"Alcohol is added to soap to make it","answer":"clear","money":1000},
{"question":"Alex and his 'droogs' are thugs in what anthony burgess novel","answer":"a clockwork orange","money":1000},
{"question":"Alexander ____ was shot by Aaron Burr in the groin","answer":"hamilton","money":1000},
{"question":"Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, never phones his wife or his mother, they were both","answer":"deaf","money":1000},
{"question":"Alexander Hamilton was shot by ____ Burr in the groin","answer":"aaron","money":1000},
{"question":"Alexander Hamilton was shot by Aaron ____ in the groin","answer":"burr","money":1000},
{"question":"Alexander Hamilton was shot by Aaron Burr in the ____","answer":"groin","money":1000},
{"question":"Alexander the Great suffered from what malady","answer":"epilepsy","money":1000},
{"question":"Alfred Gerald Caplin is better known as this (first+last name)","answer":"al capp","money":1000},
{"question":"Alfred Hitchcock never won an Academy Award for ____","answer":"directing","money":1000},
{"question":"Alfred parker was the only man in the usa to be covicted of this crime","answer":"cannibalism","money":1000},
{"question":"Alfred Wegener claimed all the continents were once part of a single land mass,what did he call it","answer":"pangaea","money":1000},
{"question":"Algiers is the capital of ____","answer":"algeria","money":1000},
{"question":"Aliases, by what name is Patrick Fyffe better known","answer":"dame hilda bracket","money":1000},
{"question":"Aliases, how are the duo George Logan and Patrick Fyffe better known","answer":"Hinge and bracket","money":1000},
{"question":"Alice Springs is a place in which country","answer":"australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Alicia Silverstone starred in this Movie","answer":"love's labour's lost","money":1000},
{"question":"Alister Allan and Malcolm Cooper won Olympic medals in which sport","answer":"shooting","money":1000},
{"question":"Alkaloid derived from morphine and used as a pain killer","answer":"codeine","money":1000},
{"question":"All ____ children of Queen Anne died before she did","answer":"17","money":1000},
{"question":"All ____ float in water","answer":"porcupines","money":1000},
{"question":"All ____ in Venice, Italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a high official","answer":"gondolas","money":1000},
{"question":"All ____ originating names that end with the letters el have something to do with God","answer":"hebrew","money":1000},
{"question":"All 50 ____ are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill","answer":"states","money":1000},
{"question":"All creatures great and small: what creatures live in a formicary","answer":"ants","money":1000},
{"question":"All gondolas in Venice, Italy must be painted ____, unless they belong to a high official","answer":"black","money":1000},
{"question":"All gondolas in Venice, Italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a ____","answer":"high official","money":1000},
{"question":"All gondolas in____ , Italy must be painted black, unless they belong to a high official","answer":"venice","money":1000},
{"question":"All Hebrew orignating names that end with the letters \"el\" have something to do with what","answer":"god","money":1000},
{"question":"All hospitals in Singapore use ____ diapers","answer":"pampers","money":1000},
{"question":"All members of which religion bear the surname singh","answer":"sikhism","money":1000},
{"question":"All methods used to prevent or reduce detrimental effects of floods","answer":"flood control","money":1000},
{"question":"All of the officers in the confederate army were given copies of what book","answer":"les miserables","money":1000},
{"question":"All of the us could be placed inside what land mass","answer":"sahara desert","money":1000},
{"question":"All snow crystals are ____","answer":"hexagonal","money":1000},
{"question":"All summer long teens dance slow to dreamy vocals like the five satins'","answer":"in the still of the nite","money":1000},
{"question":"All the ____ in England are property of the Queen","answer":"swans","money":1000},
{"question":"All the dirt from the foundation to build the ____ in NYC was dumped into the Hudson River to form the community now known as Battery City Park","answer":"world trade center","money":1000},
{"question":"All the dirt from the foundation to build the World Trade Center in NYC was dumped into the ____ River to form the community now known as Battery City Park","answer":"hudson","money":1000},
{"question":"All the dirt from the foundation to build the World Trade Center in NYC was dumped into the Hudson River to form the community now known as ____ Park","answer":"battery city","money":1000},
{"question":"All the gold produced in the past ____ years, if melted, could be compressed into a 50-foot cube","answer":"500","money":1000},
{"question":"All the gold produced in the past five hundred years, if melted, could be compressed into a ____ -foot cube","answer":"fifty","money":1000},
{"question":"All the original Football League Division One teams are still in existence except one, which one","answer":"accrington stanley","money":1000},
{"question":"All times hamlet was the prince of ____","answer":"denmark","money":1000},
{"question":"All totalled, the sunlight that strikes Earth at any given moment weighs as much as an ocean ____","answer":"liner","money":1000},
{"question":"Allan clarke was lead vocalist with which great manchester group during the 1960s and 1970s","answer":"the hollies","money":1000},
{"question":"Allegedly, whose last words were \"I'va had 18 straight whiskies, I think thats a record\"","answer":"Dylan Thomas","money":1000},
{"question":"Allied bombers were issued with Biro pens as pens leaked at high altitude","answer":"fountain","money":1000},
{"question":"Allium cepa is the latin name for which vegetable","answer":"onion","money":1000},
{"question":"Alloy of iron and carbon","answer":"steel","money":1000},
{"question":"Alma Mater means what","answer":"bountiful mother","money":1000},
{"question":"Almonds are members of what family","answer":"peach","money":1000},
{"question":"Almost ____ hotdogs and buns, 160,000 hamburgers and cheeseburgers were served at Woodstock '99","answer":"425,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Almost ____ million pounds of medical trash is generated each day in the U.S","answer":"18","money":1000},
{"question":"Almost 425,000 hotdogs and buns, ____ hamburgers and cheeseburgers were served at Woodstock '99","answer":"160,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Almost 425,000 hotdogs and buns, 160,000 hamburgers and cheeseburgers were served at ____ '99","answer":"woodstock","money":1000},
{"question":"Almost half the bones in your body are in what two body parts","answer":"hands & feet","money":1000},
{"question":"Alphabetically speaking, which is the last of the 26 Irish counties. Most people say Wexford, but they're wrong","answer":".wicklow","money":1000},
{"question":"Alphabetically, what were the two cities in 'A Tale of Two Cities'","answer":"london & paris","money":1000},
{"question":"Alphonso D'Abruzzo is the original name of which MASH actor","answer":"Alan Alda","money":1000},
{"question":"Alpine plant with white bracts","answer":"edelweiss","money":1000},
{"question":"Already known in great britain, her tune, \"smooth operator\", becomes a us hit","answer":"sade","money":1000},
{"question":"Also called bettas, the males of what fish species are bred in thailand for the purpose of competitive combat, with people gambling on the matches","answer":"siamese fighting fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Also known as the Chile Pine, what is the common name of the tree Araucaria araucana","answer":"monkey puzzle","money":1000},
{"question":"Alternative \"Sister Havana\"","answer":"urge overkill","money":1000},
{"question":"Alternative \"Today is the Greatest Day I've Ever Known\"","answer":"smashing pumpkins","money":1000},
{"question":"Alternative After Jane's Addiction broke up the lead singer formed this band","answer":"porno for pyros","money":1000},
{"question":"Alternative Angry young man who leads Nine Inch Nails:","answer":"trent reznor","money":1000},
{"question":"alternative art: playing cards in which the pips are part of an art design are called this","answer":"transformation cards","money":1000},
{"question":"Although Cleopatra was meant to have died after a bite from an ____, the species does not exist in Egypt","answer":"asp","money":1000},
{"question":"Although hard to believe, whose favorite expression was \"silly little ass\"","answer":"tinker bell","money":1000},
{"question":"Although it doesn't sound like a dog, ____dust is ornamental wood chips often placed in flowerbeds","answer":"bark","money":1000},
{"question":"Although you can't tell from the title, bobby hebb actually was singing this one to his brother in 1966","answer":"sunny","money":1000},
{"question":"Aluminum is strong enough to support ____ pounds per square inch","answer":"90,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Alvin & Simon had a brother called ____","answer":"Theo","money":1000},
{"question":"Always ____","answer":"coca cola","money":1000},
{"question":"Ambrosia, darkling and death watch are all kinds of what","answer":"beetles","money":1000},
{"question":"America built the first nuclear submarine. What was it called","answer":"Nautilus","money":1000},
{"question":"America media mogul Ted Turner owns ____ of New Mexico","answer":"5%","money":1000},
{"question":"America media mogul ted turner owns 5% of____","answer":"new mexico","money":1000},
{"question":"America: As what is California also known","answer":"Golden State","money":1000},
{"question":"America: As what is Minnesota also known","answer":"Gopher State","money":1000},
{"question":"America: What city is also known as Beantown","answer":"Boston","money":1000},
{"question":"America: What state is 'The Golden State'","answer":"California","money":1000},
{"question":"America: What state is also called the 'Garden State'","answer":"New Jersey","money":1000},
{"question":"America: What state is the 'Hoosier State'","answer":"Indiana","money":1000},
{"question":"America: Where are the headquarters of the CIA","answer":"Langley, Virginia","money":1000},
{"question":"America: Which date is inscribed on the book held by the Statue Of Liberty","answer":"July 4 1776","money":1000},
{"question":"America's country's first commercial oil well was located in what state","answer":"pennsylvania","money":1000},
{"question":"America's first catholic church was established in 1732 in this city","answer":"philadelphia","money":1000},
{"question":"America's first minimum wage was ____ cents an hour back in 1938","answer":"25","money":1000},
{"question":"American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one ____ from each salad served in first-class","answer":"olive","money":1000},
{"question":"American applied mathematician & electrical engineer, noted for his development of the theory of communication now known as information theory","answer":"shannon","money":1000},
{"question":"American artist, Grant Wood, depicts his dentist, B.H. McKeeby, and his sister Nan as a farmer-preacher and daughter in which 1930 painting","answer":"american gothic","money":1000},
{"question":"American astronauts must be under ____ feet","answer":"6","money":1000},
{"question":"American burrowing animal with plated body","answer":"armadillo","money":1000},
{"question":"American inventor and teacher of the deaf, most famous for his invention of the telephone","answer":"alexander graham bell","money":1000},
{"question":"American inventor, engineer, & steamboat builder","answer":"john stevens","money":1000},
{"question":"American inventor, whose development of a practical electric light bulb, electric generating system, sound-recording device, & motion picture projector had profound effects on the shaping of modern society","answer":"thomas edison","money":1000},
{"question":"American magician known for his bizarre stunts","answer":"david blaine","money":1000},
{"question":"American mathematician & founder of cybernetics, the study of control & communication in machines, animals, & organizations","answer":"wiener","money":1000},
{"question":"American money with serial #'s beginning in \"b\" are printed where","answer":"new york","money":1000},
{"question":"American money with serial #'s beginning with \"b\" are printed where","answer":"new york","money":1000},
{"question":"American money with serial's beginning in \"b\" are printed in ____","answer":"new york","money":1000},
{"question":"American motion-picture actor, writer, director, and producer, a performer of great versatility and range, known for his enigmatic, faintly menacing grin and his skill in portraying nonconformist loners","answer":"jack nicholson","money":1000},
{"question":"American oceanographers found the wreckage of the Titanic in what year","answer":"1985","money":1000},
{"question":"American physicist & government adviser, who directed the development of the first atomic bombs","answer":"j robert oppenheimer","money":1000},
{"question":"American pioneer, who was killed while defending the alamo","answer":"james bowie","money":1000},
{"question":"American Red Indians used to name their children after the first thing they saw as they left their ____ subsequent to the birth. Hence such strange names as Sitting Bull and Running Water","answer":"tepees","money":1000},
{"question":"American rocket engineer, born in Worcester, Massachusetts, & educated at Worcester Polytechnic Institute & Clark University","answer":"goddard","money":1000},
{"question":"Americanisms: Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say ____","answer":"runway","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans call it a faucet What do the British call it","answer":"A tap","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans consume about 138 billion ____ a year","answer":"cups of coffee","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans consume how many tons of aspirin per day","answer":"42","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans eat ____ bananas a year","answer":"12 billion","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans eat 12 billion ____ a year","answer":"bananas","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans make up the biggest number of foreign visitors to London - which group make up the second largest","answer":"French","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans on the average eat 18 acres of ____ every day","answer":"pizza","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans say \"gasoline\", but the british say","answer":"petrol","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans say \"oatmeal or mush\", but canadians say","answer":"porridge","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans say \"radio\", but the british say","answer":"wireless","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans say \"resume\", but the british say","answer":"curriculum vitae","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans say \"shades\", but canadians say","answer":"blinds","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans say \"show\", but the british say","answer":"cinema","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans say \"subway tunnel\", but the british say","answer":"tube","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans say runway, britons say ____","answer":"tarmac","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans spend approximately how much each year on beer","answer":"$25 billion","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans spend more money on ____ every year than they spend on baby food","answer":"dog food","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans spend more than ____ million a year on golf balls","answer":"$630","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans spend more than how much a year on cosmetics, toiletries, beauty parlors & barber shops","answer":"52 million","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans spent over how much in 1982 to avoid having bad breath","answer":"$360 million","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans spent roughly how much dining out in 1993","answer":"$267 billion","money":1000},
{"question":"Americans use over ____ tons of aspirin a year","answer":"16,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Americas volunteer state","answer":"tennessee","money":1000},
{"question":"Amino acids are essential for the formation of what in the body","answer":"proteins","money":1000},
{"question":"Amman is the capital of ____","answer":"jordan","money":1000},
{"question":"Ammonia is the active ingredient in","answer":"smelling salts","money":1000},
{"question":"Among whose works are the paintings \"mother and child\" and \"portrait of a lady\"","answer":"mary cassatt","money":1000},
{"question":"Amount of time the average man spends ____ 3350 hours","answer":"shaving","money":1000},
{"question":"Amount of time the average man spends shaving ____ hours","answer":"3350","money":1000},
{"question":"Amsterdam is the capital of ____","answer":"holland","money":1000},
{"question":"Amtigome Costanda achieved fame in 1951 with her 40-26-38 inch figure, what did she do","answer":"first miss world","money":1000},
{"question":"Amundsen reached the South Pole in which year","answer":"1911","money":1000},
{"question":"An ____ can stay under water for twenty-eight minutes","answer":"iguana","money":1000},
{"question":"An ____ is solid with nine faces","answer":"enneahedron","money":1000},
{"question":"An 'ortanique' is a cross between which two fruits","answer":"orange and tangerine","money":1000},
{"question":"An \"obsequious\" person is ____","answer":"meek","money":1000},
{"question":"An 18th century elegant style of furniture","answer":"chippendale","money":1000},
{"question":"An abscess filled with pus is not \"pussy\" but ____","answer":"purulent","money":1000},
{"question":"An acrophobic fears what?","answer":"Heights","money":1000},
{"question":"An actors' strike delays the start of the tv season from ____ to november","answer":"september","money":1000},
{"question":"An addition modifying a will","answer":"codicil","money":1000},
{"question":"An addition to a will is called a","answer":"codicil","money":1000},
{"question":"An adjustable type of spanner","answer":"wrench","money":1000},
{"question":"An Admiral is a high ranking officer in which force","answer":"navy","money":1000},
{"question":"An adult eats about 60,0000 pounds of food in a lifetime, which equals ____","answer":"six elephants","money":1000},
{"question":"An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, or ____","answer":"another adverb","money":1000},
{"question":"An ahuehuete is a","answer":"tree","money":1000},
{"question":"An alien creature in a funny hat has opposed both Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck Where is he from","answer":"Mars","money":1000},
{"question":"An alphabetical list of terms or words, relating to a specific subject or text","answer":"glossary","money":1000},
{"question":"An altimeter measures what","answer":"altitude","money":1000},
{"question":"An America reindeer","answer":"caribou","money":1000},
{"question":"An American aircraft in Vietnam shot ____ down with one of its missiles","answer":"itself","money":1000},
{"question":"An American Animal Hospital Association survey revealed that ____ percent of dog owners sign letters or cards from themselves and their dogs","answer":"62","money":1000},
{"question":"An anaesthetic injected close to the spinal cord","answer":"epidural","money":1000},
{"question":"An analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug","answer":"ibuprofen","money":1000},
{"question":"An ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called ____","answer":"alchemy","money":1000},
{"question":"An ancient war machine for launching missiles","answer":"ballista","money":1000},
{"question":"An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird Name him","answer":"Woody Woodpecker","money":1000},
{"question":"An Andy Panda cartoon gave birth to a famous, cantankerous bird","answer":"Woody Woodpecker","money":1000},
{"question":"An anemometer measures ____ ____","answer":"wind velocity","money":1000},
{"question":"An anencephalous creature has no","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"An aneroid is a kind of...","answer":"barometer","money":1000},
{"question":"An angle greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees is said to be ____","answer":"obtuse","money":1000},
{"question":"An animal ____ is called an epizootic","answer":"epidemic","money":1000},
{"question":"An animal described as ecaudate lacks which physical feature","answer":"tail","money":1000},
{"question":"An animal described as ecostate lacks which physical feature","answer":"ribs","money":1000},
{"question":"An animal epidemic is called an____","answer":"epizootic","money":1000},
{"question":"An animal is a fish if it has ____","answer":"gills","money":1000},
{"question":"An animal stuffer is a(n) ____","answer":"taxidermist","money":1000},
{"question":"An animal that eats both plants and animals is known as an","answer":"omnivore","money":1000},
{"question":"An apparatus for mixing or shaking","answer":"agitator","money":1000},
{"question":"An area of low pressure is called a what","answer":"cyclone","money":1000},
{"question":"An area seperating potential belligerents","answer":"buffer zone","money":1000},
{"question":"An aromatic herb often used with tomatoes","answer":"basil","money":1000},
{"question":"An arrangement of long hair in a roll or knot at the back of the head","answer":"chignon","money":1000},
{"question":"An articulated puppet, worked by strings","answer":"marionette","money":1000},
{"question":"An assisted reproductive technology (art) in what one or more eggs are fertilized outside a female's body","answer":"invitro fertilization","money":1000},
{"question":"An astronomer named Percival Lowell founded this observatory in 1894","answer":"Lowell Observatory","money":1000},
{"question":"An astronomical unit is the standard measurement taken from the earth to where","answer":"the sun","money":1000},
{"question":"An atom is comprized of these 3 subatomic particles- electron, neutron, & ____","answer":"proton","money":1000},
{"question":"An attack or assault or a beginning or a start","answer":"onset","money":1000},
{"question":"An average human drinks about how many gallons of water in a lifetime","answer":"16,000","money":1000},
{"question":"An average of ____ million credit cards are used every day in the United States","answer":"200","money":1000},
{"question":"An average of 51 cars a year overshoot and drive into the canals of ____","answer":"amsterdam","money":1000},
{"question":"An average person laughs about how many times a day?","answer":"15","money":1000},
{"question":"An average person uses the bathroom how many times per day","answer":"six","money":1000},
{"question":"An average, in America, three sex change operations are performed ____","answer":"every day","money":1000},
{"question":"An eighteenth century woman used only lard to 'wash' her face and hands and lived to the age of","answer":"116","money":1000},
{"question":"An electric eel produces an average of ____ volts","answer":"400","money":1000},
{"question":"An electrical device for removing suspended impurities such as dust, fumes, or mist, from air or other gases","answer":"electrostatic precipitator","money":1000},
{"question":"An electroencephalogram measures what","answer":"brain waves","money":1000},
{"question":"An elephant can be pregnant for up to how many years","answer":"two","money":1000},
{"question":"An Elephant has the world's largest penis, weighing about ____ kg","answer":"27","money":1000},
{"question":"An Elephant's trunk can hold over ____ litres of water","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"An emmet is which type of a creature in old language","answer":"ant","money":1000},
{"question":"An English translation is \"Wind and Water\". How do we know the more common original","answer":"feng shui","money":1000},
{"question":"An enneahedron is ____ with nine faces","answer":"solid","money":1000},
{"question":"An enneahedron is solid with ____ faces","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"An enneahedron is solid with ho many faces","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"An enormous beast described in the Old Testament,Job 40","answer":"Behemoth","money":1000},
{"question":"An entertainment with an educational aspect","answer":"edutainment","money":1000},
{"question":"An erg is a unit of what","answer":"energy","money":1000},
{"question":"An Eskimo would be ingesting toxic doses of Vitamin A if he ate a polar bears ____","answer":"liver","money":1000},
{"question":"An estimated ____ lab mistakes are made in the 100,000 laboratories in the U.S. every day","answer":"two million","money":1000},
{"question":"An estimated ____ of animals on Earth have six legs","answer":"80%","money":1000},
{"question":"An estimated 80% of animals on Earth have ____ legs","answer":"six","money":1000},
{"question":"An exaggerated statement for emphasis is a ____","answer":"hyperbole","money":1000},
{"question":"An example of a metamorphic rock is ____","answer":"marble","money":1000},
{"question":"An example of a metamorphic rock is ____","answer":"slate","money":1000},
{"question":"An example of an igneous rock is____","answer":"granite","money":1000},
{"question":"An example of an igneous rock is____","answer":"quartz","money":1000},
{"question":"An exclusive group of people","answer":"clique","money":1000},
{"question":"An external agent that alters foetal development is called a","answer":"teratogen","money":1000},
{"question":"An iguana can stay under water for ____ minutes","answer":"28","money":1000},
{"question":"An important aspect in personal communication and public speaking is what","answer":"Making eye contact","money":1000},
{"question":"An inch of snow falling evenly on one acre of ground is equivalent to about ____ gallons of water","answer":"2715","money":1000},
{"question":"An infant whale is called a what","answer":"calf","money":1000},
{"question":"An inhabitant of quebec is called","answer":"quebecois","money":1000},
{"question":"An integer that is greater than 1 & is divisible only by itself & 1 is known as a(n) ____","answer":"prime number","money":1000},
{"question":"An internal timber framed dividing wall","answer":"stud partition","money":1000},
{"question":"An interuption of breathing","answer":"apnea","money":1000},
{"question":"An Italian vinegar matured in wooden barrels","answer":"balsamic","money":1000},
{"question":"An oak tree grows what kind of nut?","answer":"An acorn","money":1000},
{"question":"An oath describing the responsibilities of a physician is known as the____ ____","answer":"Hippocratic Oath","money":1000},
{"question":"An object hard to find because it is hidden by many other similar objects","answer":"needle in a haystack","money":1000},
{"question":"An octopus has how many hearts","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"An old sweet scented rose","answer":"damask","money":1000},
{"question":"An old, short, large bored gun","answer":"blunderbuss","money":1000},
{"question":"An omniscient person has unlimited ____","answer":"knowledge","money":1000},
{"question":"An opera by Vincenzo Bellini, libretto by Romani, in which the heroine is a druid priestess","answer":"norma","money":1000},
{"question":"An organ built in the 10th century was so powerful that it needed 70 men to pump it, where was it","answer":"Winchester Cathedral","money":1000},
{"question":"An organisation of business and professional men was founded in Chicago in 1905 out of a weekly luncheon club. What is it called","answer":"rotary","money":1000},
{"question":"An ostritch's eye is bigger than its","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"An ounce of gold can be stretched into a wire how many miles long","answer":"fifty","money":1000},
{"question":"An overdose of MSG is also known as what","answer":"Kwok's Disease","money":1000},
{"question":"An oxlike antelope","answer":"gnu","money":1000},
{"question":"An underground layer of water filled rock is called an","answer":"aquifer","money":1000},
{"question":"Anagrams: Which two fruits are an anagram of each other","answer":"lemon and melon","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: 'Ancient' is to 'old' as 'recent' is to ____","answer":"current","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: ancient-old, recent- ____","answer":"current","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: Anson MacDonald: Stranger in a Strange Land :: Edith Van Dyne: <blank>","answer":"the wizard of oz","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: Bull - cow as fox","answer":"vixen","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: enter: immigrate :: leave: <blank>","answer":"emigrate","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: Gaul: France :: Aragon: <blank>","answer":"spain","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: Goose - geese as passerby","answer":"passersby","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: Park Place: Park Lane :: Boardwalk: <blank>","answer":"mayfair","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: penniless: Baroque :: supplemental teacher: <blank>","answer":"tudor","money":1000},
{"question":"Analogies: Wrist is to arm as nose is to ____","answer":"face","money":1000},
{"question":"Analysis and manipulation of an image","answer":"processing","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient ____ slept on pillows made of stone","answer":"egyptians","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient art practiced especially in the middle ages, devoted chiefly to discovering a substance that would transmute the more common metals into gold or silver & to finding a means of indefinitely prolonging human life","answer":"alchemy","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient British ruler of the Catuvellauni tribe, subject of a play by Shakespeare","answer":"cymbeline","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient drinkers warded off the devil by ____ their cups","answer":"clinking","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient Egyptians shaved their eyebrows to mourn the deaths of what","answer":"their cats","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient Egyptians slept on ____ made of stone","answer":"pillows","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient egyptians slept on pillows made of____","answer":"stone","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient mariner who flew too near the sun waering wings attached with wax","answer":"icarus","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient mariner who flew too near the sun wearing wings attached with wax","answer":"icarus","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient mayan ruins are located on which peninsula","answer":"yucatan peninsula","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient name for France","answer":"gaul","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient Peruvians substitute for writing by variously knotting threads of various colours","answer":"quipu","money":1000},
{"question":"Ancient Roman hall with colonnades","answer":"basilica","money":1000},
{"question":"Andrew marvell's poem, little t.c. in a prospect of flowers, was named after whom","answer":"theophila cornewall","money":1000},
{"question":"Andy mccluskey &paul humphreys made up which 80's band","answer":"omd","money":1000},
{"question":"Anger towards other road users experienced by a person when driving","answer":"road rage","money":1000},
{"question":"Angus Drummie Zeb Gaye is a member of which group","answer":"aswad","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: cockroach can live several weeks with its ____ cut off - it dies from starvation","answer":"head","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ always turn left when exiting a cave","answer":"bats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ and short-tailed shrews get by on only two hours of sleep a day","answer":"elephants","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ are freeze-tolerant and spend winters frozen on land, only to thaw in the spring and begin their breeding process in vernal ponds","answer":"wood frogs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ are in the same family as horses, and are thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn","answer":"rhinos","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ are powerful jumpers. A 20-inch adult can leap 20 feet in a single bound","answer":"jackrabbits","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ are social birds that congregate in huge flocks. While the flock grazes in a field, lookouts will be posted to watch for approaching danger. They'll raise the alarm if humans approach","answer":"crows","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ are the largest of the minnows - it's a big family, including over 300 American species, mainly small freshwater fishes. True minnows (family Cyprinidae) are soft-rayed fishes with teeth in their throats only","answer":"carp","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ are the only animals born with horns. Both males and females are born with bony knobs on the forehead","answer":"giraffes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ are the only mammals that are retro-mingent (they pee backwards)","answer":"cattle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ are the smallest breed of dog used for hunting. They are low to the ground, which allows them to enter and maneuver through tunnels easily","answer":"dachshunds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ are voluntary breathers. For this reason, they sleep with only half of their brain at one time. The other half remains alert to regulate breathing. Resident whales typically remain near the surface, breathing and swimming in a pattern. When traveling together, resident pods have been observed to breathe in unison. Although it is not known why this occurs, it could be a way of helping the pod keep tabs on one another","answer":"orca whales","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ bats do not suck blood. They bite, then lick up the flow","answer":"vampire","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ can climb trees faster than they can run on the ground","answer":"squirrels","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ can clock an amazing 31 mph at full speed and cover about 3 times their body length per leap","answer":"kittens","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ can live in captivity for up to 46 years","answer":"eagles","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ can swim for a 1/2 mile without resting, and they can tread water for 3 days straight","answer":"rats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ can travel up to 40 miles per hour","answer":"sharks","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ can withstand water pressure of up to 850 pounds per square inch","answer":"seals","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ cannot move backwards","answer":"alligators","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ chinchillas were brought from the Andes Mountains in South America in the 1930's. All chinchillas presently in North America are descended from these ____ chinchillas","answer":"eleven","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ communicate in sound waves below the frequency that humans can hear","answer":"elephants","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ crumble leaves in their mouths to make a type of sponge to sop up water from the hollows in trees when they can't reach the water with their lips","answer":"chimpanzees","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ do not breath automatically, as humans do, and so they do not sleep as humans do. If they become unconscious, they would sink to the bottom of the sea. Without the oxygen they need to take in periodically, they would die","answer":"dolphins","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ don't fly by flapping their wings up and down. The motion is more forward and backward, like a figure eight on its side","answer":"birds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ eagles hunt over a range of 100 square miles to feed their young","answer":"golden","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ eat only moving prey","answer":"toads","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ eels are not really eels but a kind of fish. Although they look like eels, their internal organs are arranged differently","answer":"electric","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ eggs which are incubated below 85? F (29.5? C) hatch into females, while those incubated above 95? F (35? C) hatch into males","answer":"crocodile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ feel safest when they are crowded together, hundreds in a group","answer":"flamingoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ for most snakes is accomplished with one lung only. The left lung is either greatly reduced in size or missing completely","answer":"breathing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ gather in groups to sleep through the winter. Sometimes up to 1,000 of them will coil up together to keep warm","answer":"rattlesnakes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ had a heart the size of a pickup truck","answer":"brachiosaurus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ has more homeless cats per square mile than any other city in the world","answer":"rome","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ have 5 hearts","answer":"earthworms","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ have been trained to have recognition vocabularies of 100 to 200 words. They can distinguish among different grammatical patterns","answer":"chimpanzees","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ have killed more people than have all the world's wars combined","answer":"mosquitoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ have no ability to taste sweet things","answer":"cats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ have one more pair of chromosomes than dogs or wolves","answer":"jackals","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ have scent glands between their hind toes. The glands help them leave scent trails for the herd. Researchers say the odor smells cheesy","answer":"reindeer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ have the best eyesight of any breed of dog","answer":"greyhounds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ have three eyelids to protect themselves from blowing sand","answer":"camels","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ herds post their own sentries. When danger threatens, the sentry raises its trunk and though it may be as far as a half-mile away, the rest of the herd is instantly alerted. how this communication takes place is not understood","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ instinctively know their own endurance and will refuse to move beyond it. If their masters try to drive them farther, they will lie down and refuse to budge","answer":"camels","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ is one American breed of hardy hogs having drooping ears - it was allegedly named after the horse owned by the hog's breeder","answer":"duroc","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ may travel great distances on their migrations. The Arctic tern travels from the top of the world, the Arctic - to the bottom, the Antarctic. Round trip in a single year: 25,000 miles in all","answer":"birds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ need about 2 tablespoonfuls of blood each day. The creature is able to extract its dinner in approximately 20 minutes","answer":"vampire bats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ never walk or trot, but always hop or leap","answer":"rabbits","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ of South and Central America and the Caribbean lay their eggs in February and March","answer":"iguanas","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ often sleep for up to fourteen hours a day","answer":"gorillas","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ played a role in aerial warfare during World War I. Because of their acute hearing, parrots were kept on the Eiffel Tower to warn of approaching aircraft long before the planes were heard or seen by human spotters","answer":"birds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ prefer termites to ants","answer":"anteaters","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ sea otters spend almost all of their time in the water. Alaska sea otters often sleep, groom, and nurse on land","answer":"california","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ silk is an extremely strong material and its on-weight basis has been proven to be stronger than steel. Experts suggest that a pencil-thick strand of silk could stop a Boeing 747 in flight","answer":"spider","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ swim in circles while they sleep with the eye on the outside of the circle open to keep watch for predators. After a certain amount of time, they reverse and swim in the opposite direction with the opposite eye open","answer":"dolphins","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ taste with their hind feet","answer":"butterflies","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ that are seen wandering around in the wild do not make good pets. These are sexually mature males at the end of their life cycle - they will die within a few weeks or months","answer":"tarantulas","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ turtles may breed for the first time when they are between 25 to 50 years old. This figure varies, depending upon the creature's range and the diet of the maturing turtle","answer":"green","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____ were domesticated around 4,000 years ago","answer":"camels","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____, an essential ingredient of many expensive cosmetics, is, in its native form, a foul-smelling, waxy, tarlike substance extracted from the fleece of sheep","answer":"lanolin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____, like grasshoppers - feel no pain. They have a decentralized nervous system with no cerebral cortex, which in humans is where a reaction to painful stimuli proceeds","answer":"lobsters","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: ____, like other equids, have three gaits: the walk, the trot, and the gallop","answer":"zebras","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: 1990s: In 1992, what type of flies flew on the space shuttle endeavour","answer":"fruit flies","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: 1990s: In 1999 was The Year of the ____","answer":"Rabbit","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: 2002, Crufts - which breed of dog was chosen as Best in Show","answer":"poodle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ always sleeps on its right side","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ breathes only 10 times in hibernation","answer":"woodchuck","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can advance 7 to 8 meters in a single stride, and the animal completes four strides per second. A stride is measured as the distance between successive imprints of the same paw","answer":"cheetah","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can dig over 250 feet of tunnel in a single night","answer":"mole","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can eat only when its head is upside down","answer":"flamingo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can fall from a 5-story building without injury","answer":"rat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can go without water longer than a camel can","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can go without water longer than a camel can","answer":"rat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can last longer without water than a camel can","answer":"rat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can learn to recognize itself in a mirror","answer":"chimpanzee","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can lose up to 30 percent of its body weight in perspiration and continue to cross the desert. A human would die of heat shock after sweating away only 12 percent of body weight","answer":"camel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can open its mouth wide enough to accommodate a 4-foot-tall child","answer":"hippopotamus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can remember a specific tone far better than can a human","answer":"dolphin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can squeeze through an opening no larger than a dime","answer":"rat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ can swallow a rabbit whole and may eat as many as 150 mice in a 6-month period","answer":"python","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ cannot contract or carry the rabies virus","answer":"squirrel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ cannot eat hay","answer":"deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ cannot jump if its tail is lifted off the ground. It needs its tail for pushing off","answer":"kangaroo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ cannot move its jaw side to side","answer":"cat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ consumes about 33 percent of its body weight in a single meal","answer":"pelican","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ fish can swim 100 miles in a single day","answer":"tuna","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ focuses its eye by changing the angle of its head, not by changing the shape of the lens of the eye, as humans do","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime","answer":"cow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ has a lifespan of 24 hours","answer":"dragonfly","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ has about 400 to 700 vibrissae, or whiskers, in 13 to 15 rows on its snout. Vibrissae are attached to muscles and are supplied with blood and nerves. A ____ moves its snout through bottom sediment to find food. Abrasion patterns created by their tusks show that they are dragged through the sediment, but are not used to dig up prey","answer":"walrus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ has no color vision, it sees only in black and white. Every part of its field of vision, however, is in perfect focus, not just straight ahead, as with humans","answer":"squirrel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ has the largest penis of any other animal in relation to its size","answer":"barnacle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ has three eyelids","answer":"duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ in the wild usually makes no more than 20 kills a year","answer":"lion","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ is capable of devouring a pig whole","answer":"python","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ keeps purring, no matter if it is inhaling or exhaling, a baffling accomplishment","answer":"cat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ male reindeer is called a bull","answer":"castrated","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ never actually sees the food as it eats, since its eyes are on top of its head and its mouth and nostrils are on the bottom","answer":"stingray","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ s heart beats 300 times a minute on average","answer":"hedgehog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ weighing 120 pounds exerts a force of about 1,540 pounds between its jaws. A human being's jaws exert a force of only 40 to 80 pounds","answer":"crocodile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ weighs about 1,400 pounds and eats about 55 pounds of food per day","answer":"cow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ will lay bigger and stronger eggs if you change the lighting in such a way as to make them think a day is 28 hours long","answer":"chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A ____ will sink in quicksand but a mule won't","answer":"donkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A 'gam' is a collection of which creatures","answer":"whales","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A 'geep' is the resulting offspring of a sheep and a","answer":"goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A 'schipperke' is a breed of which animal","answer":"dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A \"cameleopard\" is an archaic term for what animal","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A \"winkle\" is an edible ____","answer":"sea snail","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A 2 year old horse has ____incisors","answer":"six","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A 4-inch-long ____ can grip a rock with a force of 400 pounds. Two grown men are incapable of prying it up","answer":"abalone","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A 4-inch-long abalone can grip a rock with a force of ____ pounds","answer":"400","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: a 42-foot sperm whale has about ____ tons of oil in it","answer":"7","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A 42-foot sperm whale has about ____ tons of oil in it","answer":"seven","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A 42-foot sperm whale has about 7 tons of ____ in it","answer":"oil","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A 6 pound sea-hare can lay ____ eggs in a single minute","answer":"40,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A babirusa is a type of ____","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A baby ____ is about six feet tall at birth","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A baby DEER is called a ____","answer":"fawn","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A baby DONKEY is called a ____","answer":"colt","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A baby eel is called an","answer":"elver","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A baby FOX is called a ____","answer":"cub","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A baby giraffe is about ____ feet tall at birth","answer":"6","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A baby gray ____ drinks enough milk to fill more than 2,000 bottles a day","answer":"whale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A baby gray whale drinks enough milk to fill more than ____ bottles a day","answer":"2,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A baby oyster is called a(n) ____","answer":"spat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A barnacle has the largest ____ of any other animal in relation to its size","answer":"penis","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A bear in hibernation loses up to ____ percent of its body weight","answer":"25","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A bear in hibernation loses up to 25 percent of its ____","answer":"body weight","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A bird \"chews\" with its stomach. Since most birds do not have teeth, a bird routinely swallows small pebbles and gravel. These grits become vigorously agitated in the bird's stomach and serve to grind food as it passes through the ____","answer":"digestive system","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A bird sees everything at once in total focus. Whereas the human eye is globular and must adjust to varying distances, the bird's eye is flat and can take in everything at once in a ____","answer":"single glance","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A bison can jump ____ feet","answer":"6","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A bison can jump ____","answer":"6 feet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A breed of black and white dairy cattle","answer":"friesian","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A camel can shut its nostrils during a ____","answer":"desert sandstorm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: a camel with one hump is a dromedary, while a camel with two humps is a ____","answer":"bactrian","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A carnivore is a meat-eating animal. A ____ is a fruit-eating animal","answer":"frugivore","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A castrated bull","answer":"bullock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A castrated horse","answer":"gelding","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A castrated male ____ is called a bull","answer":"reindeer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A castrated male reindeer is called a____","answer":"bull","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cat has 32 muscles in ____","answer":"each ear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cat has how many muscles in each ear","answer":"32","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cat uses its whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. The whiskers act as feelers or ____, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage","answer":"antennae","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cat's ____ can't move sideways","answer":"jaw","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cat's arching back is part of a complex body language system, usually associated with feeling threatened. The arch is able to get so high because the cat's spine contains nearly 60 vertebrae which fit loosely together. Humans have only ____","answer":"34 vertebrae","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cat's whiskers are called","answer":"vibrissae","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A chameleon's ____ is twice the length of its body","answer":"tongue","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cheetah can accelerate from 0 to ____ in 2 seconds","answer":"70 km/h","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cockroach will live nine days without its ____, before it starves to death","answer":"head","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cow can't ____ until she's given birth to a calf","answer":"give milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cow gives nearly how many glasses of milk in her lifetime","answer":"200,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cow normally has how many teats?","answer":"Four","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cow sweats from which part of its body?","answer":"Nose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cow's stomach has how many chambers?","answer":"4","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cows stomach has how many compartments","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly","answer":"a mile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A crocodile always grows new ____ to replace the old ones","answer":"teeth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A crocodile can't stick out its ____","answer":"tongue","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A crocodile is a member of the phylum vertebrata. What class does it belong to","answer":"Reptilia","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A crocodiles ____ is attached to the roof of its mouth","answer":"tongue","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A Curry Comb is used on what type of creature?","answer":"Horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A dark brown infesting insect","answer":"cockroach","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A deep sea shark, feeds on plankton","answer":"Megamouth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A deer cannot eat____","answer":"hay","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A dog's ____ has over 200 scent receiving cells","answer":"nose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A dolphin can remember a specific ____ better than a human","answer":"tone","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A donkey is an \"ass\", but an ass is not always a donkey. The word \"ass\" refers to several hoofed mammals of the genus Equus, including the ____","answer":"onager","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A donkey will sink in ____ but a mule won't","answer":"quicksand","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A donkey will sink in quicksand but a ____ won't","answer":"mule","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A dragonfly has a lifespan of ____ hours","answer":"24","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A duck has ____ eyelids","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A famous stallion will, on retirement, command an impressive stud fee for servicing approved mares. Specialist stud-farms house one or more stallions, each of which is allowed to service about ____ per season","answer":"40 mares","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A female donkey is called a what?","answer":"Jenny","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A female mouse may spawn as many as ten litters of eight to ten young during her lifetime - which is generally less than a year. The gestation period is three weeks, and the young mice reach maturity in only ____","answer":"ten weeks","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A female swine, or a sow, will always have a even number of teats or nipples, usually____ ","answer":"twelve","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A female swine, or a sow, will always have a even number of____ , usually twelve","answer":"nipples","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A female____ , will always have a even number of teats or nipples, usually twelve","answer":"swine","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A fennec is what type of animal?","answer":"A Desert Fox","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A flamingo can eat only when its head is","answer":"upside down","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A flea can jump how many times its own length","answer":"100","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A fluke is what kind of animal?","answer":"Worm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A fox litter is typically 10 to 15 ____","answer":"pups","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A full-grown ____ may be 8 feet high at the shoulder and weigh almost a ton","answer":"moose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A garter snake can give birth to ____","answer":"85 babies","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A giant Pacific ____ can fit its entire body through an opening no bigger than the size of its beak","answer":"octopus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A Gila monster is a type of what","answer":"lizard","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A giraffe can clean its ears with its ____-inch tongue","answer":"21","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A giraffe's neck contains the same number of ____ as a human","answer":"vertebrae","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A giraffe's sticky, black tongue can be more than 18 inches long and is used to gather food into the mouth. Males typically feed with their head and neck at full vertical stretch, often with their tongues extended to reach the shoots on the underside of the mature tree canopy. Females feed at the body or knee height, with their necks ____","answer":"curled over","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A glow worm isn't a worm, its a","answer":"beetle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A good milking cow will give nearly 6,000 quarts of ____ every year","answer":"milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A group of bees can be called either a hive, a swarm, or a ____","answer":"grist","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A group of foxes is called a ____","answer":"skulk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A group of gorillas is known as a ____","answer":"band","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A group of kangaroos is known as a ____","answer":"troop","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A group of owls is called a ____","answer":"parliament","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A Harlequin is what type of bird?","answer":"Duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A hedgehog's heart beats ____ times a minute on average","answer":"300","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A herd of sixty cows is capable of producing a ton of milk in less than a ____","answer":"day","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A hibernating woodchuck breathes only ten times per hour. An ____ woodchuck breathes 2,100 times an hour","answer":"active","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A hippopotamus can run faster than a ____","answer":"man","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A hippopotamus has a stomach 10 feet long, capable of holding 6 bushels of ____","answer":"grass","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A Holstein cow's spots are like a ____ or a snowflake; no two cows have exactly the same pattern of spots","answer":"fingerprint","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A horse can sleep ____","answer":"standing up","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A horse named Black Bess was ridden by who?","answer":"Dick Trupin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A horse's hoof is also known by what grim term","answer":"coffin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A horseshoe for a full-grown Clydesdale measures more that ____ inches from end to end and weighs about five pounds. It is more than two times as long and four times as heavy as a shoe worn by a riding horse","answer":"22","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A jellyfish is 95 percent","answer":"water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A jynx is a ____, also know as the wryneck because of its peculiar habit of twisting its neck","answer":"woodpecker","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A kangaroo is a member of the phylum vertebrata. What class does it belong to","answer":"mammalia","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A King Cobra is the biggest of all poisonous snakes and can grow to over 13 feet long. A bite from a King Cobra can kill an elephant in ____","answer":"4 hours","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A large Caribbean ____ excretes a ton of sand a year. Using two oversized front teeth, it nibbles on seagrass and scrapes algae. Another set of teeth in its throat grinds up the coral it ingests","answer":"parrot fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A lepidopterist collects?","answer":"Butterflies & moths","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A male ____ becomes fully feathered when he is three years old, but can mate earlier","answer":"peacock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A male ____ that has been neutered is known as a \"wether.\"","answer":"goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A male baboon can kill a ____","answer":"leopard","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A male kangaroo is called a boomer, and a female is called a ____","answer":"flyer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A male pig is a boar. A female pig is a sow. A baby pig is a ____","answer":"piglet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A mandrill is what type of creature?","answer":"Monkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A marine catfish can taste with any part of its body. The female marine catfish hatches her eggs in her ____","answer":"mouth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A markhor is what type of animal?","answer":"Wild goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A mated pair of ____ can produce up to 15,000 babies in one year","answer":"rats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A mole can dig a tunnel ____ feet long in one night","answer":"300","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A mother ____ often gives birth while standing, so the newborn's first experience outside the womb is a 1.8-meter (6-foot) drop. Ouch!","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A newborn Chinese water ____ is so small it can almost be held in the palm of the hand","answer":"deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A newborn gray whale calf is an average 16 feet long. For reasons unknown, all gray whale calves are born in the warm, shallow lagoons of Baja, ____","answer":"california","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A newborn turkey chick has to be taught to eat, or it will starve. Breeders spread feed underfoot, hoping the little ones will peck at it and get the idea. Turkeys tend to look up with their mouths open during rainstorms. As a result, many ____","answer":"drown","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A normal cow's stomach has ____ compartments: the rumen, the recticulum (storage area), the omasum (where water is absorbed), and the abomasum ( the only compartment with digestive juices)","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A one-humped camel is called a ____","answer":"dromedary","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A pig is a hog - but a hog is not a pig. \"Hog\" is a generic name for all swine. Per hog-raising terminology, a pig is a baby hog less than ____","answer":"ten weeks old","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A plaice, a large European flounder, can lie on a checkerboard and reproduce on its upper surface the same pattern of squares, for ____","answer":"camouflage","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A Quagga is an extinct animal that was a distant cousin to which animal that exists today?","answer":"Zebra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A quarter horse gets its name from its speed in running the ____","answer":"quarter-mile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A racehorse averages a weight loss of between 15 and 25 pounds during a ____","answer":"race","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A rarity in birds, geese are among the very few in which the family stays together at the end of the ____ season. Parents and the young raised during the summer establish strong family bonds and do not break up for about a year. In the fall, geese migrate in flocks that contain other family units, and each family stays together on the wintering grounds","answer":"breeding","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A rhinoceros has ____ toes on each foot","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A robin has nearly 3,000 ____","answer":"feathers","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A rodent's teeth never stop growing. They are worn down by the animal's constant gnawing on bark, leaves, and other ____","answer":"vegetable matter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A Saki is what type of animal?","answer":"A Monkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A shrimp has ____ pairs of legs","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A shrimp has more than a hundred pairs of chromosomes in each cell nucleus. Man has only ____","answer":"23","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A sidewinder is what type of creature?","answer":"A snake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A silvery freshwater fish with a long dorsal fin","answer":"grayling","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A single ____, with its razor-sharp teeth, is still dangerous enough when out of water to rip off the flesh, or a finger or toe, from an unwary fisherman","answer":"piranha","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A single WHAT may catch and eat as many as 10,000 insects in the course of a summer","answer":"toad","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A skunk will not ____ and throw its scent at the same time","answer":"bite","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A snail speeding along at three inches per minute would need 15 days to travel ____","answer":"one mile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A snake has no ____. However, its tongue is extremely sensitive to sound vibrations. By constantly flicking its tongue, the snake picks up these sound waves. In this sense, a snake \"hears\" with its tongue","answer":"ears","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A snake is capable of eating an animal four times larger than the width of its own ____","answer":"head","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A snake's ____ is located in the front one-fifth portion of its body","answer":"stomach","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A South African ____ can grow to be 35 inches (90 cm) in length - longer than your arm","answer":"bullfrog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A species of ____ known as the Linckia columbiae can reproduce its entire body - that is, grow back completely - from a single severed pieces less than a half-inch long","answer":"starfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A species of sponge, called the red sponge, can be pushed through a piece of fabric so that it is broken into thousands of tiny pieces. The animal does not die. Rather, all the pieces reassemble until the sponge returns to its ____","answer":"original form","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A stoat produces fur called what?","answer":"Ermine","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A terrapin is a type of ____","answer":"turtle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A tiger's paw prints are called ____. A tiger's forefeet have five toes and the hind feet have four toes. All toes have claws. The claws are 80 to 100 mm in length","answer":"pug marks","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A type of lizard, the ____, escapes pursuers by crawling into a crack in a rock and inflating its body with air so that it is wedged tightly into the crack and can't be pulled out","answer":"chuckwalla","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A typical mayfly lives for how many days?","answer":"One","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A whales breathing organs are called what?","answer":"Lungs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A wild cat, known as \"the fishing cat\" actually swims to catch fish. Called the Bengali Mach-Bagral, nature gave this cat extra-long claws, which it uses like fishhooks. The fishing cat is found in Nepal, Burma, Southern China and parts of ____","answer":"india","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A wolf's odor detecting ability is ____ times greater than man's","answer":"100","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A woodchuck breathes only ten times per hour while ____, while an active woodchuck breathes 2,100 times an hour","answer":"hibernating","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A young male fur ____ that is kept from the breeding grounds by the older males is called a bachelor","answer":"seal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: A young pigeon that has not yet flown is a ____","answer":"squab","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: About 24 newborn opossums can fit in a teaspoon. They are about .07 ounce at ____","answer":"birth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: According to experts, ____ don't like to head straight for anything. For safety, they may run past and sweep around from the side","answer":"squirrels","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: According to several studies, less than 3 percent of the ____ population become man-eaters","answer":"tiger","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: According to the National Wild Turkey Federation, the number of wild turkeys in the U.S. has increased from an all time low of 30,000 to more than 4 million today. One state park in Iowa now boasts more than ____ turkeys per square mile","answer":"100","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: According to zoology experts, there is no real difference between doves and ____. The choice of name rests almost altogether on custom and geography, although the smaller of the species is, more often than not, called a dove","answer":"pigeons","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Ad?lie ____ employ yawning as part of their courtship ritual","answer":"penguins","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Adult electric eels 5ft to 7ft long produce enough electricity ____ 600 volts ____ to stun a ____","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Adult polar bears usually eat just the skin and blubber of a seal. They leave the meat for cubs and scavengers. One seal will sustain an adult bear for ____","answer":"11 days","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: After mating which aptly named spider devours its partner?","answer":"The Black Widow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: After which marine animal is L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland named","answer":"jellyfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: All cows are females; the males are called ____","answer":"bulls","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: All mammals have ____","answer":"tongues","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: All porcupines float in ____","answer":"water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Alligators and ____ have something in common, at least auditorily. They can hear notes only up to 4,000 vibrations a second","answer":"old people","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Almost half the pigs in the world are kept by farmers in ____","answer":"china","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Alphabetically, which animal comes first in the Chinese horoscope?","answer":"Boar","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Alphabetically, which animal comes last in the Chinese horoscope?","answer":"Tiger","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Although beavers live near rivers, streams, and lakes - they do not eat fish. Beavers eat only plants. They eat poplar trees, carrots, cattail, mushrooms, potatoes, berries, water plants, swamp wood, and fruit. Soft ____ is the main food for a beaver","answer":"bark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Although manatees are excellent ____, the deepest that one has been observed diving is 33 feet. Typically, the large, gentle creatures feed no deeper than about ten feet below the surface of the water","answer":"swimmers","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Although the last of the ____ in captivity died in Hobart in 1935, some may still roam Tasmania's high country. The wolflike marsupial's scientific name, Thylacinus cynocephalus, means \"the pouched dog with a wolf head.\"","answer":"tasmanian devils","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Americans consume more than 353 million pounds of turkey during National Turkey Lovers' Month (June). By comparison, more than 675 million pounds of turkey will be consumed at ____","answer":"thanksgiving","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An ____ can go through 2,000 to 3,000 teeth in a lifetime","answer":"alligator","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An ____ egg can make eleven-and-a-half omelets","answer":"ostrich","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An ____ is nearly 6 feet long, yet its mouth is only an inch wide","answer":"anteater","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An ____ may weigh as much as 300 pounds. Its intestinal tract is 45 feet long","answer":"ostrich","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An ____, despite its ponderous appearance, can reach speeds up to 25 miles per hours on an open stretch","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An abalone is what kind of animal?","answer":"Marine snail","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An adult lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away, and warns off intruders or reunites scattered members of the ____","answer":"pride","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An adult walrus typically eats about 3,000 ____ per day","answer":"clams","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An alpaca is sheared only once every two years and yields only about 5 or 6 pounds of wool at each shearing. Because the yield is so small and the material so desirable, alpaca wool is ____","answer":"very expensive","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An animal is a fish if it has ____","answer":"gill","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An aquatic beaver like rodent native to south america but which has become naturalised in parts of europe","answer":"coypu","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An average-size ____ weighs about 150 pounds","answer":"aardvark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An eagle can attack, kill, and carry away an animal as large as a young deer. The Harpy eagle of South America feed on ____","answer":"monkeys","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An earthworm has how many hearts?","answer":"5","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An elephant may consume 500 pounds of hay and 60 gallons of water in a ____","answer":"single day","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An extinct species of ____ had a head the size of a Shetland pony's and reached a height of more than ten feet","answer":"kangaroo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An octopus has how many hearts?","answer":"3","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An ostrich's eye is bigger than its ____","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: An ox is a castrated bull. A mule is a sterile cross between a male ass and a ____","answer":"female horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Ancient Egyptians believed that \"Bast\" was the mother of all cats on Earth. They also believed that cats were ____","answer":"sacred animals","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals living in what type of habitat are arboreal animals?","answer":"In or amongst trees","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: A","answer":"aardvark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: B","answer":"bee","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: C","answer":"caracal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: D","answer":"dall sheep","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: E","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: F","answer":"fishing cat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: G","answer":"gerenuk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: H","answer":"hippo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: J","answer":"jaguar","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: K","answer":"koala","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: L","answer":"leopard","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: M","answer":"margay","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: N","answer":"nahwhal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: O","answer":"ocelot","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: P","answer":"pademelon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: Q","answer":"quokka","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: R","answer":"rhino","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: S","answer":"serval","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: T","answer":"tamaraw","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: W","answer":"walrus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: Y","answer":"yak","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals Starting with: Z","answer":"zebra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals that once existed and exist no more, are called ____","answer":"extinct","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals without backbones are called what?","answer":"Invertebrates","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- larks called","answer":"exaltation","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- peacocks called","answer":"muster","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- whales called","answer":"a pod","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Another name for a German Shepherd","answer":"alsatian","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Another name for an Alsatian dog","answer":"german shepherd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Antlers and horns are not the same. Horns grow throughout an animal's life and are found on both the male and female of a species. Antlers, composed of a different chemical substance, are shed ____","answer":"every year","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Any of as many as 50,000 marine, freshwater, & terrestrial species of mollusk","answer":"snail","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Arabian horses have one less vertebra in their backbones than other ____","answer":"horses","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Arctic terns found in North America and the Arctic migrate each year as far south as Antarctica and back, a round trip of over 18,000 miles. Theirs is probably the longest ____","answer":"migratory flight","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: are the only truly social cat species, and usually every female in a pride, ranging from 5 to 30 individuals, is closely related","answer":"lions","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: As a rule, many birds generally lay fewer eggs in a clutch in the ____, where the amount of daylight is shorter than in northern latitudes. It is in the northern reaches of the world that more summer food for birds is available as a result of the longer days","answer":"tropics","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: As what is a camelopard also known","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: As what is a giraffe also known","answer":"camelopard","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: As what is a moose also known","answer":"algonquin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: As what is an algonquin more commonaly known","answer":"moose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: At a length of 150cm (59 inches), this bird is the Largest Bird of Prey","answer":"Himalayan Griffon Vulture","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: At birth, a ____ is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces","answer":"panda","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: At birth, baby ____ are only about an inch long - no bigger than a large waterbug or a queen bee","answer":"kangaroos","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: At birth, the white whale is ____","answer":"black","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: At seven inches long, the Wilson's storm petrel is the smallest bird to breed on the ____","answer":"antarctic continent","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: At what age does a filly become a mare","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Atlantic ____ are able to leap 15 feet high","answer":"salmon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: australia has almost how many species of spiders","answer":"2,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Australia's ____ is the world's most dangerous jellyfish. Its toxin is more potent than cobra venom and can kill a person in minutes","answer":"box jelly","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Australian egg laying mammal with webbed feet","answer":"duck-billed platypus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Australian termites have been known to build mounds ____ feet high","answer":"twenty","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Australian termites have been known to build mounds at least ____ feet wide","answer":"100","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Baby beavers are called kits or ____","answer":"kittens","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Baby eels are","answer":"elvers","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Baby mink are born blind and remain sightless for a ____","answer":"month","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Baby opossums - upon birth when they move to the mother's pouch - are smaller than honeybees. An entire litter can fit in a ____","answer":"teaspoon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Baby rattlesnakes are born in August and ____","answer":"september","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Baby rattlesnakes are born without ____","answer":"rattles","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Baby robins eat ____ feet of earthworms every day","answer":"fourteen","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Back of horse's leg where hair grows above hoof","answer":"fetlock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bactrian camels have survived in a land with no water in an area used for nuclear testing. Their numbers, however, are falling dramatically as humans encroach farther and farther into China's ____ Desert","answer":"gobi","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bactrian or dromedary","answer":"camel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bald eagles are not bald. The top of their head is covered with slicked-down white feathers; from a distance, they appear ____","answer":"hairless","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Basking, nurse and whale are all types of which animal","answer":"shark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bats always turn ____ when exiting a cave","answer":"left","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bats are second largest order of mammals, with about ____ species","answer":"950","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bats are the only mammals that are able to fly. The \"flying squirrel\" can only do what the gliding opposum does - glide for short ____","answer":"distances","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Because baby pigs grow so quickly, a succession of 48 little pigs were used in the title role during the filming of the 1995 movie hit ____","answer":"babe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Because birds carrying messages were often killed in flight by hawks, medieval Arabs made a habit of sending important messages ____","answer":"twice","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Because it is continually losing body heat, the ____ must keep moving to stay warm. If inactive for more than a few hours, the animal will lose enough body heat to freeze to death","answer":"shrew","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Because its eyeball is fixed, the ____ must move its huge body to shift its line of sight","answer":"whale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Because its tongue is too short for its beak, the ____ must juggle its food before swallowing it","answer":"toucan","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Because of the giant panda's large size and the small size of their offspring, it is difficult to tell when a panda is ____","answer":"pregnant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Because of their acute sense of smell, dogs are trained to sniff out everything from drugs to bombs to iron ore. In Ontario, Canada, instruments couldn't locate where natural gas was escaping from a pipeline buried 18 feet underground. Trained ____ were brought in. The dogs worked in sub-zero temperatures and covered nearly 100 miles of frozen ground, ultimately finding more than 150 gas leaks","answer":"german shepherds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Because the natural habitat of ____ is of little use to man - the alkaline African lake waters support few fish and cannot be used for human consumption or irrigation - and also because their resting areas are typically inaccessible, the birds are rarely disturbed, unlike other African wild birds","answer":"flamingos","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bees have ____ eyes","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Between the mid-1860's and 1883, the ____ population in North America was reduced from an estimated 13 million to a few hundred","answer":"bison","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Biology: Spiders' webs are a traditional natural ____, when applied to a cut they quickly stop the flow of blood","answer":"clotting agent","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bird droppings are a chief export of Nauru, an island nation in the ____","answer":"western pacific","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bird with characteristic cry and the habit of laying eggs in other birds nests","answer":"cuckoo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Birds do not sing because they are happy. It is a ____","answer":"territorial behavior","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Birds with the Largest Wingspan, 1st place goes to","answer":"Great White Pelican","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Birds with the Largest Wingspan, 2nd place goes to","answer":"Wandering Albatross","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Birds with the Largest Wingspan, 3rd place goes to","answer":"Andean Condor","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Birds","answer":"Bluejay","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Black and white seabird with small wings","answer":"auk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Blondie's dog","answer":"daisy","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Boredom can lead to madness in ____. When caged by themselves and neglected for long periods of time, these intelligent, sociable birds can easily become mentally ill. Many inflict wounds upon themselves, develop strange tics, and rip out their own feathers. The birds need constant interaction, affection, and mental stimulation; some bird authorities have determined that some parrot breeds have the mental abilities of a 5-year-old human child. Should a neglected parrot go mad, there is little that can be done to restore it to normalcy. In England, there are \"mental institutions\" for such unfortunate creatures","answer":"parrots","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Boston butt, jowl and picnic ham are all parts of which animal","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bovine refers to what kind of animal","answer":"cattle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Boxers were named after their habit of playing. At the beginning of play with another dog, a Boxer will stand on his hind legs and bat at his opponent, appearing to \"box\" with his ____","answer":"front paws","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Brachiosaurus had a ____ the size of a pickup truck","answer":"heart","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Breed of dog that Lassie is","answer":"collie","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Budgerigar is another name for what kind of bird","answer":"parakeet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Bull giraffes forage higher in trees than cow giraffes which reduces food competition between the sexes. Long-legged giraffes walk with the limbs on one side of the body lifted at the same time. This gait is called a pace and allows a longer stride which saves ____","answer":"steps and energy","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Butterflies taste with their ____ feet","answer":"hind","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Butterflies taste with their","answer":"feet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: By age 6 months, the voracious ____ will have increased its 3-pound birth weight by 7,000 percent","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: By what name is the bird Pica Pica better known","answer":"magpie","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: By what name is the Tibetan Lion Dog better known","answer":"Shih Tzu","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Camel milk is the only milk that doesn't curdle when ____","answer":"boiled","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Camel's milk does not ____","answer":"curdle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Camels are born without","answer":"humps","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Camels have three ____ to protect themselves from blowing sand","answer":"eyelids","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Camels were used as pack animals in ____ and Arizona as late as 1870","answer":"nevada","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Can a bat stand up","answer":"no","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Can a platypus see under water","answer":"no","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Can gorillas swim","answer":"no","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Can iguanas blink?","answer":"No","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Canned herring were dubbed ____ because the canning process was first developed in Sardinia, Italy","answer":"sardines","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been hit by a ____ strike","answer":"lightning","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Carnivorous mammal, native to the northern regions of North America, Europe, & Asia, whose habits are much like those of the badger","answer":"wolverine","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cashmere is sourced from which animal?","answer":"Goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cat's ____ glows under a black-light","answer":"urine","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cat's can't taste ____","answer":"sweets","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cat's urine glows under a ____ light","answer":"black","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Catfish have how many taste buds","answer":"100,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Catnip can affect lions and tigers as well as house cats. It excites them because it contains a chemical that resembles an excretion of the dominant female's ____","answer":"urine","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cats are the only domestic animals that walk directly on their ____, not on their paws. This method of walking is called \"digitigrade\". When cats scratch furniture, it isn't an act of malice. They are actually tearing off the ragged edges of the sheaths of their talons to expose the new sharp ones beneath","answer":"claws","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cats have amazing hearing ability. A cat's ear has ____ muscles that control the outer ear (by comparison, human ears only have six muscles). These muscles rotate 180 degrees, so the cat can hear in all directions without moving its head","answer":"thirty","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cats have more than one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ____","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cats have over ____ vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten","answer":"100","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, dogs only have about","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cats, not dogs, are now the most common pets in America. Approximately 66 million cats to 58 million dogs are family pets, with parakeets \"flying\" a distant third at ____","answer":"14,000,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cattle branding in the United States did not originate in the West. It began in ____ in the mid-19th century, when farmers were required by law to mark all their pigs","answer":"connecticut","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cattle branding was practiced 4,000 years ago. Old tomb paintings show ____ branding their fat, spotted cattle","answer":"egyptians","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Celeste was the wife of which fictional animal?","answer":"Babar the Elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Certain ____ can be frozen solid then thawed, & continue living","answer":"frogs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Certain ____ can be frozen solid then thawed, and continue living","answer":"frogs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Certain ____ emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through flesh and wood","answer":"fireflies","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Certain birds of prey (the African serpent eagle and the American kestrel, for example) have ____ acuity 2.4 to 2.6 times greater than humans. They can see a 1 mm long insect from a treetop 18 meters above ground","answer":"visual","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Certain fireflies emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through ____ and wood","answer":"flesh","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Certain fireflies emit a light so penetrating that it can pass through flesh and____","answer":"wood","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Certain species of male butterflies produce scents that serve in attracting females during____","answer":"courtship","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: chipmunk that says \"naturally\" in the chipmunk song","answer":"theodore","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: City ____ will eat just about anything, and often, it's the junk food that people offer them that they prefer, like Cracker Jack peanuts. Many naturalists have concluded that a peanut diet is harmful to squirrels: it seems to result in a weakening of eyesight and a thinning of the animal's pelt","answer":"squirrels","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Clams have a row of ____ around their shells","answer":"eyes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Collective term for slender, threadlike outgrowths of the epidermis of mammals, forming the characteristic covering of those mammals","answer":"hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Colobus, vervet and mangabey are types of which animal","answer":"monkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Common name applied generally to certain members of a family of relatively small salamanders, most of which spend at least part of their lives in water","answer":"newt","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Common name applied to birds of about 14 genera of the pheasant family","answer":"partridge","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Common name applied to certain large African monkeys & sometimes to the closely related gelada","answer":"baboon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Common name applied to most species of hymenopteran insects (hymenoptera), except bees & ants","answer":"wasp","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Common name for a carnivore now widespread in North America & closely related to the wolf (dog family)","answer":"coyote","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Communication within the prairie dog community is crucial to the creatures' survival. An appointed sentry, spotting a predator, will give a distinctive warning cry, which instantly sends all others grabbing up babies and scurrying to the safety of their burrows. An all-clear call later announces that danger is passed. Experts are fascinated by the prairie dogs' ____","answer":"cooperative system","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Contrary to popular belief, dogs do not sweat by salivating. They sweat through the____","answer":"pads of their feet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Coral and algae have what kind of relationship?","answer":"Symbiotic","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cougars can kill animals ____ times their size","answer":"eight","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cows clean their noses with their ____","answer":"tongue","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cows have four stomachs. Often, when a calf is born, the farmer will make it swallow a magnet. This is to attract the various nails, staples, bits of wire, and so on, that the cow may ingest while grazing. This odd hunger is known as ____","answer":"hardware disease","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cows provide 90 percent of the world's ____","answer":"milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Coyotes are extremely loyal to their mates. If one is caught in a trap, the other will bring small game for it to eat; it will soak itself in a river to allow its thirsty mate to chew on its damp fur for water. It has been documented that the free coyote will stay with its captive partner until ____","answer":"death","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Crabs and other crustaceans can escape danger by simply discarding an injured or trapped ____","answer":"limb","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Creature of which the echida is an example","answer":"anteater","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Crocodiles are ____ blind","answer":"colour","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Crocodiles carry their ____ in their mouths","answer":"young","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Crocodiles swallow ____ to help them dive deeper","answer":"stones","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Cross between a collie and a greyhound","answer":"lurcher","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Daddy Long Legs is the common name for which fly?","answer":"Crane Fly","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Dan dan is the only panda in captivity with these two fur colorings","answer":"brown and white","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Dead sponges can resist bacterial decay for more than five years when submerged in ____","answer":"fresh water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Deer have no ____","answer":"gall bladders","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Depending on the geographic region, about 30 to 60 percent of all animals brought in to animal shelters in the United States are ____","answer":"euthanized","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Desert antelope that originally ranged from the western sahara and mauritania to egypt and the sudan","answer":"addax","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Despite man's fear and hatred of the wolf, it has not ever been proved that a non-rabid wolf ever attacked a ____","answer":"human","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Despite the hump, a camels spine is","answer":"straight","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Despite their finickiness, an average cat consumes about 127,750 calories a year, nearly 28 times their own weight in food and the same amount again in liquids. In case you were wondering, cats cannot survive on a ____","answer":"vegetarian diet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Destructive insect related to the grasshopper","answer":"locust","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Developed in Egypt about 5,000 years ago, the greyhound breed was known before the ninth century in England, where it was bred by aristocrats to hunt such small game as hares. Today the dog is widely used in ____","answer":"racing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: dima this type of animal, was found perfectly preserved in siberia in 1977","answer":"woolly mammoth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Dinosaurs lived during this era, the age of reptiles","answer":"mesozoic era","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic Era, which is divided into three periods Two of these are Jurassic and Cretaceous What is the third","answer":"Triassic","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago, after living on Earth for about ____ million years","answer":"165","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Do bumblebees have tongues","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Do chimpanzees have tails","answer":"no","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Do crocodiles 'cry' salty tears","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Do fish have ears","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Do frogs or toads move faster","answer":"frogs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Do mosquitoes have teeth","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Do sea gulls drink sea water","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Do snails have teeth","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Do the bones of a pigeon weigh more or less than its feathers","answer":"less","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Does a wild rabbit live 10, 15 or 20 years","answer":"10","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Dogs bark. What do donkeys do","answer":"bray","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Dogs that do not tolerate small children well are the St. Bernard, the Old English sheep dog, the Alaskan malamute, the bull terrier, and the toy ____","answer":"poodle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Domesticated ____ (farm-raised) cannot fly. Wild ____ can fly for short distances at up to 55 miles per hour. Wild ____ are also fast on the ground, running at speeds of up to 30 miles per hour","answer":"turkeys","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Ducks will lay eggs only in the ____","answer":"early morning","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Due to a retinal adaptation that reflects light back to the retina, the night vision of tigers is six times better than that of ____","answer":"humans","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: During it's lifetime an ____ changes its sex from male to female and back several times","answer":"oyster","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: During the mating season, male ____ bristle their quills at each other and chatter their teeth in rage before attacking. All ____ at this time become very vocal: grunting, whining, chattering, even barking and mewing at each other","answer":"porcupines","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Each day, 100 or more whales are killed by ____","answer":"fishermen","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Earthworms have ____ hearts","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Elephant tusks grow throughout an elephant's life and can weigh more than 200 pounds. Among Asian elephants, only the males have tusks. Both sexes of ____ elephants have tusks","answer":"african","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Elephants are covered with ____. Although it is not apparent from a distance, at close range, one can discern a thin coat of light ____s covering practically every part of an elephant's body","answer":"hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Elephants perform greeting ceremonies when a member of the group returns after a long time away. The welcoming animals spin around, flap their ears, and ____","answer":"trumpet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Elephants, lions, and camels roamed ____ 12,000 years ago","answer":"alaska","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Ergonomic waterbeds are the latest must-have on the bovine circuit. The beds, listed at $175 each, are said to enhance cattle health by reducing ____","answer":"joint damage","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Eskimos call what kind of creature a nanook?","answer":"Polar Bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Every ____, there is a peak in Canada wildlife population, especially among the muskrats, red fox, skunks, mink, lynx, and rabbits. The population of grasshoppers of the world tends to rise and fall rhythmically in 9.2-year cycles","answer":"9.6 years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Every bird must eat at least half its own weight in food each day to survive. Young birds need even more. A young robin, for example, eats as much as 14 feet of ____ a day","answer":"earthworms","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Every hour, nearly 12,500 puppies are born in the ____","answer":"united states","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Everyone knows you can call a group of fish a school, but what else can you call it","answer":"drought","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Excluding man, what is the longest-lived land mammal","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Expressing recognition rather than love, Utah ____ exchange \"kisses.