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Created August 7, 2020 20:20
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Save vzhong/07987af4f3eb6ea8a541a5b179bab2ca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"ours": [
"id": "gen:3988",
"query": "select last_name from Owners order by last_name",
"question": "list all the last name of owners in alphabetical order ."
"id": "gen:17117",
"query": "select count ( * ) from Friend",
"question": "how many friend are there ?"
"id": "gen:44572",
"query": "select T2.vote_id from CONTESTANTS as T1 join VOTES as T2 on T1.contestant_number = T2.contestant_number group by ( T2.vote_id ) order by count ( T1.contestant_number ) desc limit 1",
"question": "what is the id of the votes that has been most distinct contestants ?"
"id": "gen:7607",
"query": "select name from Highschooler",
"question": "what are the name of higher ?"
"id": "gen:7872",
"query": "select city_code from Student order by Advisor desc",
"question": "what city are in the student order by descending number of advisor ?"
"id": "gen:4544",
"query": "select count ( * ) from cars_data as T1 join car_names as T2 on T1.Id = T2.MakeId join model_list as T3 on T2.Model = T3.Model join car_makers as T4 on T3.Maker = T4.Id where T1.Horsepower = '81'",
"question": "how many car makers has the horsepower of 81 ?"
"id": "gen:44007",
"query": "select T2.Start_from from employee as T1 join hiring as T2 on T1.Employee_ID = T2.Employee_ID where T1.City = 'Bristol'",
"question": "what are the starts of hiring who are located in the city of Bristol ?"
"id": "gen:27499",
"query": "select count ( * ) from Ref_Template_Types as T1 join Templates as T2 on T1.Template_Type_Code = T2.Template_Type_Code join Documents as T3 on T2.Template_ID = T3.Template_ID where T3.Other_Details = 'None'",
"question": "how many template types do the documents with ' details ' None ?"
"id": "gen:47350",
"query": "select T2.Name , T4.District from evaluation as T1 join employee as T2 on T1.Employee_ID = T2.Employee_ID join hiring as T3 on T2.Employee_ID = T3.Employee_ID join shop as T4 on T3.Shop_ID = T4.Shop_ID order by T1.Bonus desc limit 1",
"question": "find the name and district of the employee that has the highest evaluation bonus ."
"id": "gen:8143",
"query": "select T1.cell_number from Owners as T1 join Charges as T2 order by T2.charge_amount desc limit 1",
"question": "what is the cell number of the owners with the largest charges amount ?"
"id": "gen:5843",
"query": "select min ( grade ) , avg ( grade ) , max ( grade ) from Highschooler",
"question": "what is the minimum , average , and maximum grade of all high schooler ?"
"id": "gen:21591",
"query": "select T1.Age from teacher as T1 join course_arrange as T2 on T1.Teacher_ID = T2.Teacher_ID group by T2.Teacher_ID order by sum ( T2.Grade ) desc limit 1",
"question": "what is the age of the teacher who has the most course ?"
"id": "gen:35797",
"query": "select count ( Year_awarded ) from evaluation",
"question": "how many distinct year are awarded in evaluation ?"
"id": "gen:41203",
"query": "select T1.property_type_code from Ref_Property_Types as T1 join Properties as T2 on T1.property_type_code = T2.property_type_code where T2.property_name = 'parc coliseum'",
"question": "what is the distinct property types code of the property name ' parc coliseum ?"
"id": "gen:35036",
"query": "select T2.Nationality , T3.Weekly_rank , T2.Name from orchestra as T1 join conductor as T2 on T1.Conductor_ID = T2.Conductor_ID join performance as T3 on T1.Orchestra_ID = T3.Orchestra_ID order by T1.Orchestra",
"question": "what are the nationality , weekly rank , and name of the conductor , order by the orchestra rank , and the results in ascending alphabet order by the orchestra ?"
"id": "gen:41503",
"query": "select avg ( Weekly_Rank ) , max ( Weekly_Rank ) , min ( Weekly_Rank ) from TV_series",
"question": "what are the average , maximum , and minimum weekly rank for all tv series ?"
"id": "gen:21078",
"query": "select name from Highschooler where grade > ( select avg ( grade ) from Highschooler )",
"question": "what are the name of the higher that have a grade higher than the average ?"
