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Created October 20, 2018 15:25
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Sublime Plugins for Ruby and Rails

Sublime Plugins for Ruby and Rails


I would start by installing the Sublime Package Control manager. This tool will allow you to install the other plugins without having to clone git repositories and copying them to the correct folders. Instead you will the command drop-down menu with "Ctrl + Shift + P" and then scrolling down until you see "Package Control: Install Package". A search bar will pop up and you can type the name of a package, click on the name and it will self install. If you have problems setting any of these up email me at


  1. Sublime Package Control - Install this first. This tool will allow you to easily install most (if not all) the other plugins in this list. (Ctrl + Shift + P, then select Package Control: Install Package)

  2. SublimeERB - This plugin auto creates the erb tags. (<% %>, <%= %>, etc.) (Ctrl + Shift + .)

  3. RailsTutorial - This is Michael Hartl's github account RailsTutorial listing all the plugins, colors themes, and general setup he uses. Some of my links are repeated in his github links.

  4. Sublime-github - This plugin allows you to send code to and retrieve code from github gist.

  5. Sublime Build with rbenv - If you used rbenv to install ruby, this plugins will allow you to run ruby programs with the rbenv default ruby instead of the system ruby (which will be ruby 1.8)(Cmd + B runs a program inside Sublime)

  6. Sublime Build with rvm - (Warning: I have not used) This link has direction for setting up sublime to run a rvm default ruby instead of the system ruby. (Cmd + B runs a program inside Sublime)

  7. Markdown Preview - This plugin allows you to view Markdown documents inside a browser from the local file copy. (Ctrl + Shift + P, then select Markdown Preview: preview in Browser)

  8. RubyTest - This plugin allows you to run tests inside of Sublime. This one is more advanced and should be install once your comfortable running tests in Terminal.


  1. Michael Hartl put out 2 videos about using and setting up Sublime Text 2. These videos are good references of commands and a good visual display of effectively using Sublime:

Using Sublime Text 2 with Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails Tutorial Advanced Setup

My Resources

  1. Sublime Shortcut Setup - This is a link to my gist for setting up the shortcut "subl" inside your console (ex. Terminal)

  2. Sublime Ruby Setup Scripts Repo - This is a github repo I created to save Ruby scripts for setting up Sublime Text 2. At first I only have scripts for setting up the "subl" shortcut.

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