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luksamuk / clos-test.lisp
Created May 17, 2019 14:21
Testing Common Lisp Object System's method dispatch
(defgeneric thing (x y))
(defclass foo () ())
;; BAR inherits FOO
(defclass bar (foo) ())
(defmethod thing ((x foo) (y foo))
(format t "Both are of type FOO~%"))
yorickvP / wl-clipboard.el
Created March 14, 2019 11:02
teach emacs to use wl-copy
(setq wl-copy-process nil)
(defun wl-copy (text)
(setq wl-copy-process (make-process :name "wl-copy"
:buffer nil
:command '("wl-copy" "-f" "-n")
:connection-type 'pipe))
(process-send-string wl-copy-process text)
(process-send-eof wl-copy-process))
(defun wl-paste ()
(if (and wl-copy-process (process-live-p wl-copy-process))
sebastianwebber /
Last active August 8, 2024 08:40
Compilation of the Uber Facts on PostgreSQL to MySQL Migration

Uber facts

Original posts/information

Key points

  • ~50GB MySQL Application
  • Main motivation: PostGis
  • Migration made with a custom tool(xml2pgcopy) and mysqldump on 45min
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import subprocess
__all__ = ["transform"]
__version__ = '0.3'
__author__ = 'Christoph Burgmer <>'
__url__ = ''
munificent / gist:9749671
Last active June 23, 2022 04:04
You appear to be creating a new IDE...
You appear to be advocating a new:
[ ] cloud-hosted [ ] locally installable [ ] web-based [ ] browser-based [ ] language-agnostic
[ ] language-specific IDE. Your IDE will not succeed. Here is why it will not succeed.
You appear to believe that:
[ ] Syntax highlighting is what makes programming difficult
[ ] Garbage collection is free
[ ] Computers have infinite memory
[ ] Nobody really needs: