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Created June 1, 2015 13:15
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#include "defs.h"
int main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp);
void path_fail();
void count_fail();
void path_key();
void path_c(int a1, char *a2, int a3);
void path_a(int a1, char *a2, int a3, int a4);
void path_e(int a1, char *a2, int a3, int a4);
void path_d(unsigned int a1, char *a2, int a3);
void path_f(unsigned int a1, char *a2, int a3, int a4);
// Data declarations
int _JCR_LIST__ = 0; // weak
int _stack_chk_guard; // weak
char completed_6152; // weak
char path_count_3723; // weak
char path_count_3709; // weak
char path_count_3716; // weak
char path_count_3737; // weak
char path_count_3730; // weak
char path_count_3744; // weak
// extern _UNKNOWN __gmon_start__; weak
//----- (000085C8) --------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
int idx; // r5@1
int len; // r4@1
int v5; // r3@2
char v6; // r0@5
int result; // r0@9
char v8[4096]; // [sp+0h] [bp-1020h]@6
int v9; // [sp+1004h] [bp-1Ch]@1
idx = 0;
len = 0;
setvbuf(stdout, 0, 2, 0);
puts("\nWelcome! Find me the path to your flag and you shall get your reward!");
//v6 = getc(stdin);
klee_make_symbolic(&v6, sizeof(v6), "v6");
if ( v6 == -1 )
v5 = LOBYTE((&v8)[idx]);
v5 = (unsigned __int8)v6;
v8[idx] = v6;
if ( v5 == 10 )
idx = len;
v5 = (unsigned int)len <= 0xFFF;
if ( v6 == -1 )
v5 = 0;
while ( v5 );
//klee_make_symbolic(v8, len, "input");
path_a(0x6B6C6565, (char *)&v8, len, v5);
result = 0;
return result;
// 854C: using guessed type int __fastcall _stack_chk_fail(_DWORD);
// 11050: using guessed type int _stack_chk_guard;
// 11058: using guessed type int stdin;
// 1105C: using guessed type int stdout;
//----- (00008710) --------------------------------------------------------
void path_fail()
puts("Wrong path, try again next time!");
//----- (00008724) --------------------------------------------------------
void count_fail()
puts("You've been down this path too many times!");
//----- (00008738) --------------------------------------------------------
void path_key()
FILE *v0; // r0@1
FILE *v1; // r4@1
char s; // [sp+4h] [bp-10Ch]@2
int v3; // [sp+104h] [bp-Ch]@1
v3 = _stack_chk_guard;
v0 = fopen("/tmp/flag", "r");
v1 = v0;
if ( v0 )
if ( fgets(&s, 255, v0) )
printf("The flag is: %s\n", &s);
klee_assert(0); //Signal The solution!!
puts("Flag file error! Report the error at once!");
puts("Unable to open flag file! Report the error at once!");
// 85A4: using guessed type int _printf_chk(_DWORD, const char *, ...);
// 11050: using guessed type int _stack_chk_guard;
//----- (000087A0) --------------------------------------------------------
void path_c(int a1, char *a2, int a3)
int v3; // r3@3
int v4; // r0@3
unsigned int v5; // r5@3
char *v6; // r1@4
int v7; // r2@4
if ( !a3 )
if ( (unsigned __int8)path_count_3723 > 1u )
v3 = (unsigned __int8)*a2;
v4 = a1 + 17;
v5 = v3 % 3u;
if ( v5 + ((unsigned int)v4 >> 4) == (v4 & 0xF) && (v4 << (v3 & 7)) % 0x7Bu == 115 )
v3 <<= v4 % 3u;
if ( v4 > (unsigned int)v3 )
v6 = a2 + 1;
v7 = a3 - 1;
if ( v5 )
path_f(v4, v6, v7, v3);
path_d(v4, v6, v7);
// 11061: using guessed type char path_count_3723;
//----- (00008848) --------------------------------------------------------
void path_a(int a1, char *a2, int a3, int a4)
unsigned __int8 v4; // r5@3
int v5; // r0@3
int v6; // r4@3
unsigned int v7; // r7@3
char *v8; // r1@4
int v9; // r2@4
char v10; // r5@8
int v11; // r0@9
unsigned int v12; // t1@12
if ( !a3 )
if ( (unsigned __int8)path_count_3709 > 2u )
goto LABEL_20;
v4 = *a2;
v5 = 2 * a1;
v6 = (unsigned __int8)(path_count_3709++ + 1);
v7 = v4 % 3u;
if ( (_BYTE)v7 )
v8 = a2 + 1;
v9 = a3 - 1;
