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Save vsubhash/70b686b6fb3387860fdddf658d39fd44 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
YouTubeAnnoyancesRemover - Disables ads, turns off autoload/autoplay, adds RSS link, deletes "recommended for you" videos, unhides description, displays all comments, changes profile link to videos page; changes region to US, displays video thumbnail image, and adds a link to the lighter version on Hooktube if video is not playable for codec rea…
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTubeAnnoyancesRemover
// @namespace
// @description Disables ads, turns off autoload/autoplay, adds RSS link, deletes "recommended for you" videos, unhides description, displays all comments, changes profile link to videos page; changes region to US, displays video thumbnail image, and adds a link to the lighter version on Hooktube if video is not playable for codec reasons. Supports Firefox-based browser up to version 36. Newer versions should use a UserAgent (UA) spoofer add-on. YouTube loads a lighter version of the YouTube page for older browsers. This script will require the GreaseMonkey add-on to be executed by the Firefox browser. For embedded YouTube videos, use the script com.vsubhash.js.embedded-video-catcher.user.js.
// @include*
// @include*
// @include*
// @version 2020.01
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var sAdStyle = " { visibility: none!important; display: none!important; }";
var oDlDiv;
document.addEventListener("readystatechange", fixYouTubeAnnoyances, false);
try {
console.log("YAD: Page start");
window.setTimeout(pauseVideos, 2*1000);
window.setTimeout(pauseVideos, 4*1000);
window.setTimeout(pauseVideos, 6*1000);
} catch (e) { }
function fixYouTubeAnnoyances() {
if ((document.readyState == "interactive") || (document.readyState == "complete")) {
console.log("YAD: loaded");
try {
window.setTimeout(showDescription, 1*200);
window.setTimeout(closeVideoAds, 2*200);
window.setTimeout(changeRegion, 3*200);
window.setTimeout(addRssButton, 1*1000);
window.setTimeout(changeProfileLink, 2*1000);
window.setTimeout(pauseVideos, 3*1000);
window.setTimeout(removeRecommendedForYouAds, 4*1000);
window.setTimeout(disableAndHideAdContainers, 5*1000);
window.setTimeout(disableAutoPlay, 6*1000);
window.setTimeout(addVideoDownloadList, 7*1000);
window.setTimeout(loadAllComments, 15*1000);
window.setTimeout(removeRecommendedForYouAds, 16*1000);
} catch (e) {
console.error("YAD Error: " + e);
function addRssButton() {
console.log("YAD: addRssButton")
var oLink, oLinkEl, oChannelTag, oRssImg, oRssLink, sChannel, sChannelName, sUserName, sFeedUrl;
// Android 1.6
oLink = document.querySelector(" span.gmb a");
oChannelTag = document.querySelector(" span.gmb a span");
if (oLink == null) {
// Android 3+
oLink = document.querySelector("a.slim-owner-icon-and-title");
oChannelTag = document.querySelector("a.slim-owner-icon-and-title div h3");
if (oLink == null) {
// Android 46
oLink = document.querySelector(" a");
oChannelTag = document.querySelector(" a");
if (oLink == null) {
// Android 60
oLink = document.querySelector("div#owner-container *#owner-name a");
oChannelTag = document.querySelector("div#owner-container *#owner-name a");
if ((oLink ==null) || (oChannelTag == null)) { return; } else {
console.log("YAD: Channel name found.");
sChannelName = oChannelTag.textContent;
sChannelName = sChannelName.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
console.log("YAD: Channel link found.");
if (oLink.getAttribute("href").indexOf("/channel/") == 0) {
sChannel = oLink.getAttribute("href").substr("/channel/".length);
sFeedUrl = "" + sChannel;
console.log("YAD: RSS ~ " + sChannelName + " = " + sFeedUrl);
} else if (oLink.getAttribute("href").indexOf("/user/") == 0) {