"id": "gen:24990",
"query": "select from Cartoon as T1 join TV_Channel as T2 on T1.Channel = join TV_series as T3 on = T3.Channel where T3.Share > 6",
"question": "what are the ids of all cartoon that have a series share greater than 6 ?"
"id": "gen:21683",
"query": "select Nationality from people where People_ID = '7'",
"question": "what are the nationality of people with id 7 ' ?"
"id": "gen:11293",
"query": "select property_id , feature_id from Other_Property_Features",
"question": "what are the distinct ids and property features ? list the property features id and their property features ."
"id": "gen:49818",
"query": "select T2.Citizenship from song as T1 join singer as T2 on T1.Singer_ID = T2.Singer_ID group by T2.Citizenship order by count ( * ) desc limit 1",
"question": "what is the citizenship of the most popular singer ?"
"id": "gen:43848",
"query": "select T2.Make , T6.Continent from cars_data as T1 join car_names as T2 on T1.Id = T2.MakeId join model_list as T3 on T2.Model = T3.Model join car_makers as T4 on T3.Maker = T4.Id join countries as T5 on T4.Country = T5.CountryId join continents as T6 on T5.Continent = T6.ContId order by T1.Year desc limit 1",
"question": "what is the make and continent of the car that was the most recent year ?"
"id": "gen:41093",
"query": "select result from battle where bulgarian_commander like 'Kaloyan'",
"question": "what are the distinct result of battle that have the bulgarian commander is Kaloyan ' ?"
"id": "gen:19974",
"query": "select count ( * ) from course_arrange",
"question": "count the number of course arrange ."
"id": "gen:6934",
"query": "select Directed_by from Cartoon where Channel = '706'",
"question": "what are the all directors who are in the cartoon whose channel is 706 ?"
"id": "gen:5411",
"query": "select property_address from Properties order by buyer_offered_price",
"question": "list the address of all properties sorted by their buyer offered price ."
"id": "gen:44430",
"query": "select count ( * ) from evaluation",
"question": "how many evaluation are there ?"
"id": "gen:28318",
"query": "select Paragraph_ID from Paragraphs where Paragraph_Text = 'Palestinian Territory'",
"question": "what are the id of distinct paragraphs that is the Palestinian Territory ' ?"
"id": "gen:17899",
"query": "select Attendance , Show_ID from show",
"question": "what are the different attendance and ids of all show ?"
"id": "gen:47774",
"query": "select T5.CountryName from cars_data as T1 join car_names as T2 on T1.Id = T2.MakeId join model_list as T3 on T2.Model = T3.Model join car_makers as T4 on T3.Maker = T4.Id join countries as T5 on T4.Country = T5.CountryId order by T1.Weight desc limit 1",
"question": "what is the name of the countries that has the greatest weight ?"
"id": "gen:10680",
"query": "select count ( * ) from CONTESTANTS",
"question": "count the number of contestants ."
"id": "gen:16494",
"query": "select count ( * ) from evaluation",
"question": "how many evaluation are there ?"
"id": "gen:47697",
"query": "select count ( T1.treatment_type_code ) from Treatments as T1 join Dogs as T2 on T1.dog_id = T2.dog_id where T2.age like '2'",
"question": "how many different treatments type are age of dogs with 2 ?"
"id": "gen:37088",
"query": "select T1.birth_date , T2.loser_ioc from players as T1 join matches as T2 on T1.player_id = T2.winner_id where T2.loser_hand = 'R'",
"question": "find the biRth date and ioc of the playeRs who have loseR hand foR the loseR R ."
"id": "gen:26893",
"query": "select T2.PetID from Student as T1 join Has_Pet as T2 on T1.StuID = T2.StuID where T1.Advisor = ( select min ( Advisor ) from Student )",
"question": "what are the id of pet who is the least student ?"
"id": "gen:24190",
"query": "select T1.Lowest from stadium as T1 join concert as T2 on T1.Stadium_ID = T2.Stadium_ID join singer_in_concert as T3 on T2.concert_ID = T3.concert_ID join singer as T4 on T3.Singer_ID = T4.Singer_ID order by T4.Age asc limit 1",
"question": "what is the lowest of the stadium who has the lowest age ?"
"id": "gen:30173",
"query": "select name from Highschooler order by grade asc",
"question": "what are the name of the higher in ascending order of grade ?"
"id": "gen:22854",
"query": "select loser_name , loser_hand from matches where loser_ioc = 'SVK'",
"question": "find the name and hand of all loser who have matches with the ioc SVK ' ."
"id": "gen:19615",
"query": "select Maker from car_makers",
"question": "what are the different car maker ?"
"id": "gen:48889",
"query": "select Start_from from hiring",
"question": "what are all the distinct start from ?"
"id": "gen:20687",
"query": "select city_code , Sex from Student",
"question": "what city are and sex for each student ?"
"id": "gen:35977",
"query": "select avg ( T2.Height ) , avg ( T1.Earnings ) from poker_player as T1 join people as T2 on T1.People_ID = T2.People_ID where T2.Nationality = 'Russia'",
"question": "what are the average height and earnings of poker player in Russia ?"
"id": "gen:13851",
"query": "select count ( * ) from Treatments as T1 join Charges as T2 where T2.charge_amount > 98",
"question": "how many treatments have charges with amount greater than 98 ?"
"id": "gen:25319",
"query": "select Name from visitor order by Name desc limit 1",
"question": "return the name of the customer who has the most recent customer ."
"id": "gen:23898",
"query": "select Theme from concert where Year = '2014' intersect select Theme from concert where Year = '2014'",
"question": "what are the theme of concert in both year 2014 and a concert in year 2014 ?"
"id": "gen:469",
"query": "select T1.Name , T3.Name from visitor as T1 join visit as T2 on T1.ID = T2.visitor_ID join museum as T3 on T2.Museum_ID = T3.Museum_ID",
"question": "show the name of customer and the museum name ."
"id": "gen:44965",
"query": "select sum ( injured ) from death",
"question": "what is the total injured of death ?"
"id": "gen:13603",
"query": "select count ( * ) from song",
"question": "how many song are there ?"
"id": "gen:13299",
"query": "select count ( Employee_ID ) from evaluation",
"question": "how many employee have evaluation ?"
"id": "gen:41317",
"query": "select Hometown from teacher",
"question": "what are the hometowns of all teacher ?"
"id": "gen:31836",
"query": "select T1.Nationality , T3.Type , T3.Weekly_rank from conductor as T1 join orchestra as T2 on T1.Conductor_ID = T2.Conductor_ID join performance as T3 on T2.Orchestra_ID = T3.Orchestra_ID",
"question": "show the nationality , type , and weekly rank of conductor , and weekly rank of performance ."
"id": "gen:13829",
"query": "select Name from singer order by Birth_Year asc",
"question": "what are all the name of singer in ascending order of the year ?"
"id": "gen:37895",
"query": "select District from shop where Number_products > 10000 group by District order by count ( * ) desc limit 1",
"question": "which district has the most number of shop with products more than 10000 ?"
"id": "gen:26170",
"query": "select Hight_definition_TV from TV_Channel where Language = 'English'",
"question": "what are the high definition of the tv channel that are English ?"
"id": "gen:48592",
"query": "select avg ( T1.killed ) from death as T1 join ship as T2 on T1.caused_by_ship_id = join battle as T3 on T2.lost_in_battle = where T3.latin_commander = 'Thierry de Termond'",
"question": "what is the average death of death that were held by battle with latin commander ' Thierry de Termond ' ?"
"id": "gen:45119",
"query": "select T3.PetType , T1.LName from Student as T1 join Has_Pet as T2 on T1.StuID = T2.StuID join Pets as T3 on T2.PetID = T3.PetID order by T1.LName",
"question": "list the type of pets and last name of student in alphabetical order of last name ."
"id": "gen:38672",
"query": "select Name from shop group by Shop_ID order by count ( * ) desc limit 1",
"question": "what is the name of the shop that has the most number of times ?"
"id": "gen:2247",
"query": "select count ( * ) from TV_series as T1 join TV_Channel as T2 on T1.Channel = join Cartoon as T3 on = T3.Channel where T3.Title > ( select avg ( Title ) from Cartoon )",
"question": "how many tv series are have the cartoon title higher than the average ?"
"id": "gen:19892",
"query": "select Fname from Student where Advisor > ( select avg ( Advisor ) from Student )",
"question": "find the first name of student whose advisor is higher than the average ."
"id": "gen:1973",
"query": "select Name from stadium where Capacity > 11998 or Capacity < 4000",
"question": "find the name of stadium that have a capacity greater than 11998 or capacity less than 4000 ."
"theirs": [
"id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
"query": "SELECT template_type_code FROM Ref_template_types WHERE template_type_description = \"Book\"",
"question": "What is the template type code for template type description \"Book\"."
"id": "museum_visit",
"query": "SELECT t2.visitor_id , , t1.Level_of_membership FROM visitor AS t1 JOIN visit AS t2 ON = t2.visitor_id GROUP BY t2.visitor_id ORDER BY sum(t2.Total_spent) DESC LIMIT 1",
"question": "What are the id, name and membership level of visitors who have spent the largest amount of money in total in all museum tickets?"
"id": "museum_visit",
"query": "SELECT count(*) FROM visitor WHERE age < 30",
"question": "How many visitors below age 30 are there?"
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT T1.FullName , T1.Id , count(*) FROM CAR_MAKERS AS T1 JOIN MODEL_LIST AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.Maker GROUP BY T1.Id;",
"question": "What is the full name of each car maker, along with its id and how many models it produces?"
"id": "orchestra",
"query": "SELECT Record_Company , COUNT(*) FROM orchestra GROUP BY Record_Company",
"question": "How many orchestras does each record company manage?"
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT T1.FullName , T1.Id , count(*) FROM CAR_MAKERS AS T1 JOIN MODEL_LIST AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.Maker GROUP BY T1.Id;",
"question": "How many models does each car maker produce? List maker full name, id and the number."
"id": "concert_singer",
"query": "SELECT FROM singer_in_concert AS T1 JOIN singer AS T2 ON T1.singer_id = T2.singer_id JOIN concert AS T3 ON T1.concert_id = T3.concert_id WHERE T3.year = 2014",
"question": "List all singer names in concerts in year 2014."
"id": "orchestra",
"query": "SELECT T1.Name FROM conductor AS T1 JOIN orchestra AS T2 ON T1.Conductor_ID = T2.Conductor_ID GROUP BY T2.Conductor_ID HAVING COUNT(*) > 1",
"question": "Show the names of conductors that have conducted more than one orchestras."
"id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
"query": "SELECT document_id FROM Paragraphs GROUP BY document_id ORDER BY count(*) ASC LIMIT 1",
"question": "Return the id of the document with the fewest paragraphs."
"id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
"query": "SELECT document_id FROM Paragraphs GROUP BY document_id HAVING count(*) >= 2",
"question": "What are the ids of documents that have 2 or more paragraphs?"
"id": "car_1",
"question": "Which model saves the most gasoline? That is to say, have the maximum miles per gallon."
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT avg(LifeExpectancy) FROM country WHERE Region = \"Central Africa\"",
"question": "What is the average expected life expectancy for countries in the region of Central Africa?"
"id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
"query": "SELECT document_id FROM Paragraphs GROUP BY document_id ORDER BY count(*) ASC LIMIT 1",
"question": "What is the document id with least number of paragraphs?"
"id": "wta_1",
"query": "SELECT sum(ranking_points) , T1.first_name FROM players AS T1 JOIN rankings AS T2 ON T1.player_id = T2.player_id GROUP BY T1.first_name",
"question": "Find the total ranking points for each player and their first name."
"id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
"query": "SELECT T1.document_id , T2.document_name , count(*) FROM Paragraphs AS T1 JOIN Documents AS T2 ON T1.document_id = T2.document_id GROUP BY T1.document_id",
"question": "What are the ids and names of each document, as well as the number of paragraphs in each?"
"id": "employee_hire_evaluation",
"query": "SELECT district FROM shop WHERE Number_products < 3000 INTERSECT SELECT district FROM shop WHERE Number_products > 10000",
"question": "Find the districts in which there are both shops selling less than 3000 products and shops selling more than 10000 products."
"id": "voter_1",
"query": "SELECT vote_id , phone_number , state FROM votes",
"question": "List the vote ids, phone numbers and states of all votes."
"id": "wta_1",
"query": "SELECT avg(ranking) , T1.first_name FROM players AS T1 JOIN rankings AS T2 ON T1.player_id = T2.player_id GROUP BY T1.first_name",
"question": "Find the average ranking for each player and their first name."
"id": "concert_singer",
"query": "SELECT count(*) FROM concert WHERE YEAR = 2014 OR YEAR = 2015",
"question": "How many concerts are there in year 2014 or 2015?"
"id": "concert_singer",
"query": "SELECT , count(*) FROM singer_in_concert AS T1 JOIN singer AS T2 ON T1.singer_id = T2.singer_id GROUP BY T2.singer_id",
"question": "List singer names and number of concerts for each singer."
