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Last active January 24, 2017 19:04
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Save viteinfinite/3918f0fe0832e33685c4b36e8702628d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

0 Swiftenv

$ brew install kylef/formulae/swiftenv
$ swiftenv install 3.0.2
$ mkdir $project && cd $project && swiftenv local 3.0.2

1 Create Project

$ swift package init --type executable

2 Dependencies

Add dependency Vapor to Package.swift

    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 3)
    exclude: [

3 Update project

$ swift package update
$ swift build

And verify the result

5 Generate xcode project

$ swift package generate-xcodeproj

6 Hello, World!

Alternative A: Code Only

import Vapor

let drop = Droplet()

drop.get { req in
    return "Hello, World!"

Alternative B: Vapor CLI

$ brew install vapor/tap/toolbox
$ vapor new $project
$ cd $project
$ git init
$ vapor heroku init
$ vapor xcode

7 Deploy

7.1 Heroku setup

  1. Create a new app in Heroku
  2. Choose a deployment method (i.e. Heroku CLI or GitHub)
  3. Go to your app Settings on Heroku and add a buildpack:
  4. Go to your app Settings on Heroku and copy your git repository url
  5. Clone your repository and add your source code


$ brew install heroku
$ heroku login 
$ heroku git:clone -a $project-name


$ git init
$ git add --all
$ git commit -am "First commit"

and add your heroku repository url

7.2 Add your project a configuration

$ touch Procfile
$ echo "web: .build/release/[YOUR-APP-NAME-HERE] --env=production --workdir=./ --config:servers.default.port=\$PORT" > Procfile

7.3 Push

git push heroku master

8 Slack

8.1 First step: search for a GIF via a slash-command

  1. Use your current Slack team or create one (Customs Integrations are free)
  2. Go to settings and "Manage app" -> "Custom integration" (
  3. Create a slash-command and add your Swift server URL in "Integration Settings"
  4. According to outgoing datas slack sends, create an appropriate response containing a giphy url and id. In order to use the Giphy API, refer to: The search endpoint is[YOUR+QUERY]&api_key=dc6zaTOxFJmzC

8.2 Second step: vote for a gif

  1. Go to settings and "Manage app" -> "Custom integration" (
  2. Create a slash-command and add your swift server url in "Integration Settings"

Then, you need to add a Redis provider to your dependencies...

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "ServerSideSwift",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1, minor: 3),
        .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1)

... and use it to persist votes ! (Tip:

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