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Created August 11, 2024 06:05
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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
module Main where
import HBS2.Prelude.Plated
import HBS2.Net.Messaging
import HBS2.Net.Messaging.Pipe
import HBS2.Net.Proto.Service
import HBS2.Actors.Peer
import HBS2.System.Logger.Simple.ANSI
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import System.Posix.IO
import UnliftIO
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Codec.Serialise
import Data.Fixed
import System.TimeIt
-- protocol's data
data Ping =
Ping Int
| Pong Int
deriving stock (Eq,Show,Generic)
instance Pretty Ping where
pretty = viaShow
instance Serialise Ping
-- API definition
type MyServiceMethods1 = '[ Ping ]
-- API endpoint definition
type instance Input Ping = Ping
type instance Output Ping = Maybe Ping
-- API handler
instance MonadIO m => HandleMethod m Ping where
handleMethod = \case
Ping n -> pure (Just (Pong n))
Pong _ -> pure Nothing
-- Codec for protocol
instance HasProtocol PIPE (ServiceProto MyServiceMethods1 PIPE) where
type instance ProtocolId (ServiceProto MyServiceMethods1 PIPE) = 0xDEADF00D1
type instance Encoded PIPE = ByteString
decode = either (const Nothing) Just . deserialiseOrFail
encode = serialise
-- Some "deferred" implementation for our monad
-- note -- plain asyncs may cause to resource leak
instance (MonadUnliftIO m, HasProtocol PIPE (ServiceProto api PIPE))
=> HasDeferred (ServiceProto api PIPE) PIPE m where
deferred m = void (async m)
mainLoop :: IO ()
mainLoop = do
flip runContT pure do
-- pipe for server
(i1,o1) <- liftIO $ createPipe
>>= \(i,o) -> (,) <$> fdToHandle i <*> fdToHandle o
-- pipe for client
(i2,o2) <- liftIO $ createPipe
>>= \(i,o) -> (,) <$> fdToHandle i <*> fdToHandle o
-- interwire client and server by pipes
server <- newMessagingPipe (i2,o1)
client <- newMessagingPipe (i1,o2)
-- run messaging workers
void $ ContT $ withAsync $ runMessagingPipe server
void $ ContT $ withAsync $ runMessagingPipe client
-- make server protocol responder
void $ ContT $ withAsync $ flip runReaderT server do
runProto @PIPE
[ makeResponse (makeServer @MyServiceMethods1)
-- make client's "caller"
caller <- lift $ makeServiceCaller @MyServiceMethods1 @PIPE (localPeer client)
-- make client's endpoint worker
void $ ContT $ withAsync $ runReaderT (runServiceClient caller) client
let n = 20_000
(a, _) <- timeItT do
for_ [1..n] $ \i -> do
void $ callService @Ping caller (Ping i)
debug $ "sent" <+> pretty n <+> "messages in" <+> pretty (realToFrac a :: Fixed E3) <> "sec"
<> line
<> "rps:" <+> pretty (realToFrac n / realToFrac a :: Fixed E2)
main :: IO ()
main = do
setLogging @DEBUG defLog
`finally` do
setLoggingOff @DEBUG
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