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Last active August 17, 2018 13:01
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  • Save viklund/1d711b7407e0daf5c3d780fe01d8e4fe to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my %stats = (
'+' => { qw/comment 0 whitespace 0 code 0/ },
'-' => { qw/comment 0 whitespace 0 code 0/ },
my $calc_commit = '';
my $calc_diff = '';
my $in_diff = '';
my $n_commits = 0;
while (<>) {
if (/^commit/) {
$calc_commit = '';
$in_diff = '';
if (/^Author:\s*([^<]+) <([^>]+)>/) {
my ($author, $email) = ($1, $2);
if ($email =~ /johan.viklund@/) {
$calc_commit = 1;
else {
$calc_commit = '';
next unless $calc_commit;
if (m{^diff .*? a/.*?\.(?:py|sh|pl)}) {
$calc_diff = 1;
$in_diff = '';
elsif (/^diff/) {
$calc_diff = '';
$in_diff = '';
next unless $calc_diff;
if ( /^@@/ ) {
$in_diff = 1;
if ( $in_diff ) {
my $type;
($type,$_) = /^(.)(.*)$/;
next unless $type && ($type eq '+' || $type eq '-');
if ( /^\s*#/ ) {
elsif ( /^\s*$/ ) {
else {
printf "A total of %d commits were analysed\n", $n_commits;
for my $type (qw/code comment whitespace/) {
printf "%-10s: %5.3f (%d/%d)\n",
ucfirst $type,
$stats{'+'}{$type}, $stats{'-'}{$type};
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