sUserName = oLink.getAttribute("href").substr("/user/".length);
sFeedUrl = "" + sUserName;
console.log("YAD: RSS ~ " + sChannelName + " = " + sFeedUrl);
} else { return; }
oLinkEl = document.createElement("link");
oLinkEl.setAttribute("rel", "alternate");
oLinkEl.setAttribute("title", sChannelName);
oLinkEl.setAttribute("type", "application/rss+xml");
oLinkEl.setAttribute("href", sFeedUrl);
oRssImg = document.createElement("img");
oRssImg.setAttribute("style", "margin: auto 1em; ");
oRssImg.setAttribute("alt", "RSS");
oRssImg.setAttribute("src", "");
oRssLink = document.createElement("a");
oRssLink.setAttribute("id", "mvytRssFeedLink");
oRssLink.setAttribute("href", sFeedUrl);
oRssLink.setAttribute("title", "RSS feed link for this channel");
oRssLink.setAttribute("style", "text-decoration: none; border-style: none; ");
if (document.getElementById("mvytRssFeedLink") == null) {
oChannelTag.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', oRssLink.outerHTML);
function pauseVideos() {
console.log("YAD: Pausing videos");
try {
var oVideoEls = document.getElementsByTagName("video");
for (var i = 0; i < oVideoEls.length; i++) {
oVideoEls[i].muted = true;
if (oVideoEls[i].src.indexOf("pltype=adhost") > -1) {
console.log("YAD: Video ad found... closing tab");, '_blank');
console.log("YAD: Pausing video " + (i+1));
if (!oVideoEls[i].paused) {
//oVideoEls[i].volume = 0.6; // custom controls do not update
oVideoEls[i].muted = true;
oVideoEls[i].setAttribute("preload", "none");
var oButtons = document.getElementsByTagName("button");
for (var i = 0; i < oButtons.length; i++) {
if (oButtons[i].className) {
if (oButtons[i].className.indexOf("ytp-mute-button") > -1) {
console.log("YAD: Mute button " + oButtons[i].className);
} catch (e) {
console.error("YAD: Error - " + e);
function showDescription() {
console.log("YAD: Finding description...");
if (document.getElementById("action-panel-details") != null) {
document.getElementById("action-panel-details").className = "action-panel-content yt-uix-expander yt-card yt-card-has-padding";
console.log("YAD: Description unhidden.");
function closeVideoAds() {
console.log("YAD: Detecting video ads...");
if ((document.getElementsByClassName("videoAdUiTopButtons").length > 0) || (document.getElementsByClassName("videoAdUi").length > 0)) {
console.log("YAD: Video ad found");, '_blank');
} else {
console.log("YAD: No video ad");
function disableAutoPlay() {
var oEl = document.getElementById("autoplay-checkbox");
if (oEl == null) {
console.log("YAD: Did not find autoplay button.");
} else if (oEl.hasAttribute("checked")) {
console.log("YAD: Disabling autoplay...");;
} else {
console.log("YAD: Autoplay already disabled.");
function removeRecommendedForYouAds() {
console.log("YAD: Removing recommended videos");
var oRelatedColumn = document.getElementById("watch-related");
if (oRelatedColumn != null) {
var arRelatedVids = oRelatedColumn.getElementsByTagName("li");
var j = 0;
if (arRelatedVids.length > 0) {
for (var i = arRelatedVids.length-1; i > -1; i--) {
if (arRelatedVids[i].textContent.indexOf("Recommended for you") != -1) {
//console.log("YAD: Removing " + arRelatedVids[i].textContent);
console.log("YAD: Removed " + j + " recommended videos");
oRelatedColumn = document.getElementById("watch7-sidebar-modules");
if (oRelatedColumn != null) {
var arRelatedVids = oRelatedColumn.getElementsByClassName("watch-sidebar-section");
var j = 0;
if (arRelatedVids.length > 0) {
for (var i = arRelatedVids.length-1; i > -1; i--) {
if (arRelatedVids[i].textContent.indexOf("Recommended for you") != -1) {
//console.log("YAD: Removing " + arRelatedVids[i].textContent);
console.log("YADN: Removed " + j + " new recommended videos");
function disableAndHideAdContainers() {