if ( v7 == 1 )
path_c(v5, v8, v9);
path_d(v5, v8, v9);
if ( a3 == 1 )
goto LABEL_22;
if ( (unsigned __int8)path_count_3716 > 2u )
goto LABEL_20;
v10 = path_count_3716 + 1;
while ( 1 )
v11 = v5 + 27;
if ( (unsigned __int8)a2[1] % 0x75u > 0x1E )
if ( a3 == 2 )
goto LABEL_21;
if ( v6 == 3 )
path_count_3709 = v6;
path_count_3716 = v10;
v12 = (unsigned __int8)a2[2];
a2 += 2;
v5 = 2 * v11;
v6 = (unsigned __int8)(v6 + 1);
v7 = v12 % 3;
if ( v12 % 3 )
path_count_3709 = v6;
a3 -= 2;
path_count_3716 = v10;
goto LABEL_4;
if ( a3 == 3 )
path_count_3709 = v6;
path_count_3716 = v10;
goto LABEL_22;
if ( (unsigned __int8)(v10 + 1) == 4 )
goto LABEL_19;
a3 -= 2;
path_count_3709 = v6;
path_count_3716 = v10;
path_c(v11, a2 + 2, a3 - 2);
// 11062: using guessed type char path_count_3709;
// 11063: using guessed type char path_count_3716;
//----- (00008988) --------------------------------------------------------
void path_e(int a1, char *a2, int a3, int a4)
unsigned int v4; // r3@3
unsigned int v5; // r3@6
int v6; // r0@6
char *v7; // r1@6
int v8; // r2@6
int v9; // [sp+0h] [bp-18h]@1
v9 = a4;
if ( !a3 )
goto LABEL_14;
if ( (unsigned __int8)path_count_3737 > 2u )
goto LABEL_10;
v4 = (unsigned __int8)*a2;
if ( !(v4 % 0x25 & 0xFF) )
path_a(a1 - v4, a2 + 1, a3 - 1, v9);
if ( a3 == 1 )
if ( (unsigned __int8)path_count_3716 > 2u )
v5 = (unsigned __int8)a2[1];
v6 = a1 + 26;
v7 = a2 + 2;
v8 = a3 - 2;
if ( v5 % 0x75 > 0x1E )
path_c(v6, v7, v8);
path_a(v6, v7, v8, v9);
// 11063: using guessed type char path_count_3716;
// 11064: using guessed type char path_count_3737;
//----- (00008A20) --------------------------------------------------------
void path_d(unsigned int a1, char *a2, int a3)
int v3; // r0@3
int v4; // r5@3
char *v5; // r1@3
int v6; // r2@3
if ( !a3 )
if ( (unsigned __int8)path_count_3730 > 1u )
v3 = (unsigned __int8)(a1 & 0x80) | (a1 >> 1);
v4 = (unsigned __int8)*a2 + v3;
v5 = a2 + 1;
v6 = a3 - 1;
if ( (unsigned int)v4 > 0xAA )
path_e(v3, v5, v6, (int)&path_count_3723);
else if ( (unsigned int)v3 <= 0x7F )
path_a(v3, v5, v6, (int)&path_count_3723);
path_c(v3, v5, v6);
// 11061: using guessed type char path_count_3723;
// 11065: using guessed type char path_count_3730;
//----- (00008A70) --------------------------------------------------------
void path_f(unsigned int a1, char *a2, int a3, int a4)
char v4; // r3@2
int v5; // r6@3
char v6; // r4@3
unsigned int v7; // r0@5
int v8; // r3@5
int v9; // t1@10
unsigned int v10; // r4@10
unsigned int v11; // r0@13
unsigned int v12; // r3@17
unsigned int v13; // r3@20
int v14; // r0@20
char *v15; // r1@20
int v16; // r2@20
int v17; // [sp+0h] [bp-18h]@1
v17 = a4;
if ( !a3 )
goto LABEL_26;
v4 = path_count_3744;
if ( (unsigned __int8)path_count_3744 > 1u )
goto LABEL_30;
v5 = (unsigned __int8)*a2;
v6 = path_count_3744++ + 1;
if ( v5 != 2 )
if ( v5 != 3 )
goto LABEL_26;
v7 = a1 - a3;
v8 = (unsigned __int8)(v4 + 2);
while ( 1 )
if ( !a3 )
if ( v8 == 3 )
path_count_3744 = v6;
goto LABEL_30;
v9 = (unsigned __int8)(a2++)[1];
v8 = v9;
v10 = v7 + a3;
if ( v9 == 2 )
path_count_3744 = v8;
goto LABEL_12;
if ( v8 != 3 )
path_count_3744 = 2;
goto LABEL_26;
v6 = 2;
path_count_3744 = v6;
v10 = a1;
if ( v10 <= 0x29 )
v11 = 6 * v10;
v11 = v10 % 0x4C;
if ( v10 % 0x4C )
v11 = v10 / 7;
if ( a3 == 1 )
goto LABEL_26;
if ( (unsigned __int8)path_count_3737 > 2u )
goto LABEL_30;
v12 = (unsigned __int8)a2[1];
if ( v12 % 0x25 & 0xFF )
if ( a3 == 2 )
goto LABEL_26;
if ( (unsigned __int8)path_count_3716 > 2u )
v13 = (unsigned __int8)a2[2];
v14 = v11 + 26;
v15 = a2 + 3;
v16 = a3 - 3;
if ( v13 % 0x75 > 0x1E )
path_c(v14, v15, v16);
path_a(v14, v15, v16, v17);
path_a(v11 - v12, a2 + 2, a3 - 2, v17);
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