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Forked from mikeobrien/
Created May 3, 2012 04:42
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Lazy loading backbone collection + infinite scrolling
class LazyCollection extends Backbone.Collection
indexQuerystring: 'index'
index: 1
lastLength: 0
fetch: (options) ->
options or= {}
if options.reset
@index = 1
@lastLength = 0
if @lastLength == @length then return
@lastLength = @length
options.add = true or= {}[@indexQuerystring] = @index
success = options.success
options.success = (model, resp) =>
@trigger 'fetch:end'
if success then success model, resp
error = options.error
options.error = (originalModel, resp, options) =>
@trigger 'fetch:end'
if error then error originalModel, resp, options
@trigger 'fetch:start' @, options
class SearchResults extends LazyCollection
initialize: ->
_.bindAll @, 'search'
@query = ''
model: Entry
url: -> "/directory/entries"
search: (query) ->
@query = query ? @query
@fetch { reset: !!query, data: { query: @query } }
class SearchResultsView extends Backbone.View
initialize: (options) ->
_.bindAll @, 'render', 'renderResult'
@template = options.template
@collection.on 'reset', @render, @
@collection.on 'add', @renderResult, @
render: ->
@collection.each @renderResult
renderResult: (result) ->
view = new SearchResultView
template: @template
model: result
@$el.append view.render().el
class SearchView extends Backbone.View
'click .search': 'search'
initialize: (options) ->
_.bindAll @, 'render', 'search', 'toggleSpinner'
@template = options.template
@resultTemplate = options.resultTemplate
@collection.on 'fetch:start', @toggleSpinner, @
@collection.on 'fetch:end', @toggleSpinner, @
render: ->
@$el.html @template()
@resultsView = new SearchResultsView
el: $ '.search-results'
template: @resultTemplate
collection: @collection
search: (event) -> $('.search-text').val()
toggleSpinner: ->
start: (results) ->
container = $ '#container'
scrollChannel = 'scroll.bottom'
# TODO: Make this a jQuery plugin
$window = $ window
$document = $ document
$window.scroll ->
scrollTop = $window.scrollTop()
scrollChannel.publish() unless scrollTop == 0 or scrollTop < ($document.height() - $window.height()) - 100
@searchResults = new SearchResults
@searchView = new SearchView
el: container
collection: @searchResults
template: _.template searchTemplate
resultTemplate: _.template searchResultTemplate
scrollChannel: scrollChannel
@searchResults.reset results
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