console.log("YAD: Disabling/deleting ad containers...");
var arDivIds = ["AdSense", "watch7-sidebar-ads", "promotion-shelf", "live-chat-iframe", "invideo-overlay:7", ];
var arDivClasses = [ "adDisplay", "annotation", "html5-endscreen", "iv-promo", "video-ads", "videoAdUiBottomBar", "ytp-ad-module", "ytp-endscreen-content", "ytp-cards-button", "ytp-cards-teaser", "ytp-ad-overlay-container", "ytp-ad-overlay-slot", "ytp-ad-text-overlay", "ytp-ad-overlay-ad-info-button-container", "ytp-ad-hover-text-button", "ytp-ad-info-hover-text-button", "ytp-ad-overlay-text-image", "ytp-ad-overlay-text-image", "ytp-ad-image-overlay", "ytp-ad-overlay-close-container", "ytp-ad-overlay-close-button" ];
for (var i = 0; i < arDivIds.length; i++) {
var oDiv = document.getElementById(arDivIds[i]);
if (oDiv != null) { = "hidden!important"; = "none!important";
console.log("YAD: Removed " + arDivIds[i] + " by ID");
} else {
console.log("YAD: Not found: " + arDivIds[i] + " by ID");
sAdStyle = "#" + arDivIds[i] + ((i==0)?" ":" , ") + sAdStyle;
for (var i = 0; i < arDivClasses.length; i++) {
var oDivs = document.getElementsByClassName(arDivClasses[i]);
if (oDivs != null) {
for (var j = 0; j < oDivs.length; j++) {
oDivs[j].style.visibility = "hidden!important";
oDivs[j].style.display = "none!important";
} else {
console.log("YAD: Not found: " + oDivs[j] + " by ID");
sAdStyle = "*." + arDivClasses[i] + " , " + sAdStyle;
document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].innerHTML = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].innerHTML + "\n<style>" + sAdStyle + "\n</style>";
function changeRegion() {
var oLangButton = document.getElementById("yt-picker-country-button");
if (oLangButton != null) {
if (oLangButton.textContent.indexOf("United States") == -1) {;
function() {
var arRegions = document.getElementsByClassName("yt-picker-item");
for (var i = 0; i < arRegions.length; i++) {
if (arRegions[i].textContent.indexOf("United States") > -1) {
}, 3*1000);
function changeProfileLink() {
console.log("YAD: Changing profile link")
var oDivs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
if ((oDivs != null) && (oDivs.length > 0)) {
for (var i = 0; i < oDivs.length; i++) { if (oDivs[i].className == "yt-user-info") {
var oAnchors = oDivs[i].getElementsByTagName("a");
if ((oAnchors != null) && (oDivs.length>1)) {
var bFound = false;
for (var j = 0; j < oAnchors.length; j++) {
if (oAnchors[j].href.substring(0, "".length) == "") {
oAnchors[j].href = oAnchors[j].href + "/videos";
oLatestVideosLink = document.createElement("a");
oLatestVideosLink.setAttribute("style", "background-image: url(; width: 17px; height: 17px; background-position: -94px -472px; border-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; ");
oLatestVideosLink.setAttribute("id", "MvPopularLink");
oLatestVideosLink.setAttribute("href", oAnchors[j].href + "?view=0&sort=p&flow=grid");
oAnchors[j].insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", oLatestVideosLink.outerHTML);
bFound = true;
if (bFound) { break; }
var iLoadAllCommentsTimeout = 0;
function loadAllComments() {
if (iLoadAllCommentsTimeout > 0) {
var oDiv = document.getElementById("watch-discussion");
if (oDiv == null) { return; }
var oButtons = oDiv.getElementsByClassName("comment-section-renderer-paginator");
if (oButtons != null) {
console.log("YAD: Comments");
if (oButtons[0] != null) {
iLoadAllCommentsTimeout = window.setTimeout(loadAllComments, 20*1000);
function parseYTPlayer() {
console.log("YAD: Inside parser" );
console.log("YAD: Title" + ytplayer.config.args.title);
try {
if (document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0] && (document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].pause)) {
} catch (e) {
var arFormatParams, arFormats, i, j, sURL, sQuality, sMimeType, sExtension;