\" By the touching of incisor teeth, they quickly confirm the identity of group members","answer":"prairie dogs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Extinct bird of Mauritius","answer":"dodo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fandible, lateral line, and dorsal fin are parts of a(n) ____","answer":"fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fastest bird (self flight)","answer":"swift","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: February 18, 1930 marks the first flight by a ____ in an airplane","answer":"cow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: February is the mating month for ____","answer":"gray whales","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fish are the only vertebrates that outnumber","answer":"birds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fish get oxygen through which organ?","answer":"Gills","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fish travel in schools, whales travel in pods or ____","answer":"gams","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fish with long snakelike bodies, smooth slimey skin and reduced fins","answer":"eels","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fish: how many eggs can a bluegill lay","answer":"40,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fish: what is lepomis humilis","answer":"orange spotted sunfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fish: what is morone mississippiensis","answer":"yellow bass","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fish: what is pomoxis nigromacultus","answer":"black crappie","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fishes which, as adults, lie on one side of the body with both eyes on the opposite, upward-facing side of the head","answer":"flatfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Flamingoes live remarkably long lives - up to ____","answer":"80 years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Flamingos are not naturally pink. They get their color from their food, tiny green algae that turn pink during ____","answer":"digestion","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Flatfishes form a unique and widespread group that includes about 130 American species, common in both the Atlantic and ____","answer":"pacific ocean","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fleas can accelerate ____ times faster than the space shuttle","answer":"fifty","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fly that bites cattle","answer":"gadfly","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Food for horses or cattle particularly straw or hay","answer":"forage","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: For approximately how long is an ass pregnant","answer":"a year","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: For how long is an elephant pregnant","answer":"two years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: fourth stomach of a ruminant","answer":"Abomasum","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings by ____","answer":"osmosis","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: From crocodile farms, Australia exports about 5,000 crocodile skins a year. Most go to Paris, where a crocodile purse can sell for more than ____","answer":"$10,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: From which animal is \"ambergis\" obtained","answer":"sperm whale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: From which category of animal does the dik-dik come","answer":"antelope","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: From which category of animal does the eland come","answer":"antelope","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: From which category of animal does the impala come","answer":"antelope","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: From which species is the London pigeon descended","answer":"rock dove","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: from which species of goat is mohair obtained","answer":"angora","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Fur ____ get miserably sick when they're carried aboard ships","answer":"seals","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Furry, omnivorous american mammals each with a ringed bushy tail and dark stripe across the face","answer":"raccoons","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Garter snakes, though reptiles, do not ____. They bear young, just as mammals do","answer":"lay eggs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Genuine ivory does not only come from elephants. It can come from the tusks of a boar or a ____","answer":"walrus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: german shepherd dog","answer":"alsatian","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Gibbons live in family groups and communicate to others through high-pitched songs which can be heard for several miles. Songs are specific to each family and convey information such as location, temper, and social ____","answer":"position","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Goats generally need their ____ trimmed once a month","answer":"hoofs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Goldfish have four color recepectors in their ____ compared to our three - the mantis shrimp has ten color receptors","answer":"eyes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Goldfish lose their color if they are kept in a dim light or they are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream. They remain gold when kept in a pond or in a bowl with adequate ____","answer":"illumination","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Gophers are ____","answer":"hermits","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Gorillas and ____ sleep about fourteen hours a day","answer":"cats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Gorillas do not know how to ____","answer":"swim","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Gray ____ migrate 12,000 miles each year, farther than any other mammal","answer":"whales","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Groundhogs are \"fossorial\" - they live most of their lives underground. They dig burrows or \"dens\" that have several entrances. Each is connected with the main tunnel and the nesting chamber where the animal hibernates for the winter. A groundhog's whiskers help it ____","answer":"navigate underground","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Groups: A group of unicorns is called a ____. A group of kangaroos is called a mob. A group of whales is called a pod. A group of geese is called a gaggle. A group of owls is called a parliament. A group of ravens is an unkindness. A group of crows is a murder. A group of bears is called a sleuth. Twelve or more cows is called a flink","answer":"blessing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Guinea pigs were first domesticated by the ____, who used them for food, in sacrifices, and as household pets","answer":"incas","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Hamadryas ____, in ancient Egypt, were believed to be companions and oracles of the god Thoth. They were given the honor of being mummified when they died","answer":"baboons","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Hedgehog quills are not barbed or poisonous. Hedgehogs do apply a foamy, foul-tasting saliva to their quills, which protects the animals from ____","answer":"predators","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Hens do not have to be impregnated to lay eggs. The ____ is necessary only to fertilize the egg","answer":"rooster","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Hippopotamuses have killed more people in Africa than all the lions, elephants, and water buffalo combined, usually by ____","answer":"trampling","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Honeybees have a type of ____ on their eyes","answer":"hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Horned ____ eat ants. They wait in areas where ants are working and when one passes by, they flick out their tongue, catch their prey, and swallow without chewing. Apparently their digestive tract is immune to bites and stings","answer":"lizards","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Horses shorter than 141/2 hands (58 inches) at the withers (top of the shoulders) are technically ponies. The ____, around 43 inches tall, is called a pony, not a miniature. Miniatures start 9 inches shorter, and prices go up as size goes down","answer":"shetland","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How can you tell when a gorilla is angry? it ____","answer":"sticks its tongue out","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How do bees communicate with each other?","answer":"Dancing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How fast (mph) can a kangaroo hop","answer":"forty","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How long is a baby kangaroo at birth","answer":"one inch","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many hearts do earthworms have","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many hours a day does a ferret sleep","answer":"twenty","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many hours does an antelope sleep at night","answer":"one","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many humps does an African camel have?","answer":"One","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many legs does a crab have","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many teats does a cow have","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many teeth does a walrus have","answer":"eighteen","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many tentacles does a squid have","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many times can a bee sting?","answer":"Once","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many times its own length can the average flea jump","answer":"150","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: How many types of panda are there?","answer":"Two","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Hummingbirds are the smallest birds - so tiny that one of their enemies is an insect, the ____","answer":"praying mantis","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Hummingbirds cannot glide or soar as other bird do. They are the only bird that can ____","answer":"hover continuously","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Humped ox of India, East asia and africa","answer":"Zebu","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: I will fend off anyone bad, I am mans best friend?","answer":"Dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: If a robin's egg is put in vinegar for thirty days, what colour does it become","answer":"yellow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: If an animal is an operculate what characteristics does it have","answer":"gills","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: If frightened or threatened, a mother rabbit may abandon, ignore, or ____","answer":"eat her young","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: If they are well treated, camels in captivity can live to the age of ____","answer":"fifty","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Iguanas, ____ and Komodo dragons all have two penises","answer":"koalas","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Iguanas, koalas and ____ dragons all have two penises","answer":"komodo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Iguanas, koalas and komodo dragons all have two ____","answer":"penises","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Imperial, Buck, and Luna are types of ____","answer":"moth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In 1880, there were approximately 2 billion passenger pigeons in the United States. By 1914, the species was ____","answer":"extinct","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In Alaska, it is legal to shoot ____. However, waking a sleeping bear for the purpose of taking a photograph is prohibited","answer":"bears","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In ancient Rome, auburn-haired puppies were sacrificed to ensure a plentiful ____","answer":"corn crop","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In England, the most commonly used guide dog for the blind is the Yellow ____","answer":"labrador retriever","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In Korea, the deer is a symbol of long life, and is often portrayed in the company of ____","answer":"immortals","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In Milwaukee during the 1900s, 12,500 horses in the city left an estimated 133 tons of ____ and urine on the streets per year","answer":"manure","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In one year, hens in America lay enough eggs to encircle the globe a ____","answer":"100 times","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In Pakistan, goats are often sacrificed to improve the performance of the ____","answer":"stock market","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In Peru, what animal provides 50% of all the protein eatin?","answer":"The Guinea Pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: in reference to him \"it was beauty killed the beast\"","answer":"king kong","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In Russia, dogs have been trained to sniff out ore deposits that contain ____","answer":"iron sulfides","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In Thailand, what is the sacred animal?","answer":"The white elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In the 19th Century what creatures were frequently used to bleed patients?","answer":"Leeches","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In the air, puffins are powerful flyers, beating their ____ 300 to 400 times a minute to achieve speeds up to 40 miles per hour (64 kph)","answer":"wings","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In the air, puffins are powerful flyers, beating their wings 300 to 400 times a minute to achieve speeds up to ____ miles per hour","answer":"forty","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In the animal kingdom, the tiger is native to only one continent","answer":"asia","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In the Jungle Book, what kind of creature was Baloo?","answer":"A bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In the Lone Range, what was Tonto's horse's name?","answer":"Scout","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: In Winnie the Pooh, what kind of animal is Eeyore?","answer":"Donkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Invertebrate with tufted gills living in burrows in muddy sand, often used as bait by fishermen","answer":"lugworm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Is a jellyfish a polyp","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Is a spider an insect","answer":"no","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Is a whale a mammal or a fish","answer":"mammal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It is estimated that a single toad may catch and eat as many as 10,000 insects in the course of a ____","answer":"summer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It is estimated that manatees live a maximum of 50 to 60 ____","answer":"years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It is the female ____ who does more than 90 percent of the hunting, while the male is afraid to risk his life, or simply prefers to rest","answer":"lion","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It may take longer than two days for a chick to break out of its ____","answer":"shell","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It seems to biologists that, unlike their humpback whale relatives whose underwater song evolves from year to year, killer whales retain individual ____ unchanged over long periods, possibly even for life","answer":"dialects","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It takes a ____ approximately seven years to grow to be one pound","answer":"lobster","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It takes about 50 hours for a snake to digest one ____","answer":"frog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It takes an average of 345 squirts to yield a gallon of milk from a cow's ____","answer":"udder","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It takes approximately 69,000 venom extractions from the ____ to fill a 1-pint container","answer":"coral snake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: It would require an average of 18 ____ to weigh in at 1 ounce","answer":"hummingbirds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Javelinas are free-ranging, yet territorial animals that travel in small herds. One of the reasons they travel in numbers is so they can huddle to stay warm - they don't handle cold well and can ____ to death quickly","answer":"freeze","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Javelinas are very noisy animals among each other and squeal, snort, woof, and click their teeth to ____","answer":"communicate","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Joint on a horses hind leg","answer":"hock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Just like people, mother ____ often develop lifelong relationships with their offspring","answer":"chimpanzees","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Kangaroo rats never drink ____. Like their relatives the pocket mice, they carry their own water source within them, producing fluids from the food they eat and the air they breathe","answer":"water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Kangaroos usually give birth to one young annually. The young kangaroo, or joey, is born alive at a very immature stage, when it is only about 2 cm long and weighs less than a ____","answer":"gram","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Kittens are born both blind and deaf, but the vibration of their mother's purring is a physical signal that the kittens can feel - it acts like a ____, signaling them to nurse","answer":"homing device","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Knife, Clown, and Pencil are types of ____","answer":"fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Koalas and humans are the only animals with unique prints. Koala prints cannot be distinguished from human ____","answer":"fingerprints","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Komodo dragons eat deer and wild ____","answer":"boar","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Large Iguana - like reptiles peculiar to New Zealand","answer":"Tuatara","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Large marine diving ducks with long narrow hooked bills with serrated edges","answer":"mergansers","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Large pachydermatous african and s asian animal, quadruped with horn or two horns on nose","answer":"rhinoceros","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Large wasp, Vespa crabro, capable of inflicting a severe sting","answer":"hornet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Lemon sharks grow a new set of teeth every two weeks. They grow more than 24,000 new ____ every year","answer":"teeth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Llamas are reported to be inquisitive, friendly animals. A llama greeting is marked by softly blowing on each other. According to animal experts, a soft blow to a person is the llama's way of saying ____","answer":"hello","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary opened in 1927 in ____, Australia, and it was the first and is still the largest koala sanctuary in the world. Tourists can cuddle one of 130 koalas, hand feed kangaroos and emus, and see a large variety of Australian native wildlife in the 50-acre sanctuary, such as wombats, Tasmanian devils, and dingoes. Koala cuddling has been banned in New South Wales since January 1997, but cuddling is still permitted in Queensland, and especially at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. In Queensland, koalas can only be cuddled for less than 30 minutes per day. They must also get every fourth day off. At Lone Pine, koalas are timed for \"clock on\" and \"clock off\" when they go to the koala cuddling area","answer":"brisbane","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Long necked long legged wading bird","answer":"heron","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Lupine animal","answer":"wolf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Lupus is the Latin name for what animal?","answer":"Wolf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Macaws are the largest and most colorful species of the ____","answer":"parrot family","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mainly which creatures belong to the order arachnida","answer":"spider","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Male ____ have antlers 7 feet across. The antlers often weigh 60 pounds","answer":"moose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Male ____ lose the hair on their heads in the same manner men do","answer":"monkeys","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Male ____ may have more than 100 wives and sometimes go three months without eating","answer":"sea lion","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Male ____ will try to attract sex partners with orchid fragrance","answer":"bees","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Male bees will try to attract sex partners with ____ fragrance","answer":"orchid","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Male cats have ____ on their genitals, which cause the females to cry out in pain on withdrawal","answer":"barbs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Male cockatoos can be taught to speak, but females can only chirp and ____","answer":"sing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Male honey bee","answer":"drone","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mallard ____ are sometimes built at a height of 40 feet above ground. Surprisingly, when leaving their nests for the first time, chicks are very rarely hurt due to falling to the ground","answer":"nests","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: manhar is the world's first gaur born to this type of animal","answer":"cow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Many corals receive nourishment from algae which grow inside their ____","answer":"tissue","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Many hamsters only ____ one eye at a time","answer":"blink","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Many male fish blow bubbles when they want to","answer":"copulate","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Many seabirds that swallow fishes too large for immediate digestion go about with the esophagus filled. Apparently without discomfort, the tail of the fish sticks out of the ____","answer":"bird's mouth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Many sharks lay soft-shelled eggs but hammerheads give birth to live young that look like miniature versions of their parents. Young hammerheads are often born ____, with the tip of their hammerhead folded backward to make them more streamlined for birth","answer":"headfirst","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Marie Antoinette's dog was a spaniel named ____","answer":"thisbe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Marine iguanas, saltwater crocodiles, sea snakes, and sea turtles are the only surviving seawater-adapted ____","answer":"reptiles","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of a(n) ____","answer":"insect","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Merrythought is one of the popular names for which bony structure on a bird","answer":"wishbone","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mice, whales, elephants, giraffes, and humans all have seven neck ____","answer":"vertebra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Michael Bond created what famous bear?","answer":"Paddington Bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Midges beat their wings about ____ time every second","answer":"1,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Migrating geese fly in a V-formation to save energy. A goose's wings churn the air and leave an air current behind. In the flying wedge, each bird is in position to get a lift from the current left by the bird ahead. It is easier going for all, except the leader. During a migration, geese are apt to take turns in the ____","answer":"lead position","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Migratory bird with long wings and forked tail","answer":"swallow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Milk delivered to the store today was in the cow ____","answer":"two days ago","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Milk snakes lay about 13 eggs - in piles of animal ____","answer":"manure","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Minnows have teeth in their ____","answer":"throat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Moby Dick was what color?","answer":"White","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Monkeys will not eat red meat or ____","answer":"butter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: More ____ are raised in California than in any other state in the United States","answer":"turkeys","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: More people are killed in Africa by crocodiles than by ____","answer":"lions","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: More species of ____ live in a single tributary of the Amazon River than in all the rivers in North America combined","answer":"fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: More than one million stray dogs and over 500,000 stray cats live in the ____","answer":"new york city","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mosquitoes are attracted to the color ____ twice as much as to any other color","answer":"blue","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mosquitos have____ ","answer":"teeth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Most ____ lived to be more than a hundred years old","answer":"dinosaurs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Most cows give more milk when they ____","answer":"listen to music","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Most tropical marine fish could survive in a tank filled with ____","answer":"human blood","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Most varieties of ____ can go an entire year without eating a single morsel of food","answer":"snake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mother prairie dogs will nurse their young only while ____ in the safety of the burrow. If an infant tries to suckle above ground, the mother will slap it","answer":"underground","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mother-of-pearl is not always ____. It can be pink, blue, purple, gray, or even green. Nor is it produced only by the pearl oyster. The abalone and the pearl mussel both have shells that are lined with fine-quality mother-of-pearl","answer":"white","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mountain ____ grow luxurious winter coats - more than three inches of cashmere-quality wool, overlaid with long hollow hairs. The hardy animals can endure winter temperatures as low as minus 50 degrees F, and powerful winds up to 100 miles per hour","answer":"goats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mouse-like desert rodent with long hind legs","answer":"gerbil","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Mussels can thrive in ____ because of an inborn ability to purify bacteria, fungi, and viruses","answer":"polluted water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: My babies weigh less than apples, I eat bamboo?","answer":"Panda bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: N. American wild dog","answer":"coyote","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name collectively applied to numerous species of a family of waterfowl","answer":"duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name for a group of salmon","answer":"bind","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name for the dirt covered clump of wool on a sheeps rear end (Nice!)","answer":"daglock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name given to young cows","answer":"heifers","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name of the cloned sheep born in 1997","answer":"dolly","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: name of the unicorn-like angora goat at marine world in redwood city, ca","answer":"lancelot","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: name of which Russian explorer was given to the wild horse which he discovered in western Mongolia in the late 1870s","answer":"nikolai przhevalski","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name one male fish that gives birth","answer":"sea horse or pipe fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name some dinosaurs","answer":"Tyrannosaurus Rex","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the carnivorous mammal related to the hyena","answer":"aardwolf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the fastest land animal over a prolonged distance (1km plus)","answer":"antelope","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the heaviest breed of domestic dog","answer":"bernard","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the heaviest flying bird of prey","answer":"condor","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the largest living bird","answer":"ostrich","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the largest of the dinosaurs","answer":"brachiosaurus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the largest web-footed bird","answer":"albatross","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the longest venomous snake","answer":"cobra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the longest venomous snake","answer":"king cobra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the mammal living at the highest altitude","answer":"yak","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the most venomous spider","answer":"black widow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the only animal whose main source of food is the porcupine","answer":"fisher","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the only native North American marsupial","answer":"opossum","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the slowest moving land mammal","answer":"sloth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the smallest breed of dog","answer":"chihuahua","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the wild dogs of Australia","answer":"dingo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the world's largest butterfly, with a wingspan of 280mm (11in)","answer":"Queen Alexandra's Birdwing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Name the world's largest moth, with a wingspan of 300mm (11.8in)","answer":"Atlas Moth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Named by William Buckland in 1824, this dinosaur's name means \"great lizard\"","answer":"Megalosaurus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Names of the Ninja Turtles in alphabetical order","answer":"donatello leonardo michelangelo raphael","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: names of the stages of life of a salmon","answer":"egg","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Native peoples of South America catch ____ and use their razor-sharp teeth to make tools and weapons","answer":"piranha","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Ninety percent of all species that have become extinct have been ____","answer":"birds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Nocturnal burrowing animal with black and white striped head","answer":"badger","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Nocturnal mammal of southern Africa with a long extendible tongue","answer":"Aardvark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: North American deer of the same species as the reindeer of Eurasia","answer":"caribou","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: North american elk","answer":"moose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Northern species of duck with soft feathers","answer":"eider","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Not all leeches are bloodsuckers. Many are predators which eat earthworms, etc. The nearest relatives of leeches are ____","answer":"earthworms","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Observed. however, by 1910, it was extinct. what was this bird","answer":"passenger","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Octopi and squid have ____ hearts. Their main systemic heart pumps blood throughout the circulatory system, and two branchial hearts provide some additional push at each of the paired gills","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Of all known forms of animals life ever to inhabit the Earth, only about ____ still exist today","answer":"ten percent","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Of the 250-plus known species of shark in the world, only about 18 are known to be ____","answer":"dangerous to man","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Of what are walrus tusks made","answer":"ivory","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Of what do earthworms have five","answer":"hearts","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Off the coast of southern California, around 200 ____ still roam in Catalina Island's hinterlands, descendants of a few brought there in the 1920s for a movie and left there","answer":"bison","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Oilbirds have a ____ sense shared among known birds only in Southeast Asia's swiftlets (although very common among bats). The oilbird is a cave dweller, and it bounces its echoing clicks from rock walls to help navigate in the dark vaults where they nest by the hundreds","answer":"sonar","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Old World bird with plain brown plumage, inhabiting marshes and similar habitats","answer":"Reed Warbler","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: On a common lady bug, what color are the spots?","answer":"Black","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: On a rabbit where would you find a scut?","answer":"The tail","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: On the Baja coast, osprey couples return to the same nests year after year. These birds rebuild their old nest, carefully repairing any damage caused by winds, rain, and age. After years of rebuilding, some osprey nests can reach heights of ____","answer":"four feet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: On the top of the Calcutta Cup what animal will you find?","answer":"Elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: On what do honeybees have a type of hair","answer":"eyes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: On which island off Iceland was the last known great auk killed in 1844","answer":"ldey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: One in ten Dalmatians is born ____, and the breed lacks the ability to process urine completely, so they need a special diet low in flesh protein","answer":"deaf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: One Laysan ____, tracked by biologists at Wake Forest University, flew more than 24,843 miles in flights across the North Pacific to find food for its chick in just 90 days - a flight distance equivalent to circling the globe","answer":"albatross","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: One peculiar behavior of dachshunds is that they often roll around in odiferous things when they encounter them. This odd habit has been attributed to the dog's hunting instinct. Doing this is the dachshund's attempt to \"lose its scent\" so that its potential prey cannot ____","answer":"smell it","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: One that feeds off the flesh of its own species","answer":"cannibal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: One way birds learn is by trial and error. Scientists have discovered that many of their learned motor patterns are linked to appetite. For instance, young doves must learn to drink water. The pecking of domestic chicks improves about 30 hours after hatching. They snatch up a grain with increased efficiency. Simple trial-and-error learning is also believed to be very important in birds' ____","answer":"nest-building","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Only tom turkeys ____. Hen turkeys make a clicking noise","answer":"gobble","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Organ that keeps a fish afloat","answer":"Swim bladder","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Ostriches are such fast runners, they can outrun a horse. Male ostriches can ____","answer":"roar like a lion","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Ostriches live about ____ years and can reproduce for 50 years","answer":"75","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Ostriches live about 75 years and can reproduce for ____","answer":"fifty years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Other than humans, black lemurs are the only primates that may have what","answer":"blue eyes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Other than humans, which is the only animal that can get sunburned","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Out of the 650 known species of leeches, Hirudo medicinalis is the most common used by ____","answer":"doctors","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Pandas spend about 12 hours a day eating ____","answer":"bamboo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Parrots, most famous of all talking birds, rarely acquire a vocabulary of more than twenty words. However, Tymhoney Greys and African Greys have been known to carry vocabularies in excess of ____","answer":"one hundred words","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Part of the deer that Weineraner dogs are trained to attack","answer":"genitals","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Philip Gilbert Hamerton, English art writer and landscape painter, noted, \"If animals could speak, the dog would be a blundering, outspoken, honest fellow - but the cat would have the rare grace of never saying a ____","answer":"word too much","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Pigeons and hummingbirds have tiny magnetic particles in their heads that respond to the Earth's magnetic fields and are used for ____","answer":"navigation","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Pigs are exceedingly loud creatures. A University of Illinois study measured average pig squeals that ranged from 100 to 115 decibels. The supersonic Concorde jet, by comparison, was originally banned from New York when its engines exceeded 112 decibels at ____","answer":"takeoff","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Pigs, walruses, and light-colored horses can be ____","answer":"sunburned","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Pink elephants? In regions of India where the soil is red, elephants take on a permanent pink tinge because they regularly spray dust over their bodies to protect themselves against ____","answer":"insects","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Popular name for a family of about 19 species of birds allied to the herons & ibises","answer":"stork","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Prior to migration a ____ will consume the equivalent of up to 25 percent of its body weight per day, accumulating large amounts of fat. During the migration, geese may cover up to 600 miles per day. At the end of the migration, they often weigh less than before they started fattening up in preparation","answer":"goose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Puffinus puffinus, is the latin for which bird -hint, it is not the puffin!","answer":"manx shearwater","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Racehorses have been known to wear out ____ in one race","answer":"new shoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Relating to anthropoid apes","answer":"simian","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Reportedly, ____ mate for life","answer":"beavers","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Researchers don't know why killer whales like to rub their sensitive stomachs on the bottom of shallow beaches, but they think it may be a form of ____","answer":"grooming","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Scary Wild Animals","answer":"Bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Scientists say that ____, unlike all other domestic animals, arrive at solutions by thinking them through. ____ can be - and have been - taught to accomplish almost any feat a dog can master, and usually in a shorter period of time","answer":"pigs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Scooby Doo is what kind of dog?","answer":"Great Dane","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: sea eagle","answer":"erne","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sea otters have ____ coats of fur","answer":"two","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Several poison-dart frog species are bred at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. There, researchers gauge the toxicity of poisonous species by taste. No danger is posed, because frogs caught in the wild gradually become less poisonous, and captive offspring are nontoxic. The change may be due to diet. The frog's natural menu - mostly tropical ants and springtails - cannot be duplicated in a ____","answer":"terrarium","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Shark's teeth are literally as hard as","answer":"steel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to cancer. Scientists believe this is related to the fact that they have no bone - only","answer":"cartilage","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sharks and rays are the only animals known to man that cannot succumb to which disease","answer":"cancer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sharks can be dangerous even before they are born. Scientist Stewart Springer was bitten by a sand tiger shark embryo while he was examining its ____","answer":"pregnant mother","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sharks can travel up to ____ miles per hour","answer":"forty","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sheep will not drink from ____. Hence, the line in the Twenty-third Psalm: \"He leadeth me beside the still waters\"","answer":"running water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sheep will not drink from running water. Hence, the line in the Twenty-third Psalm: \"He leadeth me beside the ____","answer":"still waters","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Short legged breed of Welsh dog","answer":"corgi","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Short legged long bodied dog","answer":"dachshund","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Shorthorn cattle were the first breed to have their own herdbook, in which county were they developed","answer":"durham","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Shrimps' hearts are in their","answer":"heads","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sika, fallow, and Roe, are what types of animal?","answer":"Deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Since housecats are clean and their coats are dry and glossy, their fur easily becomes charged with ____. sparks can be seen if their fur is rubbed in the dark","answer":"electricity","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Since white tigers have pigmented stripes and blue eyes, they are not ____","answer":"albinos","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sir Walter Raleigh's black greyhound was named ____","answer":"hamlet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Slugs have how many noses","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Small armoured animal able to walk under water","answer":"armadillo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Small catarrhine monkey common in N India","answer":"rhesus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Snails have ____. They are arranged in rows along the snail's tongue and are used like a file to saw or slice through the snail's foot","answer":"teeth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Snakes are reptiles. What are frogs","answer":"amphibians","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: So that it can pull its lithe body into a tight, prickly little ball for defense, the hedgehog has a large muscle running along its ____","answer":"stomach","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Some ____ pretend to be dead when captured, but quickly hop away when let go","answer":"bullfrogs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Some animals always grow new teeth to replace the old. Name one of them!","answer":"crocodile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Some animals always grow new teeth to replace the old. Name one of them!","answer":"shark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Some animals spend the winter in a sleep-like state known as ____","answer":"hibernation","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Some more names for groups of animals... a bale of turtles, a clowder of cats, a charm of goldfinches, a gam of whales, a knot of toads, a ____ of tigers","answer":"streak","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Some sloths, opossum, and armadillos spend up to 80 percent of their lives sleeping or ____","answer":"dozing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Some species of earthworms in ____ can measure more than ten feet in length","answer":"australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Some species of freshwater eels migrate to the Sargasso Sea in the Atlantic Ocean to mate. After laying up to 20 million eggs, the female eel dies. The baby eels hatched from the eggs then make their way back to ____","answer":"fresh water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Some species of rain forest birds migrate every summer from South America to Canada to ____","answer":"breed","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sperm whale vomit & vital ingredient in many old perfumes","answer":"ambergris","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Stoats white winter fur","answer":"ermine","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Strange creatures, jellyfish are comprised mostly of water - more than 95 percent - and have no brain, heart, or bones, and no actual ____","answer":"eyes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sue, the world's largest, most complete, and best preserved ____, made her grand debut to the public on May 17, 2000 at the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois","answer":"tyrannosaurus rex","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Sun, spectacled, brown and sloth are all types of what","answer":"bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Surviving all dangers, a wild ____ may live up to 20 years","answer":"cobra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Terrestrial gastropod mollusk, related to the snail, but with the shell represented by an internal horny plate overlying the respiratory cavity","answer":"slug","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Tha larva of which insect is the rat tailed maggot","answer":"hoverfly","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ - a relative of the mole - is the smallest mammal in North America. It weighs 1/14 ounce - less than a dime","answer":"pigmy shrew","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ bird can fly at a speed of 260 miles per hour","answer":"frigate","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ can travel up to 45 miles per hour, whereas the rabbit can achieve an average speed of just 35 miles per hour","answer":"hare","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ can travel up to 9 miles per hour","answer":"chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ continually grows new sets of teeth to replace old teeth. It also cannot move its tongue. The tongue is rooted to the base of its mouth","answer":"crocodile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ does not chew its food, but swallows it whole. It carries several pounds of small stones in its stomach to aid in grinding up and digesting its nourishment","answer":"crocodile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ eagle of Africa hunts over a territory of 250 square miles a day","answer":"bateleur","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ eagle, swooping at better than 100 miles per hour, can brake to a halt in 20 feet","answer":"african","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ eats nothing but eucalyptus leaves","answer":"koala","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ has green bones","answer":"garfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ has only two toes, unlike most birds, which have three or four","answer":"ostrich","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ is a little-known burrowing South American animal that is related to the armadillo, but is smaller in size. The ending of the animal's name is derived from the Spanish ciego, meaning \"blind.\"","answer":"pichiciego","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ is a member of the rodent family. The typical adult ____ can weigh approximately 8 to 14 pounds and average about 22 inches in length. Groundhogs are also known as \"woodchucks,\" \"whistle pigs,\" and \"marmots.\"","answer":"groundhog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ is one of the few land animals that does not need water to supplement its food","answer":"koala","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ is the first bird mentioned in the Bible. It was sent out by Noah to see if the waters had abated","answer":"raven","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ is the only bird that can swim, but not fly. It is also the only bird that walks upright","answer":"penguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ of a really famished camel may flop over and hang down the side of the body as the fat is used up","answer":"hump","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ snake found in the state of Arizona is not poisonous, but when frightened, it may hiss loudly and vibrate its tail like a rattlesnake","answer":"gopher","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ whale is often referred to as the \"sea canary\" because of the birdlike chirping sounds it makes","answer":"beluga","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____ whale is the mammal with the heaviest brain - about six times heavier than a human's","answer":"sperm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____, a small lizard generally measuring 6 or 7 inches, has a tongue several inches longer than its body. With a thrust of this remarkable appendage, it can catch insects some 10 inches away","answer":"chameleon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____, national bird of New Zealand, can't fly. It lives in a hole in the ground, is almost blind, and lays only one egg each year. Despite this, it has survived for more than 70 million years","answer":"kiwi","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____, often called \"possum,\" dates back over 45 million years","answer":"opossum","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ____, the unique member of the family dungongidae, is a large and long-lived marine mammal that may have contributed to the myth of mermaid sightings","answer":"Dugong","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The \"canebrake\", \"timber\" and \"pygmy\" are types of what","answer":"rattlesnake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Ad?lie ____ bears the name of French explorer Dumont d'Urville's beloved wife","answer":"penguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Alaskan ____ is the largest deer of the New World. It attains a height at the withers in excess of 7 feet and, when fully grown, weighs up to 1,800 pounds","answer":"moose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The albatross drinks sea water. It has a special desalinization apparatus that strains out and excretes all excess ____","answer":"salt","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The American ____ weighs approximately one pound when fully grown","answer":"crow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The American ____, with its eyes placed toward the top of its head, can see backward and upward, and forward and upward, with binocular vision and, laterally, almost 180 degrees with each eye","answer":"woodcock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The American opossum, a marsupial, bears its young just 12 to 13 days after conception. The Asiatic elephant takes 608 days to give birth, or just over ____","answer":"20 months","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The anaconda, one of the world's largest snakes, gives birth to its young instead of ____","answer":"laying eggs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ancient nautilus is considered the most intelligent of the invertebrates; it is said to have been as intelligent as a ____","answer":"young cat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The animal responsible for the most human deaths world wide is the ____","answer":"mosquito","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The animal with the largest brain in relation to its body is the","answer":"ant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The armor of the ____ is not as tough as it appears. It is very pliable, much like a human fingernail","answer":"armadillo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average ____ moves at a rate of approximately 0.000362005 miles per hour","answer":"snail","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average ____ weighs 14 pounds","answer":"fox","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average adult ____ pig weighs two pounds","answer":"guinea","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average adult ____ weighs 21 pounds","answer":"raccoon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average adult male ____, the world's largest living bird, weighs up to 345 pounds","answer":"ostrich","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average capacity of a pelican's ____ is 12 quarts","answer":"pouch","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average cod deposits between 4 and 6 million eggs at a single ____","answer":"spawning","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average elephant produces 50 pounds of ____ each day","answer":"dung","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average giraffe's ____ is two or three times that of a healthy man","answer":"blood pressure","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average life expectancy of a leopard in captivity is ____","answer":"twelve years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average life expectancy of a rhinoceros in captivity is ____","answer":"fifteen years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average minimal speed of birds in order to remain aloft in flight is reported to be about 161/2 feet per second, or about ____ miles per hour","answer":"eleven","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The average porcupine has more than 30,000 quills. Porcupines are excellent swimmers because their quills are hollow and serve as pontoons to keep them ____","answer":"afloat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Bactrian camel is the only land mammal on Earth that can survive on ____","answer":"salt water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The basenji is a mid-sized dog with a silky copper coat. Although they are considered a barkless dog, they are known to ____ when they are happy","answer":"yodel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The bat is the only mammal that can ____","answer":"fly","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The biggest frog is the appropriately named ____ frog (Conraua goliath) of Cameroon. They reach nearly 30 cm (a foot) and weigh as much as 3.3 kilograms","answer":"goliath","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The bite of a leech is painless due to its own ____","answer":"anaesthetic","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The black bear is not always black. It can be brown, cinnamon, ____, and sometimes a bluish color","answer":"yellow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The blow of a whale has a strong, foul odor. It apparently smells like a combination of spoiled fish and old oil. Because whales have such terrible breath, sailors believed at one time that a whiff of it could cause ____","answer":"brain disorders","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The blubber of a male ____ is considered superior to that of the sperm whale for lubricating machinery","answer":"elephant seal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The blue whale is maintained by its blubber and can go up to half a year without ____","answer":"eating","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The blue whale weighs as much as thirty elephants, and is as long as three ____","answer":"greyhound buses","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The bluefin ____ swims with its mouth partly open, relying on ramjet ventilation, unlike slower fish, which force water through their gills to remove oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Since seawater contains only about 2.5 percent as much oxygen it needs from the volume of water flowing through its mouth, the bluefin has proportionately one of the largest gill areas of any fish","answer":"tuna","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The bottle-nosed ____ can dive to a depth of 3,000 feet in two minutes","answer":"whale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The breed of the Thoroughbred horse is only about 300 years old, although horse racing has been popular in England since Roman times, and can be traced back to Central Asia among ____","answer":"prehistoric nomads","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The brilliant colors in a hummingbird's ____ are created by tiny platelets that resemble a pancake filled with air bubbles. They are called \"interference colors,\" and are much like the shimmering colors seen in a soap bubble or in a drop of oil","answer":"feather","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The cabbage moth is which colour?","answer":"Brown","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Cairn terrier is great at catching ____","answer":"rats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The calories burned daily by the sled dogs running in Alaska's annual Iditarod race average 10,000. The 1,149-mile race commemorates the 1925 \"Race for Life\" when 20 volunteer mushers relayed medicine from Anchorage to Nome to battle a children's ____","answer":"diphtheria epidemic","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Camberwell beauty, what is this butterfly called in the USA","answer":"mourning cloak","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The cat was the symbol of liberty in ancient ____","answer":"rome","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The cells which make up the antlers of a ____ are the fastest growing animal cells in nature","answer":"moose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The chameleon has a tongue that is 1.5 times the length of its ____","answer":"body","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Chinese, during the reign of Kublai Khan, used lions on hunting expeditions. They trained the big cats to pursue and drag down massive animals, from wild bulls to bear, and to stay with the kill until the ____","answer":"hunter arrived","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The color of the blood of an ____ is bluish-green","answer":"octopus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The common carp lives up to 25 years in the wild, and up to 40 years in captivity. The durable fish can survive in waters up to 90 degrees F, and can even withstand ____ for short periods","answer":"freezing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The conception and birth of the armadillo are odd events. Although mating usually occurs in July, the embryos of the armadillo remain in a dormant state until November. Later in March, four young are born. Armadillos are the only mammals in which multiple young form from a single egg with any regularity. All four of the young, always of the same sex, are identical quadruplets and developed from the same egg. They even shared a single ____ while in the womb","answer":"placenta","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The crayfish isn't a fish at all - it is related to the ____","answer":"lobster","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The crocodile is a cannibal; it will occasionally eat other ____","answer":"crocodiles","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The crocodile is surprisingly fast on land. If pursued by a crocodile, a person should run in a zigzag motion, for the crocodile has little or no ability to make sudden changes of ____","answer":"direction","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Dalmatian dog is named for the Dalmatian Coast of ____, where it is believed to have been originally bred","answer":"croatia","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The digestive juices of crocodiles contain so much ____ that they have dissolved iron spearheads and 6-inch steel hooks that the crocodiles have swallowed","answer":"hydrochloric acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The dog and the turkey were the only two domesticated animals in ancient ____","answer":"mexico","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The dog fish is what type of fish?","answer":"A shark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The domestic cat is the only species able to hold its tail vertically while walking. Wild cats hold their tail horizontally, or tucked between their legs while ____","answer":"walking","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The duckbill platypus of Australia can store up to 600 worms in its large cheek ____","answer":"pouches","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ears of the Asiatic ____ are larger than those of other bear species","answer":"black bears","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Egyptian ____, a white bird about the size of a raven, throws stones with its beak to open ostrich eggs to eat. This bird is one of the very few animals that, like man, manipulates objects as tools","answer":"vulture","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The electric eel has thousands of electric cells running up and down its tail. Vital body organs, such as the heart, are packed into a small space behind the head. They use their electric sense to \"see\". Their electric sensors act like ____. They send out weak impulses which bounce off objects","answer":"radar","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The electric eel is the most shocking animal on Earth - no other animal packs such a big charge. If attacking a large prey, a 9-foot-long eel can discharge about ____. One zap could stun a human. The larger the eel, the bigger the charge","answer":"800 volts","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The electric eel lives in the Amazon River and its tributaries in South America. The rivers churn up a lot of mud and the eels cannot see well in them. Two less powerful electric fish are the electric catfish and ray. Electric rays live in warm ocean water, and they can give off a charge of sufficient force to stun a human. The biggest electric ray, the Atlantic torpedo ray, can weigh ____ pounds","answer":"200","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The electric eel's shocking power is so great that it can overtake its victims while ____","answer":"15 feet away","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The electric organs in an electric eel make up four-fifths of its ____","answer":"body","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The famous cow used as the corporate symbol on all Elmer's products is actually named ____, and she is the spouse of Elmer, the steer who the company is named after","answer":"elsie","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The fastest animal an earth, if you try to get them to chase a mechanical rabbit, they will figure out to stop, face the other way & wait for the rabbit to lap","answer":"cheetah","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The fastest animal on four legs is the ____","answer":"cheetah","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The fastest bird is a spine tailed swift. How fast can it fly (mph)","answer":"106","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The fastest bird is the ____ ____ ____, clocked at speeds of up to 106 miles per hour","answer":"spine tailed swift","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The fastest dog, the ____, can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour. The breed was known to exist in ancient Egypt more than 5,000 years ago","answer":"greyhound","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The fastest of all fish in the sea is the ____, streaming forward at speeds near 68 miles per hour","answer":"swordfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The favorite horses of both Alexander the Great (Bucephalos) and Julius Caesar both had atavistic mutations - extra toes. Horses normally have only one toe per foot, but are descended from horses with three or four toes on ____","answer":"each limb","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The female ____ inseminates herself. At mating time, the male deposits a conical mass of jellylike substance containing the sperm. The female draws the jelly into herself, and in so doing, fertilizes her eggs","answer":"salamander","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The female American Oyster lays an average of 500 million eggs per year. Usually only one oyster out of the bunch reaches ____","answer":"maturity","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The female condor lays a single egg once every ____","answer":"2 years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The female king crab incubates as many as 400,000 young for 11 months in a brood pouch under her ____","answer":"abdomen","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The female knot-tying weaverbird will refuse to mate with a male who has built a shoddy nest. If spurned, the male must take the nest apart and completely rebuild it in order to win the ____ of the female","answer":"affections","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The female pigeon cannot lay eggs if she is alone. In order for her ovaries to function, she must be able to see another pigeon. If no other pigeon is available, her own ____ in a mirror will suffice","answer":"reflection","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The fins of which fish are made into a soup","answer":"shark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The firefly depends on sight to find a ____","answer":"mate","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The first ____ dragons to breed in the western world are at the National Zoo at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C","answer":"komodo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The first medical use of leeches dates back to approximately 2,500 years ago. The leech's saliva contains a property that acts as an anticoagulant for ____","answer":"human blood","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The flamingoes of East Africa have few natural enemies. In general, the only predators an adult flamingo need fear are the fish eagle and the ____","answer":"marabou stork","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The flounder swims ____","answer":"sideways","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The flying ____ of Java and Malaysia is able to flatten itself out like a ribbon and sail like a glider from tree to tree","answer":"snake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The four stages in the life-cycle of an insect are: egg, adult, pupa, and ____","answer":"larva","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The fur of the vicuna, a small member of the camel family which live in the Andes mountains of Peru, is so fine that each hair is less than two-thousandths of an inch. The animal was considered sacred by the Incas, and only royalty could wear its ____","answer":"fleece","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The gastric juices of a snake can digest bones and teeth - but not ____","answer":"hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The giant ____ is the largest creature without a backbone. It weighs up to 2.5 tons and grows up to 55 feet long. Each eye is a foot or more in diameter","answer":"squid","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The giant African ____ grows to a foot long and reaches weights greater than a pound","answer":"snail","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The giraffe's ____ is huge; it weighs 25 pounds, is 2 feet long, and has walls up to 3 inches thick","answer":"heart","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The great horned owl can turn its head ____","answer":"270 degrees","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The grebe, an aquatic bird, has an effective means of escaping danger while protecting its young. At the first sign of danger, it will sink into the water until its back is level with the surface. This allows its offspring to swim over and quickly climb onto its back. The parent grebe then rises up to its swimming position and ferries the chicks across the water to ____","answer":"safety","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The griffin in \"Alice in Wonderland\" took Alice to meet this animal","answer":"mock turtle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The grizzly bear is capable of running as fast as the average ____","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The herdwick sheep is particularly found in which english national park","answer":"lake district","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The hides of mature female blue ____ are more than twice as thick as those of males, probably as a protection against courtship bites","answer":"sharks","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The hippopotamus gives birth ____ and nurses its young in the river as well, although the young hippos must come up periodically for air","answer":"underwater","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The hippopotamus has skin an inch-and-a-half thick, so solid that most ____ cannot penetrate it","answer":"bullets","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The hippopotamus has the world's shortest ____","answer":"sperm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The hippopotamus is, next to the elephants, the heaviest of all land mammals. It may weigh as much as 8,000 pounds. It is also a close relative of the ____","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Hirudo leech has three jaws with 100 teeth on each jaw - making 300 teeth in all. The ____ leech uses a different method of sucking blood. They insert a long proboscis into the victim as opposed to biting","answer":"amazon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Hirudo leech lays its babies within a cocoon; the Amazon leech carries its babies on its ____ - sometimes as many as 300","answer":"stomach","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The horned lizard of the American southwest may squirt a thin stream of ____ from the corners of its eyes when frightened","answer":"blood","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The hum of a hummingbird comes from the super-fast beat of the wings. The smallest ones beat their wings the fastest - up to 80 times per second. Even the slower beat of bigger hummingbirds (20 times per second) is so fast you can only see a ____","answer":"blur","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The hummingbird is the only bird that can ____","answer":"fly backwards","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The hummingbird's tiny ____, 4.2% of its body weight, is proportionately the largest in the bird kingdom","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The individual hair of a chinchilla is so fine that ____of them equal the thickness of a single human hair","answer":"500","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The jackrabbit is not a rabbit; it is a ____","answer":"hare","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Jardine River in Australia's Cape York Peninsula is home to Crocodylus porosus, the saltwater or estuarine crocodile. It is the largest and perhaps most dangerous of all ____ species of crocodilians","answer":"23","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The kakapo is a nocturnal burrowing parrot of ____ that has a green body with brown and yellow markings. Its name is from Maori and means \"night parrot.\"","answer":"new zealand","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The king crab walks ____","answer":"diagonally","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The kinkajou's tail is twice as long as its body. Every night, it wraps itself up in its tail and uses it as a ____","answer":"pillow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The largest bird egg in the world today is that of the ostrich. Ostrich eggs are from 6 to 8 inches long. Because of their size and the thickness of their shells, they take 40 minutes to ____","answer":"hard-boil","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The largest Great White Shark ever caught measured 37 feet and weighed 24,000 pounds. It was found in a herring weir in New Brunswick in 1930. The harmless Whale Shark, holds the title of largest fish, with the record being a 59-footer captured in Thailand in ____","answer":"1919","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The largest jellyfish in the world has a bell that can reach 8 feet across and tentacles that extend over half the length of a ____","answer":"football field","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The largest known egg ever laid by a creature was that of the extinct ____ of Madagascar. The egg was 9.5 inches long. It had a volume of 2.35 gallons","answer":"aepyornis","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The largest order of mammals, with about 1,700 species, is ____. Bats are second with about 950 species","answer":"rodents","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The largest species of seahorse measures ____","answer":"eight inches","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The leech has 32 brains - 31 more than a ____","answer":"human","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The leech will gorge itself up to ____ its body weight and then just fall off its victim","answer":"five times","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The life expectancy of the average mockingbird is ____","answer":"10 years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The llama belongs to what family to what family of animals?","answer":"Camel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The longest beetle in the world is how long?","answer":"Six inches","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The lungfish can live out of water in a state of suspended animation for ____","answer":"three years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The majority of reptiles are oviparous. What does this mean","answer":"egg laying","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The majority of small toothed whales are called____","answer":"dolphins","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The male ____ sheds its antlers every winter and grows a new set the following year","answer":"moose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The male ____ will mate for life, and if the female dies, he remains single for the rest of his life. However, if the male dies, the female will hook up with a new mate","answer":"fox","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The male Californian sea-otter grips the nose of the female with his teeth during","answer":"mating","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The male house ____ builds several nests as part of his courtship ritual. Once the nests are completed, his potential bride looks them all over, then selects one as her preferred choice for the laying of her eggs","answer":"wren","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The male seahorse, not the female, carries the ____ of the species. The female fills the male's brooch pouch with eggs, which remain in the swollen sac for a gestation period of eight to ten days","answer":"embryo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The massive skeleton of the African ____ accounts for about 15 percent of the body weight, just as in a man of slender build; however, the elephant's skeleton supports as much as four tons per leg, and is thus stressed close to the physical limit for bone. To keep from damaging its skeleton, an African ____ has to move sedately, never jumping or running. The \"charge\" of these animals is a fast walk on long legs, at about 15 miles per hour","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The maximum life span of ____ has been documented to be over 200 years in exceptional cases. The average life span of the large colorful fish, however, is 25 to 35 years","answer":"koi","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Mojave ground ____, found mainly in the American West, hibernates for two-thirds of every year","answer":"squirrel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Mola Mola, or Ocean Sunfish, lays up to ____ eggs at one time","answer":"5,000,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The more that is learned about the ecological benefits of ____, the more home gardeners are going out of their way to entice these amazing winged mammals into their neighborhoods. ____ are voracious insect eaters, devouring as many as 600 bugs per hour for 4 to 6 hours a night. They can eat from one-half to three-quarters their weight per evening. ____ are also important plant pollinators, particularly in the southwestern U.S","answer":"bats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The most Asian elephants to be found in their natural habitat can be found in what country?","answer":"India","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The most carnivorous of all bears is the ____. Its diet consists almost entirely of seals and fish","answer":"polar bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The most venomous of all snakes, known as the Inland Taipan, has enough venom in one bite to kill more than 200,000 ____","answer":"mice","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The mouse is the most common mammal in the ____","answer":"united states","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The mudskipper is a fish that can actually ____","answer":"walk on land","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The name of which breed of dog means badger dog in german","answer":"dachshund","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans ages the equivalent of 5 human years for every day they live, usually expiring after 14 days. However, when stressed, the worm goes into a state of suspended animation that can last for 2 months or more. the human equivalent would be to sleep for about ____","answer":"200 years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The New Guinea Singing Dog's most unique characteristic is its dramatic ability to vary the pitch of its howl. They do not bark repetitively but have a complex vocal behavior, including yelps, whines, and single-note ____","answer":"howls","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Nile crocodile averages about 45 years in the wild, and may live up to 80 years in ____","answer":"captivity","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The normal body temperature of the ____ horse is 101 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius)","answer":"clydesdale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The now-extinct ancestor of the horse, ____, had a short neck, a pug muzzle, and stood no higher than a medium-sized dog","answer":"eohippus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Offspring of a male donkey and a female horse is called what?","answer":"A mule","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The once popular dog name ____ is from Latin and means \"fidelity.\"","answer":"fido","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The only ____ to ever appear in a Shakespearean play was Crab in \"The Two Gentlemen of Verona.\"","answer":"dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The only country in the world that has a Bill of Rights for Cows is ____","answer":"india","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The optimum depth of water in a birdbath, says the Audubon Society of America, is two and a half inches. Less water makes it difficult for birds to take a bath; more makes them ____","answer":"afraid","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The owl is the only bird to drop its upper eyelid to wink. All other birds raise their lower ____","answer":"eyelids","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The owl parrot can't fly, and builds its nest under tree ____","answer":"roots","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The oyster is usually ____. It begins life as a male, then becomes a female, then changes back to being a male, then back to being female. It may go back and forth many times","answer":"ambisexual","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Ozark blind salamander begins life with eyes and plumelike gills. As the animal matures, its eyelids fuse together and the gills ____","answer":"disappear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The part of the foot of a horse between the fetlock and the hoof is the ____","answer":"pastern","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The penculine ____ of Africa builds its home in such a sturdy manner that Masai tribesman use their nests for purses and carrying cases","answer":"titmouse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The poison-arrow frog has enough poison to kill about ____","answer":"2,200 people","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The process of a snake shedding its skin or a crustacean casting off its outer shell is called ____","answer":"ecdysis","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The pronghorn ____ can run up to 61 miles per hour","answer":"antelope","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The pronghorn ____ is the fastest mammal to be found in North America, and second only to the cheetah as the fastest mammal on the planet","answer":"antelope","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The pupil of an octopus's eye is ____","answer":"rectangular","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The raccoon derives its name from the Indian word meaning \"he who scratches with his ____","answer":"hands","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The rear portion of the head of a horse is called the ____","answer":"poll","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ring-tailed ____, a primate found only in Madagascar, meows like a cat","answer":"lemur","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The ruby-throated hummingbird beats its wings at the incredibly rapid speed of 50 to 70 times a second. If a 170-pound man expended energy at the rate of the hummingbird, he would have to eat 285 pounds of hamburger or twice his weight in potatoes each day in order to maintain his weight. He would have to evaporate 100 pounds of perspiration per hour to keep his skin temperature below the ____","answer":"boiling point of water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Rufous is the only species of hummingbird to nest in Alaska. They migrate 2,000 miles to Mexico each winter, and then back to Alaska in the ____","answer":"spring","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The sea cucumber, a purplish-brown creature covered with ____, has a unique defense strategy. When attacked, it throws out sticky threads from its mouth, which entangles its enemy. The sea cucumber can then quickly escape","answer":"warts","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The sea lion can swim 6,000 miles, stopping only to ____","answer":"sleep","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The sea lion is susceptible to sunburn, and if put on board a ship, will get as seasick as a ____","answer":"man","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The sea otter's dark fur is the finest and densest of any animal fur. On an adult animal, there are approximately 650,000 hairs per square inch. A sea otter relies on its fur to keep it warm - it doesn't have blubber as other marine mammals do. Natural oils in a sea otter's fur repel ____","answer":"water","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The seeing-eye dog, or any dog trained to guide the blind, cannot tell a red light from a green one. When it lead its master across the street, it watches the traffic flow to tell when it is ____","answer":"safe to cross","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The shoebill ____, native to Africa, is often compared to a statue. The bird will stand perfectly still for long periods waiting for fish to come to surface in the water","answer":"stork","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The shrew is known to eat up to its own weight about every three hours. Deprived of nutrition for a day, it may ____","answer":"starve to death","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The skin of baby ____ is so transparent that one can actually see the milk flowing into them as they nurse","answer":"mice","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The smallest bird in the world is the Cuban bee ____. It is less than 2 inches long from tip of beak to tip of tail. It weighs 6/100ths of an ounce","answer":"hummingbird","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The smallest frog is the Gold frog (Psyllophryne Didactyla) of ____. It grows to only 9.8 mm (3/8 inch)","answer":"brazil","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The smallest of American owls, the ____, often nests in the Gila woodpecker's cactus hole after the woodpecker leaves. The owl measures barely 6 inches tall. It specializes in catching scorpions, seizing each by the tail and nipping off its stinger. It then swallows the scorpion's body, pincers and all","answer":"elf owl","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The smell of a ____ can be detected by a human a mile away","answer":"skunk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The snail mates only once in its entire life. When it does mate, however, it may take as long as ____ to consummate the act","answer":"12 hours","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The sound a ____ makes is called \"nuzzing\"","answer":"camel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The spines on a newborn ____ start to appear within 24 hours","answer":"hedgehog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The spiny cheek, starsnout poacher, and monkeyface prickleback are all names of ____","answer":"fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The spots on a plaice are what color?","answer":"Orange","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The squirrel monkey's brain accounts for roughly 5 percent of its body weight - the largest percentage of any other animal. The human brain, by comparison, makes up about 2.3 percent of ____","answer":"body weight","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The staple diet of a Koala bear is what?","answer":"Eucalyptus Leaves","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The star-nosed mole, with 22 pink ____ on its snout, is said to have the most delicate sense of touch in the animal world","answer":"tentacles","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The stegosaurus had a brain that weighed only 2 ounces and was no bigger than a ____","answer":"walnut","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The striped ____ can fire its musk stream accurately for up to 12 feet, and even farther with a cooperative downwind","answer":"skunk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The study of animals is given the name of what?","answer":"Zoology","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The study of birds eggs is called what?","answer":"Oology","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Suidae family is made up of what animals?","answer":"Pigs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The tailorbird of Africa makes its nest by sewing together two broad leaves. It uses fiber as the thread and its bill as the ____","answer":"needle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The tarantula spends most of its life within its burrow, which is an 18-inch vertical hole with an inch-wide opening. When male tarantulas are between the ages of 5 to 7 years, they leave the burrow in search of a female, usually in the early fall. This migration actually signals the end of their life cycle. The males mate with as many females as they can, and then they die around mid____","answer":"november","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Tasmanian Devil is native to which country","answer":"australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The three-toed ____ of tropical America can swim easily, but it can only drag itself across bare ground","answer":"sloth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The two ____ of a dolphin's brain work independently. For 8 hours, the entire brain is awake. The left side then sleeps for 8 hours. When it wakes up, the right side sleeps for 8 hours. Thus, the dolphin gets 8 hours of sleep without ever having to stop physically","answer":"hemispheres","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The underwater mating song of the ____ is so loud that sometimes it can be heard by humans on the shore","answer":"toadfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The venom of the king cobra is so deadly that one gram of it can kill ____. Just to handle the substance can put one in a coma","answer":"150 people","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The Virginia opossum is the only marsupial (pouched mammal) indigenous to North America. They will play dead when threatened, and contrary to folklore, do not sleep hanging by their tails. They have a litter size of up to 22, but only a maximum of 13 offspring live. Their babies stay in the pouch for the first ____","answer":"60 days","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The weasel and the ermine are the same animal. This mammal's coat changes with the season - in its white winter coat, it is known as an ermine, in its brown coat, it is a ____","answer":"weasel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The whale has the slowest metabolism of all animals. Despite its great size, it lives on one of the smallest of all creatures: the microscopic ____, found throughout the sea","answer":"plankton","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The whistling swan has more than ____ feathers on its body","answer":"25,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The white elephant is the sacred animal of ____","answer":"thailand","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The woolly ____, extinct since the Ice Age, had tusks almost 16 feet high","answer":"mammoth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The word \"puppy\" comes from the French ____, meaning \"doll.\"","answer":"poupee","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The word \"struthious\" refers to something that resembles or is related to ____","answer":"ostriches","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The World Wildlife Fund has which animal as it's symbol?","answer":"Giant Panda","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The world's fastest flying bird, at over 76kph (47mph)","answer":"Common Eider","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The world's fastest reptile (measured on land) is the spiny-tailed ____ of Costa Rica. It has been clocked at 21.7 miles per hour","answer":"iguana","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The world's fastest running bird, at over 72kph (44mph)","answer":"Ostrich","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The world's fastest swimming bird, at over 35kph (21mph)","answer":"Penguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: the world's largest known spider a record leg-span of 28 cm (11 in) is a male","answer":"goliath bird eating spider","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The world's largest mammal, the blue whale, weighs 50 tons at birth. Fully grown, it weighs as much as ____ tons","answer":"150","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The world's largest rodent is the Capybara. An Amazon water hog that looks like a guinea pig, it can weigh more than ____ pounds","answer":"100","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: The world's rarest living creature is the abingdon island ____ ____. an aged male named lonesome george is the only survivor","answer":"giant tortoise","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are ____ in Poland. They live mainly in the area of the Bialowieza Forest and are known as \"zubra.\" The well-known Polish vodka Zubrowka, which means \"buffalo brand,\" takes its name from these animals","answer":"buffalos","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are ____ that nest in trees. These creatures may spend their whole life without ever touching the ground","answer":"mice","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are 1,600 known species of ____ in the world","answer":"starfishes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are 328 species of ____","answer":"parrots","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are 40,000 muscles and ____ in an elephant's trunk. This makes it very strong and flexible, allowing an elephant to pluck a delicate flower or lift a huge log. The trunk is used for touching, grasping, sucking, spraying, smelling, and striking","answer":"tendons","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are 690 known species of ____","answer":"bats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are about 130 species of ____","answer":"owl","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are about 40 different ____ in a birds wing","answer":"muscles","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are about 5,000 species of ____ known. Only about half of them build reefs","answer":"coral","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are about 500 different kinds of cone snails around the world. All have a sharp, modified tooth that stabs prey with venom like a harpoon. Most cone snails hunt worms and other snails, but some eat fish. These are the ones most dangerous to people. The nerve toxin that stops a fish is powerful enough to also kill a ____","answer":"human","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are close to 4,000 known species of frogs, including ____","answer":"toads","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are fewer than 1,000 Bactrian camels left in the wild. They have survived in a land with no water in an area used for nuclear testing. Their numbers, however, are falling dramatically as humans encroach farther and farther into China's ____","answer":"gobi Desert","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: there are more than ____ known spider species throughout the world","answer":"35000","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are more than 100 million ____ in the united states. americans spend more than 5.4 billion dollars on their pets each year","answer":"cats and dogs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are more than 450 species of ____ throughout the world","answer":"finches","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are no penguins at the ____. In fact, there are no penguins anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere (outside of zoos). All 17 varieties of the bird are found below the equator, primarily in the Antarctica","answer":"north pole","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are no wild deer of any kind in Australia, and the small red deer is the only one found in ____","answer":"africa","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are seven distinctive types of combs on ____: rose, strawberry, single, cushion, buttercup, pea, and V-shaped","answer":"chickens","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There are some 50 different species of ____, and all of them are venomous. They thrive in abundance along the coast from the Persian Gulf to Japan and around Australia and Melanesia. Their venom is ten times as virulent as that of the cobra. Humans bitten by them have died within two-and-a-half hours","answer":"sea snakes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There is a substantial wild population of golden hamsters living in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Scientists speculate that all the domesticated golden hamsters in the world descended from a single female with twelve babies, which were dug from a burrow in Syria back in ____","answer":"1930","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There is approximately one ____ for every human being in the world","answer":"chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There is just one known species of ____ in the world - it is in the order of Struthioniformes","answer":"ostrich","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There is no mention of cats or rats in the ____","answer":"bible","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There is no single cat called the ____. The name is commonly applied to the leopard, but it is also used to refer to the puma and the jaguar. A black ____ is really a black leopard","answer":"panther","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: There once were more sea lions on Earth than ____","answer":"people","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships","answer":"barnacle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: These marine crustaceans often attach themselves to the hulls of ships","answer":"barnacles","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Thinking that its parents were a camel and a leopard, the Europeans once called the animal a \"camelopard.