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Last active September 8, 2016 17:06
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public function change($key, $count, $options, $comment)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->cart)) {
if (isset($count) && !is_null($count) && $count <= 0)
return $this->remove($key);
else if(isset($count) && !is_null($count) && $count > 0)
if ($count > $this->config['max_count']) {
return $this->error('ms2_cart_add_err_count', $this->status(), array('count' => $count));
$response = $this->ms2->invokeEvent('msOnBeforeChangeInCart',
array('key' => $key, 'count' => $count, 'options' => $options, 'comment' => $comment, 'cart' => $this));
if (!$response['success']) {
return $this->error($response['message']);
$price = $response['data']['price'];
$count = $response['data']['count'];
$this->cart[$key]['price'] = $price;
$this->cart[$key]['count'] = $count;
$response = $this->ms2->invokeEvent('msOnChangeInCart',
array('key' => $key, 'count' => $count, 'options' => $options, 'cart' => $this));
if (!$response['success']) {
return $this->error($response['message']);
return $this->success('ms2_cart_change_success', $this->status(array('key' => $key)), array('count' => $count));
} else {
if ($count > $this->config['max_count']) {
return $this->error('ms2_cart_add_err_count', $this->status(), array('count' => $count));
$response = $this->ms2->invokeEvent('msOnBeforeChangeInCart',
array('key' => $key, 'count' => $count, 'options' => $options, 'comment' => $comment, 'cart' => $this));
if (!$response['success']) {
return $this->error($response['message']);
$price = $response['data']['price'];
$this->cart[$key]['price'] = $price;
$this->cart[$key]['options'] = array_merge($this->cart[$key]['options'], $options);
$this->cart[$key]['comment'] = filter_var($comment, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$response = $this->ms2->invokeEvent('msOnChangeInCart',
array('key' => $key, 'count' => $count, 'options' => $options, 'cart' => $this));
if (!$response['success']) {
return $this->error($response['message']);
return $this->success('ms2_cart_change_options_success', $this->status(array('key' => $key)), array('options' => $options));
} else {
return $this->error('ms2_cart_change_error', $this->status(array()));
class msOptionsPriceMsOnBeforeChangeInCart extends msOptionsPricePlugin
public function run()
if ($this->modx->context->key == 'mgr') {
$cartObj = $this->modx->getOption('cart', $this->scriptProperties);
$key = $this->modx->getOption('key', $this->scriptProperties);
$cart = $cartObj->get(); //returned array
$rid = $cart[$key]['id'];
$returned = (array)$this->modx->getPlaceholder('_returned');
$options = (array)$this->modx->getOption('options', $this->scriptProperties, array(), true);
if (empty($options) AND $returned['id'] == $rid) {
$options = (array)$this->modx->getOption('options', $returned, array(), true);
else if (empty($options)) {
$options = (array)$this->modx->getOption('options', $_REQUEST, array(), true);
$price = $cart[$key]['price'];
$this->modx->event->returnedValues['price'] = $price;
$modification = $this->msoptionsprice->getModificationByOptions($rid, $options);
$cost = $this->msoptionsprice->getCostByModification($rid, $price, $modification);
if ($cost !== false) {
$returned['id'] = $rid;
$returned['options'] = $options;
$this->modx->event->returnedValues['price'] = $returned['price'] = $cost;
$this->modx->setPlaceholder('_returned', $returned);
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