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JIRA to Github Issues Migration Script
@Grab(group='com.github.groovy-wslite', module='groovy-wslite', version='1.1.0')
@Grab(group='joda-time', module='joda-time', version='2.7')
import org.joda.time.*
import org.joda.time.format.*
import groovy.xml.*
import groovy.json.*
import static java.lang.System.*
import groovy.transform.*
def xml = new XmlSlurper()
// The path of the JIRA XML export
entities = xml.parse(new File("data/entities.xml"))
// You should set your Github API token to the GH_TOKEN environment variable
githubToken = getenv('GH_TOKEN')
// configure these variables to modify JIRA source and Github target project
projectToMigrate = 'GRAILS'
repoSlug= 'grails/grails-core'
// if your milestone names use a prefix modify it here
milestonePrefix = "grails-"
jiraDateFormat ='yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S'
dateFormatter = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime()
// Whether to migrate only closed/resolved issues or to also migrate open issues
onlyClosed = true
// Configure how JIRA usernames map to Github usernames
jiraToGibhubAuthorMappings = [
graemerocher: 'graemerocher',
def projects = entities.Project.collect {
new Project(key: it.@originalkey, id: it.@id)
urlFragment = "$repoSlug"
Project project = projects.find { it.key == projectToMigrate }
if(!githubToken) {
println "No GH_TOKEN environment variable set"
exit 1
hasHitRateLimit = { response ->
response.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining'] && response.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining'].toInteger() == 0
waitOnRateLimit = { response ->
long sleepTime = response.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset'].toLong() * 1000
long currentTime = currentTimeMillis()
while(currentTime < sleepTime) {
println "Rate Limit Reached! Sleeping until ${new Date(sleepTime)}. Please wait...."
sleep( sleepTime - currentTime )
currentTime = currentTimeMillis()
println "Resuming..."
if(project) {
def projectId =
def versions = entities.Version.findAll {
it.@project.text() ==
}.collect {
new Version(it.@id.text(),
it.@releasedate.text() )
}.collectEntries {
[( it]
def statuses = entities.Status.collectEntries { status ->
def name = status.@name.text()
[ (status.@id.text()) :
new Status(name: status.@name.text())
def components = entities.Component.findAll {
}.collectEntries { component ->
[ (component.@id.text()): component.@name.text() ]
def priorities = entities.Priority.collectEntries { priority ->
[ (priority.@id.text()): priority.@name.text() ]
def resolutions = entities.Resolution.collectEntries { resolution ->
[ (resolution.@id.text()): resolution.@name.text() ]
def issueTypes = entities.IssueType.collectEntries { issueType ->
[ (issueType.@id.text()): issueType.@name.text() ]
println "Statuses: ${statuses.values()*.name}"
println "Priorities: ${priorities.values()}"
println "Resolutions: ${resolutions.values()}"
println "Issue Types: ${issueTypes.values()}"
// First read existing Milestone data
def milestones = [:]
def milestoneData = new RESTClient("$urlFragment/milestones?state=all")
.get(headers:[Authorization: "token $githubToken"])
int page = 1
while(milestoneData) {
for(m in milestoneData) {
milestones[m.title] = m.number
milestoneData = new RESTClient("$urlFragment/milestones?state=all&page=$page")
.get(headers:[Authorization: "token $githubToken"])
for(version in versions.values()) {
def milestoneTitle = "${milestonePrefix}${}".toString()
def existingNumber = milestones[milestoneTitle]
// if the milestone already exists just populate it
if(existingNumber) {
version.milestoneId = existingNumber
else {
// otherwise create a new milestone for the version
println "Creating Milestone: $version"
def client = new RESTClient("$urlFragment/milestones")
try {
def response =[Authorization: "token $githubToken"]) {
json title: milestoneTitle,
description: version.description,
state: version.released ? 'closed' : 'open',
due_on: dateFormatter.print( new DateTime(version.releaseDate ?: new Date()) )
version.milestoneId = response.json.number.toInteger()
if(response.statusCode == 200 || response.statusCode == 201) {
println "Milestone Created $version"
else {
println "Error occurred: ${response.statusCode}"
println response.json.toString()
catch(RESTClientException e) {
println "Error occurred Creating Milestone: ${e.response.statusCode}"
println e.response.contentAsString
if ( hasHitRateLimit(response) ) {
try {
def response =[Authorization: "token $githubToken"]) {
json title: milestoneTitle,
description: version.description,
state: version.released ? 'closed' : 'open',
due_on: dateFormatter.print( new DateTime(version.releaseDate ?: new Date()) )
version.milestoneId = response.json.number.toInteger()
catch(RESTClientException e2) {
// no further attempts
println "Error occurred Creating Milestone: ${e2.response.statusCode}"
println e2.response.contentAsString
def nodeAssociations = entities.NodeAssociation
def issues = entities.Issue.findAll {
it.@project.text() ==
}.collect {
// to obtain fix version and milestone version