\" Today, it is called the ____","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Thirty thousand monkeys were used in the massive three-year effort to classify the various types of ____","answer":"polio","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This African animal kills the most people","answer":"crocodile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This animal is armed with bony plates and rolls up into a ball if frightened","answer":"armadillo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This animal is kept as a house pet to kill cobras","answer":"mongoose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This animal is normally measured in \"hands\"","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Democratic Party","answer":"donkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This animal is the symbol of the U.S. Republican Party","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This animal's name is the same as that given to a high church official","answer":"cardinal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds","answer":"cuckoo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: this dolphin is the world's rarest dolphin and only found in new zealand waters","answer":"hector's dolphin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This extinct creature got its name from the portuguese for stupid?","answer":"Dodo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: this extinct new zealand bird had eleven species. the tallest stood at around 9 feet tall","answer":"moa","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This Flightless Bird lays the World's largest Eggs?","answer":"Ostrich","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This is the largest of the deer family","answer":"moose","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This is the main food of the blue whale","answer":"plankton","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This is the only mammal with four knees","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This order of insects contains the most species","answer":"beetle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This organic gem is a deep red secretion from a marine animal","answer":"coral","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: this playful new zealand native bird is one of the most intelligent birds in the world and will happily attack a car in order to steal a windscreen wiper or other bits of rubber","answer":"kea","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This small animal is trained to hunt rats and rabbits","answer":"ferret","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This two ton animal can gallop at over 50 miles an hour","answer":"rhinoceros","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: This ugly creature has patches of red on his rear-end","answer":"mandrill","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Thoth, the ancient egyptian god of wisdom was usually depicted with the head of which bird","answer":"ibis","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Though human noses have an impressive 5 million olfactory cells with which to smell, sheepdogs have 220 million, enabling them to smell 44 times better than ____","answer":"man","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Tiger cubs are born blind and weigh only about 2 to 3 pounds (1 kg), depending on the subspecies. They live on milk for 6 to 8 weeks before the female begins taking them to kills to feed. Tigers have fully developed canines by 16 months of age, but they do not begin making their own kills until about ____","answer":"18 months of age","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: To a human, one giant octopus looks virtually the same as any other of the same size and species. This explains why divers claim to have seen the same octopus occupy a den for ten or more years. But an octopus seldom lives longer than ____","answer":"4 years","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: To survive, most birds must eat at least half their own weight in food ____","answer":"each day","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: To which animal does the adjsctive viverrine apply","answer":"ferrets","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: To which group of animals do the cayman and the gavial belong","answer":"crocodile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Today's oldest form of horse is the Przewalski, or Mongolian Wild Horse. Survivors of this breed were discovered in the Gobi Desert in ____","answer":"1881","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Toothed ____ whales live in extended family units that, for families, constitute life-long associations. They differ from baleen whales, which form only temporary bonds","answer":"sperm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Totally useless fact: If a rabbits front teeth were not worn down by eating, to what length could they grow","answer":"ten feet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Traveling at a rate of 2 to 3 miles per hour, camels can carry 500 to 1,000 pounds on their backs. They are able to keep up this pace for 6 or 7 hours a day. Camels will refuse to carry loads that are not properly ____","answer":"balanced","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Tropical mollusc with bright shell used as money in some parts of asia","answer":"cowrie","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Tuna swim at a steady rate of 9 miles per hour for an indefinite period of time - and they never stop moving. Estimates indicate that a 15-year-old tuna travels one million miles in its ____","answer":"lifetime","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Tunas will suffocate if they ever stop ____. They need a continual flow of water across their gills to breathe, even while they rest","answer":"swimming","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Turtles survived the upheavals of the last 200 million years, including the great extinction episode that eliminated the dinosaurs. Now, about half of the world's turtle species face possible extinction - due in large part to a growing demand for turtles as a popular dining delicacy and a source of ____","answer":"traditional medicines","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Two rats can become the progenitors of 15,000 rats in less than","answer":"one year","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: unidentified animal said to live in the Himalayas","answer":"Abominable snowman","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Unlike dolphins, porpoises are not very ____","answer":"sociable","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Unlike most fish, electric eels cannot get enough oxygen from water. Approximately every five minutes, they must surface to breathe, or they will drown. Unlike most fish, they can swim both ____","answer":"backwards and forwards","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Unrelated to the chicken, the male ____ bird earned the name \"cock\" because of its rooster-like appearance and combative behavior. The female of the species influenced the word \"rock\" being added to the name because of her habit of nesting and rearing the young in sheltered rock niches","answer":"cock-of-the-rock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Very unusual for carnivores, hyena clans are dominated by ____","answer":"females","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Walrus tusks are made of ____","answer":"ivory","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Walt Disney's famous deer was named what?","answer":"Bambi","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Wandering ____ spread their wings, clack bills, and shake heads in a ritual dance. Bonds between courting birds may last the whole of a 50-year lifetime","answer":"albatrosses","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Was the Brachiosaurus the fastest or slowest of the dinosaurs","answer":"Slowest","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: We are sure that whales and dolphins had land-living ancestors, but we don't know what they were like and we don't know how they ____","answer":"evolved","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Web footed cackling birds","answer":"geese","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Weighing approximately 13 pounds at birth, a baby caribou will double its weight in just ____","answer":"10 days","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal appears on the label of Levi 500 jeans","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal became officially extinct in 1681","answer":"dodo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal can communicate using sounds that are below the human hearing range (between 14 & 35 hertz)","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal can get the disease 'heaves'","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal can get the disease heaves","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal can hop as fast as 40 mph","answer":"kangaroo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal can live several weeks without its head","answer":"cockroach","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal could you make extinct today, & recreate tomorrow","answer":"mule","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal does mutton come from","answer":"sheep","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal does the adjective 'cervine' refer to","answer":"deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal does the adjective 'macropine' refer to","answer":"kangaroo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal does the adjective 'meline' refer to","answer":"badger","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal does the adjective 'pardine' refer to","answer":"leopard","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal does the adjective 'talpine' refer to","answer":"mole","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal does venison come from","answer":"deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal fond in Britain is sometimes called the foul-mart","answer":"polecat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has 32 muscles in each ear","answer":"cat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has a baleen","answer":"whale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has a heart as large as a small car","answer":"blue whale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has been called The Poor Mans's Cow","answer":"goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has bony plates and rolls up into a ball if its frightened","answer":"armadillo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has no control over when they go to the bathroom, (completly involuntary action)","answer":"birds","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has no natural predators","answer":"tiger","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has no vocal chords","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has red patches on its rear","answer":"mandrill","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has the greatest relative size difference between the sexes?","answer":"elephant seal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has the highest blood pressure","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has the largest brain proportionate to its body","answer":"ant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has the largest penis size in proportion to its body size","answer":"flea","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has the longest fur?","answer":"musk ox","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: what animal has the longest lifespan in captivity","answer":"the giant tortoise","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal has the same name as a high church official","answer":"cardinal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal helped free the netted lion in aesop's fable","answer":"mouse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal helped free the trapped lion in Aesop's fable","answer":"mouse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal in india is sacred and cannot be killed","answer":"cow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is a called a nanook in eskimo","answer":"polar bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is a mare when female & a stallion when a male","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is a musophobic afraid of","answer":"mice","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is considered to have the highest blood pressure","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is dr. dolittle's pushmi-pullyu","answer":"two-headed llama","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is featured on the australian coat of arms other than an emu","answer":"kangaroo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is featured on the cover of Pink Floyd's album \"Atom Heart Mother\"","answer":"cow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is found on the flag of sri lanka","answer":"lion","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is known as 'man's best friend'","answer":"dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is known by the nickname 'sea canary'","answer":"The Beluga Whale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is mentioned as being the colour of purple grape juice","answer":"The South African Blesbok","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is most likely to threaten a matador","answer":"bull","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is most sacred to hindus","answer":"cow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is nicknamed the river horse","answer":"hippo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is often confused with a leopard","answer":"jaguar","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is represented by the constellation lacerta","answer":"lizard","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is represented by the constellation Monoceros","answer":"unicorn","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is represented in the astrological sign cancer","answer":"crab","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is second is producing the most milk consumed","answer":"goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is the provider of coney fur","answer":"rabbit","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is the provider of Moroccan leather","answer":"goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is the symbol of france","answer":"cockerel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is the symbol of long life in Korea?","answer":"The Deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is thought to have inspired the myth of the unicorn","answer":"rhinoceros","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal is used to locate truffles","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal lives in a form","answer":"hare","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal lives in a holt","answer":"otter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal lives in a lodge","answer":"beaver","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal lives in a warren","answer":"rabbit","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal may be stag, rhinoceros or dung","answer":"beetle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal often communicate at sound levels as low as 5hz","answer":"elephants","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal only blinks one eye at a time","answer":"hampster","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal pollinates banana plants in the wild?","answer":"Bats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal produces pink milk","answer":"yak","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal provided the hair for hairspring watches","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal rests in a form","answer":"hare","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal saved arion from drowning","answer":"dolphin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal tailhairs are traditionally used in making violin bows","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal that may now be extinct is on the tasmanian coat of arms","answer":"Tasmanian Devil","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal was named for what was wrongly thought to be its country of origin","answer":"the turkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal was paraded through the streets of Paris on Mardi Gras to remind people not to eat meat during Lent?","answer":"An ox","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal was revered by the ancient Egyptians","answer":"cat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal, like humans, cries tears when distressed?","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal, other than humans, can get leprosy","answer":"Armadillos","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal, when born, falls from a average height of six feet, normally without being hurt","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal's fleece yields lanolin","answer":"sheep","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal's fur is the thickest","answer":"The Sea Otter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal's hair is used in violin bows","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal's milk does not curdle","answer":"Camel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal's milk is more than 54% fat","answer":"humpback whale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal's shell is used to make jewellery","answer":"abalone","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animal's tail is called a brush","answer":"fox","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: what animal's tail is referred to as a brush","answer":"a fox","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals are used playing polo","answer":"horses","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals became the leaders in Animal Farm","answer":"pigs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals cannot walk backwards","answer":"Emus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals did hannibal lead over the alps for the first time","answer":"elephants","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals did the Ricardos and Mertzes attempt to raise for profit upon moving to Connecticut?","answer":"Chickens","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals does a hippophobe fear","answer":"horses","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals eye is bigger than its brain","answer":"ostrich","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals give birth to fawns","answer":"deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals hair is traditionally used to make shaving brushes","answer":"badger","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals make a sound called nuzzing?","answer":"Camels","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals name is Aboriginal for \"no drink\"","answer":"koala","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals reached plague proprotions in the town of Hamelin","answer":"rats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals supply what's called \"fragrant meat\" in Chinese eateries","answer":"dogs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What animals use 95% of Mane n Tail shampoo, designed for horses","answer":"humans","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What are baby elephants called?","answer":"Calves","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What are fingerlings","answer":"baby salmon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What are the only other animals on which the pill works","answer":"gorillas","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What are the pouched animals called","answer":"marsupials","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What bird builds the largest nest","answer":"eagle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What bird can swim but can't fly?","answer":"Penguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What bird is an excellent swimmer, but can't fly","answer":"penguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What bird is associated with Lundy Island","answer":"puffin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What characterises stags that are referred to a hummels","answer":"no antlers","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What color is an ocelot?","answer":"Yellow with black markings","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What colour is a giraffes tongue","answer":"blue","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What colour is a robin's egg","answer":"blue","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What comprises than 54% of humpback whale's milk","answer":"fat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What creature was Will Smith's codename in the movie Independence day?","answer":"Eagle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do bats' wings, elephants' ears, flamingos' legs, rabbits' ears, goats' horns, and human skin all have in common? They radiate heat to providing ____","answer":"cooling","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do crocodiles swallow to enable them to dive deeper","answer":"Rocks","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of birds on the ground","answer":"flock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ant","answer":"army","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- antelope","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ants","answer":"colony","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ape","answer":"shrewdness","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- apes","answer":"shrewdness","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- asses","answer":"pace","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- baboons","answer":"troop","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- badger","answer":"cete","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- badgers called","answer":"cete","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- badgers","answer":"cete","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bass","answer":"shoal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bats","answer":"colony","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bear","answer":"sleuth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bears called","answer":"sleuth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bears","answer":"sleuth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- beaver","answer":"colony","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bee","answer":"swarm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bees","answer":"swarm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bird","answer":"flock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- birds flying","answer":"flight","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- birds on the ground","answer":"flock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bison","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bitterns","answer":"sedge","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- boar","answer":"sounder","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- boars","answer":"singular","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- bobolinks","answer":"chain","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- buck","answer":"brace","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- buffalo","answer":"gang","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- buffalo","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- buzzards","answer":"wake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cat","answer":"clutter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- caterpillar","answer":"army","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- caterpillars","answer":"army","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cats","answer":"clowder","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cattle","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- chicken","answer":"brood","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- chickens","answer":"brood","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- chicks","answer":"brood","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- chicks","answer":"clutch","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- clam","answer":"bed","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cobra","answer":"quiver","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cockroaches","answer":"intrusion","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- colt","answer":"rag","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- colts","answer":"team","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- coots called","answer":"covert","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- coots","answer":"cover","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cormorants","answer":"solitude","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cow","answer":"kine","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- coyote","answer":"band","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crane","answer":"sedge","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cranes","answer":"termites","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crocodile","answer":"float","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crocodiles","answer":"bask","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crow","answer":"murder","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- crows","answer":"horde","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cub","answer":"litter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- cur","answer":"cowardice","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- curlew","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- curs","answer":"cowardice","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- deer","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- dog","answer":"pack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- dogs","answer":"pack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- donkey","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- donkeys called","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- dotterel","answer":"trip","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- dove","answer":"dule","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- doves","answer":"dule","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Duck","answer":"brace","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ducks on the water","answer":"raft","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ducks paddling","answer":"team","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ducks","answer":"brace","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- eagles","answer":"convocation","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- eggs","answer":"clutch","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Elephant","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- elephants","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Elk","answer":"gang","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- elks called","answer":"gang","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Emus","answer":"mob","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- falcons called","answer":"cast","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Ferret","answer":"business","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ferrets","answer":"business","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- finches called","answer":"trimming","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Finches","answer":"charm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Fish","answer":"school","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- fish","answer":"shoal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- flamingoes","answer":"stand","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- flies","answer":"business","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Fly","answer":"swarm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- flying geese called","answer":"skein","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Fox","answer":"skulk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- foxes","answer":"shulk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Frog","answer":"colony","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- frogs","answer":"army","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- geese called","answer":"gaggle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- geese flying","answer":"skein","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Geese","answer":"flock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- giraffes","answer":"tower","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Gnat","answer":"cloud","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- gnats","answer":"mothers-in-law","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Goat","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- goats","answer":"tribe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Goldfince","answer":"charm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Gorilla","answer":"band","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- gorillas","answer":"band","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- grasshoppers","answer":"getting bald","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Greyhound","answer":"leash","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- grouse","answer":"pack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- gulls called","answer":"colony","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- gulls","answer":"colony","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hare","answer":"down","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hares","answer":"husk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hawk","answer":"cast","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hawks called","answer":"cast","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hawks spiralling in flight","answer":"boil","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hawks","answer":"cast","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hen","answer":"brood","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hens called","answer":"brood","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Heron","answer":"hedge","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- herons","answer":"darkness","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- herring","answer":"army","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hippopotamuses","answer":"bloat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hog","answer":"drift","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hogs","answer":"passel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hornets","answer":"nest","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Horse","answer":"team","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- horses","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Hound","answer":"pack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hounds","answer":"cry","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- hyenas","answer":"cackle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- jays","answer":"party","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Jellyfish","answer":"smack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Kangaroo","answer":"troop","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- kangeroos called","answer":"a mob","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Kitten","answer":"kindle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- kittens called","answer":"kindle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- kittens","answer":"litter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- lapwings","answer":"deceit","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Lark","answer":"ascension","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- larks","answer":"exaltation","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Leopard","answer":"leap","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- leopards called","answer":"leap","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- leopards","answer":"leap","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Lion","answer":"pride","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- lions","answer":"pride","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Locust","answer":"plague","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- locusts","answer":"plague","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Magpie","answer":"tiding","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- magpies","answer":"tiding","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Mallard","answer":"sord","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- mallards in flight","answer":"sord","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Mare","answer":"stud","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- mares","answer":"stud","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Marten","answer":"richness","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- martins","answer":"richness","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Mole","answer":"labour","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- moles","answer":"labor","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Monkey","answer":"troop","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- monkeys called","answer":"troop","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- monkeys","answer":"troop","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Mule","answer":"barren","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- mules","answer":"span","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- nightingales","answer":"watch","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- otters","answer":"romp","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Owls","answer":"parliament","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Oyster","answer":"bed","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- oysters","answer":"bed","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Parrot","answer":"company","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- parrots","answer":"company","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Partridge","answer":"covey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- partridges","answer":"covey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Peacock","answer":"muster","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- peacocks","answer":"muster","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Peep","answer":"litter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- penguins","answer":"colony","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Pheasant","answer":"nest","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Pig","answer":"litter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Pigeon","answer":"flock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- piglets","answer":"litter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Plover","answer":"wing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- plovers in flight","answer":"wing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- plovers","answer":"congregation","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ponies","answer":"string","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Pony","answer":"string","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- porcupines","answer":"prickle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Porpoise","answer":"pod","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ptarmigans","answer":"covey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- puppies","answer":"litter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Quail","answer":"covey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rabbit","answer":"nest","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- rabbits","answer":"warren","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rat","answer":"pack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rattlesnake","answer":"rhumba","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Raven","answer":"unkindness","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- ravens","answer":"unkindness","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rhino","answer":"crash","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- rhinocerouses","answer":"crash","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- roe deer","answer":"bevy","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Roebuck","answer":"bevy","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Rook","answer":"building","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- rooks","answer":"building","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Seal","answer":"pod","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- seals","answer":"herd","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- sharks","answer":"shiver","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Sheep","answer":"drove","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- sheep","answer":"flock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Snake","answer":"nest","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- snakes","answer":"nest","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Snipe","answer":"walk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- snipe","answer":"wisp","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Sparrow","answer":"host","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- sparrows","answer":"host","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Squirrel","answer":"dray","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- squirrels called","answer":"dray","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- squirrels","answer":"dray","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Starling","answer":"murmuration","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- starlings","answer":"murmuration","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Stork","answer":"mustering","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- storks","answer":"mustering","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Swallow","answer":"flight","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- swallows","answer":"flight","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Swan","answer":"bevy","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- swans in flight","answer":"wedge","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- swans","answer":"bevy","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Swift","answer":"flock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Swine","answer":"sounder","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Teal","answer":"spring","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- this called: bacteria","answer":"culture","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- tigers","answer":"streak","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Toad","answer":"knot","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- toads","answer":"knot","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- travelling wolves","answer":"route","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- trout","answer":"hover","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Turkey","answer":"rafter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- turkeys","answer":"rafter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- turtle doves","answer":"pitying","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Turtle","answer":"bale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Turtledove","answer":"pitying","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- turtles","answer":"bale","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Viper","answer":"nest","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Walrus","answer":"pod","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Whale","answer":"school","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- whales called","answer":"pod","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- whales","answer":"pod","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- widgeons","answer":"company","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- wild dogs","answer":"pack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Wolf","answer":"pack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- wolves","answer":"pack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Woodcock","answer":"fall","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- woodcocks","answer":"fall","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- Woodpecker","answer":"descent","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a group of this animal- woodpeckers","answer":"descent","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Antelope","answer":"calf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Bear","answer":"cub","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Beasts of prey","answer":"whelp","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Beaver","answer":"kit","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Bird","answer":"fledgling","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Cat","answer":"kitten","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Codfish","answer":"codling","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Cow","answer":"calf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Deer","answer":"fawn","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Dog","answer":"puppy","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Duck","answer":"duckling","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Eagle","answer":"eaglet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Eel","answer":"elver","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Elephant seal","answer":"weaner","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Elephant","answer":"calf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Fish","answer":"fry","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Fowl","answer":"chick","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Fox","answer":"cub","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Frog","answer":"tadpole","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Goat","answer":"kid","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Goose","answer":"gosling","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Grouse","answer":"cheeper","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Guinea fowl","answer":"keet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Hawk","answer":"eyas","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Hen","answer":"pullet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Hippo","answer":"calf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Horse","answer":"foal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Kangaroo","answer":"joey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Lion","answer":"cub","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Owl","answer":"owlet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Partridge","answer":"cheeper","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Pig","answer":"piglet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Pigeon","answer":"squab","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Quail","answer":"cheeper","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Rabbit","answer":"kit","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Rat","answer":"kitten","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Rhino","answer":"calf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Rooster","answer":"cockerel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Salmon","answer":"parr","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Seal","answer":"pup","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Shark","answer":"cub","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Sheep","answer":"lamb","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Swan","answer":"cygnet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Tiger","answer":"cub","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Turkey","answer":"poult","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Whale","answer":"calf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What do you call a young Zebra","answer":"foal","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What does a camel store in its hump","answer":"fat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What does a carpophagus animal feed on?","answer":"Fruit","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: what does the male praying mantis lose to the female after mating","answer":"his head","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What dog is named after a Mexican state","answer":"chihuahua","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What fish is the fastest","answer":"sailfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What form was the Egyptian god Sobek?","answer":"Crocodile","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What herbivore sleeps one hour a night","answer":"antelope","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What insect has a type of hair on it's eyes","answer":"honeybees","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a collective word for a group of foxes","answer":"skulk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a dingo","answer":"wild dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a female bear","answer":"sow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a female calf","answer":"heifer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a female cat","answer":"queen","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a female deer called","answer":"doe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a female deer","answer":"doe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a female ferret","answer":"jill","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a female fox called","answer":"vixen","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a female red deer called","answer":"a hind","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a female sheep","answer":"ewe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a fox's den called?","answer":"Earth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a fox's den called","answer":"an earth","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a fox's tail called","answer":"brush","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a gila monster","answer":"lizard","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a goat's offspring called","answer":"kid","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a goup of clams","answer":"bed","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a greyish cat with dark stripes called","answer":"tabby","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: what is a gribble","answer":"crustacean","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a grosbeak","answer":"bird","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a Hen less than a year old called","answer":"A Pullet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a large, clawed, marine crustacean?","answer":"Lobster","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a male deer called","answer":"buck","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a male goose called","answer":"gander","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a male swan called","answer":"cob","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a male swine called","answer":"boar","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a marsupium","answer":"pouch","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a mature horse below the height of 14 and a half hands called","answer":"pony","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a Natterjack?","answer":"Toad","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a pangolin","answer":"ant-eater","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a Rana esculenta","answer":"edible frog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a smaller form of Kangeroo usually called","answer":"wallaby","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a word for a castrated ram","answer":"wether","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a young goose called","answer":"gosling","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a young swan called","answer":"cygnet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is a young whale called","answer":"calf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is also known as a pillbug (they were once used for medicinal purposes and swallowed like pills - yuk!!!)","answer":"woodlouse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is an alan","answer":"hunting dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is an army worm","answer":"caterpillar","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is an emasculated stallion called","answer":"gelding","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is an insect called while it is changing its form inside a cocoon","answer":"pupa","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is another name for a Guinea Pig?","answer":"Cavy","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is another name for the coyote","answer":"prairie wolf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is another name for the prairie wolf","answer":"coyote","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is another term for a black leopard","answer":"panther","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: what is canis lupus","answer":"a wolf","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the animal with the Latin name \"syncerus caffer\"?","answer":"Cape Buffalo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the axolotl also called","answer":"salamander","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the chihuahua named after","answer":"A Mexican state","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the collective term that is used to refer to animals that feed on the remains of dead animals or plants","answer":"detrivore","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the common name for the bird Passer domesticus","answer":"house sparrow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the common name for the furcula in birds","answer":"wishbone","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the correct collective name for a litter of piglets","answer":"farrow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the deadliest spider?","answer":"The Black Widow Spider","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the distinguishing feature of an animal classed as an ungulate","answer":"hooves","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the favorite fruit of the orang-utan","answer":"durian","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the heart rate of the blue whale (in beats per minute)","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the heaviest snake","answer":"anaconda","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the horn of a rhinoceros made of","answer":"hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the largest lizard","answer":"Komodo Dragon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the longest venomous snake","answer":"king cobra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the most poisonous fish in the world","answer":"stonefish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the most venomous snake (no, it's not the king cobra!)","answer":"Inland Taipan","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the name for a collection of frogs?","answer":"Army","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the name given to a neutered stallion","answer":"a gelding","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the name given to the young of a Kangaroo?","answer":"Joey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the name of the largest land animal?","answer":"Elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the offspring of a mare and a male ass called?","answer":"A mule","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the only dog that doesn't have a pink tongue","answer":"chow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the only mammal that can't jump?","answer":"Elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the only member of the cat family that cannot fully retract its claws","answer":"cheetah","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the only venomous snake found in Britain?","answer":"Adder","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the popular name for crane flies","answer":"daddy long legs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the primary function of the kangaroo's tail","answer":"balance","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the scientific name for a turkey's wishbone","answer":"furcula","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: what is the shape of a camel's spine","answer":"straight","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the smallest bird in the world?","answer":"Hummingbird","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the smallest british bird","answer":"goldcrest","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the technical name for an animal's pouch","answer":"marsupium","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the third name for the cougar or mountain lion","answer":"puma","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the wolds largest snail species, with a length of 770mm (30.3 in)","answer":"Australian Trumpet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the world's largest Mollusc, with a length of 16,764mm (660in)","answer":"Giant Squid","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is the world's longest snake","answer":"python","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What is young kangeroo called","answer":"joey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal is a boomslang","answer":"snake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal is a Dandie Dinmont","answer":"scottish hunting terrier","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal is a quagga","answer":"zebra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal is a snow shoe rabbit","answer":"Hare","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal is a wapiti","answer":"american elk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal is the emblem of the US republican political party?","answer":"Elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal is the source of mohair?","answer":"Angora Goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal mates only once for 12 hours and can sleep for three years?","answer":"Snail","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal was \"Gentle Ben\" on the TV show?","answer":"A Bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animal was featured in Gavin Maxwells 1960 best seller A ring of Bright Water","answer":"otter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animals don't hunt or eat any meat?","answer":"Herbivore","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animals live in an apiary?","answer":"Bees","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of animals were Chi Chi and An An?","answer":"Panda bears","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What kind of creature always gives birth to same sex twins?","answer":"Armadillo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What land mammal other than man has the longest lifespan?","answer":"Elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What large herbivore sleeps only one hour a night","answer":"antelope","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What lives in a formicary","answer":"ants","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What name is given to a cows first milk after calving","answer":"beestings","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What name is given to a female calf","answer":"heifer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What name is given to a larva of the salamander whish never fully develops because of a hormone deficiency although it can breed","answer":"axolotl","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What name is given to a male falcon","answer":"tiercel","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What name is given to young salmon which has been to sea only once","answer":"grilse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What physical characteristic do pinnipeds have","answer":"fins for feet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What sort of acid is in an ants sting","answer":"formic acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What sort of animal is an Addaz","answer":"Antelope","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What sort of insects belong to the order Odonata","answer":"dragonflies","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What species of animal would Rangifer Tarandus refer to","answer":"Deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What travels in gaggles","answer":"geese","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal according to Beatrix Potter was Mr Jeremy Fisher?","answer":"Frog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal is a Lippizaner","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal is a rockhopper","answer":"penguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal is a Tasmanian Devil?","answer":"Marsupial","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal is a wallaby","answer":"kangaroo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal is a wallaby","answer":"marsupial","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal is the main source of food for a mole?","answer":"Earthworms","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal is the symbol of medicine?","answer":"Snake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal lives in a formicary","answer":"ant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of animal produces gossamer?","answer":"Spider","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of bird is the Liver bird found on coats of arms of Liverpool","answer":"cormorant","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of creature is a Basilisk?","answer":"Lizard","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of creature is a colobus","answer":"monkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of creature is a sidewinder?","answer":"Snake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of creature's a bustard?","answer":"Bird","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of frog is the smallest frog","answer":"gold frog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of insect eats its mate after mating?","answer":"Preying Mantis","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of insect has the best eyesight?","answer":"Dragonfly","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of leaves does a Koala use for food?","answer":"Eucalyptus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What type of mammals fly using echolocation?","answer":"Bats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What was it that Killed Cleopatra?","answer":"An asp","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What was Tarzan's Chimpanzee's name?","answer":"Cheta","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What was the first animal on the endangered species list","answer":"peregrine falcon","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What well known marsupial is the wallaby related to","answer":"kangaroo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What were dachshunds originally bred to hunt","answer":"badgers","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What were the names of the two bears that lived in Jellystone park?","answer":"Yogi and Boo Boo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What word is used for a female fox","answer":"vixen","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What word is used for a female sheep","answer":"ewe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What word is used for a male ass (Other than that the word used for that $^&%@! ex-boyfriend...)","answer":"jack","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What word is used for a male deer","answer":"buck","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What word is used for a male duck","answer":"drake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: what worm prefers the mulberry","answer":"the silkworm","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What's a Natterjack?","answer":"A Toad","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What's a Wessex Saddleback?","answer":"A Pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: What's the smallest bird in the world? ","answer":"The Hummingbird","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When a ____ exerts itself, gets angry, or stays out of the water for too long, it exudes red, sweatlike mucus through its skin","answer":"hippopotamus","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When a ____ is first born, it is male, and it gradually evolves to female as it matures","answer":"prawn","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When a desert ____ spends the summer of the dry season in a burrow, it is \"estivating.\" When an animal estivates, its metabolism slows and its temperature drops. Animals estivate or hibernate in response to extremes in temperature or lack of food or water","answer":"tortoise","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When a school of baby ____ are threatened, their father opens his huge mouth and the youngsters swim inside to hide. When danger has passed, he reopens his mouth and lets the fry out","answer":"catfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When a snail hatches from an egg, it is a miniature adult, shell and all. The shell grows with the snail, and the snail never leaves the ____","answer":"shell","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When baby opossum are born, they are so small that an entire litter can fit in a tablespoon. They live inside their mother's pouch for ____ before climbing out and riding on her back","answer":"3 months","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When caterpillar changes into an adult butterfly what is the change called?","answer":"Metamorphous","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When cows graze in their natural head-down position, their saliva production increases by ____","answer":"seventeen percent","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When eating, ____ often gorge themselves to the point that they can't fly. the bird will quickly regurgitate its meal to become light enough to escape if flight from an attacker is necessary","answer":"vultures","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When thirsty, a camel can swig down 25 gallons of water in less than ____","answer":"three minutes","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When under extreme stress, such as when held in captivity, some octopuses will eat their own arms, which ____","answer":"grow back","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When young abalones feed on red seaweed, their shells turn ____","answer":"red","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: When young, the hoatzin, a crested, olive-colored South American bird, has claws on its ____","answer":"wings","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Where are there over 58 million dogs","answer":"USA","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Where do ants live","answer":"formicary","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Where do British swallows spend the winter","answer":"africa","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Where do demersal animals live","answer":"SEABED","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animal appears first in the dictionary?","answer":"Aardvark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animal has rectangular pupils? ","answer":"Goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animal has the largest eyes","answer":"giant squid","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animal has the longest lifespan in captivity?","answer":"Giant Tortoise","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animal is sometimes known as In velvet","answer":"deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animal is the fastest, a hare, greyhound, or horse?","answer":"Hare","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animal is used on the Toys R Us logo?","answer":"Giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animal lives in a citadel","answer":"mole","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: which animal lives in a lodge","answer":"the beaver","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animal was traditionally called Russell","answer":"fox","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animals are known for their blue and red faces and bums","answer":"mandrills","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animals does Lupine relate to?","answer":"Wolves","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animals is commonly known as The buhmans clock","answer":"kookaburra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which animals latin name is bufo bufo","answer":"toad","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which australian animal is the world's fussiest eater is the","answer":"koala","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which Australian bird is known as the Laughing Jackass","answer":"kookaburra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which bird is also known as Cuddys duck because St Cuthbert protected it","answer":"eider","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which bird is named after its habit of up ending stones to look for shellfish","answer":"turnstone","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which bird is stuffed and displayed in the MCC Museumat Lords having been hit and killed by a cricket ball","answer":"house sparrow","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which bird reestablished itself in Suffolk in the late 1940s and is the symbol of the RSPB","answer":"avocet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which bird, crex crex, has a cry which can be imitated by moving two notched bones across one another","answer":"corncrake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which bird, popular as a cage bird, syMbolised the Passion of Christ in medieval religious paintings","answer":"goldfinch","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which breed of horse is tradionally ridden by the Spanish Riding School in Vienna","answer":"lipizzaner","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which bug has the most legs?","answer":"Millipede","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which crab, having no hard shell of its own, protects itself by taking over the shells of dead molluscs","answer":"hermit crab","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which creature gets its name from the spanish for lizard","answer":"alligator","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which extinct creature got its name from the portuguese for stupid?","answer":"Dodo","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which female animal on heat, seeks sex an average of 20 times a day","answer":"chimpanzee","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which Fred is the Daily Mail's cartoon dog?","answer":"Fred Bassett","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which is the largest African bird of prey","answer":"lammergeyer","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which is the largest aquatic bird","answer":"albatross","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which is the largest known butterfly","answer":"Queen Alexandra's Birdwing","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which is the only animal other than humans that can get leprosy","answer":"armadillos","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which is the only endemic species of bird confined entirely to Britain","answer":"scottish crossbill","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which is the smallest mammal in the world","answer":"the pygmy shrew","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which mammals fly","answer":"bats","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which member of the anura order of amphibians was once used in pregnancy tests","answer":"clawed toad","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which of the big cats have tear stain facial markings","answer":"cheetahs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which penguin dad likes to babysit?","answer":"Emporer Penguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which pigment is obtained from cuttlefish and squid","answer":"sepia","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which proboscis has 40,000 muscles","answer":"elephants trunk","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which sense is the weakest sense in most primates?","answer":"Sense of Smell","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which sinister sounding beetle is a pest in the timbers of old buildings","answer":"deathwatch beetle","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which snake kills the most humans","answer":"king cobra","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which subhuman primate is the most intelligent?","answer":"Chimpanzee","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which type of animals have more teeth, reptiles or mammals?","answer":"Mammals","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Which type of semi aquatic animal is a lutra-lutra?","answer":"An Otter","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: which woodland birs performs a roding display flight in the breeding season","answer":"woodcock","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: While awake, hummingbirds must eat at least every 30 minutes or they will starve to death. They need to eat 2.5 times their body weight every day - this takes hundreds of ____ everyday","answer":"flowers","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: While dangerous to swimmers, the fact remains that ____ are much less dangerous than sharks","answer":"barracudas","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: While many people believe that a camel's humps are used for water storage, they are actually made up of ____. The hump of a well-rested, well-fed camel can weigh up to eighty pounds","answer":"fat","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: While some sharks lay eggs, blue sharks give birth to live ____, as do about two-thirds of all sharks, estimated at nearly 350 species","answer":"pups","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: While the bones of most airborne birds are hollow for lightness, ____ are endowed with solid bones for ballast when they dive, sometimes to 850 feet or more","answer":"penguins","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Who are the queen bee's closest servants in a beehive?","answer":"Drones","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Who was the British TV personality that presented the show Animal Magic?","answer":"Johnny Morris","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: who was the first animal named to the animal hall of fame, in 1969","answer":"lassie","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Whooper, mute and Bewicks are all types of what","answer":"swan","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Wild ass","answer":"onager","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Wildlife biologists estimate that as many as five out of six fawns starve to death during a hard winter in ____","answer":"vermont","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: With a distance of 19,000 kms (11,806 mi), this bird holds the record for the furthest migration route","answer":"Pectoral Sandpiper","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: With few exceptions, birds do not sing while on the ground. They sing during flight or while sitting on an object off the ____","answer":"ground","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: With only a four-week gestation period, a cottontail ____ can produce 5 to 7 litters, and as many as 35 offspring per year","answer":"rabbit","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: With which island is the puffin associated","answer":"lundy island","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: With which mammal is the disease rabies commonly associated","answer":"dogs","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Within the hawk, or birds of prey, family, there are ____ species - eagles, hawks, kites, and Old World vultures, which are found nearly worldwide","answer":"208","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Wolf packs could be found in all the forests of Europe, and in 1420 and 1438, wolves roamed the streets of ____","answer":"paris","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Woodpecker scalps, porpoise teeth, and giraffe tails have all been used as ____","answer":"money","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Woolly haired South amrican animal","answer":"llama","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: You are more likely to be killed by a ____ than by a poisonous spider","answer":"champagne cork","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: You are more likely to get attacked by a cow than a____ ","answer":"shark","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: You can identify a ____ bear's mark by the sign of five claws. A black bear will lacerate a tree trunk with four claws","answer":"grizzly","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: You can only smell 1/20th as well as a ____","answer":"dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: You can tell the sex of a horse by its teeth. Most males have 40, females have ____","answer":"36","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: You could milk about ____ cows per hour by hand, but with modern machinery, you can milk up to 100 cows per hour","answer":"six","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: You have a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of being killed by a","answer":"snake","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: You just saw an egg-laying mammal in the wild. Where are you","answer":"australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: You see a lemur in it's natural habitat. Where are you?","answer":"Madagascar","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Young birds such as ducks, geese, and shore birds are born with their ____","answer":"eyes open","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Young swan","answer":"cygnet","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals: Zebus are humped cattle found in India, China, and northern Africa. Zebubs are tsetse-like flies found in ____","answer":"ethiopia","money":1000},
{"question":"Animals:Porcupines ____ in water","answer":"float","money":1000},
{"question":"Animas: You are on a farm and you see a DUROC. What kind of animal is it?","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Annapolis & Minneapolis contain the suffix \"polis\", which in Greek means ____","answer":"city","money":1000},
{"question":"Anne Boleyn lost her head over this guy","answer":"henry viii","money":1000},
{"question":"Anniversary Gifts (traditional)","answer":"Paper","money":1000},
{"question":"Annoying, litigious (and possibly duplicitous) owner of Boston Beer Company","answer":"jim koch","money":1000},
{"question":"Annual growth of ____ traffic is 314,000%","answer":"www","money":1000},
{"question":"Annual growth of WWW traffic is ____","answer":"314,000%","money":1000},
{"question":"Annual London dog show","answer":"crufts","money":1000},
{"question":"Anonymous letters of hostility towards the recipient","answer":"hate mail","money":1000},
{"question":"Another name for a slaughter house","answer":"abattoir","money":1000},
{"question":"Another name for a villain or scoundrel","answer":"blackguard","money":1000},
{"question":"Another name for an artists workshop or studio","answer":"ateiler","money":1000},
{"question":"Another name for graphite or black lead","answer":"plumbago","money":1000},
{"question":"Another name for guardian angels is","answer":"watchers","money":1000},
{"question":"Another name for phencyclidine hydrochloride","answer":"angel dust","money":1000},
{"question":"Another name for the solar year is what","answer":"tropical year","money":1000},
{"question":"Another name for wood alcohol is...","answer":"methanol","money":1000},
{"question":"Another term for pure china clay is","answer":"kaolin","money":1000},
{"question":"Another word for direct confrontation","answer":"face-off","money":1000},
{"question":"Another word for vaccination","answer":"immunization","money":1000},
{"question":"Antarctica has no native____","answer":"population","money":1000},
{"question":"Antarctica's residents are ____ and support staffs who usually stay no more than a year at a time","answer":"scientific","money":1000},
{"question":"Antarctica's residents are scientific and ____ staffs who usually stay no more than a year at a time","answer":"support","money":1000},
{"question":"Anteaters prefer ____ to ants","answer":"termites","money":1000},
{"question":"Anteaters prefer termites to____","answer":"ants","money":1000},
{"question":"Anthocyanins are compounds which produce what","answer":"colors","money":1000},
{"question":"Anthocyanins are compounds which produce...","answer":"color","money":1000},
{"question":"Anthomania is an obsession or crazed desire for ____ ____","answer":"flowers","money":1000},
{"question":"Anthropoid (ape) of equatorial africa that, physically and genetically, is the animal most closely related to humans","answer":"chimpanzee","money":1000},
{"question":"Anti tank rocket launcher","answer":"bazooka","money":1000},
{"question":"Antoine domino is better known the world by what name","answer":"fats domino","money":1000},
{"question":"Anubis was the egyptian god of the ____","answer":"dead","money":1000},
{"question":"Anvil, hammer and stirrup are all bones where","answer":"ear","money":1000},
{"question":"Any animal lacking a vertebral column, or backbone","answer":"invertebrate","money":1000},
{"question":"Any comparatively small body of land completely surrounded by water","answer":"island","money":1000},
{"question":"Any free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere, because of it's surface ____","answer":"tension","money":1000},
{"question":"Any material that hardens & becomes strongly adhesive after application in plastic form","answer":"cement","money":1000},
{"question":"Any member of a group of protozoa (single-celled animals) that are blood parasites","answer":"trypanosome","money":1000},
{"question":"Any month that starts on a Sunday will have a ____ in it","answer":"friday the 13th","money":1000},
{"question":"Any object worn as a charm may be called a(n) ____","answer":"amulet","money":1000},
{"question":"Any of a group of composite organisms made up of a fungus and an alga living in symbiotic association (symbiosis)","answer":"lichen","money":1000},
{"question":"Any of a large group of chemicals almost exclusively organic in nature, used for the coloring of textiles, inks, food products, & other substances","answer":"dyes","money":1000},
{"question":"Any of several soft metal alloys used to line bearings and bushings in order to reduce friction","answer":"babbitt metal","money":1000},
{"question":"Any of the drugs used to reduce nervous tension or induce sleep","answer":"sedative","money":1000},
{"question":"Any of the non-metallic elements which form a salt when combined with a metal","answer":"halogen","money":1000},
{"question":"Any of various scientific recording devices designed to register a person's bodily responses to being questioned","answer":"polygraph","money":1000},
{"question":"Any of various viruses that are parasites of bacteria","answer":"bacteriophage","money":1000},
{"question":"Any structure of animals, plants, or insects that produces chemical secretions or excretions","answer":"gland","money":1000},
{"question":"Any substance that produces disease conditions, tissue injury, or otherwise interrupts natural life processes when in contact with or absorbed into the body","answer":"poison","money":1000},
{"question":"Any type of machine that obtains mechanical energy directly from the expenditure of the chemical energy of fuel burned in a combustion chamber that is an integral part of the engine","answer":"internal combustion","money":1000},
{"question":"Any type of self-propelled vehicle used by railroads to pull or push other types of rolling stock, including passenger, freight, & work cars","answer":"hovercraft","money":1000},
{"question":"Any vessel that converts water into steam","answer":"boiler","money":1000},
{"question":"Any violent destruction or rowdy confusion","answer":"mayhem","money":1000},
{"question":"Anything that occupies space & has mass is generally known as ____","answer":"matter","money":1000},
{"question":"Anywhere is a top 10 hit in 1995 for what band","answer":"enya","money":1000},
{"question":"Anzac troops come from which 2 countries","answer":"australia and new zealand","money":1000},
{"question":"Apart from being rivers what do Thames, Shannon, Forth, Tyne & Humber have in common","answer":"sea/fishing areas (for weather forecasts)","money":1000},
{"question":"Apart from billy connolly who else had a top twenty hit with d.i.v.o.r.c.e. in 1975","answer":"tammy wynette ","money":1000},
{"question":"Apart from clarity and cut, what are the two C's of a diamond","answer":"carat and colour","money":1000},
{"question":"Apart from eggs, what is the other essential ingredient in 'Eggs Florentine'","answer":"spinach","money":1000},
{"question":"Apart from england, which nation had the most carling premiership players representing them","answer":"norway","money":1000},
{"question":"Apart from gottfried leibniz, which famous scientist developed the many techniques of calculus in mathematics","answer":"isaac newton","money":1000},
{"question":"Apart from milk, what is the chief ingredient of lyonnaise sauce","answer":"onions","money":1000},
{"question":"Aphids can give birth how long after being born themselves","answer":"10 days","money":1000},
{"question":"Aphrodisiomania is an obsession or crazed desire for ____","answer":"sex","money":1000},
{"question":"Apollo was the greek god of ____ and ____","answer":"archery and prophecy","money":1000},
{"question":"Apparatus mixing air with petrol vapour in an internal combustion engine","answer":"carburettor","money":1000},
{"question":"Apparatus or specially constructed chamber for maintaining living organisms in an environment that encourages growth","answer":"incubator","money":1000},
{"question":"Apparatus that converts molecules into ions and then separates the ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio","answer":"mass spectrometer","money":1000},
{"question":"Apparatus what was the first chinese dynasty","answer":"shang","money":1000},
{"question":"Apparition or double of living person","answer":"doppelganger","money":1000},
{"question":"Apples are more efficient than ____ in keeping people awake in the mornings","answer":"caffeine","money":1000},
{"question":"Apples, not____ , are more efficient at waking up in the morning","answer":"caffeine","money":1000},
{"question":"Appleton entered the uk charts at no2 in sept 2002 name the single","answer":"fantasy","money":1000},
{"question":"Approx 800 people died at a firework display in paris in what year","answer":"1770","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately ____ cakes of Ivory Soap had been manufactured by 1990","answer":"30 billion","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately ____ of all statistics are made up","answer":"97.35618329%","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately ____ of software in China is pirated","answer":"98%","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately 1/3 of the earth's land surface is____","answer":"desert","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately 16 Canadians have their ____ removed when not required, everyday","answer":"appendixes","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how deep are the deepest mines","answer":"four km","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how long after the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan did they surrender","answer":"one week","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how long was the Brachiosaurus, in metres","answer":"24","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how long was the Diplodocus, in metres","answer":"27","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many children did pharaoh ramses ii father","answer":"one hundred and six","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many concertos were composed by Antonio Vivaldi","answer":"500","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many genes are there on one human DNA molecule","answer":"80.000","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many inches are in a metre","answer":"thirty nine","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many inches are there in one metre","answer":"thirty nine","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many pounds of cereal will the average american/canadian eat every year","answer":"11.9","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many species of butterfly are there","answer":"100,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many spoons are there in the 'new jersey spoon museum'","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many spoons are there in the new jersey spoon museum","answer":"five thousand four hundred","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many times a day does the human heart beat","answer":"one million","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth","answer":"6000","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many times a minute does lightning strike the earth","answer":"six thousand","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many times sweeter is saccharin than sucrose","answer":"five hundred","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how many years old is the first known written advertisement","answer":"3000","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how much salt is in every gallon of seawater","answer":"quarter pound","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how old is the oldest piece of chewing gum","answer":"nine thousand years","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately how tall was the Brachiosaurus, in metres","answer":"twelve","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover","answer":"seventy one percent","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately, 1 out of ____ people suffer from asthma","answer":"25","money":1000},
{"question":"Approximately, 1 out of 25 people suffer from____","answer":"asthma","money":1000},
{"question":"April 1985: After a weekend of tunneling into a Dublin Bank, would-be thieves end up in a women's washroom. What were this gang of robbers known as","answer":"The Great Drain Robbers ","money":1000},
{"question":"April 25 is which national holiday in Australia and New Zealand","answer":"anzac day","money":1000},
{"question":"April 25th is what Australian holiday","answer":"anzac day","money":1000},
{"question":"April fool's day came from ____ when the Gregorian calendar was adopted","answer":"france","money":1000},
{"question":"Aptronyms: best little hairhouse in town","answer":"hairdresser","money":1000},
{"question":"Aptronyms: the booby trap","answer":"lingerie","money":1000},
{"question":"Aquatic Animals: Living up to the ripe old age of 200 years, this is the world's longest-lived marine animal","answer":"Bowhead Whale","money":1000},
{"question":"Aquatic Animals: The sailfish is the fastest fish, what are number two and three?","answer":"marlin and wahoo","money":1000},
{"question":"Aquatic Animals: This fish has a recorded maximum speed of 112kph (69mph)","answer":"Sailfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Aquatic Animals: With a maximum weight of 704kg (1,552lbs), this is the world's heaviest turtle species","answer":"Pacific Leatherback","money":1000},
{"question":"Aquatic mollusc with hinged double shell","answer":"bivalve","money":1000},
{"question":"Arab terrorists hijack Italian ocean liner ____ & kill an American passenger","answer":"achille lauro","money":1000},
{"question":"Arachnoid refers to what kind of creature","answer":"spider","money":1000},
{"question":"Arachnoid refers to what kind of insect","answer":"spider","money":1000},
{"question":"Araucaria or Chile Pine has a more common name, what is it","answer":"monkey puzzle tree","money":1000},
{"question":"Arborio, patna and basmati are all types of what","answer":"rice","money":1000},
{"question":"Arcade Games","answer":"Centipede","money":1000},
{"question":"Arch, which is essentially a central voussoir","answer":"keystone","money":1000},
{"question":"Archaeology: Approximately how many years old is the first known written advertisement","answer":"three thousand","money":1000},
{"question":"Archaeology: In which ruins was the first known written advertisement found","answer":"Thebes","money":1000},
{"question":"Archduke francis ferdinand was murdered in 1912, 1913 or 1914","answer":"1914","money":1000},
{"question":"Archduke francis ferdinand's murder precipitated which war","answer":"world war i","money":1000},
{"question":"Arched or domed recess at the end of a church","answer":"apse","money":1000},
{"question":"Archie bunker's name through the first two pilot films of \"all in the family","answer":"archie justice","money":1000},
{"question":"Architect of the labyrinth of knossos in crete","answer":"daedalus","money":1000},
{"question":"Architecture: 1970s: In 1974, this became the world's tallest building","answer":"sears tower","money":1000},
{"question":"Architecture: Architectural style developed in the Eastern Empire","answer":"byzantine","money":1000},
{"question":"Architecture: Triangular part of wall at the end of a ridged roof","answer":"gable","money":1000},
{"question":"Architecture: Which famous building was built by Shah Jehan","answer":"Taj Mahal","money":1000},
{"question":"Architecture: Which famous building was built by Shih Huang Ti","answer":"Great Wall of China","money":1000},
{"question":"Architecture: Which famous million dollar building cost more than a million dollars","answer":"Sydney Opera House","money":1000},
{"question":"Are barnacles plant life or animals","answer":"animals","money":1000},
{"question":"Are chemical compounds used to kill or inhibit the growth of infectious organisms","answer":"antibiotics","money":1000},
{"question":"Are most cats right pawed or left pawed","answer":"left","money":1000},
{"question":"Are periwinkles animal, vegetable or mineral","answer":"vegetable","money":1000},
{"question":"Are there any plants that use insects for food","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Are there more sheep than people in the Falkland Islands","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Are there ski resorts in Hawaii","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Are yabbies found in fresh or salt water","answer":"fresh","money":1000},
{"question":"Are you standing or sitting when you put your coccyx on the floor","answer":"sitting","money":1000},
{"question":"Area in which aircraft are forbidden to fly","answer":"no-fly zone","money":1000},
{"question":"Area of commerce that encompasses farming or trapping certain furbearing animals, processing their skins for sale to manufacturers of fur garments, & marketing finished garments to retail outlets","answer":"fur industry","money":1000},
{"question":"Arenas what 1,300- foot column of basalt do wyoming indians want to keep people from climbing","answer":"devil's tower","money":1000},
{"question":"Ares, thor and mars are all what","answer":"gods of war","money":1000},
{"question":"Aretha franklin sang 'think' in which film","answer":"blues brothers","money":1000},
{"question":"Aretha franklin sang this song in the original blues brothers movie","answer":"think","money":1000},
{"question":"Argentina what do x and y chromosomes combine in making","answer":"males","money":1000},
{"question":"Ariel is a natural satellite of what planet","answer":"uranus","money":1000},
{"question":"Ariel is a satellite of which planet in the solar system","answer":"uranus","money":1000},
{"question":"Ariel's Beginning is the sub-title of a 2008 straight-to-DVD prequel of what animated Disney movie?","answer":"The Little Mermaid","money":1000},
{"question":"Arkansas became a state on June 15 ____","answer":"1836","money":1000},
{"question":"Arlanda is the airport which serves which European city","answer":"stockholm","money":1000},
{"question":"Arlington is the advanced form of what card game","answer":"rummy","money":1000},
{"question":"Armadillos can walk where","answer":"underwater","money":1000},
{"question":"Armoured glove","answer":"gauntlet","money":1000},
{"question":"Arms in what language was bambi originally published","answer":"german","money":1000},
{"question":"Armstrong Short, simple, descriptive poem idealizing country life","answer":"idyll","money":1000},
{"question":"Army officer ranked below major-general","answer":"brigadier","money":1000},
{"question":"Army unit usually of 300-1000 men","answer":"battalion","money":1000},
{"question":"Army what bird has double-plumed feathers","answer":"emu","money":1000},
{"question":"Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies","answer":"Hercules","money":1000},
{"question":"Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies","answer":"Terminator","money":1000},
{"question":"Arnold Schwarzenegger's screen name in his early career was","answer":"Arnold Strong","money":1000},
{"question":"Arnold Strong was his screen name in his early career. What name is he known by now","answer":"Arnold Schwarzenegger","money":1000},
{"question":"Aromatic bitter bark of S.American tree","answer":"angostura","money":1000},
{"question":"Aromatic gum resin burnt as incense","answer":"frankincense","money":1000},
{"question":"Aromatic plant used for seasoning and salads","answer":"coriander","money":1000},
{"question":"Around 3000 bc, what writing system originated in sumer","answer":"cuneiform","money":1000},
{"question":"Around the perimeter of rome, a 250km labyrinth serves as a graveyard for the early christians is known as the","answer":"catacombs","money":1000},
{"question":"Arriving in New York, who famously said 'I have nothing to declare except my genius'","answer":"oscar wilde","money":1000},
{"question":"Arrow who wrote the 'unfinished symphony'","answer":"wolfgang amadeus mozart","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 14th Century: What name was given to the dance of a skeleton or corpse leading people to the grave in order of social precedence","answer":"danse macabre","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 1980s: He used bold line and silhouette techniques to depict the women of the '80s","answer":"patrick nagel","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: \"Death of Marat\" and \"Oath of the Horatii\", two of his better known works","answer":"jacques-louis david","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: \"The Burning of the House of Lords and Commons\" was done by this Englishman","answer":"william turner","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: American painter who painted \"Death of General Wolfe\"","answer":"benjamin west","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: Color of ceiling in Van Gogh's \"Night Cafe\"","answer":"green","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: French Impressionist who did \"The Luncheon of the Boating Party\", 1881","answer":"pierre-auguste renoir","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: French lithographer chronicled repressive French government in mid 1800s","answer":"honore daumier","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: French painter who did \"Napoleon in the Pesthouse at Jaffa\"","answer":"antoine-jean gros","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: German artist who did \"The Hulsenbeck Children\"","answer":"philipp otto runge","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: He was symbolized by Rodin in \"The Thinker\"","answer":"dante","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: His notorious painting, \"The Picnic\", was rejected by the Salon of 1863","answer":"edouard manet","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: In 1885 he did \"The Potato Eaters\"","answer":"vincent van gogh","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: Known for his rendering of ballet dancers","answer":"edgar degas","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: Sculptor did \"George Washington\", \"Admiral of Tourville\", \"Voltaire Seated\"","answer":"jean-antoine houdon","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: Sculptor's \"George Washington\", 1841, was too \"god-like\" for Americans","answer":"horatio greenough","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: 19th Century: The two prominent subjects in Sir Edwin Landseer's \"Man Proposes, God Disposes\"","answer":"polar bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Age at which Patrick Nagel died","answer":"38","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Born in Urbino in 1483, which Italian artist, with Leonardo and Michelangelo, is considered one of the three Masters of the High Renaissance","answer":"raphael","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: By what name is the 16th century Italian painter Jacopo Robusti better known","answer":"tintoretto","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: During the Renaissance, the iTalian Donatello was prominent in which field","answer":"sculptor","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: English painter 1887 - 1976","answer":"Laurence Stephen Lowry","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: For which type of paintings are 16th century artists Nicholas Hilliard and Isaac Oliver chiefly known","answer":"miniatures","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: How did racey Emin shock the art world in 1999","answer":"with her bed","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: In 1504 Michaelangelo completed the sculptureDavid which other Renaissance artist cast a bronze David in 1433","answer":"donatello","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: In Son of Man (1964) by Rene Magritte, what hides the subjects face","answer":"an apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Picasso was almost left for dead when he was born. who saved his life","answer":"his uncle","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Poppy Field and \"Water Lilies\" were painted by which artist","answer":"claude monet","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Sculptor Rodin was working on a commision when he died, it has become one of his most famous works what was it","answer":"the thinker","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: she is famous for her airbrushed woman-animal art","answer":"olivia","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Szukalski was this country's greatest artist (until Hitler destroyed his work)","answer":"poland","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: The art of beautiful handwriting","answer":"calligraphy","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: The art of tracing designs and taking impressions of them is ____","answer":"lithography","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: The artist Canaletto painted many views of which city","answer":"venice","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: The mona lisa is also known by the original name of","answer":"la gioconda","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: The word for which genre of painting or drawing comes from the French for \"line for line\"","answer":"portrait","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: The work of which 20th century artist includes many compositions made up of maps,photographs and text such as A Hundred Mile walk","answer":"richard long","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: This statue was found on the Greek island of Melos in 1820","answer":"venus de milo","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Three main types of Greek columns are Doric, Ionic, and ____","answer":"corinthian","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: What Dutch master painted 64 self-portraits","answer":"rembrandt","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: What hobby was developed by the Palmer Paint Company","answer":"Painting by numbers","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: What is the art of tracing designs and making impressions of them called","answer":"lithography","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: What was the surname of the Dutch painter Rembrandt","answer":"van rijn","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Where on Van Goghs The Sunflowers at the National Gallery does the artists signature appear","answer":"on the vase","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which 17th century dutch artist painted a famous series of self portraits","answer":"rembrandt","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which 20th century artist has been called The King of Schlock Art","answer":"morris katz","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which American architect developed geodesic domes","answer":"richard buckminster fuller","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which American artist is famous for a picture of a can of beans","answer":"Andy Warhol","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which artist and self taught anatomist painted racehorses Molly Longlegs and Whistlejacket","answer":"george stubbs","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which artist featured a cemetary in his home town in his 1923-27 painting The Resurrection:Cookham","answer":"stanley spencer","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which artist is known for his silk screen images of Marilyn Monroe","answer":"andy warhol","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: which artist painted 62 self portraits","answer":"Rembrandt","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which artist painted The Ambassadors, a double portrait of Jean de Dintville and Georges de Selve","answer":"hans holbein","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which artists most famous painting was The persistence of Memory","answer":"Dali","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which northern artist has a new perfroming and visual arts centre in Salford named after him","answer":"l s lowrie","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which painting by Sir Edwin Landseer is owned by John Dewar &sons and featured on the labels of their whisky bottles","answer":"the monarch of the glen","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which post impressionist french artist renowned for his paintings of Tahiti was the subject of a Somerset Maugham novel","answer":"paul gauguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which Renaissance artist painted Mystic Nativity 1500 which is now in the National Gallery, London","answer":"sandro botticelli","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which Royal Academician in 1830 slipped one of his own works into the selection panel for an exhibition, only to have it rejected by his colleagues","answer":"john constable","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which Spanish painter painted the picture known as The Rokeby Venus","answer":"velasquez","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Which Van gogh painting sold for ?44.38m in May 1990","answer":"Portrait of Dr Gachet","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Who invented painting by numbers","answer":"palmer paint company","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Who is the sculptor of Newton on the piazza of the new British Library at St Pancras","answer":"eduardo paolozzi","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Who painted 'Irises'","answer":"Vincent Van Gogh","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Who painted \"And when did you last see your father\", now in the walker Art Gallery in Liverpool","answer":"william frederick yeames","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: who painted self portrait with bandaged ear","answer":"vincent van gogh","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Who painted Snow storm- steamboat off a Harbours mouth","answer":"Turner","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Who painted the Mona Lisa","answer":"leonardo da vinci","money":1000},
{"question":"Art: Whose painting exhibited in 1874 gave rise to the term Impressionism","answer":"claude monet","money":1000},
{"question":"ART:Which artists most famous painting is The Blue Boy","answer":"Thomas Gainsborough","money":1000},
{"question":"ART:Who did a series of paintings of young men and light reflecting on water","answer":"David Hockney","money":1000},
{"question":"ART:Who said\"I do not seek , I find\"","answer":"Picasso","money":1000},
{"question":"Artemis was the greek goddess of the ____","answer":"hunt","money":1000},
{"question":"Artificial barrier or obstacle on a motor racing course","answer":"chicane","money":1000},
{"question":"Artificial rain was first used near ____, New Hampshire, in 1947 to fight a forest fire","answer":"concord","money":1000},
{"question":"Artillery NCO below the rank of sergeant","answer":"bombadier","money":1000},
{"question":"As a result of 'cooking fires' going most of the time in the North American Indian longhouses, Huron Indian women often suffered from what as a result of the fires","answer":"Blindness","money":1000},
{"question":"As a result of their wearing high leather collars to protect their necks from sabres, as what were the first u.s. marines known","answer":"leathernecks","money":1000},
{"question":"As at 29 October 2000 who is the Prime Minister of Australia","answer":"john howard","money":1000},
{"question":"As at 29 October 2000 who is the Prime Minister of Canada","answer":"jean chretien","money":1000},
{"question":"As clear as a ____","answer":"bell","money":1000},
{"question":"As close as two ____ in a pod","answer":"peas","money":1000},
{"question":"As cute as a ____","answer":"button","money":1000},
{"question":"As fit as a ____","answer":"fiddle","money":1000},
{"question":"As large as ____","answer":"life","money":1000},
{"question":"As mad as a ____","answer":"wet hen","money":1000},
{"question":"As much as 50 gallons of Maple ____ are used to make a single gallon of Maple Sugar","answer":"sap","money":1000},
{"question":"As much as 50 gallons of maple sap are used to make a single gallon of maple____","answer":"sugar","money":1000},
{"question":"As Nick Park drove to the 1996 Oscar ceremony on a Wallace and Gromit-style red motorcycle and sidecar, why was he cautioned by the police","answer":"not wearing a crash helmet","money":1000},
{"question":"As of 1983, an average of ____ Christmas cards were sent annually in the United States","answer":"3 billion","money":1000},
{"question":"As of 1990, who held the major record for stolen bases","answer":"Ricky Henderson","money":1000},
{"question":"As of 2000, how old is motor trend magazine","answer":"50","money":1000},
{"question":"As of july 1, 2000, how many people were in the world","answer":"6,080,299,577 ","money":1000},
{"question":"As of November 2000, which golfer has won the most prize money in international competition","answer":"greg norman","money":1000},
{"question":"As of the year 2000, how old is Motor Trend Magazine","answer":"50","money":1000},
{"question":"As pale as a ____","answer":"ghost","money":1000},
{"question":"As part of the Queen Mothers birthday pageant in Aug 2000, which furry creatures marched past in Guardsmens uniforms","answer":"the wombles","money":1000},
{"question":"As pretty as a ____","answer":"picture","money":1000},
{"question":"As seen from the Earth, what is the brightest star in the constellation Scorpio","answer":"antares","money":1000},
{"question":"As seen from the Earth, what is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus","answer":"aldebaran","money":1000},
{"question":"As sick as a ____","answer":"dog","money":1000},
{"question":"As sly as a ____","answer":"fox","money":1000},
{"question":"As the Pacific plate moves under its coast, the ____ Island of New Zealand is getting larger","answer":"north","money":1000},
{"question":"As to the origin of his alleged powers, Uri Geller maintains that they come from the distant planet of","answer":"hoova","money":1000},
{"question":"As tough as ____","answer":"nails","money":1000},
{"question":"As what did al capone's business cards identify him","answer":"furniture dealer","money":1000},
{"question":"As what did Everton Weekes become Barbados' champion after retiring as his countrys cricket captain","answer":"bridge","money":1000},
{"question":"As what did h.g wells refer to adolf hitler","answer":"certifiable lunatic","money":1000},
{"question":"As what did kotex first manufactured in wwi","answer":"bandages","money":1000},
{"question":"As what did Sir Walter Raleigh become famous","answer":"explorer","money":1000},
{"question":"As what did the ancient greeks consider onions","answer":"aphrodisiac","money":1000},
