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Created December 9, 2014 10:23
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jQuery DataTable sample
function DataGrid() {
this.sDom = 'CT<"clear">Rlfrtip';
// TableTool options
this.oLanguage = {
// Remove the word entries
"sLengthMenu" : "Show _MENU_",
// Disable sorting on columns with class="sort-no"
this.aoColumnDefs = [
"bSortable" : false,
"aTargets" : [ "sort-no" ]
"aTargets": [0],
"mData": null,
"mRender": function (data, type, row) {
var buffer = [];
buffer.push('<button title="Edit" data-id="');
buffer.push('" name="genericEdit">');
buffer.push('<img width="18" height="18" title="Edit" alt="Edit" src="../../resources/images/pencil.png"></button>');
return buffer.join("");
"aTargets": [3],
"mData": null,
"mRender": function (data,type,row) {
return '<input type="checkbox"' + (row[3] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') + ' onclick="return false">';
"aTargets": [4],
"mData": null,
"mRender": function (data,type,row) {
return '<input type="checkbox"' + (row[4] ? ' checked="checked"' : '') + ' onclick="return false">';
this.bSortClasses = false;
// Default number of rows to display
this.iDisplayLength = 25;
// Disable sort on load
this.aaSorting = [];
// Do not adjust table width
this.bAutoWidth = false;
this.bAutoHeight = false;
// "bPaginate":false, Turn off pagination and display all
// records
// Display number of rows options
this.aLengthMenu = [ [ 10, 25, 50, 100, -1 ], [ 10, 25, 50, 100, "All" ] ];
// Save state
this.bStateSave = true;
// Ajax processing
this.bProcessing = true;
this.bServerSide = true;
this.sAjaxSource = "/b2b/api/menu/generics";
this.apply = function(id) {
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