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Created June 8, 2020 01:53
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public class GCPAuthManagementService{
// Class to deserialise response from the Google token URL and get the
// ID Token
public class GoogleAuthResponse {
public String id_token;
* Get GCP service account keys from metadata
* @return the metadata record for the GCP service account
public GCP_Key__mdt getGCPServiceAccount(String functionName) {
List<GCP_Key__mdt> gcp_sa_keys = new List<GCP_Key__mdt>();
gcp_sa_keys = [SELECT
FROM GCP_Key__mdt
WHERE function_name__c =: functionName];
System.debug('getGCPServiceAccount: ' + gcp_sa_keys);
if (gcp_sa_keys.size() > 0) {
return gcp_sa_keys[0];
} else {
throw new GCPException('Cannot find GCP Service Account Keys');
* Constructs the JWT and invokes the Google Auth endpoint
* @param serviceAccount has the GCP keys obtained from the
* custom metadata object
* @return the auth response from GCP containing the id token
public GoogleAuthResponse getGCPAuthToken(GCP_Key__mdt serviceAccount) {
GoogleAuthResponse result = new GoogleAuthResponse();
Auth.JWT jwt = new Auth.JWT();
System.debug('getGCPAuthToken jwt: ' + jwt);
// Additional claims to set scope
Map<String, Object> claims = new Map<String, Object>();
claims.put('target_audience', serviceAccount.audience__c);
// Create the object that signs the JWT bearer token
Auth.JWS jws = new Auth.JWS(jwt, 'google_cloud');
// Get the resulting JWS in case debugging is required
String token = jws.getCompactSerialization();
// Set the token endpoint that the JWT bearer token is posted to
String tokenEndpoint = serviceAccount.token_endpoint__c;
Auth.JWTBearerTokenExchange bearer =
new Auth.JWTBearerTokenExchange(tokenEndpoint, jws);
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
System.HttpResponse response = bearer.getHTTPResponse();
result =
(GoogleAuthResponse) JSON.deserialize(
response.getBody(), GoogleAuthResponse.class);
System.debug('GoogleAuthResponse result: ' + result);
} else {
result.id_token = 'IN TEST';
return result;
public class GCPException extends Exception {}
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