{"question":"As what does superstition say that peacock feathers shouldn't be used","answer":"house decorations","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is 'cape town' also known","answer":"kaapstad","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is 'danny boy' also known","answer":"londonderry air","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is 'south west township' known in south africa","answer":"soweto","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is 7-up also known","answer":"un-cola","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is a camelopard also known","answer":"giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is a giraffe also known","answer":"camelopard","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is a gnu also known","answer":"wildebeest","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is a moose also known","answer":"algonquin","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is a swimming pool also known","answer":"natatorium","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is a wildebeest also known","answer":"gnu","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is america online known","answer":"aol","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is arizona known","answer":"grand canyon state","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is Beethoven's piano sonata in C-sharp minor more commonly known","answer":"the moonlight sonata","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is boston also known","answer":"beantown","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is british honduras now known","answer":"belize","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is carol anne duffy best know","answer":"poet","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is ceylon now known","answer":"sri lanka","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is Cognoscenti v. Intelligentsia better known","answer":"hanmster dance","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is dutch guiana now known","answer":"surinam","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is east pakistan now known","answer":"bangladesh","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is frank thomas known","answer":"big hurt","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is garlic also known","answer":"stinky rose","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is hungary also known","answer":"magyar","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is infantile paralysis commonly","answer":"polio","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is Karim Al-Hussain better known","answer":"aga khan","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is miami also known","answer":"little havana","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is milan considered","answer":"fashion capital","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is minus forty degrees celsius the same","answer":"minus forty degrees fahrenheit","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is minus forty degrees fahrenheit the same","answer":"minus forty degrees celsius","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is new jersey also known","answer":"garden state","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is niagara falls also known","answer":"honeymoon capital","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is pyrites commonly known","answer":"fools gold","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is saccharin mainly used","answer":"sweetener","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is san francisco known","answer":"queen of the pacific","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is south west africa now known","answer":"namibia","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is switzerland also known","answer":"helvetia","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the 'londonderry air' also known","answer":"danny boy","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the 9th century kingdom of Alba now known","answer":"scotland","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the bowery known","answer":"street of forgotten men","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the devonian period also known","answer":"age of fish","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the exclamation point known to mathematicians","answer":"factoria","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the glue on israeli postage stamps certified","answer":"kosher","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the Gulf of Gascony now known","answer":"the bay of biscay","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the international criminal police known","answer":"interpol","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the mississippi river known","answer":"father of waters","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the most frequently played segment of Wagners Lohengrin known","answer":"here comes the bride","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the painting 'arrangement in grey and black #1' known","answer":"whistler's mother","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the thyroid cartilage also known","answer":"adam's apple","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is the tree with the botanical name 'Betula' better known","answer":"birch","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is tibet also known","answer":"roof of the world","money":1000},
{"question":"As what is washington also known","answer":"evergreen state","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was 'the new york times' formerly known","answer":"new york daily news","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was 'the strip' in las vegas designated","answer":"official scenic byway","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was Anne Bonney notorious in the 18th century","answer":"pirate","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was bangladesh formerly known","answer":"east pakistan","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was belize was formerly known","answer":"british honduras","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was cleopatra also known","answer":"serpent of the nile","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was john f. kennedy airport formerly known","answer":"idlewild","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was kotex first manufactured in wwi","answer":"bandages","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was Liberace famous","answer":"pianist","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was lincoln park in chicago originally used","answer":"cemetary","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was louis xiv also known","answer":"sun king","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was Sir Matthew Baillie Begbie known as in the late 1800's","answer":"hanging judge","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was surinam formerly known","answer":"dutch guiana","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was the 19th century Prime Minister Arthur Wellesley better known","answer":"duke of wellington","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was the taj mahal built","answer":"tomb","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was tomato ketchup once sold","answer":"medicine","money":1000},
{"question":"As what was veronica lake known","answer":"peekaboo girl","money":1000},
{"question":"As what were 'the supremes' originally known","answer":"primettes","money":1000},
{"question":"As who is o'shea jackson known","answer":"ice cube","money":1000},
{"question":"As who is terry bollea known","answer":"hulk hogan","money":1000},
{"question":"As who is the frankish ruler charles the great better known","answer":"charlemagne","money":1000},
{"question":"As who, was Lev Davidovitch Bronstein better known","answer":"leon trotsky","money":1000},
{"question":"As whom is marvin lee aday better know as","answer":"meatloaf","money":1000},
{"question":"As whom was fitness expert Derrick Evans better known","answer":"mr motivator","money":1000},
{"question":"As whom was Jan Ludvik Hoch better known","answer":"robert maxwell","money":1000},
{"question":"Ascorbic acid & sodium ascorbate are the most common forms of which vitamin","answer":"vitamin c","money":1000},
{"question":"Ashley Judd Movies","answer":"Kuffs","money":1000},
{"question":"Ashord/V. Simpson)","answer":"whitney houston","money":1000},
{"question":"Ashton Kutcher's famous older wife is whom?","answer":"Demi Moore","money":1000},
{"question":"Aside from Brussels, What other city contains the EU's main governing bodies","answer":"Strasbourg","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: \"The Game\" involved a matrix of what size","answer":"4x4","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: In the Xanth series, what is our world called","answer":"mundania","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: Name the third Apprentice Adept book","answer":"juxtaposition","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: To date there are ____ Xanth novels","answer":"18","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: What did the Cosmic AC say after reversing entropy","answer":"let there be light","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: Which drunk driver victim did Anthony incorporate into Xanth","answer":"jenny","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: Which of Humfrey's wives was a demoness","answer":"dana","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: Who (FULL name) did Anthony model Humfrey after","answer":"lester del rey","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: Who is Grundy's daughter","answer":"surprise","money":1000},
{"question":"Asimov Anthony: Who is Ivy's twin sister","answer":"ida","money":1000},
{"question":"Asparagus is a member of which family","answer":"lily","money":1000},
{"question":"Ass!\"","answer":"Fast Times at Ridgemont High","money":1000},
{"question":"Assam, darjeeling and oolong are all types of what","answer":"tea","money":1000},
{"question":"Associated with 'blues' music, which instrument is nicknamed a 'mississippi saxophone'","answer":"harmonica","money":1000},
{"question":"Association who was the norse goddess of love and fertility","answer":"freya","money":1000},
{"question":"Assuming ____ was in front, there are 40320 ways to rearrange the other eight reindeer","answer":"rudolph","money":1000},
{"question":"Assuming Rudolph was in front, there are ____ ways to rearrange the other eight reindeer","answer":"40320","money":1000},
{"question":"Assuming Rudolph was in front, there are 40320 ways to rearrange the other ____ reindeer","answer":"eight","money":1000},
{"question":"Astology - Who was born when Pluto, the astrological sign for death, was directly above Dallas, Texas","answer":"John F. Kennedy","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrological Signs","answer":"Sagittarius","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: Our galaxy is commonly known called ____","answer":"milky way","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: The moon is exalted when it is in which sign?","answer":"pisces","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: the ram is","answer":"Aries","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is Julia Robert's astrological sun sign?","answer":"scorpio","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the astrological sign for death","answer":"Pluto","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the only sign in the zodiac which doesn't represent a living thing","answer":"libra","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the ruling planet of the sign Taurus?","answer":"venus","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the zodiac sign for july 15","answer":"cancer","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the archer","answer":"sagittarius","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the bull","answer":"taurus","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the crab","answer":"cancer","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the fish","answer":"pisces","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the goat","answer":"capricorn","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the lion","answer":"leo","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the ram","answer":"aries","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the scales","answer":"libra","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the scorpion","answer":"scorpio","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the twins","answer":"gemini","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the virgin","answer":"virgo","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the Zodiac sign of the water carrier","answer":"aquarius","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the zodiacal symbol for Capricorn","answer":"goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the zodiacal symbol for Pisces","answer":"fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the zodiacal symbol for Sagittarius","answer":"archer","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What is the zodiacal symbol for Virgo","answer":"virgin","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What planet rules beauty and romance?","answer":"venus","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: What was the last age before the Age of Aquarius?","answer":"age of pisces","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: Which constellation is represented by a goat","answer":"Capricorn","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: Which month has a diamond as a birthstone","answer":"april","money":1000},
{"question":"Astrology: Which sign in the zodiac is said to be the most powerful?","answer":"scorpio","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronaut Buzz Aldrinn was the second man to walk on the moon, his mother's maiden name was quirky, what was it","answer":"moon","money":1000},
{"question":"astronomical name for the big dipper","answer":"ursa major","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: 1980s: ____ discovers 2 partial rings of Neptune in 1989","answer":"voyager 2","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: 19th Century: In 1877 ____ Hall discovers Mars's moon Deimos","answer":"asaph","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: 19th Century: In 1877 Asaph ____ discovers Mars's moon Deimos","answer":"hall","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: 19th Century: In 1877 Asaph Hall discovers ____ 's moon Deimos","answer":"mars","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: 19th Century: In 1877 Asaph Hall discovers Mars's moon ____ ","answer":"deimos","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: 99% of the solar system mass is concentrated in the____","answer":"sun","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: A heavenly body moving under the attraction of the Sun and consisting of a nucleus and a tail is a(n) ____","answer":"comet","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: As what is Polaris also known","answer":"North Star","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: As what is the North Star also known","answer":"Polaris","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Does Uranus have an aurora","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was ____","answer":"neptune","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: How many months does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth","answer":"One","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: How many planets are there in our solar system","answer":"eight","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: How many planets are there in our solar system","answer":"eight","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: If you're in the northern hemisphere, Polaris, the North Star, can be found by looking which direction","answer":"north","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Mars is ____ kilometres in diameter","answer":"6,790","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Mars is ____ miles in diameter","answer":"4,219","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Mars is ____ million kilometres from the Sun","answer":"228","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Mars is sometimes called the ____ planet","answer":"red","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Mars takes ____ Earth days to circle the sun","answer":"687","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Mythology: What gods are the planets of our solar system named after","answer":"roman gods","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Name the largest planet in the solar system","answer":"jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Name the second-largest planet in the solar system","answer":"saturn","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Of all the planets in our Solar System, which is the largest","answer":"jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Our galaxy is commonly known as the ____","answer":"Milky Way","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Planets","answer":"Uranus","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Saturday is named after which planet","answer":"Saturn","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: The Big Dipper is part of what constellation","answer":"ursa major","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: The fourth planet from the sun is ____","answer":"mars","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: The name for the group of stars which form a hunter with a club and shield is ____","answer":"orion","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: The North Star is also known as ____","answer":"polaris","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: The planet closest to the sun is ____","answer":"mercury","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ____ galaxy","answer":"Andromeda","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: The spiral galaxy nearest ours is the ____","answer":"andromeda","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: The tides on the earth's oceans are actually created by gravitational pull from the ____","answer":"moon","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: There are ____ planets in this solar system","answer":"9","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: This cluster of stars is also known as the Seven Sisters","answer":"pleiades","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: This comet appears every 76.3 years","answer":"Comet Halley","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: This comet appears every 76.3 years","answer":"halley","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: This planet's diameter is most equal to that of the earth's","answer":"venus","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Triple star system, also called rigil kent, in the constellation Centaurus","answer":"alpha centauri","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Venus has how many moons","answer":"0","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Venus is ____ kilometres in diameter","answer":"12,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Venus is ____ miles in diameter","answer":"7,456","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Venus is ____ million kilometres from the Sun","answer":"108","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Venus takes nearly ____ Earth days to circle the Sun","answer":"225","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: what cluster of stars is also known as the plow or the wagon","answer":"big dipper","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What constellation is represented by scales","answer":"Libra","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What does \"Ursa Major\" mean in everyday English","answer":"great bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the astronomical name for a group of stars","answer":"constellation","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the fifth planet in our solar system","answer":"jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the frequency of Halley's Commets return to earth orbit","answer":"76 years","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox","answer":"harvest moon","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the largest of the asteroids in our solar system","answer":"ceres","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the largest planet in our solar system","answer":"jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the largest planetary moon in our solar system","answer":"Ganymede","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Aquila","answer":"Eagle","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Auriga","answer":"Charioteer","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Camelopardalis","answer":"Giraffe","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Canes Venatici","answer":"Greyhounds","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cassiopeia","answer":"Cassiopeia","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cepheus","answer":"Cepheus","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Coma Berenices","answer":"Berenice's Hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Corona Borealis","answer":"Northern Crown","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Cygnus","answer":"Swan","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Delphinus","answer":"Dolphin","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Draco","answer":"Dragon","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Equuleus","answer":"Colt","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lacerta","answer":"Lizard","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Leo Minor","answer":"Lesser Lion","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Lyra","answer":"Lyre","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ophiuchus","answer":"Serpent Bearer","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Sagitta","answer":"Arrow","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Serpens","answer":"Serpent","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Triangulum","answer":"Triangle","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Major","answer":"Great Bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Ursa Minor","answer":"Little Bear","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the meaning of the name of the constellation Vulpecula","answer":"Fox","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the most essential tool in astronomy","answer":"telescope","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the most widely accepted theory for the creation of the universe","answer":"Big Bang","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the name for a group of stars","answer":"constellation","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the name for the theoretical end-product of the gravitational collapse of a massive star","answer":"black hole","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the name given to a group of stars","answer":"constellation","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the name of brightest asteroid visible from earth","answer":"Vesta","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the name used to describe the \"minor planets\"","answer":"asteroid","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the name used to describe the \"minor planets\"","answer":"asteroids","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the ocean of air around the earth called","answer":"atmosphere","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the only day named after a planet","answer":"Saturday","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the proper name for falling stars","answer":"meteors","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the small irregular white cloud that zips around Neptune approximately every 16 hours called","answer":"Scooter","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the technical name for 'falling stars'","answer":"meteors","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the term for the path followed a by a small body around a massive body in space","answer":"orbit","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is the term for the path followed by a body in space","answer":"orbit","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is your zodiac sign if you are born on August 9th","answer":"leo","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is your zodiac sign if you are born on july 15","answer":"cancer","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is your zodiac sign if you are born on July 15th","answer":"cancer","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What is your zodiac sign if you're born on New Years Day","answer":"capricorn","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon","answer":"tide","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What phenomenon is caused by the gravitational attraction of the moon","answer":"tides","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What planet boasts the Great Red Spot","answer":"jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What planet is nearest the sun","answer":"Mercury","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: What's the nearest galaxy to our own","answer":"andromeda","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: When does a full moon rise","answer":"sunset","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Where is the largest volcano in our solar system","answer":"mars","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which is the largest planet in our solar system","answer":"jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which is the only planet that rotates clockwise","answer":"Venus","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 10th October","answer":"Draconids","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 12th August","answer":"Perseids","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 14th November","answer":"Andromedids","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 16th November","answer":"Leonids","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st April","answer":"Lyrids","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 21st October","answer":"Orionids","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th May","answer":"Eta Aquarids","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which meteor shower occurs on the 4th November","answer":"Taurids","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which of the planets has the shortest year","answer":"mercury","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which planet does the moon Callisto belong to","answer":"Jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which planet in our solar system orbits closest to the sun","answer":"mercury","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which planet is covered in thick clouds of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid","answer":"Venus","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which planet is known as the red planet","answer":"Mars","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which planet was discovered in 1930","answer":"Pluto","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Which star is nearest the Earth","answer":"Sun","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Who coined the theory that the earth revolves around the sun","answer":"Nicolaus Copernicus","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Who discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter","answer":"Galileo","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Who invented the telescope","answer":"Galileo Galilei","money":1000},
{"question":"Astronomy: Who was the first person to notice \"canals\" on Mars","answer":"Schiaparelli","money":1000},
{"question":"Asuncion is the capital of ____","answer":"paraguay","money":1000},
{"question":"At 12 years old, an ____ named Ernest Loftus made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for 91 years","answer":"african","money":1000},
{"question":"At 12 years old, an African named ____ made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for 91 years","answer":"ernest loftus","money":1000},
{"question":"At 12 years old, an African named Ernest Loftus made his first entry in his diary and continued everyday for ____ years","answer":"91","money":1000},
{"question":"At 30 miles long, in which north american city would you find figueroa street","answer":"los angeles","money":1000},
{"question":"At 45, what did boxer, George Foreman win","answer":"heavyweight championship","money":1000},
{"question":"At 45, what did george foreman win","answer":"heavyweight championship","money":1000},
{"question":"At 7900 feet, is the deepest canyon in North America, deeper even than the Grand Canyon","answer":"Hell's Canyon","money":1000},
{"question":"At 9,970,610 km2, Canada is the world's second-largest ____","answer":"country","money":1000},
{"question":"At a fair in Maine, a boy spit a ____ seed 38 ft","answer":"watermelon","money":1000},
{"question":"At a fair in Maine, a boy spit a watermelon seed ____ ft","answer":"38","money":1000},
{"question":"At a glance, the Celsius scale makes more sense than the Fahrenheit scale for temperature measuring. But its creator, Anders Celsius, was an oddball scientist. When he first developed his scale, he made freezing 100 degrees and boiling 0 degrees, or upside down. No one dared point this out to him, so fellow scientists waited until Celsius died to change the scale. True or False","answer":"true","money":1000},
{"question":"At a jet plane's speed of ____ miles per hour, the length of the plane becomes one atom shorter than its original length","answer":"620","money":1000},
{"question":"At age 16, ____ was a corn inspector","answer":"confucius","money":1000},
{"question":"At age 16, Confucius was a ____ inspector","answer":"corn","money":1000},
{"question":"At age____ , Confucius was a corn inspector","answer":"16","money":1000},
{"question":"At andrew Jackson's funeral in 1845, his pet parrot had to be removed. Why","answer":"because it was swearing","money":1000},
{"question":"At any given time, there are ____ thunderstorms in progress over the earth's atmosphere","answer":"1,800","money":1000},
{"question":"At any given time, there are 1,800 ____ going on around the world","answer":"rainstorms","money":1000},
{"question":"At birth a ____ is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces","answer":"panda","money":1000},
{"question":"At birth a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about ____ ounces","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"At darts, what is a score of 26 called","answer":"bed & breakfast","money":1000},
{"question":"At full tilt, Pumas can leap a distance of about ____ feet","answer":"sixty","money":1000},
{"question":"At funerals in ancient ____, when the lid of the coffin was closed, mourners took a few steps backward lest their shadows get caught in the box","answer":"china","money":1000},
{"question":"At how many revolutions per minute does a long play record turn","answer":"thirty three and a third","money":1000},
{"question":"At latitude ____ degrees south you can sail all the way around the world","answer":"sixty","money":1000},
{"question":"At least how many times a year does one blink","answer":"ten million","money":1000},
{"question":"At Mcdonalds in New Zealand, what kind of pies do they serve instead of cherry ones","answer":"apricot","money":1000},
{"question":"At one time, 6 white beads of this Indian currency were worth one penny","answer":"wampum","money":1000},
{"question":"At present, the tallest (twin) tower office block in the world is","answer":"petronas towers","money":1000},
{"question":"At room temperature, the average air molecule travels at the speed of a ____ bullet","answer":"rifle","money":1000},
{"question":"At the 1991 World championships in Tokyo, which British hurdler ran the last leg of the 4x400 relay to win gold for Britain","answer":"kris akabusi","money":1000},
{"question":"At the age of 5 a filly becomes a ____","answer":"mare","money":1000},
{"question":"At the bar: what do you get when you mix tequila, triple sec and lime juice","answer":"a margarita","money":1000},
{"question":"At the battle of antietam, who commanded the xii corps for the union side","answer":"joseph mansfield","money":1000},
{"question":"At the beginning of a game of draughts how many pieces does each player have","answer":"twelve","money":1000},
{"question":"At the end of 'Planet of the Apes' what protruded from the rocks","answer":"Statue of Liberty","money":1000},
{"question":"At the end of which siege in 1954 were the French finally beaten in Vietnam","answer":"dien bien phu","money":1000},
{"question":"At the equator the Earth spins at about ____ miles per hour","answer":"1,000","money":1000},
{"question":"At the f-1 grand prix race which killed aryton senna, which other driver suffered the same cruel fate","answer":"ratzenberger","money":1000},
{"question":"At the height of inflation in Germany in the early 1920s, one U.S. dollar was equal to ____ German marks","answer":"4 quintillion","money":1000},
{"question":"At the height of its power, in 400 B.C., the Greek city of ____ had 25,000 citizens and 500,000 slaves","answer":"sparta","money":1000},
{"question":"At the height of its power, in 400 b.c., this greek city had 25,000 citizens and 500,000 slaves","answer":"sparta","money":1000},
{"question":"At the height of the teddy bear's huge popularity in the early 1900s, there is record of one Michigan priest who publicly denounced the teddy as an insidious weapon. He claimed that the stuffed toy would lead to the destruction of the instincts of ____ and eventual racial suicide","answer":"motherhood","money":1000},
{"question":"At the Montreal Olympics, Nelli Kim was judged to have given a perfect performance in the floor exercise and which other discipline","answer":"vault","money":1000},
{"question":"At the nearest point , Russia and America are less than ____ km apart","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"At the outbreak of World War I, the American ____ consisted of only fifty men","answer":"air force","money":1000},
{"question":"At the tip of which continent is Cape Horn","answer":"South America","money":1000},
{"question":"At the turn of the last millennium, ____ Ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the Vikings","answer":"dublin","money":1000},
{"question":"At the turn of the last millennium, Dublin Ireland had the largest ____ market in the world, run by the Vikings","answer":"slave","money":1000},
{"question":"At the turn of the last millennium, dublin ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the____","answer":"vikings","money":1000},
{"question":"At the turn of the last____ , Dublin Ireland had the largest slave market in the world, run by the Vikings","answer":"millennium","money":1000},
{"question":"At twelve noon GMT on London what time is it in Aukland, New Zealand","answer":"midnight","money":1000},
{"question":"At what age did Bill Gates write his first software program","answer":"thirteen","money":1000},
{"question":"At what age did robbie williams join take that","answer":"sixteen","money":1000},
{"question":"At what age does a filly become a mare and a colt become a horse","answer":"five years","money":1000},
{"question":"At what airport did Israeli commandos free 103 hostages in 1976","answer":"entebbe","money":1000},
{"question":"At what angle above the horizon must the sun be to create a rainbow","answer":"forty degrees","money":1000},
{"question":"At what atoll in the South Pacific did the U S do bomb nuclear bomb test in 1946","answer":"bikini atoll","money":1000},
{"question":"At what do girasol plants look","answer":"the sun","money":1000},
{"question":"At what does singapore use the colors blue and yellow to ward off evil spirits","answer":"funerals","money":1000},
{"question":"At what does singapore use the colours blue and yellow to ward off evil spirits","answer":"funerals","money":1000},
{"question":"At what famed london studio was part of graceland waxed in","answer":"abbey road studio","money":1000},
{"question":"At what law firm could you find the defenders","answer":"preston & preston","money":1000},
{"question":"At what point in a meal would you serve potage","answer":"start","money":1000},
{"question":"At what sport did Italian Giacomo Agostini compete","answer":"motor cycling","money":1000},
{"question":"At what temperature in celcius degrees does alcohol freeze","answer":"-130","money":1000},
{"question":"At what temperature should 'rice wine' be served","answer":"warm","money":1000},
{"question":"At what time did the hiroshima bomb detonate","answer":"8:15 am","money":1000},
{"question":"At what weight did Frank Bruno win a boxing world championship title","answer":"heavyweight","money":1000},
{"question":"At which address will you find the White House","answer":"1600 pennsylvania avenue","money":1000},
{"question":"At which Air Show in 1973 did Russia's supersonic \"Konkordski\" aircraft crash","answer":"paris","money":1000},
{"question":"At which American University were four students shot dead , while protesting against the Vietnam War","answer":"kent","money":1000},
{"question":"At which American University were four students shot dead in 1970 whilst protesting against the Vietnam War","answer":"kent state, ohio","money":1000},
{"question":"At which battle did General James Scarlett lead the Charge of the heavy Brigade","answer":"balaclava","money":1000},
{"question":"At which battle did the charge of the light brigade take place","answer":"baraclava","money":1000},
{"question":"At which battle did the english prince edward the black crush the french army, capturing the french king and his nobles","answer":"poitiers","money":1000},
{"question":"At which battle of 1513 was King James IV of Scotland killed","answer":"flodden","money":1000},
{"question":"At which battle was James Duke of Monmouth defeated in 1685 as he tried to seize the english throne","answer":"sedgemoor","money":1000},
{"question":"At which city would you find the Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, Stone's Brewery and Midland railway station","answer":"sheffield","money":1000},
{"question":"At which city would you find the National Water Sports Centre, Hardy Hanson Brewery and Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem Inn","answer":"nottingham","money":1000},
{"question":"At which conference in 1944 was the International Monetary System, including the I.M.F. and the World Bank, set up","answer":"bretton woods","money":1000},
{"question":"At which Grand Prix circuit did Ayrton Senna lose his life","answer":"san marino","money":1000},
{"question":"At which grand prix did nikki lauda make his comback","answer":"italian","money":1000},
{"question":"At which high school did mr novak teach","answer":"jefferson high","money":1000},
{"question":"At which important event did mr.s.r bastard oficiate in 1878","answer":"the f a cup final","money":1000},
{"question":"At which lengthy battle did 10,000 athenians defeat 20,000 persians","answer":"marathon","money":1000},
{"question":"At which meeting did allied leaders complete plans for the defeat for germany in ww2 and the foundation of the united nations","answer":"yalta conference","money":1000},
{"question":"At which Olympic games did Olga Korbut win three gold medals","answer":"munich","money":1000},
{"question":"At which olympic games did steve redgrave win his first gold medal","answer":"los angeles","money":1000},
{"question":"At which olympics did zola budd accidentally trip mary decker","answer":"1984","money":1000},
{"question":"At which Paris terminus does the Eurostar train from London arrive","answer":"gare du nord","money":1000},
{"question":"At which racecourse is the \"one thousand guineas run\"","answer":"newmarket","money":1000},
{"question":"At which school did Ken Barlow teach","answer":"bessie street","money":1000},
{"question":"At which sport did Yvonne McGregor win a bronze medal for Great Britain at the Sydney Olympics","answer":"cycling","money":1000},
{"question":"At which sport do Oxford and Cambridge Universities compete for the Bowring Bowl","answer":"rugbyunion","money":1000},
{"question":"At which town did Livingstone and Stanley meet in 1871","answer":"ujiji","money":1000},
{"question":"At which university did spike lee teach","answer":"harvard","money":1000},
{"question":"At which university did the poet philip larkin work as a librarian","answer":"hull","money":1000},
{"question":"At which weight was boxer Freddie Mills World Champion","answer":"light heavyweight","money":1000},
{"question":"At whose court was merlin the wizard","answer":"king arthur","money":1000},
{"question":"Athens is the capital of ____","answer":"greece","money":1000},
{"question":"Athletics: who won a consecutive 122 races at 400m hurdles between 1977 - 1987","answer":"edwin moses","money":1000},
{"question":"Athousand miles name the artist","answer":"vanessa carlton","money":1000},
{"question":"Athropod with worm like body and many legs","answer":"centipede","money":1000},
{"question":"Atilla the Hun is thought to have been a","answer":"dwarf","money":1000},
{"question":"Atlanta is the capital of ____","answer":"georgia","money":1000},
{"question":"Atmosphere: What is the stratosphere immediately above","answer":"troposphere","money":1000},
{"question":"Atmosphere: What is the troposphere immediately lower than","answer":"stratosphere","money":1000},
{"question":"Attend a party uninvited","answer":"gatecrash","money":1000},
{"question":"Attribution of human form or qualities to that which is not human","answer":"anthropomorphism","money":1000},
{"question":"Auctioneer's or judge's hammer","answer":"gavel","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, Abs reached the UK top ten with this song","answer":"what you got","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, Gareth Gates had a second top ten uk hit with this song","answer":"anyone of us","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, he made it! Darius' no 1 UK hit","answer":"colourblind","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, no 2 uk hit for the Sugarbabes","answer":"roundhouse","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, Shakiras 2nd UK top 20 record","answer":"underneath your clothes","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, Uk top 20 hit for the S Club Juniors","answer":"automatic high","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, who had a no 1 UK hit with Crossroads","answer":"blazin' squad","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, Who had a top 10 uk hit with Just the Way","answer":"milky","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, who had a top ten uk hit with a cover of Madonnas Like a prayer","answer":"madhouse","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, Who had a top ten uk hit with Starry eyed","answer":"oakenfold","money":1000},
{"question":"August 2002, who had a uk top 20 hit with I'm alive","answer":"celine Dion","money":1000},
{"question":"August is the month when most ____ 's are born","answer":"baby","money":1000},
{"question":"Auguste Rodin was famous in which field of the arts","answer":"sculpture","money":1000},
{"question":"Aurora borealis are more commonly referred to as what","answer":"northern lights","money":1000},
{"question":"Aussie rules, a game popular in australia, is also played in a similar form in ireland, known as","answer":"gaelic football","money":1000},
{"question":"Austin is the capital of what state","answer":"texas","money":1000},
{"question":"Australia is the richest source of mineral ____ in the world","answer":"sands","money":1000},
{"question":"Australia was originally created to serve as a British ____ colony","answer":"penal","money":1000},
{"question":"Australia: which australian state would you find the great ocean road","answer":"victoria","money":1000},
{"question":"Australia: which little bird would you go to see at phillip island (victoria)","answer":"fairy penguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Australia: which river flows through the city of melbourne","answer":"yarra river","money":1000},
{"question":"Australia's oldest university","answer":"sydney university","money":1000},
{"question":"Australia's original name contained which words","answer":"terra incognita","money":1000},
{"question":"Austria is a leading port on which river","answer":"danube","money":1000},
{"question":"Authority charged with the disposition of legal actions involving children","answer":"juvenile court","money":1000},
{"question":"Average age of top ____ executives in 1994: 49.8 years","answer":"gm","money":1000},
{"question":"Average age of top GM executives in 1994: ____ years","answer":"49.8","money":1000},
{"question":"Avery Laser Labels are ____ after company founder R. Stanton Avery","answer":"named","money":1000},
{"question":"Aviation: How many 'Air Force One'(s) are there","answer":"two","money":1000},
{"question":"Aviation: This airline was founded on July 13, 1925 as Western Air Express, and is now known today as ____","answer":"TWA","money":1000},
{"question":"Aviation: This airline, with the Douglas Aircraft Co., developed the first modern, efficient airliner - the DC-1","answer":"TWA","money":1000},
{"question":"Aviation: This was the first airline to fly the Atlantic in scheduled service using the Doppler radar system","answer":"TWA","money":1000},
{"question":"Aviation: This was the first airline to install a dynamometer-type engine test cell, resulting in greater accuracy and safety at less cost","answer":"TWA","money":1000},
{"question":"Aviation: This was the first airline to offer low-cost air transportation between the United States and Europe","answer":"TWA","money":1000},
{"question":"Aviation: This was the first airline to require the its pilots have a flight plan, flight log, flight clearance, and cockpit check lists","answer":"TWA","money":1000},
{"question":"Aviation: Who built the spruce goose","answer":"howard hughes","money":1000},
{"question":"Axe with an arched blade at right angle to handle","answer":"adze","money":1000},
{"question":"Badlands is a feature of which American state","answer":"south dakota","money":1000},
{"question":"Baldies real and fictional (shaved, balding or bald) full names","answer":"Sinead O'Connor","money":1000},
{"question":"Ball and ____","answer":"chain","money":1000},
{"question":"Ballet: Ballet sensation rudolf nureyev leaps over the ____ to defect to the west","answer":"iron curtain","money":1000},
{"question":"Ballet: what is a leap from one foot to another","answer":"jete","money":1000},
{"question":"Ballet: what is the main body of ballet dancers","answer":"corps de ballet","money":1000},
{"question":"Ballet: what is the short, stiff skirt worn in classical ballet","answer":"tutu","money":1000},
{"question":"Ballet: what is the term for a movement in which the dancer spins completely round on one foot","answer":"pirouette","money":1000},
{"question":"Ballet: what is the term for a turn in which the dancer whips free leg around","answer":"fouette","money":1000},
{"question":"Balmoral castle is on the banks of which Scottish river","answer":"river dee","money":1000},
{"question":"Baltic Republics","answer":"Estonia","money":1000},
{"question":"Baltimore has one of the world's largest ____","answer":"natural harbors","money":1000},
{"question":"Bamboo (the world's tallest grass) can grow up to ____ cm in a day","answer":"90","money":1000},
{"question":"Banaba (or ocean island) is found in which country","answer":"kiribati","money":1000},
{"question":"Band of decoration especially at the top of a wall","answer":"frieze","money":1000},
{"question":"Band to keep up stockings","answer":"garter","money":1000},
{"question":"Banff, Alberta is famous Arnold the world for what","answer":"Hot Springs","money":1000},
{"question":"Banging your head against a wall can burn up to ____ calories per hour","answer":"150","money":1000},
{"question":"Bantu-speaking people of southern africa","answer":"zulu","money":1000},
{"question":"Barbara 'I Dream Of Jeannie' Eden was married to an actor who once portrayed Cochise. Name him","answer":"michael ansara","money":1000},
{"question":"Barbara Streisand was the female lead in 'Hello, Dolly'- Who was the male lead","answer":"Walter Matthau","money":1000},
{"question":"Barbary apes live on what mediterranean feature","answer":"rock of gibraltar","money":1000},
{"question":"Barclays bank in Enfield was the first in the world to have what","answer":"automatic cash dispenser","money":1000},
{"question":"Barnacle, Canada and Brent are all types of what","answer":"geese","money":1000},
{"question":"Baron pierre de coubertin is the founding father of the modern","answer":"olympics","money":1000},
{"question":"Barrel, breech and stock are all parts of a what","answer":"gun","money":1000},
{"question":"Bart's baby-sitter and first love. (Sarah Gilbert)","answer":"Laura Powers ","money":1000},
{"question":"Bauxite is the principal ore of Aluminium, which other element is combined with the metal in this ore","answer":"oxygen","money":1000},
{"question":"Bay city is the setting of what tv soap opera","answer":"another world","money":1000},
{"question":"BCG is a vaccination for which disease","answer":"tuberculosis","money":1000},
{"question":"Be a sport: how many stumps are there in a cricket wicket","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: A Cub Scout Pack is divided up into several ____, of about 8 boys each","answer":"dens","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: derge's Boy Scout Troop number. Also the US President's house number","answer":"1600","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: Founder of the Boy Scouts","answer":"lord robert baden-powell","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: Give the colors of the 3 ribbons on the Webelos thing (alphabetical, no commas)","answer":"green red yellow","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: Honorary service organization typically referred to simply as \"OA\"","answer":"order of the arrow","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: How many total merit badges are required for Eagle (as of 1995)","answer":"21","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: Large, regional division of the BSA. Analogous to the OA's lodge","answer":"council","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: Points 4-6 of the ScoutLaw","answer":"friendly courteous kind","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: Points 7-9 of the Scout Law","answer":"obedient cheerful thrifty","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: Scout slogan","answer":"do a good turn daily","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: The top adult leader of a Boy Scout troop is given this title","answer":"scoutmaster","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: What is Explorer Scouting's equivalent of the Troop?","answer":"post","money":1000},
{"question":"Be Prepared: What is the only Cub Scout/Webelos award that may be kept as a Boy Scout?","answer":"arrow of light","money":1000},
{"question":"Beans who was the only actor to become president of the u.s.a","answer":"ronald reagan","money":1000},
{"question":"Beasley how much does park place cost in monopoly","answer":"four hundred fifty dollars","money":1000},
{"question":"Beautiful lake lucern can be visited in what european country","answer":"switzerland","money":1000},
{"question":"Beaver what is barbi's full name","answer":"barbara millicent roberts","money":1000},
{"question":"Because Moses felt he was \"slow of speech and slow of tongue\", who often acted as his spokesperson","answer":"aaron","money":1000},
{"question":"Because of a large orbital eccentricity, ____ was closer to the sun than Neptune between January 1979 and March 1999","answer":"pluto","money":1000},
{"question":"Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown____ ","answer":"west","money":1000},
{"question":"Because the back part of their feet are made up of fat and no bone, on what do elephants walk","answer":"tiptoe","money":1000},
{"question":"Because their boss was never around, whom did bosley help","answer":"charlie's angels","money":1000},
{"question":"Before 1992 what 4 letters were on Soviet Olympic vests","answer":"cccp","money":1000},
{"question":"Before Canberra, which city was the capital of Australia","answer":"melbourne","money":1000},
{"question":"Before he carved the heads at Mount Rushmore, who had the sculptor been asked to carve into Stone Mountain in Georgia","answer":"robert lee, stonewall jackson and jefferson davis","money":1000},
{"question":"Before he was a safety inspector, what was Homer's job at SNPP?","answer":"Technical Supervisor ","money":1000},
{"question":"Before joining Crosby and Stills, Graham Nash sang with which group","answer":"hollies","money":1000},
{"question":"Before Martha Reeves began singing with the Vandellas, what job did she hold at Motown","answer":"secretary","money":1000},
{"question":"Before Olive Oil met Popeye she was engaged to someone Who was he","answer":"Ham Gravy","money":1000},
{"question":"Before Olive Oyl met Popeye she was engaged to someone. Who was he","answer":"Ham Gravy","money":1000},
{"question":"Before playing Captain Kangaroo, what role did Bob Keeshan play on Howdy doody","answer":"Clarabelle the Clown","money":1000},
{"question":"Before she was a pop star, why was Samantha Fox in the British tabloids?","answer":"She was a page three girl","money":1000},
{"question":"Before the 1800's there were no separately designed ____ for right and left feet","answer":"shoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Before the age of steel, skateblades were made of","answer":"bones","money":1000},
{"question":"Before the british burned it in 1814, what was the name of 'the white house'","answer":"grey house","money":1000},
{"question":"Before the Chinese take-over of Tibet in 1952, 25 percent of the males in the country were ____","answer":"buddhist monks","money":1000},
{"question":"before the invention of pens what was a feather called when it was trimmed and used for writing","answer":"quill","money":1000},
{"question":"Before the Second World War, it was considered a sacrilege to even touch an","answer":"emperor of japan","money":1000},
{"question":"Before wwii, the new york phone book had 22 listings for what surname, and none after wwii","answer":"hitler","money":1000},
{"question":"Behind greenland what is the second largest island in the world","answer":"new guinea","money":1000},
{"question":"Beirut is the capital of ____","answer":"lebanon","money":1000},
{"question":"Belgian and Swiss unit of currency","answer":"franc","money":1000},
{"question":"Belgian Joseph Merlin invented this form of \"transportation\" in 1760","answer":"roller skate","money":1000},
{"question":"Belgium, the netherlands and luxembourg came together in 1948 to form an economic union, known as what","answer":"benelux","money":1000},
{"question":"Belgrade is the capital of ____","answer":"yugoslavia","money":1000},
{"question":"Belgrade lies on the danube and which other river","answer":"sava","money":1000},
{"question":"Bell bottom blues (1971) was done by what great group","answer":"derek and the dominoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Bell hanging at Lloyds of london","answer":"lutine","money":1000},
{"question":"Bell metal is an alloy of what","answer":"tin & copper","money":1000},
{"question":"Bell's palsy results in numbness in which area","answer":"face","money":1000},
{"question":"Beneath which paris monument is the tomb of france's unknown soldier","answer":"arc de triomphe","money":1000},
{"question":"Berlage is know for his what","answer":"architecture","money":1000},
{"question":"Bernard ____ of London managed to sustain a fart for an officially recorded time of 2 mins 42 seconds","answer":"clemmens","money":1000},
{"question":"Bernard Clemmens of London managed to sustain a ____ for an officially recorded time of 2 mins 42 seconds","answer":"fart","money":1000},
{"question":"Berne is the capital of ____","answer":"switzerland","money":1000},
{"question":"Besides being candidates for president in the 1996 U S elections, what do Bill Clinton, Ross Perot & Bob Dole have in common","answer":"all left handed","money":1000},
{"question":"Besides gin, what other alcoholic drink is used to make a White Lady cocktail","answer":"cointreau","money":1000},
{"question":"Bet you don't know ;-): The two sexes of humans are male and ____","answer":"female","money":1000},
{"question":"Betsy Ross is the only real person to ever have been the head of a ____","answer":"Pez dispenser","money":1000},
{"question":"Better known by her maiden name, who was the 1930s aviation pioneer mrs. mollison","answer":"amy johnson","money":1000},
{"question":"Betty Boo was doing 'the doo' in what year","answer":"1990","money":1000},
{"question":"Betty Rubble's Maiden name was","answer":"betty jean mcbricker","money":1000},
{"question":"between 1937 & 1942 which American theoretical physicist built the fist digital computer","answer":"john v atansoff","money":1000},
{"question":"Between 25% to 33% of the population ____ when they are exposed to light","answer":"sneeze","money":1000},
{"question":"Between the two World War's, France was controlled by ____ different governments","answer":"forty","money":1000},
{"question":"Between what ages is a brandy or port described as VSO","answer":"12 to 17 years","money":1000},
{"question":"Between what ages is a brandy or port described as VSOP","answer":"20 to 25 years","money":1000},
{"question":"Between where does the ureter carry urine","answer":"kidneys and bladder","money":1000},
{"question":"Between which two cities did the first regular passenger flights start in 1919","answer":"paris and london","money":1000},
{"question":"Between which two countries does Offa's Dyke run","answer":"England & Wales","money":1000},
{"question":"Between who was the shortest war in history","answer":"zanzibar and england","money":1000},
{"question":"Bezique is a","answer":"card game","money":1000},
{"question":"Bezique, piquet and pinochle are all types of what","answer":"card games","money":1000},
{"question":"Biko was involved in what protest movement?","answer":"Apartheid","money":1000},
{"question":"Bill gates invented which os","answer":"windows","money":1000},
{"question":"Bill gates was the founder of which company","answer":"microsoft","money":1000},
{"question":"Billion what can release approximately one billion grains of pollen","answer":"ragweed plant","money":1000},
{"question":"Billy Blanks is known for popularizing what martial art","answer":"tae bo","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: ____ eyes are the most sensitive to light, dark brown the least sensitive","answer":"blue","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: 99% of all life forms to exist on Earth are now","answer":"extinct","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A ____ acquires fingerprints at the age of three months","answer":"fetus","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A baby doctor is a ____","answer":"pediatrician","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A bone specialist is a(n) ____","answer":"osteopath","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A human has a bone just after the spine ends, which proves that humans once had ____","answer":"tails","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A loss of memory is known as ____","answer":"amnesia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A mass of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat","answer":"adenoids","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A medicine that hastens the emptying of the bowels is called a ____","answer":"laxative","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A non-cancerous tumor is said to be ____","answer":"benign","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A salt enema was given to children to rid them of ____","answer":"Threadworm","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A sore on the eyelid","answer":"stye","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: A thread used in surgery to tie a bleeding blood vessel is called a(n) ____","answer":"ligature","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Animal or plant without the normal pigmentation of its species","answer":"albino","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: another name for a tendon","answer":"sinew","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Area accumulating pus within body tissue","answer":"Abscess","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: As what is haemophilia also known","answer":"royal disease","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Babies are born without","answer":"knee caps","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Babies knee caps don't appear until the child reaches ____ years of age","answer":"2 - 6","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Bacteria, the tiniest free-living cells, are so small that a single drop of liquid contains as many as ____ of them","answer":"50 million","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Benthos are plants and animals living where","answer":"water","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment","answer":"ecosystem","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Blonde beards grow ____ than darker beards","answer":"faster","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Blood can be artificially cleansed via what process","answer":"dialysis","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Blue eyes are the most sensitive to light, ____ the least sensitive","answer":"dark brown","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Bone of the forearm","answer":"radius","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Brain damage occurs at an internal temperature of ____ degrees Fahrenheit","answer":"105","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Bursitis affects the knee, what is its common name","answer":"housemaids knee","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: By what name is the tendon at the back of the ankle known","answer":"the achilles","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: By what process is rock worn down by the weather","answer":"erosion","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: By which other name is the shinbone known","answer":"the tibia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Carditis, affects the ____","answer":"heart","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Caries is an extremely common disease, by which name is it better known","answer":"tooth decay","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Colourless constituent of blood","answer":"plasma","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Despite accounting for just one-fiftieth of body weight, the ____ burns as much as one-fifth of our daily caloric intake","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Do the pupils in a person's eyes get larger or smaller in bright light","answer":"smaller","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Do your pores open or close when your body is hot","answer":"open","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Doctors often have this instrument around their neck","answer":"stethoscope","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Due to a lack of vitamin C, sailors used to contract this disease","answer":"scurvy","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Each body cell contains how many chromosomes","answer":"46","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Each square inch of human skin contains seventy-two feet of what?","answer":"nerves","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Eczema affects which part of the body","answer":"skin","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Encephalitis affects the ____","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Every human has one of these on their tummies","answer":"navel","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Except for sex cells, all human cells contain 23 pairs of what","answer":"chromosomes","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Exercise the mind in the contemplation of spiritual matters","answer":"meditate","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Flat, round, brown spots on the skin that contain an excess of melanin, the human skin pigment","answer":"freckles","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Flattened, oblong organ that removes disease-producing organisms & worn-out red blood cells from the bloodstream","answer":"spleen","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Flattened, pear-shaped, hollow organ in the pelvis of the human female & most other mammals","answer":"uterus","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: For which congenital disability was spastic a common name","answer":"cerebral palsy","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to ____ in size","answer":"shrink","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Gastritis affects the ____","answer":"stomach","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Graves disease is caused by excessive production of what","answer":"thyroid hormone","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of ____","answer":"ear","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Hammer, anvil, and stirrup are parts of the ____","answer":"ear","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Hard coating on the teeth","answer":"enamel","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: He discovered the process of vaccination for prevention of smallpox","answer":"edward jenner","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Hepatitis affects the ____","answer":"liver","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Heroin is the brand name of morphine once marketed by which pharmaceutical company","answer":"Bayer","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How is german measles also known","answer":"Rubella","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How many blood cells are destroyed in the human body every second?","answer":"15 million","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How many bones are there in the human body","answer":"206","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How many chambers does the human heart have","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How many large holes are in your head","answer":"7","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How many large holes are in your head","answer":"seven","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How many litres of air is in an adult lung","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How many pints of blood does the average human have in his/her body","answer":"twelve","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How many teeth shoudl a person have","answer":"thirty two","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: How many times do your ribs move every year during breathing","answer":"five million","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Human ____ are as strong as concrete","answer":"thighbones","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Human ____ is estimated to grow at 0.00000001 miles per hour","answer":"hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Human adults breathe about ____ time a day","answer":"23,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Human birth control pills also work on what animal","answer":"gorilla","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Human bones can withstand stresses of ____ thousand pounds per square inch","answer":"24","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: If body temperature was 86 degrees, how many years would a man man live","answer":"two hundred","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: If locked in a completely sealed room, of what will you die before you suffocate","answer":"carbon monoxide poisoning","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: In the early 20th century, rattlesnake venom was used to treat which illness","answer":"epilepsy","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: In the field of psychiatry this term means self-love","answer":"narcissism","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: In what body part does an osteopath specialise","answer":"bones","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: In what organ of the body is insulin produced","answer":"pancreas","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: In which organ are the hepatic arteries","answer":"the liver","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: In which organ is a clear watery solution known as the \"aqueous humor\" found","answer":"eye","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: In which organ is a pulmonary disease located","answer":"lung","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: In which organ is Bile produced","answer":"Liver","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: In which organ is your \"hypothalmus\" located","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Infantile Paralysis is commonly known as ____","answer":"polio","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Infectious disease of horses, cattle, swine, & humans, also called lumpy jaw or big jaw","answer":"actinomycosis","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Infectious sexually transmitted disease of humans, spread by sexual contact, what primarily involves the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract","answer":"gonorrhea","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Intelligent people have more ____ and copper in their hair","answer":"zinc","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Intelligent people have more zinc and ____ in their hair","answer":"copper","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Joint between femur and tibia","answer":"knee","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Lack of blood is called","answer":"anemia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Lack of iron makes a person what","answer":"anaemic","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Lack of what is the cause of the deficiency disease 'kwashiorkor'","answer":"protein","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Lack of what makes albinos","answer":"pigment","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Lack of what vitamin causes pellagra","answer":"b3","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Lack of which chemical compound in the body is linked with Parkinsons disease","answer":"dopamine","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Like fingerprints, what other print is individual","answer":"tongueprints","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Lossof memory","answer":"amnesia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Maxillary palps, abdomen, and metathorax are parts of an ____","answer":"insect","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Meningitis affects the ____","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Myositis affects what?","answer":"muscle","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Name the hardest substance in the human body","answer":"enamel","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Name the largest artery in the human body","answer":"aorta","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Name the largest gland in the human body","answer":"liver","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Name the largest gland in the human body","answer":"the liver","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the ____","answer":"bladder","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: North American Indians ate watercress to dissolve what in the bladder","answer":"gravel and stones","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Of or concerned with the voice","answer":"vocal","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Of what does the typical man have 13,000","answer":"whiskers","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Of what is keratitis an inflammation","answer":"cornea","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: On what part of the body is an 'LTK procedure' performed","answer":"eyes","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: On what side should you sleep to improve digestion","answer":"right","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Organ system for changing food chemically for absorption by body tissues","answer":"digestive system","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Osteomyelitis affects the ____","answer":"bones","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Peritonitis, affects the ____","answer":"abdomen","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Photosynthesis is the process by which light converts carbon dioxide & water to sugar (glucose) & what substance","answer":"oxygen","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Portion of the central nervous system contained within the skull","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Prosthetics deals with the making of ____","answer":"artificial limbs","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Received by the ear","answer":"aural","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Small stirrup shaped bone of the middle ear","answer":"stapes","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Sperm is the smallest single ____ in a mans body","answer":"cell","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges are parts of a(n) ____","answer":"foot","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The arteries & veins surrounding the brain stem are called what","answer":"circle of willis","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The branch of medicine dealing with curing by operative procedures is ____","answer":"surgery","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The correct name for the voice box is the ____","answer":"larynx","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The first rubber gloves were used during surgery in 1890, 1910 or 1920","answer":"1890","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The lack of this element in the diet is a cause of goitre","answer":"iodine","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The largest single organ of the human body is the ____","answer":"skin","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The medical name for the voice box is the ____","answer":"larynx","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The parasitic organism plasmodium, carried by an insect, transmits which disease","answer":"malaria","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The philtrum is a groove on the exterior of the body, where","answer":"between the nose and lip","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The small endocrine glands situated just above the kidneys","answer":"adrenals","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the ileum and the ____","answer":"jejunum","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the jejenum and the ____","answer":"ileum","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The small intestine is made up of the duodenum, the jejunum and the ____","answer":"ileum","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The small intestine is made up of the jejenum, the ileum and the ____","answer":"duodenum","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The smallpox vaccine was invented in 1763, 1784 or 1798","answer":"1798","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The soft areas of the cartilage on a baby's head where the skull bones haven't joined is called what","answer":"fontanelle","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: The teeth used for biting or cutting are known as ____","answer":"incisors","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: These animals were once used to bleed the sick","answer":"leeches","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: These attach muscles to bones or cartilage","answer":"tendon","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: These attach muscles to bones or cartilage","answer":"tendons","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This branch of medicine deals with old age and its diseases","answer":"geriatrics","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This complex substance makes up all living things","answer":"protoplasm","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This disease consists of a purposeless, continual growth of white blood cells","answer":"leukemia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This fingerlike projection is attached to the large intestine","answer":"appendix","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This is known as \"The Royal Disease\"","answer":"haemophilia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This is known as \"The Royal Disease\"","answer":"hemophilia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This large bean-shaped lymph gland can expand and contract as needed","answer":"spleen","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This membrane controls the amount of light entering the eye","answer":"iris","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This organ is a small pouch that stores bile","answer":"gall bladder","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This parasite lives in the intestines of man and animals","answer":"tapeworm","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This poisonous, oily liquid occurs in tobacco leaves","answer":"nicotine","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This protein makes the blood red in color","answer":"Haemoglobin","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: This small gland attached to the brain exerts a control over growth","answer":"pituitary","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: To what disability can keratitis lead","answer":"blindness","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: To what does the adjective buccal refer","answer":"cheek","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Ulna, radius, and clavicle are types of ____","answer":"bone","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What appears when the sun activates melanocytes","answer":"freckles","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What are looser than normal in a double-jointed person","answer":"ligaments","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What are the pads of cartilage between spinal vertebrae commonly known","answer":"discs","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What body function is improved if you sleep on your right side","answer":"digestion","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What breed of dog has an inability to bark","answer":"Basenji","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What carries sensations from the tongue to the brain","answer":"lingual nerve","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What did North American Indians eat to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder","answer":"watercress","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What disease is also known as \"rubella\"","answer":"german measles","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What do the auricularis muscles move","answer":"ears","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What do white blood cells produce to fight antigens","answer":"antibodies","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What does a sphygmomanometer measure","answer":"blood pressure","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What does encephalitus affect","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What does hepatitis affect","answer":"liver","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What does HIV stand for","answer":"human immunodeficiency virus","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What does the body release that dilates small blood vessels and so causes a person to blush","answer":"peptides","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What does the lack of iodine in the diet cause","answer":"goitre","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What does the pancreas produce","answer":"insulin","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: what does the term \"carnivore\" refer too","answer":"meat eating animals","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What element is lacking in a diet when goitre occurs","answer":"iodine","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What falls out with phalacrosis","answer":"hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What fleshy muscular organ is joined to the hyoid bone","answer":"tongue","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What gland secretes fluid that washes the eyes","answer":"tear gland","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What hormone is produced by the adrenal glands","answer":"adrenaline","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What instrument measures blood pressure","answer":"sphygmomanometer","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is a Salamander","answer":"Amphibian","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is a skin specialist called","answer":"dermatologist","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is a the technical name for a heart attack","answer":"myocardial infarct","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is about to be measured when a doctor or nurse straps a sphygmomanometer on you","answer":"Blood pressure","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is activated for freckles to appear","answer":"melanocytes","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is acute nasopharyngitis","answer":"A cold","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is affected by cholecystitis","answer":"gall bladder","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is affected by otitis","answer":"the ear","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is an organism called that lives on or in a host animal","answer":"parasite","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is another name for consumption","answer":"tuberculosis","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is another name for tuberculosis","answer":"consumption","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: what is by far the largest organ of the human body","answer":"the skin","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is cerumen","answer":"earwax","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is normal body temperature for an adult human (in degrees fahrenheit)","answer":"98.6","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is normal body temperature for an adult human","answer":"98f","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is th econdition called when an internal organ protrudes through the wall of the cavity in which it is normally contained","answer":"hernia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: what is the axilla better known as","answer":"armpit","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the biggest disqualifying factor for prospective astronauts","answer":"eyesight","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the biological name for the shin bone","answer":"tibia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the biological term for the voice box","answer":"larynx","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the common name for the disease parotitis","answer":"mumps","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the common name for the larynx","answer":"voice box","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the common name for the scapula","answer":"shoulder blade","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the common name for the sternum","answer":"breastbone","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the common name for the talus bone","answer":"ankle bone","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the common name for the tympanic membrane","answer":"eardrum","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the common name given to the third molar teeth","answer":"wisdom teeth","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the fastest breed of dog","answer":"Greyhound","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the fastest growing species of grass","answer":"Bamboo","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the hardest bone in the human body","answer":"jawbone","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the latin name for the top set of vertebrae","answer":"cervical","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the medical term for cancer of the blood","answer":"leukemia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the more common name for allergic rhinitis","answer":"hay fever","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the most common animal","answer":"Sea worm","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the name given to an examination of a body by dissection to determine cause of death","answer":"autopsy","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the name of the bone in the lower leg","answer":"tibia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the name of the process used by green plants for obtaining food","answer":"Photosynthesis","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the popular name for decompression sickness","answer":"the bends","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the process of converting glucose to energy in cells called","answer":"Respiration","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the proper name for the kneecap","answer":"the patella","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the royal disease","answer":"haemophilia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the scientific name for earwax","answer":"cerumen","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the Scientific name for the eardrum","answer":"tympanic membrane","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the second largest bone in the foot","answer":"talus","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the smallest bone in the human body","answer":"stirrup bone","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the study of insects called","answer":"Entomology","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What is the tibia more commonly known as","answer":"shin bone","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: what is your hallux'","answer":"big toe","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What kind of poisoning is known as plumbism","answer":"lead","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What muscle is joined by the lingual nerve to the brain","answer":"tongue","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What muscles move the ears","answer":"auricularis","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What name is given to a male bee","answer":"Drone","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What name is given to a young frog","answer":"Tadpole","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What name is given to animals which eat both plants and meat","answer":"Omnivore","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What name is given to animals which have pouches","answer":"Marsupials","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What name is given to animals which only eat meat","answer":"Carnivore","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What name is given to animals which only eat plants","answer":"Herbivore","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What name is given to opacity in the lens of the eye","answer":"cataract","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What name is given to the bodys 24 hour cycle of sleeping, waking","answer":"circadian rhythm","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: what organ contains the islands of langerhans","answer":"the pancreas","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What protein makes blood red","answer":"Haemoglobin","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What small region at end of medulla oblongata serves as 'bridge' to brain","answer":"pons","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What sort of body fat produces a dimpled effect on the skin","answer":"cellulite","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What toe is the foot reflexology pressure point for the head","answer":"big toe","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What was given to children to rid them of threadworm","answer":"salt enema","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What were foreman,longman,lecman and littleman old names for","answer":"the fingers","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What would you be doing if your soft palate and pharynx were vibrating because of an obstruction","answer":"snoring","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What's the strongest muscle in the human body","answer":"the tongue","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: What's the trasparent tissue that covers the iris and pupil of an eye called","answer":"The Cornea","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: When a tumour is cancerous, what is it said to be","answer":"malignant","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: When does the human uterus expand 500 times its normal size","answer":"during pregnancy","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where are one quarter of the bones in the human body","answer":"feet","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: where are red blood cells formed","answer":"in the bone marrow","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where are the deltoid muscles","answer":"on the shoulder","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where do you find the medulla oblongata","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where in the body is the cochlea","answer":"the inner ear","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where in the body is the tiniest human muscle","answer":"ear","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where in the body would you find your olfactory lobes","answer":"nose","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where is the carotid artery situated","answer":"in the neck","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where is the coccyx","answer":"base of the spine","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where is the pituitry gland","answer":"under the brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where is the septum linguae","answer":"tongue","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: where is the temporal bone","answer":"side of the skull","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: where would you find carpal bones and tarsal bones respectively","answer":"hands and feet","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Where would you find lymphocytes and thrombocytes","answer":"the blood","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which acid is produced in the muscles during exercise","answer":"lactic acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which aperture allows light into the eye","answer":"pupil","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which bird became extinct in 1861","answer":"Dodo","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which breed of dog has a name derived from the old name for Greece","answer":"Greyhound","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which disease is a virus infection and swelling of the parotid salivary glands","answer":"mumps","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which disease is also known as \"Hansen's Disease\"","answer":"leprosy","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which disease is spread by a body louse","answer":"typhus","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: which gland produces hormones to control the bodys metabolic rate","answer":"thyroid","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which hormone regulates blood sugar level","answer":"insulin","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: which is the longest bone in the human body","answer":"femur","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which is the most sensitive finger","answer":"forefinger","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which joint is affected by a Potts fracture","answer":"ankle","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which part of a cat's eye reflects light","answer":"Tapetum","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which science studies animal behaviour in natural habitats","answer":"Ethology","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which sense is stimulated by the reaction of the olfactory cells","answer":"smell","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which sight defect is the opposite of hypermetropia","answer":"myopia","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which sight problem occurs in men far more then in women","answer":"Colour Blindness","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Which species of Elephant has the largest ears","answer":"African","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Who ate watercress to dissolve gravel and stones in the bladder","answer":"North American Indians","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Who developed the vaccine for smallpox","answer":"Edward Jenner","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Who discovered Penicillin","answer":"Alexander Fleming","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Who first used antiseptics","answer":"Joseph Lister","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Who invented the smallpox vaccine","answer":"Edward Jenner","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Who was the first to use rubber gloves during surgery","answer":"Dr. W. S. Halstead","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: With age, what organ shrinks faster in males than in females","answer":"brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: With what body part is otology involved","answer":"ear","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: With which part of the body is dermatology concerned","answer":"skin","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: You blink over ____ times a year","answer":"10,000,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: You can't kill yourself by holding your","answer":"breath","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: You're born with 300 bones, but when you get to be an adult, you only have","answer":"206","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Your ____ holds your head to your shoulders","answer":"neck","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Your epiglottis serves this purpose","answer":"prevents choking","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Your heart beats over ____ times a day","answer":"one hundred thousand","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Your left lung is smaller than your right lung to make room for your","answer":"heart","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Your nares are your ____","answer":"nostrils","money":1000},
{"question":"Biology: Your ribs move about ____ times a year, every time you breathe","answer":"five million","money":1000},
{"question":"Bip is the alter-ego of which French mime artist known for his classic work 'Walking Against the Wind'","answer":"Marcel Marceau","money":1000},
{"question":"Bird droppings are chief ____ of Nauru, an island nation in the Western Pacific","answer":"export","money":1000},
{"question":"Bird droppings are chief export of____ , an island nation in the Western Pacific","answer":"nauru","money":1000},
{"question":"Bird of prey with a curved beak, rounded, short wings and a long tail","answer":"Hawk","money":1000},
{"question":"Birmingham is flanked by the M6 on the north and M5 on the west, which motorway flanks south & east","answer":"m42","money":1000},
{"question":"Birth-control campaigns in ____ in the late 1970s failed because village women ended up wearing the pills in lockets, as talismans","answer":"egypt","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1910s: In 1911 Prince ____ , Germany, (Constort to Queen Juliana of Netherlands), born in ","answer":"bernhard","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1910s: Slim ____ Kingsburg Calif, actor (Dr Strangelove, Blazing Saddles), born in 1919","answer":"pickens","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1920s: ____ Von Bulow accused of murdering his wife, born in 1926","answer":"claus","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1920s: Claus ____ accused of murdering his wife, born in 1926","answer":"von bulow","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1930s: ____ Falwell televangelist, Moral Majority head, born in 1933","answer":"jerry","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1930s: Jerry ____ televangelist, Moral Majority head, born in 1933","answer":"falwell","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1930s: Jerry Falwell____ , Moral Majority head, born in 1933","answer":"televangelist","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1940s: ____ Vos Savant St Louis Mo, writer/world's highest IQ (Guinness), born in 1946","answer":"marilyn","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1940s: Gary ____ Goose Creek Tx, actor (Buddy Holly Story, Under Siege), born in 1944","answer":"busey","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1940s: Marilyn Vos ____ St Louis Mo, writer/world's highest IQ (Guinness), born in 1946","answer":"savant","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1950s: ____ Hogan [Terry Bollea], Ga, WWF heavyweight champion (1984-89), born in 1953","answer":"hulk","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1950s: ____ Wozniak cofounded Apple Computer, born in 1950","answer":"steve","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1950s: Born in 1959, she was the actress possessed by the Devil in The Exorcist","answer":"blair","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1950s: Hulk ____ [Terry Bollea], Ga, WWF heavyweight champion (1984-89), born in 1953","answer":"hogan","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: 1960: \"Iron\" ____ heavyweight boxing champ (1986-90), born in 1966","answer":"mike tyson","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: Alberto Romero \"Cubby\" Broccoli film producer, born in ","answer":"1909","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: Debbie Harry name the year she was born","answer":"1945","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: In 1913 Karl \"Don't leave home without it\"____ , actor, born","answer":"malden","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: Malcolm Forbes was born in ____","answer":"1919","money":1000},
{"question":"Births: Year Martin Luther was born","answer":"1483","money":1000},
{"question":"Birthstones: What is the birthstone for May","answer":"emerald","money":1000},
{"question":"Birthstones: What is the birthstone for September","answer":"sapphire","money":1000},
{"question":"Bishops tall headdress","answer":"mitre","money":1000},
{"question":"Black, cementlike material varying in consistency at room temperature from solid to semisolid","answer":"asphalt","money":1000},
{"question":"Blood is such a good stain that Native Americans used it for what?","answer":"paint","money":1000},
{"question":"Bob Dole is ____ years older than the Empire State Building","answer":"10","money":1000},
{"question":"Bodrum in Turkey is on the site of which famous city","answer":"halicarnassus","money":1000},
{"question":"Book of information on many subjects","answer":"encyclopedia","money":1000},
{"question":"Book or table containing a calendar, together with astronomical and navigational data and, often, religious holidays, historical notes, proverbs, and astrological and agricultural forecasts","answer":"almanac","money":1000},
{"question":"Born Yaron Cohen, to the dismay of a number of her fellow countrymen, she won which international competition in May 1998","answer":"eurovision song contest","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: ____ (the world's tallest grass) can grow up to 90 cm in a day","answer":"bamboo","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: ____ is a member of the thistle family","answer":"eggplant","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: 'honeydew' is a variety of what","answer":"melon","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: A 'bunya-bunya' tree is native to which country","answer":"australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: A shrub or tree with small yellow flowers sometimes called wattle","answer":"acacia","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: A smooth nut in a rough cuplike base, the fruit of the oak tree","answer":"acorn","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: A variety of which plant is known as Stinking corpse Lily","answer":"rafflesia","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: African tree with massive trunk and edible fruit","answer":"baobab","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: An oak tree has to be at least how old before it grows its first acorn","answer":"fifty years","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Any of the separate parts of the calyx of a flower","answer":"sepal","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Approximately how many years old are oak trees before they produce acorns","answer":"fifty","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Aromatic plant, leaves of which are used to flavour salads","answer":"tarragon","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Bananas are actually what","answer":"berries","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Bananas do not grow on trees, but on ____","answer":"rhizomes","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Bananas grow pointing","answer":"upwards","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: By what name is the edible fruit of the plant Lycopersicon esculentum, a member of the deadly nightshade family better known","answer":"tomato","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: By what name is the flower woodbine better known","answer":"honeysuckle","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Calabrese is a form of which vegetable","answer":"broccoli","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Calypso, catteleya and pogonia are types of which flowering plant","answer":"orchid","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Caribbean plant yeilding a substance used in cosmetics","answer":"aloe vera","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Colourful shrub with drooping flowers","answer":"fushsia","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Common name applied to a perennial, trailing herb of the morning glory family","answer":"sweet potato","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Common name applied to any of a family of evergreen shrubs & trees","answer":"nutmeg","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Common name for a deciduous orchard tree of the rose family, & for the fruit of this tree","answer":"peach","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Common name for one of many poisonous, umbrella shaped fungi","answer":"toadstool","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Common name of the 6 ft rare flowering sumatran plant Amorphophallus titanum","answer":"Corpse Flower","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Corolla, filament and stigma are parts of a(n) ____","answer":"flower","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Dark edible fruit of the bramble","answer":"blackberry","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Dark green fruit with creamy flesh","answer":"avocado pear","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Deadly nightshade, drug obtained from this","answer":"belladonna","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Dense sea-water swamps along coasts of hot countries are called ____","answer":"mangrove","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Digitalis came from which herb","answer":"purple foxglove","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Do trees grow more quickly or slowly at night","answer":"more slowly","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Easy! What is grown in a paddy field","answer":"rice","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Fertiliser made of the dried excrement of fish eating sea birds","answer":"guano","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: From where did the first banana come","answer":"southern asia","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Fruit of the blackthorn","answer":"sloe","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Hard acid yellowish pear shaped fruit used as a preserve or as a flavouring","answer":"quince","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Heather family of plannts","answer":"erica","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: How many species of plants that grow in the United States that have been identified as \"dangerous\" if eaten","answer":"more than 700","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: If a plant is latifolate what characteristic does it have","answer":"broad leaves","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Indian fig tree with self-rooting branches","answer":"banyan","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Linseed oil is obtained from the seed of which plant","answer":"flax","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Myrtaceous tree of mostly Australian genus, such as the blue gum or ironbark, yielding a mecidinal oil from its leaves","answer":"eucalyptus","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Name given to cultivation of plants without soil","answer":"hydroponics","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: new zealand's most famous tree is a kauri standing over 51 metres high called","answer":"tane mahuta","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: No species of wild plant produces a flower or blossom that is absolutely what color","answer":"black","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Oil derived from flax","answer":"linseed","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: One ragweed plant can release approximately how many grains of pollen","answer":"one billion","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: One that lives one year","answer":"annual","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Paper is made from the pulp of ____","answer":"wood","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Picea is the generic name for which tree","answer":"spruce","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant based compound often used as a drug","answer":"alkaloid","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant commonly known to cause stinging and itching, it is also edible when boiled","answer":"nettle","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant community, predominantly of trees or other woody vegetation, occupying an extensive area of land","answer":"forest","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant of the lily family with edible shoots","answer":"asparagus","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant of which stalks are used as a vegetable","answer":"celery","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant with aromatic seeds used in Indian food","answer":"cumin","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant with edible fruits in red green and yellow","answer":"capsicum","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant with oval, usually purple fruit used as a vegetable","answer":"aubergine","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant with pink, red or white flowers with backward turned leaves","answer":"cyclamen","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plant with pungent bulb used in cookery","answer":"garlic","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Planting of trees in urban or desert areas","answer":"greening","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Plants with thick stems and fleshy leaves","answer":"succulents","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Poison oak and poison ivy are members of what plant family","answer":"cashew","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Poisonous alkaloid, c21h22n2o2, found in various plants of the genus strychnos, & obtained commercially from the seeds of the saint-ignatius's-bean & from nux vomica","answer":"strychnine","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Poisonous plant with small white flowers","answer":"hemlock","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Portion of vascular plants that commonly bears leaves & buds","answer":"stem","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Purple-reddish fruit named after the American judge and horticulturalist who first grew them","answer":"loganberry","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Raspberry, dewberry and blackberry are all members of what family","answer":"rose","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Species of willow used for baskets","answer":"osier","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: The globular swollen stem at the base of some plants","answer":"corm","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: The koala bear eats the leaves from this tree","answer":"eucalyptus","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: The mass of feathery plumed seeds produced by plants of the genus Cirsium","answer":"thistledown","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: The practice of joining the parts of two plants to make them grow as one is called ____","answer":"grafting","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: These flowerless plants grow on bare rocks and tree stumps","answer":"lichen","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: This fruit has its seeds on the outside","answer":"strawberry","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: This term means 'cone-bearing trees'","answer":"conifers","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: To which family does the coffee plant belong","answer":"madder","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Trees","answer":"Oak","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: tropical fruit of the american bromeliaceous plant, Ananas comosus","answer":"pineapple","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Tropical plant with large flowering bracts","answer":"bougainvillaea","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Tropical shrub used for making hair dye","answer":"henna","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Tropical tree bearing edible orange fruit","answer":"guava","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What disease is carried by bark beetles","answer":"dutch elm disease","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What fruit bear the latin name \"citrus grandis\"","answer":"grapefruit","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What fruit is \"Citrus grandis\"","answer":"grapefruit","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is a crowfoot with yellow flowers","answer":"buttercup","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is a flowering plant that lives three or more years called","answer":"perennial","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is a fly agaric","answer":"a mushroom","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is mimulus commonly called","answer":"monkey flower","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the common name for Helleborus Niger","answer":"christmas rose","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the common name for Lunaria annua, purple flower that produces seeds which have silery paper like discs","answer":"honesty","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the common name for Nigella damascena, which arises from the effect of the many thread like leaves growing along the whole of the stem","answer":"love in a list","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the common name for the evergreen plant Ilex aquifolium","answer":"english holly","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the common name for the fungus called Phallus impudicus","answer":"stinkhorn","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the common name for the plant Dianthus barbatus","answer":"Sweet william","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the common name for the poisonous plant Atropa belladonna","answer":"deadly nightshade","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: what is the common name for Tropaeolum majus","answer":"nasturtium","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the fruit of a rosebush called","answer":"hip","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the fruit of eucalyptus trees","answer":"gum nuts","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the fruit of the 'Rubus fructicosus'","answer":"blackberry","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the fruit of the Anna Comosus","answer":"pineapple","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the fruit of the hawthorn called","answer":"haw","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the fruit of the Prunus Armeniaca","answer":"apricot","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the name for an underground creeping stem that sends out shoots","answer":"rhizome","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What is the term for plants that produce shoots one year and flower,produce seeds and die the following year","answer":"biennial","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What kind of plant is fescue","answer":"grass","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What plant is opium derived from","answer":"poppy","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What si another name for an alligator pear","answer":"avocado","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What sort of beans are most usually used to produce bean sprouts","answer":"mung beans","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: What type of tree is a redwood","answer":"Sequoia","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which common wild flower is known inScotland as Stinking Willie","answer":"ragwort","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which flower is also called a flag","answer":"iris","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which flower is sometimes called the Lent Lily","answer":"daffodil","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which fruit has the name prunus persica","answer":"peach","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which member of the Plumiera family of trees, unusually was named after a perfume rather than the other way around","answer":"frangipani","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which parasitic plant was sacred to the druids","answer":"mistletoe","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which plant is also known as the Burning Bush","answer":"white dittany","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which plant is the source of linen","answer":"flax","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which plant was believed to shriek when pulled up","answer":"mandrake","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which plants Latin name is Ficus Elastica","answer":"rubber plant","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: which tree has catkins in the spring and edible nuts in the autumn","answer":"hazel","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: which tree has the latin name fagus pupurea","answer":"copper beech","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: Which tree only produces acorns after it is fifty years old","answer":"oak","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: With what acid do nettles cause irritation","answer":"formic acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: 'Baby's Breath' is the common name for which plant","answer":"gypsophila","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: 'daffodils' belong to which genus of bulb","answer":"narcissus","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: 'Herb of Grace', is the name given to which strong smelling herb","answer":"rue","money":1000},
