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Created January 17, 2017 19:04
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// PlaceViewModel.swift
// RxPlaces
// Created by Vitor Venturin Linhalis on 17/01/17.
// Copyright © 2017 Vitor Venturin Linhalis. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import RxSwift
import Moya
class PlaceViewModel: NSObject {
var places:[Place]! = []
var rxPlaces:Variable<[Place]>! = Variable([])
var pagetoken:String?
var disposeBag:DisposeBag! = DisposeBag()
var provider:RxMoyaProvider<GooglePlaces>! = RxMoyaProvider<GooglePlaces>()
func loadPlaces(_ location: String, type: Type, radius: Int) -> Observable<Result> {
return self.provider!
.request(.getPlaces(location: location, type: type, radius: radius, key: GooglePlacesAPI.token))
.mapObject(type: Result.self)
func nextPage(_ pagetoken: String) -> Observable<Result> {
return self.provider!
.request(.getNextPage(nextPageToken: pagetoken, key: GooglePlacesAPI.token))
.mapObject(type: Result.self)
// losAngeles = "34.052235,-118.243683" (latitude, longitude)
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