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Created June 29, 2020 17:26
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Get ips by mask
const int2ip = (ipInt) => (
(ipInt >>> 24) + '.' +
(ipInt >> 16 & 255) + '.' +
(ipInt >> 8 & 255) + '.' +
(ipInt & 255)
const ip2int = (ip) => ip.split('.').reduce(
(ipInt, octet) => (ipInt << 8) + parseInt(octet, 10), 0
) >>> 0;
const toIntMask = (mask) => parseInt([
...[...Array(+mask)].map(_ => 1),
...[...Array(32 - mask)].map(_ => 0)
].join(''), 2);
const invertMask = (mask) => parseInt([...Array(32 - mask)]
.map(_ => 1)
.join(''), 2);
const getIpInterval = (ip, mask) => {
const intIp = ip2int(ip);
const intMask = toIntMask(mask);
const intInvertedMask = invertMask(mask);
const minIp = (intIp & intMask);
const maxIp = (intIp | intInvertedMask);
return [minIp, maxIp];
function getIps(ipString) {
const [ip, mask] = ipString.split("/");
const [minIp, maxIp] = getIpInterval(ip, mask);
for (let i = minIp; i <= maxIp; i++) {
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