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Last active September 4, 2022 23:09
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LDAP Login Autentication and Search in PHP, no Class required PHP 5+
//Error Checking
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
//Set User domain extention
$LDAPUserDomain = "@my.domain"; //Needs the @, but not always the same as the LDAP server domain
?><form name="input" action="ldap.php" method="post">
Username: <input type="text" name="u"> <?php echo $LDAPUserDomain;?><br />
Password: <input type="password" name="p">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
Bind to an Active Directory LDAP server and look
something up.
$SearchFor="ENTER SEARCH STRING"; //What string do you want to find?
$SearchField="samaccountname"; //In what Active Directory field do you want to search for the string?
$LDAPHost = "ENTER YOUT LDAP SERVER"; //Your LDAP server DNS Name or IP Address
$dn = "DC=MY,DC=DOMAIN"; //Put your Base DN here
$LDAPUser = $_POST['u']; //A valid Active Directory login
$LDAPUserPassword = $_POST['p'];
$LDAPFieldsToFind = array("*"); //Search Felids, Wildcard Supported for returning all values
$cnx = ldap_connect($LDAPHost) or die("Could not connect to LDAP");
ldap_set_option($cnx, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); //Set the LDAP Protocol used by your AD service
ldap_set_option($cnx, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); //This was necessary for my AD to do anything
ldap_bind($cnx,$LDAPUser.$LDAPUserDomain,$LDAPUserPassword) or die("Could not bind to LDAP");
error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); //Suppress some unnecessary messages
$filter="($SearchField=$SearchFor*)"; //Wildcard is * Remove it if you want an exact match
$sr=ldap_search($cnx, $dn, $filter, $LDAPFieldsToFind);
$info = ldap_get_entries($cnx, $sr);
for ($x=0; $x<$info["count"]; $x++) {
echo "Name: " .$info[$x]['cn'][0]."<br/>";
echo "Windows Login: " .$info[$x]['samaccountname'][0]."<br/>";
echo "Extention: " .$info[$x]['telephonenumber'][0]."<br/>";
echo "Email: " .$info[$x]['mail'][0]."<br/>";
echo "Office: " .$info[$x]['physicaldeliveryofficename'][0]."<br/>";
echo "Main System UID: " .$info[$x]['description'][0]."<br/>";
echo "Job Title: " .$info[$x]['title'][0]."<br/>";
echo "Department: " .$info[$x]['department'][0]."<br/>";
$info[$x]['manager'][0] = explode(",",$info[$x]['manager'][0]);
$info[$x]['manager'][0] = str_replace('CN=','',$info[$x]['manager'][0][0]);
echo "Line Manager: " .$info[$x]['manager'][0]."<br/>";
echo "Company: " .$info[$x]['company'][0]."<br/>";
if($info[$x]['memberof']['count'] != 0){
foreach($info[$x]['memberof'] as $key){
$key = explode(",",$key);
$key = str_replace('CN=','',$key[0]);
echo "Member of: " .$key."<br/>";
echo "\n\n";
if ($x==0) {
print "Oops, was not found. Please try again.\n";
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Aspyryan commented Aug 9, 2021

This helped me alot, thanks!

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