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Forked from GregMefford/
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Save vguhesan/9435830 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# First do a fresh install of CentOS 6.5 (final), Windows Workstation Version (with GUI)
# This should be performed as root since it's going to be installing a bunch of stuff
# --- Update things to make sure we have the latest patches ---
# Add EPEL so we can get reasonably recent packages
rpm -Uvh
# --- Install all the packages --- #
yum -y install python-whisper python-carbon graphite-web python-memcached python-ldap httpd memcached
# ===== BEGIN MANUAL STEP =====
# run syncdb to setup the db and prime the authentication model (if you're using the DB model)
python /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/graphite/ syncdb
# ===== END MANUAL STEP =====
# --- Allow HTTP through firewall --- #
iptables -I INPUT 5 -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
iptables-save > /etc/sysconfig/iptables
service carbon-cache restart
service memcached restart
service httpd restart
# === Has been validated in CentOS 6.5 === #
# --- Install git ---
yum install -y gcc zlib-devel curl curl-devel openssl
tar -xzf git-1.9.0.tar.gz
pushd git-1.9.0
./configure && make && make install
rm -rf git*
# --- Install NodeJS ---
yum install -y gcc-c++
git clone
pushd node
./configure && make && make install
rm -rf node
# --- Install the Node Package Manager ---
curl -L | sh
npm install express
# --- Install StatsD ---
git clone
cd statsd
# copy the the statsd config example to create the config file
# unless you used non-default ports for some other feature of the system, the defaults in the config file are fine
cp exampleConfig.js local.js
# --- Start StatsD ---
node stats.js local.js
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vguhesan commented Mar 8, 2014

This will need to be tested in the no GUI server edition as well.

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