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Last active May 14, 2024 18:35
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Demo of anomaly detection in R with anomalize()
## brief demo of anomaly detection in R using the timetk anomalize() function
## current as of 2024-05-13
## set up
## load dplyr for data manipulation
## load timetk for anomaly detection functionality
## load jsonlite to read in example data
## we will use data from CDC RESP-NET to motivate the example
## note that the CDC makes this data available for download via flat file or API
## when querying the API the default is to return 1000 rows ...
## overriding that default to a large number to get back all the data (about 41000 rows as of 2024-05-13)
respnet <- fromJSON("$limit=1000000")
## for this example we will just look at RSV data ...
## ... but RESP-NET includes flu and covid data as well
rsv <-
respnet %>%
## filter for RSV-NET data source
filter(surveillance_network == "RSV-NET") %>%
## need to convert the column that contains the date as a string to a date object
## the syntax here is "special" within the mutate statement ...
## ... because we need to access the bare column name with "`" to handle the underscore
mutate(date = as.Date(`_weekenddate`))
## the RSV data is returned overall and within strata
## first we'll look at anomalies overall
rsv_overall <-
rsv %>%
filter(age_group == "Overall" & race_ethnicity == "Overall" & sex == "Overall" & site == "Overall")
## run the anomalize() function from timetk with defaults from documentation
rsv_overall_anomalies <-
rsv_overall %>%
.date_var = date,
.value = weekly_rate,
.iqr_alpha = 0.05,
.max_anomalies = 0.20,
.message = FALSE
## plot the anomalies detected
rsv_overall_anomalies %>%
plot_anomalies(date, .interactive = FALSE)
## now we can do something similar using strata for ages
## note that the data does include more granular age groups ...
## ... but for this demo we will just look at children vs adults
rsv_ages <-
rsv %>%
## filter for the age groups of interest
filter(age_group %in% c("0-17 years (Children)", "18+ years (Adults)")) %>%
## make sure we have 'Overall' category for other variables
filter(site == "Overall" & sex == "Overall" & race_ethnicity == "Overall")
## run the anomaly detection algorithm
## using a group_by() along the way to make sure analysis is performed *within groups
rsv_grouped_anomalies <-
rsv_ages %>%
group_by(age_group) %>%
.date_var = date,
.value = weekly_rate,
.iqr_alpha = 0.05,
.max_anomalies = 0.20,
.message = FALSE
## plot the anomalies detected
rsv_grouped_anomalies %>%
plot_anomalies(date, .interactive = FALSE, .facet_ncol = 2)
## other considerations
## the timetk anomalize() function is an evolution of functionality delivered in the anomalize package
## the anomalize() features are generalized such that they can operate with any kind of time series signal
## the anomaly detection methods with anomalize() should be tuned to fit specific features of your data
## for "multidimensional anomaly detection" our group has developed the rplanes package
## this package is built to investigate forecasts and observed epidemiological signals and assess plausibility
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