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Last active November 8, 2017 16:09
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NAction: composable action builders for play framework
package core.controllers.utils
import akka.util.ByteString
import play.api.libs.streams.Accumulator
import play.api.mvc._
import scala.concurrent.Future
* NAction are a replacement to play.api.mvc.Action.
* NAction allow to have a check directly on the request headers before applying the body parser
* Using the NActionBuilder you also have a better way to compose action with `or` and `and` operators
abstract class NAction[A, Tag](
protected val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents,
materializer: Materializer
) extends EssentialAction {
self =>
def check(rh: RequestHeader): Future[Either[Result, Tag]]
def parser: BodyParser[A]
def apply(request: RequestWithTag[A, Tag]): Future[Result]
def apply(rh: RequestHeader): Accumulator[ByteString, Result] = {
val futAcc: Future[Accumulator[ByteString, Result]] = check(rh).map {
case Left(r) => Accumulator.done[Result](r)
case Right(tag) =>
val action = new Action[A] {
override val executionContext = controllerComponents.executionContext
override val parser = self.parser
def apply(request: Request[A]) =
try {
self.apply(RequestWithTag(request, tag))
} catch {
case e: NotImplementedError => throw new RuntimeException(e)
sealed trait CheckResult[+Tag]
object CheckResult {
case object NotApplicable extends CheckResult[Nothing]
case class Ok[+Tag](tag: Tag) extends CheckResult[Tag]
case class Invalid(result: Result) extends CheckResult[Nothing]
* This class wraps a Request and allow to set some tag that is extracted from the request headers
case class RequestWithTag[A, Tag](request: Request[A], tag: Tag) extends WrappedRequest(request)
object NAction {
def async[A, Tag](checkFunction: RequestHeader => Future[Either[Result, Tag]])(bodyParser: BodyParser[A])(
block: RequestWithTag[A, Tag] => Future[Result]
)(implicit cc: ControllerComponents, mat: Materializer): NAction[A, Tag] =
new NAction[A, Tag](cc, mat) {
def parser = bodyParser
def check(rh: RequestHeader) = checkFunction(rh)
def apply(request: RequestWithTag[A, Tag]): Future[Result] = block(request)
def apply[A, Tag](check: RequestHeader => Future[Either[Result, Tag]])(bodyParser: BodyParser[A])(
block: RequestWithTag[A, Tag] => Result
)(implicit cc: ControllerComponents, mat: Materializer): NAction[A, Tag] =
async(check)(bodyParser) { req =>
abstract class NActionBuilder[+Tag](
implicit val controllerComponents: ControllerComponents,
materializer: Materializer
) { self =>
implicit val ec = controllerComponents.executionContext
/** Check to execute before parsing the body of the request */
def partial(rh: RequestHeader): Future[CheckResult[Tag]]
// Functions to build an NAction from this builder:
/** Function to instantiate a NAction from the NActionBuilder */
def async[A, T1 >: Tag](bodyParser: BodyParser[A])(block: RequestWithTag[A, T1] => Future[Result]): NAction[A, T1] =
new NAction[A, T1](controllerComponents, materializer) {
def parser = bodyParser
def check(rh: RequestHeader) = self.partial(rh).map {
case CheckResult.Ok(tag) => Right(tag)
case CheckResult.Invalid(result) => Left(result)
case CheckResult.NotApplicable => sys.error("Match Error")
def apply(request: RequestWithTag[A, T1]): Future[Result] = block(request)
/** Contruct a NAction with a body parser and a block */
def apply[A, T1 >: Tag](bodyParser: BodyParser[A])(block: RequestWithTag[A, T1] => Result): NAction[A, T1] =
async[A, T1](bodyParser) { req: RequestWithTag[A, T1] =>
// Functions to compose the builder:
/** Execute the other check after the first one succeded */
def andThenCheck[S](other: (Tag, RequestHeader) => Future[CheckResult[S]]): NActionBuilder[S] =
new NActionBuilder[S] {
def partial(rh: RequestHeader) = self.partial(rh).flatMap {
case CheckResult.Ok(tag) => other(tag, rh)
case invalid: CheckResult.Invalid => Future.successful(invalid)
case CheckResult.NotApplicable => Future.successful(CheckResult.NotApplicable)
/** Execute the other check if first one was not defined */
def orElseCheck[T1 >: Tag](other: RequestHeader => Future[CheckResult[T1]]): NActionBuilder[T1] =
new NActionBuilder[T1] {
def partial(rh: RequestHeader) = self.partial(rh).flatMap {
case ok: CheckResult.Ok[_] => Future.successful(ok)
case invalid: CheckResult.Invalid => Future.successful(invalid)
case CheckResult.NotApplicable => other(rh)
/** Execute the other builder if first one was not defined */
def orElse[T1 >: Tag](other: NActionBuilder[T1]): NActionBuilder[T1] = new NActionBuilder[T1] {
def partial(rh: RequestHeader) = self.partial(rh).flatMap {
case ok: CheckResult.Ok[_] => Future.successful(ok)
case invalid: CheckResult.Invalid => Future.successful(invalid)
case CheckResult.NotApplicable => other.partial(rh)
object NActionBuilder {
def fromPartial[Tag](
check: PartialFunction[RequestHeader, Future[Either[Result, Tag]]]
)(implicit controllerComponents: ControllerComponents, mat: Materializer): NActionBuilder[Tag] =
new NActionBuilder[Tag] {
def partial(rh: RequestHeader) =
if (check.isDefinedAt(rh)) check.apply(rh).map {
case Right(tag) => CheckResult.Ok(tag)
case Left(result) => CheckResult.Invalid(result)
} else Future.successful(CheckResult.NotApplicable)
/** Method to extract the api key from a request and to test its validity */
val apiKeyChecker = NActionBuilder.fromPartial[ApiKey] {
case request if request.headers.get(settings.apiKeyHeader).isDefined =>
val apiKey = new ApiKey(request.headers.get(settings.apiKeyHeader).get)
apiKeyService.isValid(apiKey).map {
case true => Right(apiKey)
case false =>
implicit val messages = messagesApi.preferred(request)
val ForbiddenRecover = NActionBuilder.fromPartial[Nothing] {
case request =>
implicit val messages = messagesApi.preferred(request)
/** Action that will get the api key from the request or return a forbidden result */
val withApiKey = apiKeyChecker orElse ForbiddenRecover
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