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cGandom /
Last active September 24, 2024 01:42
Emulating Raspberry Pi 4 with Qemu

Emulating Raspberry Pi 4 with Qemu

Just a quick update before we dive in: what we're actually doing here is running Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) on a QEMU virtual ARM setup. This isn't full-blown hardware emulation of the Raspberry Pi 4, but more about creating a virtual environment for the OS. It doesn't mimic all the specific hardware features of the Pi 4, but it's pretty useful and great for general testing. I turned to this solution mainly to extract a modified sysroot from the Raspberry Pi OS, something not readily available in other resources. For those looking into detailed emulation of the actual Raspberry Pi 4's hardware in QEMU, check out this link for the latest updates:

Hope it helps! :D

Shortcomings: No GUI yet, only console.


How to emulate Raspbian Buster Lite on QEMU on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

After a lot of online research, this is a summary of the steps I had to take to finally emulate Raspbian (Buster version) on Ubuntu.

For more information, check the sources in the guide and at the bottom.

Last tried Jan 2023 on a Lubuntu 22.04 LTS VM on Virtualbox

I. Install QEMU/KVM and virtlib

$ sudo apt update

brenhinkeller / mpihello.jl
Created October 19, 2022 16:28
Natively compile and run parallel Hello World with MPICH_jll MPI in Julia!
using StaticCompiler, StaticTools, StaticMPI, MPICH_jll
function mpihello(argc, argv)
MPI_Init(argc, argv)
world_size, world_rank = MPI_Comm_size(comm), MPI_Comm_rank(comm)
printf((c"Hello from ", world_rank, c" of ", world_size, c" processors!\n"))
anthonyclarka2 / emacs_navigation_cheat_sheet.drawio
Last active March 22, 2022 19:09
Emacs Navigation Cheat Sheet
<mxfile host="Electron" modified="2022-03-13T20:44:33.536Z" agent="5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/96.0.4664.110 Electron/16.0.7 Safari/537.36" etag="R_SOdd2db7crDnFWafUC" version="16.5.1" type="device"><diagram id="qbLhw_JT5a_EEhQz4K1e" name="Page-1">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
GuillaumeDua /
Last active January 2, 2022 16:15
Meeting Cpp 2021 - Trip report

Meeting Cpp 2021 - Trip report

Author Guillaume Dua
Date 10/11/2021 - 12/11/2021


cscherrer / zigzag-soss.jl
Last active April 22, 2022 19:50
ZigZag sampler with a Soss model
using Soss
using ZigZagBoomerang
using Soss: logdensity, xform, ConditionalModel
using ForwardDiff
using ForwardDiff: gradient!
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using StructArrays
using TransformVariables
using MeasureTheory
GuillaumeDua / Concept-based polymorphism in modern
Last active August 3, 2024 20:01
Concept-based polymorphism in modern C++

Concept-based polymorphism in modern C++

Date 05-05-2021 - 10-17-2023
Revision R3
Author Guillaume Dua
Reviewers Loïc Joly, Antoine Morrier
CookiePLMonster / repro.cpp
Last active September 16, 2020 13:23 — forked from riverar/repro.cpp
VS optimizer bug sample
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
// Sample of an optimizer bug in Visual Studio 2003 - 2019 (or more)
// Compiling this program in Release (/O1, /O2 or /Ox and LTCG) in both x86 and x64
// configurations produces a different output from unoptimized (Debug) configurations.
// Expected output: 709
// Produced output: 31
GuillaumeDua /
Last active August 3, 2024 20:02
13 valuable things I learned using CMake

13 valuable things I learned using CMake

Author : Dua Guillaume
Date : 04-26-2020

Requirement : A first experience with CMake


As a modern C++ specialist, my job is to focus on software development, from a performance and quality perspective.