{"question":"Botany: 'panther cap', 'stinkhorn' and 'penny bun' are types of which plants","answer":"fungi","money":1000},
{"question":"Bottom of the bag is the English translation of what French term","answer":"Cul-de-sac","money":1000},
{"question":"Botvinnik, petrosian and tal have all been world champions of what","answer":"chess","money":1000},
{"question":"Bougainville is part of which island group","answer":"solomon","money":1000},
{"question":"Boy, as in Tallboy and Lowboy, is derived from the French word for what","answer":"wood","money":1000},
{"question":"Branch of medicine concerned with hair and its diseases","answer":"trichology","money":1000},
{"question":"Brazilia is the capital of ____","answer":"brazil","money":1000},
{"question":"Brazzaville is the capital of ____","answer":"congo","money":1000},
{"question":"Breakers footrace what does the irish 'dubh linn' mean","answer":"blackpool","money":1000},
{"question":"Breakfast Items","answer":"Lox","money":1000},
{"question":"Breakfast items/entrees","answer":"Scrambled Eggs","money":1000},
{"question":"breathing lessons_","answer":"anne tyler","money":1000},
{"question":"Brecia is in which country","answer":"italy","money":1000},
{"question":"Breed of rock pigeon that is specially trained to return swiftly to its home","answer":"homing pigeon","money":1000},
{"question":"Bret ____ trademarked the nickname 'Hitman' in 1990","answer":"hart","money":1000},
{"question":"Bret Hart trademarked the nickname '____ ' in 1990","answer":"hitman","money":1000},
{"question":"Bret hart trademarked the nickname 'hitman' in____","answer":"1990","money":1000},
{"question":"Brian wanted to help contribute to a charity fund. A sponser told him for every mile he runs, they will donate $20.00 to the charity. If Brian runs 5 miles, how much will his sponsor donate to the charity","answer":"$100","money":1000},
{"question":"Bridgeport is the largest city in which u.s state","answer":"connecticut","money":1000},
{"question":"Bridgetown the capital of ____","answer":"barbados","money":1000},
{"question":"Brief commemorative inscription on a tomb; also, a short piece of poetry or prose lauding a deceased person","answer":"epitaph","money":1000},
{"question":"Brigham Young was a pioneer of which institution","answer":"the mormon church","money":1000},
{"question":"Brilliant red or black mineral, with diamondlike luster, composed of titanium oxide, tio2","answer":"rutile","money":1000},
{"question":"Brimstone, referred to in the Bible and some Alchemy text, is","answer":"sulphur","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain and Argentina fought over these islands in 1982","answer":"Falklands Islands","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain has fewer public holidays than any other country in Europe. Which countries, with up to 14 days off each, have the most","answer":"Spain and Portugal","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain what's the adhesion of molecules to the surfaces of solids called","answer":"adsorption","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain: How many inches tall are the bearskins worn by the guards at Buckingham Palace","answer":"twenty","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain's ____ river is the Brun which runs through Burnley in Lancashire","answer":"shortest","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain's first ____ was installed in Harrods in 1878","answer":"escalator","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain's first escalator was installed in 1864, 1878 or 1902","answer":"1878","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain's first space rocket was launched in 1964. What was it called","answer":"blue streak","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain's shortest river is the ____ which runs through Burnley in Lancashire","answer":"brun","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain's shortest river is the Brun which runs through ____ in Lancashire","answer":"burnley","money":1000},
{"question":"Britain's shortest river is the brun which runs through burnley in____","answer":"lancashire","money":1000},
{"question":"Britains say 'tarmac'; Americans say ____","answer":"runway","money":1000},
{"question":"British authour Helen Fielding wrote a best-selling novel about the diary of what fictional character","answer":"Bridget Jones","money":1000},
{"question":"British Central Bank nationalised in 1946 renamed to...The","answer":"Bank Of England","money":1000},
{"question":"British chemist, who isolated and described several gases, including oxygen, and who is considered one of the founders of modern chemistry because of his contributions to experimentation","answer":"joseph priestley","money":1000},
{"question":"British department of state in charge of revenue","answer":"exchequer","money":1000},
{"question":"British explorer who reached the South Pole in 1912","answer":"scott","money":1000},
{"question":"british gold coins worth ?1","answer":"sovereigns","money":1000},
{"question":"British History - What was Margaret Thatcher's nickname","answer":"Iron Lady","money":1000},
{"question":"British Monarchs: Queen Victoria was born in this year","answer":"1819","money":1000},
{"question":"British motor engineer, the first man to exceed 300mph in Bluebird","answer":"malcolm campbell","money":1000},
{"question":"British rock-music group that rivaled the popularity of the group's early contemporaries, the beatles","answer":"the rolling stones","money":1000},
{"question":"Briton's say 'tarmac', americans say ____","answer":"runway","money":1000},
{"question":"Broadway Musicals","answer":"Miss Saigon","money":1000},
{"question":"Broadway Musicals","answer":"Pippin","money":1000},
{"question":"Brother or sisters daughter","answer":"niece","money":1000},
{"question":"Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm were librarians and professors of language in 19th Century Germany. What was their surname","answer":"grimm","money":1000},
{"question":"Brown-Eyed Handsome Man was a hit for which singer after his death?","answer":"Buddy Holly","money":1000},
{"question":"BSE was identified in Britain in which year","answer":"1986","money":1000},
{"question":"Bubble gum contains____","answer":"rubber","money":1000},
{"question":"Buck owens sang '____ naturally'","answer":"act","money":1000},
{"question":"Buckingham Palace has over ____ rooms","answer":"600","money":1000},
{"question":"Buddy rich's real first name was what","answer":"bernard","money":1000},
{"question":"Buffalo river national park is in which state","answer":"arkansas","money":1000},
{"question":"Bufo bufo is the scientific name for which creature","answer":"common toad","money":1000},
{"question":"Bugs bunny made his debut in 1935, 1936 or 1937","answer":"1935","money":1000},
{"question":"Builder of the great wall and first emperor of china","answer":"shih huang ti","money":1000},
{"question":"Buildings: Built in 1884, The Eiffel Tower was referred to as what","answer":"The Tragic Lamppost","money":1000},
{"question":"Buildings: for housing aircraft","answer":"hanger","money":1000},
{"question":"Buildings: occupied by monks","answer":"abbey","money":1000},
{"question":"Buildings: started on Westminster Abbey in which year","answer":"1050","money":1000},
{"question":"Buildings: What is the largest inhabited castle in the world","answer":"Windsor Castle","money":1000},
{"question":"Buildings: Where is the 'whispering gallery'","answer":"St. Paul's Cathedral","money":1000},
{"question":"Buildings: Where would you find a nave, apse, atrium and narthex","answer":"Basilica","money":1000},
{"question":"Built in 1866____is one of only two American-owned square-rigged sailing ships still afloat on the Pacific Ocean","answer":"Balclutha","money":1000},
{"question":"Bulls are ____","answer":"colorblind","money":1000},
{"question":"Burke and Wills are most associated with the exploration of which continent","answer":"australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Burns' beloved bear","answer":"Bobo ","money":1000},
{"question":"Busey what disney movie stars merlin the magician and wart the boy king","answer":"sword in the stone","money":1000},
{"question":"Buzz Aldrin was the first man to ____ his pants on the moon","answer":"pee","money":1000},
{"question":"Bwana means Sir in which language","answer":"swahili","money":1000},
{"question":"By 1919, there were ____ cars in the U.S","answer":"6,000,000","money":1000},
{"question":"By 1983, 13 million of what \"labor-saving\" device operated worldwide","answer":"computers","money":1000},
{"question":"By 65 years old, Americans have watched more than ____ years of television","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"By 70 years of age, an average person will have shed how many pounds of skin","answer":"105","money":1000},
{"question":"By age____ , most people have lost half of their taste buds","answer":"sixty","money":1000},
{"question":"By consuming too much alcohol during pregnancy, what disorder can a mother give her unborn child","answer":"foetal alcohol syndrome","money":1000},
{"question":"By feeding hens certain ____ they can be made to lay eggs with varicolored yolks","answer":"dyes","money":1000},
{"question":"By finding what, can the slope of a curve at any given point be determined","answer":"derivative","money":1000},
{"question":"By how much do the world's termites outweigh human beings","answer":"ten to one","money":1000},
{"question":"By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, in what can you not sink","answer":"quicksand","money":1000},
{"question":"By what alias does ferris bueller get into chez luis","answer":"abe frohman","money":1000},
{"question":"By what collective name were Moe Howard,Jerry Howard and Larry Fine better known","answer":"the three stooges","money":1000},
{"question":"By what country was the first concentration camp setup during the Boer wars","answer":"england","money":1000},
{"question":"By what first name is a plane's automatic pilot commonly known","answer":"george","money":1000},
{"question":"By what is the hudson river spanned","answer":"george washington bridge","money":1000},
{"question":"By what more familiar title is the First Lord of the Treasury better known","answer":"prime minister","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name are curtains known in the USA","answer":"drapes","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name are the followers of Zoroaster properly known","answer":"parsees","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name do we know entertainer reginald dwight","answer":"elton john","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name do we know the slender glass tube used for transferring or measuring out known volumes of liquids","answer":"pipette","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name do we usually refer to radio detection and ranging","answer":"radar","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is 'albumen' more commonly known","answer":"egg white","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is an Elk known in North America","answer":"moose","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is Emmanuel Rudnitsky more widely known?","answer":"Man Ray","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is gainsboroughs portrait buttal better known","answer":"blue boy","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is Harry Angstrom known in the titles of John Updike's trilogy","answer":"rabbit","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is Jacopo Robusti better known","answer":"tintoretto","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is Lesley Hornby better known","answer":"twiggy","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is maurice micklewhite better known","answer":"michael caine","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is Mrs Anne Laurence better known","answer":"the princess royal","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is president Lyndon B Johnson's wife Claudia better known","answer":"Lady Bird","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is Robert Alln Zimmerman better known","answer":"bob dylan","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is Robert Zimmermann, better known","answer":"bob dylan","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is the 2nd day of february called in the u.s.a","answer":"ground hog day","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is the 3rd battle of Ypres known","answer":"passchendaele","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is the French king Charles the great better known","answer":"charlemagne","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is the pioneering Swiss architect Charles Jeanneret better known","answer":"le corbusier","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is the reed pipe of the bagpipes known","answer":"chanter","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is the skeleton dug up in Sussex in 1912, and later found to be a hoax,known","answer":"piltdown man","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is the skin complaint of 'comedo' better known","answer":"blackheads","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is the skin condition called 'naevus' better known","answer":"strawberry mark","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name is Virginia Wynette Pugh better known","answer":"tammy wynette","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was butch cassidy's outlaw gang popularly known","answer":"wild bunch","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Cambodian leader Saloth Sar better known","answer":"pol pot","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was elizabeth foster better known","answer":"mother goose","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Indian political leader Mohandas Gandhi better known","answer":"Mahatma","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Jean Baptiste Poquelin better known","answer":"moliere","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Kampuchea forerly known","answer":"cambodia","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Kampuchea formally known","answer":"cambodia","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was King George the II also known as","answer":"Mad King George","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Lord Greystoke better known","answer":"tarzan","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was manfred von richtofen better known as","answer":"red baron","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was outlaw Harry Longbaugh better known","answer":"sundance kid","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Percy Blakeney better known in a novel by Baroness Orczy","answer":"The Scarlet Pimpernel ","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Queen Victoria's husband known","answer":"prince albert","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Robert Stroud better known","answer":"birdman of alcatraz","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was tennessee was formerly known","answer":"franklin","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was the \"ordinary\" bicycle of 1871 more popularly known","answer":"penny farthing","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was the 19th century sporting eccentric John Sholto Douglas better known He won a famous libel case in 1895","answer":"the marquess of queensberry","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was the American William Cody better known","answer":"buffalo bill","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was the musical hall entertainer matilda Wood known","answer":"marie lloyd","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was the Scottish outlaw Robert McGregor better known","answer":"rob roy","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was william cody better known as","answer":"buffalo bill","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name was Zimbabwe previously known","answer":"rhodesia","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name, historically, was the burning to death of people condemned as heretics by the Spanish Inquisition known","answer":"auto-da-fe","money":1000},
{"question":"By what name, is the entertainment business, is victoria adams better known","answer":"posh spice","money":1000},
{"question":"By what nickname is the well-known american singer bruce springsteen often referred","answer":"the boss","money":1000},
{"question":"By what nickname was George Brummell usually known","answer":"beau brummell","money":1000},
{"question":"By what other name do we know table tennis","answer":"ping pong","money":1000},
{"question":"By what other name do we ususally refer to Norway lobsters or Dublin Bay prawns","answer":"scampi","money":1000},
{"question":"By what other name is a fox's tail known","answer":"brush","money":1000},
{"question":"By what other name is La Cosa Nostra also known","answer":"the mafia","money":1000},
{"question":"By what other name is Lac Leman known","answer":"lake geneva","money":1000},
{"question":"By what other name is the 180 degree meridian known as","answer":"international date line","money":1000},
{"question":"By what other name is the abominable snowman known","answer":"yeti","money":1000},
{"question":"By what other name is the island of Lindisfarne known","answer":"holy island","money":1000},
{"question":"By what other name is the mountain K2 called","answer":"mount godwin austen","money":1000},
{"question":"By what process is chromium applied to car parts","answer":"electroplating","money":1000},
{"question":"By what process is rum created","answer":"fermenting molasses","money":1000},
{"question":"By what stage name was the music hall performer Maxwell George Lorimerknown","answer":"max wall","money":1000},
{"question":"By what title is A Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, the work of 2 Edinburgh printers now known","answer":"encyclopaedia brittanica","money":1000},
{"question":"By what title was Mohandas K Gandhi known","answer":"mahatma","money":1000},
{"question":"By which English sea port did Dracula enter the country","answer":"Whitby","money":1000},
{"question":"By which name do we know Martha Jane Canary","answer":"calamity jane","money":1000},
{"question":"By which name is Eric Claudin better known","answer":"phantom of the opera","money":1000},
{"question":"By which name is Virginia McMath better known","answer":"Ginger Rogers","money":1000},
{"question":"C.f.c.'s are said to be damaging to the ozone layer. for what do the initials c.f.c. stand","answer":"chloro fluoro carbon","money":1000},
{"question":"C3p0 is the first character to speak in which film","answer":"star wars","money":1000},
{"question":"Caciocavallo, herkimer, mysost, & trappist are all varieties of what","answer":"cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Caesar, pompey, and crassus formed the what","answer":"first triumverate","money":1000},
{"question":"Caesars fatal day","answer":"the ides of march","money":1000},
{"question":"Cagliari is the capital of which mediterranean island","answer":"sardinia","money":1000},
{"question":"Calamari is a greek dish made from what sea creature","answer":"squid","money":1000},
{"question":"Calamine, used as an ointment , contains a carbonate of which element","answer":"zinc","money":1000},
{"question":"Caliari is the capital of which island","answer":"sardinia","money":1000},
{"question":"California is to Eureka as New York is to","answer":"excelsior","money":1000},
{"question":"California's ____ Epperson invented the Popsicle in 1905 when he was 11-years-old","answer":"frank","money":1000},
{"question":"California's Frank ____ invented the Popsicle in 1905 when he was 11-years-old","answer":"epperson","money":1000},
{"question":"California's Frank Epperson invented the ____ in 1905 when he was 11-years-old","answer":"popsicle","money":1000},
{"question":"California's Frank Epperson invented the Popsicle in 1905 when he was ____ -years-old","answer":"eleven","money":1000},
{"question":"California's long association with gold make this a natural nickname for the state","answer":"The Golden State","money":1000},
{"question":"Calliope was the muse of what","answer":"epic poety","money":1000},
{"question":"Callisto, lo and Europa are moons of which planet","answer":"jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"Can a short-sighted person see objects more clearly when they are close up or far away","answer":"close up","money":1000},
{"question":"Can lasers cut diamonds","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Can there be lightning without rain","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Can you name all of the Bradford's on Eight is Enough?","answer":"Tom,Abbey,David,Mary,Joni,Susan,Nancy,Tommy,Elizabeth,Nicholas","money":1000},
{"question":"Can you swim in the sea of showers","answer":"no","money":1000},
{"question":"Canada is seperated on an imaginary line along the ____","answer":"49th parallel","money":1000},
{"question":"Canada is the world leader in the production of","answer":"newsprint","money":1000},
{"question":"Canadian and American Brands of Cigarettes","answer":"Rothmans","money":1000},
{"question":"Canadian: a person loyal to the british crown in the 1780's","answer":"loyalist","money":1000},
{"question":"Canadian: early inn","answer":"mile house","money":1000},
{"question":"Canadian: prince edward island","answer":"spud island","money":1000},
{"question":"Canadian: sled dog first bred by eskimos","answer":"malemute","money":1000},
{"question":"canadianisms: finish the quote: \"the mounties always .\"","answer":"get their man","money":1000},
{"question":"canadianisms: popular term for rcmp officers","answer":"mounties","money":1000},
{"question":"canadianisms: popular term for the liberal party","answer":"grits","money":1000},
{"question":"canadianisms: proper term for \"eskimo.\"","answer":"inuit","money":1000},
{"question":"canadianisms: rcmp stands for...","answer":"royal canadian mounted police","money":1000},
{"question":"Canadians are sometimes thought of as","answer":"canucks","money":1000},
{"question":"Canberra is the capital of ____","answer":"australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Cancer claims ____ victims an hour in America","answer":"forty","money":1000},
{"question":"Candlestick maker what is the capital of iran","answer":"teheran","money":1000},
{"question":"Candlestick maker","answer":"chandler","money":1000},
{"question":"Cannibals are famous for eating what","answer":"human flesh","money":1000},
{"question":"Canvey Island is part of which county","answer":"essex","money":1000},
{"question":"Capable of being decomposed by the action of light","answer":"photodegradable","money":1000},
{"question":"Cape Verde is a former colony of which country","answer":"portugal","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital cities: name the capital of syria","answer":"damascus","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital cities: Vanuatu","answer":"port vila","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital cities: Western Samoa","answer":"apia","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital cities: what country's capital was formed when pesth and buda merged","answer":"hungary","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital city of Arizona & seat of Maricopa County, located on the salt river in the south central part of the state","answer":"phoenix","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital city of Quebec, Canada","answer":"quebec","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital l is the roman numeral for which number","answer":"fifty","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of afghanistan","answer":"kabul","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of argentina","answer":"buenos aires","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of azerbaijan","answer":"baku","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of boliva","answer":"la paz","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of brunei","answer":"bandar seri begawan","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of burkina faso","answer":"ougadougou","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of chile","answer":"santiago","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of ecuador","answer":"quito","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of egypt and the largest city in africa","answer":"cairo","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of el salvador","answer":"san salvador","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of georgia (the country)","answer":"tbilisi","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of iceland","answer":"reykjavik","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of jordan","answer":"amman","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of montserrat","answer":"plymouth","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of papua new guinea","answer":"port moresby","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of scotland","answer":"edinburgh","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of tajikistan","answer":"dushanbe","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of the state of arkansas","answer":"little rock","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of the state of michigan","answer":"lansing","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of the state of new york","answer":"albany","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of the state of north dakota","answer":"bismarck","money":1000},
{"question":"Capital of the state of oregon","answer":"salem","money":1000},
{"question":"Captain Cook left Britain and Count Dracula arrived via which town","answer":"whitby","money":1000},
{"question":"Captain cook lost almost half his crew in 1768 on his first voyage to ____","answer":"south pacific","money":1000},
{"question":"Captain Cook was the first man to set foot on all continents except","answer":"antarctica","money":1000},
{"question":"Captain John Mason received a grant for land in 1629. He named this land after the English county of Hampshire where he had enjoyed a number of years as a child","answer":"New Hampshire","money":1000},
{"question":"Captain of the Titanic that sank in 1912","answer":"smith","money":1000},
{"question":"Capuchin monks belong to which order","answer":"franciscans","money":1000},
{"question":"Carat is the internatinally standardised unit of weight for precious stones what is its equivalent in grams","answer":"0.2 grams","money":1000},
{"question":"Carbonated soda water was invented in 1767, 1768 or 1769","answer":"1767","money":1000},
{"question":"Carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve limestone, ____ , and many other low-Moh's hardness minerals","answer":"talc","money":1000},
{"question":"Carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve limestone, talc, and many other low-Moh's hardness____ ","answer":"minerals","money":1000},
{"question":"Carbonated water, with nothing else in it, can dissolve____ , talc, and many other low-Moh's hardness minerals","answer":"limestone","money":1000},
{"question":"Card games: what's the crucial card in the game of hearts","answer":"queen of spades","money":1000},
{"question":"Card Games","answer":"Poker","money":1000},
{"question":"Cargo pants and mini-skirts were part of the 2001 uniform of what 90 year old organization","answer":"Girl Scouts of America","money":1000},
{"question":"Caries refers to decay in what","answer":"teeth","money":1000},
{"question":"Carl Switzer was the real name of which of the Our Gang characters","answer":"alfalfa","money":1000},
{"question":"Carmenta is the roman goddess of ____","answer":"childbirth","money":1000},
{"question":"Carolyn ____ has discovered 32 comets and approximately 800 asteroids","answer":"shoemaker","money":1000},
{"question":"Carolyn Shoemaker has discovered ____ comets and approximately 800 asteroids","answer":"32","money":1000},
{"question":"Carolyn Shoemaker has discovered 32 comets and approximately ____ asteroids","answer":"800","money":1000},
{"question":"Carolyn weston's novel poor, poor ophelia was the basis for what show","answer":"streets of san francisco","money":1000},
{"question":"Carpet, coral and pilot are all types of which animal","answer":"snakes","money":1000},
{"question":"Carrie all what is the capital of ohio","answer":"columbus","money":1000},
{"question":"Carroll charles carroll died in 1832, 1836 or 1837","answer":"1832","money":1000},
{"question":"Carson who succeeded joseph stalin as russian premier","answer":"georgy malenkov","money":1000},
{"question":"Carter what do goldfish lose if kept in dimly lit or running water","answer":"colour","money":1000},
{"question":"Carthusians are old boys of which school","answer":"charterhouse","money":1000},
{"question":"Carvel and Clinker are methods of making what","answer":"boats","money":1000},
{"question":"Cary Grant plays a con man with a heart of gold in","answer":"Mr. Lucky","money":1000},
{"question":"Cashmere comes from a(n) ____","answer":"goat","money":1000},
{"question":"Casper and laramieare towns in which us state","answer":"wyoming","money":1000},
{"question":"Cass elliot was part of which 'monday monday' group","answer":"mamas and papas","money":1000},
{"question":"Castle Howard is in which county","answer":"north yorkshire","money":1000},
{"question":"Catgut comes from ____ not cats","answer":"sheep","money":1000},
{"question":"Catgut is made from dried...","answer":"intestines","money":1000},
{"question":"Catherine de medici was the first woman in europe to use tobacco, she took it in a mixture of____","answer":"snuff","money":1000},
{"question":"Catherine de Medici was the first woman in Europe to use____ . She took it in a mixture of snuff","answer":"tobacco","money":1000},
{"question":"Catherine the First of Russia, made a rule that no man was allowed to get drunk at one of her parties before ____ o'clock","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"Catherine the Great found relaxation by being ____","answer":"tickled","money":1000},
{"question":"Cathie Jung has the worlds smallest waist it was ____ inches round","answer":"15","money":1000},
{"question":"Cathy Rigby is the only woman to pose ____ for Sports Illustrated","answer":"nude","money":1000},
{"question":"Cave dweller","answer":"troglodyte","money":1000},
{"question":"Cave dwellers in the loire valley, in france, are called","answer":"troglodytes","money":1000},
{"question":"Cavendish is the family name for which Duke","answer":"devonshire","money":1000},
{"question":"Cavity of the human body, bordered above by the ribs & below by the hips","answer":"abdomen","money":1000},
{"question":"Celebration of christs resurrection","answer":"easter","money":1000},
{"question":"Celtic language of Scots or Irish","answer":"gaelic","money":1000},
{"question":"Centre of amphitheatre","answer":"arena","money":1000},
{"question":"Cephalacaudal ____ is the reason our extremities develop faster than the rest of us","answer":"recapitulation","money":1000},
{"question":"Cephalacaudal recapitulation is the reason our ____ develop faster than the rest of us","answer":"extremities","money":1000},
{"question":"Cerberus guarded the gates of the underworld in Greek mythology.what kind of creature was this three headed being","answer":"dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Cereal used as food and in spirits","answer":"barley","money":1000},
{"question":"Ceres was the roman goddess of ____","answer":"grain","money":1000},
{"question":"Ceres was the Roman goddess of what","answer":"agriculture","money":1000},
{"question":"Certain marbles are called 'alleys' because they are made of ____","answer":"alabaster","money":1000},
{"question":"Cetology is the study of","answer":"whales","money":1000},
{"question":"Chablis comes from what major wine producing area of france","answer":"burgundy","money":1000},
{"question":"Chain of Islands to the West Of Cornwall","answer":"Isles of Scilly","money":1000},
{"question":"Challenger's windscreen had to be replaced in 1983 because it collided with a ____ ____ ____","answer":"fleck of paint","money":1000},
{"question":"Chamberlain whose funeral was attended by more than 100,000 in new york city in 1926","answer":"rudolph valentino","money":1000},
{"question":"Chances of a white ____ in New York: 1 in 4","answer":"christmas","money":1000},
{"question":"Chances of a white Christmas in____: 1 in 4","answer":"new york","money":1000},
{"question":"Chances that a ____ in the U.S. will be solved: 1 in 7","answer":"burglary","money":1000},
{"question":"Chances that a burglary in the u.s. will be solved: 1 in____","answer":"seven","money":1000},
{"question":"Chanel No. 5 is a well-known fragrance. Which other number is also a Chanel perfume","answer":"no. 19","money":1000},
{"question":"Change planes in Atlanta.\"","answer":"Accidental Tourist","money":1000},
{"question":"Changing of an employees job or working conditions to force resignation","answer":"constructive dismissal","money":1000},
{"question":"Channel 5 ACTION news with your host ____ ____","answer":"Kent Brockman","money":1000},
{"question":"Channel, between the southern tip of Florida & the island of Cuba, linking the Atlantic Ocean & the Gulf of Mexico","answer":"straits of florida","money":1000},
{"question":"Channels in 1978, whose music did def leppard like to cover in small clubs","answer":"thin lizzy","money":1000},
{"question":"Characters from the board game 'clue'","answer":"Colonel Mustard","money":1000},
{"question":"Characters in A A Milnes' classic childrens stories","answer":"christopher robin","money":1000},
{"question":"Characters, Actors, (FULL NAME) and Places from All My Children","answer":"Susan Lucci","money":1000},
{"question":"Charcoal is made by heating what","answer":"wood","money":1000},
{"question":"Chargers, Demons Barracudas, Javelins, Cyclones and Challengers were all","answer":"Muscle cars","money":1000},
{"question":"Charing Cross in London was built in commemoration of Queen Eleanor, who was the wife of which British King","answer":"edward i","money":1000},
{"question":"Charlemagne ruled a large part of western and central europe in the years","answer":"800-814","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles Best & Frederick Banting discovered this live saving drug in 1922","answer":"insulin","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles carroll died in 1832, 1836 or 1837","answer":"1832","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles Dickens was an insomniac, who believed his best chance of sleeping was in the centre of a bed facing directly","answer":"north","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles l was brought to trial in which year","answer":"1649","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles Lindbergh took how many sandwiches with him on his famous transatlantic flight","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles lindbergh took only four of these to eat with him on his famous transatlantic flight","answer":"sandwiches","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles Lindbergh's grandfather changed the family name to Lindbergh upon leaving Sweden in 1859. What was the original name of the Lindbergh family prior to that date?","answer":"Manson","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles lutwidge dodgson is the real name of what well known writer","answer":"lewis carroll","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles Manson once auditioned unsuccessfully for this group","answer":"The Monkees","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles Pa Jean invented which building toy sensation in 1914","answer":"Tinkertoy","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles Taze Russell was the founder of which religious organisation","answer":"jehovah's witnesses","money":1000},
{"question":"Charles the Simple was the grandson of Charles the Bald, both were rulers of","answer":"france","money":1000},
{"question":"Charlie Brown's father was a","answer":"barber","money":1000},
{"question":"Charlie Chaplain's cane was made of","answer":"bamboo","money":1000},
{"question":"Charlie Chaplin once won ____ prize in a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest","answer":"third","money":1000},
{"question":"Charlize Theron Movies","answer":"Reindeer Games","money":1000},
{"question":"Charter 77 was an association of individuals devoted to the assertion of lost human rights in which European country","answer":"czechoslovakia","money":1000},
{"question":"Chase chevy chase was the first original cast member to leave which show","answer":"saturday","money":1000},
{"question":"chastity was the name of the first-born of whom","answer":"cher bono","money":1000},
{"question":"Chaucer's Canterbury Tales were written in which century","answer":"fourteenth","money":1000},
{"question":"Cheap ornaments and trinkets","answer":"bric-a-brac","money":1000},
{"question":"Chefs started using ____ 5,000 years ago to spice up their cooking","answer":"onions","money":1000},
{"question":"Chefs started using onions ____ years ago to spice up their cooking","answer":"5,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Chekhov quotations: \"doctors can bury their mistakes, architects can only advise their clients to plant vines.\"","answer":"frank lloyd wright","money":1000},
{"question":"Chelsea,Bow and Spode are all types of what","answer":"porcelain","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemical compound of hydrogen & oxygen with the formula h2o2","answer":"hydrogen peroxide","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemical compound that has the formula nacl","answer":"salt","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemical compounds or mixtures that undergo rapid burning or decomposition with the generation of large amounts of gas and heat and the consequent production of sudden pressure effects","answer":"explosives","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemical got from coal tar and used as a solvent","answer":"benzene","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemically pure gold contains how many karats","answer":"24","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: 20% of what is in the metal part at the end of a pencil","answer":"sulphur","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: As what is sulphur also known","answer":"brimstone","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: For what is the chemical formula H2O2","answer":"hydrogen peroxide","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: For what metal is 'Au' the chemical symbol","answer":"gold","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: Hydrogen Hydroxide is more commonly known as what","answer":"water","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: Nitrogen, a poisonous gas, makes up 78% of the ____ that we breathe","answer":"air","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: Of what is 98% of the weight of water made","answer":"oxygen","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: Sodium barcarbonate is better known as ____","answer":"baking soda","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: Sodium bicarbonate is better known as ____","answer":"baking soda","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: Sodium Hydroxide is more commonly known as ____","answer":"lye","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: The process of removing salt from sea water is known as ____","answer":"desalination","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: The smallest portion of a substance capable of existing independently and retaining its original properties is a(n) ____","answer":"molecule","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: This ancient attempt to transmute base metals into gold was called ____","answer":"alchemy","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: This is the heaviest naturally occurring element","answer":"uranium","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: This is the symbol for tin","answer":"sn","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: This poisonous gas is in the exhaust fumes from cars","answer":"carbon monoxide","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: To what group of elements do cerium, praesiodymium and promethium belong","answer":"rare earth metals","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: Water containing carbon dioxide under pressure is called ____","answer":"soda water","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What are Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon","answer":"Noble Gases","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What are Petrol, Naphta, Kerosine, Diesel and Oil","answer":"Hydrocarbons","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What colour does litmus paper turn if a solution is acidic","answer":"red","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What does the symbol 'Am' represent","answer":"americium","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What element has the periodic table name Au","answer":"Gold","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What element has the periodic table name Na","answer":"Sodium","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What element has the periodic table name Sb","answer":"Antimony","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What element has the periodic table name Sn","answer":"Tin","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is a corrosive substance with a pH value less than 7 called","answer":"acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is another name for iron oxide","answer":"Rust","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is brine","answer":"Salt water","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is calcium oxide commonly called","answer":"lime","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is it that turns blue litmus paper red","answer":"acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the abbreviation for trinitrotoluene","answer":"tnt","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the atomic number for thalium","answer":"81","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the atomic number of Bromine","answer":"thirty five","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the atomic number of Molybdenum","answer":"forty two","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the atomic number of sulphur","answer":"16","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the atomic number of uranium","answer":"ninety two","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the chemical name for quicksilver","answer":"mercury","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the chemical symbol for copper","answer":"cu","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the chemical symbol for gold","answer":"Au","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the chemical symbol for iron","answer":"Fe","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the common name for lysergic acid diethylamide","answer":"LSD","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the heaviest naturally occuring element","answer":"uranium","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the main component of air","answer":"nitrogen","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the more scientific name for quicksilver","answer":"mercury","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the symbol for copper","answer":"Cu","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the symbol for iron in chemistry","answer":"fe","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the symbol for silver","answer":"ag","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What is the symbol for tin","answer":"Sn","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What name is given to a chemical reaction which gives out heat","answer":"Exothermic","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What name is given to a chemical reaction which takes in heat","answer":"Endothermic","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What term is applied to ethyl alcohol that has been treated with poison to make it unfit for human consumption","answer":"denatured","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: What type of paper is used to test for acidity and alkalinity","answer":"litmus","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: Which element is also known as Quicksilver","answer":"Mercury","money":1000},
{"question":"Chemistry: Who invented dynamite","answer":"Alfred Nobel","money":1000},
{"question":"Cher won the oscar for best actress in 1987 for which film","answer":"moonstruck","money":1000},
{"question":"chessie the cat is the symbol of what us railroad","answer":"chesapeake & ohio","money":1000},
{"question":"Cheyenne, navahoe and arapaho are all what","answer":"native american tribes","money":1000},
{"question":"Chicago, people, places & things","answer":"Oprah Winfrey","money":1000},
{"question":"Children grow faster in the ____ than they do the rest of the year","answer":"springtime","money":1000},
{"question":"Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,How amny blackbirds were baked","answer":"four and twenty","money":1000},
{"question":"Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,what was the queen eating","answer":"bread and honey","money":1000},
{"question":"Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,where was the king","answer":"In his counting house","money":1000},
{"question":"Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,where was the maid","answer":"in the garden","money":1000},
{"question":"Childrens songs, sing a song of sixpence,where was the queen","answer":"In the parlour","money":1000},
{"question":"Childrens songs, the grand old duke of york, had how many men","answer":"ten thousand","money":1000},
{"question":"Chili peppers he worked in a factory making toilets for airplanes before he recorded 'aint no sunshine when shes gone'","answer":"bill withers","money":1000},
{"question":"China banned the pigtail in 1911 as it was seen as a symbol of","answer":"feudalism","money":1000},
{"question":"China produces ____ eggs per year","answer":"278,564,356,980","money":1000},
{"question":"China which is the most remote island in the southern atlantic ocean","answer":"bouvet island","money":1000},
{"question":"China's Beijing Duck Restaurant can seat ____ people at one time","answer":"9,000","money":1000},
{"question":"China's largest city is ____","answer":"shanghai","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: 1980's Apple II 6502 ran at 2MHz. Where is 1995's PowerPC 604 clocked at","answer":"150mhz","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: A commonly used process for oxide and nitride deposition, CVD, stands for:","answer":"chemical vepor deposition","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: AMD merged with this designer of the Nx686 Pentium competitor on 10/20/95","answer":"nexgen","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: Because of this phenomenon, one shouldn't touch a chip's pin I/O:","answer":"electrostatic discharge","money":1000},
{"question":"chips: characteristic of thermal oxide caused by lateral 02 diffusion (it 'pecks')","answer":"birds beak","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: Critical photolithographic dimensions in 1995 are measured in these units","answer":"micron","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: Dielectric thickness can be calculated from this electrical measurement","answer":"capacitance","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: Early MOSFET pioneer, Stanford grad & author of the EE's device bible:","answer":"sze","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: EEPROM memory devices rely on this tunneling mechanism for cell erase:","answer":"fowler-nordheim","money":1000},
{"question":"chips: element existing abundantly in ordinary beach sand","answer":"silicon","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: Element recently (1995) disclosed by IBM to catalyze certain metal contacts:","answer":"mo","money":1000},
{"question":"chips: manufacturer of the pentium microprocessor and where mach is working","answer":"intel","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: Optical technique commonly used to measure thin film thickness, and RI:","answer":"ellipsometry","money":1000},
{"question":"chips: polarity of photoresist which permits an iverted image of a photomask:","answer":"negative","money":1000},
{"question":"Chips: The area in between chips on a wafer, where test and defect monitors lie:","answer":"kerf","money":1000},
{"question":"chips: two types of mosfets of which cmos is composed (answers sep'd by a space):","answer":"nfet pfet","money":1000},
{"question":"Chiromancer is the technical term for what occult median","answer":"Palm Reading","money":1000},
{"question":"Chitlins are made from what part of the pig","answer":"intestines","money":1000},
{"question":"Chlorine is derived from the greek word meaning what","answer":"green","money":1000},
{"question":"Chocolate manufacturers use 40 percent of the world's ____","answer":"almonds","money":1000},
{"question":"Choking - On what do approximately 100 people choke to death every year","answer":"ballpoint pens","money":1000},
{"question":"Cholera is caused by what","answer":"Bacteria","money":1000},
{"question":"Choo rock groups: frankie lymon and the ____","answer":"teenagers","money":1000},
{"question":"Chrissie Hynde was in which early eighties group?","answer":"The Pretenders","money":1000},
{"question":"Christ's image is alleged to be imprinted on this cloth","answer":"shroud of turin","money":1000},
{"question":"Christian Dior launched his 'New Look' in which year","answer":"1947","money":1000},
{"question":"Christian sacrement in which bread and wine are consecrated and consummed","answer":"eucharist","money":1000},
{"question":"Christie what are mother mary's \"whispered words of wisdom\"","answer":"let it be","money":1000},
{"question":"Christmas became a national holiday in the u.s in 1879, 1890 or 1895","answer":"1890","money":1000},
{"question":"Christmas: In the 'Twelve days of christmas', how many items in total are sent by 'my true love'","answer":"78","money":1000},
{"question":"Christmas: Name the loner rebel reindeer with the red shiny nose","answer":"rudolph","money":1000},
{"question":"Christmas: Santa Claus reportedly lives at the ____ Pole","answer":"north","money":1000},
{"question":"Chromosomal disorder occurring in about 1 out of every 800 births","answer":"down syndrome","money":1000},
{"question":"Chronic condition in which the skin of the scalp flakes off in excessive amounts","answer":"dandruff","money":1000},
{"question":"Chronic disease marked by overgrowth of hands, feet, & lower part of the face, resulting from excessive production of somatotropin, the growth-stimulating hormone hormone","answer":"acromegaly","money":1000},
{"question":"Chronic transmissible disease, due to bacilius leprae, is better known as ____","answer":"leprosy","money":1000},
{"question":"Chub, gudgeon and perch are all types of what","answer":"freshwater fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Chumly was the walrus sidekick of what cartoon penguin","answer":"tennessee tuxedo","money":1000},
{"question":"Churchill what are phalanges","answer":"finger bones","money":1000},
{"question":"Churchill what kind of bug emerges in the 1975 movie the bug","answer":"beetle","money":1000},
{"question":"Churchill what was john lennon's first girlfriend's name","answer":"thelma pickles","money":1000},
{"question":"Churchill, F. D. Roosvelt and Stalin met here in 1945","answer":"Yalta","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: brand named for a motorcycle make","answer":"harley davidson","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: Cigarette brand synonymous with honor, virtue, achievement","answer":"merit","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or a governor ruling in a monarch's name","answer":"viceroy","money":1000},
{"question":"cigarettes: cigarette brand, or an nc city","answer":"raleigh","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or first name of Forrest Gump author","answer":"winston","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or Robert Guillaume and shrubs","answer":"benson and hedges","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: Cigarette brand, or the \"club\" that Telly Savalas promoted","answer":"players","money":1000},
{"question":"cigarettes: cigarette brand, or the last name of a superhero's alter-ego","answer":"kent","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: Marlboro and Merit are brands from this company (2 wds)","answer":"philip morris","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: Smoking this menthol brand is hip, fashionable, just plain...","answer":"kool","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: This Canadian cigarette brand sponsors the Canadian Open (tennis and golf)","answer":"du maurier","money":1000},
{"question":"cigarettes: this is the us's no. 3 tobacco company as of 1995","answer":"brown and williamson","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: Tobacco drying barns are typically painted this color","answer":"black","money":1000},
{"question":"cigarettes: warning: smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may (2wds)","answer":"complicate pregnancy","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigarettes: Women's cigarette brand, or a Mercury model","answer":"capri","money":1000},
{"question":"Cigna Corporation is the second largest ____ in America","answer":"Health Care Company","money":1000},
{"question":"Cindy Crawford's earnings in 1994 were____?","answer":"6.5 million dollars","money":1000},
{"question":"Cinnabar is an ore of which metal","answer":"mercury","money":1000},
{"question":"Circle, Parabola and Hyperbola are three 3 of the four curves known as the conic sections. Name the fourth","answer":"ellipse","money":1000},
{"question":"Circuits can be wired in series or ____","answer":"parallel","money":1000},
{"question":"Circular bands used to decorate ears, toes, noses, or, most often, fingers","answer":"rings","money":1000},
{"question":"Circular staircases in firehouses are a tradition began to keep what from coming upstairs","answer":"horses","money":1000},
{"question":"Cities in FL with \"Beach\" in their name (include Beach) 10","answer":"West Palm Beach","money":1000},
{"question":"City in eastern china, situated on the Huangpu River, a tributary of the Yangtze River, near the Yangtze's mouth to the east China Sea","answer":"shanghai","money":1000},
{"question":"City in eastern Iowa, on the Mississippi River, seat of Clinton County","answer":"clinton","money":1000},
{"question":"City in northeastern Germany, capital of a United Germany from 1871 to 1945 & again since 1990","answer":"berlin","money":1000},
{"question":"City in western California, coextensive with San Francisco County","answer":"san francisco","money":1000},
{"question":"city lights was the name of a film by whom","answer":"charlie chaplin","money":1000},
{"question":"City nicknames: where is motown","answer":"detroit","money":1000},
{"question":"City with the most rolls royce's per capita:","answer":"hong kong","money":1000},
{"question":"Cityin Belgium situated on the Meuse river","answer":"liege","money":1000},
{"question":"civil rights leader martin luther king, jr. led more than ____ demonstrators in a march down the mall in washington dc","answer":"250000","money":1000},
{"question":"Clark ____ used to shower more than 4 times a day","answer":"gable","money":1000},
{"question":"Clark Gable used to ____ more than 4 times a day","answer":"shower","money":1000},
{"question":"Clark Gable used to shower more than ____ times a day","answer":"4","money":1000},
{"question":"Clark gable used to shower more than ____ times a day","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Clark who is the smallest member of the european union","answer":"luxembourg","money":1000},
{"question":"Class of complex chemical compounds in plants","answer":"glycosides","money":1000},
{"question":"Class of invertebrates belonging to the coelenterate phylum","answer":"hydrozoa","money":1000},
{"question":"Claylike mineral, chief source of aluminium","answer":"bauxite","money":1000},
{"question":"Cleo and Caesar were the early stage names of","answer":"sonny & cher","money":1000},
{"question":"Cleopatra used what kind of seeds for lipstick","answer":"pomegranate","money":1000},
{"question":"Clergyman ranking below bishop","answer":"archdeacon","money":1000},
{"question":"Cleveland four u.s presidents have served entire terms without having a ____","answer":"vice","money":1000},
{"question":"Cleveland spelled backwards is ____","answer":"dna level c","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: A ____ of one's imagination","answer":"figment","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: A bird in the hand is worth ____","answer":"two in the bush","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: A gentleman & a ____","answer":"scholar","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: A stitch in time saves ____","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: As clear as a ____","answer":"bell","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: As close as two ____ in a pod","answer":"peas","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: As easy as ____","answer":"pie","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: As hard as ____","answer":"nails","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: As mad as a ____","answer":"wet hen or hatter","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: As nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of ____","answer":"rocking chairs","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: As pretty as a ____","answer":"picture","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: As sick as a ____","answer":"dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: As sly as a ____","answer":"fox","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Born with a silver","answer":"spoon","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Cross that ____ when you come to it","answer":"bridge","money":1000},
{"question":"cliches: don't cry over spilled ","answer":"milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Don't take any wooden ____","answer":"nickels","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Hell hath no fury like a ____","answer":"woman scorned","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Hook, line, & ____","answer":"sinker","money":1000},
{"question":"cliches: keep the from the door","answer":"wolves","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Like bringing","answer":"coals","money":1000},
{"question":"cliches: make a mountain out of a ","answer":"molehill","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Necessity is the mother of ____","answer":"invention","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Not all it's ____ up to be","answer":"cracked","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: On which side the bread is ____","answer":"buttered","money":1000},
{"question":"cliches: the cat that swallowed the ","answer":"canary","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: The greatest thing since ____ bread","answer":"sliced","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Time ____ when you're having fun","answer":"flies","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Too many ____ in the fire","answer":"irons","money":1000},
{"question":"Cliches: Variety is the ____ of life","answer":"spice","money":1000},
{"question":"cliches: when the come home","answer":"cows","money":1000},
{"question":"Close encounters of the first kind","answer":"sighting unexplained craft","money":1000},
{"question":"Closely related to pascal, niklaus wirth also played a part in what computer language's creation","answer":"modula","money":1000},
{"question":"Cloud heights are measured by a...","answer":"ceilometer","money":1000},
{"question":"Coal is sometimes added to softdrinks to make them ____","answer":"sweeter","money":1000},
{"question":"Coarse and Fly are varieties of which popular activity","answer":"fishing","money":1000},
{"question":"Cocaine purified by heating with ether, and inhaled or smoked","answer":"freebase","money":1000},
{"question":"Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'c'","answer":"charlie","money":1000},
{"question":"Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'f'","answer":"foxtrot","money":1000},
{"question":"Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'h'","answer":"hotel","money":1000},
{"question":"Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 't'","answer":"tango","money":1000},
{"question":"Codes: In alphabet radio code, what word is used for 'x'","answer":"X-ray","money":1000},
{"question":"Codes: Using morse code, what does trasmitting using 3 dots, 3 dashes and 3 dots","answer":"SOS","money":1000},
{"question":"Coffins which are due for cremation are usually made with ____ handles","answer":"plastic","money":1000},
{"question":"Coin-operated phonograph that's the highest scoring Scrabble first turn word","answer":"jukebox","money":1000},
{"question":"Col rudolf able was the russian spy exchanged in 1962 for who","answer":"gary powers","money":1000},
{"question":"Cold-blooded aquatic animals with backbones, gills, & fins are called____","answer":"fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Collective name for pioneers or innovators in the field of art, music etc","answer":"Avant garde","money":1000},
{"question":"Collectively, how were Jean Borotra, Jaques Brugnon, Henri Cochet and Ren? Lacoste known","answer":"four musketeers","money":1000},
{"question":"Collectively, what name is given to the first ten of the twenty six amendments to the united states' constitution","answer":"the bill of rights","money":1000},
{"question":"Cologne water, a mildly perfumed toilet water also known as eau de Cologne, has been made in ____, West Germany since 1709","answer":"cologne","money":1000},
{"question":"Colombo is the capital of ____","answer":"sri lanka","money":1000},
{"question":"Colonel Waring, New York City Street Cleaning Commissioner, was responsible for organizing the first rubbish-sorting plant for recycling in the United States in","answer":"1898","money":1000},
{"question":"Colorado has become known as a skier's paradise, perhaps destined after words from President","answer":"Theodore Roosevelt","money":1000},
{"question":"Colorless chemical pesticide, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, used to eradicate disease-carrying & crop-eating insects","answer":"ddt","money":1000},
{"question":"Colorless, corrosive liquid that has the chemical formula hno3","answer":"nitric acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Colorless, odorless, sweet-tasting alcohol, c3h8o3, with a specific gravity of 1.26","answer":"glycerol","money":1000},
{"question":"Colourless volatile liquid formerly used as an anaesthetic","answer":"chloroform","money":1000},
{"question":"Columbia is the capital of what state","answer":"south carolina","money":1000},
{"question":"Comedian that is the disc jockey on the soundtrack to Resevoir Dogs","answer":"steven wright","money":1000},
{"question":"Comedians/Comediennes","answer":"Robin Williams","money":1000},
{"question":"comedienne who wrote \"naked underneath my clothes\"","answer":"rita rudner","money":1000},
{"question":"Comet that slammed into jupiter, in the mid 1990s, that reportedly would have destroyed all semblance of life on earth","answer":"shoemaker-levy","money":1000},
{"question":"Comet which visited in 1998, prompting a doomsday cult of about 30 people to commit suicide","answer":"hale-bopp","money":1000},
{"question":"Comfort food when we are feeling the blues","answer":"Chocolate","money":1000},
{"question":"Comfrey (herb) baths were popular before the wedding night to attempt to repair the hymen and thereby apparently restore ____","answer":"virginity","money":1000},
{"question":"Comic Book SuperHeroes","answer":"Superman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comic Strip Trivia: What comic strip is set at Camp Swampy","answer":"beetle bailey","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Batman: Batman really doesn't like this superhero, and would love to punch him","answer":"superman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Batman: Batman's Creator","answer":"bob kane","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Batman: Bruce's loyal and witty, if often sardonic, butler and mentor","answer":"alfred","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Batman: Graphic batman novel in which a virus battles a Coded Batman","answer":"digital justice","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Batman: New York hero who came to Gotham shortly after \"Knightfall\" to find Jigsaw","answer":"punisher","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Batman: Selena Kyle's alter-identity, now with her own series","answer":"catwoman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Batman: The man who shot Thomas and Martha Wayne (Careful!, it wasn't the Joker!)","answer":"joe chill","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Batman: There have been this many Robins","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Batman: This red-headed villainess will give you a permanent itch","answer":"poison ivy","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Bill Watterson, cartoonist for Calvin & Hobbes, is the first cartoonist to use what word in his cartoon","answer":"booger","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Bloom County: Name of the groundhog","answer":"portnoy","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Bloom County: The author's name which is more putrid than Yaz Pistachio (first and last)","answer":"berkely breathed","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Bloom County: What is Oliver's full name (3 words)","answer":"oliver wendell jones","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Bloom County: Who was always being tormented by his anxiety closet","answer":"binkley","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Bloom County: Who's brain gets transplated into Bill's skull","answer":"donald trump","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: cable's full real name","answer":"nathan christopher summer","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Calvin and Hobbes' artist","answer":"bill watterson","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Cartoon created by Dale Messick","answer":"brenda starr","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Cartoon created by Russell Myers","answer":"broom hilda","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Creator of Superman cartoon character who died in the early 90s","answer":"joseph shuster","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Also known as Demon","answer":"etrigan","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: broke batman","answer":"bane","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: current leader of justice league america","answer":"wonder woman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: girlfriend of lex luther ii","answer":"supergirl","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: green lantern's alter ego","answer":"hal jordan","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: group of heroes led by dick grayson","answer":"new titans","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Hometown of Green Lantern","answer":"coast city","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: killed superman","answer":"doomsday","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: number of new supermen after his \"death\"","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: of the new supermen, this one was a villain","answer":"cyborg","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: photographer for daily planet","answer":"jimmy olsen","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Replaced Bruce Wayne as Batman","answer":"jean paul valley","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of arthur curry","answer":"aquaman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of boston brand","answer":"deadman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of bruce wayne","answer":"batman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of clark kent","answer":"superman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of cliff steele","answer":"robotman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of jay garrick","answer":"the flash","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of Jim Corrigan","answer":"the spectre","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of jimmy olson","answer":"elastic lad","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of jonn jonzz","answer":"martian manhunter","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of kay challis","answer":"crazy jane","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of kirk morrison","answer":"king mob","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of Lyta Trevor","answer":"fury","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of Maggie Sawyer","answer":"maggie sawyer","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: Secret identity of Wally West","answer":"the flash","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: what relation was superman to supergirl","answer":"first cousin","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: DC: younger version of aquaman","answer":"aqualad","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Dilbert: how are elbonian factories powered","answer":"stationary bikes","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Dilbert: which test does the gruntmaster 6000 fail","answer":"armageddon","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Elzie Crisler Segar created the comic strip character Popeye in","answer":"1919","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: giant robots that hunted mutants","answer":"sentinels","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: how many x-men were there originally","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: In 'blondie' who was dagwood's boss","answer":"mr dithers","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: In 'blondie', who was blondie's husband","answer":"dagwood","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: In 'blondie', who was dagwood's best friend","answer":"herb","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: In 'blondie', who was dagwood's wife","answer":"blondie","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: In \"peanuts\", what is the surname of lucy and linus","answer":"van pelt","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: List some SuperVillains","answer":"Mr. Freeze","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: List some SuperVillians","answer":"Apocalypse","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: magneto's real name","answer":"erik magnus lensherr","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Mentor of Titan had two children in the Marvel comics, Thanos and ____","answer":"Ero","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: mr fantastic and invisible girl's son","answer":"franklin richards","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Name the creator of the comic strip the Peanuts","answer":"charles shultz","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Name the Year: \"Gasoline Alley\" cartoon strip premiers in Chicago Tribune. It was the first cartoon in which the characters aged","answer":"1919","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: schroeder's favorite composer","answer":"beethoven","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: snoopy and woodstock play hockey on this when the water freezes","answer":"birdbath","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: the amount lucy charges at her psychiatry booth","answer":"5 cents","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: the catcher on the gang's baseball team","answer":"schroeder","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: The name of Snoopy's brother who lives in the desert town of Needles","answer":"spike","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: The only character that does not speak, or think, in English","answer":"woodstock","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: The second-baseman on the gang's baseball team","answer":"linus","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: This character always pulls the football away from Charlie Brown","answer":"lucy","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: This girl has \"naturally curly hair\"","answer":"freida","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: this is what marci calls peppermint patti","answer":"sir","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Peanuts: This is what Peppermint Patti calls Charlie Brown","answer":"chuck","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of Billy Batson?","answer":"Captain Marvel","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of Clark kent?","answer":"Superman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of Dick Grayson?","answer":"Robin","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of Doctor Banner?","answer":"The Incredible Hulk","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of Don Blake?","answer":"The Mighty Thor","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of Henry Penfold?","answer":"Hong Kong Phooey","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of John Reid?","answer":"The Lone Ranger","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of Mark Harris?","answer":"The Man From Atlantis","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of Paul Metcalfe?","answer":"Captain Scarlet","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Secret identity of Peter Parker?","answer":"Spiderman","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: The amazing Spider Man was one of the first comic books to have a story in which one of the supporting characters ____","answer":"died","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: the beast formerly belonged to this group","answer":"avengers","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: the creator of x-men","answer":"stan lee","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: the founder of the x-men (real name)","answer":"charles xavier","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: the x-men otherwise known as the","answer":"children of the atom","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: This comic by Mark Schultz briefly appeared as a network TV show","answer":"cadillacs and dinosaurs","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: What color suit does Clark Kent always wear","answer":"blue","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: what colour suit does clark kent always wear","answer":"blue","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: what does the beast say when he's suprised","answer":"oh my stars and garters","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: what is captain america's real name","answer":"steve rogers","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: what is captain marvel's favorite expression","answer":"holey moley","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: what is iron man's real name","answer":"tony stark","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: what is the incredible hulk's real name","answer":"bruce banner","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: What is the name of Superman's super cat","answer":"streaky","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: What is tin tin's dog's name","answer":"snowy","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: what mountain peak does captain marvel fly over","answer":"rock of eternity","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: What sound does wolverine's adamantium claws make when he extends them from his forearms","answer":"snikt","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: what was storm's profession when she was young","answer":"pickpocket","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: when professor x was killed by his son, an alternate timeline was formed. what was it called","answer":"age of apocalypse","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: Where was Li'l Abner's hometown","answer":"dogpatch","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: who is professor x's half brother","answer":"juggernaut","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: who is the x-men's arch nemesis","answer":"magneto","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: who was the first x-man to die","answer":"thunderbird","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: Charles Xavier loves her","answer":"lilandra","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: Gahck battled wolverine here","answer":"savage land","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: Longshot's Miniseries was penciled by him","answer":"adams","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: Magneto founded this","answer":"brotherhood of evil mutants","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: She hired Gatecrasher's Technet to kidnap Captain Britain","answer":"saturnyne","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: She ruled Limbo","answer":"illyana rasputin","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: SpiderMan begs him to kill him in the Savage land","answer":"ka-zar","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: The first villain faced by the New Mutants was him","answer":"donald pierce","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: Wolverine and SpiderMan discovered the identity of HobGoblin Here","answer":"berlin","money":1000},
{"question":"Comics: X-Men: X-Men (past and present)","answer":"Wolverine","money":1000},
{"question":"Commercial enterprise of hunting whales to obtain oil, whalebone, meat, & various by-products","answer":"whaling","money":1000},
{"question":"Commercial raising of chickens, turkeys, ducks, & geese for their meat & eggs","answer":"poultry farming","money":1000},
{"question":"Common inclusive term used to describe physical discomfort of the upper gastrointestinal tract, associated with eating or drinking","answer":"indigestion","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name applied to a group of vegetable products, both amorphous & crystalline, obtained from various plants, & important commercially in the tanning of leather","answer":"tannins","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a family comprising about 80 genera & 1500 species of herbs, shrubs, & some trees, & for its representative genus","answer":"mallow","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a family of flowering plants & for its representative genus","answer":"buttercup","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a family of grasslike flowering plants with characteristically triangular stems","answer":"sedge","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a family of herbaceous flowering plants","answer":"iris","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a family of mostly herbaceous flowering plants, & for its representative genus","answer":"pink","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a family of mostly woody flowering plants, and for one of its important genera","answer":"tea","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a family of woody or herbaceous flowering plants of worldwide distribution, & for its well-known genus","answer":"mint","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a genus of about 40 species of coniferous trees, indigenous to the northern hemisphere, nearly half being natives of North America","answer":"spruce","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a genus of perennial flowers of the buttercup family","answer":"globeflower","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a large genus of hardwood trees that are widespread in the north temperate zone","answer":"oak","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a large sea turtle, named for the color of its fat, although the animal is brownish overall","answer":"green turtle","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a medium-size family of flowering plants with many important fruit & ornamental species, & for its representative genus","answer":"rose","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a medium-size family of mostly woody flowering plants widely distributed in tropical areas, & for its representative genus","answer":"soapberry","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a number of species of water birds of the same family as ducks & swans","answer":"goose","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a plant family comprising about 227 genera & 4450 species of mostly temperate herbs, & for its representative genus","answer":"figwort","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a plant family with about 50 genera & 1300 species","answer":"ginger","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a plant family, & for plants of the family's typical genus","answer":"milkweed","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a plant of the sedge family","answer":"papyrus","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a small family of aquatic flowering plants, & for its representative genus","answer":"water lily","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a small family of trees, widespread in the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere, & for its representative genus","answer":"maple","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a small family of woody flowering plants, & for certain trees of its representative genera","answer":"willow","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a small thorny tree (rue), & for its fruit","answer":"lemon","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a species of bear, similar in size to a large cat, with thick, reddish-brown fur","answer":"lesser panda","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for a tropical tree (mulberry), grown on the islands of the south pacific ocean","answer":"breadfruit","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for about 19 species of annual herbs, of the grass family (grasses)","answer":"rice","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for about 200 species of algae belonging to the phylum charophyta of the plant kingdom","answer":"stonewort","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for about 2200 species of fishes, of which some 1200 are south american","answer":"catfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for about 34,000 species of arthropod animals having eight walking legs, anterior appendages bearing fangs & poison glands, & specialized reproductive organs on the second appendages of the male","answer":"spider","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for about 90 species of small songbirds, all of which are found in eurasia","answer":"lark","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for an almost exclusively meat-eating family of mammals (carnivore) that are superbly adapted for their typically predatory life","answer":"cat family","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for an amphibian of the order that also includes toads","answer":"frog","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for an annual leguminous (legume) plant & its seeds","answer":"soybean","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any animal of the vertebrate class lying between fishes & reptiles on the evolutionary scale","answer":"amphibian","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any large member of a family of rodents, with dull-colored, coarse fur; long tails; large ears; & a pointed snout","answer":"rat","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any member of a family of annual & perennial herbs & shrubs, native to subtropical & temperate regions worldwide","answer":"saint john's wort","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any member of a genus of plants, of the mustard family","answer":"wallflower","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of a genus of coniferous trees (pine)","answer":"hemlock","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of a group of mainly aquatic arthropod invertebrates, including the crab, lobster, & shrimp","answer":"crustacean","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of a large family of luminescent beetles","answer":"firefly","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of a large group of mammals, most of which carry their young in an abdominal pouch after birth","answer":"marsupial","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of about 2000 species of two-winged insects (fly)","answer":"mosquito","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of about 30 species of long-legged, long-necked wading birds of the same family as the spoonbills","answer":"ibis","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of seven species of water birds constituting a distinct section of the duck family","answer":"swan","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of several different species of marine bivalve mollusks","answer":"oyster","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of several marine spiny-finned food fishes","answer":"weakfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of several species of highly social bees known for their honey-hoarding behavior & their use as a domesticated species (beekeeping)","answer":"honey bee","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any of the invertebrate animals making up two classes of the coelenterate phylum","answer":"jellyfish","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for any one of numerous varieties of sweet fruits of the gourd family, that grow on two species of trailing vines","answer":"melon","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for certain flowering plants often grown as houseplants","answer":"african violet","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for certain mammals in the mole family that lead a semiaquatic existence beside ponds & streams, feeding on insects, fish, & mollusks","answer":"desman","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for certain marine members of a family of venomous snakes","answer":"sea snake","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for certain members of a family of venomous snakes, known for their intimidating behavior & deadly bite","answer":"cobra","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for certain slow-moving arboreal mammals that inhabit the tropical forests of south & central america","answer":"sloth","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for certain small, burrowing mammals characterized by a pointed snout; rudimentary eyes; soft, thick, velvety fur; short legs; broad feet; & long, powerful claws on the front pair of legs","answer":"mole","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for flightless, aquatic birds of the southern hemisphere","answer":"penguin","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for many food fishes, but not corresponding to any particular scientific classification","answer":"bass","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for many rodents belonging to the same family as the woodchuck (marmot), chipmunk, and prairie dog","answer":"squirrel","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for members of a family of widely distributed shorebirds consisting of more than 60 species","answer":"plover","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for nonpoisonous snakes of the boa family","answer":"boa","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for numerous heavy-bodied, large-jawed, sedentary fishes found close to weeds, coral, & other protected coastal areas","answer":"grouper","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for passerine birds of several unrelated families, many having the habit of capturing insects on the wing","answer":"flycatcher","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for several plants of the family of composite flowers","answer":"thistle","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for several related plants, especially for certain hybrids cultivated as ornamentals & sold as dried bulbs for growing as houseplants","answer":"amaryllis","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for small, bloodsucking, wingless insects","answer":"flea","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for soft-bodied, usually parasitic animals, the simplest of animals possessing heads","answer":"flatworm","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for solitary, slow-moving lizards, so named for their shape & their well-developed, protective, bony osteoderms (scales) that lie just beneath the outer skin","answer":"alligator lizard","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for the family comprising a peculiar group of spiny, fleshy plants native to america","answer":"cactus","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for the five species of a family of birds having exceptionally long legs & long, highly flexible necks","answer":"flamingo","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for the species of a genus of large birds having a long, large, flattened bill, the upper mandible terminated by a strong hook that curves over the tip of the lower one","answer":"pelican","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for three or four species of large trees native to mountainous areas of north africa & asia","answer":"cedar","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for two different members of the deer family","answer":"elk","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for two families of true (two-winged) flies, the larvae of what feed on fresh or decaying vegetable matter","answer":"fruit fly","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name for white soft limestone","answer":"chalk","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name given to several unrelated groups of seed-eating birds including the true finches, the hawaiian honeycreepers (honeycreeper), & a family of tiny birds of tropical & subtropical areas of eurasia","answer":"finch","money":1000},
{"question":"Common name loosely applied to any biting two-winged fly","answer":"gnat","money":1000},
{"question":"Common numbers (ie11)","answer":"411","money":1000},
{"question":"Common ore of iron, and one of the most commonly occurring minerals in nature","answer":"goethite","money":1000},
{"question":"Commonwealth day is celebrated on the second monday of which month","answer":"march","money":1000},
{"question":"Comoros and Gambia are among 4 countries where virtually 100% of the women are married by age 50, name the other two","answer":"Ghana and Nauru","money":1000},
{"question":"Compact, opaque gemstone ranging in color from dark green to almost white","answer":"jade","money":1000},
{"question":"Company that formerly owned Nullsoft & Winamp","answer":"America On-Line","money":1000},
{"question":"Company what is the abbreviation for lake minnetonka","answer":"lake tonka","money":1000},
{"question":"Company what is the former name of the tonka metalcraft company","answer":"mound metalcraft","money":1000},
{"question":"Compared to the earth, how much gravity does the moon have","answer":"one eighth","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete or almost complete absence of the sense of sight","answer":"blindness","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the group title ?Gerry and the' what","answer":"pacemakers","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the line: \"step on a crack\"","answer":"break your back","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the name of the 1970s group Bachman Turner ____","answer":"overdrive","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the name of the 1970s group Sutherland Brothers and ____","answer":"quiver","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the name of this famous U S ice hockey team \"The Los Angeles ____\"","answer":"kings","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the proverb: 'What you lose on the swings...'","answer":"you gain on the roundabouts","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the proverb: There's many a good tune","answer":"played on an old fiddle","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the saying: 'He who praises everybody ...'","answer":"praises nobody","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the saying: 'What can't be cured must be ...'","answer":"endured","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete the saying: An apple a day","answer":"Keeps the doctor away","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete this phrase: friends, romans,","answer":"countrymen","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete this proverb:'listeners never hear any...'","answer":"good of themselves","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete this quotation from Voltaire \"if God did not exist\"","answer":"It would be necessary to invent him","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete this quote: \"I feel the need... the need for____\"","answer":"Speed","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete this rhyme for a bride: \"something old, something new, ____\"","answer":"something borrowed, something blue","money":1000},
{"question":"Complete this saying 'all ship shape and'","answer":"bristol fashion","money":1000},
{"question":"Complex disease of uncertain origin caused by the faulty metabolism of uric acid produced in the body by breakdown of protein, & resulting in elevated levels of uric acid in the blood","answer":"gout","money":1000},
{"question":"Compounds of which molecule outnumber tenfold all other compounds of molecules together","answer":"carbon","money":1000},
