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Last active August 12, 2024 08:16
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  • Save viniciustavanoferreira/6afb7e1c53ded335f599d850f23ddff0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Display totals and subtotals using factory methods, and aggregations in ALV.
DATA: lo_table TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
lo_event TYPE REF TO cl_salv_events_table,
lo_functions TYPE REF TO cl_salv_functions,
lo_aggrs TYPE REF TO cl_salv_aggregations,
lo_sort TYPE REF TO cl_salv_sorts,
lo_sort_column TYPE REF TO cl_salv_sort.
CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
r_salv_table = lo_table
t_table = gt_data.
* Just to show that using the CALL METHOD statement is not the only possible way.
lo_event = lo_table->get_event( ).
SET HANDLER lcl_event_handler=>on_added_function FOR lo_event.
lo_functions = lo_table->get_functions( ).
lo_functions->set_all( if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true ).
PERFORM zf_change_column USING lo_table: '15' 'PERNR' 'Matrícula',
'40' 'CNAME' 'Nome',
'10' 'WERKS' 'Área de RH',
'20' 'PTEXTGRP' 'Grupo EE',
'20' 'PTEXTSUB' 'Subgrupo EE',
'10' 'KOSTL' 'Centro de custo',
'15' 'GSBER' 'Mão de obra',
'12' 'TPFER' 'Tipo de férias',
'15' 'SAL_DIA' 'Salário dia',
'15' 'SAL_HORA' 'Salário hora',
'10' 'DIASFER' 'Dias de férias',
'15' 'HORASMED' 'Horas p/ Médias',
'15' 'PROVFER' 'Prov. Férias',
'15' 'PROVFERFOLHA' 'Prov. Férias Folha',
'15' 'DIFPROVFER' 'Diferença',
'15' 'PROVMEDIAS' 'Prov. Médias',
'15' 'PROVMEDFOLHA' 'Prov. Médias Folha',
'15' 'DIFPROVMED' 'Diferença',
'15' 'PROVCONTER' 'Prov. Contribuição ER',
'15' 'PROVERFOLHA' 'Prov. ER Folha',
'15' 'DIFPROVER' 'Diferença',
'15' 'PROVCONTERMEDIAS' 'Prov. Contrib. ER (Médias)',
'15' 'PROVERFOLHAMEDIAS' 'Prov. ER Folha (Méd.)',
'15' 'DIFPROVERMEDIAS' 'Diferença',
'15' 'PROVFGTS' 'Prov. FGTS',
'15' 'PROVFGTSFOLHA' 'Prov. FGTS Folha',
'15' 'DIFPROVFGTS' 'Diferença',
'15' 'PROVFGTSMEDIAS' 'Prov. FGTS (Médias)',
'15' 'PROVFGTSFOLHAMEDIAS' 'Prov. FGTS Folha (Méd.)',
'15' 'DIFPROVFGTSMEDIAS' 'Diferença',
'18' 'VR_ADIA' 'Valor Adiantado',
'15' 'PARCEL' 'N° Parcelas',
'18' 'VR_DESC' 'Val. Descontado',
'18' 'SALDO' 'Saldo Pendente',
'15' 'PARC_P' 'N° Parc. Pend'.
* Add totals.
lo_aggrs = lo_table->get_aggregations( ).
CALL METHOD lo_aggrs->add_aggregation
columnname = 'PROVFERFOLHA'
aggregation = if_salv_c_aggregation=>total.
CATCH cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_existing. "#EC NO_HANDLER
* Add subtotals.
CALL METHOD lo_table->get_sorts
value = lo_sort.
CALL METHOD lo_sort->add_sort
columnname = 'PERNR'
value = lo_sort_column.
CALL METHOD lo_sort_column->set_subtotal
value = if_salv_c_bool_sap=>true.
CATCH cx_salv_data_error cx_salv_not_found cx_salv_existing. "#EC NO_HANDLER
CALL METHOD lo_table->display.
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thank you for this code and you did a great job with the CL_SALV_TABLE.

However, is it possible to allow the user to do what you programmed, directly on the table using the i_con total and subtotal?

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