var oDlList, oDlListItem;
oDlList = document.getElementById("mvyJsList");
if (oDlList == null) {
oDlList.innerHTML += "<li><a href=\"" + location.href.replace("", "www.hook") + "\" style=\"color: navy; font-weight: bold; \" target=\"_blank\">Load in HookTube</a></li>";
var oFormats = JSON.parse(ytplayer.config.args.player_response);
var arFormats = oFormats.streamingData.formats;
for (i = 0; i < arFormats.length; i++) {
oDlListItem = document.createElement("li");
var sFormat = arFormats[i].mimeType.split(';')[0];
if (arFormats[i].mimeType.split(';')[0] == "video/mp4") {
sFormat = "M";
} else if (arFormats[i].mimeType.split(';')[0] == "video/webm") {
sFormat = "W";
console.log("YAD: Format " + arFormats[i].quality + " - " + arFormats[i].qualityLabel + " - " + arFormats[i].mimeType.split(';')[0]);
oDlListItem.innerHTML = "<a title=\"" + arFormats[i].mimeType.replace(/\"/g,"") + "\" style=\"color: navy; font-weight: bold; \" target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + arFormats[i].url + "\">" + document.title.replace(" - YouTube", "") + " - " + arFormats[i].qualityLabel + " " + sFormat + "</a>";
function addCurrentPlayURL() {
var oList = document.getElementById("mvyJsList");
if (oList != null) {
if (document.getElementById("movie_player") != null) {
if (document.getElementById("movie_player").getElementsByTagName("video") != null) {
var oVideo = document.getElementById("movie_player").getElementsByTagName("video")[0];
if (oVideo.src) {
oList.innerHTML += "<li><a id=\"VidLinkUrl\" title=\"" + document.title + "\" download=\"" + document.title.replace(/\s+/ig, "-").replace(/-{2,}/ig, "-") + ".mp4\" style=\"color: navy; font-weight: bold; \" target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + oVideo.src + "\">" + document.title + "</a></li>";
console.log("YAD: Video URL = " + oVideo.src);
function() {
console.log("YAD: New video loaded");
document.getElementById("VidLinkUrl").setAttribute("href", document.getElementsByTagName("video")[0].src);
}, false);
} else {
console.log("YAD: Error in player");
} else {
console.log("YouTube detector: No player");
oList.innerHTML += "<li><a style=\"color: navy; font-weight: bold; \"href=\"" + location.href.replace("", "www.hook") + "\" style=\"color: navy; font-weight: bold; \" target=\"_blank\">Load in HookTube</a></li>";
function addVideoDownloadList() {
console.log("Executing YouTube detector");
var i, n, oDlButtonEl, oVideosList;
oDlDiv = document.createElement("div");
oDlDiv.setAttribute("id", "mvyJsDiv");
oDlDiv.setAttribute("style", "background-color: orange!important; border: 2px dashed firebrick; font-size: 0.34cm!important; font-family: sans-serif!important; line-height: 0.4cm!important; margin: 1em auto; padding: 1em; min-height: 120px; ");
oDlDiv.innerHTML = "Download video from:";
var oTwitterImage = document.querySelector("html head meta[name='twitter:image']");
console.log("YAD: Twitter image" + oTwitterImage.getAttribute("content"));
if (oTwitterImage) {
oDlDiv.innerHTML += "<img src=\"" + oTwitterImage.getAttribute("content") + "\" style=\"max-width: 200px; float: right; margin: 1em auto 1em 1em; \" />\n";
} else if (window.URL) {
var oURL = new URL(location.href);
var sID = oURL.searchParams.get("v");
oDlDiv.innerHTML += "<img src=\"" + sID + "/hqdefault.jpg\" style=\"max-width: 200px; float: right; margin: 1em auto 1em 1em; \" />";
oDlList = document.createElement("ul");
oDlList.setAttribute("style", "display: block; list-style: disc inside none; margin-left: 1em!important; ");
oDlList.setAttribute("id", "mvyJsList");
if (location.href.indexOf("") > -1) {
} else if (location.href.indexOf("") > -1) {
// Use the script com.vsubhash.js.embedded-video-catcher
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