// <NodeAssociation sourceNodeId="31735" sourceNodeEntity="Issue" sinkNodeId="10995" sinkNodeEntity="Version" associationType="IssueFixVersion"/>
def dateCreated
if( it.@created ) {
try {
dateCreated = new Date().parse(jiraDateFormat, it.@created.text())
} catch(e) {
// ignore
// create base issue data
def issue = new Issue(
id: it.@id.text(),
jiraKey: it.@key.text(),
reporter: it.@reporter.text(),
assignee: it.@assignee.text(),
project: project,
summary: it.@summary.text(),
environment: it.@environment.text(),
description: it.description.text(),
priority: priorities[it.@priority.text()],
type: issueTypes[it.@type.text()],
status: statuses[it.@status.text()],
resolution: resolutions[it.@resolution.text()],
created: dateCreated
def votes = it.@votes.text()
if(votes) {
issue.popular = votes.toInteger() > 9
def versionId = nodeAssociations.find {
it.@sourceNodeId.text() == && it.@sourceNodeEntity.text() == 'Issue' && it.@associationType.text() == "IssueVersion"
def fixVersionId = nodeAssociations.find {
it.@sourceNodeId.text() == && it.@sourceNodeEntity.text() == 'Issue' && it.@associationType.text() == "IssueFixVersion"
issue.version = versions[versionId]
issue.fixVersion = versions[fixVersionId]
// parse issue comments
issue.comments = entities.Action.findAll {
(it.@issue.text() == && (it.@type == "comment")
}.collect {
def commentCreated
try {
commentCreated = new Date().parse(jiraDateFormat, it.@created.text())
} catch(e) {
commentCreated = new Date()
new Comment(id: it.@id.text(),
author: it.@author.text(),
body: it.@body.text() ?: it.body.text(),
created: commentCreated)
}.sort {
println "Created Issue Object for Issue: ${issue.jiraKey}"
if( onlyClosed && !issue.status.closed && !issue.popular) {
// we're only migrating historically closed issues and issues with significant votes
return issue
println "Publishing Issue: ${issue.jiraKey}"
try {
def searchClient = new RESTClient("${repoSlug}+${issue.jiraKey}")
def searchResults = searchClient.get(headers:[Authorization: "token $githubToken"]).json
def issueExists = 0 < searchResults.total_count ?: 0
if(issueExists) {
if( searchResults.items[0].title.contains(issue.jiraKey) ) {
println "Issue ${issue.jiraKey} already exists, skipping..."
return issue
catch(RESTClientException e) {
// probably hit the rate limit
println "Error occurred searching for existing issue: ${e.response.statusCode}"
println e.response.contentAsString
if ( hasHitRateLimit(e.response) ) {
def client = new RESTClient("$urlFragment/import/issues")
def labels = []
def comments = []
def assignee = jiraToGibhubAuthorMappings[issue.assignee]
if(issue.resolution) {
labels << issue.resolution
if(issue.type) {
labels << issue.type
if(issue.priority) {
labels << issue.priority
if(issue.comments) {
for(comment in issue.comments) {
if(comment.body.trim()) {
comments << [
created_at: dateFormatter.print( new DateTime( comment.created ) ),
body: """$ said:
def issueJson = [
title: "${issue.jiraKey}: ${issue.summary}",
body: """
Original Reporter: ${issue.reporter}
Environment: ${issue.environment ?: 'Not Specified'}
Version: ${issue.version?.name ?: 'Not Specified'}
Migrated From:${issue.jiraKey}
created_at: dateFormatter.print( new DateTime( issue.created ) ),
closed: issue.resolution ? true : false,
labels: labels
if(assignee) {
issueJson.assignee = assignee
if(issue.fixVersion) {
issueJson.milestone = issue.fixVersion.milestoneId
try {
def response =[Authorization: "token $githubToken",
Accept: "application/vnd.github.golden-comet-preview+json"]) {
issue: issueJson,
println "Issue Created. API Limit: ${response.headers['X-RateLimit-Remaining']}"
catch(RESTClientException e) {
println "Error occurred: ${e.response.statusCode}"
println e.response.contentAsString
if ( hasHitRateLimit(e.response) ) {
try {[Authorization: "token $githubToken",
Accept: "application/vnd.github.golden-comet-preview+json"]) {
issue: issueJson,
println "Issue Created."
catch(RESTClientException e2 ) {
println "Error occurred: ${e2.response.statusCode}"
println e2.response.contentAsString
return issue
println "Issue Migration Complete."
else {
println "Project not found"
exit 1
// Model Classes
class Project {
String key
String id
class Version {
String id
Project project
String name
String description
boolean released
Date releaseDate
int milestoneId
Version(String id, Project project, String name, String description, boolean released = false, String releaseDate = null) { = id
this.project = project = name
this.description = description
this.released = released
if(releaseDate) {
this.releaseDate = new Date().parse('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S', releaseDate)
class Issue {
String id
String jiraKey
String reporter
String assignee
Project project
String summary
String environment
String description
String priority
String type
Status status
String resolution
Date created
Version version
Version fixVersion
boolean popular
Collection<String> components = []
Collection<Comment> comments = []
class Comment {
String id
String author
Date created
String body
class Status {
String name
boolean isClosed() {
name == "Closed" || name == "Resolved"
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