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Last active January 13, 2017 16:45
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Redux-Style Selectors.


Say we have a store defined as follows:

export class Store {
  users = {1: "victor", 2: "thomas"};
  messages = {1: "victor's message", 2: "thomas's message"};

  notifications = new Subject<any>();

  constructor() {
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.users['1'] = 'VICTOR';;
    }, 1000);

    setTimeout(() => {
      this.messages['1'] = "victor's new message";;
    }, 2000);

The only important part of the store is that it will emit a notification on change.


Let's define two selectors like this.

export function getUser(store: Store) {
  return (id) => store.users[id];
type GetUser = (id: string) => string;

export function getMessage(store: Store) {
  return (id) => store.messages[id];
type GetMessage = (id: string) => string;


Next, let's define a utility function markForCheckWhenSelectorChanges.

function markForCheckWhenSelectorChanges(t: any):any {
  return {
    provide: t,
    useFactory: _markForCheckFactory,
    deps: [Store, ChangeDetectorRef, [new Inject(t), new SkipSelf()]]

function _markForCheckFactory<T>(store: Store, ref: ChangeDetectorRef, t: T): T {
  const f = <any>t;

  let stored = [];
  let flush = false;

  const subscription = store.notifications.subscribe(() => {
    for (let i = 0; i < stored.length; ++i) {
      const s = stored[i];
      if (f(...s[0]) !== s[1]) {
        flush = true;

    if (flush) {
      // hack because of a bug
      flush = false;
      stored = [];

  return <any>((...args) => {
    const r = f(...args);
    stored.push([args, r]);
    return r;

Basically, markForCheckWhenSelectorChanges wraps the selector function. It will record all the invocations of the selector function. Then when the store notifies about a change, the wrapped function will check if anything has changed. If it is the case, it'll request a change detection check.

Registering Selectors

Let's register the selectors in a module

  providers: [
      provide: getUser,
      useFactory: getUser,
      deps: [Store]

      provide: getMessage,
      useFactory: getMessage,
      deps: [Store]

    // composing two selectors
      provide: 'userAndMessage',
      useFactory: (u, m) => (userId, messageId) => ({user: u(userId), message: m(messageId)}),
      deps: [getUser, getMessage]
class MyNgModule {}

Using Selectors

And finally, let's use them in our component like this:

  templateUrl: `
    User: {{ getUser('1') }}

    Message: {{ getMessage('1') }}

    Global User and Message: {{ globalGetUserAndMessage('1', '1') | json }}

    Local User and Message: {{ localGetUserAndMessage('1', '1') | json }}
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  providers: [
export class MyComponent {
  localGetUserAndMessage: Function;

  constructor(@Inject(getUser) private getUser: GetUser,
              @Inject(getMessage) private getMessage: GetMessage,
              @Inject('userAndMessage') private globalGetUserAndMessage: Function
              ) {

    // composing selectors locally          
    this.localGetUserAndMessage = (userId, messageId) => ({
      user: getUser(userId),
      messageId: getMessage(messageId)


  • markForCheckWhenSelectorChanges is required only because the component uses the OnPush change detection.
  • In this example the selectors registered separately from where they are used, but they can be registered in the same place.
  • Adding memoization is trivial.
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