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Last active April 12, 2023 13:43
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  • Save veleek/e3a9374a182a3eebcee19651f98862e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Migrate a set of resources from terragrunt folders into a single terraform state with multiple modules.
This is a script that scrapes terraform for a set of terragrunt folders and extracts all the resources to
generate a set of `terraform import` statements that can be used to import the existing state into the
Terraform state. Note: This uses the `address` field of the resource to generate the import statement.
For resources like access policies that is not actually correct because the address uses `/` separators
for everything and the import expects them to be broken into three space separated components. You need
to identify these (mostly stuff with a `role/blahblah` in the path) and separate the role, account, and
project segments manually.
cd $PSScriptRoot
$modules = dir .\deploy\terragrunt -Directory | select -exp Name
$modules = @("pubsub")
$es = @("test", "stg", "prd") | select -First 1
foreach ($e in $es)
Write-Host "================ Creating $e =================" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$ms = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "migrate-$e.ps1"
#Remove-Item $ms -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
swe $e
#$env:TF_VAR_environment = $e
foreach($m in $modules)
Write-Host " ----- Generating imports for $m ----- " -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Add-Content -Path $ms "# Module $m"
cd (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot deploy\terragrunt $m)
tg init -reconfigure
$state = tg show -json | ConvertFrom-Json
$root = $state.values.root_module
foreach ($r in $root.resources)
if($r.mode -eq "data")
$migrateCommand = "terraform import 'module.$m.$($r.address)' '$($'"
Write-Host $migrateCommand -ForegroundColor Blue
Add-Content -Path $ms $migrateCommand
foreach ($child in $root.child_modules)
foreach ($r in $child.resources)
if($r.mode -eq "data")
$migrateCommand = "terraform import 'module.$m.$($r.address)' '$($'"
Write-Host $migrateCommand -ForegroundColor Blue
Add-Content -Path $ms $migrateCommand
cd $PSScriptRoot
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