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT count(*) FROM MODEL_LIST AS T1 JOIN CAR_MAKERS AS T2 ON T1.Maker = T2.Id JOIN COUNTRIES AS T3 ON T2.Country = T3.CountryId WHERE T3.CountryName = 'usa';",
"question": "What is the count of the car models produced in the United States?"
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT avg(T2.edispl) FROM CAR_NAMES AS T1 JOIN CARS_DATA AS T2 ON T1.MakeId = T2.Id WHERE T1.Model = 'volvo';",
"question": "What is the average edispl of the cars of model volvo?"
"id": "concert_singer",
"query": "SELECT T2.concert_name , T2.theme , count(*) FROM singer_in_concert AS T1 JOIN concert AS T2 ON T1.concert_id = T2.concert_id GROUP BY T2.concert_id",
"question": "Show the name and theme for all concerts and the number of singers in each concert."
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT DISTINCT T1.Year FROM CARS_DATA AS T1 WHERE T1.Weight > 3000 AND T1.weight < 4000;",
"question": "What are the different years in which there were cars produced that weighed less than 4000 and also cars that weighted more than 3000?"
"id": "museum_visit",
"query": "SELECT Num_of_Staff , Open_Year FROM museum WHERE name = 'Plaza Museum'",
"question": "What are the opening year and staff number of the museum named Plaza Museum?"
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT T2.MakeId , T2.Make FROM CARS_DATA AS T1 JOIN CAR_NAMES AS T2 ON T1.Id = T2.MakeId WHERE T1.Horsepower > (SELECT min(Horsepower) FROM CARS_DATA) AND T1.Cylinders <= 3;",
"question": "Among the cars that do not have the minimum horsepower, what are the make ids and names of al those with less than 4 cylinders?"
"id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
"query": "SELECT count(*) FROM Paragraphs",
"question": "Count the number of paragraphs."
"id": "wta_1",
"query": "SELECT winner_name , winner_rank_points FROM matches GROUP BY winner_name ORDER BY count(*) DESC LIMIT 1",
"question": "What is the name of the winner who has won the most matches, and how many rank points does this player have?"
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT count(DISTINCT LANGUAGE) FROM countrylanguage",
"question": "How many unique languages are spoken in the world?"
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT sum(Population) , avg(LifeExpectancy) , Continent FROM country GROUP BY Continent HAVING avg(LifeExpectancy) < 72",
"question": "Find the average life expectancy and total population for each continent where the average life expectancy is shorter than 72?"
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT count(*) , District FROM city WHERE Population > (SELECT avg(Population) FROM city) GROUP BY District",
"question": "Find the number of cities in each district whose population is greater than the average population of cities?"
"id": "wta_1",
"query": "SELECT count(DISTINCT country_code) FROM players",
"question": "find the number of distinct country codes of all players."
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT Region FROM country AS T1 JOIN city AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.CountryCode WHERE T2.Name = \"Kabul\"",
"question": "Which region is the city Kabul located in?"
"id": "employee_hire_evaluation",
"query": "SELECT name FROM shop WHERE number_products > (SELECT avg(number_products) FROM shop)",
"question": "Which shops' number products is above the average? Give me the shop names."
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT Name FROM country ORDER BY Population DESC LIMIT 3",
"question": "What are names of countries with the top 3 largest population?"
"id": "concert_singer",
"query": "SELECT count(*) FROM singer",
"question": "What is the total number of singers?"
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT Count(*) , T2.FullName , FROM MODEL_LIST AS T1 JOIN CAR_MAKERS AS T2 ON T1.Maker = T2.Id GROUP BY;",
"question": "How many car models are produced by each maker? List the count and the maker full name."
"id": "employee_hire_evaluation",
"query": "SELECT name FROM employee ORDER BY age",
"question": "Sort employee names by their age in ascending order."
"id": "voter_1",
"query": "SELECT T1.contestant_number , T1.contestant_name FROM contestants AS T1 JOIN votes AS T2 ON T1.contestant_number = T2.contestant_number GROUP BY T1.contestant_number HAVING count(*) >= 2",
"question": "What are the contestant numbers and names of the contestants who had at least two votes?"
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT Name , population , HeadOfState FROM country ORDER BY SurfaceArea DESC LIMIT 1",
"question": "What are the population, name and leader of the country with the largest area?"
