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Last active July 10, 2020 00:21
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Inspecting contents of window inside Xvfb for xvfbwrapper python module

Add fbdir option to Xvfb object:

vdisplay = Xvfb(width=1920, height=1080, colordepth=24, fbdir="/tmp/")

This option will tell xfvb to save dumps of its contents to PROVIDED_FOLDER/Xvfb_screen<n>

The dump file will be in .xwd format, so it needs to be converted to some format supported by image viewers. For the convenience you can use the following script:

for i in $(seq 10000); do
  /bin/cp  Xvfb_screen? Xvfb_screen.xwd;
  convert /tmp/Xvfb_screen.xwd screen_image_$i.png;
  sleep 1;

Adjust the value in sleep depending on what fps you want to get, e.g. for 60 fps use 0.016

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