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Created May 17, 2014 20:57
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Fizz Buzz
fizz Buzz
Given a number the function returns “Fizz” if it is a multiple of 3, “Buzz” if it is a multiple of 5 and “FizzBuzz” if it is a multiple of 15. If the number is not a multiple of 3 or 5 then the number is returned as a string.
fizzbuzz(3) => "Fizz"
fizzbuzz(10) => "Buzz"
fizzbuzz(45) => "FizzBuzz"
fizzbuzz(31) => "31"
# Golf style
1.upto(?d){|i|puts ["#{x=[:Fizz][i%3]}Buzz"][i%5]||x||i}# 56
1.upto(?d){|i|x=[:Fizz][i%3];puts i%5<1?"#{x}Buzz":x||i}# 56
1.upto(?d){|i|i%3<1&&x=:Fizz;puts i%5<1?"#{x}Buzz":x||i}# 56
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