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Last active August 14, 2024 16:04
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YVR Crash Data Transform

YVR Crash Data Transform

A simple utility to convert the "Lower Mainland Crashes" dataset by ICBC into a nested JSON object for ease of use on the go - like via this iOS Shortcut.


0. Environment

The transform script requires the ability to execute a Python 3 program.

1. Download

Download the data from the Lower Mainland Crashes map page (after selecting for the desired years) and save the file Location_Full Data_data.csv on the same directory as the script.

2. Execute

Run the script with:


If all goes well, it should generate a data.json file with crash data organized by street names.

import re
import csv
import json
with open("Location_Full Data_data.csv", newline="", encoding="utf-16") as f:
reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter="\t")
rows = [row for row in reader]
# ⚠️ (location, year, type) is not unique because of mid-block crashes
data = {}
for row in rows:
key = (row["Location"], int(row["Year"]), row["Crash Type"])
data[key] = data.get(key, 0) + int(row["CrashCount"])
locations = {location for (location, _, _) in data}
years = {year for (_, year, _) in data}
crash_types = {crash_type for (_, _, crash_type) in data}
# Aggregate by location and sum crash types. Resulting data should look like
# { "<Location>": { <N_Year>: <N_Crashes> } }
total_crashes_in_location_by_year = {
location: {
year: sum(
data.get((location, year, crash_type), 0) for crash_type in crash_types
for year in years
for location in locations
# Produce a CSV file with average crashes per year and on each year
with open("data.csv", "wt") as f:
headers = [
f"Average Crashes {min(years)}-{max(years)}",
*(f"Crashes in {year}" for year in sorted(years)),
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fieldnames=headers)
headers[0]: location,
headers[1]: sum(crashes_by_year.values()) * 1.0 / len(years),
header: crashes_by_year.get(year)
for header, year in zip(headers[2:], sorted(years))
for location, crashes_by_year in total_crashes_in_location_by_year.items()
# Produce a JSON file mapping road to average crash counts on intersections
def normalize(key: str):
key = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", key).strip()
return key
def split_normalize(key: str) -> set:
parts = key.replace(" AND ", " & ").split("&")
return set(normalize(part) for part in parts)
roads = {road for location in locations for road in split_normalize(location)}
def get_avg_crashes_by_intersections(road):
for location, crashes_by_year in total_crashes_in_location_by_year.items():
if road not in split_normalize(location):
crashes = sum(crashes_by_year.values()) * 1.0 / len(years)
intersections = split_normalize(location).difference([road])
if len(intersections) > 0:
intersection = " & ".join(intersections)
yield ("at " + intersection, crashes)
yield ("(mid-block crashes)", crashes)
avg_crashes_in_road_by_intersection = {
road: sorted(get_avg_crashes_by_intersections(road)) for road in sorted(roads)
with open("data.json", "w") as f:
formatted_lines = {
road: [
f"{round(crashes):3d} {intersection}"
for intersection, crashes in crashes_by_intersection
if round(crashes) > 0
for road, crashes_by_intersection in avg_crashes_in_road_by_intersection.items()
json.dump({road: data for road, data in formatted_lines.items() if len(data)}, f)
print(f"{len(formatted_lines.keys())} streets mapped")
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