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Created November 1, 2023 21:23
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YUM update via Ansible
## Tasks file for yum-update
# Runs 'yum update' on servers. It can apply full or security only updates, as well as reboot if needed.
# Tags:
# - full - Performs a full update
# - security - Performs security update only
# - reboot - Triggers reboot if needed
# Security Updates -------------------------------------------------------------
- block:
- name: Running YUM security updates
name: "*"
security: yes
state: latest
register: yum_output
- name: Displays YUM output
var: yum_output
- name: Checking if reboot is required
shell: needs-restarting -r
failed_when: false
register: reboot_required
changed_when: false
tags: security
# Full Updates -----------------------------------------------------------------
- block:
- name: Running YUM updates
name: "*"
state: latest
register: yum_output
- name: Displays YUM output
var: yum_output
- name: Checking if reboot is required
shell: needs-restarting -r
failed_when: false
register: reboot_required
changed_when: false
tags: full
# Reboot -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- when: yum_output.changed == true and reboot_required.rc != 0
- name: Rebooting the server
shell: shutdown -r now "Ansible Security Updates Triggered"
ignore_errors: true
changed_when: false
async: 1
poll: 0
- name: Waiting for server to come back after reboot
connect_timeout: 60
sleep: 5
delay: 5
timeout: 300
register: reboot_result
- name: Displaying reboot time
msg: "The system rebooted in {{ reboot_result.elapsed }} seconds."
- reboot
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