{"question":"Comprising of 9 member countries, with cambodia poised to join as its tenth member is this grouping","answer":"asean","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: a \"lan\" is called a____","answer":"local area network","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: a file which has a \"hidden attribute\" is called a____","answer":"hidden file","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: After breaking into physicist Tsutomu Shimomura's computer on Christmas in 1994, what legendary hacker was taken down?","answer":"Kevin Mitnick","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: all keys that have a \"F\" with a number,are called a____","answer":"function key","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Charlie the pet dog was replace by what in the remake of the Absent-minded Professor called \"Flubber\" in 1997?","answer":"Weebo, the computer","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: demo means____","answer":"demonstration","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Digital Equipment Corporation sued what computer chip manufacturer claiming it stole the technology to develop the Pentium Pro?","answer":"Intel Corporation","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: From what source did William Henry Gates III amass his fortune?","answer":"Computer software","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Hal, the computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey, got its name how?","answer":"The letters before I B and M","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: How many bits are in a nibble","answer":"4","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: How much cache did the Coppermine CPU have","answer":"256k","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: How much cache did the Katmai CPU have","answer":"512k","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: How much cache did the Mendocino CPU have","answer":"128k","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: How much cache did the Thunderbird CPU have","answer":"256k","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: How much cache did the Tualatin CPU have","answer":"512k","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: How much cache did the Willamette CPU have","answer":"256k","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: In computer lingo what is a MUD?","answer":"Multi User Computer Game","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: In what field of study are the terms CPU, PC, and VDU used?","answer":"Computer Science","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: In what year was the Intel Pentium processor introduced","answer":"1993","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: List some operating systems","answer":"DOS","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: List some parts","answer":"Hard Drive","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: mhz stands for____","answer":"megahertz","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Movie maker George Lucas Filed a law suit against President Ronald Reagan to get him to stop referring to an outer space computer controlled defense system as what?","answer":"Star Wars","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: on \"Windows 95/98\",what application can you use to see all the files that you have on your computer","answer":"explorer","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: On the birthday of a famous painter, every March 6th, what computer virus strikes?","answer":"Michelangelo","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Originally, ENIAC, the world's first \"modern\" computer was constructed to do what?","answer":"To compute ballistic trajectories for artillery shells","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Pixar created a 1995 blockbuster hit move using computer animation. What was the title of the movie?","answer":"Toy Story","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Red Hat and Yellow Dog are computer outfits that distributed an alternative computer operating system. What was the name of the system?","answer":"Linux","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: That big square thing you're staring at right now is called a ____","answer":"monitor","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: The Dancing Baby computer generated 3D image danced it's way onto what TV show in 1998?","answer":"Ally McBeal","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: The displays commonly found in notebook and laptop computers are called what?","answer":"Liquid Crystal Display","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: The Electronic Frontier Foundation named its $250,000 computer designed to crack the U.S. government's outdated DES cryptographic code what?","answer":"Deep Crack","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: The first computer used for weather research was named what?","answer":"MANIAC","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: The generic term for the mechanical, electrical and electronic components of a computer are called what?","answer":"Hardware","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: The Internet Relay Chat Program, which normally connects to port 6667, is more commonly known as ____","answer":"irc","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: The Los Angeles Police Department developed a computer program to help solve homicides. What was it called?","answer":"HITMAN","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: to erase data or files from your computer is to____","answer":"format","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: To reorganise the data on your hard drive","answer":"defragment","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: to transmit files from a central computer or server to another is called____","answer":"upload","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What common element is used in the manufacture of computer chips?","answer":"Silicon","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What country did the operating system 'Linux' come from","answer":"Finland","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What did Charles Babbage invent when he designed his analytical engine in 1833?","answer":"Computer","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: what do you call a \"file extention\" given to \"batch files","answer":"bat","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What does 'IBM' stand for","answer":"International Business Machines","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What does ietf stand for","answer":"Internet Engineering Task Force","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: what does ram stand for","answer":"random access memory","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What does TFT mean when seen on a monitor","answer":"thin film transistor","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What does the 'x' mean when referring to the speed of a CD-rom (eg. 32x)","answer":"times (faster than standard speed)","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is MUD an abbreviation for","answer":"Multiple User Dungeon","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the codename for Pentium III cpu's with 256k cache","answer":"Coppermine","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the codename for Pentium III cpu's with 512k cache","answer":"Katmai","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the codename for Pentium IV cpu's with 256k cache","answer":"Willamette","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the codename for Pentium IV cpu's with 512k cache","answer":"Northwood","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the difference between the Intel 386DX and the Intel 386SX processor","answer":"Math Coprocessor","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the reason behind the layout of the Qwerty keyboard","answer":"To slow down typing rates","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to AMD's 5x86 CPU","answer":"Athlon","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to AMD's Athlon CPU","answer":"Athlon XP","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to ATI's Rage 128 video chipset","answer":"Radeon","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to ATI's Rage Pro video chipset","answer":"Rage 128","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to Intel's Pentium CPU","answer":"Pentium II","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to Intel's Pentium II CPU","answer":"Pentium III","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to Intel's Pentium III CPU","answer":"Pentium IV","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's Geforce 256 video chipset","answer":"Geforce2","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's Geforce2 video chipset","answer":"Geforce3","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's Riva 128 video chipset","answer":"TNT","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's TNT video chipset","answer":"TNT2","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to Nvidia's TNT2 video chipset","answer":"Geforce 256","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What is the successor to the Intel 486 CPU","answer":"Pentium","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: what is the web program \"web crawler\" used for","answer":"search engine","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: what key on the keyboard \"shifts\" the alphabets keys to \"uppercase\"","answer":"caps lock","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What kind of fruit was used to name a computer in 1984?","answer":"Apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What letter is between Q and E on a computer keyboard?","answer":"W","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What personal computer became a video production system with the addition of New Tek's Video Toaster?","answer":"Amiga","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What size cache do Pentium II cpu's have","answer":"512k","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What time doe the computer virus W32.MARIJUANA interrupt you to suggest taking a break?","answer":"4:20 p.m.","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What type of memory do i815 motherboards use","answer":"SDRAM","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What type of memory do i820 motherboards use","answer":"RDRAM","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What type of memory do i845 motherboards use","answer":"DDR-SDRAM","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What type of memory do i850 motherboards use","answer":"RDRAM","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What type of memory do Intel BX motherboards use","answer":"SDRAM","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What type of memory do KT133 motherboards use","answer":"SDRAM","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What type of memory do KT266 motherboards use","answer":"DDR-SDRAM","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What type of printer did Seiko develop for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics","answer":"dot matrix","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What U.S. Democratic senator had the first internet home page?","answer":"Ted Kennedy","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What was Fortran designed for","answer":"Formula Translation","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What was invented over 3000 years ago that is now considered the first 'computer'","answer":"abacus","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What was the first version of Microsoft Windows to have networking capabilities","answer":"Windows for Workgroups","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What was the first version of Microsoft Windows","answer":"Windows 286","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What was the name of the computer company that was named after the founder's memories of a summer in an Orchard in Oregon?","answer":"Apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: What was the name of the computer language named after a French philosopher and mathematician?","answer":"PASCAL","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: what year was the first IBM pc introduced","answer":"1981","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: when software stops responding & your computer freezes, what has happened to your computer","answer":"it crashed","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Which brothers built a home-made supercomputer to calculate the digits of Pi","answer":"Chudnovsky","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Which computer company dropped the Play Station line and created an Aptiva brand computer for home users?","answer":"IBM corporation","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Which computer language is an acronym of the name of the world's first computer programmer?","answer":"ADA","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: which drive is mostly the \"main drive\" on a pc computer","answer":"drive c:","money":1000},
{"question":"Computers: Who is the CEO of Apple computers","answer":"Steve Jobs","money":1000},
{"question":"Conakry is the capital of ____","answer":"guinea","money":1000},
{"question":"Concertino=short concerto, concertina=simple type of this instrument","answer":"accordian","money":1000},
{"question":"Concetta rosa maria franconero is the real name of which 60's singer","answer":"connie francis","money":1000},
{"question":"Concordia is the roman goddess of ____","answer":"harmonious relations","money":1000},
{"question":"Condition existing at the free surface of a liquid, resembling the properties of an elastic skin under tension","answer":"surface tension","money":1000},
{"question":"Condition in a circuit in which the combined impedances of the capacity and induction to alternating currents cancel each other out or reinforce each other","answer":"resonance","money":1000},
{"question":"Condition in which body temperature falls drastically as a result of exposure to cold","answer":"hypothermia","money":1000},
{"question":"Condition of persistent mental and emotional stress occuring after injury or severe shock","answer":"post-traumatic stress disorder","money":1000},
{"question":"Condition of weather that occurs when the air temperature is below freezing","answer":"Frost","money":1000},
{"question":"Conifer with dark foliage","answer":"cypress","money":1000},
{"question":"Connecticut was nicknamed beacuse John Fiske, the historian, claimed that The Fundamental Orders of 1638-39 comprised the first written constitution in history","answer":"The Constitution State","money":1000},
{"question":"Connecting the Japanese islands of Honshu & Hokkaido, the ____ is the world's longest rail tunnel","answer":"seikan","money":1000},
{"question":"Connors who did bobby fischer beat to win the world chess championship","answer":"boris spassky","money":1000},
{"question":"Conrad Music: Classical: who composed \"rhapsody in blue\"","answer":"george gershwin","money":1000},
{"question":"Considered \"too fat\" for a single seat, what film director was once bumped from a Southwest Airlines flight?","answer":"Kevin Smith","money":1000},
{"question":"Construction workers hard hats were first invented and used in the building of the ____ Dam in 1933","answer":"hoover","money":1000},
{"question":"contact, starring jodie foster, was written by","answer":"carl sagan","money":1000},
{"question":"Contagious disease of warm-blooded animals, including humans, caused by the bacterium bacillus anthracis","answer":"anthrax","money":1000},
{"question":"Contagious febrile disease of animals and, rarely, humans","answer":"foot & mouth disease","money":1000},
{"question":"Containing 27 chapters, which book of the Old Testament is concerned with priestly laws and rituals","answer":"leviticus","money":1000},
{"question":"Contamination of air, water, or soil by materials that interfere with human health, the quality of life, or the natural functioning of ecosystems","answer":"pollution","money":1000},
{"question":"Contraception: After who is the 'Ramses' brand condom named","answer":"Pharaoh Ramses II","money":1000},
{"question":"Contrary to popular belief, there are almost no Buddhists in____ , nor have there been for about a thousand years","answer":"india","money":1000},
{"question":"Conventionally middle class materialist","answer":"bourgeois","money":1000},
{"question":"Conversion of the vibrations of sound (for example, music) into a permanent record, & its later playback in its original form (sound)","answer":"sound recording & reproduction","money":1000},
{"question":"Converter \"slow ride\" was foghats biggest hit from this album released in 1975","answer":"fool","money":1000},
{"question":"Conway who, according to a song, damaged her foot on a piece of wood and fell into a raging torrent","answer":"clementine","money":1000},
{"question":"Cookie what gas that animals exhale do plants utilize","answer":"carbon dioxide","money":1000},
{"question":"Cooking and salad ____ could lubricate machinery, such as cars and boats, according to Penn State chemical engineers","answer":"oils","money":1000},
{"question":"Coolidge colorless, corrosive liquid that has the chemical formula hno3","answer":"nitric acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Coolidge what heisman trophy winner returned his first nfl kickoff for a touchdown","answer":"tim brown","money":1000},
{"question":"Copenhagen is the capital of ____","answer":"denmark","money":1000},
{"question":"Copernicus what is new, last or gibbous","answer":"moon","money":1000},
{"question":"Cord what colour is the umbilical cord","answer":"blue","money":1000},
{"question":"Cornflakes was invented in 1863, 1890 or 1915","answer":"1890","money":1000},
{"question":"Coronation street's kabin is located in which street","answer":"ross street","money":1000},
{"question":"Corregidor is a part of which island group","answer":"philippines","money":1000},
{"question":"cortez conquered mexico; he conquered peru","answer":"pizarro","money":1000},
{"question":"Cortez is to mexico as ____ is to peru","answer":"pizarro","money":1000},
{"question":"Cos, Web's Wonderful & Winter Density are all types of what","answer":"lettuce","money":1000},
{"question":"Cosmetic surgeons remove more than ____,____ pounds of fat from american every year","answer":"200,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Count Almaviva, a character in Rossini's The Barber of Seville , also appears in which opera by Mozart","answer":"the marriage of figaro","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries into which the Alps extend","answer":"Austria","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: 33 atolls in mid-Pacific Ocean, Tarawa is the capital","answer":"kiribati","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: about 700 islands between Florida & Haiti","answer":"bahamas","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: At 21 square kms, this is the world's Smallest island country","answer":"Nauru","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Brunei is on which island","answer":"borneo","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Brussels is the capital of ____","answer":"belgium","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Buenos Aires is the capital of ____","answer":"argentina","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: By what name is the country of Bechuanaland now known","answer":"botswana","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Cairo is the capital of ____","answer":"egypt","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Canadian Capitals","answer":"St. John's","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Canadian Provinces","answer":"Newfoundland and Labrador","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Capitals: what national capital is heated by underground hot-water springs","answer":"reykjavik, iceland","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Capitals: what national capital rises where the blue nile and white nile converge","answer":"khartoum, sudan","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Capitals: what's the world's southernmost national capital","answer":"wellington, new zealand","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Caracas is the capital of ____","answer":"venezuela","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Central America, Tegucigalpa is the capital","answer":"honduras","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: central Europe, the capital is Bratislava","answer":"slovakia","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: central Europe, the capital is Prague","answer":"czech republic","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: central Pacific Ocean, southwest of Hawaii, this island is covered in phosphate, it's principal export","answer":"nauru","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: chain of more than 3,000 islands, major cities include Yokohama & Osaka","answer":"japan","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: east-central Europe, the capital is Kiev","answer":"ukraine","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: eastern coast of Baltic Sea in northeastern Europe, the capital is Vilnius","answer":"lithuania","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: equatorial country in central Africa, Kinshasa is the capital","answer":"congo","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: In central Europe, bounded on the north by the North Sea, Denmark, & the Baltic Sea; on the east by Poland & the Czech Republic; on the south by Austria & Switzerland; & on the west by France, Luxembourg, Belgium, & the Netherlands","answer":"federal republic of germany","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: In east asia, the world's third largest country by area (after russia and canada) and the largest by population","answer":"china","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: land of the thousand lakes","answer":"finland","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: landlocked country in central South America, the capital is Asuncion","answer":"paraguay","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: landlocked country in southern Africa, the capital is Gaborone","answer":"botswana","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: landlocked country in southern Africa, the capital is Harare","answer":"zimbabwe","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Maine is the ____ capital of the world","answer":"toothpick","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: north eastern Africa, the capital is Djibouti","answer":"french somaliland","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: north eastern coast of central America, the capital is Belmopan","answer":"belize","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: north eastern Europe & northern Asia, major cities include St. Petersburg & Novosibirsk","answer":"russia","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: north eastern Europe, the capital is Tallinn","answer":"estonia","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: north eastern South America, the capital is Georgetown","answer":"guyana","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: north western Africa, major cities include Casablanca & Marrakech","answer":"morocco","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: north western Africa, Nouakchott is the capital","answer":"mauritania","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: northern part of central American Isthmus, major cities include Quezaltenango & Escuintla","answer":"guatemala","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Over what place in india is it forbidden to fly an airplane","answer":"Taj Mahal","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: roof at the top of the world","answer":"tibet","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Seoul is the capital of ____","answer":"south korea","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: South africa is the biggest producer and exporter of ____","answer":"mohair","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: south eastern Europe, major cities include Thessaloniki & Piraeus","answer":"greece","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: south eastern Europe, the capital is Ljubljana","answer":"slovenia","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: southern shore of Arabian peninsula, Sana'a is the capital","answer":"yemen","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Taipei is the capital of ____","answer":"taiwan","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: western Asia, Amman is the capital","answer":"jordan","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: western Asia, the capital is Damascus","answer":"syria","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: western Asia, the capital is Tehran","answer":"iran","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: western coast of Africa, major cites include Yamoussoukro & Abidjan","answer":"ivory coast","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: western coast of Africa, the capital is Porto-novo","answer":"benin","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: western coast of South American, major cities include Arequipa & Trujillo","answer":"peru","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: What are chief export of Nauru, an island nation in the Western Pacific?","answer":"bird droppings","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: What country suffers from the most earthquakes","answer":"japan","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: Which country is the biggest producer and exporter of mohair","answer":"South Africa","money":1000},
{"question":"Countries: With y's","answer":"Italy","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: Abe Lincoln and ____ ____","answer":"mary todd","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: archie bunker and ____","answer":"edith","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: Ashford and ____","answer":"simpson","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: Chang and Eng were the original pair of these","answer":"siamese twin","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: charles and ____","answer":"di","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: donnie & ____","answer":"marie","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: eleanor & ____","answer":"franklin","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: ferdinand and ____","answer":"isabella","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: Harry Truman and ____","answer":"bess","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: Heloise & ____","answer":"abelard","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: his desire to marry this american prompted edward viii to abdicate the throne","answer":"wallis simpson","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: Jean Paul Sartre and ____ ____ ____","answer":"simone de beauvoir","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: jim bakker and ____ ____","answer":"tammy faye","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: lyndon johnson and ____ ____","answer":"lady bird","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: michael jackson and ____ ____","answer":"lisa marie","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: miss piggy and ____","answer":"kermit","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: Othello and ____","answer":"desdemona","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: Paris and ____","answer":"laura","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: prince rainer and ____ ____","answer":"grace kelly","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: Puss and ____, nursery rhyme","answer":"boots","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: romeo and ____","answer":"juliet","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: samson & ____","answer":"delilah","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: She is the gypsy girl Quasimodo loves","answer":"esmeralda","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: sid (vicious) & ____","answer":"nancy","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: sluggo and ____","answer":"nancy","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: the archeologist mallowan, was married to this popular english author","answer":"agatha christie","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: the late great writing team will and ariel ____","answer":"durant","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: They ruled Britain jointly from 1689-1694","answer":"william and mary","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: victoria & ____","answer":"albert","money":1000},
{"question":"Couples: winston smith and ____","answer":"julia","money":1000},
{"question":"Crack gets its name because it ____ when you smoke it","answer":"crackles","money":1000},
{"question":"Cranberries are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them; a fully ripened cranberry can be dribbled like a____","answer":"basketball","money":1000},
{"question":"Cranberry Jello, is the only jello flavor that comes from the____ , not artificial flavoring","answer":"real fruit","money":1000},
{"question":"Cranesbill is the wild form of which garden flower","answer":"Geranium","money":1000},
{"question":"Crater formed by an explosion or collapse of a volcanic vent","answer":"caldera","money":1000},
{"question":"Creamy sauce of butter,egg yolks and vinegar","answer":"hollandaise","money":1000},
{"question":"Creation of programs, databases etc.for computer applications","answer":"authoring","money":1000},
{"question":"Creator of Noddy","answer":"enid blyton","money":1000},
{"question":"Creatures of class including spiders and scorpions","answer":"arachnid","money":1000},
{"question":"Credit card on which magnetically encoded information is stored to be read by an electronic device","answer":"swipe card","money":1000},
{"question":"Creedence clearwater revival sings 'have you ever ____'","answer":"seen the rain","money":1000},
{"question":"Creek what position has been held by 266 men, 33 of whom have died violently","answer":"pope","money":1000},
{"question":"Crikey, It's a Sniiike: Although the South American Anaconda is sometimes claimed to be the longest snake, this is actually the longest recorded snake","answer":"Reticulated Python","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime of getting married again whilst still legally married","answer":"bigamy","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: Edward G. Robinson gained notoriety by playing this hoodlum","answer":"little caesar","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: Frank Chambers is mad for her in the Postman Always Rings Twice","answer":"cora papadalis","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: George Smiley's nemesis","answer":"karla","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: Hammett's anonymous detective","answer":"continental op","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: He played Caspar Gutman in the 1941 John Huston film","answer":"sydney greenstreet","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: Lt. Joe Leaphorn and Sgt. Jim Chee work for this tribe","answer":"navajo","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: MacDonald bum who lives on a houseboat","answer":"travis mcgee","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: Raymond Chandler's gumshoe","answer":"phillip marlowe","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: Red October is this","answer":"submarine","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: Rumpole tipples here","answer":"pomeroys wine bar","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: The Cornwall mansion in Rebecca","answer":"manderley","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: The grandmaster of the locked-room puzzle","answer":"john dickson carr","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: The most famous lawyer/sleuth","answer":"perry mason","money":1000},
{"question":"Crime Stories: The name of Travis McGee's houseboat","answer":"the busted flush","money":1000},
{"question":"Cronus is identified with which roman god","answer":"uranus","money":1000},
{"question":"Cross what day of the week did solomon grundy die","answer":"saturday","money":1000},
{"question":"Crusher which word is derived from \"user of hashish\"","answer":"assassin","money":1000},
{"question":"Crusoe in what state is the theodore roosevelt national park","answer":"north dakota","money":1000},
{"question":"Cryogenics is the study of the very ____","answer":"cold","money":1000},
{"question":"Cuba is the only island in the caribbean to have a____","answer":"railroad","money":1000},
{"question":"Cuirass, greave and pauldron are all pieces belonging to what","answer":"armour","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: Because the emu and the kangaroo cannot walk backwards, they are on the Australian ____","answer":"coat of arms","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: Culture: Where are the Hausa and Ibo tribes","answer":"Nigeria","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: For which country is the lotus flower the national symbol","answer":"India","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: In which country is it polite to stick your tongue out at your guests","answer":"Tibet","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: In which country is milk the most popular beverage","answer":"USA","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: In which town does the famous 'running of the bulls' take place","answer":"Pamplona","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What animals are on the Australian coat of arms","answer":"emu and kangaroo","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What are the roads of Guam paved with","answer":"coral","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What are the sandals called that are worn in ceremonial japanese tradition","answer":"tabi","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What city do the Italians call the Monaco of bavaria","answer":"Munich","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What do the Italians call Munich","answer":"Monaco of Bavaria","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What famous building is located on the banks of the river Jumna","answer":"Taj Mahal","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What happened on screen for the first time in India in 1977","answer":"Screen kiss","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What is a water taxi known as in Venice","answer":"gondola","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What is the most common name in italy","answer":"Mario Rossi","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What is the name of a quarter of Jerusalem that can be translated as 'hundred gates'","answer":"Mea Shearim","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What is the name of the wrought iron tower in Paris","answer":"Eiffel Tower","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What is the national symbol for India","answer":"lotus flower","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What is the sacred river of Hinduism","answer":"Ganges","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What is the tribal african word for dowry","answer":"lobola","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: What London landmark has an 11 foot long hand","answer":"Big Ben","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: When is turkey traditionally eaten in America","answer":"thanksgiving","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: Where do the English monarchs live","answer":"Buckingham Palace","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: Where is the Blarney Stone","answer":"Blarney Castle, Ireland","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: Where was it once against the law to have a pet dog","answer":"Iceland","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: Where would one eat a taco","answer":"Mexico","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: Which country eats the most turkey per capita","answer":"Israel","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: Which famous museum is in Paris, France","answer":"Louvre","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture: Which nationality calls Munich the 'Monaco of Bavaria'","answer":"Italians","money":1000},
{"question":"Culture:Israel has the highest per capital consumption of ____","answer":"turkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Cumulus, cirrus and stratus are all types of what","answer":"clouds","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: Germany's equivalent to the dollar is the ____","answer":"deutsche mark","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: Israel's equivalent to the dollar is the ____","answer":"shekel","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: Italy's equivalant to the dollar is the ____","answer":"lira","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: Japan's equivalent to the dollar is the ____","answer":"yen","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: List some currencies ","answer":"Lira","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: Mexico's equivalent to the dollar is the ____","answer":"peso","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: Spain's equivalent to the dollar is the ____","answer":"peseta","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: Thailand","answer":"Bahts","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: The Danish","answer":"Krone","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: The Indian","answer":"Rupee","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: The Maltese","answer":"Liri","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: The quetzal is the currency of ____","answer":"Guatemala","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: The Swedish","answer":"krone","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: Turkish","answer":"Lirasi","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: What country's currency is the Bolivar","answer":"Venezuela","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: What is the currency of Guatemala","answer":"quetzal","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: What is the currency of Venezuela","answer":"Bolivar","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: What is the Japanese currency","answer":"yen","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: What is the monetary unit of India","answer":"rupee","money":1000},
{"question":"Currencies: Which country has the currency 'yen'","answer":"Japan","money":1000},
{"question":"Curtain serving to screen Hindu or Muslim women from the sight of men or strangers","answer":"purdah","money":1000},
{"question":"Curved inwards","answer":"concave","money":1000},
{"question":"Curved outwards","answer":"convex","money":1000},
{"question":"Cushion for kneeling on in church","answer":"hassock","money":1000},
{"question":"Custer was the youngest General in US history, he was promoted at the age of","answer":"23","money":1000},
{"question":"cyberpunk: a program that runs in the background of a decker's os:","answer":"daemon","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: A program used for defeating passwords, or the name of your dictionary:","answer":"webster","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: Bionic enhancement which allows user to manipulate any voice or sound:","answer":"silver tongue","money":1000},
{"question":"cyberpunk: book by william gibson, thought by many to have started cyberpunk:","answer":"neuromancer","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: Cyberpunk term for \"logging in\" to a cyberspace system:","answer":"jacking in","money":1000},
{"question":"cyberpunk: dynamix' cyberpunk adventure game, starring \"blade\" hunter:","answer":"rise of the dragon","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: He wrote \"Schismatrix\", a particularly influential cyberpunk novel:","answer":"bruce sterling","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: In this predecessor of Cyberpunk novels, the hero was Guy Montag:","answer":"fahrenheit 451","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: Light, reflective armor used to protect wearer from laser fire:","answer":"reflec","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: Name of Max Headroom's alter ego:","answer":"edison carter","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: Name of the actor who played Murphy/RoboCop in \"RoboCop\"","answer":"peter weller","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: Russian word for underground press:","answer":"samizdat","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyberpunk: These computer simulated personalities are dominant in Cyberspace:","answer":"artificial intelligence","money":1000},
{"question":"cyberpunk: this famous cyberpunk writer has an award named after him","answer":"dick","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyprus has a ____ on its flag","answer":"map","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyprus lies in which sea","answer":"mediterranean","money":1000},
{"question":"Cyrus curtis founded what woman's magazine in 1896","answer":"ladies home journal","money":1000},
{"question":"Cystallite is the material ____ are made from","answer":"snooker balls","money":1000},
{"question":"Czar ____ banished soldiers to Siberia for marching out of step","answer":"paul i","money":1000},
{"question":"Czar Paul I banished soldiers to ____ for marching out of step","answer":"siberia","money":1000},
{"question":"D is the roman numeral for which number","answer":"five hundred","money":1000},
{"question":"Dactylography is the study and practice of what","answer":"finger printing","money":1000},
{"question":"Dagon is the mesopotamian god of ____","answer":"vegetation","money":1000},
{"question":"Dainty or cute to an affected degree","answer":"cutesy","money":1000},
{"question":"Dairy products account for about ____ of all food consumed in the U.S","answer":"29%","money":1000},
{"question":"Daisy cooper was a housekeeper in what western","answer":"laramie","money":1000},
{"question":"Daisy Hawkins was the original song title for which Beatle hit","answer":"Eleanor Rigby","money":1000},
{"question":"Dalcroze, Professor of Harmony at the Geneva Conservatoire, conceived of which form of exercise","answer":"eurhythmics","money":1000},
{"question":"Damascus is the capital of ____","answer":"syria","money":1000},
{"question":"Dame Edna Everages companion","answer":"madge allsop","money":1000},
{"question":"Dame where is the notre dame cathedral","answer":"paris","money":1000},
{"question":"Danish architect Yorn Utzon designed what Australian building to resemble a giant sailing ship","answer":"Sydney Opera House","money":1000},
{"question":"Dapsang is another name for which major mountain","answer":"k2","money":1000},
{"question":"Dar es salaam is the capital of ____","answer":"tanzania","money":1000},
{"question":"Dark skinned nomadic European","answer":"gypsy","money":1000},
{"question":"Dark volcanic rock","answer":"basalt","money":1000},
{"question":"Dating back to the 1600s, thermometers were filled with ____ instead of mercury","answer":"brandy","money":1000},
{"question":"David ball was the less flamboyant member od which duo","answer":"soft cell","money":1000},
{"question":"David Letterman attended what Indiana University","answer":"Ball State","money":1000},
{"question":"Davita's Harp_","answer":"chaim potok","money":1000},
{"question":"Death of body tissue usually caused by bad circulation","answer":"gangrene","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: 1960s: In 1967, Jayne Mansfield, actress, dies in a car crash at the age of","answer":"thirty four","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: 1970s: Funeral of Pope____ in 1978","answer":"paul vi","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: 1970s: In 1978, Bob Crane actor (Hogan's Heroes), murdered at the age of","answer":"fifty nine","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: 1970s: This world leader died in Cairo in 1970","answer":"gamal abdel nasser","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: 1980s: Shot dead at the airport in Manila, in 1983","answer":"benigno aquino","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: 1990s: Indian film maker who died in the early 90s, given honorary Academy Award for lifetime achievement","answer":"satyajit ray","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: Art: 1950s: ____ Pollock abstract artist, dies in auto accident in 1956(East Hampton)","answer":"jackson","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: Art: 1950s: Jackson ____ abstract artist, dies in auto accident in 1956(East Hampton)","answer":"pollock","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: Art: 1950s: Jackson Pollock abstract artist, dies in a ____ in 1956(East Hampton)","answer":"car accident","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: Israel PM who made peace with Egypt at Camp David, who died in the early 90s","answer":"menachem begin","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: Last surviving Nazi war criminal of rank died in the early 90s, chief enforcer of \"reign of terror\"","answer":"klaus barbie","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: Owner of global press empire which included the New York Daily News, who died in the early 90s","answer":"robert maxwell","money":1000},
{"question":"Deaths: Senior Democratic Senator from North Dakota, who died in the early 90s","answer":"quentin burdick","money":1000},
{"question":"Decipher this famous saying: a mass of concentrated earthly material perennially rotating on its axis will not accumulate an accretion of bryophytic vegetation","answer":"a rolling stone gathers no moss","money":1000},
{"question":"Decipher this famous saying: everything that coruscates with effulgence is not ipso facto aurous","answer":"all that glitters is not gold","money":1000},
{"question":"Decoration of food","answer":"garnish","money":1000},
{"question":"Defender of the US constitution whose headstone reads '...that nothing's so sacred as honor and nothing's so loyal as love'","answer":"wyatt earp","money":1000},
{"question":"Deficiency of dietary fibre leads to...","answer":"constipation","money":1000},
{"question":"Degrees who was the indian maiden in johnny preston's 'running bear'","answer":"little white","money":1000},
{"question":"Delivery of child by cutting into the abdomen","answer":"cesarean","money":1000},
{"question":"Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Iceland combine to make what","answer":"scandinavia","money":1000},
{"question":"Denver is the capital of ____","answer":"colorado","money":1000},
{"question":"Dephlogisticated air was the name given by Joseph Priestley to which gas","answer":"oxygen","money":1000},
{"question":"Derived from the latin 'australis', what does australia mean","answer":"southern","money":1000},
{"question":"Designed about 1860 by George Meacham, this was the first public botanic garden in the United States","answer":"Boston Public Garden","money":1000},
{"question":"Despite a population of over a billion, China has only about ____ family names","answer":"200","money":1000},
{"question":"Detectives (full names)","answer":"sherlock holmes","money":1000},
{"question":"Detectives","answer":"Dixon Hill","money":1000},
{"question":"Determination of the depth of a body of water","answer":"sounding","money":1000},
{"question":"Deuteronomy what is the capital of illinois","answer":"springfield","money":1000},
{"question":"Development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be complete and self sustaining","answer":"permaculture","money":1000},
{"question":"Device for driving air into fire","answer":"bellows","money":1000},
{"question":"Device for viewing a revolving or oscillating object by making the object appear to be at rest","answer":"stroboscope","money":1000},
{"question":"Device installed on a deck of a warship for launching aircraft","answer":"catapult","money":1000},
{"question":"Device which automatically maintains a motor vehicle at a chosen speed is called","answer":"cruise control","money":1000},
{"question":"Devil's tower, the first us national monument, is located in what state","answer":"wyoming","money":1000},
{"question":"Devoid of its ____ and proteins, human blood has the same general makeup as seawater","answer":"cells","money":1000},
{"question":"Devoid of its cells and____ , human blood has the same general makeup as seawater","answer":"proteins","money":1000},
{"question":"Devon is the only county in Great Britain to have ____ coasts","answer":"two","money":1000},
{"question":"Devon is the only county in Great Britain to have two ____","answer":"coasts","money":1000},
{"question":"Diameter TV/Film: Who played shortstop for charlie brown's baseball team","answer":"snoopy","money":1000},
{"question":"Diamond is the birthstone for which month","answer":"april","money":1000},
{"question":"Diamonds are composed of which element","answer":"carbon","money":1000},
{"question":"Diamonds were discovered near kimberley in 1841,1867 or 1893","answer":"1867","money":1000},
{"question":"Diamonds which band covered nilsson's 'one' and brought it to the top ten in 1969","answer":"three dog night","money":1000},
{"question":"Diana ross sings 'everytime you touch me i become a hero'. what is the song title","answer":"when you tell me that you love me","money":1000},
{"question":"Diana ross sings 'noone knows what goes on behind ____'","answer":"closed doors","money":1000},
{"question":"Dibble means to drink like a____","answer":"duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Dick Van Dyke Show: In what year did the show premiere","answer":"1961","money":1000},
{"question":"Dick Van Dyke Show: What body part would Rob lose if he became a Twyloite","answer":"thumb","money":1000},
{"question":"Dick Van Dyke Show: What instrument did Buddy play","answer":"cello","money":1000},
{"question":"Dick Van Dyke Show: What kind of sports car did Rob Petrie buy","answer":"tarantula","money":1000},
{"question":"Dickinson where was emily dickinson's home","answer":"massachusetts","money":1000},
{"question":"Did superman have a logo on his cape","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Name 5 of the original Digidestined?","answer":"Tai","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: What are the devices called that allow Digimon to digivolve?","answer":"Digivice","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: What do the 9 crests represent?","answer":"Courage","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: What is required to trigger the Ultimate level digivolution?","answer":"Digimon Crest","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: What is the name of the world where the digimon come from?","answer":"The Digital World","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: What was the first Digimon series known as?","answer":"Digimon Adventure","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who defeated Devimon?","answer":"Angemon","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who defeated Etemon?","answer":"MetalGreymon","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who defeated MetalSeadramon?","answer":"WarGreymon","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who defeated Myotismon?","answer":"Angewomon","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who defeated Puppetmon?","answer":"MetalGarurumon","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who defeated Shellmon?","answer":"Greymon","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who defeated VenomMyotismon?","answer":"WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who does Agumon belong to?","answer":"Tai","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who does Biyomon belong to?","answer":"Sora","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who does Gabumon belong to?","answer":"Matt","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who does Gatomon belong to?","answer":"Kari","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who does Gomamon belong to?","answer":"Joe","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who does Palmon belong to?","answer":"Mimi","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who does Patamon belong to?","answer":"T.K","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who does Tentamon belong to?","answer":"Izzy","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who is Matts younger brother?","answer":"T.K","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who is the first Mega Digimon to be shown in the series?","answer":"VenomMyotismon","money":1000},
{"question":"Digimon: Who is the first Ultimate Digimon to be shown in the series?","answer":"Etemon","money":1000},
{"question":"Director of \"It Happened One Night\" and \"You Can't Take It With You', who died in the early 90s","answer":"frank capra","money":1000},
{"question":"Dirk, poniard, and stiletto are all types of what","answer":"daggers","money":1000},
{"question":"Disc of light shown round the head of a sacred person","answer":"halo","money":1000},
{"question":"Disco singer donna summer struts into the top 10 with the song","answer":"last dance","money":1000},
{"question":"Discovered in the 30s, Jonker and President Vargas were types of what?","answer":"Diamond","money":1000},
{"question":"Discoverer of antiseptic","answer":"joseph lister","money":1000},
{"question":"Discoverer of nine ancient cities including Troy, Heinrich Schliemann made spectacular excavations of which city during 1874 to 1876","answer":"mycenae","money":1000},
{"question":"Discoverer of penicillin","answer":"alexander flemming","money":1000},
{"question":"Discoverer of the circulation of the body","answer":"william harvey","money":1000},
{"question":"Discoverer of the planet of pluto","answer":"james christy","money":1000},
{"question":"Disease: Caused by deficiency of vitamin b","answer":"beri-beri","money":1000},
{"question":"Disease: Of animals, especially birds, monkeys, & humans, caused by infection by protozoans of the genus plasmodium & characterized by chills & intermittent fever","answer":"malaria","money":1000},
{"question":"Disease: Sleeping sickness is carried by which insect","answer":"tsetse fly","money":1000},
{"question":"Disease: What disease is carried by the tsetse fly","answer":"sleeping sickness","money":1000},
{"question":"Diseases/Medicine: What disorder's name is derived from the Greek for \"without appetite\"","answer":"Anorexia","money":1000},
{"question":"Disgrace through shameful conduct is known as","answer":"opprobrium","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: ____ comics were nearly banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants","answer":"donald duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: ____ tree house in Disneyland has 300,000 fake leaves on it which are changed twice a year to reflect the seasons","answer":"the swiss family robinson","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: \"Hair Facts\" from the Broadway version of \"Beauty and The Beast\": Four characters' wigs are made of ____: Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Madame de la Grande Bouche, and the Sugar Bowl from \"Be Our Guest.\"","answer":"yak hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: \"Hair Facts\" from the Broadway version of \"Beauty and The Beast\": It took 20 pounds of human hair and ____ man hours to create the first Beast","answer":"400","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: \"Hair Facts\" from the Broadway version of \"Beauty and The Beast\": The 30-inch length human hair needed to build Belle's wig was specially imported from ____","answer":"india","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: \"Hair Facts\" from the Broadway version of \"Beauty and The Beast\": The average number of wig changes for each ensemble member is ____ per show","answer":"eight","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: \"Hair Facts\" from the Broadway version of \"Beauty and The Beast\": The Beast's tail is made up of seven yards of ____","answer":"human hair","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: 1990s: In 1992, what country saw the opening of euro disneyland","answer":"france","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: At Disneyland Paris, the park's famous ____ is known as Le Ch?teau de la Belle au Bois Dormant","answer":"sleeping beauty castle","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Disney World in Florida was opened to the public in 1971. The amusement park was the largest in the world, set within ____ acres. It required a $400-million investment, and did not do well during the first year it was opened","answer":"28,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Disney World in Orlando, Florida covers ____ acres (46 square miles), making it twice the size of the island of Manhattan, New York","answer":"30,500","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Disney's ____ was featured on cereal boxes for the Post cereal Toasties corn flakes back in 1935","answer":"mickey mouse","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Disney's ____ was the first roller coaster to run on steel tubes, which made the ride smoother while allowing Disney to build longer-lasting coasters faster and cheaper","answer":"matterhorn","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Disneyland opened in what year","answer":"1955","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Every plant in Tomorrowland at Disneyland in Anaheim, California, is edible. Plants in this section of the amusement park include ____, strawberries, tomatoes, and more. Guest are more than welcome to pick their fill","answer":"bananas","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: H.R. Haldeman and Ron Ziegler, who helped plan the ____ burglary for President Nixon, both worked at Disneyland when they were younger","answer":"watergate","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: On what New Orleans Square (Disneyland) ride do you travel up a waterfall","answer":"pirates of the caribbean","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Only 10,000 people visited Disney World, Florida during the first year. With time, however, the attendance numbers rose to more than ____ people an hour","answer":"10,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Purely coincidental, Disneyland and Walt Disney World amusement parks are in counties with the same name. The former is in Orange County, California; the latter is in Orange County, ____","answer":"florida","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: The ____ to the picturesque, 77-foot-tall Sleeping Beauty's Castle in Disneyland in southern California, actually works. It was lowered on the opening day of the park, July 17, 1955","answer":"drawbridge","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: The Brodway version of Disney \"The Lion King\" uses more than ____ puppets","answer":"232","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: The first \"technology\" corporation to move into California's Silicon Valley was Hewlett-Packard, in 1938. Stanford University engineers Bill Hewlett and Dave TV/Film: Packard started their company in a Palo Alto garage with $1,538. Their first product was an audio oscillator bought by Walt Disney Studios for use in the making of ____","answer":"fantasia","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Walt Disney had an apartment in disneyland, where was it located","answer":"over the fire house","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Walt Disney World is home to the largest working wardrobe in the world with over ____ costumes in its inventory","answer":"2.5 million","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Walt Disney's autograph bears no resemblance to the famous Disney ____","answer":"logo","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: Walt Disney's family dog was named ____. She was a poodle","answer":"lady","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: What is one of the main entertainment areas in Disneyworld called","answer":"magic kingdom","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: What is the campground area in Disneyworld called","answer":"fort wilderness","money":1000},
{"question":"Disney: What is the old west section of Disneyworld called","answer":"frontierland","money":1000},
{"question":"District of ancient greece on the northern coast of the gulf of corinth","answer":"aetolia","money":1000},
{"question":"Divas ____ music goddesses past & present","answer":"Barbra Streisand","money":1000},
{"question":"Diverse group of either single-celled or multicellular organisms that obtain food by direct absorption of nutrients","answer":"fungi","money":1000},
{"question":"Diving sea bird with black plumage","answer":"cormorant","money":1000},
{"question":"Division of geologic time in the Cenozoic era following the tertiary period (geology)","answer":"quaternary period","money":1000},
{"question":"Division what's popeye's official age","answer":"34","money":1000},
{"question":"DNA analysis suggests there are three distinct species of this animal, African forest, African savanna & Indian. What animal","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"DNA stands for what","answer":"deoxyribonucleic acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Do arteries carry blood towards or away from the heart","answer":"away","money":1000},
{"question":"Do some jets use kerosene as fuel","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you is also called what","answer":"golden rule","money":1000},
{"question":"Doctor Crippen was arrested aboard which ship","answer":"montrose","money":1000},
{"question":"Dodgers what famous singer played the title role in \"the great caruso\"","answer":"mario lanza","money":1000},
{"question":"Doers Of Deeds: English queen who reigned during the persecution of protestants in the 16 cent","answer":"bloody mary","money":1000},
{"question":"Doers Of Deeds: Man in charge of the New Deal","answer":"roosevelt","money":1000},
{"question":"Doers Of Deeds: Russian-born Israeli woman who served as prime minister of Israel, 1969-1974","answer":"golda meir","money":1000},
{"question":"Doers Of Deeds: The leader of the Norman Conquest","answer":"william the conqueror","money":1000},
{"question":"Does 'verbatim' mean 'in the same words' or 'opposite'","answer":"in the same words","money":1000},
{"question":"Does a 'milliner' make & sell flour, hats or windmills","answer":"hats","money":1000},
{"question":"Does a cat groom itself more in cold weather or in warm weather","answer":"warm","money":1000},
{"question":"Does a giraffe have a voice","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Does a person's heart rate increase or decrease during exercise","answer":"increase","money":1000},
{"question":"Does a wild rabbit live 10, 15 or 20 years","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?","answer":"Breakfast Club","money":1000},
{"question":"Does batman's mask cover his nose","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Does botany bay lie to the north or south of sydney","answer":"south","money":1000},
{"question":"Does elizabeth ii face to the left or right on a british coin","answer":"right","money":1000},
{"question":"Does Robin Hood have a feather in his cap","answer":"yes","money":1000},
{"question":"Does sound travel faster in warmer or colder air","answer":"warmer","money":1000},
{"question":"Does tennis service begin in the left or right court","answer":"right","money":1000},
{"question":"Dogs ____ through the pads of their feet","answer":"sweat","money":1000},
{"question":"Dogs & humans are the only animals with what","answer":"prostates","money":1000},
{"question":"Dogs and cats consume over ____ worth of pet food a year","answer":"$","money":1000},
{"question":"Dogs and cats consume over ____ worth of pet food a year","answer":"$11 billion","money":1000},
{"question":"Dogs are ____ blind","answer":"colour","money":1000},
{"question":"Dogs bark and cows moo, but what does a Khaki Campbell do","answer":"quack","money":1000},
{"question":"Dogs bark, donkeys ____","answer":"bray","money":1000},
{"question":"Dogs can hear ____ that humans cant","answer":"sounds","money":1000},
{"question":"Dogs","answer":"German Shepard","money":1000},
{"question":"Dolly, dimmer & rocker are all types of what","answer":"light switches","money":1000},
{"question":"Dolores Ibarruri was better known under what name during the Spanish Civil War","answer":"la passionaria","money":1000},
{"question":"Dolphins ____ with one eye open","answer":"sleep","money":1000},
{"question":"domenikos theotocopoulus is better known as this","answer":"el greco","money":1000},
{"question":"Domestic Metallurgy Name the clothing wrinkle remover that sounds like a kind of metal","answer":"iron","money":1000},
{"question":"Dominica supplies a good part of the world with Rose's","answer":"lime juice","money":1000},
{"question":"Dominica, ____ , Zambia, Kiribati, Fiji and Egypt all have birds on their flags","answer":"mexico","money":1000},
{"question":"Dominica, Mexico, ____ , Kiribati, Fiji and Egypt all have birds on their flags","answer":"zambia","money":1000},
{"question":"Dominica, Mexico, Zambia, ____ , Fiji and Egypt all have birds on their flags","answer":"kiribati","money":1000},
{"question":"Dominica, Mexico, Zambia, Kiribati, ____ and Egypt all have birds on their flags","answer":"fiji","money":1000},
{"question":"Dominica, Mexico, Zambia, Kiribati, Fiji & Egypt all have what on their flags","answer":"birds","money":1000},
{"question":"Don Carlos, subject of an opera by Verdi, was the half brother of which king of Spain","answer":"philip iii","money":1000},
{"question":"Don henley was a part of what popular group in the 70's","answer":"eagles","money":1000},
{"question":"Don John of Austria, the victorious admiral at Lepanto, was the illegitimate son of which Holy Roman Emperor","answer":"charles v","money":1000},
{"question":"Donald Duck comics were banned in ____ because he doesn't wear pants","answer":"finland","money":1000},
{"question":"Donald duck comics were banned in finland because he didn't wear ____","answer":"pants","money":1000},
{"question":"Donald duck's middle name as he enlisted in the us army","answer":"fauntleroy","money":1000},
{"question":"Donatello, Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo are the names of what cartoon characters","answer":"teenage mutant ninja turtles","money":1000},
{"question":"Doubly-ionised helium atoms, when emitted by some radioactive nuclei, are known as what","answer":"alpha particles","money":1000},
{"question":"Dove where is most of the vitamin c in fruits","answer":"skin","money":1000},
{"question":"Dover is the capital of ____","answer":"delaware","money":1000},
{"question":"Dover is the capital of which US state","answer":"delaware","money":1000},
{"question":"Down which street is the st patrick's day parade","answer":"fifth avenue","money":1000},
{"question":"Dr James Simpson was knighted by Queen Victoria after the birth of her eighth child in 1853. Which medicine did he administer during childbirth","answer":"Chloroform","money":1000},
{"question":"dr seuss: the big-hearted moose","answer":"thidwick","money":1000},
{"question":"dr seuss: there's a in my pocket","answer":"wocket","money":1000},
{"question":"dr seuss: this elephant hatched and egg and heard a who","answer":"horton","money":1000},
{"question":"Dr. ____ coined the word nerd in his 1950 book \"If I Ran The Zoo.\"","answer":"seuss","money":1000},
{"question":"Dr. ____ pronounced his name so that it would rhyme with rejoice","answer":"seuss","money":1000},
{"question":"Dr. Hermann Rorschach is credited with developing what kind of tests","answer":"inkblot","money":1000},
{"question":"Dr. Seuss Books ","answer":"The Cat in the Hat","money":1000},
{"question":"Dr. Suess wrote ____ after his editor dared him to write a book using fewer than fifty different words","answer":"green eggs & ham","money":1000},
{"question":"Dr. Thomas Bramwell Welch became the first to successfully pasteurize which beverage","answer":"Grape Juice","money":1000},
{"question":"dragon whiskers is a type of tea from what country","answer":"china","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: How many forms did Frieza have?","answer":"Four","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: How many times did Goku die in Dragonball Z?","answer":"Twice","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name 5 earthlings from the series","answer":"Krillin","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name 5 Saiyans from the series","answer":"Gohan","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name all of the Namekians","answer":"Kami","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name all of the Super Saiyan 2s","answer":"Goku","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Friezas father","answer":"King Cold","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Friezas two main serveants?","answer":"Dodoria and Zarbon","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Gohans ultimate attack","answer":"Super Kamehameha","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Gokus brother","answer":"Radditz","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Gokus father","answer":"Bardock","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Gokus sons","answer":"Gohan and Goten","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Gokus ultimate attack","answer":"Spirit Bomb","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Gokus wife","answer":"Chi Chi","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name one of Piccolos signature attacks","answer":"Masenko","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name one of Yamchas signature attacks","answer":"Wolf Gang Fist","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Piccolos ultimate attack","answer":"Special Beam Canon","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name the 5 members of the Ginyu Force","answer":"Captain Ginju","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name the earthling who Vegeta marries","answer":"Bulma","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name the main Namekian in the series","answer":"Piccolo","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name the path the dead must travel to meet King Kai","answer":"Snake Way","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name the special force that Frieza has at his disposal","answer":"Ginyu Force","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name the two types of fusion","answer":"Fusion dance and Potara earrings","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Tiens ultimate attack","answer":"Tri Beam Attack","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Vegetas brother","answer":"Tarble","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Vegetas son","answer":"Trunks","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Name Vegetas ultimate attack","answer":"Final Flash","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: What move of Deborahs could turn anybody to stone?","answer":"His spit","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: What planet do Namekians come from?","answer":"Planet Namek","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: What planet do Saiyans come from?","answer":"Planet Vegeta","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: What two Androids did Cell intend to fuse with?","answer":"Android 18 and Android 17","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: What two Saiyans fuse to form Gotenks?","answer":"Trunks and Goten","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: What two Saiyans fuse to form Vegetto?","answer":"Vegeta and Goku","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: What two Saiyans fuse to make Gogeta?","answer":"Vegeta and Goku","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: What two Saiyans invaded earth after Gokus dies the first time?","answer":"Vegeta and Nappa","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Which character became \"Majin\" in the Buu saga?","answer":"Vegeta","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who created the Androids?","answer":"Dr Gero","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who killed Dodoria?","answer":"Vegeta","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who killed Frieza?","answer":"Trunks","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who killed King Cold?","answer":"Trunks","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who killed Vegeta on planet Namek?","answer":"Frieza","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who killed Zarbon?","answer":"Vegeta","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who taught Goku how to use Instant Transmission?","answer":"The Yardrats","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who trained Goku after his defeat to Radditz","answer":"King Kai","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who was responsible for Majin Buu re-awakening?","answer":"Babidi","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who was the demon king who accompanied Babidi?","answer":"Deborah","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who was the fat pink enemy in the final saga of the series?","answer":"Majin Buu","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who was the first Saiyan to achieve the level of Super Saiyan 2?","answer":"Gohan","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who was the first Saiyan to achieve the level of Super Saiyan 3?","answer":"Goku","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball Z: Who was the first Super Saiyan?","answer":"Goku","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball: How many Dragonballs are there?","answer":"Seven","money":1000},
{"question":"Dragonball: Who is the author of the Dragonball series?","answer":"Akira Toriyama","money":1000},
{"question":"Drama: Our Town\" is a play by whom","answer":"thornton wilder","money":1000},
{"question":"Drama: The play \"Our Town\" is set where","answer":"grover's corners","money":1000},
{"question":"Dream of jeannie license plates: what film series does ob wan enjoy","answer":"star wars","money":1000},
{"question":"Dreams are good friends, when you're ____","answer":"lonely","money":1000},
{"question":"Dressed list who paid miss ussr four cartons of marlboro to be on his show","answer":"david","money":1000},
{"question":"Dressed man what song spawned a lawsuit for tommy tutone","answer":"867-5309/jenny","money":1000},
{"question":"Dresses first incorporated this in the 1930's","answer":"zipper","money":1000},
{"question":"Dried fish eaten as a relish with curry","answer":"bombay duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Drinking vessel with foot and stem","answer":"goblet","money":1000},
{"question":"Drinking water after eating reduces the ____ in your mouth by 61 percent","answer":"acid","money":1000},
{"question":"Drinking water after eating reduces the acid in your mouth by ____ percent","answer":"61","money":1000},
{"question":"Driving at ____ miles per hour, it would take 258 days to drive around one of Saturn's rings","answer":"75","money":1000},
{"question":"Driving at 75 miles per hour, it would take 258 days to drive around one of ____ 's rings","answer":"saturn","money":1000},
{"question":"Drop the piolot name the female artist","answer":"joan armatrading","money":1000},
{"question":"Dropped out of the sky onto the actors' heads","answer":"Green Slime","money":1000},
{"question":"Dry ice consists of","answer":"carbon dioxide","money":1000},
{"question":"Dublin comes from the Irish Dubh Linn which means","answer":"blackpool","money":1000},
{"question":"Dublin is the capital of ____","answer":"ireland","money":1000},
{"question":"Due to a lack of vitamin c, sailors used to contract a disease called","answer":"scurvy","money":1000},
{"question":"Due to gravitational effects, you weigh slightly less when the moon is directly","answer":"overhead","money":1000},
{"question":"Due to precipitation, for a few weeks k2 is bigger than","answer":"mt everest","money":1000},
{"question":"Due to precipitation, for a few weeks, ____ is taller than Mt. Everest","answer":"k2","money":1000},
{"question":"Due to precipitation, for a few weeks, k2 is taller than mt.____","answer":"everest","money":1000},
{"question":"Due to staggering inflation in the 1920's, 4,000,000,000,000,000,000 ____ ____ were worth 1 US dollar","answer":"german marks","money":1000},
{"question":"Duelling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered","answer":"blood donors","money":1000},
{"question":"Duran Duran were the 'wild boys' of which year","answer":"1984","money":1000},
{"question":"During a 24-hour period, the average human will breathe ____ times","answer":"23,040","money":1000},
{"question":"During a lifetime, one person generates more than ____ pounds of red blood cells","answer":"1,000","money":1000},
{"question":"During a lifetime, one person generates more than 1,000 pounds of ____ blood cells","answer":"red","money":1000},
{"question":"During a orchidectomy, a man has a ____ removed","answer":"testicle","money":1000},
{"question":"During annual spring floods, this waterfall can become so loud as to break windows six miles away","answer":"victoria falls","money":1000},
{"question":"During Australia's ____ in 1850, only a few miners ever became rich. Instead, merchants and shopkeepers were the ones who really got rich","answer":"gold rush","money":1000},
{"question":"During conscription for WWII, there were ____ documented cases of men with three testicles","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"During conscription for WWII, there were nine documented cases of men with ____ testicles","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"During conscription for WWII, there were nine documented cases of men with three____ ","answer":"testicles","money":1000},
{"question":"During his entire life, Vincent ____ sold exactly one painting, Red Vineyard at Arles","answer":"van gogh","money":1000},
{"question":"During his entire life, vincent van gogh sold exactly one painting,____","answer":"red vineyard at arles","money":1000},
{"question":"During menstruation, the sensitivity of a woman's middle finger is____","answer":"reduced","money":1000},
{"question":"During one four-year period, Thomas Edison obtained ____ patents, or one every five days","answer":"300","money":1000},
{"question":"During the ____ century, books that were considered offensive were sometimes punished by being whipped","answer":"18th","money":1000},
{"question":"During the ____ period, about 500 million years ago, a day was only 20.6 hours long","answer":"cambrian","money":1000},
{"question":"During the 1812 war between canada and the u.s, what did canadian troops invade and burn","answer":"white house","money":1000},
{"question":"During the 1940s, ____ contributed directly to the war effort in the 1940s, by manufacturing first-aid kits and dye markers for the U.S. Navy. When the war ended, the cosmetic firm began to produce manicure and pedicure instruments, which were tremendously successful","answer":"revlon","money":1000},
{"question":"During the 20th century who was the only England bowler to take a hat trick in an Ashes test","answer":"darren gough","money":1000},
{"question":"During the American revolutionary war, what country declared war on Great Britain to help the colonies","answer":"spain","money":1000},
{"question":"During the Cambrian period, about ____ years ago, a day was only 20.6 hours long","answer":"500 million","money":1000},
{"question":"During the Cambrian period, about 500 million years ago, a day was only ____ hours long","answer":"20.6","money":1000},
{"question":"During the Depression, ____ first used Scotch tape to mend torn currency","answer":"banks","money":1000},
{"question":"During the Depression, banks first used ____ tape to mend torn currency","answer":"scotch","money":1000},
{"question":"During the han dynasty, court officials chewed this spice to sweeten their breath before speaking to the emperor","answer":"cloves","money":1000},
{"question":"During the Industrial Revolution a toilet was simply a glass or metal jar that people emptied by simply tossing its contents into the street below. It was a common courtesy to warn the passerby with the shout 'gardyloos'. What does Gardyloos mean","answer":"Watch out for the water","money":1000},
{"question":"During the Medieval Crusades, transporting bodies off the battlefield for burial was a major problem, this was solved by carrying a huge cauldron into the Holy wars, boiling down the bodies, and taking only the ____ with them","answer":"bones","money":1000},
{"question":"During the migration, geese may cover up to ____ miles per day","answer":"600","money":1000},
{"question":"During the reign of Elizabeth I, there was a tax put on men's","answer":"beards","money":1000},
{"question":"During the seventeen century , the Sultan of Turkey ordered his entire harem of women ____, and replace with a new one","answer":"drowned","money":1000},
{"question":"During the Spanish American War in 1898, there were 45 stars on the ____","answer":"american flag","money":1000},
{"question":"During the Spanish Civil war, which town in the Basque region was destroyed by German bombers, an event which Picasso commemorated in a painting","answer":"guernica","money":1000},
{"question":"During the time of Peter the Great, any Russian man who wore a ____ was required to pay a special tax","answer":"beard","money":1000},
{"question":"During the time of the Roman occupation it was known as Lutetia. How is it known today","answer":"paris","money":1000},
{"question":"During the U S civil war, how many union army blacks gave their lives","answer":"38,000","money":1000},
{"question":"During the u.s civil war, how many blacks served in the union army","answer":"200,000","money":1000},
{"question":"During the u.s civil war, what did 22 union army blacks win","answer":"medal of honour","money":1000},
{"question":"During the U.S. Civil War, telegraph wires were strung to follow and report on the action on the battlefield. But there was no telegraph office in the White House, so President Lincoln trekked across the street to the ____ to get the news","answer":"war department","money":1000},
{"question":"During the____ , banks first used Scotch tape to mend torn currency","answer":"depression","money":1000},
{"question":"During what month did Robert Browning have a longing to be in England","answer":"april","money":1000},
{"question":"During what month is the Earth closest to the sun","answer":"january","money":1000},
{"question":"During what period in american history did thousands of people die or go blind from drinking bad liquor","answer":"prohibition","money":1000},
{"question":"During what was alcohol was made illegal","answer":"prohibition","money":1000},
{"question":"During which conflict did the battles of Alma and Inkermann take place","answer":"the crimean war","money":1000},
{"question":"During which conflict were the battles of Blore Heath, Wakefield, Northampton and Mortimer's Cross","answer":"wars of the roses","money":1000},
{"question":"During which geologic era did insects, fish, amphibians, and reptiles first appear on earth","answer":"paleozoic era","money":1000},
{"question":"During which month is the earth nearest the sun","answer":"january","money":1000},
{"question":"During which month is the longest day in the Northern hemisphere","answer":"June","money":1000},
{"question":"During which month is the longest day in the Southern hemisphere","answer":"December","money":1000},
{"question":"During which month is the shortest day in the Northern hemisphere","answer":"December","money":1000},
{"question":"During which month is the shortest day in the Southern hemisphere","answer":"June","money":1000},
{"question":"During which war did andersonville prison earn its disgraceful reputation","answer":"american civil war","money":1000},
{"question":"During which war did the Battle of Jutland take place","answer":"world war 1","money":1000},
{"question":"During which war did the battles of The Modder River, Majuba and Magersfontein take place","answer":"the boer war","money":1000},
{"question":"During which war did the expression \"They shall not pass\" originate","answer":"world war 1","money":1000},
{"question":"During which war did the term \"Fifth Column\" originate","answer":"spanish civil war","money":1000},
{"question":"During which war was kuwait liberated","answer":"gulf war","money":1000},
{"question":"During World War I, the punishment for homosexuality in the French army was ____","answer":"execution","money":1000},
{"question":"During World War II, the original copies of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were taken from the Library of Congress and kept at ____, Kentucky","answer":"fort knox","money":1000},
{"question":"During World War II, W.C. Fields kept US ____ in Germany 'in case the little bastard wins'","answer":"$50,000","money":1000},
{"question":"During World War II, what were U-Boats","answer":"submarines","money":1000},
{"question":"During World War II, which London theatre boasted, \"We never closed\"","answer":"the windmill","money":1000},
{"question":"During World War One, the future Pope John XXIII was a ____ in the Italian Army","answer":"sergeant","money":1000},
{"question":"During WW I, it was at this city & battle where the Germans introduced mustard gas","answer":"ypres","money":1000},
{"question":"During WW I, what day of the week was the recommended meatless day","answer":"tuesday","money":1000},
{"question":"During WWII, Americans tried to train ____ to drop bombs","answer":"bats","money":1000},
{"question":"During WWII, Americans tried to train bats to","answer":"drop bombs","money":1000},
{"question":"During WWII, men in the Air Corps who did not fly bore which nickname?","answer":"kiwi","money":1000},
{"question":"During your lifetime you will eat ____ pounds of food, the weight of six elephants","answer":"60,000","money":1000},
{"question":"During your lifetime you will eat 60,000 pounds of food, the weight of ____ elephants","answer":"six","money":1000},
{"question":"During your lifetime you will spend this long on the phone","answer":"two years","money":1000},
{"question":"During your lifetime you will spend this long waiting for traffic lights to change","answer":"two weeks","money":1000},
{"question":"Dustin hoffman won his 2 oscars for best actor in","answer":"rainman and kramer vs kramer","money":1000},
{"question":"Dutch-born Swiss scientist, who discovered basic principles of fluid behavior","answer":"daniel bernoulli","money":1000},
{"question":"Each month, there is at least one report of ____ 's from each province of Canada","answer":"ufo","money":1000},
{"question":"Each unit on the Richter scale is equivalent to a power factor of how much","answer":"32","money":1000},
{"question":"Each year, approximately 250,000 American husbands are physically attacked and beaten by ____","answer":"their wives","money":1000},
{"question":"Each year, more than 300,000 American teenagers become afflicted with some form of ____","answer":"venereal disease","money":1000},
{"question":"Eagles can live in captivity for up to ____ years","answer":"46","money":1000},
{"question":"Earl Warren chaired the commission on the assassination of which president","answer":"kennedy","money":1000},
{"question":"Early in his career, which rolling stones guitarist played with rod stewart and 'the faces'","answer":"ron wood","money":1000},
{"question":"Early mariners mistook the manatee and the dugong for what","answer":"mermaids","money":1000},
{"question":"Early models of vacuum cleaners were powered by","answer":"gasoline","money":1000},
{"question":"Early people used flint for 2 reasons, one was to make tools, what was the other","answer":"to make fire","money":1000},
{"question":"Earth has not anything to show more fair is the first line of a poem by whom","answer":"wordworth","money":1000},
{"question":"Earth is ____ kilometres in diameter","answer":"3,476","money":1000},
{"question":"Earth is ____ miles in diameter","answer":"2,160","money":1000},
{"question":"Earth is ____ million kilometres from the Sun","answer":"150","money":1000},
{"question":"Earth is the only planet not named after a","answer":"god","money":1000},
{"question":"Earth's atmosphere is, proportionally, thinner than the skin of an____","answer":"apple","money":1000},
{"question":"East Pakistan is the former name of which modern republic","answer":"bangladesh","money":1000},
{"question":"Eating raw onions are good for unblocking a stuffed____","answer":"nose","money":1000},
{"question":"Eau de Cologne was originally marketed as a way of protecting yourself against the","answer":"plague","money":1000},
{"question":"Ed Moses won the 400 metre hurdle title in which year","answer":"1984","money":1000},
{"question":"Eddie and his father's last name in \"the courtship of eddie's father\"","answer":"corbett","money":1000},
{"question":"Edgar allan poe introduced mystery fiction's first fictional detective, auguste c. dupin, in what 1841 story","answer":"the murders in the rue morgue","money":1000},
{"question":"Edgar Allen Poe wrote a famous poem about this animal","answer":"raven","money":1000},
{"question":"Edgar allen poe wrote a famous poem about which animal","answer":"raven","money":1000},
{"question":"Editor of Private Eye","answer":"Ian Hislop","money":1000},
{"question":"Edson arantes do nascimento is better known as","answer":"pele","money":1000},
{"question":"Edward III did well between 1346 and 1356. But what catastrophe cast a terrible blight over that decade","answer":"the black death","money":1000},
{"question":"Edward kennedy is the real name of which singer","answer":"duke ellington","money":1000},
{"question":"Edwin Shoemaker invented the first type of motion furniture. What is this piece of furniture","answer":"The La-z Boy Recliner","money":1000},
{"question":"Effect a complex alcohol constituent of all animal fats and oils","answer":"cholesterol","money":1000},
{"question":"Effect that occurs when two or more waves overlap or intersect","answer":"interference","money":1000},
{"question":"Egg beaters operate on what type of gear","answer":"bevel","money":1000},
{"question":"Eggplant is not a vegetable, but is actually a member of what plant family","answer":"thistle","money":1000},
{"question":"Eglantine Jebb founded which charitable organisation","answer":"save the children fund","money":1000},
{"question":"Eight hundred dollars if locked in a completely sealed room, of what will you die before you suffocate","answer":"carbon monoxide poisoning","money":1000},
{"question":"Eight thousand in the middle ages, where did people believe the seat of intelligence was","answer":"heart","money":1000},
{"question":"Eighty one what is the minimum number of degrees in an acute angle","answer":"one degree","money":1000},
{"question":"Eighty per cent of all body heat escapes through the","answer":"head","money":1000},
{"question":"Eighty percent of all people hit by ____ are men","answer":"lightning","money":1000},
{"question":"Einstein couldn't speak fluently when he was____ . His parents thought he might be retarded","answer":"nine","money":1000},
{"question":"Einstein gave this successful prediction of the stock market when asked what it would do in the next year. He said","answer":"it would fluctuate","money":1000},
{"question":"Either of the contibuters to the 4-note Hindol \"Taril ha juj Girlja Shankur\"","answer":"marathe","money":1000},
{"question":"Either of two saturated hydrocarbons, or alkanes, with the chemical formula c4h10","answer":"butane","money":1000},
{"question":"El Al is the national airline of which country","answer":"israel","money":1000},
{"question":"El cid was the name of what college's mascot goat","answer":"annapolis naval academy","money":1000},
{"question":"Elba island is located in what sea","answer":"tyrrhenian sea","money":1000},
{"question":"Eleanor Roosevelt was concerned about improving her memory. What did her doctor recommend she eat to do so","answer":"Chocolate covered garlic balls","money":1000},
{"question":"Electrical circuit made by depositing conductive material on the surface of an insulating base","answer":"printed circuit board","money":1000},
{"question":"Electronic device that allows the passage of current in only one direction","answer":"diode","money":1000},
{"question":"Electronic lift control what is the second biggest organ in the human body","answer":"liver","money":1000},
{"question":"Electronics: As what was Sony's video recorder known","answer":"betamax","money":1000},
{"question":"Electronics: Circuits can be wired in parallel or ____","answer":"series","money":1000},
{"question":"Elementary in the house of lords, where does the lord chancellor sit","answer":"woolsack","money":1000},
{"question":"Elementary particle found in all nuclei except that of hydrogen","answer":"neutron","money":1000},
{"question":"Elementary, My Dear Watson: With a melting point of -38.8 Celsius, this element holds the record for the lowest melting point","answer":"Mercury","money":1000},
{"question":"Elementary, My Dear Watson: With a melting point of 3,527 Celsius, this element holds the record for the highest melting point","answer":"Carbon","money":1000},
{"question":"Elements (Argon, Iron, Zinc, etc)","answer":"Zinc","money":1000},
{"question":"Elephants are the only animals that can't","answer":"jump","money":1000},
{"question":"Elephants trumpet, monkeys chatter & bark, what do pandas do","answer":"Bleat","money":1000},
{"question":"Eliza Doolittle is a character in which George Bernard Shaw play","answer":"pygmalion","money":1000},
{"question":"Elsinore Castle is the setting for which of Shakespeare's plays","answer":"hamlet","money":1000},
{"question":"Elton John got married (with a woman) only once in 1994. With whom","answer":"renate blauel","money":1000},
{"question":"Elvis: Elvis had a twin brother named ____, who died at birth","answer":"garon","money":1000},
{"question":"Elvis: Elvis presley appeared on how many stamps in 1993","answer":"five hundred million","money":1000},
{"question":"Elvis: Elvis Presley's favorite food was fried peanut butter and ____ sandwiches","answer":"banana","money":1000},
{"question":"Elvis: Elvis weighed ____ pounds at the time of his death","answer":"230","money":1000},
{"question":"Embankment built to prevent flooding","answer":"dyke","money":1000},
{"question":"Emerald is the birthstone for which month","answer":"may","money":1000},
{"question":"Emeralds come from which mineral","answer":"beryl","money":1000},
{"question":"EMI stands for","answer":"electrical and musical instruments","money":1000},
{"question":"Eminem is a member of this rap crew","answer":"d-12","money":1000},
{"question":"Emission of energy as electromagnetic waves in the portion of the spectrum just beyond the limit of the red portion of visible radiation","answer":"infrared radiation","money":1000},
{"question":"Emmanuel Goldstein is a character in which 1949 novel","answer":"1984","money":1000},
{"question":"emoticons: :d","answer":"big smile","money":1000},
{"question":"emoticons: :o","answer":"surprise","money":1000},
{"question":"emoticons: (^o^)","answer":"happiness","money":1000},
{"question":"emoticons: (h_h)","answer":"happiness","money":1000},
{"question":"emoticons: [_]","answer":"robot","money":1000},
{"question":"Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia was finally diposed in 1974 after how many years in power","answer":"fifty eight","money":1000},
{"question":"Emperor is the largest and pott is the smallest what?","answer":"paper size","money":1000},
{"question":"Encephalon is a technical term which relates to what?","answer":"the brain","money":1000},
{"question":"Encounter on march 5, 1770, five years before the american revolution, between british troops and a group of citizens of boston","answer":"boston massacre","money":1000},
{"question":"Endorphins are produced in the brain and in the pituitary gland. What is their function","answer":"pain killers","money":1000},
{"question":"Energy waves produced by the oscillation or acceleration of an electric charge. Electromagnetic waves have both electric and magnetic components","answer":"electromagnetic radiation","money":1000},
{"question":"Engine that employs gas flow as the working medium by what heat energy is transformed into mechanical energy","answer":"gas turbine","money":1000},
{"question":"England is smaller than","answer":"new england","money":1000},
{"question":"England periodic table: what is rn","answer":"radon","money":1000},
{"question":"England's Stonehenge is ____ years older than Rome's Colosseum","answer":"fifteen hundred","money":1000},
{"question":"Englands Stonehenge is how many years older than Rome's colosseum","answer":"1,500 years","money":1000},
{"question":"English charts: Clive Dunn had a hit called Grandad in which year","answer":"1971","money":1000},
{"question":"English fashion photographer","answer":"David Bailey","money":1000},
{"question":"English mathematician who devised the precursor of the computer","answer":"Charles Babbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Englund what was the first ironclad warship launched","answer":"hms warrior","money":1000},
{"question":"Engrave with acid","answer":"etch","money":1000},
{"question":"Entomology: What is the only insect that can turn its head","answer":"praying mantis","money":1000},
{"question":"Environmental pressure group, established in 1971 in the UK","answer":"Friends of the Earth","money":1000},
{"question":"Epaminondas was the general of which ancient state","answer":"thebes","money":1000},
{"question":"Eponyms (words named for people) A close fitting garment for the torso, worn by dancers, acrobats & the like. Can you name the garment","answer":"A Leotard","money":1000},
{"question":"Eppie Cass is a central character in which ","answer":"novel by George Eliot","money":1000},
{"question":"Erato was the Greek muse of what","answer":"mime","money":1000},
{"question":"Erato was the muse of what","answer":"love poetry","money":1000},
{"question":"Ergot is a plant disease caused by what","answer":"Fungi","money":1000},
{"question":"Erie, suez, panama etc","answer":"canals","money":1000},
{"question":"Ernest Bevin, Minister of Labour during World War II, left school at the age of","answer":"eleven","money":1000},
{"question":"Ernest t tubb's 'waltz ____ texas'","answer":"across","money":1000},
{"question":"Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a novel, \"Gadsby\", which contains over 50,000 words ____ none of them with the letter","answer":"e","money":1000},
{"question":"Erotic solo dance of north africa, the middle east, and turkish-influenced balkan areas","answer":"belly dance","money":1000},
{"question":"Errol flynn's autobiography, ____, is published posthumously","answer":"my wicked wicked ways","money":1000},
{"question":"Erse is another name for which language","answer":"gaelic","money":1000},
{"question":"Erving inky and dinky were the nephews of what comic book cat","answer":"felix the cat","money":1000},
{"question":"Escape (1982) was recorded by what group","answer":"journey","money":1000},
{"question":"Eschatology: Andaman Islanders believe this god will destroy them with an earthquake","answer":"puluga","money":1000},
{"question":"Eschatology: Buddhists believe this condition transcends the end of the world","answer":"nirvana","money":1000},
{"question":"Eschatology: Last word of Revelations","answer":"amen","money":1000},
{"question":"Eschatology: This prostitute caught it big time in Revelations","answer":"jezebel","money":1000},
{"question":"Eschatology: Wanderer doomed to live until the end of the world","answer":"cartaphilus","money":1000},
{"question":"Eskimo ice cream is neither icy, nor ____","answer":"creamy","money":1000},
{"question":"Eskimos never____","answer":"gamble","money":1000},
{"question":"Essential framework of any structure, outline consisting of bare essentials","answer":"skeleton","money":1000},
{"question":"Ester Pauline Friedman, famous newspaper columnist, is better known as who","answer":"Ann Landers","money":1000},
{"question":"Estragon protects against ____ disease","answer":"heart","money":1000},
{"question":"Estragon protects against","answer":"heart disease","money":1000},
{"question":"Ethan allen's favorite drink at the green mountain tavern, was known as what","answer":"stonewall","money":1000},
{"question":"Ethel who is the spokesperson for the exercise tapes 'tae bo'","answer":"billy blanks","money":1000},
{"question":"Ethernet is a registered trademark of what company","answer":"xerox","money":1000},
{"question":"Ethernet is a registered trademark of____ ,","answer":"xerox","money":1000},
{"question":"Ethylene glycol is frequently used in automobiles... how?","answer":"anti-freeze","money":1000},
{"question":"Etna, Hekla and Popocate a petl are all types of what","answer":"volcanoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Etymology is the study of what","answer":"word origins","money":1000},
{"question":"Euphrates who did adolf hitler dictate mein kampf to while in prison","answer":"rudolf hess","money":1000},
{"question":"Europa is a satellite of which planet in the solar system","answer":"jupiter","money":1000},
{"question":"Europe's most active volcano, spewed out fountains of lava from mid-July to early August 2001","answer":"Mount Etna","money":1000},
{"question":"European architecture and music,ornate and extravagant","answer":"baroque","money":1000},
{"question":"Euterpe was the muse of what","answer":"music","money":1000},
{"question":"Eve of All Saints Day","answer":"halloween","money":1000},
{"question":"Even if up to 80% of this is removed from a human, what is it that will continue to function & grow back to its original size","answer":"liver","money":1000},
{"question":"Every ____ spent about half an hour as a single cell","answer":"human","money":1000},
{"question":"Every human first spent about half an hour as a single what","answer":"cell","money":1000},
{"question":"Every litre of water taken from the Red Sea would contain about ____ grams of salt","answer":"200","money":1000},
{"question":"Every person has a unique ____ print","answer":"finger","money":1000},
{"question":"Every photograph of an American atomic bomb detonation was taken by ____ Edgerton","answer":"harold","money":1000},
{"question":"Every photograph of an American atomic bomb detonation was taken by Harold ____","answer":"edgerton","money":1000},
{"question":"Every photograph of an american atomic bomb detonation was taken by who","answer":"harold edgerton","money":1000},
{"question":"Every queen named ____ has either been murdered, imprisoned, gone mad, died young, or been dethroned","answer":"jane","money":1000},
{"question":"Every single hamster in the U.S. today comes from a single litter captured in ____ in 1930","answer":"syria","money":1000},
{"question":"Every single hamster in the U.S. today comes from a single litter captured in Syria in ____","answer":"1930","money":1000},
{"question":"Every square inch of the human body has an average of 32 million ____","answer":"bacteria","money":1000},
{"question":"Every time you lick a ____, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie","answer":"stamp","money":1000},
{"question":"Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a","answer":"calorie","money":1000},
{"question":"Every time you step forward, you use ____ muscles","answer":"54","money":1000},
{"question":"Every two thousand frowns create one____","answer":"wrinkle","money":1000},
{"question":"Every year, ____ Americans injure themselves while trying out bizarre sexual positions","answer":"11,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Every year, ____ and their guests drink 1.2 million gallons of beer during Oktoberfest. The first Oktoberfest was in 1810 and celebrated the marriage of King Ludwig I of Bavaria","answer":"bavarians","money":1000},
{"question":"Every year, ____ sinks about 10 inches","answer":"mexico city","money":1000},
{"question":"Every year, 11,000 Americans injure themselves while trying out ____ sexual positions","answer":"bizarre","money":1000},
{"question":"Every year, Mexico City sinks about ____ inches","answer":"10","money":1000},
{"question":"Everyone is familiar with the RCA logo with nipper the dog listening to the rca grammaphone. But the original picture had both the dog & the grammaphone sitting on what","answer":"his dead master's casket","money":1000},
{"question":"Evidence of ____ exists as early as 10,000 B.C","answer":"shoemaking","money":1000},
{"question":"Evidence of shoemaking exists as early as ____ B.C","answer":"10,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Excellency which company, during the 1984 super bowl, aired what is considered one of the best commercials in tv history","answer":"apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Except for newborns, what gender are all eels on the east coast","answer":"female","money":1000},
{"question":"Excessive discharge of blood from blood vessels, caused by pathological condition of the vessels or by traumatic rupture of one or more vessels","answer":"haemmorage","money":1000},
{"question":"Excluding man, what is the longest lived land mammal","answer":"elephant","money":1000},
{"question":"Excluding Rudolph, how many reindeer pull Santa's sleigh","answer":"eight","money":1000},
{"question":"Excrement of sea birds used as manure","answer":"guano","money":1000},
{"question":"Execute by strangulation with a thin wire","answer":"garrotte","money":1000},
{"question":"Experienced ____ say that married men tip better than unmarried men","answer":"waitress","money":1000},
{"question":"Experienced waitress say that ____ men tip better than unmarried men","answer":"married","money":1000},
{"question":"Experts at Intel say that microprocessor speed will double every 18 months for at least ____ years","answer":"10","money":1000},
{"question":"Exploitation of slum tenants by unscrupulous landlords, named after a landlord of the early 1960s in London","answer":"rachmanism","money":1000},
{"question":"Explorer: Englishman who discovered the River Back in Canada in 1833","answer":"George Back","money":1000},
{"question":"Explorers in South America caught and ate cavies. What are cavies","answer":"guinea pigs","money":1000},
{"question":"Explorers: what ship did sir francis drake circle the world in","answer":"the golden hind","money":1000},
{"question":"Extensive cultivation of plants to yield food, feed, or fiber; to provide medicinal or industrial ingredients; or to grow ornamental products","answer":"crop farming","money":1000},
{"question":"Extortion of payment in return for silence","answer":"blackmail","money":1000},
{"question":"Facility of stopping a videotape in order to wiew a motionless image","answer":"freeze-frame","money":1000},
{"question":"Fahrenheit as what is minus forty degrees fahrenheit the same","answer":"minus forty degrees","money":1000},
{"question":"Falcon's Lair was the name of the Los Angeles home owned by which belated actor","answer":"Rudolph Valentino","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Blondes ____ real or fake, full name or nick","answer":"Mae West","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Blondes, natural or otherwise","answer":"Courtney Love","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: Canadian Prime Minister who was on American Immigration's blacklist","answer":"pierre elliot trudeau","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: Halifax native who built one of the world's largest shipping line","answer":"cunard","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: Known as the father of the Social Credit Party","answer":"tommy douglas","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: Known for her series of books about Anne Shirley","answer":"lucy maud montgomery","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: Popular Canadian novelist known for her feminist themes","answer":"margaret atwood","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: Portly comedian, Second City alum, and CFL franchise co-owner","answer":"john candy","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: She was Deputy Prime Minister under Jean Chretien","answer":"sheila copps","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: This Canadian ambassador helped free the American prisoners from Iran","answer":"ken taylor","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: This Nova Scotian premier became the Consul General in Boston","answer":"donald cameron","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Canadians: Writer/director of \"Videodrome\", \"Scanners\", and \"Naked Lunch\"","answer":"david cronenberg","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous dog who starred in 'where the north begins', 'clash of the wolves' and 'dogs of the regiment'","answer":"rin tin tin","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Greek sculptures","answer":"elgin marbles","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: Are you sure the ____ is off","answer":"power","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: I don't think we're in ____ anymore","answer":"kansas","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: I'll get a ____ record for this","answer":"world","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: I'll get your ____ out","answer":"toast","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: I'll hold it and you light the ____","answer":"fuse","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: I've seen this done on ____","answer":"tv","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: It's ____ enough for both of us","answer":"strong","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: It's fire____","answer":"proof","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: Let it down ____","answer":"slowly","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: Nice ____","answer":"doggie","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: Now ____ this","answer":"watch","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: OK this is the ____ time","answer":"last","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: Pull the pin and ____ to what?","answer":"count","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: Rat ____ only kills rats","answer":"poison","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: That's ____","answer":"odd","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: The Duke of Wellington, spoken just before he died 14th August 1852","answer":"I dont feel quite well","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: The odds of that happening have to be a ____ to one!","answer":"million","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: These are the good kind of ____","answer":"mushrooms","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: This doesn't ____ right","answer":"taste","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: What ____?","answer":"duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: What does this ____ do","answer":"button","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: What's that ____ doing here?","answer":"priest","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: Which ____ was I supposed to cut?","answer":"wire","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: You look just like Charles ____","answer":"manson","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Last Words: You wouldn't hit a guy with ____ on, would you","answer":"glasses","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Lies","answer":"I am not a crook","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Men we love to hate (full names if appropriate)","answer":"Dennis Rodman","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Michaels","answer":"Michael J. Fox","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous movie lines \"My name is Iago Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die.\"","answer":"princess bride","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous painter that paints with both his right & left hands","answer":"leonardo da vinci","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous People: Mandy Allwood's expectation of how many babies made the news in 1996","answer":"8","money":1000},
{"question":"famous people: nicky clarke's name is famous in which fashion field","answer":"hairdressing","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous People: Sean Penn was once married to which singer/actress","answer":"madonna","money":1000},
{"question":"famous people: trudie styler married which singer/rainforest conservationist in 1992","answer":"sting","money":1000},
