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Created March 23, 2015 17:20
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lodash: automated tester for documentation examples
This is intended to be run in Node. Provided a path to the lodash source file as a command-line argument.
There were a few edge case handlers that I removed; they only helped in a few places while severely reducing code clarity. There's also some weirdness with how it interprets literals that cause them to not match (see _.escapeRegExp), but it's not worth the time to fix.
Let me know.
#!/usr/bin/env node
* much of this was taken from:
'use strict';
var _ = require('lodash'),
fs = require('fs'),
esprima = require('esprima'),
estraverse = require('estraverse'),
doctrine = require('doctrine'),
vm = require('vm'),
indentString = require('indent-string'),
jsdom = require('jsdom').jsdom; // requires 3.x version to work in node
var reResultComment = /^\/\/ => (.*?)(?: \(iteration order is not guaranteed\))?$/;
var reObjectLiteral = /^\s*{.*}\s*$/;
// base context for running sandbox VMs; most of this exists to prevent silly errors
var globalContext = {
_: _,
document: jsdom(),
Uint8Array: Uint8Array,
require: require,
console: {
log: _.identity // this is cheating
asyncSave: _.noop,
mage: {
castSpell: _.noop
_.times(20, function () {
var el = globalContext.document.createElement('div');
_.times(103, _.uniqueId);
//// MAIN ROUTINE ////
// globals because I'm lazy
var total = 0,
successes = 0;
// lodash source file as command-line argument
console.log('\n' + successes + ' out of ' + total + ' examples succeeeded.')
//// WORKERS ////
function buildAndWalkTree (filename) {
var content, tree;
try {
content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf-8');
tree = esprima.parse(content, { attachComment: true, loc: true });
// walk the tree
estraverse.traverse(tree, { enter: workNode });
} catch (e) {
function workNode (node) {
if (node.type === 'Identifier') {
// just a duplicate from something else
if (node.leadingComments && && {
// this should never happen, but it's worth getting a warning if it does
console.error( + ' has leadingComments in two places in the AST');
var leadingComments = node.leadingComments || ( &&;
var name = || ( &&;
_.forEach(leadingComments, _.partial(workComment, name));
function workComment (name, comment) {
// unwrap: pulls out the leading `*`s; recoverable: allows for badly-formed JSDoc
var data = doctrine.parse(comment.value, { unwrap: true, recoverable: true });
// some functions have @name annotations that should take precedence
name = _.result(_.find(data.tags, { title: 'name' }), 'name') || name;
// pull out all of the examples
var examples = _.where(data.tags, { title: 'example' });
// shouldn't be more than one examples
_.forEach(examples, function (example) {
// do the work
var errors = testExample(example, name);
if (errors.length) {
console.log(name + '\n' + indentString(errors.join('\n'), ' ', 4));
} else {
// executes the example code, comparing with expected output, returning array of errors found
function testExample (example) {
var errors = [];
var lines = example.description.split('\n');
var sandbox = vm.createContext(globalContext);
// to prevent issue with ASI and other stupidity, we build up a chunk of code to execute
var lineBuffer = [];
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
var line = lines[i];
var match = line.match(reResultComment);
if (match) { // output comment line
var expectation = match[1], // what the comment says we should get at this point
code = lineBuffer.join('\n'),
lineBuffer = []; // clear it for the next run
// eval code and check for error
try {
var result = evalCode(code, sandbox);
} catch (e) {
errors.push('ERROR EXECUTING CODE: ' + e.toString() + '\n' +
indentString(code.trimLeft(), ' ', 4));
// eval expectation and check for error
try {
var expectedResult = evalCode(expectation);
} catch (e) {
indentString(expectation, ' ', 4));
if (! _.isEqual(result, expectedResult)) {
errors.push('EXPECTED: ' + expectation + '\n RESULT: ' + result);
} else { // regular line of code
// we can't eval each line independently due to mutli-line expressions
// some lines may not execute if there are no expectation comments that follow
return errors;
// may throw, which is sort of the point
function evalCode (code, sandbox) {
// create a bare context if necessary
sandbox = sandbox || vm.createContext();
// fix object literals being mis-interpreted as code blocks
if (code.match(reObjectLiteral)) {
code = '(' + code + ')';
return vm.runInContext(code, sandbox);
"dependencies": {
"lodash": "~3.5.0",
"estraverse": "~3.1.0",
"esprima": "~2.1.0",
"doctrine": "~0.6.4",
"indent-string": "~1.2.1",
"jsdom": "~3.1.2"
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