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Forked from amit-y/Gruntfile.js
Last active July 15, 2019 10:12
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Grunt task to search and replace strings in file
module.exports = function(grunt) {
// Load grunt tasks automatically
// Time how long tasks take. Can help when optimizing build times
// Project configuration.
// options for find and replace task
findreplace: {
cssfiles: {
files: [
strings: [
['images/', 'img/'],
['../', '/']
* Find and replace function - primarilly written to update paths in the CSS files
* With the config above, this function will find-replace in css/styles.css and css/bootstrap.css
* It will replace and instance of images/ with img/ and ../ with /
grunt.registerTask('findreplace', 'find and replace strings in files', function(config_prop) {
var complete = this.async();
var config = grunt.config('findreplace');
for (var c in config) {
var files = config[c].files, strings = config[c].strings;
// if the argument is a specific config, we run that one
if(typeof config_prop !== 'undefined') {
files = config[config_prop].files;
strings = config[config_prop].strings;
for (var f=0, g=files.length; f < g; f++) {
if (grunt.file.isFile(files[f])) {
var content =[f]);
for (var s=0, t=strings.length; s < t; s++) {
if (strings[s].length===2) {
var escapedstrings = strings[s][0].replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&");
var findregex = new RegExp(escapedstrings,'g');
var finds = content.match(findregex) || [];
grunt.log.writeln(files[f]+' : replacing '+strings[s][0]+' with '+strings[s][1]+' : '+finds.length+' match(es)');
content = content.replace(findregex,strings[s][1]);
grunt.file.write(files[f], content);
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