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Forked from anonymous/gist:867690
Created March 17, 2011 15:44
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OpenCV iPhone
# This script will create universal binaries for OpenCV library for
# iOS-based devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc).
# As output you obtain debug/release static libraries and include headers.
# This script was written by Eugene Khvedchenya
# And distributed under GPL license
# My site, where you can get support:
if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo "Error in $0 - Invalid Argument Count"
echo "Syntax: $0 [OpenCV source directory] [Build destination directory]"
echo "If the destination directory already exists, it will be overwritten!"
# Absolute path to the source code directory.
D=`dirname "$1"`
B=`basename "$1"`
SRC="`cd \"$D\" 2>/dev/null && pwd || echo \"$D\"`/$B"
# Absolute path to the build directory.
D=`dirname "$2"`
B=`basename "$2"`
BUILD="`cd \"$D\" 2>/dev/null && pwd || echo \"$D\"`/$B"
echo "OpenCV source :" $SRC
echo "Build directory :" $BUILD
echo "Intermediate dir:" $INTERMEDIATE
# Clear the old build and recompile the new one.
rm -rf $BUILD
-G Xcode $SRC
# Let's b everything:
echo "Building iphone armv6 release configuration"
xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release ARCHS="armv6" > /dev/null
mkdir -p $BUILD/lib/release-iphoneos-armv6
mv $INTERMEDIATE/lib/Release/*.a $BUILD/lib/release-iphoneos-armv6
mv $INTERMEDIATE/3rdparty/lib/Release/*.a $BUILD/lib/release-iphoneos-armv6
echo "Building iphone armv6 debug configuration"
xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos -configuration Debug ARCHS="armv6" > /dev/null
mkdir -p $BUILD/lib/debug-iphoneos-armv6
mv $INTERMEDIATE/lib/Debug/*.a $BUILD/lib/debug-iphoneos-armv6
mv $INTERMEDIATE/3rdparty/lib/Debug/*.a $BUILD/lib/debug-iphoneos-armv6
echo "Building iphone release configuration"
xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos -configuration Release ARCHS="armv7" > build.out
mkdir -p $BUILD/lib/release-iphoneos
mv $INTERMEDIATE/lib/Release/*.a $BUILD/lib/release-iphoneos
mv $INTERMEDIATE/3rdparty/lib/Release/*.a $BUILD/lib/release-iphoneos
echo "Building iphone debug configuration"
xcodebuild -sdk iphoneos -configuration Debug ARCHS="armv7" > /dev/null
mkdir -p $BUILD/lib/debug-iphoneos
mv $INTERMEDIATE/lib/Debug/*.a $BUILD/lib/debug-iphoneos
mv $INTERMEDIATE/3rdparty/lib/Debug/*.a $BUILD/lib/debug-iphoneos
echo "Building iphone simulator release configuration"
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Release ARCHS="i386" > /dev/null
mkdir -p $BUILD/lib/Release-iphonesimulator
mv $INTERMEDIATE/lib/Release/*.a $BUILD/lib/release-iphonesimulator
mv $INTERMEDIATE/3rdparty/lib/Release/*.a $BUILD/lib/release-iphonesimulator
echo "Building iphone simulator debug configuration"
xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -configuration Debug ARCHS="i386" > /dev/null
mkdir -p $BUILD/lib/debug-iphonesimulator
mv $INTERMEDIATE/lib/Debug/*.a $BUILD/lib/debug-iphonesimulator
mv $INTERMEDIATE/3rdparty/lib/Debug/*.a $BUILD/lib/debug-iphonesimulator
# Make universal binaries for release INTERMEDIATE:
# mkdir -p $BUILD/lib/release-universal
for FILE in `ls $BUILD/lib/release-iphoneos`
lipo $BUILD/lib/release-iphoneos/$FILE \
-arch armv6 $BUILD/lib/release-iphoneos-armv6/$FILE \
-arch i386 $BUILD/lib/release-iphonesimulator/$FILE \
-create -output $BUILD/lib/release-universal/$FILE
# ################################################################################
# # Make universal binaries for debug INTERMEDIATE:
# mkdir -p $BUILD/lib/debug-universal
for FILE in `ls $BUILD/lib/debug-iphoneos`
lipo $BUILD/lib/debug-iphoneos/$FILE \
-arch armv6 $BUILD/lib/debug-iphoneos-armv6/$FILE \
-arch i386 $BUILD/lib/debug-iphonesimulator/$FILE \
-create -output $BUILD/lib/debug-universal/$FILE
# Now we will do some tricks to get OpenCV headers:
# This command will build opencv INSTALL target, which will
# copy headers to the $BUILD/include directory.
#echo "Getting OpenCV headers"
#mkdir $BUILD/include
#xcodebuild -sdk macosx -configuration Release -target install > /dev/null
#mv $INSTALL_DIR/include/* $BUILD/include
#echo "All is done"
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