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Created April 20, 2015 08:41
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# Description:
# 外部Bot/API経由の特定の発言を受け取って別のアクションを実行する
# Dependencies:
# None
# Configuration:
# None
# Commands:
# None
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.adapter.client?.on? 'raw_message', (msg) ->
return if msg.type isnt 'message' || msg.subtype isnt 'bot_message'
return unless msg.attachments
match = msg.attachments[0].fallback.match(/Failed: (.+?)'s build/)
return if match is null
commit_user = match[1]
channel = robot.adapter.client.getChannelByID
# プライベートチャンネルは取得出来ないためundefinedが返される
return if channel is undefined
text = "@#{commit_user} テストが落ちたよー!"
robot.send {room: "##{}"}, text
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