"id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
"query": "SELECT count(*) FROM Paragraphs",
"question": "How many paragraphs in total?"
"id": "concert_singer",
"query": "SELECT song_name FROM singer WHERE age > (SELECT avg(age) FROM singer)",
"question": "What are all the song names by singers who are older than average?"
"id": "voter_1",
"query": "SELECT count(*) FROM area_code_state",
"question": "How many states are there?"
"id": "concert_singer",
"query": "SELECT LOCATION , name FROM stadium WHERE capacity BETWEEN 5000 AND 10000",
"question": "Show location and name for all stadiums with a capacity between 5000 and 10000."
"id": "concert_singer",
"query": "SELECT name , country FROM singer WHERE song_name LIKE '%Hey%'",
"question": "what is the name and nation of the singer who have a song having 'Hey' in its name?"
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT Code FROM country WHERE GovernmentForm != \"Republic\" EXCEPT SELECT CountryCode FROM countrylanguage WHERE LANGUAGE = \"English\"",
"question": "Return the codes of countries that do not speak English and do not have Republics for governments."
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT count(*) FROM CARS_DATA WHERE YEAR = 1980;",
"question": "In 1980, how many cars were made?"
"id": "employee_hire_evaluation",
"query": "SELECT name , LOCATION , district FROM shop ORDER BY number_products DESC",
"question": "Sort all the shops by number products in descending order, and return the name, location and district of each shop."
"id": "voter_1",
"query": "SELECT T2.created , T2.state , T2.phone_number FROM contestants AS T1 JOIN votes AS T2 ON T1.contestant_number = T2.contestant_number WHERE T1.contestant_name = 'Tabatha Gehling'",
"question": "What are the create dates, states, and phone numbers of the votes that were for the contestant named 'Tabatha Gehling'?"
"id": "orchestra",
"query": "SELECT Name FROM conductor ORDER BY Year_of_Work DESC",
"question": "List names of conductors in descending order of years of work."
"id": "voter_1",
"query": "SELECT contestant_number , contestant_name FROM contestants ORDER BY contestant_name DESC",
"question": "List the contestant numbers and names, ordered by contestant name descending."
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT Name FROM country WHERE continent = \"Europe\" AND Population = \"80000\"",
"question": "Give the names of countries that are in Europe and have a population equal to 80000."
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM country AS T1 JOIN countrylanguage AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.CountryCode WHERE T1.Name = \"Afghanistan\" AND IsOfficial = \"T\"",
"question": "How many official languages does Afghanistan have?"
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT count(*) FROM CONTINENTS;",
"question": "What is the number of continents?"
"id": "wta_1",
"query": "SELECT min(loser_rank) FROM matches",
"question": "What is the best rank of losers across all matches?"
"id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
"query": "SELECT template_type_description FROM Ref_template_types WHERE template_type_code = \"AD\"",
"question": "What is the template type descriptions for template type code \"AD\"."
"id": "car_1",
"query": "SELECT T1.Continent , count(*) FROM CONTINENTS AS T1 JOIN COUNTRIES AS T2 ON T1.ContId = T2.continent JOIN car_makers AS T3 ON T2.CountryId = T3.Country GROUP BY T1.Continent;",
"question": "What is the name of each continent and how many car makers are there in each one?"
"id": "cre_Doc_Template_Mgt",
"query": "SELECT document_id , template_id , Document_Description FROM Documents WHERE document_name = \"Robbin CV\"",
"question": "What is the document id, template id and description for document named \"Robbin CV\"?"
"id": "wta_1",
"query": "SELECT T1.first_name , T1.country_code , T1.birth_date FROM players AS T1 JOIN matches AS T2 ON T1.player_id = T2.winner_id ORDER BY T2.winner_rank_points DESC LIMIT 1",
"question": "What is the first name, country code, and birth date of the player with the most winner rank points across all matches?"
"id": "world_1",
"query": "SELECT DISTINCT T3.Name FROM country AS T1 JOIN countrylanguage AS T2 ON T1.Code = T2.CountryCode JOIN city AS T3 ON T1.Code = T3.CountryCode WHERE T2.IsOfficial = 'T' AND T2.Language = 'Chinese' AND T1.Continent = \"Asia\"",
"question": "Whic`h unique cities are in Asian countries where Chinese is the official language?"
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