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Last active September 7, 2024 11:43
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# Source:
# Used in
# Flux 2 With GitOps Toolkit #
# What Is GitOps And Why Do We Want It?:
# Argo CD: Applying GitOps Principles To Manage Production Environment In Kubernetes:
# Setup #
minikube start
minikube addons enable ingress
export INGRESS_HOST=$(minikube ip)
# Install Flux CLI by following the instructions from
# Replace `[...]` with the GitHub organization or a GitHub user if it is a personal account
export GITHUB_ORG=[...]
# Replace `[...]` with the GitHub token
export GITHUB_TOKEN=[...]
# Replace `[...]` with `true` if it is a personal account, or with `false` if it is an GitHub organization
export GITHUB_PERSONAL=[...]
# Creating environment repos #
mkdir -p flux-production/apps
cd flux-production
git init
gh repo create --public
echo "# Production" | tee
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push --set-upstream origin master
kubectl create namespace production
cd ..
mkdir -p flux-staging/apps
cd flux-staging
git init
gh repo create --public
echo "# Staging" | tee
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push --set-upstream origin master
kubectl create namespace staging
cd ..
# Bootstrapping #
flux bootstrap github \
--owner $GITHUB_ORG \
--repository flux-fleet \
--branch main \
--path apps \
kubectl --namespace flux-system \
get pods
git clone \$GITHUB_ORG/flux-fleet.git
cd flux-fleet
ls -1 apps
ls -1 apps/flux-system
# Creating sources #
flux create source git staging \
--url$GITHUB_ORG/flux-staging \
--branch master \
--interval 30s \
--export \
| tee apps/staging.yaml
flux create kustomization staging \
--source staging \
--path "./" \
--prune true \
--validation client \
--interval 10m \
--export \
| tee -a apps/staging.yaml
flux create source git production \
--url$GITHUB_ORG/flux-production \
--branch master \
--interval 30s \
--export \
| tee apps/production.yaml
flux create kustomization production \
--source production \
--path "./" \
--prune true \
--validation client \
--interval 10m \
--export \
| tee -a apps/production.yaml
flux create source git \
devops-toolkit \
--url \
--branch master \
--interval 30s \
--export \
| tee apps/devops-toolkit.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Added environments"
git push
watch flux get sources git
watch flux get kustomizations
cd ..
# Deploying the first release #
cd flux-staging
echo "image:
tag: 2.9.9
host: staging.devops-toolkit.$" \
| tee values.yaml
flux create helmrelease \
devops-toolkit-staging \
--source GitRepository/devops-toolkit \
--values values.yaml \
--chart "helm" \
--target-namespace staging \
--interval 30s \
--export \
| tee apps/devops-toolkit.yaml
rm values.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push
watch flux get helmreleases
kubectl --namespace staging \
get pods
# Deploying new releases #
cat apps/devops-toolkit.yaml \
| sed -e "s@tag: 2.9.9@tag: 2.9.17@g" \
| tee apps/devops-toolkit.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Upgrade to 2.9.17"
git push
watch kubectl --namespace staging \
get pods
watch kubectl --namespace staging \
get deployment \
staging-devops-toolkit-devops-toolkit \
--output jsonpath="{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}"
cd ..
# Promoting to production #
cd flux-production
echo "image:
tag: 2.9.17
host: devops-toolkit.$" \
| tee values.yaml
flux create helmrelease \
devops-toolkit-production \
--source GitRepository/devops-toolkit \
--values values.yaml \
--chart "helm" \
--target-namespace production \
--interval 30s \
--export \
| tee apps/devops-toolkit.yaml
rm values.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push
watch flux get helmreleases
kubectl --namespace production \
get pods
# Destroying Everything #
minikube delete
cd ..
cd flux-fleet
gh repo view --web
# Delete the repo
cd ..
rm -rf flux-fleet
cd flux-staging
gh repo view --web
# Delete the repo
cd ..
rm -rf flux-staging
cd flux-production
gh repo view --web
# Delete the repo
cd ..
rm -rf flux-production
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