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Created April 9, 2024 14:17
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Simple (and non-exhaustive) demo of exploratory data analysis tools in R
## brief demo of exploratory data analysis (EDA) tools for data frames in R
## NOTE: the code below is intended to preview the EDA tools ...
## ... it does not exhaustively demonstrate functionality for these tools ...
## ... and it is current as of 2024-04-09 ...
## ... for more information refer to the documentation for each package
## set up
## load tidyverse for data manipulation
## NOTE: tidyverse includes multiple packages ...
## dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, and more
## load palmerpenguins for the data itself
## what is the :: all about?
all.equal(penguins, palmerpenguins::penguins)
## what is that strange set of symbols in the code below?
## can't we just explore the data "manually"?
## using base R summary to get basic summary stats
penguins %>%
## using dplyr glimpse() to peek at the first several values of each column
penguins %>%
## counting up missing-ness for a single column with dplyr
penguins %>%
summarise(., n_missing_sex = sum(
## purpose-built tools for EDA ...
## load the skimr package
## quickly "skim" the data for an informative summary of all columns
penguins %>%
## load the dlookr package
## overall "diagnosis" of variables in the data frame
penguins %>%
## specific summary of categorical variables
penguins %>%
## outlier detection and summary
penguins %>%
## example of using dplyr verbs (e.g., group_by) to refine EDA summaries
penguins %>%
group_by(., sex) %>%
diagnose_outlier(., -"sex")
## load the naniar package
## plot of the counts of missing values for each variable
penguins %>%
## example of applying imputation ...
## in this case fixing all imputed values for sex to be "male"
penguins %>%
mutate(., sex = impute_factor(sex, value = "male"))
## another example of applying imputation ...
## in this case randomly sampling "male" or "female"
penguins %>%
mutate(., sex = impute_factor(sex, value = sample(c("male","female"), size = 1, prob = c(0.3,0.7))))
## next steps
## the tools above are useful for EDA of pre/post-processed data frames
## as an extra step (especially for post-processing) you may need *validation
## a few R packages to consider for data validation ...
## pointblank (
## assertr (
## validate (
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