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Last active August 12, 2024 09:39
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# Source:
# Building Event-Driven Microservices In Kubernetes With Dapr #
# #
# Additional Info:
# -
# - What is microservices architecture?:
# - How Microservices Communicate? Sync vs Async. Direct vs Brokers And Event Busses:
# Setup #
git clone
cd dapr-demo
# Create a Kubernetes cluster
# The demo was tested using GKE, but any other Kubernetes cluster should do.
# If you're using a local Kubernetes cluster, please change the `Service` in `apps.yaml` to be `type: NodePort`
kubectl create namespace production
helm repo add dapr \
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install \
dapr dapr/dapr \
--namespace dapr-system \
--create-namespace \
helm repo add bitnami \
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install \
redis bitnami/redis \
--namespace production \
--create-namespace \
kubectl --namespace production apply \
--filename redis-dapr.yaml
# Deploying (Real) Microservices #
cat apps.yaml
kubectl --namespace production apply \
--filename apps.yaml
kubectl --namespace production \
rollout status \
deployment speech-to-text
kubectl --namespace production \
rollout status \
deployment tweet
kubectl --namespace production \
rollout status \
deployment publications
# The command that follows might differ in EKS and local Kubernetes clusters.
# In EKS, you'll need get retrieve the `hostname` instead of the `ip`.
# Local Kubernetes clusters should be accessible through ``.
export LB_IP=$(kubectl \
--namespace production \
get svc publications \
--output jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
curl "http://$LB_IP/addVideo?id=JFALdhtBxR8&name=Rancher&url="
curl "http://$LB_IP/addPodcast?id=143&name=CI/CD&url="
curl "http://$LB_IP/addBlog?name=Rancher&url="
kubectl --namespace production logs \
--selector app=tweet \
--container tweet \
--tail 20
kubectl --namespace production logs \
--selector app=speech-to-text \
--container speech-to-text \
--tail 20
# Microservices Communication With Pub/Sub Events Through Dapr #
cat redis-dapr.yaml
cat apps.yaml
cat publications/main.go
cat speech-to-text/main.go
# Destroy #
# Destroy or reset the demo cluster
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