{"question":"famous people: what is the profession of claudia shiffer's ex, david copperfield","answer":"magician","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous People: What was Mrs. Michael Jackson II's first name","answer":"debbie","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous People: Which actress married Richard Burton twice","answer":"elizabeth taylor","money":1000},
{"question":"famous people: which former son-in-law of the queen remarried in 1997","answer":"mark phillips","money":1000},
{"question":"famous people: which model elle is an ex-flame of the actor kevin costner","answer":"macpherson","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous People: Which Royal Prince's name was linked with photographer Koo Stark","answer":"andrew","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous People: Which woman got Bill Clinton caught with his pants down in 1999","answer":"monica lewinsky","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Pick-up lines","answer":"What sign are you?","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: \"This is a sharp medicine, but a sure cure for all diseases.\"","answer":"sir walter raleigh","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: All work is as seed sown; it grows and spreads, and sows itself anew","answer":"thomas caryle","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: Anyone who hates children and dogs cant be all bad","answer":"w.c. fields","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: Boy, after seeing Rambo last night, I know what to do next time this happens","answer":"ronald reagan","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: Don't give up the ship","answer":"john paul jones","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: He does not preach what he practices till he has practiced what he preaches","answer":"confucius","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: Let them eat cake","answer":"marie antoinette","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: Never have so many owed so much...","answer":"winston churchill","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: Old soldiers never die, they just fade away","answer":"douglas macarthur","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely","answer":"john emerich edward acton","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind","answer":"albert einstein","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Quotes: United we stand, divided we fall","answer":"abraham lincoln","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous UFO incident happened in the 40's in the south of USA","answer":"Roswell","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous white marble mausoleum at Agra, India","answer":"Taj Mahal","money":1000},
{"question":"Famous Women we love to hate (full names if appropriate)","answer":"Courtney Love","money":1000},
{"question":"Fandible, lateral line and dorsal fin and a part of which animal","answer":"fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Fanta ____ is the third largest selling soft drink in the world","answer":"orange","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: ____ comes from the French, cord du roi or cloth of the king","answer":"corduroy","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: 1960s: Which item of clothing - popularised in London in 1965- became something of a symbol for the \"swinging\" city","answer":"miniskirt","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: 1990s slang for very short cutoff jeans","answer":"daisy dukes","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: 2000s: Which Paris fashion house did designer Stella McCartney leave to set up her own label in 2001","answer":"Chloe","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: All in one exercise garment named after a 19th century trapeze artist","answer":"leotard","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Ancient roman garment","answer":"toga","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Articles Of Clothing","answer":"Coat","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Articles Of Clothing","answer":"G-string","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Articles Of Clothing","answer":"Socks","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: artificial structure worn to extend shirts behind","answer":"bustle","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: band worn to keep stockings up","answer":"garter","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Bathing suit named for a Pacific atoll","answer":"bikini","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: born 1936 he became christian dior's assistant at 17","answer":"yves saint laurent","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Close fitting knee length shorts","answer":"bermuda","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Clothes designer alexander mcqueen works for which fashion house","answer":"givenchy","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Clothes designer john galliano works for which fashion house","answer":"christian dior","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: dominant fashion magazine of the 20th century","answer":"vogue","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Egyptian motifs were popular after his tomb was discovered in 1922","answer":"tutankhamen","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Elsa Schiaperelli's trademark color","answer":"shocking pink","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Fashion Accessories","answer":"Earrings","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: he called couture the most blatant form of conspicuous consumption","answer":"thorsein veblen","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: he has a personal fortune estimated at $1.7 billion - the highest of any designer","answer":"ralph lauren","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: In the US canvas shoe","answer":"sneaker","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: In traditional Japanese dress what is an obi","answer":"a wide sash","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: June 1946, what was official launched in Paris","answer":"the bikini","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Mans scarf worn inside an open necked shirt","answer":"cravat","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: milanese suitmaker showcased on miami vice","answer":"armani","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: model that married david bowie","answer":"iman","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Monks appareil","answer":"habit","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: movie star who popularized trenchcoats & berets","answer":"greta garbo","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Name given to the shorts which in fashion in the early 1970s","answer":"hot pants","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: name of a clothing line, or sport whose periods are called 'chuckers'","answer":"polo","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: On what is an espadrille worn","answer":"foot","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Originally made in Nimes, France, this fabric was called serge denimes","answer":"denim","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Ornamental band worn on wrist or arm","answer":"bracelet","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: petticoat artificially stiffened by horsehair","answer":"crinoline","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: skirt and trousers desiged by amelia","answer":"bloomer","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: The dominant decorative style of the 20s and 30s","answer":"art deco","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: The first widely used synthetic fiber","answer":"rayon","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: this company's logo is a sailboat","answer":"nautica","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: three-letter clothing outlet, or a space or void","answer":"gap","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: What colour thread is used for filigree","answer":"silver or gold","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: What fabric is known in Europe as serge de Nimes","answer":"denim","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: What is a pelerine","answer":"a cape","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: What is the covering on the tip of a shoelace called","answer":"aglet","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: What popular name is given to the sleeveless pullover with wide armholes popular in the 60s and early 70s","answer":"tank top","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Which american designer set up her own fashion label called DKNY","answer":"donna karan","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Which designer created the Space Age Collection in 1964","answer":"pierre cardin","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Which designers designs under the Emporio label","answer":"armani","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Women's Perfume","answer":"Ici","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Women's perfume","answer":"Joy","money":1000},
{"question":"Fashion: Women's shoe types","answer":"Stiletto Heels","money":1000},
{"question":"Father of modern neurology & neurosurgery","answer":"cushing","money":1000},
{"question":"Feb 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a","answer":"full moon","money":1000},
{"question":"February 2nd is known as Ground Hog Day. What was the day originally known as in parts of Europe","answer":"Candleman's Day","money":1000},
{"question":"February is ____ history month","answer":"black","money":1000},
{"question":"Fedora, bowler and boater are all types of what","answer":"hats","money":1000},
{"question":"Female child star of the thirties","answer":"shirley temple","money":1000},
{"question":"Female model, Jean Shrimpton, was fondly known by what nickname","answer":"The Shrimp ","money":1000},
{"question":"Female Politicians (first and last name)","answer":"Queen Elizabeth","money":1000},
{"question":"Ferrite is a form of which metal","answer":"iron","money":1000},
{"question":"Fettucini, linguini and tagliatelle are all types of what","answer":"pasta","money":1000},
{"question":"Fianna Fail is a political party in which country","answer":"ireland","money":1000},
{"question":"Fictional private eye","answer":"sam spade","money":1000},
{"question":"Field of engineering & applied physics dealing with the design & application of devices, usually electronic circuits, the operation of what depends on the flow of electrons for the generation, transmission, reception, & storage of information","answer":"electronics","money":1000},
{"question":"Field of physics that describes & correlates the physical properties of macroscopic systems of matter & energy","answer":"thermodynamics","money":1000},
{"question":"Fighting alongside Americans and British during the ____ invasion of 1944 were 15,000 Canadians. And it was the Canadian troops who were the first to reach their planned objective","answer":"d-day","money":1000},
{"question":"Fiorello is the Italian word for what","answer":"Little Flower","money":1000},
{"question":"Fired unglazed pottery","answer":"bisque","money":1000},
{"question":"First Byzantine emperor","answer":"justinian","money":1000},
{"question":"First division of the paleozoic era","answer":"cambrian period","money":1000},
{"question":"First Names: ____ Johnson Lincoln's successor, only impeached president","answer":"andrew","money":1000},
{"question":"First state to secede from the Union in 1861","answer":"south carolina","money":1000},
{"question":"First synthetic plastic created in 1909","answer":"Bakelite","money":1000},
{"question":"First to conquer the south pole","answer":"roald amundsen","money":1000},
{"question":"First women in outer space","answer":"Sally Ride","money":1000},
{"question":"Fishy short story also known as Creation Took Eight Days","answer":"goldfish bowl","money":1000},
{"question":"Five members of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer's family were killed at the Battle of ____: Tom and Boston, two half-brothers; Harry Armstrong Reed, a nephew; and a brother-in-law, James Calhoun","answer":"little big horn","money":1000},
{"question":"Five objects set out so four are at corners of square or rectangle and the other at its centre","answer":"quincunx","money":1000},
{"question":"Five squared equals 25, what other number when squared gives the answer 25","answer":"minus five","money":1000},
{"question":"Five u.s states border which ocean","answer":"pacific ocean","money":1000},
{"question":"Flag day is celebrated in canada on what date","answer":"february 15","money":1000},
{"question":"Flags: How many stars are there on the New Zealand flag","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Flags: What colours are on the Belgian flag","answer":"yellow","money":1000},
{"question":"Flags: Which country has a plain green flag","answer":"Libya","money":1000},
{"question":"Flags: Whose flag has the national arms on one side and the treasury seal on the other","answer":"Paraguay","money":1000},
{"question":"Fleshy fruit of trailing cucumber like plant, often dried","answer":"gourd","money":1000},
{"question":"Flexible disc for storage of computer data","answer":"floppy disk","money":1000},
{"question":"Floating wreckage at sea","answer":"flotsam","money":1000},
{"question":"Florence Nightingale tended the soldiers in which war","answer":"crimean","money":1000},
{"question":"Florence nightingale was known as 'the lady of the ____'","answer":"lamp","money":1000},
{"question":"Florence was severely flooded in what year","answer":"1966","money":1000},
{"question":"Florentine Republic was besieged by the Medicis in 1530","answer":"michelangelo","money":1000},
{"question":"Florida is often referred to as 'The Sunshine State' what place in Australia also has the same nickname","answer":"queensland","money":1000},
{"question":"Florizel & Perdita are characters in which Shakespeare play","answer":"the winter's tale","money":1000},
{"question":"Flub-a-dub and chief thunderchicken were regulars on","answer":"howdy doody","money":1000},
{"question":"Fluid produced in the lacrimal glands above the outside corner of each eye","answer":"tears","money":1000},
{"question":"Flux which english physicist worked on thermodynamics and has a unit of energy named for him","answer":"james prescott joule","money":1000},
{"question":"Flying at the speed of sound is also known as","answer":"mach one","money":1000},
{"question":"Flying corps what word comes from latin \"monachus\", meaning \"one who lives alone\"","answer":"monk","money":1000},
{"question":"Flying dutchman, soling and tornado are all classes of ____","answer":"sailboats","money":1000},
{"question":"Focus group information compiled by CalComp revealed that 50 percent of computer users do not like using a","answer":"mouse","money":1000},
{"question":"Fohn,Khamsin,Brickfielder and Harmattan are all types of what","answer":"wind","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is made of fermented grape juice","answer":"wine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: ____ are called brussel sprouts because they were discovered in Brussels","answer":"brussel sprouts","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: ____ explode when you put them in the microwave","answer":"grapes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: ____ milk does not curdle","answer":"camel's","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: ____ of vitamin C in brussels sprouts will be lost in cooking","answer":"90%","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: ____ tongues were a common delicacy at Roman feasts","answer":"flamingo","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: 'Moussaka\" is a traditional dish from which country","answer":"greece","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: 'Rennet' is an extract from the stomachs of which animal","answer":"calves","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: \"Don't worry, unless they're strange, your kids will eat them!\"","answer":"life","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: \"Gotta have 'em\" is this cereal's slogan","answer":"corn pops","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: \"There's no wrong way of eating\" this","answer":"reeses peanut butter cups","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: \"They're gr-r-r-r-eat!\" is this this cereal's slogan","answer":"frosted flakes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: 1940s: Aaron Lupin came up with an idea of putting whipped cream in a seamless, lined aersol canister. What is the name of this popular commodity","answer":"Reddi-wip","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: 1980s: g.d. searle & co put this brand sweetener on the market in 1983","answer":"nutrasweet","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: 1990s: In 1992, what type of pet food could be mail-ordered from bow-wow distributers","answer":"vegetarian pet food","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: 19th Century: Laws forbidding the sale of ____ on Sunday prompted William Garwood to invent the ice cream sundae in Evanston, IL, in 1875","answer":"sodas","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: 2010s: A 2010 study found that nearly 70% of what imported item failed to live up to its claims of being \"extra virgin\"?","answer":"olive oil","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: 7x was used to refer to the secret ingredient of what drink","answer":"coca cola","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: 90% of vitamin ____ in brussels sprouts will be lost in cooking","answer":"c","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A 'roux' is produced when making which food","answer":"sauce","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A \"winkle\" is an edible","answer":"sea snail","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A bloomer is what type of food?","answer":"Bread","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A bottle of wine originating from the 'Nobilo' vineyards, is produced in which country","answer":"new zealand","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A bottle of wine originating from the Mondavi coastal vineyard is produced in which country","answer":"USA","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A bowl of ____ contains twice as much sodium as a bowl of potato chips","answer":"wheaties","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A bowl of Wheaties contains twice as much ____ as a bowl of potato chips","answer":"sodium","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A bowl of Wheaties contains twice as much sodium as a bowl of____ ","answer":"potato chips","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A breakfast food of rolled oats, dried fruit, nuts etc usually eaten with milk","answer":"muesli","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A Calzone Is A Folded Stuffed What?","answer":"Pizza","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A cantaloupe is a small what","answer":"melon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A canteloupe is what kind of fruit?","answer":"Melon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A connoisseur of good food","answer":"gourmet","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A crapulous person is full of what?","answer":"Alcohol","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A dish described as \"Lyonnaise\" has which ingredient","answer":"onions","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A dressing made with oil, wine, vinegar and seasoning is called what","answer":"vinaigrette","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A favourite Indian soup consisting of ground kernels of corn, dried smoked meat, fish, squash, pumpkin, or berries was called what","answer":"Sagamite","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A flat round Dutch cheese","answer":"gouda","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A flat round soft creamy French cheese","answer":"brie","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A folded tortilla filled with meat, cheese, beans etc. is called what","answer":"taco","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: a food labelled \"florentine\" is prepared with this","answer":"spinach","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A girl with pig tails, and a white-haired man represent this chain","answer":"wendys","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A green or yellow liqueur brandy","answer":"chartreuse","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A hot spicy root used in cooking","answer":"ginger","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A liqueur made red, acid-tasting cherries","answer":"maraschino","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A mint with a hole?","answer":"Polo","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: a really big french fry, stuffed with yummy stuff","answer":"baked potato","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A recipe for this soup might begin \"First you take a leek...\"","answer":"vichyssoise","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A tayberry is a cross between which two fruits","answer":"blackberry and raspberry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A thin Indian cake of unleavened bread","answer":"chapatti","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: A thin pancake with savoury or sweet filling","answer":"crepe","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: According to Vincent Vega, what is a Big Mac called in France?","answer":"le big mac","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: according to vincent, whats a quarter pounder called in france","answer":"royale with cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Add this to milk, eggs, and sugar to make a Tom and Jerry","answer":"rum","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Adding this to a mere martini makes it a Gibson","answer":"onion","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: An egg plant is also known as which vegetable?","answer":"Aubergine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Any candy on a stick is known as this","answer":"lollipop","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Apart from potato What is the other main ingredient of Bubble and Squeak?","answer":"Cabbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: At North American pizza outlets, this is often referred to as \"Canadian bacon\"","answer":"ham","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: At which stage of a meal would you have an hors d'oeuvre?","answer":"beginning","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Avocados have the highest calories of any fruit at ____ calories per hundred grams","answer":"167","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Bacardi Rum's logo features which creature?","answer":"Bat","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Baked beans are made from which beans?","answer":"Haricot","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Baklava is a form of...","answer":"dessert","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Bechemel, espagnole and bearnaise are types of which food","answer":"sauce","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beef roast cooked in vinegar (German)","answer":"sauerbraten","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Beers Around the World (brand names)","answer":"Dos Equis","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Beers Around the World (brand names)","answer":"Leinenkugel","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Beers Around the World (brand names)","answer":"Tecate","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Beers made with top fermenting yeasts, usually at warmer temperatures","answer":"ale","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Belgian monks at places like Chimay and Orval brew beers given this moniker","answer":"trappist","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Biweekly IRC beer tastings, at 10pm Eastern Time, are on this channel","answer":"#tasting","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Brand that makes a cameo appearance in Das Boot?","answer":"becks","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: breweries that produce less than 15,000 barrels per year are called ____","answer":"microbreweries","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Cheaper non-barley grains such as rice and corn are referred to by this term","answer":"adjuncts","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Common ending for the names of German Doppelbocks?","answer":"ator","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: German variety of noble hops that Jim Koch whines about on the radio","answer":"hallertau mittelfrueh","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Home country of Sam Miguel beer?","answer":"philippines","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: In many backward states, stronger beers must use this useless term instead","answer":"malt liquor","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Most experts say you don`t have a pilsner if you don't use this kind of hops","answer":"saaz","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Standard unit of bitterness. Defined as 1 part per million isohumolone","answer":"international bittering unit","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Swiss beer bottled each year on December 6th and sold the following year","answer":"samichlaus","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Term used for the strongest ales (not lagers)","answer":"barleywine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: The art or science of brewing beer. Also the name of a homebrew magazine","answer":"zymurgy","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: The brewery in derge's hometown, Frederick, Maryland, brews under this label","answer":"blue ridge brewery","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: the german term weizen refers to beers made with this ingredient","answer":"wheat","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: The process of extracting sugar from malt by soaking in water","answer":"mashing","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: The Sierra Nevada Brewery makes this city \"Mecca\" to many beer enthusiasts","answer":"chico california","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: thiz tazetless zwill is zomething different all right, but itz not beer","answer":"zima","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: What brand used to \"Love to party\"?","answer":"lone star","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: What country is home to the real Budweiser? Not the USA","answer":"czechen republic","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: Where was Budweiser first brewed","answer":"st. louis","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Beer: which is higher, percent alcohol by weight or by volume?","answer":"by volume","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Before baking a 'baked alaska', with what is the ice cream covered","answer":"meringue","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: big mexican food chain, ring ding a ling, making you run for the border!","answer":"taco bell","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Biology: Bread, cereals, fruit and vegetables are needed by the body as good sources of what","answer":"fibre","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Black-eyed peas are not peas. What are they?","answer":"Beans","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Boned steak cut off sirloin","answer":"entrecote","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Borsch is based on what vegetable","answer":"beetroot","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Bortsch is a traditional dish from which country","answer":"russia","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Boston butt, jowl, and picnic ham are parts of a ____","answer":"pig","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Breakfast Cereals","answer":"Alphabits","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Breakfast Cereals","answer":"Fruit Loops","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Breakfast CerealsCorn Pops","answer":"Fruity Pebbles","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Bummalo fish dried and salted is eaten as a relish called what","answer":"bombay duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cakes or biscuits made with egg whites, sugar and ground almonds or coconut","answer":"macaroons","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Candy: Cinnamon flavored candies with a Mexican theme","answer":"hot tamales","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Candy: fruit flavored candy pieces made with ju-ju gum","answer":"jujubes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Caster,demerara and Muscovado are all types of what","answer":"sugar","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: chain with a hat as a logo, makes roast beef burgers among other things","answer":"arbys","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: dutch origin; inedible casing; mild; appetizer, dessert","answer":"edam","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: english origin; mild to very sharp; snack, cooking, dessert","answer":"cheddar","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: french origin; cherry brandy flavor; appetizer, dessert","answer":"gourmandise","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: French origin; pungent; appetizer, dessert","answer":"camembert","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: French origin; sharp, salty; appetizer, salad, dessert","answer":"roquefort","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: Italian origin; mellow; appetizer, dessert","answer":"fontina","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: Italian origin; mild, curd or dry; cooking, dessert","answer":"ricotta","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: Italian origin; mild; as an appetizer, for dessert","answer":"bel paese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: italian origin; pungent flavor; crumbly; in salads, for dessert","answer":"gorgonzola","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: norwegian origin; caramel flavor; sandwich, snack","answer":"gjetost","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: probably french origin; tangy, sharp; appetizer, salad, dessert","answer":"blue","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: swiss origin; clover flavor; usually grated","answer":"sapsago","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: swiss origin; nutty, sharper than swiss; cooking, dessert","answer":"gruyere","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: This Mother Goose character was eating what we'd call cottage cheese","answer":"little miss muffett","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: u.s. origin; very mild; hill slightly; salad, snack, dessert","answer":"cream","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cheese: Yugoslavian origin; salty, appetizer, snack, dessert","answer":"kashkaval","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chefs at the al bustan rotana hotel made a cake with ____ candles","answer":"2100","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chewing gum was patented by who","answer":"william semple","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from","answer":"crying","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chicken is the leading cause of what food born illness?","answer":"Salmonella poisoning","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chicory was a war time substitute for what drink?","answer":"Coffee","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chocolate: Marble sized, vanilla flavored, chewy caramels covered with milk chocolate","answer":"milk duds","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chocolate: milk chocolate covered peanuts","answer":"goobers","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chocolate: Named for a celestial object","answer":"milky way","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chocolate: named for Mars and Murrie, the company's founders","answer":"mnms","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chocolate: promoted by bart simpson","answer":"butterfingers","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Chocolate: Swiss manufacturer of the Crunch bar","answer":"nestle","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Coca-cola was named for the extracts of which of its two 'medicinal' ingredients","answer":"coca leaves and kola nuts","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Coca-cola was originally what colour","answer":"green","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: Bourbon, sugar and mint make a(n) ____","answer":"mint julep","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: Cognac (brandy) and white creme de menthe make a(n) ____","answer":"stinger","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: Creme de Cacao, cream, and brandy make a(n) ____","answer":"brandy alexander","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: creme de cacao, cream, and brandy make a","answer":"brandy alexander","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: Gin and Collins mix make a(n) ____","answer":"tom collins","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: gin, blue curacao & lemonade make a ____","answer":"blue lagoon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: Rum, lime, and cola drink make a(n) ____","answer":"cuba libre","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: Triple sec, tequila, and lemon or lime juice make a(n) ____","answer":"margarita","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: vodka & kahlua make a(n) ____","answer":"black russian","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: Vodka and Kahlua make a(n) ____","answer":"black russian","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: vodka and lime juice make a","answer":"gimlet","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: vodka and orange juice make a","answer":"screwdriver","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: Vodka, orange juice and Galliano make a(n) ____","answer":"harvey wallbanger","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: What are the essential ingredients of a daiquiri","answer":"rum and lemon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: What cocktail is based on rum and lemon","answer":"daiquiri","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: whiskey, angostura bitters, and sugar make an","answer":"old fashion","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cocktails: Whiskey, hot coffee, and whipped cream make a(n) ____","answer":"irish coffee","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Coffee made under steam pressure","answer":"espresso","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Conference, Bartlett and Kaiser are all varieties of which fruit?","answer":"Pear","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Cornflakes were invented in 1863, 1890 or 1915","answer":"1890","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Different kinds of pies (omit \"pie\")","answer":"Apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Different kinds of pies (omit pie)","answer":"French Silk","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Dish consisting of flavoured mince, chilli and beans","answer":"chilli con carne","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Dish of food covered with alcohol and set alight","answer":"flambe","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Dish served between fish and meat courses","answer":"entree","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Drink made of eggs, cream & sugar - rum optional (English)","answer":"eggnog","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Dry white wine made from european varitey of grape","answer":"riesling","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Duke Richelieu brought it to France after visiting Mahon, city on Minorca","answer":"mayonnaise","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Dunkin' Donuts serves about ____ doughnuts each day","answer":"112,500","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: During brewing what is converted into alcohol?","answer":"Sugar","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Dutch cheese with red rind","answer":"edam","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Dutch liqeur made with raw eggs","answer":"advocaat","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Earl grey is a china tea flavoured with what","answer":"bergamot","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Edible organs of an animal","answer":"offal","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Even though it tastes nothing like grapes, a ____ is often eaten for breakfast","answer":"grapefruit","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Expensive potato patties served for breakfast","answer":"hash browns","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Fashion designer that owns Paris's Maxim's restaurant","answer":"pierre cardin","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Fast Food Restaurants","answer":"McDonalds","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Federal labeling regulations require how much caffeine be removed from coffee for it to be called decaffeinated?","answer":"Ninety seven percent","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Filo pastry stuffed with chopped nuts and honey","answer":"baklava","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Fine strong dark coffee","answer":"mocha","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Finely ground meal of grains of wheat, obtained by milling","answer":"flour","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped: celery, ____ , cola, apple and chocolate","answer":"coffee","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped: celery, coffee, ____ , apple and chocolate","answer":"cola","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped: celery, coffee, cola, ____ and chocolate","answer":"apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped: celery, coffee, cola, apple and____","answer":"chocolate","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Five jello flavours that flopped:____ , coffee, cola, apple and chocolate","answer":"celery","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Flamingo ____ were a common delicacy at Roman feasts","answer":"tongues","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Flamingo tongues were a common delicacy at ____ feasts","answer":"roman","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: French bread filled with meat, cheese and salad is called a what","answer":"hero sandwich","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: French fries come from this country","answer":"belgium","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: French: Beef stew with Burgundy wine","answer":"boeuf bourguignonne","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: french: clarified double-strength brown stock","answer":"consomme","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: french: delicate egg whites baked at a high temperature, literally means \"a breath\"","answer":"souffle","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: french: fisherman's stew, literally means \"boil on low heat\" (watch the spelling)","answer":"bouillabaisse","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: french: flaky, buttery pastry shaped in a quarter-moon","answer":"croissant","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: french: less stimulating than tea or coffee, an infusion","answer":"tisane","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: french: rich custard famous for its hard, caramelized sugar glaze","answer":"creme brulee","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: french: salad from the south of france, made with black olives and anchovies","answer":"salade nicoise","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: french: the basic white sauce","answer":"bechamel","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: french: thin pancakes with an orange liqueur sauce","answer":"crepes suzette","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: French: what is the name of the favourite French Canadian snack consisting of French Fries and Melted Cheese","answer":"Poutine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: From what animal do we get venison","answer":"deer","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: From what is mock turtle soup made","answer":"calfs head","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: From what is rum distilled","answer":"Sugar cane","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: From which animal does haggis come?","answer":"Sheep","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: From which fish is caviar obtained","answer":"sturgeon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Fruit preserved in sugar","answer":"glace","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Fruit puree thin enough to pour","answer":"coulis","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: fruit smack flavored syrup was the original name of","answer":"kool aid","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Fruit that is a cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine","answer":"ugli","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: garfield's favourite food, multi-layered, common at pizza stores","answer":"lasagna","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: german dish with roast beef marinated in vinegar, sugar, and seasonings","answer":"sauerbraten","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: German wholemeal rye bread","answer":"pumpernickel","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Glass bottle for serving wine","answer":"carafe","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Greek dish of mince with aubergine and eggs","answer":"mousaka","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Grolsch lager is from which country?","answer":"Holland","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Hash Browns are normally made from which vegetables?","answer":"Potatoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Homer Simpson drinks what brand of beer?","answer":"Duff","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Homer Simpson drinks Which brand of beer regularly?","answer":"Duff","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: How many calories are there in a stick of celery?","answer":"None","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: How many flowers are in the design stamped on each side of an Oreo cookie?","answer":"Twelve","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: How many herbs and spices are used in Kentucky Fried Chicken","answer":"eleven","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: How many pieces of bun are in a Mcdonald's Big Mac","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: How many sizes of chicken eggs does the USDA recognize, including peewee?","answer":"Six","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are types of ____","answer":"lettuce","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: If I take two apples out of a basket containing six apples how many apples do I have ?","answer":"Two","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: If steak was blue how would it be cooked?","answer":"Very Rare","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: If you had frijoles refritos in a Mexican restaurant it would be refried what?","answer":"beans","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: If you ordered Caneton what would you get","answer":"duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In 1904, what food product was renamed Post Toasties cereal because the clergy objected to the original name?","answer":"Elijah's Manna","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In a French restaurant what would you be eating if you chose escargots?","answer":"Snails","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In a Mcdonald's Big Mac how many pieces of bun are there?","answer":"Three","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In addition to potatoes what is in colcannon","answer":"cabbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In Ancient China what variety of meat was reserved exclusively for the emperor?","answer":"Pork","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In ancient Egypt what was liquorice used for?","answer":"Medicine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In cockney rhyming slang what is \"Ruby Murray\"?","answer":"Curry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In cooking how many teaspoons in a tablespoon","answer":"three","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In Eggs Florentine which vegetable is a main ingredient?","answer":"Spinach","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In pickles, what are gherkins","answer":"cucumbers","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In the dish of Beef Wellington, in what is the beef wrapped?","answer":"Pastry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In the Hansel and Gretel tale what was the wicked witch's house made of?","answer":"Gingerbread","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In the United States, what are the five most frequently eaten fruits?","answer":"banana","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In what year was Diet Pepsi introduced","answer":"1965","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In which country did edam cheese originate","answer":"Holland","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: In which country did the word 'biscuit' originate","answer":"France","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Indian clarified butter","answer":"ghee","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Indian dish of of fried vegetables","answer":"bhaji","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Is a schnitzel a sweet or a savoury?","answer":"savoury","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Is wholemeal bread brown or white","answer":"brown","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: italian dish consiting of olives, anchovies, salami, celery, and appetizers","answer":"antipasto","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Japanese drink made from rice","answer":"sake","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Jasmine and long grain are both types of what?","answer":"Rice","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: kfc stands for?","answer":"kentucky fried chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Lack of Vitamin D causes which disease","answer":"rickets","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Laetrile is associated with the pit of which fruit","answer":"apricot","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Large brown fruit of tropical palm tree","answer":"coconut","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Largest single user of almonds in North America","answer":"hershey","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: List Coffee drinks & types (omit coffee)","answer":"Americano","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Little round chocolate candies are known as _&m's","answer":"m","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Long green fleshy fruit used in salads","answer":"cucumber","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: lots of people like this brown liquid with fries","answer":"gravy","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Marsala is a type of this","answer":"sweet wine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Marzipan is made from which nuts?","answer":"Almonds","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: McDonald's also sells this Italian food in some markets","answer":"pizza","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: McDonalds: all of their products seem to be prefaced with which 2 letters","answer":"mc","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: McDonalds: out of the two big cola brands, which one do they sell","answer":"coca cola","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: McDonalds: These things may sound like Scottish lumps of gold, but are food","answer":"mcnuggets","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: McDonalds: Who is McDonald's mascot?(full name)","answer":"ronald mcdonald","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Mexican dish with minced and seasoned meat packed in cornmeal and corn husks","answer":"tamale","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Mixed diced vegetables in mayonnaise is what sort of salad","answer":"russian","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Mixed Drinks/Cocktails","answer":"Martini","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Mixed Drinks/Cocktails","answer":"Whiskey Sour","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Mustard, ketchup and onions on a hotdog are all ____","answer":"condiments","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: N. African dish of cracked wheat steamed over broth","answer":"couscous","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Name for an oblong cream puff filled and topped with icing","answer":"eclair","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Name for vitamin B2","answer":"riboflavin","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Name of a cylindrical clay oven traditionally used in India","answer":"tandoor","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Name of a medieval spiced wine, often served warm","answer":"hippocras","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Name the drink that is often confused with a drug","answer":"coke","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Name the only fruit named for its color","answer":"orange","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: name the year l & p - lemon and paeroa new zealand's most famous soft drink was invented in","answer":"1904","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: North African dish with this semolina product (North African)","answer":"couscous","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Nut used to make marzipan","answer":"almond","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Nutmeg is extremely ____ if injected intravenously","answer":"poisonous","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Of all the common fowl, this requires the longest cooking","answer":"duck","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Of the Worlds food crops, what percentage is pollinated by insects?","answer":"80 percent","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Of which fruit is Pearmain a variety","answer":"apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Often drank, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows","answer":"milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Often drunk, this liquid is normally harvested from female cows","answer":"milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Often eaten for breakfast, the egg comes from what barnyard animal","answer":"chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: On a menu, the term flambe indicates this","answer":"flaming","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: On some boards, these things are listed as FREE, at McDonald's","answer":"smiles","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: On what vegetable did an ancient Egyptian place his right hand when taking an oath?","answer":"The onion","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: One who specialises in the scientific study and regulation of food intakeand preparation","answer":"dietician","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Oyster, Chestnut, or Shitaki are types of which vegetable?","answer":"Mushrooms","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Pale very dry Spanish sherry","answer":"manzanilla","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Pate de foie gras is made from the liver of which bird","answer":"goose","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Pilaf is this cooked in a broth of meat or poultry","answer":"rice","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Pizza Toppings","answer":"Cheddar Cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Pizza toppings","answer":"Mozzarella Cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Plate of meat, tomatoes & cheese, literally means \"before pasta\" (Italian)","answer":"antipasto","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Polish cake filled with candied fruits and nuts","answer":"babka","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Port Salut is what?","answer":"Cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Prunes stuffed with almonds are wrapped in what to make Devils on horseback?","answer":"Bacon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Pureed chick-pea dip (Mid East)","answer":"hummus","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Red wine from Bordeaux","answer":"claret","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Rickets is caused by a lack of which vitamin","answer":"vitamin D","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Rounded green ish citrus fruit with an acid fleshy pulp","answer":"Lime","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Sauerkraut is pickled what?","answer":"Cabbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Seasoned smoked sausage","answer":"frankfurter","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Sheep milk is used to produce Roquefort____ ","answer":"cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Six ounces of orange juice contains the minimum daily requirement for which vitamin","answer":"vitamin C","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Soft french cheese","answer":"brie","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Sometimes called a Frankfurt, on a bun with cheese,mustard,ketchup etc","answer":"hot dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Spice made from the berry of the pimento plant","answer":"allspice","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Spirit distilled from malted barley","answer":"whisky","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Sticky and sweet this food is produced in a hive?","answer":"Honey","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Stuff you put in, on or serve with chili (the dish)","answer":"cayenne pepper","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Stuff you put in, on or serve with chili (the dish)","answer":"cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: sweetbread is derived from this organ","answer":"pancreas","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Taco ____","answer":"bell","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: Better teabags contain these small particles sifted out of better teas","answer":"fannings","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: In this country, tea leaves are pickled and used as a vegetable relish","answer":"burma","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: Japanese and many Chinese people prefer this type of tea, which is unfermented","answer":"green","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: Tea plants belong to this genus","answer":"camellia","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: Tea types - omit \"tea\"","answer":"Mint","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: The first sprouting of Darjeeling tea leaves in the spring are called this","answer":"first flush","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: The practice of steeping tea was developed during this Chinese dynasty","answer":"ming","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: This black tea is flavoured with oil of bergamot, an aromatic Chinese orange","answer":"earl grey","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: This is the name of the Japanese tea ceremony","answer":"chanoyu","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Tea: This nation is the world's largest producer of tea","answer":"india","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The 'M' in the McDonalds logo is what colour?","answer":"Yellow","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The \"D\" where milk is processed?","answer":"Dairy","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The beer introduced in 1961 to take the head off sales of imported beers","answer":"michelob","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The beer museum in Cincinnati is associated with this brewery","answer":"oldenberg","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The Bereich is a wine producing region of which country","answer":"germany","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The drink Sake (sah'ki) comes from this country","answer":"japan","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The eggs of this sturgeon are the preferred form of caviar","answer":"beluga","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The FDA approved what fat substitute for use in snack foods even though there were reports of side affects like cramps and diarrhea?","answer":"Olestra","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: the flop 1960's diet drink minivitine was a spinoff of this drink mix","answer":"ovaltine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The founder of Weight Watchers","answer":"jean nidetch","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The Giant panda's favorite food is what?","answer":"Bamboo shoots","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The home of the Golden Arches","answer":"mcdonalds","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The juice of which fruit will you find in a bloody mary?","answer":"Tomato","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The Lobster people...","answer":"red lobster","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The main cereal ingredient of flapkacks (Hudson Bars in USA)?","answer":"Oats","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The main ingredient of a Paella is what?","answer":"Rice","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The main ingredient of Sauerkraut is what?","answer":"Cabbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The main vegetable ingredient in the dish Borsht is what?","answer":"Beetroot","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The making of what well known dessert item was perfected by Sicilian Francisco Procopio in 1659","answer":"ice cream","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The mild stimulant \"theobromine\" is found in this common lip-smacker","answer":"chocolate","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The name of what food, when translated, means twice-cooked?","answer":"Biscuit","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The place that brings you fried chicken that has lovely but very caloric skin","answer":"kentucky fried chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The principal ingredient of sauerkraut","answer":"cabbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: the queensland nut or bush nut is more commonly known as this","answer":"macadamia","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The Simpsons advertise this candy","answer":"butterfinger","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The song, Food, Glorious Food, was featured in which musical?","answer":"Oliver","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles favourite food is?","answer":"Pizza","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The tradition of making what was born out of the need to use up milk and eggs before lent","answer":"pancakes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The turtles love these, they often come with many toppings","answer":"pizza","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: The usual main meat ingredient of a Shish Kebab is?","answer":"Lamb","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: These are Hershey's Kisses intertwined with white chocolate","answer":"hugs","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This \"Fresh is the taste\" chain is -everywhere-","answer":"subway","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: this bar first appeared in oats'n honey, cinammon, and coconut flavors","answer":"granola","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This breakfast cereal has a leprechaun mascot","answer":"lucky charms","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This candy bar \"satisfies the hunger in you\"","answer":"snickers","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This carbohydrate fruit is high in potassium?","answer":"Banana","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This cereal features a honey bee as its mascot (very specific)","answer":"honey nut cheerios","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This cereal is the only one that features a frog as its mascot","answer":"sugar smacks","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This cereal's box features an empty bowl and the phrase \"more, please.\"","answer":"cracklin oat bran","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This cereal's commercials feature a \"Cookie Crook\" and a \"Cookie Cop\"","answer":"cookie crisp","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This cereal's mascot is Tony the Tiger","answer":"frosted flakes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This chick pea pure? is flavoured with tahini and served as a dip?","answer":"Hummus","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This chocolaty cereal features Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble","answer":"cocoa pebbles","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This city is famous for its oranges?","answer":"Seville","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: this cut of beef lies between tenderloin & rump","answer":"sirloin","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This dairy product tastes good on crackers and sandwiches or on its own?","answer":"Cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This dish dervies from the old French word \"alemelle\", meaning \"thin plate\"","answer":"omelet","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This film inspired the snack food Screaming Yellow Zonkers","answer":"yellow submarine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This food has a name which means on a skewer?","answer":"Kebab","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This fruit goes into the liqueur Kirsch?","answer":"Cherry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This gum lasts an extra, extra, extra, long time","answer":"extra","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This gum's commercials highlight twins","answer":"doublemint","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This herb is used to flavour Pernod?","answer":"Aniseed","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This herb is used to make a Pesto sauce?","answer":"Basil","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This is converted into alcohol during brewing?","answer":"Sugar","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This is the \"national spice\" of Hungary","answer":"paprika","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This is the animal that never learns, \"Trix are for kids!\"","answer":"rabbit","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This is the chocolate caramel coated cookie bar (and is Mach's favorite)","answer":"twix","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This meat is used to make scaloppine","answer":"veal","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This milk is a basic ingredient in Thai cookery?","answer":"Coconut milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This spirit is the base for a Black Russian cocktail?","answer":"Vodka","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: This type of milk is a basic ingredient in Thai cookery?","answer":"Coconut milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Traditionally at a fair ground what fruit would be covered with toffee?","answer":"Apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Type of frothy milky coffee","answer":"cappuccino","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Type of moist aerated Italian bread","answer":"ciabatta","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Type of Pakistani curry cooked and served in a shallow dish","answer":"balti","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Under what name did the Domino's Pizza chain get its start?","answer":"DomNick's","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Unleavened bread for Passover","answer":"matzo","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Unlike other oranges, what does a navel orange not have","answer":"seeds","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Vegetable used in sauerkraut","answer":"cabbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Vermicelli literally means ____","answer":"little worms","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What added ingredient keeps confectioners' sugar from clumping?","answer":"Corn starch","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What American city produces most of the egg rolls sold in grocery stores in the United States?","answer":"Houston, Texas","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What animals milk is used to make authentic Italian mozzarella cheese?","answer":"The water buffalo's","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are de-headed, de-veined an sorted by size in a laitram machine?","answer":"Shrimp","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are dried prunes?","answer":"Plums","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are gazpacho and vichyssoise","answer":"chilled soups","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are Pontefract cakes made from?","answer":"Liquorice","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are small cubes of toasted or fried bread?","answer":"Croutons","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are Swedish buns called","answer":"Danishes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are the 3 main ingredients of Yorkshire pudding","answer":"milk, flour & eggs","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: what are the corns in corned beef","answer":"salt","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are the oldest, most widely cultivated and extensively used nuts in the world?","answer":"almonds","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are the principal ingredients of kedgeree","answer":"fish and rice","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What are the two top selling spices in the world?","answer":"Pepper and mustard","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What baking ingredient, sprayed at high pressure, did the U.S. Air Force replace its toxic paint stripper with?","answer":"Baking soda","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What basic product is cheese made out of","answer":"milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What bird is used in squab pie","answer":"pigeon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What breakfast cereal was invented at Battle Creek Sanitarium","answer":"Cornflakes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What breakfast cereal was Sonny the Cuckoo Bird \"cuckoo for\"?","answer":"Cocoa Puffs","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What cake do you keep a layer of to eat at the christening of your first child?","answer":"Wedding Cake","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What carbonated beverage started out life in the 1890's as 'Brad's Drink'","answer":"pepsi","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What cereal is used in Scotch Broth","answer":"barley","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: what colour is the flesh of an avocado?","answer":"green","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What company first condensed soup in 1898?","answer":"Campbell's","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What country is home to Grolsch lager?","answer":"Holland","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What country saw the cultivation of the first potato, in 200 A.D.?","answer":"South America","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What daily vegetable do typical boxer's ears look like?","answer":"Cauliflower","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What did Charles Jung invent","answer":"fortune cookies","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What do the brits call a Weenie?","answer":"A hot dog","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What does chop suey literally mean","answer":"bits and pieces","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What does iron deficiency cause","answer":"anaemia","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What drink is named after the queen of England who was famous for her 'sanguinary' persecution of the protestants","answer":"Bloody Mary","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What drink was sold as Diastoid when first introduced?","answer":"Malted milk","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What drupaceous fruit were Hawaiian women once forbidden by law to eat?","answer":"The coconut","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What edible comes in crimmini, morel, oyster and wood ear varieties?","answer":"Mushrooms","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What falling fruit supposedly inspired Isaac Newton to write the laws of gravity?","answer":"An Apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What famous Greek once advised: \"Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food\"?","answer":"Hippocrates","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What fitness guru appeared as a dancing meatball in an Italian TV commercial as an art student?","answer":"Richard Simmons","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What flavor of ice cream did Baskin-Robbins introduce to commemorate America's landing on the moon on July 20, 1969?","answer":"Lunar Cheesecake","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What flavour is Ouzo?","answer":"Aniseed","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What food is the leading source of salmonella poisoning?","answer":"Chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What food was considered the food of the Gods, and was said to bring eternal life to anyone who ate it?","answer":"Ambrosia","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What fruit grows on the blackthorn tree?","answer":"Sloe","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What fruit or vegetable was dubbed the FlavrSavr and was the first genetically engineered food sold in the United States?","answer":"The tomato","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What fruit was originally called a Chinese gooseberry","answer":"Kiwi Fruit","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What fruits are usually served 'belle helene'","answer":"pears","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What group of people were the first to use freeze-drying on potatoes?","answer":"The Incas","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What hit the market alongside spinach as the first frozen veggies?","answer":"Peas","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What ingredient in fresh milk is eventually devoured by bacteria, causing the sour taste?","answer":"Lactose","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is a combination of chopped and boiled pigs heads, feet, hearts and tongues, held together in a loaf shaped by gelatin","answer":"head cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry","answer":"tayberry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is a light round bun usually served hot?","answer":"Muffin","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is a macadamia?","answer":"Nut","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: what is a zabouska","answer":"russian hors-d'oeuvre","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is added to mineral water to make tonic","answer":"quinine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is advertised on TV with the slogan \"You either Love it or Hate it\"?","answer":"Marmite","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is another name for almond paste?","answer":"Marzipan","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is another name for the carambula","answer":"star fruit","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is another name for the star fruit","answer":"carambula","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is Blue Vinney","answer":"cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is Bombay Duck?","answer":"Fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is cinsidered to be the oldest of the English cheeses","answer":"Cheshire","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is deer meat called","answer":"venison","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is included in a BLT sandwich?","answer":"Bacon, lettuce and tomato","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is inside corn that makes it pop","answer":"water","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is lava bread?","answer":"Seaweed","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is passata","answer":"sieved tomatoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is produced by roasting dried corn kernels in oil","answer":"popcorn","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is Scooby Doo`s favourite food?","answer":"Scooby Snacks","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the correct spelling of a Cadbury Creame/Creem/Creme/Cream Egg?","answer":"Creme","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the favourite food of Dragonflies","answer":"mosquitoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the favourite food of the Aardvark","answer":"ants","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the French name for a tart of cheese and bacon in a cream and egg filling","answer":"quiche lorraine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the french name given to clear soup","answer":"Consomme","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the literal meaning of the Italian word linguine?","answer":"Little tongues","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: what is the main ingredient in the welsh dish lava bread","answer":"seaweed","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the main ingredient of a traditional fondue?","answer":"cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the main ingredient of paella?","answer":"Rice","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the main vegetable ingredient in the dish Borsht?","answer":"Beetroot","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the main vegetable used to make Borsch?","answer":"Beetroot","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the most expensive pate you can buy","answer":"pate de fois gras","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the most widely eaten fish in the world?","answer":"The Herring","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the most widely used seasoning","answer":"salt","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the name given to a joint of beef cut from the breast next to the ribs","answer":"brisket","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the name given to meat from the flesh of young calves","answer":"veal","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the name given to stunted and withered apples used to make rough cider","answer":"scrumps","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the name of the cocktail, a mixture of tequila,lime juice and an orange flavoured liqueur served in glass rimed with salt","answer":"margarita","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the name of the evergreen shrub from which we get capers?","answer":"The caper bush","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the name of the syrup drained from raw sugar","answer":"molasses","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the name of this hot red chilli pepper it is often dried and ground?","answer":"Cayenne Pepper","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the national dish of Hungary?","answer":"Goulash","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the official national cheese of Greece?","answer":"Feta","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the oldest known vegetable","answer":"pea","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the only essential vitamin not found in the white potato?","answer":"Vitamin A","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the only fruit named for its colour?","answer":"Orange","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the only fruit that grows its seeds on the outside?","answer":"Strawberry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the plant that wards off vampires?","answer":"Garlic","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is the popular name for an apple dipped in boiled sugar-syrup and left to set","answer":"toffee apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles favourite food?","answer":"Pizza","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is this italian dessert, made from sponge cake, mascarpone cheese and flavoured with coffee and brandy called","answer":"tiramisu","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is toasted bread rubbed with garlic and drizzled with olive oil","answer":"bruschetta","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is tripe on a menu","answer":"stomach","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is Uganda's staple crop, which each adult consumes over 3 times bodyweight annually?","answer":"Bananas","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What is vodka made from","answer":"grain or potatoes","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What Italian Cheese usually tops a pizza?","answer":"Mozzarella","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What kind of nuts are used in marzipan","answer":"almonds","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: what little fish of the herring family are pickled are used for a pizza topping","answer":"anchovies","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What meat is Coq au vin made with ?","answer":"Chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What meat is used in Woolton pie","answer":"none","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What method of preserving food did the Incas first use, on potatoes?","answer":"Freeze-drying","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What might you be eating at Wimbledon if you had a Cambridge Rival in your mouth?","answer":"Strawberry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What milk product did the U.S. Agriculture Department propose as a substitute for meat in school lunches, in 1996?","answer":"Yogurt","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What morning food has a name derived from the German word for stirrup?","answer":"Bagel","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What name can be a lettuce or a mass of floating frozen water?","answer":"Iceberg","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What name's given to a small, deep fried chinese dumpling with a savoury filing?","answer":"Won ton","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What nation produces two thirds of the world's vanilla?","answer":"Madagascar","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What newly-imported substance caused the first major outbreak of tooth decay in Europe, in the1500's?","answer":"Sugar","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What nut do two-thirds of its U. S. producers sell through Blue Diamond?","answer":"The Almond","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What nuts are used to flavour amaretto?","answer":"Almonds","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What nutty legume accounts for one sixth of the world's vegetable oil production?","answer":"The peanut","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What Olympic athlete could not run the 200-meter final in the 92 Olympics because of food poisoning?","answer":"Michael Johnson","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What other names are sardines known by?","answer":"Pilchards","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What overtook coca-cola as the most well known brand name (in the world) in 1996?","answer":"McDonalds","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What recipe, first published 50 years ago, has been requested most frequently through the years by the readers of \"Better Homes and Garden\"?","answer":"Hamburger Pie","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What should your diet be high in to lessen the chance of colon cancer, according to a 1990 study?","answer":"Fiber","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What soft drink uses this slogan, \"What's the worst that could happen\"","answer":"Dr Pepper","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What sort of bone is broken as wishes are made","answer":"wishbone","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What sort of fish is used to make an Arbroath Smokie","answer":"smoked haddock","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What sort of food is a 'rollmop'","answer":"fish","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What sort of pastry is used to make profiteroles?","answer":"Choux","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What soup is likely to be on the menu in warsaw or moscow","answer":"borsht","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What south american capital city shares its name with a legume","answer":"lima","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What spanish drink consists of sweet red wine, lemonade or soda water and decorated with fruit?","answer":"Sangria","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What spice do chefs pay the most for","answer":"Saffron","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What spice gives piccalilli and curries its yellow colour?","answer":"Turmeric","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What spice is Zanzibar famous for","answer":"cloves","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What spice tastes like a blend of cinnamon, nutmeg & cloves","answer":"allspice","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What staple is laced with up to 16 additives including plaster of paris, to stay fresh?","answer":"Bread","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What sticky sweetener was traditionally used as an antiseptic ointment for cuts and burns?","answer":"Honey","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What take-away is traditional in England at the seaside?","answer":"Fish and chips","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What tree gives us prunes?","answer":"The plum tree","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What two ingredients make a black velvet","answer":"champagne and stout","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of chocolate was first developed for public consumption in Vevey, Switzerland in 1875?","answer":"Milk Chocolate","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of creature builds a lodge in which to store food, rear its young, and pass the winter?","answer":"Beaver","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: what type of drink is perrier?","answer":"mineral water","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of egg will yield 11 and one-half average-size omelettes?","answer":"An Ostrich egg","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of food did Linda McCartney launch?","answer":"Vegetarian food","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of food is pitta (pita)?","answer":"bread","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of lettuce was called Crisphead until the 1920s?","answer":"Iceberg lettuce","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of micro organism makes up the base of marine and freshwater food chains?","answer":"Plankton","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of oven will not brown foods?","answer":"Microwave oven","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of salad do you need apple, celery, walnuts, raisins and mayonnaise mixed together?","answer":"Waldorf Salad","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of thin pancake is eaten in Mexico?","answer":"Tortilla","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What type of tree leaves are the only food that a koala bear will eat?","answer":"Eucalyptus","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What uncooked meat is a trichina worm most likely to make a home in?","answer":"Pork","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What variety of banana shares its name with the title of a Bond movie?","answer":"Goldfinger","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What vegetable is also known as zucchini in the USA?","answer":"Courgette","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What vegetable is sold mainly before 30th October?","answer":"Pumpkin","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What was margarine called when it was first marketed in England?","answer":"Butterine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What was the convenience food that Joel Cheek developed?","answer":"Instant Coffee","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What was the drink we know as the Bloody Mary originally called?","answer":"The Red Snapper","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What was the favourite food of Paddington Bear?","answer":"Marmalade","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What was the first commercially manufactured breakfast cereal?","answer":"Shredded Wheat","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What was the first of H.J. Heinz' \"57 varieties\"?","answer":"Horseradish","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What was the name of Cheerios when it was first marketed 50 years ago?","answer":"Cheerioats","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What was the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles favorite food?","answer":"Pizza","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What wine is flavoured with pine resin","answer":"retsina","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What would you be drinking if you were drinking Earl Grey?","answer":"Tea","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What would you call a cluster of bananas?","answer":"A hand","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What would you call a segment of garlic?","answer":"Clove","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What's a small pickled cucumber?","answer":"Gherkin","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What's cockney rhyming slang for eyes?","answer":"Mince Pies","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What's colour of the inside of a pistachio nut?","answer":"Green","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What's lava bread?","answer":"Seaweed","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What's Sauerkraut's main ingredient?","answer":"Cabbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What's the alligator pear better known as","answer":"The Avocado","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What's the groundnut better known as?","answer":"The peanut","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What's the only fish that produces real caviar, according to the FDA?","answer":"Sturgeon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What's the only rock edible to man?","answer":"Salt","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Whats the english translation for the french word crepe?","answer":"Pancake","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: When a wine is described as 'brut' what does it mean about the taste?","answer":"Very Dry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: When Birdseye introduced the first frozen food in 1930, what did the company call it?","answer":"Frosted Food","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Where did the pineapple plant originate?","answer":"South America","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Where is most of the vitamin C in fruits","answer":"skin","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: where was baloney first served","answer":"bologna, italy","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Where were Cornflakes invented","answer":"Battle Creek Sanitarium","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Where were fortune cookies invented","answer":"United States","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which banned alcoholic drink distilled from wormwood, was known as Green Faerie","answer":"absinthe","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which brand of beer features a kangaroo on the packaging?","answer":"Fosters","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which brand of frozen ice cream cone was advertised to the tune of Italian song \"O Sole Mio\"?","answer":"Cornetto","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which cake shares a name with an English Queen","answer":"victoria sandwich cake","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which carbohydrate makes jam a gel","answer":"pectin","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which celebrity chef was nicknamed 'The Naked Chef'?","answer":"Jamie Oliver","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which cheese is made in reverse?","answer":"Edam","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which city gave its name to a three-coloured Neapolitan ice-cream?","answer":"Naples","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which country consumes the most pasta per person per year?","answer":"Italy","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which country does Rioja Wine come from?","answer":"Spain","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which country does the dish Mousakka come from?","answer":"Greece","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which country in Europe consumes more spicy Mexican food than any other?","answer":"Norway","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which country invented the Marmite alternative - Veggie mite?","answer":"Australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which entertainer on Conan O'Brien's show, choose NBC cafeteria chicken over his own brand in a blind taste test?","answer":"Kenny Rogers","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which essential herbs are used to flavour bearnaise sauce","answer":"chervil and tarragon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which family of vegatables are Chives from?","answer":"Onions","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which flavouring is added to brandy and egg to make advocaat","answer":"vanilla","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which food has a name which means on a skewer?","answer":"Kebab","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which food was popular with Popeye the Sailor?","answer":"Spinach","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which fortified wine is particularly associated with the River Douro","answer":"port","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which french term for a light frothy dish literally translates as puffed up","answer":"souffle","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which fruit also shares its name with Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter?","answer":"Apple","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which fruit does one of Bob Geldofs' daughter share a name with?","answer":"Peaches","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which fruit is used in the making of a Black Forest Gateau?","answer":"Black Cherries","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which fruit served with cream is eaten during the summer tennis tournament Wimbledon?","answer":"Strawberries","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which fruits other name is the Chinese Gooseberry","answer":"kiwi fruit","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which is the fruit that contains the most calories?","answer":"Avocado pear","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which meat is usally in a Shish Kebab?","answer":"Lamb","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which nut is used to flavour traditional Bakewell Tart?","answer":"Almond","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which product is advertised on TV with the slogan, ?Once you pop you can't stop??","answer":"Pringles","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which red jelly is a traditional accompaniment to lamb?","answer":"redcurrant","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which song mentions saveloy, mustard, jelly, custard and sausages in the lyrics?","answer":"Food Glorious Food","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which town in Yorkshire has given its name to a type of liquorice lozenge made there since the 16th century and bearing the impression of a castle","answer":"pontefract","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which two fruits are anagrams of each other?","answer":"Lemon & Melon","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Which variety of orange was named after a Japanese province?","answer":"Satsuma","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: who are the worlds greatest cheese eaters","answer":"The French","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Who invented fortune cookies","answer":"Charles Jung","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Who invented Margarine in 1868?","answer":"Hyppolyte Merge-mouries","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Who invented the Egg Mcmuffin","answer":"Ed Peterson","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: who is the founder of kfc","answer":"colonel sanders","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Who talked of eating human liver washed down with Chianti?","answer":"Hannibal Lecter","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Who, according to the TV commercial, ?makes exceedingly good cakes'?","answer":"Mr Kipling","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Wine sediment","answer":"lees","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Birdseye' introduced fish fingers into the UK in what year","answer":"1955","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Coco-cola' was invented in which year","answer":"1886","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Jambalaya' is a traditional dish in which American state","answer":"louisiana","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: Toheroa Soup' is a traditional dish from which country","answer":"new zealand","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink: What the big boys eat\"","answer":"wheaties","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 'framboise' is a liqueur flavoured with what","answer":"raspberries","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 'maraschino' is a liqueur flavoured with what","answer":"cherries","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 'Williamine' is a liqueur made from what","answer":"pears","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1 1/2 oz. light rum, 1 lime, powdered sugar, fruit juice, blend w/crushed ice","answer":"daiquiri","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1 ounce of light rum and the juice of 1/2 lime, top with cola","answer":"cuba libre","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1 oz. gin and 1 oz. orange juice","answer":"orange blossom","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1 oz. gin, 1/2 oz. dry vermouth, 1/2 oz. sweet vermouth, 1/2 oz. orange juice","answer":"bronx cocktail","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1/2 oz. light rum, 1/2 oz. dark rum, 1 oz. orange, lime, pineapple juice","answer":"pina colada","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 1990s: What helped a lot of underage drinkers get drunk in 1995","answer":"Alcopop","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 2 oz. gin, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, pour over ice cubes","answer":"tom collins","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 2 oz. gin, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tsp sugar, top with soda water","answer":"gin fizz","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: A full ____ percent of the entire Irish barley crop goes to the production of Guinness beer","answer":"seven","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: A full seven percent of the entire Irish ____ crop goes to the production of Guinness beer","answer":"barley","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: A full seven percent of the entire Irish barley crop goes to the production of ____ beer","answer":"guinness","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: A manhattan, but with scotch whiskey","answer":"rob roy","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: A manhattan, but with scotch whisky","answer":"rob roy","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: A.K.A juniper juice?","answer":"gin","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Almond liqueur that comes from the Italian for \"bitter\", not \"love\"","answer":"amaretto","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: An illegal 1920s saloon","answer":"speakeasy","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Anise flavored Greek liqueur","answer":"ouzo","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Australian city home of Castlemaine XXXX Export Lager","answer":"brisbane","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: admeeral tyeyskoye:","answer":"russia","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Aguila Imperial Ale:","answer":"spain","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Churchill:","answer":"england","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: escudo:","answer":"chile","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Heineken:","answer":"holland","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: ngok' malt liquor:","answer":"zaire","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: pilsner urquell:","answer":"czechoslavakia","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: prestige stout:","answer":"haiti","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Sapporo:","answer":"japan","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beer: Xingu:","answer":"brazil","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beverage made from rice","answer":"arrack","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Beverage produced by fermenting the juice of grapes","answer":"wine","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Company that brews Michelob beer","answer":"anheuser-busch","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Company that was purveyor of Vodka to the Imperial Russian Court (1886-1917)","answer":"smirnoff","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Egyptian god credited with first making beer","answer":"osiris","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: French cup of coffee flavored with apple brandy","answer":"cafe calvados","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: From what is the liqueur kirsch made","answer":"cherries","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: From which fruit is the liqueur Kirsh made","answer":"cherry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: From which plant is tequila derived","answer":"cactus","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Good Rhine wines are bottled in what colour bottles","answer":"brown","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Hazelnut liqueur named for the mysterious monk that made it 300 years ago","answer":"frangelico","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: iquor whose name is derived from uisge beath, gaelic for aqua vitae","answer":"whisky","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Japanese rice wine","answer":"sake","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Legend says bats lived in the rum distillery and one of them is on the label","answer":"bacardi","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Liver disease caused by alcoholism","answer":"cirrhosis","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: London engraver famous for his etchings of drunkards","answer":"william hogarth","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: mead is made from this","answer":"honey","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Medieval monks invented this stopper, necessary for champagne","answer":"cork","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Monastic order that established the California wine industry","answer":"franciscan","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: National drink of Peru","answer":"pisco","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Only three grape varieties can be used to make champagne. Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier are two. Name the third","answer":"chardonnay","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Polish plum brandy","answer":"slivovitz","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Puritan preacher who said \"Wine is from God, the drunkard is from the Devil\"","answer":"increase mather","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Rum is made from this plant","answer":"sugar cane","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: sapporo is brewed in this country","answer":"japan","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Spice that a bartender would dust your Brandy Flip with","answer":"nutmeg","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: that's reproduced by the replicator","answer":"synthehol","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: The cultivation of grapes","answer":"viticulture","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: The geometric shape found on the Bass Pale Ale bottle","answer":"triangle","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: the german new year's carnival","answer":"fasching","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: The Greek god of wine, dance, and ecstacy","answer":"dionysus","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: The most popular alcoholic beverage in America before beer","answer":"cider","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: the traditional sweedish drink","answer":"aquavit","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: the two ingredients of a black velvet are stout and","answer":"champagne","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: This liquor brand accents a Scarlet O' Hara or a Rhett Butler?","answer":"southern comfort","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Vodka, consomme, lemon, tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, celery salt","answer":"bullshot","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Vodka, tomato juice, lemon, tabasco sauce, salt, pepper, celery salt","answer":"bloody mary","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: What \"secco\" means on a bottle of Italian wine","answer":"dry","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: What berries give gin its flavour","answer":"juniper berries","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: what bottles of chianti are traditionally covered with","answer":"straw","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: What color is a Remy Martin bottle?","answer":"green","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: what colour is creme de menthe?","answer":"green","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: what country produces rioja wines","answer":"spain","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: What do you chase whisky with in a boilermaker","answer":"beer","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: What do you get when you add fresh fruit to red wine","answer":"sangria","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: What is Japanese \"sake\" made from","answer":"rice","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: What the V.O. in Seagrams V.O. stands for?","answer":"very old","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Where is the best brandy bottled","answer":"cognac","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: Zima iz made in thiz United Statez city","answer":"memphis","money":1000},
{"question":"Food & Drink:Alcohol: 'calvados' is a brandy made from what","answer":"apples","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: a green variety of these are often used as fishing bait","answer":"shrimp","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: A topping from what I would call a really big chicken","answer":"turkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: A topping that makes your breath all stinky :)","answer":"garlic","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: People often like to break the bones of these and make a wish","answer":"chicken","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: pizza hut tells us to eat what part first","answer":"crust","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: Pizza Toppings","answer":"Cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: Smallish lunchtime pizzas from Pizza Hut are called","answer":"personal pan","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: thanks to a dead cow. this topping is called 'minced meat' by some","answer":"ground beef","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: they have a short guy in a toga and a wreath as their spokesman","answer":"little caesars","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: they're green and called capsicum by some","answer":"green pepper","money":1000},
{"question":"Food: Very salty nautical creature","answer":"anchovy","money":1000},
{"question":"Football\" the oakland ____","answer":"raiders","money":1000},
{"question":"For a Non-Muslims, the tour to Mecca is","answer":"prohibited","money":1000},
{"question":"For every extra kilogram carried on a space flight, ____ kg of excess fuel are needed at lift-off","answer":"530","money":1000},
