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Last active January 16, 2024 14:59
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Debian 11 LEMP

Debian 11 (bullseye) LEMP setup


  • MariaDB (latest stable version)
  • PHP 8.3
  • Nginx

  1. Install necessary components to begin this setup

    apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade --show-upgraded
    apt -y install sudo curl git debsums zsh
  2. Create a user and set the groups to sudo and www-data for system and apache access

    adduser exampleuser
    usermod -a -G sudo exampleuser
  3. Switch the newly created user and set ZSH as the default shell

    su exampleuser
    cd ~
    curl -L | sh
    chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
    mkdir .ssh
  4. Copy your secure key from your desktop

    scp ~/.ssh/ exampleuser@123.456.78.90:~/.ssh/authorized_keys
  5. Setup the secure key for secure access

    chmod 700 .ssh
    chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
  6. Create a new SSH key for the user

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
    eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
    ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  7. Make SSH secure. Open /etc/ssh/sshd_config in your favourite editor and apply the following settings

    PasswordAuthentication no
    PermitRootLogin no
  8. Restart SSH (Make sure you keep a session open in case soemthing goes wrong)

    sudo service ssh restart
  9. If all is well, log out of root and log back using the new user you've setup

  10. Set the hostname of the server

    sudo hostnamectl set-hostname johnsmith
  11. Make the hostname resolvable. Open the file /etc/hosts in your favourite editor and assign the IPv4 & IPv6 records of the server to your chosen hostname & FQDN. You'll need to reboot the server for these changes to take effect.       localhost.localdomain   localhost johnsmith 
    1234:5678::abcd:efgh:1234:5678 johnsmith
  12. Set the system timezone

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
  13. Install ufw firewall

    sudo apt install ufw
  14. Setup default firewall rules, where port 22 is your ssh port and is your static ip address

    sudo ufw allow from  to any port 22
    sudo ufw allow http
    sudo ufw allow https
    sudo ufw enable
  15. Add MariaDB repository

    curl -sS | sudo bash
  16. Add the Sury PHP repository

    sudo apt -y install lsb-release ca-certificates
    sudo curl -sSLo /usr/share/keyrings/
    sh -c 'echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list'
    sudo apt update
  17. Install all necessary components for this setup

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade --show-upgraded
    sudo apt -y install mlocate nginx php8.3-curl php8.3-gd php8.3-cli php8.3-fpm php8.3-mbstring php8.3-mysqlnd php8.3-opcache php8.3-zip mariadb-server unattended-upgrades mailutils pigz zip unzip
  18. Update file database

    sudo updatedb
  19. Secure MariaDB by running the following command and following the instructions

    sudo mysql_secure_installation
  20. Create an admin user in place of root

    sudo mariadb
    GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password' WITH GRANT OPTION;
  21. Create a symlink for the mysql command

    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/mariadb /usr/bin/mysql
  22. Install Composer server wide

    curl -sS | php
    sudo mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
  23. Download automated mysql backup script

    cd ~
  24. Update database settings in the script to suit your needs. Open ~/ in your favourite editor and edit the settings below:

    # Backup storage directory
    # MySQL user
    # Number of days to store the backup
  25. Setup a cronjob crontab -e

    0 23 * * * /home/exampleuser/
  26. Install SMTP mail services

    sudo apt -y install msmtp msmtp-mta mailutils bsd-mailx
  27. Securely store the SMTP password

    gpg --quick-gen-key --batch --passphrase PASSPHRASE "John Smith <>"
    echo "PASSWORD" | gpg --encrypt -o ~/.msmtp-password.gpg -r
    chmod 600 ~/.msmtp-password.gpg
    gpg --quiet --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty --decrypt ~/.msmtp-password.gpg
  28. Open /etc/msmtprc in your favourite editor and add the settings below:

    # Set default values for all following accounts.
    # Use the mail submission port 587 instead of the SMTP port 25.
    port 587
    # Always use TLS.
    tls on
    # Set a list of trusted CAs for TLS. The default is to use system settings, but
    # you can select your own file.
    tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
    # The SMTP server of your ISP
    account isp
    host mail.isp.example
    from smithjoe@isp.example
    auth on
    user 12345
    passwordeval "gpg --quiet --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty --decrypt ~/.msmtp-password.gpg"
    # Set default account to isp
    account default: isp
    # Map local users to mail addresses
    aliases /etc/aliases
  29. Open /etc/mail.rc in your favourite editor and add the settings below:

    set mta=/usr/bin/msmtp
  30. Link system users with email addresses in order for system users to receive mails from cron jobs. Open /etc/aliases in your favourite editor and add the settings below:

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