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First thing that Microsoft does when buying Github: Add statuses. Whee.

The Doctor virtadpt

First thing that Microsoft does when buying Github: Add statuses. Whee.
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@teddyschleifer wrote:

"Bill Gates on a wealth tax:

'I've paid over $10 billion in taxes. I've paid more than anyone in taxes. If I had to pay $20 billion, it's fine.'

'But when you say I should pay $100 billion, then I'm starting to do a little math over what I have left over.'"

joepie91 /
Last active May 7, 2024 11:54
You Don't Need A Blockchain

You don't need a blockchain.

If you're reading this, you probably suggested to somebody that a particular technical problem could be solved with a blockchain.

Blockchains aren't a desirable thing; they're defined by having trustless consensus, which necessarily has to involve some form of costly signaling to work; that's what prevents attacks like sybil attacks.

In other words: blockchains must be expensive to operate, to work effectively. This makes it a last-resort solution, when you truly have no other options available for solving your problem; in almost every case you want a cheaper and less complex solution than a blockchain.

In particular, if your usecase is commercial, then you do not need or want trustless consensus. This especially includes usecases like supply chain tracking, ticketing, and so on. The whole *p

bsletten /
Last active June 21, 2024 21:22
Machine Learning Path Recommendations

This is an incomplete, ever-changing curated list of content to assist people into the worlds of Data Science and Machine Learning. If you have a recommendation for something to add, please let me know. If something isn't here, it doesn't mean I don't recommend it, I just may not have had a chance to review it yet or not.

I will generally list things in order of easier to more formal/challenging content.

It may feel like there is an overwhelming amount of stuff for you to learn (because there is). But, there is a guided path that will get you there in time. You need to focus on Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics and probably Python (or R). Your best bet is to get a Safari Books Online account ( which you may already have access to through school or work. If not, it is a reasonable way to get access to a tremendous number of books and videos.

I'm not saying you will get what you need out of everything here, but I have read/watched at least some of all of the following an

jaradc /
Last active April 3, 2024 18:16
Four different ways to calculate entropy in Python
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import entropy
from math import log, e
import pandas as pd
import timeit
def entropy1(labels, base=None):
value,counts = np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)
return entropy(counts, base=base)
hexerei / index.html
Created May 26, 2017 10:16
Liquid number format with thousands and decimal seperator
<h1>Usage Template</h1>
<h2>With integer to decimal conversion</h2>
{% include numf.html number=12345 %} <!-- output is 12.345,00 --><br />
{% include numf.html number=12345 decimals=0 %} <!-- output is 12.345 --><br />
{% include numf.html number=12345 decimals=4 %} <!-- output is 12.345.0000 --><br />
{% include numf.html number=12345 ds='.' ts=',' %} <!-- output is 12,345.00 --><br />
ageis /
Last active September 5, 2024 09:52
Options for hardening systemd service units

security and hardening options for systemd service units

A common and reliable pattern in service unit files is thus:

#!/usr/bin/env sh
if [ "$1" != "" ]; then
while IFS=, read col1 col2
sBatchList="$sBatchList $col1"
johnteske / index.html
Created January 5, 2017 18:49
Liquid number format with commas
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=1 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=12 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=123 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=1234 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=12345 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=123456 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=1234567 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=12345678 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=123456789 %}
{% include numberWithCommas.html number=1234567890 %}
Jimilian /
Last active January 20, 2023 08:11
Returns json created from pipe
# Example:
# > echo "key1 value1 key2 value2" | ./
# {'key1': value1, 'key2': value2}
while read x y;
#!/bin/sed -rf
# How to run:
# echo 'A A<1+B1-C>B<1-A1+B>D<1-B1qC> 0<0>0'
# Note: Your local sed may use a different flag for "extended" regexes; this is written for GNU sed.
# tape: [active-state] " " (state-name "<" (write move next-state)_0 (write move next-state)_1 ">")* " " tape... "<" curpos ">" tape...
# State names can be any character not in " <>".
# The tape consists of 0's and 1's.
# The "move" field can be "-" to move left, "+" to move right, or "q" to halt.