{"question":"For every tree that is cut for lumber, how much is sold as timber","answer":"one eighth","money":1000},
{"question":"For every tree that is cut, how much is sold for lumber","answer":"one eighth","money":1000},
{"question":"For her performance in which film did jane wyman win the 1948 best actress oscar","answer":"johnny belinda","money":1000},
{"question":"For how long did charles osborne have hiccups","answer":"sixty nine years","money":1000},
{"question":"For how long was the Eiffel Tower the tallest building in the world","answer":"forty years","money":1000},
{"question":"For how many radio stations was john cage's 'imaginary landscaper no 4' scored","answer":"twelve","money":1000},
{"question":"For how many years was queen elizabeth the first on the throne of england","answer":"45 years","money":1000},
{"question":"For how much did an American urologist buy Napoleon's penis (US Dollars)","answer":"$3800","money":1000},
{"question":"For how much did an american urologist buy napoleon's penis","answer":"three thousand eight hundred dollars","money":1000},
{"question":"For how much did peter minuit buy manhattan island","answer":"24 dollars?$24","money":1000},
{"question":"For making what is the abalone shell used","answer":"jewellery","money":1000},
{"question":"For many reasons, this queen of france has received a great deal of blame for inciting the revolution. what was her name","answer":"marie antoinette","money":1000},
{"question":"For red october what african republic's name was inspired by its thriving elephant tusk trade","answer":"the ivory coast","money":1000},
{"question":"For the city 'summer of 69' was a hit for which canuck in 1984","answer":"bryan adams","money":1000},
{"question":"For the city a method of resolving questions of conscience by applying moral principles or laws to concrete cases","answer":"casuistry","money":1000},
{"question":"For the development of a vaccine against which disease is Jonas Edward Salk best remembered","answer":"poliomyelitis (polio)","money":1000},
{"question":"For the holy grail in the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what did arthur's servant use to make the sound of horses hooves","answer":"empty coconuts","money":1000},
{"question":"For two years, during the 1970s, Mattel marketed a doll called \"Growing Up Skipper.\" Her ____ grew when her arm was turned","answer":"breasts","money":1000},
{"question":"For what are allen and wright famous","answer":"root beer","money":1000},
{"question":"For what are Allen and Wright most famous","answer":"root beer","money":1000},
{"question":"For what baseball team does frank thomas play","answer":"chicago white sox","money":1000},
{"question":"For what condition is the drug Mogadon prescribed","answer":"sleeplessness","money":1000},
{"question":"For what constituency is tony blair mp","answer":"sedgefield","money":1000},
{"question":"For what did robert montgomery coach president eisenhower","answer":"television","money":1000},
{"question":"For what did the knights of the round table search","answer":"the holy grail","money":1000},
{"question":"For what did the marquis de sade serve 27 years in prison","answer":"sexual offenses","money":1000},
{"question":"For what do the initials of cricketer P B H May stand","answer":"peter baker howard","money":1000},
{"question":"For what do the letters P&O stand for in the shipping line","answer":"peninsular and oriental","money":1000},
{"question":"For what do the letters www stand","answer":"world wide web","money":1000},
{"question":"For what do you use the Sieve of Eratosthenes","answer":"finding prime numbers","money":1000},
{"question":"For what does i.f.p stand","answer":"inkatha freedom party","money":1000},
{"question":"For what does the K stand in the name of the author J.K. Rowling","answer":"kathleen","money":1000},
{"question":"For what does the letter 'S' stand in the initials ISBN","answer":"international standard book number","money":1000},
{"question":"For what does the letters stand for in the initials ISBN","answer":"international standard book number","money":1000},
{"question":"For what does the second letter 'A' stand in the initials BAFTA","answer":"arts","money":1000},
{"question":"For what feat is Alexei Leonov famous","answer":"first space walk","money":1000},
{"question":"For what film did jack nicholson win his first oscar","answer":"one flew over the cuckoo's nest","money":1000},
{"question":"For what film did john wayne win his only oscar","answer":"true grit","money":1000},
{"question":"For what football team did bo jackson play before his injury","answer":"los angeles raiders","money":1000},
{"question":"For what genre of book is isaac asimov famous","answer":"science fiction","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is 'gravidity' the medical condition","answer":"pregnancy","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is Athenian, Draco, remembered","answer":"harsh laws","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is AWACS the acronym","answer":"airbourne warning and control system","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is ethylene glycol used in automobiles","answer":"anti-freeze","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is tea from willow bark good for relieving","answer":"pain","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is the chemical symbol h2o2","answer":"hydrogen peroxide","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is the italian town of carrara world famous","answer":"marble","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is the Prix Goncourt awarded","answer":"literature","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is the sargasso sea best known","answer":"seaweed","money":1000},
{"question":"For what is the turner prize awarded","answer":"art","money":1000},
{"question":"For what kind of paintings was Alfred Mannings famous","answer":"horses","money":1000},
{"question":"For what literary work is ambrose bierce most remembered now","answer":"devil's dictionary","money":1000},
{"question":"For what long-lost item did jimmy buffet keep searching","answer":"salt shaker","money":1000},
{"question":"For what Major League baseball team did Mickey Mantle play for","answer":"yankees","money":1000},
{"question":"For what monumental creation are we indebted to the sculptor Gutzon Borglum","answer":"mount rushmore","money":1000},
{"question":"For what new england woman's college was the first brand of wrigley's gum named","answer":"vassar","money":1000},
{"question":"For what novel did J. K. Rowling win the 1999 Whitbread \"Children's book of the year\" award","answer":"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban","money":1000},
{"question":"For what occupation was Jesus trained","answer":"carpenter","money":1000},
{"question":"For what olympic team did andre agassi's father box","answer":"iranian olympic team","money":1000},
{"question":"For what organization did april dancer work","answer":"uncle","money":1000},
{"question":"For what principal purpose are UHF radio waves used","answer":"transmission of television signals","money":1000},
{"question":"For what product is the town of sevres famous","answer":"porcelain","money":1000},
{"question":"For what reason were the 1987 Badminton Horse Trials cancelled","answer":"bad weather","money":1000},
{"question":"For what sport did sports minister Colin Moynihan win an Olympic silver medal","answer":"rowing","money":1000},
{"question":"For what sport does Clive Everton most famously provide the TV commentary","answer":"snooker","money":1000},
{"question":"For what team did larry bird play","answer":"boston celtics","money":1000},
{"question":"For what tv sitcom did isabel sanford get her 1981 best actress emmy","answer":"jeffersons","money":1000},
{"question":"For what university did reggie jackson play college baseball","answer":"arizona state","money":1000},
{"question":"For what was amateur naturalist Thomas Bewick especially famous","answer":"engravings","money":1000},
{"question":"For what was Beryl Grey famous","answer":"ballet","money":1000},
{"question":"For what was black the most common colour in the depression","answer":"automobiles","money":1000},
{"question":"for what was dr. crippen hanged?","answer":"murdering his wife","money":1000},
{"question":"For what was the acanthus plant used as a model","answer":"corinthian columns","money":1000},
{"question":"For what was the last person hanged in the american colonies september 22, 1692","answer":"witchcraft","money":1000},
{"question":"For which 1949 film did Anton Karas write and perform the music","answer":"the third man","money":1000},
{"question":"For which 1949 musical was the song Diamonds are a girls best friend written","answer":"gentlemen prefer blondes","money":1000},
{"question":"For which ad campaign was the line 'i can't believe i ate the whole thing' used","answer":"alka seltzer","money":1000},
{"question":"For which bank did rogue trader nick leeson work","answer":"barrings","money":1000},
{"question":"For which british monarch was the Golden coach made","answer":"george III","money":1000},
{"question":"For which cartoon character was beethoven a favourite composer","answer":"shroeder","money":1000},
{"question":"For which constituency is Tony Blair the MP","answer":"sedgefield","money":1000},
{"question":"For which country did Kenny Dalglish play international Football","answer":"Scotland","money":1000},
{"question":"For which country is CH the international car reg mark","answer":"switzerland","money":1000},
{"question":"For which decoration do the letters C.G.M. stand","answer":"conspicuous gallantry medal","money":1000},
{"question":"For which english king did handel compose his water music","answer":"george the first","money":1000},
{"question":"For which famous ballet company did Stravinsky write The Firebird,Petroushka and the Rite of Spring","answer":"the diaghilev","money":1000},
{"question":"For which film did Anthony Quinn win an Oscar for Best Suporting Actor, in 1956","answer":"lust for life","money":1000},
{"question":"For which film did art carney win best actor oscar in 1974","answer":"harry and tonto","money":1000},
{"question":"For which film did dennis quaid lose 47 pounds","answer":"wyatt earp","money":1000},
{"question":"For which film did Humphrey Bogart win an Oscar in 1951","answer":"the african queen","money":1000},
{"question":"For which film did James Cagney win an oscar","answer":"yankee doodle dandy","money":1000},
{"question":"For which film did michael caine win an oscar in 2000","answer":"the cider house rules","money":1000},
{"question":"For which film did Sophia Loren become the first to win a Best Actor/Best Actress Oscar in a foreign language film","answer":"two women","money":1000},
{"question":"For which industry did Lavenham in Suffolk become famous","answer":"wool","money":1000},
{"question":"For which novel did a s byatt win the booker prize in 1990","answer":"possession","money":1000},
{"question":"For which precious stone is Cobber Pedy, South Australia famous","answer":"opal","money":1000},
{"question":"For which product was Millais' painting Bubbles used to advertise","answer":"pear's soap","money":1000},
{"question":"For which series of films did Talbot Rothwell write most of the scripts","answer":"the carry on films","money":1000},
{"question":"For which state was Al Gore a senator","answer":"tennessee","money":1000},
{"question":"For which team will Jensen Button be driving in the forthcoming Formula 1 World Championship motor racing season","answer":"benneton","money":1000},
{"question":"For which team will Neil Hodgson be riding in the forthcoming World Superbike Motorcycling season","answer":"ducatti","money":1000},
{"question":"For which theory of creation is Georges Lemaitre famous","answer":"the big bang theory","money":1000},
{"question":"For who was deana carter named","answer":"dean martin","money":1000},
{"question":"For who was the play 'peter pan' exclusively written","answer":"children","money":1000},
{"question":"For whom was buckingham palace built","answer":"john sheffield","money":1000},
{"question":"For whom were blue jeans originally designed","answer":"gold panners","money":1000},
{"question":"For whom were xtc making plans for","answer":"nigel","money":1000},
{"question":"For whose death was delilah responsible","answer":"samson","money":1000},
{"question":"For whose death was Judas Iscariot responsible for","answer":"jesus christ","money":1000},
{"question":"Ford had a problem in brazil when the pinto wouldn't sell. ford later found out pinto was brazilian slang for what","answer":"small male genitals","money":1000},
{"question":"Foreman at 45, what did george foreman win","answer":"heavyweight championship","money":1000},
{"question":"Forest fires in the western U S are usually caused by what","answer":"lightning","money":1000},
{"question":"Forget-me-not pollen grains are so small that ____ of them can fit on the head of a pin","answer":"10,000","money":1000},
{"question":"Fork in the road: what's the best chariot route from rome to brindisi","answer":"the appian way","money":1000},
{"question":"Forked, sheet and ball are types of ____","answer":"lightning","money":1000},
{"question":"Form of visible electric discharge between rain clouds or between a rain cloud and the earth (electricity)","answer":"lightning","money":1000},
{"question":"Formal invocation of the divine blessing upon people or things","answer":"benediction","money":1000},
{"question":"Formal or informal agreement among business firms designed to reduce or suppress competition in a particular market","answer":"cartel","money":1000},
{"question":"Former baseball star chuck connors hits a bull's-eye with adult-western","answer":"rifleman","money":1000},
{"question":"Former chairman of Yale physics dept. who died in the early 90s; helped develop the atomic bomb","answer":"william watson","money":1000},
{"question":"Former grand wizard of the kkk David Duke loses a close senate race in ____","answer":"louisiana","money":1000},
{"question":"Former name for tetanus","answer":"Lockjaw","money":1000},
{"question":"Former name of Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty Stands","answer":"Beldloe's island","money":1000},
{"question":"Former name of the Hawaiian islands","answer":"sandwich islands","money":1000},
{"question":"Former Royal coat of arms of France","answer":"fleur-de-lis","money":1000},
{"question":"Former yes drummer bill bruford played with what group in 1972","answer":"king crimson","money":1000},
{"question":"Formerly in India a term of respect used for European married women","answer":"memsahib","money":1000},
{"question":"Formerly Siam","answer":"thailand","money":1000},
{"question":"Formerly St Petersburg & Petrograd","answer":"leningrad","money":1000},
{"question":"Formerly which king? - The Duke of Windsor","answer":"King Edward viii","money":1000},
{"question":"Formerly, a mans close fitting jacket with or without sleeves","answer":"doublet","money":1000},
{"question":"Fort Baxter, Kansas was the fictional setting for which TV series","answer":"seargant bilko","money":1000},
{"question":"Fortnum and Masons in London was opened in which year","answer":"1707","money":1000},
{"question":"Fortune cookies were actually invented in America, in ____, by Charles Jung","answer":"1918","money":1000},
{"question":"Fortune cookies were invented in what year","answer":"1918","money":1000},
{"question":"Forty percent of the american population has never visited a____","answer":"dentist","money":1000},
{"question":"Forty-five percent of all the coniferous forests on earth exist where","answer":"russia","money":1000},
{"question":"Fortymile creek was the location of what alaskan discovery in 1886","answer":"gold","money":1000},
{"question":"Fossilized dinosaur droppings are called what","answer":"coprolites","money":1000},
{"question":"Fossilized dinosaur droppings are called","answer":"coprolites","money":1000},
{"question":"Found in most health stores, this plant extract will improve your trivia game if taken on a regular basis (It jogs the memory)","answer":"Lecithin","money":1000},
{"question":"Founded in 1608 by Champlain, it was the capital of New France","answer":"quebec","money":1000},
{"question":"Founded in 1896, what was ibm formerly called","answer":"tabulating machine company","money":1000},
{"question":"Founded in the 6th Century B.C., which religion has two schools - the Hinayana, or Lesser Vehicle, and the Mahayana, or Greater Vehicle","answer":"buddhism","money":1000},
{"question":"Founder of the Jesuits","answer":"Ignatius Loyola","money":1000},
{"question":"Founder of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc, who died in the early 90s","answer":"sam walton","money":1000},
{"question":"Four European countries keep Greenwich Mean Time. The UK and Ireland are two, name the others","answer":"Iceland and Portugal","money":1000},
{"question":"Four men in the history of boxing have been knocked out in the first ____ seconds of the first round","answer":"eleven","money":1000},
{"question":"Four thirds multiplied by pi multiplied by the radius cubed, gives you the volume of what geometric object","answer":"sphere","money":1000},
{"question":"Four u.s presidents have served entire terms without having a ____","answer":"vice president","money":1000},
{"question":"Four wheeled enclosed carriage","answer":"landau","money":1000},
{"question":"Fourth greek letter","answer":"delta","money":1000},
{"question":"Fourth letter of the Greek alphabet","answer":"delta","money":1000},
{"question":"Fourth U S president to be assassinated in office","answer":"john f kennedy","money":1000},
{"question":"Fox what is the capital of idaho","answer":"boise","money":1000},
{"question":"Fragrant flowering African bulb","answer":"freesia","money":1000},
{"question":"Fragrant plant with edible leaf-stalks and seeds","answer":"fennel","money":1000},
{"question":"Frampton with what vegetable song did dee dee sharp score big","answer":"mashed potato time","money":1000},
{"question":"France and Mexico were involved in a year-long conflict popularly known as the ____ in 1838. Mexico refused to pay for damage done by Mexican army officers to a restaurant run by a French pasty chef in Tacubaya, now a section of Mexico City","answer":"pastry war","money":1000},
{"question":"France has the highest per capita consumption of ____","answer":"cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"France the bliss of mrs blossom starred what actress in the title role","answer":"shirley","money":1000},
{"question":"Francis Castellucio is the real name of which singer who got his start in the 60 '","answer":"frankie valli","money":1000},
{"question":"Francis what prime-time soap opera debuted as a five-part miniseries in 1978","answer":"dallas","money":1000},
{"question":"Frank bruno reached no 28 in dec 1995 name the song","answer":"the eye of the tiger","money":1000},
{"question":"Frank Sinatra had 2 solo Britsh number ones, Two coins in a fountain was one, what was the other","answer":"strangers in the night","money":1000},
{"question":"Frank sinatra was once quoted as saying rock 'n' roll was only played by 'cretinous____","answer":"goons","money":1000},
{"question":"Frank Sinatras home town;Hoboken is in which state","answer":"new jersey","money":1000},
{"question":"Frank Stoeber collected a 10,000 lb ball of this","answer":"string","money":1000},
{"question":"Frank Zappa was lead singer with which band","answer":"mothers of invention","money":1000},
{"question":"Frankfort is the capital of ____","answer":"kentucky","money":1000},
{"question":"Frankie valli was the lead singer with which group","answer":"four seasons","money":1000},
{"question":"Franklin D Roosevelt, what does the D stand for","answer":"delano","money":1000},
{"question":"frech mime artist","answer":"Marcel Marceau","money":1000},
{"question":"Fredcrick the First, 1657 to 1713, was the first king of which country","answer":"prussia","money":1000},
{"question":"Freddie Marsden was the drummer in which group that had three number one hits in the UK in 1963","answer":"gerry and the pacemakers","money":1000},
{"question":"Frederick Gowland Hopkins won a Nobel prize in 1929 for which medical discovery","answer":"vitamins","money":1000},
{"question":"Fredericton is the capital of ____","answer":"new brunswick","money":1000},
{"question":"Fredericton is the capital of which Canadian province","answer":"new brunswick","money":1000},
{"question":"Freetown is the capital of ____","answer":"sierra leone","money":1000},
{"question":"French for until we meet again","answer":"au revoir","money":1000},
{"question":"French fortification system along the German frontier from Switzerland to Luxembourg","answer":"Maginot Line","money":1000},
{"question":"French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, sometimes called the father of modern philosophy","answer":"descartes","money":1000},
{"question":"French speaking residents of belgium are called____","answer":"walloons","money":1000},
{"question":"French Sudan is the previous name of which country","answer":"mali","money":1000},
{"question":"French violin virtuoso, who died in the early 90s, known for polish, refinement, and lyricism","answer":"zino francescatti","money":1000},
{"question":"French word for jewel or trinket","answer":"bijou","money":1000},
{"question":"French: done and past arguing about","answer":"fait accompli","money":1000},
{"question":"Freya was the norse goddess of ____","answer":"love and fertility","money":1000},
{"question":"Friday im in love name the band","answer":"the cure","money":1000},
{"question":"Friends Characters","answer":"Phoebe","money":1000},
{"question":"Frogs live on every continent except which one","answer":"antarctica","money":1000},
{"question":"Frogs never drink. They absorb water from their surroundings by what method","answer":"osmosis","money":1000},
{"question":"From 1979 to 2000, which will be the most distant planet earth","answer":"neptune","money":1000},
{"question":"From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth was ____","answer":"Neptune","money":1000},
{"question":"From 1979 until 2000 the most distant planet from the earth will be ____","answer":"neptune","money":1000},
{"question":"From 1980 to 1990, what state had the highest percentage increase in population","answer":"alaska","money":1000},
{"question":"From 1980 to 1995, which country produced the largest amount of crude oil","answer":"saudi arabia","money":1000},
{"question":"From 9,000 pounds of roses, which totals about 55,000 blossoms, ____ pounds of costly rose essence can be extracted to be used as a component in fragrances","answer":"two","money":1000},
{"question":"From a distance: how many nautical miles are there in one degree of longitude","answer":"sixty","money":1000},
{"question":"From fertilisation to birth, a baby's weigh increase ____ times","answer":"five billion","money":1000},
{"question":"From freya, the queen of the nordic gods, came this term describing a noble lady","answer":"fraulein","money":1000},
{"question":"From new york to where was the first commercial boeing 747 flight","answer":"london","money":1000},
{"question":"From the coast of which county does the padstow lifeboat get launched","answer":"cornwall","money":1000},
{"question":"From the milk of which animal is real Mozzarella cheese made","answer":"buffalo","money":1000},
{"question":"From the milk of which animal is ricotta made","answer":"sheep","money":1000},
{"question":"From what \"black metal\" did blacksmith's take their name","answer":"iron","money":1000},
{"question":"From what animal is mutton","answer":"sheep","money":1000},
{"question":"From what animal is venison","answer":"deer","money":1000},
{"question":"From what animals tail hair are violin bows traditionally made","answer":"horse","money":1000},
{"question":"From what BBC TV series comes the phrase 'And now for something completely different","answer":"monty python's flying circus","money":1000},
{"question":"From what bridge does the oxford/cambridge boat race start","answer":"putney","money":1000},
{"question":"From what coast do dalmatian originate","answer":"dalmatian coast","money":1000},
{"question":"From what country did the U S buy the Virgin Islands","answer":"denmark","money":1000},
{"question":"From what country do we get avia wines","answer":"yugoslavia","money":1000},
{"question":"From what country is pamela lee anderson from","answer":"canada","money":1000},
{"question":"From what country was the athlete peter snell","answer":"new zealand","money":1000},
{"question":"From what did julius caesar and napoleon suffer","answer":"epilepsy","money":1000},
{"question":"From what did the ghan railway get its name","answer":"camel drivers","money":1000},
{"question":"From what do camels protect themselves with three eyelids","answer":"blowing sand","money":1000},
{"question":"From what do over 1000 birds die from every year","answer":"smashing into windows","money":1000},
{"question":"From what does Moscow take its name","answer":"river moscowa","money":1000},
{"question":"From what fruit is the liqueur kirsch made","answer":"cherries","money":1000},
{"question":"From what group of wild plants are cereals derived","answer":"grasses","money":1000},
{"question":"From what is banana oil made","answer":"petroleum","money":1000},
{"question":"From what is rum distilled","answer":"sugar cane","money":1000},
{"question":"From what is the brown pigment bistre prepared","answer":"soot","money":1000},
{"question":"From what is the drink 'perry' made","answer":"pears","money":1000},
{"question":"From what is velvet made","answer":"Silk","money":1000},
{"question":"From what is welsh rarebit made","answer":"cheddar cheese and beer","money":1000},
{"question":"From what language is the word 'mummy' derived","answer":"persian","money":1000},
{"question":"From what material are millefiori ornaments made","answer":"glass","money":1000},
{"question":"From what material are snooker balls made","answer":"chrystallite","money":1000},
{"question":"From what material is the ring made in Sumo Wrestling","answer":"clay","money":1000},
{"question":"From what mountain did Jesus ascend into heaven","answer":"mt ebal","money":1000},
{"question":"From what mountain in chattanooga, tennessee can you reportedly see five states","answer":"lookout mountain","money":1000},
{"question":"From what plant is opium derived","answer":"poppy","money":1000},
{"question":"From what platform does the 'chattanooga choo choo leave pennsylvania station","answer":"twenty nine","money":1000},
{"question":"From what port did the titanic set sail on its fateful voyage","answer":"southampton","money":1000},
{"question":"From what Shakespeare play is this line taken: to be or not to be: that is the question","answer":"hamlet","money":1000},
{"question":"From what town did wagon train's pilgrimage begin","answer":"st joseph","money":1000},
{"question":"From what were balloons originally made","answer":"animal bladders","money":1000},
{"question":"From what words is dublin derived","answer":"dubh linn","money":1000},
{"question":"From whcih album by Sade do the following tracks come - Why cant we live together,Cherry Pie and Your love is King","answer":"diamond life","money":1000},
{"question":"From where are walloons","answer":"belgium","money":1000},
{"question":"From where did a crusade to Downing Street set out in 1936","answer":"jarrow","money":1000},
{"question":"From where did paddington bear come","answer":"darkest peru","money":1000},
{"question":"From where do alsatians originate","answer":"alsace-lorraine","money":1000},
{"question":"From where does Motown get its name","answer":"detroit","money":1000},
{"question":"From where does the expression \"thin as a rail\" originate","answer":"bird","money":1000},
{"question":"From where does the uvula dangle","answer":"palate","money":1000},
{"question":"From where exactly do you remove an offending object if you have a glob of something stuck in your philtrum","answer":"groove under your nose","money":1000},
{"question":"From where I stand you are home free","answer":"Magic Olivia Newton-John ","money":1000},
{"question":"From where is the music for the 'star spangled banner'","answer":"anacreon in heaven","money":1000},
{"question":"From where to london was the first commercial boeing 747 flight","answer":"new york","money":1000},
{"question":"From where to where did the first railway on the witwatersrand run","answer":"johannesburg to springs","money":1000},
{"question":"From where was ricky in 'i love lucy'","answer":"cuba","money":1000},
{"question":"From which album did the original version of elton john's candle in the wind come","answer":"goodbye yellow brick road","money":1000},
{"question":"From which American state do the Bighorn Mountains arch northwest into southern Montana","answer":"wyoming","money":1000},
{"question":"From which animal is 'ambergris'","answer":"sperm whale","money":1000},
{"question":"From which Asian kingdom do the Gurkhas originate","answer":"Nepal","money":1000},
{"question":"From which bridge was Wordsworth enjoying the view when he wrote Earth has not anything to show more fair","answer":"westminster bridge","money":1000},
{"question":"From which broadway show do we get the songs 'the girl that i marry' and 'anything you can do'","answer":"annie get your gun","money":1000},
{"question":"From which city can you see table mountain","answer":"cape town","money":1000},
{"question":"From which city did Shakespeares Two Gentlemen come","answer":"verona","money":1000},
{"question":"From which congreve play comes the line, 'music has charms to soothe a savage breast'","answer":"the mourning bride","money":1000},
{"question":"From which country are the European Space Agency Ariane rockets launched","answer":"french guiana","money":1000},
{"question":"From which country did Admiral Cheng Ho lead voyages of discovery","answer":"china","money":1000},
{"question":"From which country did the astromomer tycho brahe come","answer":"denmark","money":1000},
{"question":"From which country did the midget who played Lisa come form? (Burns' Heir)","answer":"Estonia ","money":1000},
{"question":"From which country did tulips originally come","answer":"turkey","money":1000},
{"question":"From which country does bjork come","answer":"iceland","money":1000},
{"question":"From which country does opera singer Kiri Te Kanawa come","answer":"new zealand","money":1000},
{"question":"From which country does the plastic explosive semtex originate from","answer":"czech republic","money":1000},
{"question":"From which creatures do we obtain bacon","answer":"pigs","money":1000},
{"question":"From which date does the legal term 'Time Immemorial' apply","answer":"the death of Henry II","money":1000},
{"question":"From which element is pitchblende derived","answer":"uranium","money":1000},
{"question":"From which family of plants does tea come","answer":"camellia","money":1000},
{"question":"From which family relative did Queen Victoria inherit the throne","answer":"her uncle","money":1000},
{"question":"From which french word does the 'mayday' distress signal come","answer":"m'aidez","money":1000},
{"question":"From which fruit is the liqueur kirsh made","answer":"cherries","money":1000},
{"question":"From which fruit is the liqueur obtained","answer":"cherry","money":1000},
{"question":"From which house is the queen","answer":"windsor","money":1000},
{"question":"From which kind of organism is the indicator litmus extracted","answer":"lichens","money":1000},
{"question":"From which language does the word 'alcohol' come, originally","answer":"arabic","money":1000},
{"question":"From which language does the word 'alibi' come","answer":"latin","money":1000},
{"question":"From which language does the word Gymnasium come","answer":"greek","money":1000},
{"question":"From which language does the word ketchup come","answer":"chinese","money":1000},
{"question":"From which large South American country do the beers 'Brahma Chopp' and 'Antarctica' come","answer":"brazil","money":1000},
{"question":"From which London jail did Ronnie Biggs escape in 1965","answer":"wandsworth","money":1000},
{"question":"From which London palace did the BBC transmit the first Tv service","answer":"alexandra palace","money":1000},
{"question":"From which Marx Brothers film comes the line 'Either he's dead, or my watch has stopped","answer":"a day at the races","money":1000},
{"question":"From which musical did the gongs \"Spring, spring, spring\" and \"The Lonesome Polecat Lament\" come","answer":"seven brides for seven brothers","money":1000},
{"question":"From which musical did the songs 'If my friends could see me now' and 'There's got to be something better than this' come","answer":"sweet charity","money":1000},
{"question":"From which musical does the song getting to know you come","answer":"the king and i","money":1000},
{"question":"From which musical does the song on the street where you live come","answer":"my fair lady","money":1000},
{"question":"From which musical does the song surrey with the fringe on top come","answer":"oklahoma","money":1000},
{"question":"From which palbet does Dr Who come","answer":"Gallifrey","money":1000},
{"question":"From which part of a tree does turmeric come","answer":"root","money":1000},
{"question":"From which plant does the drug belladonna come from","answer":"deadly nightshade","money":1000},
{"question":"From which plant family do vanilla pods come","answer":"orchid","money":1000},
{"question":"From which plant is natural vanilla flavouring","answer":"orchid","money":1000},
{"question":"From which poem do the following lines come- So munch on,crunch on, take your nuncheon.Breakfast,supper,dinner,luncheon!","answer":"the pied piper of hamelin","money":1000},
{"question":"From which prison in south africa was nelson mandela released","answer":"victor verster","money":1000},
{"question":"From which Shakespeare play did Tom Stoppard borrow his Rosencrantz and Guildenstern","answer":"hamlet","money":1000},
{"question":"From which shakespeare play does the line 'all the world's a stage' come","answer":"as you like it","money":1000},
{"question":"From which shakespeare play does the line 'the course of true love never did run smooth.' come","answer":"a midsummer night's dream","money":1000},
{"question":"From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'Double, double ... '","answer":"Macbeth","money":1000},
{"question":"From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'Goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I should say goodnight till it be morrow","answer":"Romeo and Juliet","money":1000},
{"question":"From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'To be or not to be","answer":"Hamlet","money":1000},
{"question":"From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: 'What in a name. That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet","answer":"Romeo and Juliet","money":1000},
{"question":"From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: goodnight, goodnight! Parting is such sweet sorrow, that i should say goodnight till it be morrow","answer":"romeo & juliet","money":1000},
{"question":"From which Shakespeare play is this line taken: what in a name that which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet","answer":"romeo & juliet","money":1000},
{"question":"From which shakespearian play is the line, \"beware the ides of march\"","answer":"julius caesar","money":1000},
{"question":"From which station does the 'chattanooga choo choo leave","answer":"pennsylvania","money":1000},
{"question":"From which TV quiz show does the catchphrase Bernie the bolt come from","answer":"the golden shot","money":1000},
{"question":"From which type of rock is marble formed","answer":"limestone","money":1000},
{"question":"From which type of wood are most baseball bats made","answer":"ash","money":1000},
{"question":"From which US state does model Jerry Hall originate","answer":"texas","money":1000},
{"question":"From which yarn is the best velvet made","answer":"silk","money":1000},
{"question":"From who did malta gain independence in 1964","answer":"britain","money":1000},
{"question":"From who was kuwait liberated in the gulf war","answer":"iraq","money":1000},
{"question":"From who's inaugural speech do these words come, \"There is nothing wrong with America, that cannot be cured by what is right with America\"","answer":"Woodrow Wilson","money":1000},
{"question":"From whom did chrysler buy the jeep/eagle division in 1988","answer":"american motors","money":1000},
{"question":"From whom did j.f. kennedy accept his dog pushinska","answer":"nikita kruschev","money":1000},
{"question":"From whom did Peter Mandelson borrow the money for his house","answer":"geoffrey robinson","money":1000},
{"question":"From whom did rocky first win the boxing championship","answer":"apollo creed","money":1000},
{"question":"From whom did the u.s buy the virgin islands","answer":"denmark","money":1000},
{"question":"Fromage is french for","answer":"cheese","money":1000},
{"question":"Front which part of a pig do we get ham","answer":"hind leg","money":1000},
{"question":"Frozen dew or vapour","answer":"frost","money":1000},
{"question":"Fu Manchu was the adversary of which Scotland Yard detective","answer":"nayland smith","money":1000},
{"question":"Fuad became king of which country from 1922","answer":"egypt","money":1000},
{"question":"Fuel especially methane produced by fermentation of organic matter","answer":"biogas","money":1000},
{"question":"Fulgurite is formed when lightning strikes","answer":"sand","money":1000},
{"question":"Full Metal Alchemist: Name all 7 of the homunclui","answer":"Wrath","money":1000},
{"question":"Full Metal Alchemist: What are the 7 homunculi named after?","answer":"The seven deadly sins","money":1000},
{"question":"Full Metal Alchemist: What are the two Elric brothers first names?","answer":"Alphonse and Edward","money":1000},
{"question":"Full Metal Alchemist: What rank is Roy Mustang in the military?","answer":"Colonel","money":1000},
{"question":"Full Metal Alchemist: What type of Alchemist is Edward?","answer":"State Alchemist","money":1000},
{"question":"Fun Runs - What is San Francisco's equivalent to Sydney's 'City To Surf' race","answer":"Bay to Breakers footrace","money":1000},
{"question":"Funchal is the principal city of which Portuguese province","answer":"madeira","money":1000},
{"question":"Fundamentalist branch of the Amish","answer":"Swartzentruber amish","money":1000},
{"question":"Furniture: What is the metal part of a lamp surrounding the bulb and supporting the shade called","answer":"harp","money":1000},
{"question":"Furniture: Where did venetian blinds originate","answer":"Japan","money":1000},
{"question":"Gaborone is the capital of ____","answer":"botswana","money":1000},
{"question":"Gabriel and Michael are the only 2 angels to be named in the","answer":"bible","money":1000},
{"question":"Gaddafi came to power in which year","answer":"1969","money":1000},
{"question":"Gadfly Texan who claimed computer and potato chips were economically equivalent","answer":"ross perot","money":1000},
{"question":"Gaelic is a type of what","answer":"celtic language","money":1000},
{"question":"Galactic travel tale based loosely on Heinlein work","answer":"destination moon","money":1000},
{"question":"Galena is an ore of which metal","answer":"lead","money":1000},
{"question":"Galena is the principal Lead ore which other element is combined with the metal to form Galena","answer":"sulphur","money":1000},
{"question":"Gamblers in ancient Greece made dice from the ankle-bones and shoulder blades of ","answer":"sheep","money":1000},
{"question":"Game bird with feathered feet","answer":"grouse","money":1000},
{"question":"Game in which participants simulate military combat using airguns to shoot paint capsules at each other","answer":"paintball","money":1000},
{"question":"Game or fly fishing is for salmon and which other fish","answer":"trout","money":1000},
{"question":"Game show: before she became the head-turning letter turner on wheel of fortune in 1982, vanna white appeared as a contestant on what show","answer":"the price is right","money":1000},
{"question":"Game show: which of the 60 minutes men hosted several game shows in the early part of his career","answer":"mike wallace","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: ____ & Righter (former US owners of Scrabble rights)","answer":"selchow","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: ____ goes first in Tic Tac Toe","answer":"x","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: A ____ checkerboard has 121 holes","answer":"chinese","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: A Backgammon board is marked out in sawtooth \"points\" in two colours. How many of these points are there","answer":"twenty four","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: A bridge hand with no cards in one suit is said to have a ____","answer":"void","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: A card game similar to rummy","answer":"canasta","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: A Chinese checkerboard has ____ holes","answer":"121","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: A Draughts player starts with how many pieces","answer":"12","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: A game in which small balls are struck into holes on inclined board","answer":"bagatelle","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: A poker hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair is called a ____","answer":"full house","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: a royal flush is the best hand you can get in which game","answer":"poker","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: a.k.a a pair of aces & a pair of eights","answer":"dead mans hand","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: besides red, name the other two colours on a roulette wheel","answer":"black and green","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Board game involving rapid climbing and tragic sliding","answer":"snakes and ladders","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Board game with pieces moved according to throw of dice","answer":"backgammon","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Board games, old & new","answer":"Mouse Trap","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Board Games, Old and new ","answer":"Monopoly","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Board-game version of \"Capture The Flag\"","answer":"stratego","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Charles Darrow based his game upon the 1904 \"The Landlord's Game\"","answer":"monopoly","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Chess originated in India under which name","answer":"Caturanga","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Clue (tm) Murder Weapons/People","answer":"Rope","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: d&d stands for this","answer":"dungeons and dragons","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Eva Gabor and Johnny Carson popularized this game by climbing over each other","answer":"twister","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Frank Lloyd Wright son John invented these after watching workers move timber","answer":"lincoln logs","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: How many balls are used in a game of snooker in addition to the cue ball","answer":"twenty-one","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: How many balls are used in a game of snooker including the cue ball","answer":"22","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: How many dots are on a twister mat","answer":"thirty","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: How many dots are there on a pair of dice","answer":"42","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: How many folds does a Monopoly board have","answer":"one","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: How many numbers are on the spinner in the game of 'Life'","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: how many properties are there on a monopoly board","answer":"28","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: How many sets are there in a full-length men's championship tennis match","answer":"Five","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: How many squares are there on a chessboard","answer":"64","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: how many tiles does a player play to score a bingo in scrabble","answer":"7","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: How much does Park Place cost in Monopoly (in US Dollars)","answer":"450","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: how much is the luxury tax (in dollars) in monopoly","answer":"75","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: If you \"peg out\" what game are you playing","answer":"cribbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: If, during a game of chess, you made a move \"en passant\", which piece would you be moving","answer":"a pawn","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In a game of horseshoes, how many feet apart must the stakes be","answer":"forty","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In Chess, the obligation to move even when it must be disadvantageous","answer":"zug zwang","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In poker five cards of the same suit is called a(n) ____","answer":"flush","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In pool, what color is the eight ball","answer":"black","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In roulette, if You Bet 5 On Red & 5 On Black, What Is The Only Number That Prevents You From \"Breaking Even\"","answer":"0","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In roulette, what number is green","answer":"zero","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In Scrabble, what is the value of the blank tile","answer":"nil","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the board game Battleship, A battleship occupies how many squares","answer":"four","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the board game cluedo, which room is situated directly between the kitchen and the conservatory","answer":"the ballroom","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the board game Diplomacy, Which country starts with the most naval units","answer":"britain","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the board game Hungry, Hungry Hippos, the four colors are Pink, Green, Orange, and","answer":"yellow","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the board game Riskm the three symbols are a foot soldier, a calvaryman, and a ____","answer":"cannon","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the dice game 'craps', what is a throw of double one called","answer":"snakeeye","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the game monopoly, the most money you can lose in one travel around the board (normal game rules, going to jail only once) is how much","answer":"$26,040","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the game of `scrabble' the highest known score for a single word in competition had what value","answer":"392 points","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the game of Cluedo what is the name of the Reverend","answer":"green","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the game of draughts, what term means to remove from the board for failing to make a possible capture","answer":"huff","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the game of eight-ball, how many balls are there on the table at the start (excluding the cue ball)","answer":"15","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In the game of fives, what do the players hit the ball with","answer":"hand","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: in this card game, teams are designated north-south and east-west","answer":"bridge","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: in this game players take turns placing disks on an 8x8 board","answer":"othello","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In which card game do you meld","answer":"canasta","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In which card game is the expression \"one for his nob\" used","answer":"cribbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In which game are the terms 'pin', 'fork', and 'skewer' used","answer":"chess","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In which game might a person have a \"full house\"","answer":"poker","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In which game or sport are \"Staunton\" pieces used","answer":"chess","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In which game or sport can a person be \"skunked\"","answer":"cribbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: In which sport or game is the term \"rook\" used","answer":"chess","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Jokers apart, how many red cards are there in a standard pack","answer":"26","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: klondike is the most popular form of this game","answer":"solitaire","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: monopoly penalty space between baltic ave. and reading rr (2 wds)","answer":"income tax","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Moving anti-clockwise on a dartboard, what is the number next to '4'","answer":"eighteen","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Name the only flexible murder weapon in the game of \"Cluedo\"","answer":"rope","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Name the only woman suspect in the game of \"Cluedo\" who isn't married","answer":"miss scarlett","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: number of points lost for scratching off the blue ball in snooker","answer":"5","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: originally an exercise ring, indonesia banned it as \"might stimulate passion\"","answer":"hula hoop","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: term for any number between 19 & 36 in roulette","answer":"passe","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: term for any number between one & 18 in roulette","answer":"manque","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: The 1993 Ken Doll has been insinuated to have this type of ring as a necklace","answer":"cock","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: the easiest to defend continent in risk","answer":"australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: The Five Alls, the King is depicted along with which 4 other occupations","answer":"priest","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: the king in chess can move a maximum of this many squares","answer":"two","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: the object of this card game is to meld sets of 7 or more cards","answer":"canasta","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: the Queen of Spades is worth 13 - is based on this game...","answer":"hearts","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: There are this many \"Energy Dots\" on a pac man screen","answer":"4","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: There are this many Miners in a full Stratego set","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: There are this many red-letter cubes in Perquackey","answer":"3","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: These are the two highest valued letters in \"Scrabble\". \"Q\" and ____","answer":"z","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: This ancient Chinese game is played with 156 small rectangular tiles","answer":"mah jongg","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: this cube puzzle was invented by a hungarian mathematician in 1974","answer":"rubik","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: this game of chance was originally called 'beano'","answer":"bingo","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: this is a french named car-racing card game","answer":"mille borne","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: This is the game that \"Ties you up in knots\"","answer":"twister","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: this is the length, in feet, of a regulation snooker table","answer":"12","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: This is the lowest ranking suit in Bridge","answer":"clubs","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: this is the oldest board game still played (5000 yr old boards were found)","answer":"backgammon","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: this is the strongest poker hand you can get","answer":"royal flush","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: This many dice are used in Yahtzee","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: This popular card game's name is spanish for \"one.\"","answer":"uno","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: This term denotes a chess move in which both the king and the rook are moved","answer":"castling","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: To what do opposite faces of a dice always add up","answer":"seven","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: what board game features a three-legged planchette that points to letters and numbers","answer":"ouija","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: what board game's tokens include a thimble, shoe, top hat, and dog","answer":"monopoly","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What bowling term means three straight strikes","answer":"turkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What card game can you peg out in","answer":"cribbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What card game derived its name from biritch, or Russian Whist","answer":"Bridge","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What card game has 2,598,960 possible hands","answer":"poker","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What card game has variations known as cincinnati, chicago and lowball","answer":"poker","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What card game is also known as Vingt-et-Un","answer":"blackjack","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What card game is said to have been invented by the poet Sir John Suckling","answer":"cribbage","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What card game shares its name with that of a floating bridge","answer":"pontoon","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What card game was invented by harold s vanderbilt in 1925","answer":"contract bridge","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: what chinese parlor game swept america in the 1920s","answer":"mah-jongg","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What do opposite faces of a dice always add up to","answer":"seven","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: what female suspect in the game of clue is single","answer":"miss scarlet","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: what game is fatal to anybody over 21","answer":"blackjack","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What game or sport is Bobby Fischer identified with","answer":"chess","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What game usually starts with 'is it animal, vegetable or mineral'","answer":"twenty questions","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: what game's board shows the territories of irkutsk, yakutsk, and kamchatka","answer":"risk","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What is another name for the card game 'Blackjack'","answer":"Twenty-one","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What is another name for the card game 'Twenty-one'","answer":"Blackjack","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What is known as The Sport of Kings","answer":"Horse racing","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What is the best possible score in blackjack","answer":"21","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: what is the game of mumbletypeg played with","answer":"a pocketknife","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What is the most popular sport in england","answer":"darts","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What is the tallest piece on a chessboard","answer":"king","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What number is at 12 o'clock on a dartboard","answer":"twenty","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What number is on the opposite side of the \"five\" on dice","answer":"two","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What playing card is called the curse of scotland","answer":"nine of diamonds","money":1000},
{"question":"games: what playing card symbolizes death","answer":"ace of spades","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What score is not possible for a cribbage hand","answer":"nineteen","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: What sport/game is Bobby Fischer associated with","answer":"chess","money":1000},
{"question":"games: what suspect in the game of clue teaches college","answer":"professor plum","money":1000},
{"question":"games: what world championship is called the bermuda bowl","answer":"bridge","money":1000},
{"question":"games: what's the value of face cards in cribbage","answer":"ten","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Where did the card game 'bridge' originate","answer":"Turkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Where does the annual Poker World Series take place","answer":"Las Vegas","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: which british game is known as checkers in the usa","answer":"draughts","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Which chess piece is usually valued as 5 points","answer":"rook","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Which game usually begins with, \"Is it animal, vegetable, or mineral\"","answer":"twenty questions","money":1000},
{"question":"games: which risk player wins tied dice rolls, the attacker or the defender","answer":"the defender","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: whist is an early form of this card game","answer":"bridge","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: who devised the point count bidding system for bridge","answer":"charles goren","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Who invented Bazaar, Acquire, Can't Stop, and Domination","answer":"sidney sackson","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: whose 3-dimensional cube became a 70s & 80s craze","answer":"rubiks cube","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: word derived from \"shah mat\", from the arabic for \"the king is dead\"","answer":"checkmate","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: Yahtzee is played with how many dice","answer":"5","money":1000},
{"question":"Games: you meld groups of three cards or more of the same rank or suit in this game","answer":"rummy","money":1000},
{"question":"Ganesha is the hindu god of ____","answer":"good fortune","money":1000},
{"question":"Gardner Cowles founded what picture magazine in 1937 to compete with 'Life Magazine'","answer":"Look","money":1000},
{"question":"Garfield was created by which cartoonist (first & last names)","answer":"jim davis","money":1000},
{"question":"Garlic is a primary defense against","answer":"high cholesterol","money":1000},
{"question":"Garnet is the birthstone for which month","answer":"january","money":1000},
{"question":"Garnet, amethyst and zircon are all types of what","answer":"minerals","money":1000},
{"question":"Garter snakes give off a smelly substance called","answer":"musk","money":1000},
{"question":"Garuda is the national airline of which far-eastern country","answer":"indonesia","money":1000},
{"question":"Gary powers u-2 mission over russia in 1960 was known as","answer":"operation overflight","money":1000},
{"question":"Gas from a Supernova can travel up to ____ kilometres per second","answer":"10,000","money":1000},
{"question":"gastritis is a condition that affects what part of the body","answer":"stomach","money":1000},
{"question":"Gathering in of a seasons crops","answer":"harvest","money":1000},
{"question":"Gatorade was named for the University of ____ Gators where it was first developed","answer":"florida","money":1000},
{"question":"gay issues: a lesbian kiss on what abc sitcom caused an uproar?","answer":"roseanne","money":1000},
{"question":"Gay Issues: A passed anti-gay measure in what state caused calls for a boycott","answer":"colorado","money":1000},
{"question":"Gay Issues: How many colours are there in the rainbow-coloured, \"Freedom Flag\"?","answer":"6","money":1000},
{"question":"gay issues: what biblical book says you shouldn't \"lay with a man as with a woman\"?","answer":"leviticus","money":1000},
{"question":"gay issues: what british musician/singer was bi, now openly gay?","answer":"elton john","money":1000},
{"question":"Gay Issues: What culture considers gay people \"two-spirited\"?","answer":"native","money":1000},
{"question":"gay issues: what group's motto is, \"we're here, we're queer, we have e-mail\"?","answer":"digital queers","money":1000},
{"question":"Gay Issues: What is America's weekly gay news magazine?","answer":"the advocate","money":1000},
{"question":"gay issues: what is announcing someone being gay against their will called?","answer":"outing","money":1000},
{"question":"Gay Issues: What Middle Eastern country allows gays in its military","answer":"israel","money":1000},
{"question":"Gay Issues: What popular Canadian country singer is an open lesbian","answer":"k.d. lang","money":1000},
{"question":"Gay Issues: Who wrote the play, \"The Normal Heart\"?","answer":"larry kramer","money":1000},
{"question":"Gems: 19th Century: In 1893 ____ diamond (blue-white 995 carats) discovered","answer":"excelsior","money":1000},
{"question":"Gems: A large flawless ____ is worth more than a similarly large flawless diamond","answer":"emerald","money":1000},
{"question":"Gems: A large flawless emerald is worth more than a similarly large flawless____ ","answer":"diamond","money":1000},
{"question":"Gems: Gemstones are formed from slowly cooling ____ rocks","answer":"igneous","money":1000},
{"question":"Gems: Name some","answer":"Diamond","money":1000},
{"question":"Gems: Peridot is the birthstone for ____","answer":"August","money":1000},
{"question":"Gems: What is the birthstone for August","answer":"peridot","money":1000},
{"question":"General military term for large weapons such as cannons & rocket launchers","answer":"artillery","money":1000},
{"question":"General term for any animal that subsists mainly on the flesh of other animals","answer":"carnivore","money":1000},
{"question":"Generally acknowledged to be the most prolific painter of modern times","answer":"pablo picasso","money":1000},
{"question":"Generals Gowon, Abasanjo and Abacha have all been leaders of which African State","answer":"nigeria","money":1000},
{"question":"Generic name for an anonymous average man","answer":"john doe","money":1000},
{"question":"GENERL KNOWLEDGE:Occuring every 20 years","answer":"vicennial","money":1000},
{"question":"Genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, ____...","answer":"deuteronomy","money":1000},
{"question":"Genetics - How many chromosomes do each body cell contain","answer":"46","money":1000},
{"question":"Genghis Khan started out as a what","answer":"goatherder","money":1000},
{"question":"Genghis khan started out as a____","answer":"goatherd","money":1000},
{"question":"Genghis khan was the most famous leader of what people","answer":"the mongols","money":1000},
{"question":"Genghis Khan's original name was","answer":"temujin","money":1000},
{"question":"Genie ina bottle was a no 1 in oct99 name the us female artist","answer":"christina aguilera","money":1000},
{"question":"Genus of annual and perennial herbs (buttercup) containing about 20 species, grown for their showy flowers","answer":"adonis","money":1000},
{"question":"Genus of plants with more than 150 species, most native to South Africa","answer":"aloe","money":1000},
{"question":"Genus of tropical American flowering annual herbs","answer":"ageratum","money":1000},
{"question":"GEOGRAPHY; Dutch city famous for its pottery and porcelain","answer":"delft","money":1000},
{"question":"GEOGRAPHY; In which European city is there a lake called the Tjorn","answer":"reykjavik","money":1000},
{"question":"GEOGRAPHY; In which sea are the Docecanese Islands","answer":"Aegean Sea","money":1000},
{"question":"GEOGRAPHY; Whre would you see the statue of The little Mermaid","answer":"copenhagen","money":1000},
{"question":"GEOGRAPHY;Which European flag is red and gold and has an eagle in its crest","answer":"Spain","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ account for more than half of the world's total production of peanuts. The United States grows about 10 percent of the world's peanut crop, mainly in such southern states as Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina","answer":"india and china","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ averages the greatest number of shark attacks annually - an average of 13","answer":"florida","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ got its start as a major tourist destination during the early days of World War II. German U-boats threats off the eastern United States compelled the wealthy to find new places to vacation. At one time one had to be a millionaire to enjoy ____, but that hasn't been the case for years","answer":"acapulco","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has 150 recognized ecosystems","answer":"hawaii","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has 254 counties. Alaska, which is more than twice as large, hasn't any","answer":"texas","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has 570 miles of shoreline","answer":"new york city","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has a sand desert with dunes over 100 feet high. It is located along the flatland of the Kobuk River in the northwestern part of the state","answer":"alaska","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has official state neckwear - the bolo tie","answer":"arizona","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has parallel drops of only 158 and 167 feet","answer":"niagara falls","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has the greatest number of islands in the world: 179,584","answer":"finland","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has the highest per capita income in the world, except for the oil sheikdoms","answer":"bermuda","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has the largest rural population in the United States","answer":"pennsylvania","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has the nation's largest city park system, with more than 200 parks within city limits and 20,000 acres of parks in the nearby mountains - an area larger than all of Manhattan Island","answer":"denver","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ has two official national anthems","answer":"south africa","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ in southern California is the lowest point in the United States at 282 feet below sea level. The highest point in the contiguous 48 states is also in California: Mount Whitney, which is 14,491 feet above sea level","answer":"death valley","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ in Wyoming, the world-famous, nearly vertical monolith rises 1,267 feet above the Belle Fourche River. Known by several northern plains tribes as Bears Lodge, it is a sacred site of worship for many American Indians. Scientists are still undecided as to what exactly caused the natural wonder, although they agree that it is the remnant of an ancient volcanic feature","answer":"devils tower","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ includes the islands of New Britain and New Ireland","answer":"papua new guinea","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is 98 percent ice, 2 percent barren rock. The average thickness of the ice sheet is 7,200 feet; this amounts to 90 percent of all the ice and 70 percent of all the fresh water in the world. If the ice cap were to melt, the sea level would rise by an average of 230 feet","answer":"antarctica","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is a land with a lot of big creatures - it is home to the world's largest snake (the anaconda, measuring up to 35 feet in length), largest spider, largest rodent (the capybara, a sort of guinea pig the size of a police dog), and the world's largest ant","answer":"brazil","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is derived from the Indian word Bhotanta, meaning \"the edge of Tibet.\" It is located in Asia near the southern fringes of the eastern Himalayas","answer":"bhutan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is home to the world's most remote weather station. Its Eureka weather station is 600 miles from the North Pole","answer":"canada","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is one-quarter the size of the state of Maine","answer":"israel","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is smaller than the state of Montana (116,304 square miles and 147,138 square miles, respectively)","answer":"italy","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the birthplace of many celebrities, including David Birney, Blair Brown, Connie Chung, Matt Frewer, Goldie Hawn, Al Gore, John Heard, Edward Hermann, William Hurt, John F. Kennedy, Jr., Michael Learned, Roger Mudd, Maury Povich, Chita Rivera, Pete Sampras, and Peter Tork","answer":"washington, d.c","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the first and last city in the world to operate cable cars. Almost 100 other cities around the world have had cable cars, but all have discontinued use. The cable cars began operation on August 2, 1873. Designed by London born engineer Andrew Hallidie, the cable cars are controlled by a subterranean loop that travels at a constant 9.5 miles per hour","answer":"san francisco","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the fourth-largest island in the world. It is approximately the same size as the state of Texas","answer":"madagascar","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the largest country in Africa. It has a population greater than 28,100,000","answer":"sudan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the largest French-speaking city in the Western Hemisphere","answer":"montreal","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the largest Spanish-speaking country and the second-largest Roman Catholic nation in the world","answer":"mexico","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the largest Western European country. Its area is slightly less than twice the size of Colorado","answer":"france","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the most densely populated non-island region in the world, with more than 1,970 humans per square mile","answer":"bangladesh","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the only Central American country not bordering the Caribbean Sea","answer":"el salvador","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the only country in the Middle East that does not have a desert","answer":"lebanon","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the second smallest country in the world and the principality has four distinct divisions. (1.) La Condamine, the business district. (2.) The Casino or Monte Carlo. (3.) Monaco-Ville which is on a rocky promontory and (4.) Fontvieille","answer":"monaco","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ is the world's largest producer of cork. The country has regulations protecting cork trees dating back to 1320. During the 1920s and 1930s, it became illegal to cut down the trees other than for essential thinning and removal of older non-producing trees","answer":"portugal","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ itself was formed by the activity of undersea volcanoes","answer":"hawaii","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ means \"land of the free.\"","answer":"thailand","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ possesses more proven oil reserves than any country outside the Middle East","answer":"venezuela","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ sits on the southern coast of France, near the border with Italy, and covers 0.73 square miles (approximately 1/2 the size of New York's Central Park)","answer":"monaco","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ use wooden \"eyeglasses\" with narrow slits for eyepieces to protect their eyes from glare reflected by ice and snow","answer":"eskimos","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ was admitted to the U.N. in May 1993, making it the smallest country represented there","answer":"monaco","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ was called the \"Gateway to the West\" in the 1800s because it served as a starting place for wagon train departures","answer":"st. louis","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ was the first American city planned for a specific purpose. It was designed by Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant, to be a beautiful city with wide streets and many trees. The district was originally a 10 miles square crossing the Potomac River into Virginia. The Virginia part of the district was given back to Virginia in 1846","answer":"washington, d.c","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____ was the U.S. Confederacy's largest city","answer":"new orleans","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____, Illinois was nicknamed the Windy City because of the excessive local bragging that accompanied the Columbian Exhibition of 1893. ____ has actually been rated as only the 16th breeziest city in America","answer":"chicago","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____, in Russia, is the largest city north of the Arctic Circle","answer":"murmansk","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____, in the eastern West Indies, is one of the world's most densely populated countries","answer":"barbados","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: ____, of the southern Baja Peninsula, was favored by early pirates because of its safe harbors","answer":"los cabos","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: \"Honolulu\" means ____","answer":"sheltered harbor","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: \"Oceania\" is a name for the thousands of islands in the central and southern ____. It is sometimes referred to as the South Seas","answer":"pacific ocean","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: \"Utah\" is from the Navajo word meaning ____","answer":"upper","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: 300,000 Chinese troops invaded a country in February of 1979, what was the country?","answer":"Vietnam","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: 80% of the World`s fresh water is located in what country","answer":"canada","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: A Bajan is an inhabitiant of which island","answer":"barbados","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: A distillery was originally on the site of America's first mint, the ____ mint, which opened in 1792","answer":"philadelphia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: A federation in SE Asia occupying the northern part of Borneo","answer":"malaysia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: A member of a Bantu people living chiefly in South Africa","answer":"zulu","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: A patent on polyester was patented first in what country?","answer":"Briton","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: A ridge projecting laterally from a mountain or mountain range","answer":"spur","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: A small violent tropical storm or cyclone in the China seas","answer":"typhoon","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: A whirlpool below ____ iced over for the first time on record, on March 25, 1955","answer":"niagara falls","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: A wide indentation in a shoreline","answer":"bight","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: About 43 million years ago, the Pacific plate took a northwest turn, creating a bend where new upheavals initiated the Hawaiian Ridge. Major islands formed included Kauai, 5.1 million years old, Maui, 1.3 million years old, and ____, a youngster at only 800,000 years old","answer":"hawaii","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Abuja is the capital of ____","answer":"Nigeria","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Acadia was the original name of which Canadian province","answer":"nova scotia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Acapulco is in which country?","answer":"Mexico","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: According to ____ historian Herodotus, Egyptian men never became bald. The reason for this was that, as children, Egyptian males had their heads shaved, and their scalps were continually exposed to the health-giving rays of the sun","answer":"greek","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: According to a Fortune magazine survey conducted a few years ago, ____ topped the list of best major U.S. cities to balance work and family","answer":"seattle","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: According to classical legend, which city was the home of the original Palladium","answer":"troy","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: According to the ____, a survey of 18- to 24-year-olds from nine nations put the United States dead last in general geographic knowledge scores. One in seven - about 24 million people - could not find their own country on a world map. The survey revealed that Americans possess a pathetically poor sense of where they are - much less any knowledge about the rest of the world. And even more alarming, those who participated in the survey were recent high school and college graduates","answer":"national Geographic Society","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: According to the U.S. Naval Observatory, the first populated land where the Sun will rise on a new day is at Kahuitara Point (44? 16' S 176? 9' W) on Pitt Island in the Chatham Islands, a dependency of ____","answer":"new zealand","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Accra is the capital of ____","answer":"Ghana","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Adolf Hitler was born in what country?","answer":"Austria","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: African country, capital Luanda","answer":"angola","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: African country, capital Niamey","answer":"niger","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: After which city is mayonnaise said to be named","answer":"port mahon","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: After which First World war heroine was a peak in the Rockies named","answer":"Edith Cavell","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Albany is the capital of ____","answer":"New York","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Alternative name for Ayres Rock","answer":"Uluru","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Although usually shortened to \"Krung Thep\" this Thailand capital city has a full name of Krung thep mahanakhon bovorn ratanakosin mahintharayutthaya mahidilok pop noparatratchathani burirom udomratchanivetmahasathan amornpiman avatarnsathit sakkathattiyavisnukarmprasit","answer":"Bangkok","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: America purchased Alaska from ____ in 1867 for $7,200,000 - about 2 cents an acre","answer":"russia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Among the fifty-two ____ churches Sir Christopher Wren created from 1670 to 1711, the greatest was St. Paul's Cathedral","answer":"london","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Andalusia is a region located in the south of which country","answer":"spain","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Ankara is the capital of ____","answer":"Turkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Antibes, on the eastern French Riviera, was founded by the ____ in the fourth century B.C. After World War II, Pablo Picasso left Paris to live near the Mediterranean. He worked for six months in the Grimaldi castle where he painted La Joi De Vivre. It is now a museum that holds many of Picasso's paintings and pottery. Antibes also hosts one of the largest antique shows in Europe each spring","answer":"greeks","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Antigua and Barbuda lie in which Sea?","answer":"Caribbean","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Approximately 70 percent of the Earth is covered with water. Only 1 percent of the water is ____","answer":"drinkable","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Approximately what percentage of the earth do the oceans cover","answer":"71","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Argentina's east coast lies on which ocean?","answer":"Atlantic","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Arguably the largest state in the world, ____ covers one-third of the Australian continent. It spans over 2.5 million square kilometers (1 million square miles)","answer":"western australia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Arizona boasts a great variety of fossils, the best known of which were of creatures that lived during the Triassic Period. These include early dinosaurs and the trees that left us Arizona petrified wood, (Araucarioxylon arizonicum), the state's fossil. Arizona petrified wood is protected in Petrified Forest National Park. Another famous Arizona fossil site is the Grand Canyon. It was carved out of the ____, a famous geologic region","answer":"colorado plateau","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Aruba maintains the strongest ties to what European country?","answer":"Netherlands","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: As of 1990, ____, Pennsylvania was the only U.S. city of the nation's largest 50 cities with a higher death rate than birth rate","answer":"pittsburgh","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: As what is Constantinople now known","answer":"Istanbul","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: As what is Formosa now known","answer":"Taiwan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: As what is Krung Thep is more commonly known","answer":"Bangkok","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: As what is the South Pole also known","answer":"Amundsen Scott Station","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: As what was the Taj Mahal originally built","answer":"tomb","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: At the start of the twentieth century, the spectacular city of ____, didn't even exist. Now it's home to more than one million people, and the city boasts nine of the world's ten largest hotels","answer":"las vegas, nevada","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Austin is the capital of ____","answer":"Texas","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Australia's highest mountain is named for Thaddeus ____, the Polish general who fought in the American Revolution","answer":"kosciusko","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bamako is the capital of ____","answer":"Mali","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bangalore and jaipur are in which country","answer":"india","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bangkok is the capital of ____","answer":"Thailand","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Banjul is the capital of ____","answer":"Gambia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Barking Sands Beach on the Hawaiian island of ____ is known for its unusual sand that squeaks or \"barks like a dog.\" The dry sand grains emit an eerie sound when rubbed with bare feet","answer":"kauai","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bartolomeo diaz called it the cape of storms. what is it called now","answer":"the cape of good hope","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Before 1918, ____ belonged to Austria-Hungary; from 1918 to 1991, it was part of Yugoslavia. It declared its independence on June 25, 1991","answer":"slovenia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Berkshire racecourse","answer":"ascot","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bismarck is the capital of ____","answer":"North Dakota","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bissau is the capital of ____","answer":"Guinea-Bissau","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: bodies of water: Where in the heck is Bantry Bay","answer":"Ireland","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bodies Of Water","answer":"Lake Michigan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bodies Of Water","answer":"Pacific Ocean","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bogota is the capital of ____","answer":"Colombia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Boise is the capital of ____","answer":"Idaho","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bore-hole seismometry indicates that the land in ____ moves up and down 25 cm throughout the day, corresponding with the tides. Earth tides are generally about one-third the size of ocean tides","answer":"oklahoma","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bridgeport is the largest city in which state","answer":"connecticut","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Bridgetown is the capital of ____","answer":"barbados","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Brussels is the capital of which country","answer":"belgium","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Buckingham Palace is in which English City.","answer":"London","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Budapest is the capital of ____","answer":"Hungary","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: buildings: what's the largest office building in the world","answer":"the pentagon","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Burma was the former name of which country","answer":"Myanmar","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: By what name is British Honduras now known","answer":"Belize","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Canada is the second-largest country in the world after ____. Nearly 90 percent of the Canada's population is concentrated within 161 km of the United States/Canada border","answer":"russia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Cape Town, South Africa, is also known as","answer":"Kaapstad","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Afghanistan","answer":"Kabul","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Albania","answer":"Tirana","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Algeria","answer":"Algiers","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Andorra","answer":"Andorra la Vella","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Angola","answer":"Luanda","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Argentina","answer":"Buenos Aires","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Australia","answer":"Canberra","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Austria","answer":"Vienna","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Bahrain","answer":"Manama","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Bangladesh","answer":"Dhaka","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Barbados","answer":"Bridgetown","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Belgium","answer":"Brussels","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Belize","answer":"Belmopan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Benin","answer":"Porto Novo","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Bhutan","answer":"Thimphu","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Botswana","answer":"Gaborone","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Brazil","answer":"Brasilia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Brunei","answer":"Bandar Seri Begawan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Bulgaria","answer":"Sofia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Cambodia","answer":"Phnom Penh","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Cameroon","answer":"Yaounde","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Canada","answer":"Ottawa","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Chad","answer":"N'Djamena","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Congo","answer":"Brazzaville","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Costa Rica","answer":"San Jose","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Cuba","answer":"Havana","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Cyprus","answer":"Nicosia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Czechoslovakia","answer":"Prague","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Denmark","answer":"Copenhagen","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Djibouti","answer":"Djibouti","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Ecuador","answer":"Quito","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Egypt","answer":"Cairo","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of El Salvador","answer":"San Salvador","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Ethiopia","answer":"Addis Ababa","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Fiji","answer":"Suva","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Finland","answer":"Helsinki","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of France","answer":"Paris","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Gabon","answer":"Libreville","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Ghana","answer":"Accra","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Greece","answer":"Athens","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Grenada","answer":"St George's","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Guatemala","answer":"Guatemala","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Guyana","answer":"Georgetown","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Haiti","answer":"Port-au-Prince","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Honduras","answer":"Tegucigalpa","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Hungary","answer":"Budapest","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Iceland","answer":"Reykjavik","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of India","answer":"New Delhi","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Indonesia","answer":"Jakarta","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Iran","answer":"Teheran","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Iraq","answer":"Baghdad","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Irish Republic","answer":"Dublin","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Israel","answer":"Jerusalem","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Italy","answer":"Rome","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Ivory Coast","answer":"Abidjan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Jamaica","answer":"Kingston","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Japan","answer":"Tokyo","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Jordan","answer":"Amman","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Kenya","answer":"Nairobi","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Kiribati","answer":"Tarawa","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Kuwait","answer":"Kuwait","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Laos","answer":"Vientiane","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Lebanon","answer":"Beirut","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Lesotho","answer":"Maseru","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Libya","answer":"Tripoli","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Liechtenstein","answer":"Vaduz","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Lithuania","answer":"Vilnius","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Madagascar","answer":"Antananarivo","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Malaysia","answer":"Kuala Lumpar","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Maldives","answer":"Male","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Malta","answer":"Valletta","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Martinique","answer":"Fort-de-France","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Mauritius","answer":"Port Louis","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Mexico","answer":"Mexico City","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Moazambique","answer":"Maputo","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Monaco","answer":"Monaco","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Mongolia","answer":"Ulan Bator","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Morocco","answer":"Rabat","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Namibia","answer":"Windhoek","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Nauru","answer":"Yaren","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Nepal","answer":"Kathmandu","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of New Zealand","answer":"Wellington","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Nicaragua","answer":"Managua","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Niger","answer":"Niamey","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Nigeria","answer":"Lagos","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of North Korea","answer":"Pyongyang","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Norway","answer":"Oslo","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Oman","answer":"Muscat","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of pakistan","answer":"Islamabad","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Panama","answer":"Panama","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Papua New Guinea","answer":"Port Moresby","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Paraguay","answer":"Asuncion","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Peru","answer":"Lima","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Phiippines","answer":"Manila","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Poland","answer":"Warsaw","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Portugal","answer":"Lisbon","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Qatar","answer":"Doha","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Romania","answer":"Bucharest","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Rwanda","answer":"Kigali","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Saskatchewan","answer":"regina","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of South Korea","answer":"Seoul","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of Swaziland","answer":"Mbabane","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of the Bahamas","answer":"Nassau","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of the Canadian province of Manitoba","answer":"Winnipeg","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capital of the Isle of Man","answer":"Douglas","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capitals: Baghdad is the capital of ____","answer":"iraq","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capitals: Baku is the capital of which country","answer":"azerbaijan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capitals: Bangkok is which country's capital","answer":"thailand","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capitals: Bangui is the capital of ____","answer":"central african republic","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Capitals: Berlin is the capital of ____","answer":"germany","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Caribbean island which with Bermuda became an independent state in 1981","answer":"antigua","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Celine Deion was born in what North American Country?","answer":"Canada","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Cheyenne is the capital of ____","answer":"Wyoming","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Chief sea port of France","answer":"Marseille","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: cities: What capital city lies at the junction of the Sava and Danube rivers","answer":"Belgrade","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: cities: What city rises at the head of the Nile River Delta","answer":"Cairo","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: cities: What German city is famed for a scent it produces","answer":"Cologne","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: cities: Where would one find the Austerlitz train station","answer":"Paris, France","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: City and administrative centre of an English county situated on the North Sea anmd The Wash site of an 11th century cathedral","answer":"lincoln","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: City in Florida, USA situated near Walt Disney World","answer":"orlando","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: City-state and the largest port in Germany","answer":"hamburg","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: City, capital of Nepal, in the central part of the country","answer":"kathmandu","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: City, capital of the province of Quebec, Canada, in Quebec county, at the confluence of the Saint Lawrence & Saint-Charles rivers, in the southern part of the province","answer":"quebec","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Colorado's capital of ____ is the largest metro city in a 600-mile radius - an area almost the size of Europe","answer":"denver","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Columbus is the capital of ____","answer":"Ohio","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Compact group of mountain heights","answer":"massif","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Coral reefs, sometimes called the \"rain forests of the sea,\" cover more than 6,500 square miles in the ____, the Gulf of Mexico, off Florida, and the Pacific. They are home to an estimated 550 species of fish, and are major tourist attractions","answer":"caribbean","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Country on the Caribbean coast of Central America, capital Belmopan","answer":"belize","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: County of Northern Ireland","answer":"tyrone","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: County town of Clare","answer":"ennis","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: County town of Cornwall","answer":"truro","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Dakar is the capital of ____","answer":"Senegal","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Denmark, Norway and Sweden combine to make what","answer":"Scandinavia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Des Moines is the capital of ____","answer":"Iowa","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Dhaka is the capital of ____","answer":"Bangladesh","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Djibouti is the capital of ____","answer":"Djibouti","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: During the nineteenth century, Michigan was a key stop on the Underground Railroad, and many runaway slaves decided to make their homes there. Currently, 14 percent of Michigan's population is ____","answer":"african american","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Each tour through Natural Bridge Caverns in ____ covers 3/4 mile. An average tour guide will walk almost 560 miles in one year","answer":"texas","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Each year ____ has approximately 5,000 earthquakes, including 1,000 that measure above 3.5 on the Richter scale","answer":"alaska","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Eddy Grant comes from what country?","answer":"Guyana","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Edinburgh is in which country?","answer":"Scotland","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Edmonton is the capital of which province","answer":"alberta","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: English county - the garden of England","answer":"kent","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Excluding Alaska, the American state with the lowest population density is?","answer":"wyoming","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Filled with water, gas, electric, telephone, cable, steam, and sewer lines, ____ is the most dense underground site in the United States","answer":"manhattan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Fireworks originated in what country?","answer":"China","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Five US states border which ocean","answer":"Pacific Ocean","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Florida is not the southernmost state in the United States. ____ is farther south","answer":"hawaii","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: For centuries, Spain's ____ has been and still is one of the world's largest","answer":"fishing fleet","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: For most of the 20th century ST. Petersburg has been named after which Soviet Hero?","answer":"Lenin","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: For those who are eager to peek inside Europe's only active volcano, a shuttle takes tourists close to the top of Mount Vesuvius. After that, it is a thirty-minute hike to the lip of the crater. Mount Vesuvius erupted about seventy-nine years after Christ. The flourishing city of ____ was obliterated, buried under a thirty-foot wave of hot mud and volcanic ash. The lunar-like top of the volcano stands at a dizzying 4,000 feet","answer":"pompeii","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: For years Sicily was the source of which element","answer":"sulphur","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Formally called Kiritimati, ____ in the Indian Ocean is 52 square miles","answer":"christmas island","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Founded in 1822 by the American Colonisation Society as a home for liberated slaves, capital city named after US President James Monroe, which country","answer":"liberia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Four states have active volcanoes: Washington, ____, Alaska, and Hawaii, whose Mauna Loa is the world's largest active volcano","answer":"california","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Frankfort is the capital of which state","answer":"kentucky","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: French resort location of the Promenade des Anglais","answer":"nice","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: French sea port with a ferry service to Dover","answer":"calais","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: From an old name for which country did Horace Walpole coin the term Serendipity for happy finds made by chance","answer":"sri lanka","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: From the 1830s to 1960s, the Lehigh River in eastern ____, was owned by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., making it the only privately owned river in the United States","answer":"pennsylvania","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: From which country did the Bashi Bazouks come","answer":"Turkey","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: From which country do Moselle wines come from","answer":"germany","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: From which Irish province were the MacCarthys hereditary kings","answer":"munster","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Generally regarded as the world's most active volcano (in Hawaii)","answer":"kilauea","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Genoa overlooks which sea","answer":"ligurian","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Going due south from New York City, which S. American country do you hit first","answer":"colombia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Gore is also known as the Brown Trout Capital of the World and New Zealand's ____","answer":"country music capital","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Grasshopper Glacier in ____ was named for the grasshoppers that can still be seen frozen in the ice","answer":"montana","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Great river of Brazil","answer":"amazon","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Group of round 30 islets in the North Sea off the coast of Northumberland","answer":"Farne Islands","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Guatemala is the capital of ____","answer":"Guatemala","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Guayaquil is the largest city in what country","answer":"ecuador","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Halifax is the capital of which Canadian province","answer":"nova scotia","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Havana is the capital of which country","answer":"cuba","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: He invented the most common projection for world maps","answer":"Gerardus Mercator","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: He visited Australia and New Zealand, then surveyed the Pacific Coast of North America","answer":"vancouver","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Height of Ayres Rock","answer":"110 FEET","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Helena is the capital of ____","answer":"Montana","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Hell's Canyon on the Snake River is deeper than the ____","answer":"grand canyon","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: hich is the largest lake in Wales","answer":"lake bala","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Hills on the Scottish english border","answer":"cheviot hills","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Honolulu is the capital of ____","answer":"hawaii","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Honolulu is the only place in the united states that has a ____","answer":"royal palace","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Honshu is the largest island of which country","answer":"japan","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: Hot dusty wind in Argentina","answer":"Zonda","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: How long is the Great Wall of China","answer":"1450 miles","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: How many countries border the black sea","answer":"six","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: How many Great Lakes are there","answer":"five","money":1000},
{"question":"Geography: How many stars are on the flag of New Zealand","answer":"four","money":1000},
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