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Created January 3, 2012 22:45
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Save voodootikigod/1557375 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Schema (SQL) and Data (JS) Migrations for node.js (specifically PostgreSQL, but could be MySQL)
#!/usr/bin/env node
// this file is stored in a directory of APP_ROOT/script for me, all things are relative to that
var APP_ROOT = __dirname+"/../";
// this assumes there is a file stored in APP_ROOT called "config.js" with the following structure:
// module.exports = {
// "development: {
// "postgresql": "tcp://postgres@localhost/dev-db"
// },
// "staging:" {
// "postgresql": "tcp://postgres@localhost/stage-db"
// },
// "production:" {
// "postgresql": "tcp://postgres@localhost/db"
// }
// }
// get the current environment (for handling development, staging, production environments)
var app_env = process.env["NODE_ENV"] || "development";
// load configuration data for the specified environment
var app_config = require(APP_ROOT+"config.js")[app_env];
// load postgresql library
var postgres = require("pg").native;
// load FS library to handle migration creation and processing
var fs = require("fs");
// set up the migrations directory
var migrations_dir = APP_ROOT+"migrations/";
//for execing
var exec = require("child_process").exec;
// if requested with no parameters
if (process.argv.length == 2) {
// create and connect db
var db = new postgres.Client(app_config.postgresql);
// function used to migrate the through all of the defined migrations, skipping over those already done.
function migrate (cb) {
// get all already executed migrations.
db.query('SELECT "version" FROM "schema_migrations"', function (err, resp) {
var migrations_run = 0;
var executed = [];
// if there is an error assume we are at the default state, and run root migration
if (err) {
// attempt to run file located at APP_ROOT/migrations/schema/root.sql -- good for previous data force load (e.g. Rails)
var schema = fs.readFileSync(migrations_dir+"schema/root.sql").toString();
db.query(schema); // populate with root schema if not populated.
} else {
// if no error, dump all versions into an array called executed for quick searching.
for (var rl = resp.rows.length; rl >0; rl--) {
// function loop to execute through the remainin "torun" migrations
var run_migrations = (function (torun) {
// get the next migration
var current = torun.pop();
// if there is a migration
if (current) {
// test if already executed
if (executed.indexOf( < 0) {
// alert of execution
console.log("Executing migration: ";
// check if migration is SQL
if (current.sql) {
// suffix with schema migrations insertion so we dont run again if successful.
var sql = current.sql+"; INSERT INTO schema_migrations VALUES ("");";
// execute the full query
db.query(sql, function (e, r) {
if (e) {
// if error, dump why we couldn't migrate and process no more.
console.log("Could not migrate database. Error provided below.")
} else {
// otherwise add to counter and run the rest of the "torun" array
// if migration is JS code
} else if (current.js) {
// pass our db object and execute with callback to insert into schema migration AND recurse with rest of "torun" array
current.js(db, function () {
db.query("INSERT INTO schema_migrations VALUES ("")", function (err, results) {
} else {
// if no idea what to do, just skip!
// if no more migrations
} else {
// only output if we done work.
if (migrations_run > 0)
console.log("Migrations run: "+migrations_run);
// if there is a callback, exec it
if (cb) {
// populate all existing migrations by reading the migrations directory
fs.readdir(migrations_dir, function (err, list) {
var migrations = [];
for (var li = 0, ll = list.length; li < ll; li++) {
// if the file has a .sql extension, load it as a file read for sql schema updating
if (m = list[li].match(/(.*)\.sql/)) {
id: m[1],
sql: fs.readFileSync(migrations_dir+m[0]).toString()
// if the file has a .js extension, load via require system and set js attribute as .migrate function
} else if (j = list[li].match(/(.*)\.js/)) {
id: j[1],
js: require(migrations_dir+"/"+list[li]).migrate
//recursively run through all migrations after they have been sorted by ID in ascending order
run_migrations(migrations.sort((function (a, b) { return ( parseInt( - parseInt(; })));
// run the migration with the final callback being a DB close.
migrate(function () {
// if provided a generate argument: ./script/migrate generate or ./script/migrate -g
} else if (process.argv[2] == "generate" || process.argv[2] == "-g") {
// create new file name as the current timestamp
filename = +(new Date())
// if final argument was "js"
if (process.argv[3] == "js") {
// make a JS file and open it with the default EDITOR pre-populated with the rough boilerplate required.
filename = migrations_dir+filename+".js"
exec("echo 'module.exports.migrate = function(db, callback) {\n}' > "+filename+"; $EDITOR "+filename);
} else {
// make a SQL file and open it with the default EDITOR
filename = migrations_dir+filename+".sql"
exec("$EDITOR "+filename);
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