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Last active May 14, 2020 20:27
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object Combs extends App {
findAndPrint(7, 2)
findAndPrint(14, 3)
findAndPrint(11, 2)
findAndPrint(41, 8)
findAndPrint(41, 8)
// 1
findAndPrint(10, 3, Set(4, 9))
//findAndPrint(17, 2)
findAndPrint(15, 4, Set(8, 9, 4, 3), Set(2))
// findAndPrint(11, 2, Set(1, 2, 9))
findAndPrint(10, 3, Set(8, 9, 4))
findAndPrint(19, 4, Set(8, 9), Set(7, 4))
println("******* 2 ******")
findAndPrint(24, 4, Set(3, 1, 2), Set(4,6))
findAndPrint(23, 5)
findAndPrint(15, 2)
findAndPrint(15, 3, Set(7, 8), Set())
findAndPrint(18, 4, Set(5), Set(7))
findAndPrint(13, 3, Set(7))
findAndPrint(19, 3, Set(5, 7), Set(9))
println("******* 3 ******")
findAndPrint(18, 3, Set(9, 4, 1, 2), Set(5))
findAndPrint(14, 4, Set(9, 4, 7))
findAndPrint(11, 3, Set(5))
findAndPrint(28, 6, Set(), Set(3, 8, 1))
findAndPrint(23, 4, Set(8))
// findAndPrint(22, 4, Set(8, 1, 6))
// findAndPrint(8, 2, Set(3, 7))
def possibles(target: Int, size: Int): Set[Set[Int]] = {
val combs = combinaisons(size)
combs.filter(_.sum == target)
def findAndPrint(
target: Int,
size: Int,
exclusions: Set[Int] = Set.empty,
inclusions: Set[Int] = Set.empty
) = {
val res = possibles(target, size)
val res2 = res
.filter(s => s.intersect(exclusions).isEmpty)
.filter(s => s.intersect(inclusions) == inclusions)
val str =", ")).mkString("\n ")
s"""Combinations for $target with $size numbers without $exclusions and containing $inclusions:
| $str
def combinaisons(k: Int, n: Int = 9): Set[Set[Int]] = {
if (k > n) Set.empty
else if (k == n) Set((1 to n).toSet)
else if (k == 1) (1 to n).map(x => Set.apply(x)).toSet
else {
val combs = combinaisons(k - 1, n - 1)
combinaisons(k, n - 1) union ( union Set(n)))
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